Acta Psychologica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 12-24.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2022.00012
• Reports of Empirical Studies • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIN Jing1, HUANGLIANG Jiecheng1, HE Yunfeng1, DUAN Jipeng2(), YIN Jun1(
DUAN Jipeng,YIN Jun;
Supported by:
LIN Jing, HUANGLIANG Jiecheng, HE Yunfeng, DUAN Jipeng, YIN Jun. (2022). The recognition of social intentions based on the information of minimizing costs: EEG and behavioral evidences. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 54(1), 12-24.
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Figure 1. The relationship between different concepts Note. The darker the color, the stronger the μ suppression or the better the sensitivity of detecting the structure change.
Figure 2. In the presence of fence (a) and in the absence of fence (b), the path that agent A places the apple in front of agent B or agent B obtains the apple through its own action. Note. The solid purple line is the path of agent A, and the dotted blue line is the path of agent B, which approaches infinity. The solid orange line is the path of agent A, and the dotted green line is the path of agent B.
Figure 3. The action diagram of placing the apple to the agent (a) and the stone (b) in Experiment 1 when there is a fence and placing the apple to the agent (c) and the stone (d) in Experiment 2 when there is no fence.
Figure 6. Differential topographic maps of 8~13 Hz bands in Experiment 1(a) and Experiment 2(b) with or without fence and(c) topographic map of cluster-based permutation test. Note. The symbol x in the figure c indicates electrodes with significant differences.
Figure 8. Schematic diagram of different conditions in Experiment 3. Note. The letters “A” through “H” stand for different agents, and the letter “R” stands for stone.
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