ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(3): 353-365 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00353



房俨然1, 魏薇1, 罗萍1, 刘晓东1, 施俊琦,1, 战宇杰2

1中山大学岭南(大学)学院, 广州 510275

2 Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo 22120, 加拿大

Daily negative affect and emotional labor strategies

FANG Yanran1, WEI Wei1, LUO Ping1, LIU Xiaodong1, SHI Junqi,1, ZHAN Yujie2

1 Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China

2 Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo 22120, Canada

通讯作者: 施俊琦,

收稿日期: 2018-04-20   网络出版日期: 2019-03-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金项目资助.  71425004

Received: 2018-04-20   Online: 2019-03-25


情绪劳动指的是员工在工作中按照组织的要求来调节自己的情绪感受和表达, 是服务行业普遍关注的问题。本研究基于自我调节理论(Self-Regulation Theory), 探讨了员工个体内负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的影响效应, 以及个体间水平上员工工作年限和情绪智力对该效应的跨层次调节作用。通过分析收集自210名呼叫中心员工14个工作日的追踪数据, 本研究发现员工每天的负性情绪显著抑制了深层动作; 工作年限和情绪智力显著调节了个体内负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的影响效应。数据分析结果支持了情绪劳动的研究中自我调节理论的作用, 本研究也据此讨论了理论意义和实践应用价值。

关键词: 负性情绪 ; 情绪劳动策略 ; 工作年限 ; 情绪智力


Emotional labor refers to the process of regulating both feelings and expressions in response to the display rules for promoting organizational goals. Instead of conceptualizing emotional labor as a stable behavioral tendency, the current study applied self-regulation theory to understand emotional labor (expressing proper emotion at work) as a self-regulation process, and specific emotional labor strategies (i.e., deep acting and surface acting) as approaches employees use to cope with negative moods on a daily basis.
By surveying 210 customer service representatives of a call center for fourteen consecutive workdays, this diary study examined a multilevel model of daily emotional labor, with morning negative affect as a within-person level predictor, and employee job tenure and emotional intelligence as between-person level moderators. Specifically, the main effects of daily negative affect on emotional labor strategies were reflected by mean values of the random slopes at the within-person level. To test the cross-level interactive effects, the random slopes of “morning negative affect-daily emotional labor strategies” relations were regressed on job tenure and emotional intelligence; the interactive effects were indicated by significant effects of between-level moderators on given within-level random slopes.
Results showed that service employees were more likely to engage in deep acting on days when they experience lower levels of negative mood. Further, job tenure and emotional intelligence significantly attenuated the negative effect of morning negative affect on daily deep acting. Specifically, the negative relationship between morning negative affect and daily deep acting was weaker (versus stronger) for employees with longer (versus shorter) job tenure, or higher (versus lower) emotional intelligence. Additionally, employees’ emotional intelligence also moderated the relationship between morning negative affect and surface acting, but in different directions. To be concrete, for employees with higher emotional intelligence, there was a positive relationship between morning negative affect and daily surface acting; whereas the relationship reflected a negative trend for employees with less emotional intelligence.
The current study contributes to the literature of emotional labor in several aspects. First, drawing on self-regulation theory, the current study conceptualized emotional labor as a coping strategy in employees’ daily self-regulation process. In conceptualizing deep acting and surface acting as coping strategies consuming different levels of resources, the current study provided a resources-based mechanism underlying the “negative affect-emotional labor strategy” linkage. Second, the current study also investigated cognitive resource (i.e., job tenure) and self-regulation resource (i.e., emotional intelligence) at the individual level as boundary conditions that shape the impact of daily negative affect on emotional labor strategies. In doing so, we were able to support the resource-based theoretical mechanism between the “negative affect-emotional labor strategy” linkage, and expand the literature on emotional labor.

Keywords: daily negative affect ; emotional labor strategies ; job tenure ; emotional intelligence

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房俨然, 魏薇, 罗萍, 刘晓东, 施俊琦, 战宇杰. 员工负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的影响. 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(3): 353-365 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00353

FANG Yanran, WEI Wei, LUO Ping, LIU Xiaodong, SHI Junqi, ZHAN Yujie. Daily negative affect and emotional labor strategies. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(3): 353-365 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00353

