ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R


The development of the relationship between visual-motor integration and reading

Zhao, Fan Yi   

  • Received:2024-01-07 Revised:2024-05-22 Accepted:2024-06-19

Abstract: cVisual-motor integration (VMI) refers to the integration and coordination of fine motor skills and visual perception skills. Numerous studies have consistently demonstrated a strong correlation between VMI ability and reading, and the degree of correlation is adjusted by age. The developmental trajectory of the correlation between VMI ability and reading varies across different writing systems. In alphabetic writing system, the correlation tends to decline with age, but remained significant until secondary school. Conversely, in Chinese writing system, the correlation increased with age: starting from an insignificant correlation in preschool and lower grades of elementary school, it becomes significant in upper grades of elementary school as well as during adulthood. Future studies need to: 1) adopt a multifaceted approach to measure VMI ability encompassing both process-oriented and outcome-based assessments; 2) focus on determining whether VMI ability serves as an essential foundation for supporting reading development; 3) and elucidate the behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying this correlation and its development.

Key words: visual-motor integration, reading, development, writing system