ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R


    15 November 2004, Volume 12 Issue 06 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Decision Behavior in Emotional Tradeoff Difficulties
    Li Xiaoming, Fu Xiaolan
    2004, 12 (06):  801-801~808. 
    Abstract ( 952 )  
    Tradeoff is an important characteristic of decision behavior. Emotional tradeoff difficulties refer that decision makers usually feel it difficult to tradeoff alternatives because of negative emotions experienced when they have to tradeoff valued goals. Goals of effort minimization, negative emotions minimization and accuracy maximization influence decision making behavior altogether, and make it different from lower emotional decision behavior.
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    A Review on Ecological Rationality of Emotion
    Zhuang Jinying
    2004, 12 (06):  809-809~816. 
    Abstract ( 3053 )  
    Ecological rationality put a great emphasis on the influences of environment on human beings and the functions of human gained from the interaction with their surroundings. There are lots of evidences indicate that emotion has ecological rationality from two aspects. First, emotion bears the information of environment because it was shaped by natural selection. Second Emotion can reflect the structure of environment and regulate human behavior automatically. Finally we proposed a model showing the working mechanism of emotion and analyzed the relationship between the devastating effect of emotion and ecological rationality.
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    The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence
    Peng Zhengmin, Lin Xunhui, Zhang Jiming, Che Hongsheng
    2004, 12 (06):  817-817~823. 
    Abstract ( 4253 )  
    There is a growing interest in the concept and research of Emotional Intelligence(EI), and there is a big progress occurred. The theory of the ability model is the influential one, which takes the EI as a independent component of Intelligence and make a deep consideration of the nature of the concept and relevant issues of measurement. In this paper, the present researches are reviewed briefly.
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    Affective Priming Effect and Its Behavioral Research Outline
    Li Xiaohua,Zhang Qin
    2004, 12 (06):  824-824~832. 
    Abstract ( 2429 )  
    During the past two decades, the research of affective priming has been an important area in the region of western psychology. Much of research on attitude activation has employed various experimental tasks and methods, and the result of the intensive research implies that attitudes can be activated automatically. So far three kinds of models have been proposed: a spreading of activation account, a Stroop-like response conflict, an Affective-Matching mechanism. There is still debate over the results of different studies. Future researchers should focus their attention on the exploring of the interior mechanism of automatically evaluated activation, and so considerable progress can be expected in the studies of unconscious cognition on the affective priming.
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    Experimental Paradigms of Emotional Information’s Effect on Attention
    Yang Xiaodong,Luo Yue-Jia
    2004, 12 (06):  833-833~841. 
    Abstract ( 2801 )  
    Empirical study on relationship between cognition and emotion is attracting more and more interest within psychological domain. During the past 20 years, many researches focused on the study of attention and emotional information processing. One of claims is that subjects show attentional bias to emotional information (especially to negative information). The most influential paradigms concerning this question are reviewed respectively, including Stroop paradigm, probe detect task, cue target paradigm, emotional conditioning experiment, and rapid serial visual presentation task (RSVP). Finally,the authors analyze the perspectives of further study.
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    Situation Awareness: Approaches, Measures and Applications
    Yang Jiazhong,Zhang Kan
    2004, 12 (06):  842-842~850. 
    Abstract ( 2561 )  
    Situation awareness (SA) is a constantly evolving picture of the state of the ongoing environment. In complex and dynamic environments, it is the key factor for operatior’s decision making and performance. The article mainly reviewed and analyzed the four approaches used to define and explain SA, the four major SA measurement techniques, and applications of SA in system design and evaluation, personel selection, and training. Finally the author proposed some aspects that need to further research.
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    The Effects of Surface and Structural Features on the Access of Story Analogs
    Tong Xiuli,Mo Lei,Zhe Chen
    2004, 12 (06):  851-851~859. 
