ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R


    15 January 2004, Volume 12 Issue 01 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Pattern of Reference Distribution in Discourse and It’s Psychological Mechanism
    Li Xiaoqing,Yang Yufang
    2004, 12 (01):  1-9. 
    Abstract ( 1905 )  
    An important aspect in discourse comprehension is the interpretation of different type of linguistic references. First, this article introduces the principle and pattern of reference distribution in discourse and it’s effect on local discourse coherence; Second, it analyzes the role of information structure and prosody in reference resolution; Third, it points out the underlying psychological mechanism of reference distribution; Finally, the contribution of previous researches on reference and questions remained to be resolved are addressed and several research methods are spelled out.
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    Emotion-Related ERP Components and Their Variety in Mood Disorder
    Huang Yuxia,Luo Yuejia
    2004, 12 (01):  10-17. 
    Abstract ( 2607 )  
    ERP technique helps much in researches of emotion. Normal people and patients with mode disorders can be recruited as subjects in these studies. Experimenters give stimuli through visual and/or auditory modality, then observe the varieties of components, such as N2, P3 and N400, etc. Studying results suggest that emotion can enhance attention intensity and novel emotional stimuli can be detected more easily. In normal subjects, emotional words can arouse bigger old-new effects than neutral words. Depressive patients can not present the same effects as the normal, but their recognizing achievements can be improved by emotional words. When studying the influence of emotion toward decision-making, researchers observed changes of medial frontal negativity (MFN). Lateralization of brain functions also exists in emotional activities.
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    A Review on the Research in Judgments of Causal Power of Single Causal Relationships
    Wang Moyun
    2004, 12 (01):  18-27. 
    Abstract ( 1843 )  
    The author reviewed the main theoretical models of simple causal induction from the two aspects of bottom-up data-driven processing and top-down knowledge-driven processing. Within the paradigm of bottom-up data-driven processing, there are the basic differences between associative accounts and computational accounts. Lastly, The author reviewed the basic problems of research on judgments of causal power of single causal relationships: the main impact factors and the mechanism of judgments of causal power, the methodological problem of the main research.
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    Three-Component Psychological System:A New Theory of Transitive Inference
    Zhang Zhongming,Li Hong,Chen Jing
    2004, 12 (01):  28-36. 
    Abstract ( 2144 )  
    Since Wright presented the three-component psychological system in the field of transitivity inference, the model has come to be one of the focuses in the transitivity inference researches. This article chiefly introduces its theoretical background, basic hypotheses and structure. The three-component psychological system is based on the classic Piagetian theory and information processing theory. This represents three main processing mechanism (the transitive-switch mechanism, the order-extraction mechanism and the coordinative response mechanism ) in the transitive inference, and each processing mechanism has different strategy. Furthermore, future research orientation is probed in the article.
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    Children’s Emotion Understanding in Their Theory of Mind
    Li Jia,Su Yanjie
    2004, 12 (01):  37-44. 
    Abstract ( 1794 )  
    The emotion understanding is an important component of theory of mind and it plays a key role in our social life. According to Tager-Flusber & Sullivan’s cognitive model of theory of mind, social perceptional component including emotion understanding develops before social cognitive component. However, social perceptional component and social cognitive component could not be separated easily with age growing up. Hence, there are different levels in emotion understanding: simple emotion understanding, emotion based desire and belief understanding, mixed emotion understanding and emotion regulation. The previous researches on the development of children’s emotion understanding in recently twenty years were reviewed. Besides, some possible methodological improvement and contents’ extending are suggested.
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    Review on Children’s Gender Constancy Development
    Fan Zhentao,Fang Fuxi
    2004, 12 (01):  45-51. 
    Abstract ( 2544 )  
    Gender constancy development is the focus of children’s gender cognition. Advances in this field were introduced. It was found that children’s gender constancy is acquired gradually, the gender constancy is fully mastered at the age of 6 or 7 and the development of children’s gender constancy is influenced by their cognitive level, culture, social economical status and education. Additionally, studies have also demonstrated there is the intricate relation between gender constancy and gender-typed activity. Future tendency in this field were prospected in the end.
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    A Review on Research of Sharing In Psychology
    Wang Haimei,Chen Huichang,Gu Chuanhua
    2004, 12 (01):  52-58. 
    Abstract ( 1565 )  
    The research on children’s sharing, including sharing beliefs, behaviors, and its influencing factors, doing after 1970s by Western and Chinese psychologists is reviewed. Three issues are concentrated: (1) development of sharing beliefs in children; (2) development of sharing behaviors, and the relationship between sharing beliefs and behaviors; (3) influencing factors included cognitive, emotional, and modeling observation. The authors believe that at present the Chinese psychologists should do more research about children’s sharing behaviors; the research should be do in depth and use more qualitative design.
