ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (9): 1339-1352.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2016.01339

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The influence mechanism of environmental uncertainty on leadership effectiveness based on cognitive perspective

TAN Le1; SONG Heyi2; YANG Xiao1   

  1. Based on the cognitive perspective, we illustrates the important influence mechanisms on how environmental uncertainty context affect leadership effectiveness. Specifically, combing the qualitative methods with quantative methods, we (a) firstly explore the perceptive process model from archival environmental uncertainty (AEU) to perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) based on Sense-Making Theory, (b) secondly explore and examine the influence paths in linking environmental uncertainty context with leadership effectiveness drawing on the managerial cognition and strategy choices and (c) finally explore and examine the interacted influence of environmental uncertainty, organization culture, and organizational types on leadership effectiveness. The results will theoretically overcome the limitations of traditional contextual theories of leadership and explore the influence mechanisms of environmental uncertainty by connecting macro-level and micro-level. It will also help improve leadership effectiveness under uncertainty in practice.
  • Received:2015-10-22 Online:2016-09-15 Published:2016-09-15
  • Contact: TAN Le, E-mail:


Based on the cognitive perspective, we illustrates the important influence mechanisms on how environmental uncertainty context affect leadership effectiveness. Specifically, combing the qualitative methods with quantative methods, we (a) firstly explore the perceptive process model from archival environmental uncertainty (AEU) to perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) based on Sense-Making Theory, (b) secondly explore and examine the influence paths in linking environmental uncertainty context with leadership effectiveness drawing on the managerial cognition and strategy choices and (c) finally explore and examine the interacted influence of environmental uncertainty, organization culture, and organizational types on leadership effectiveness. The results will theoretically overcome the limitations of traditional contextual theories of leadership and explore the influence mechanisms of environmental uncertainty by connecting macro-level and micro-level. It will also help improve leadership effectiveness under uncertainty in practice.

Key words: cognitive, context, environmental uncertainty, leadership effectiveness, mechanism