    Abstract ( 2219 )  
    The effects of surface and structural features on the retrieval of analogical sources are the central topic in similarity-based transfer. Different researchers have drawn different conclusion from a series of story analogs access experiments since 1990’s. The article firstly introduces the concept of the surface and structural feature, and then mainly summarizes the theories and models of the effects of surface and structural features on the access of story analogs. Finally, it puts forward the problems in present research and prospect of the future research.
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    Research of Comparative Cognition on Theory of Mind
    Mo Shuliang,Zhao Yingchun,Su Yanjie
    2004, 12 (06):  860-860~867. 
    Abstract ( 3142 )  
    The comparative research on non-human primates’ theory of mind, which contributes a lot to our understanding of the origin and essentials of theory of mind, plays an important role in the area of comparative cognition. This review mainly concerns the related field observation and experimental research, including non-human primates’ understanding of visual perception, intention and goal, desire and belief. Controversy exists in experimental design, results and interpretation for the results, for example, the validity of measuring non-human primates’ theory of mind, the difference between intra- and inter- species understanding of non-human primates, the mechanism behind the non-human primates’ understanding of intention. These controversial results and argument may be due to specific theoretical hypotheses, tasks and designs. Hence, problems such as redefining the conception of non-human primates’ theory of mind, designing appropriate experiments and combining the influence of cultural difference and social ecology were to be solved.
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    The Theory of “The Mechanism of Self-Control”
    Wang Guiping, Chen Huichang
    2004, 12 (06):  868-868~874. 
    Abstract ( 2776 )  
    Self-control is the capacity to inhibit and regulate one’s impulse. The research on the mechanism of self-control are crucial in this field. Based on some early researches on this topic ,This article mainly introduced theoretical advances made by A.Gifford、W.Mischel and J.kuhl. In these theories, the importance of emotion、cognition and attention control as well as self-regulation strategies are separately stressed. In addition, several conclusions as well as some disagreements are discussed simply.
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    Popular Children’s Features and Methods
    Chen Sifan,Guo Yongyu
    2004, 12 (06):  875-875~882. 
    Abstract ( 1520 )  
    The foreign literatures on popular children have increased since 1980. The main harvests is effects on children’s popularity and methods of children’s popularity. Researchers study the effects on children’s popularity and the features of children’s popularity within individuals, within interactions, within relationships, and within groups. Investigators have turned to preferring children’s perceptions regarding popularity to sociometric results, avoiding negative nominations and imposing social cognitive mapping. The studies of popular children can provide, to a great degree, references on how to improve other children’s social status.
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    The Review of the Research on Adolescents’ Concepts of Personal Domain
    Zhang Xiuchun,Zou Xiaoyan
    2004, 12 (06):  883-883~890. 
    Abstract ( 1403 )  
    Personal domain is very important for the development of children’s and adolescents’ self, autonomy, social emotions and socialization. Issues treated as personal by children and adolescents include one’s privacy, recreation, choice of friends, and control over one’s body. At present, the study of personal domain has been the important aspect and basis for the study of western adolescents’ autonomy. The author has introduced the characters of the development of the conceptions of personal domain, as well as its effective factors and the relations between personal autonomy and behaviors.
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    Research on Adults with Learning Disabilities in the United States: Review and Enlightenment
    Yan Rong,Yu Guoliang
    2004, 12 (06):  891-891~899. 
    Abstract ( 2452 )  
    With the deepening of research in the field of children with learning disabilities, more attentions have been paid to the issue of learning disabilities among adults by an increasing number of American scholars. After reviewing how the concept of “adults with learning disabilities(ALD)” was recognized and defined as a life-long condition, the identification standards and screening for the learning disabled adults were introduced; the latest research findings of American ALD research in developmental, cognitive, meta-cognitive and interventional aspects were summarized on an analytical basis. It is of great significance to note that the experiences gained to date by American scholars to cope with the existing problems such as inconsistency of ALD definition and identification,lack of long-term follow-up studies, etc will provide valuable references to and enlightenment for the upcoming implementation of ALD research in China.