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    A Review on the Researches about Subjective Well-Being of Adolescents
    Ding Xinhua,Wang Jisheng
    2004, 12 (01):  59-66. 
    Abstract ( 3080 )  
    Initially this paper presents conceptually exposition about subjective well-being, the components of subjective well-being as well as the measurement scales of subjective well-being. Then the paper introduces the researches about some factors relating to adolescents’ subjective well-being. These factors include demographic level, life events, family, neuroticism and extraversion, self-esteem and locus of control. Finally, the paper puts forward four perspectives for further study on subjective well-being of adolescents.
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    The Addicts’ Personality Traits of Sensation Seeking
    Jing Xaojuan,Zhang Yuqing
    2004, 12 (01):  67-71. 
    Abstract ( 2681 )  
    Addiction is apparently affected by psychological factors. Personality factors are powerful etiologic factors in addiction, especially the sensation seeking trait. It’s argued that the mesolimbic dopamine system of the brain is the same reward mechanism for the sensation seeking and drug abusing. The DNA variants of the dopamine D4 receptor gene are associated with the personality traits of sensation seeking and the behavior of drug abusing. The influence of sensation seeking on addiction is mediated by environmental factors as family and peer. The psychometric instruments employed to sensation seeking addicts are also discussed.
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    The Self-Handicapping Strategy: It's Paradigm and It's Correlational Variables
    Shi Wei,Huang Xiting
    2004, 12 (01):  72-78. 
    Abstract ( 1685 )  
    Self-handicapping is a strategy of self-protection or self-enhancement in the face of an evaluation threat. Self-handicapping can be divided into three categories, that are behavioral self-handicapping, claimed self-handicapping and other-enhancement strategy, but what are the mechanisms, antecedent variables and consequences underlying the three categories is little known. Since the self-handicapping paradigm was established, many researchers have been exploring situational variables and personal variables which may influence self-handicapping, such as the task quality, evaluativeness, gender, self-esteem, attributional style etc, but the study of the motives of self-handicapping should emphasize the interaction of the evaluativeness and the other mediate factors, and should further explore the effect of implicit self-esteem.
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    A Review of the Research on Sleeper Effect in West Countries
    Zhang Chaohong,Ling Wenquan,Fang Liluo
    2004, 12 (01):  79-86. 
    Abstract ( 1735 )  
    The sleeper effect is an intriguing and counter-intuitive phenomenon in the field of attitude change, which describes a persuasive influence that increases, rather than decays, over time. The research of the sleeper effect has made great progress in term of the scope, quality and profundity since first named by Hovland etc. in 1949. Three prevailing theoretical explanations have been advanced and tested: Dissociative Cue Hypothesis, Differential Decay Hypothesis, Availability-Valence Hypothesis. Conditions for observing the sleeper effect have been debated. The tendency of the future research is exploring the mechanism underlying the sleeper effect, integrating the sleeper effect into more general models of attitude change theories, applying the sleeper effect to the practices. In this article, the evolvement on sleeper effect research in west countries was reviewed within the theories advanced, the controversies raised and the trend of intending research.
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    Safety Culture’s Contents, Causes and Working Mechanism
    Yu Guangtao,Wang Erping
    2004, 12 (01):  87-95. 
    Abstract ( 1485 )  
    The research of safety culture indicates that contemporary safety management begins to focus on social control. Many researchers measured safety culture by measuring employees’ attitudes and beliefs, which traditionally belonged to safety climate, but the results differed vastly. Others argued that safety culture refers to the basic assumptions underlying those organizational phenomena, which should be studied qualitatively. Such factors as national culture, production process, and organizational characteristics, impact safety culture, and the later influences safety performance through some individual variables. The authors argue that triangulation methods should be used to totally assess safety culture, and the intervention be put into practice.
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    Marketplace Metacognition and Marketplace Social Intelligence
    Jiao Xuan,Chen Yiwen
    2004, 12 (01):  96-102. 
    Abstract ( 2525 )  
    The research on marketplace metacognition and social intelligence is being one of the new trends on consumer behavior research. In this paper, first, there is a brief introduction of the concept and the developing context of marketplace metacognition and social intelligence. Next, the life-span development and domain-specific of marketplace metacognition and social intelligence is explained. Then, the application and the new progress on this field are introduced; meanwhile the guidance to the train of thought and the method of research is expatiated. Finally, the trend is evaluated and its impact on Chinese consumer psychology is prospected.
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    A Review of the Research about Organizational Commitment
    Hu Weipeng,Shi Kan
    2004, 12 (01):  103-110. 