1 问题提出

2017年, 中国服务业增加值为427032亿元, 占全国GDP比重为51.6% (中国国家统计局, 2018), 正成为促进我国国民经济发展的重要力量。服务业员工在为客户提供服务的过程中, 为了建立和维持良好的服务和企业形象, 往往需要表现出积极的情绪状态。与这一管理实践相适应的, 情绪劳动的相关话题也在近年来受到了学者们越来越多的关注。情绪劳动是指个体在工作中, 致力于对情感的管理, 从而表现出可被公众观察到的面部表情和身体动作(Hochschild, 1983; Grandey, 2000)。Hochschild (1983)提出了情绪劳动的两种具体策略:表层动作是指员工通过改变表面上的动作(如改变面部表情、转换语音语调等)而非调节内心真实感受的方式来展示情绪, 此时员工所展示的是与其内心感受相矛盾的情绪状态(Hochschild, 1983; 莫申江, 施俊琦, 2017); 深层动作则是指员工通过主动站在对方的角度重新评估情境, 或者主动将注意力集中到积极、正面的事情上来调节自我体验, 从而获得并展现出与组织期望相一致的情感感受(Hochschild, 1983; Gross, 1998)。

尽管表层动作和深层动作都是员工用以响应工作要求的具体策略, 但与表层动作相比, 深层动作更聚焦于改变对于环境认知的前端调节(Grandey, 2000), 包含了更多的心理加工过程, 涉及了更复杂的认知调节机制, 因而也需要耗费更多的心理资源(马淑蕾, 黄敏儿, 2006; Zapf, 2003)。就两种情绪劳动策略的效果而言, 相较于深层动作, 采取表层动作会使人体会到不真实感, 因而还会对员工的心理健康带来更大负面作用(Ashforth & Humphrey, 1993; Brotheridge & Lee, 2002; 黄敏儿, 吴钟琦, 唐淦琦, 2010), 甚至促使员工做出负面行为(莫申江, 施俊琦, 2017)。因此, 近年来学者们开始逐渐关注影响具体情绪劳动策略的前因, 希望能够引导服务业员工更好地开展工作。例如, 学者们从个体人格特质(Austin, Dore, & O’Donovan, 2008; Diefendorff, Richard, & Croyle, 2006; 任庆颖, 张文勤, 2014)、工作满意度(杨林锋, 胡君辰, 2010)、感知到的组织公平感(杨勇, 马钦海, 曾繁强, 谭国威, 杨春江, 2013)、感知到的情绪劳动要求(Diefendorff, Croyle, & Gosserand, 2005; Gosserand & Diefendorff, 2005)等多个方面探讨了员工具体情绪劳动策略的前因变量, 有力推进了情绪劳动领域的研究。

而值得注意的是, 对于服务行业员工来说, 他们在每一天的日常工作中都需要调整和展现出适宜的情绪。为了响应工作对于情绪表达的要求, 服务业员工在不同情绪状态下所采取的情绪劳动策略就可能有所不同, 这就促使有关情绪劳动的研究更进一步地挖掘在个体内的差异。尤其针对涉及到情绪的研究问题而言, 个体具体的情绪感知往往是有明确原因、持续时间较短但较强烈的情感体验(Menges & Kilduff, 2015), 可见在需要进行情绪劳动的情境中, 同一位员工对不同强度情绪进行调整和表达的过程也可能存在差异。因此, 采用更细腻的个体内追踪的研究范式, 有助于揭示员工采取不同情绪劳动策略的具体前因。

借助自我调节理论的框架, 本研究旨在探讨个体内负性情绪对其情绪劳动策略的影响作用及其边界条件。自我调节是指个体通过控制或改变自己的思想、情感、冲动以及行为能力, 以达到目标的过程(Baumeister, Vohs, & Tice, 2007; Gailliot et al., 2007; 黎坚, 庞博, 张博, 杜涵, 2011)。在情绪劳动的情境中, 员工正是通过调整和展现适宜的情绪以达到满足工作要求、获取劳动报酬的目的, 属于典型的自我调节过程。根据自我调节理论, 个体能够用以进行自我调节的资源并不是取之不尽、用之不竭的(Baumeister et al., 2007; Baumeister & Vohs, 2007; Muraven & Baumeister, 2000), 当个体在自我调节的过程中缺乏足够的资源时, 就会降低自我调节的效果(Baumeister et al., 2007; Gailliot et al., 2007; 黎坚等, 2011)。基于此, 本研究首先论述、探讨了负性情绪对不同情绪劳动策略的影响。进一步地, 本研究也同样依据自我调节理论, 探讨个体水平上员工认知资源(即工作年限)和自我调节资源(即情绪智力)的差异对个体内负性情绪与情绪劳动策略关系之间的跨层次调节作用。本研究所包含的研究假设见图1所示。