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    A Review on Relationship of Personality, Culture and Subjective Well-being as well as Integrating Process Models
    Zou Qiong,Zuo Bin
    2004, 12 (06):  900-900~907. 
    Abstract ( 3698 )  
    Initially this paper presents history of research on SWB in psychology, the researches about relationship between personality/culture and subjective well-being as well as current research tendency. Then the paper introduces Integration Process Models of personality, culture and subjective well-being—the Mediator-Moderator Model , and points out that the significant value and defect of this pattern. At the end, the paper puts forward some recommendations for the model in the further research.
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    The Psychological Research of Forgiveness
    Luo Chunming, Huang Xiting
    2004, 12 (06):  908-908~915. 
    Abstract ( 3814 )  
    This article introduces the implications of forgiveness in Chinese, Bible and the New Testament, and discusses the operative definitions of forgiveness. It expounds briefly three main methods that are usually applied in forgiveness research, which are narrative method, questionnaire method, experiment method. Finally this article expounds the determinants of interpersonal forgiveness, which are empathy, responsibility attribution, consequence of offense, apology, interpersonal relation, personality, culture background.
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    Collective Efficacy: An Agency Perspective of Group Research
    Wang Peng,Gao Fengqiang,Sui Meirong
    2004, 12 (06):  916-916~923. 
    Abstract ( 2161 )  
    Bandura extended the conception of human agency to collective efficacy in the mid-1980s. Researchers interested in collective efficacy were getting to draw general conclusions, and they agreed that CE played a key role in causal structures because it affected behavior not only directly, but by its impacts on other determinants such as goals and aspirations, outcome expectations, affective proclivities, and perception of sociostructual impediments and opportunity structure. This paper performed an overview on the research of CE, in order to get the common results and evaluation of it.
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    Review of Contextual Performance
    Shen Zhengrong,Wang Erping
    2004, 12 (06):  924-924~931. 
    Abstract ( 4438 )  
    Borman and Motowidlo introduced contextual performance based on organizational citizenship behavior in 1993. Contrasting with task performance, contextual performance is composite of three dimensions: behaviors benefiting others, behaviors benefiting organizations and behaviors benefiting jobs. Personality and job characteristics are main factors that influence contextual performance. Contextual performance can contribute to organizational performance, personnel selection, personnel train and performance evaluation. At last, the authors point out some inspirations from the review.
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    Communication and Coordination Issues in Software Developing Organization
    Yang Kun,Wang Erping
    2004, 12 (06):  932-932~941. 
    Abstract ( 1666 )  
    Based on the review of human and organization issues in software development organization, the present article first analyzed the importance of communication and coordination issues in software development organization, then introduced both communication issues such as communication and team structure, communication and team member, distributing frequency of communication and communication methods, and coordination issues such as global coordination, external coordination and internal coordination in software development organization. Finally indicated some possible direction on further study of communication and coordination issues in software development organization.
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    Statistical Remedies for Common Method Biases
    Zhou Hao,Long Lirong
    2004, 12 (06):  942-942~950. 
    Abstract ( 6769 )  
    The problem of common method biases has being given more and more attention in the field of psychology, but there is little research about it in China, and the effects of common method bias are not well controlled. Generally, there are two ways of controlling common method biases, procedural remedies and statistical remedies. In this paper, statistical remedies for common method biases are provided, such as factor analysis, partial correlation, latent method factor, structural equation model, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed separately. Finally, suggestions of how to choose these remedies are given.
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    The Analysis on the Hierarchies of Social Constructionist Psychology
    Yang Liping
    2004, 12 (06):  951-951~959. 
    Abstract ( 1340 )  
    This study extracts four nuclear words from social constructionist Psychology, which word can be representative of one hierarchy of this system. They constitute social constructionist Psychology jointly. (1) Criticism: people can never “reflect” the real world as it is .(2)Construction: the mind is constructed through social processes. (3)Discourse: which is the most important force for social construction.(4)Interaction: the focus of attention of Psychological research would be shifted from inner mental states to interpersonal relations and interaction.
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