    Abstract ( 2176 )  
    In this paper, we used the facet design to review the past study about organizational commitment. Our review are from the following eight facets: the based theory, the conceptual and operational definition, the reliability、content validity、convergent validity、discriminative validity of the measure and its antecedents. It was found that the present definitions for organizational commitment were highly overlap that it should be reorganized, and the content validity, convergent validity and discriminate validity of present questionnaires should be further investigated; previous researched about organizational commitment are mainly to explain individual’s intention to stay or intention to leave, it was lacked that to explain the relationship or employment relationship between employee and the organization which he/she belongs. It is needed to do longitudinal study to invest the causal relationship between organizational commitment and some other employee’s attitudinal variables; further studies also need to invest the interactive relationships among the different facets of organizational commitment.
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    An Review of Person-Organization Fit
    Zhao Huijuan,Long Lirong
    2004, 12 (01):  111-118. 
    Abstract ( 2118 )  
    Research on person-organization fit concerns the compatibility between individuals and organizations, and the antecedents and consequences of that compatibility. Fit can be realized by supplementary fit or complementary fit. Although researchers have not got a coincidence indicator yet, their results similarly reflect the management value of person-organization fit coming down to organizational entry, work attitude, intention to quit and turnover, stress, prosocial behaviors, work performance and training for organizational culture. In the further research of this domain, the benefits of self-report and high levels of fit are questionable; the indicator of fit needs to be confirmed.
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    Situational Judgment Tests: Procedure, Validity, and Trends
    Tang Suping
    2004, 12 (01):  119-125. 
    Abstract ( 1677 )  
    We described in detail a common development procedure for situational judgment tests. Diverse formats and scoring approaches of situational judgment tests were summarized and compared. We then examined multidimensional constructs based on the facts that studies on situational judgment tests showed that situational judgment tests were correlated with cognitive ability, personality, and job experience. Directions for future research on SJT (relationships with other constructs, measuring specified construct, factors moderating validity, and cross-cultural comparison) were discussed.
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    Involvement of Neurogranin in Aging, Disease, and Stress
    Li Huanhuan,Lin Wenjuan
    2004, 12 (01):  126-132. 
    Abstract ( 1419 )  
    Neurogranin (RC3 )is a brain-specific protein newly found,which is a neuron-specific,Ca2+sensitive/calmodulin-binding protein kinase C substrate, and is involved in the process of signaling conduction and long-term potentiation. It is mainly distributed in the hippocampus and forebrain. Furthermore, it has been mostly found in dendritic spines and neuronal cell bodies of these areas, with some infrequent presence in axonal profiles and in the internal capsule. During the different phase of brain development, the numbers and distribution of neurogranin will be happened to change. Recently the studies on neurogranin began to focus on examining the relationship between it and aging, diseases and stress, and to discuss the functional pathway and the possible brain mechanism involving in aging, disease and stress. This review attempts to introduce the related researches, which may shed new light on the understanding of the relationship between brain and behavior as well as the mechanism studies.
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    The Genetical Foundation of Talent Selection in Sport by Psychology
    Zhao Kaiqiang,Zhang Liwei
    2004, 12 (01):  133-143. 
    Abstract ( 2141 )  
    his paper reviewed the researches on heritability of psychological traits by behavior genetics for Talent Selection in Sport by Psychology. We should find the psychological traits, which are affected more by gene than by environment in talent selection in sport by psychology. Heredity of psychological traits is quantitative heredity. Researchers usually estimate heritabilities of psychological traits in two paradigms: (1) twin study (2) adoption and family study. They found that the heritability of personality is from .40 to .60 and the heritability of intelligence is from 0.40 to 0.70. But heredity researches of other psychological traits were few. Otherwise age is very important factor both in heredity research and in talent selection in sport by psychology, because heritability varies in one’s lifespan.
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    Multiculturalism and the Development of Cross-Cultural Psychology
    Ye Haosheng
    2004, 12 (01):  144-151. 
    Abstract ( 2415 )  
    he importance of culture in psychological research is emphasized by multiculturalism. It regards cultures as pluralistic and equal, and argues against cultural imperialism in cross-cultural psychology. Under the impact of multiculturalism, cross-cultural psychology begins to get rid of the prejudice of ethnocentrism in Anglo-American psychology, and shows trends towards the integration between Etic and Emic approaches and the merging of cross-cultural psychology, cultural psychology and indigenous psychology.
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    New Characteristics of Western Theoretical Psychology
    Huo Yongquan,Liang Sancai
    2004, 12 (01):  152-158. 
    Abstract ( 2182 )  
    New characteristics in recent development of western psychology is the revival of theoretical psychology. Theoretical psychology is a subject which approaches to basic issues in the field of psychology on the basis of theoretical thinking way. The point of present development of theoretical psychology is to try to strengthen the academic approach about the integrity of concrete and middle-leveled substance theory in psychology through improving theoretical research more scientifically ,and seek the intrinsic growth mechanism to ensure the prosperity of theoretical psychology ;and is not only to overcome the difficulties existing in the research of psychology by simple shift of theorization ,or re-create a theory characterized by its general and abstract terminology.
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