ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 623-634.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2022.00623 cstr: 32111.14.2022.00623

• 研究前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇


张琳琳1,2, 魏坤琳3, 李晶1,2()   

  1. 1中国科学院行为科学重点实验室, 中国科学院心理研究所, 北京 100101
    2中国科学院大学心理学系, 北京 100049
    3北京大学心理与认知科学学院, 北京 100080
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-13 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-01-25
  • 基金资助:

Interpersonal motor synchronization in children

ZHANG Linlin1,2, WEI Kunlin3, LI Jing1,2()   

  1. 1CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
    2Department of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
    3School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100080, China
  • Received:2021-04-13 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-01-25


人际运动同步是一种“社会胶粘剂”, 能促进儿童产生更多的亲社会行为。儿童的人际运动同步能力随着年龄的增长不断提升, 其同步表现受到运动方式、节奏刺激类型、同步对象等因素影响。在人际运动同步过程中, 时间感知、运动计划和运动执行三大认知因素参与其中, 既制约着个体同步能力的发展, 也影响个体同步的表现。孤独症作为一种神经发育性障碍, 孤独症儿童表现出异常的人际运动同步。未来的研究不仅要探讨孤独症儿童人际运动同步的异常机制, 还要更多关注人际运动同步训练在孤独症群体中的实际应用和干预效果。

关键词: 人际运动同步, 亲社会行为, 认知机制, 孤独症


Interpersonal motor synchronization refers to the simultaneous and consistent actions of an individual toward others in the process of social interaction. It is like a "social glue" that can promote more pro-social behaviors in children. This paper focuses on the interpersonal motor synchronization in children, explores the development trajectory of children's interpersonal motor synchronization and its influencing factors through literature review. In particular, the paper discussed the atypical interpersonal motor synchronization among a specific group of children, namely those with autism.

Although humans have acquired certain form of rhythm perception ability in early infancy, it takes six to seven years to synchronize rhythm and movement perfectly. The accuracy and stability of the interpersonal motor synchronization in children improve as they grow. In the development process, children's synchronization performance is affected by two major aspects. The first factor is that in the context of the laboratory, children’s synchronization performance is affected by their motor effectors (finger, head, feet, etc.), rhythmic stimulation types (such as visual stimulation, auditory stimulation), and synchronization objects (such as robots, adults, and children). The second factor is that children’s synchronization performance is restricted by cognitive factors, including time perception, motor planning, and motor execution. That is, in the process of interpersonal motor synchronization, children need to obtain cues from the environment and peers to form rhythm perception and time perception; in addition, they also need to plan their own actions, and at the same time anticipate the results of their own actions; At the same time, monitor the other party's behavioral responses, and adjust their own movement and rhythm perception accordingly to the synchronization of both parties, so as to better keep pace with others. Therefore, if an individual wants to achieve good synchronization performance, he must have a good time perception and rhythm perception ability, being able to expect the consequences of his own actions in advance, minimize motor noise during the motor execution and perform accordingly to the synchronization of both parties.

The core symptoms of autistic children are social interaction defects and communication disorders. The interpersonal motor synchronization of this group shows atypical characteristics, that is, the level of spontaneous synchronization is lower and the synchronization performance is worse. The defect of time processing and the abnormality of the movement system may be the potential restricting factors of the difficulty of interpersonal movement synchronization in this group. To clarify the similarities and differences in the interpersonal motor synchronization between autistic children and typical children not only can help us understand the development trajectory of children's interpersonal movement synchronization but also inspire the practical application and intervention effect of interpersonal motor synchronization in autistic children.

Future research needs to further explore the following issues: (1) The influence of motor ability on the interpersonal motor synchronization in children; (2) The influence of interpersonal and non-interpersonal factors on the synchronized movement among autistic children; (3) Explore the reason behind high failure rate of interpersonal motor synchronization interventions in the autistic group.

Key words: interpersonal motor synchronization, prosocial, cognitive mechanism, autism spectrum disorders