图1   研究假设模型

1.1 员工每天负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的影响

对于服务行业员工而言, 他们在进行情绪劳动之前, 就有可能因为经历其他导致情绪变化的事件(既可能是其他工作事件, 也可能是产生溢出效应的非工作事件), 而已经产生了不同程度的负性情绪的基础水平(Judge & Ilies, 2004; Scott & Barnes, 2011; Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996; Zhou et al., 2017)。负性情绪水平的高低反映了个体能够用于自我调节的资源水平, 当员工体会到更多的负性情绪时, 他们能够用于继续进行自我调节的资源就会相应减少(Hagger, Wood, Stiff, & Chatzisarantis, 2010; Liu et al., 2017)。

首先, 这是因为个体所感受到的负性情绪往往是与之相联系的负性事件所导致的结果(Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996)。在经历负面事件之后, 个体需要消耗认知资源对事件和自我情感状态进行评估和判断(Clore, 1994; Smith, Haynes, Lazarus, & Pope, 1993), 因而负性情绪的产生会使得个体资源在下一阶段自我调节过程(如进行情绪劳动)开始之前就被削弱和分散(Beal, Weiss, Barros, & MacDermid, 2005)。其次, 对于感受到更高水平负性情绪的员工而言, 他们在经历负面事件之后, 更容易不自觉地陷入到对负面事件的反刍中(Berkowitz, 1989; Wang et al., 2013), 从而使认知资源被不自觉地、不断地分配到对不良事件的反刍和重新评估的过程、而不是被分配到完成工作目标的情绪劳动当中。最后, 在情绪劳动情境中, 员工体会到了较高水平的负性情绪, 就意味着“情绪-规则失调”的程度加剧, 从而给情绪调节提出了更大的挑战(Hülsheger & Schewe, 2011)。因而此时对于这些体会到更高水平负性情绪的员工而言, 他们所面临的工作需求和工作压力是被相对放大的, 他们需要付出更多的认知资源才能够达成自我情绪调节的目标。

因此, 对于需要进行情绪劳动的服务行业员工而言, 较高水平的负性情绪既损耗了他们在接下来情绪劳动中可以调用的资源, 也加大了情绪劳动工作对他们心理资源消耗的需求。而即便体验到了较高水平的负性情绪, 服务业员工也依然需要通过一定的情绪管理策略对自己的情绪表达进行管理(Deiffendorff & Gosserand, 2003)。而在深层动作和表层动作这两种情绪劳动策略之间, 既存在着情绪调节时间点上的差异, 也存在着所涉及的心理加工过程复杂程度的差异。一方面, 从情绪调节的时间点上来看, 采取深层动作需要员工在与消费者互动之前就开始调节情绪的工作; 而采取表层动作则只需要员工在与消费者互动当下通过改变情绪外在表达的方式来达到工作目标(Grandey, 2000)。可见相较于表层动作而言, 深层动作需要员工在负性事件发生之后更短的时间内展开情绪调节工作。另一方面, 从所涉及的心理加工过程的复杂程度来看, 相较于表层动作, 深层动作需要员工主动调整自己的认知和情绪状态, 可能涉及到转移注意力或者重新评估环境与事件的具体认知过程(Gross, 1998), 包含了更多的心理加工过程, 涉及了更复杂的认知调节机制, 因而比直接地伪装和表现出工作所需要的情绪要消耗更多的自我调节资源(Ashforth & Humphrey, 1993; 马玉凤, 王涛, 2011)。

根据自我调节理论, 我们能够推断, 如果员工在与顾客互动之前就已经体会到了较高程度的负性情绪, 那么他们在下一步自我调节过程中所能够支配的资源就会相对减少, 因而难以在更短时间内继续投入到消耗更多资源、涉及更复杂认知调节机制的深层动作中。因此, 体会到更高负性情绪的员工将较少地采取深层动作的情绪表达策略, 而较多地选择不需要消耗过多认知资源的表层动作策略。基于此, 本文提出:

假设1a:当员工每天的负性情绪水平更高时, 将采取更少的深层动作策略。

假设1b:当员工每天的负性情绪水平更高时, 将采取更多的表层动作策略。

1.2 工作年限的跨层次调节作用

假设2b:工作年限调节了负性情绪对表层动作的影响:对于工作年限较长的员工而言, 负性情绪对表层动作的促进作用减弱。

1.3 情绪智力的跨层次调节作用

情绪智力作为员工个体水平上的自我调节资源(self-regulation resource), 在服务业员工进行自我调节的过程中发挥着重要作用。自我调节资源泛指个体所具有的用以控制和修正自身情绪、行为和精神状态的心智能力(Baumeister & Vohs, 2003; Halbesleben, Neveu, Paustian-Underdahl, & Westman, 2014; Liu et al., 2017)。情绪智力作为个体所具备的准确感知和评估自我以及他人情绪状态、运用和表达情绪的能力(Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Wong & Law, 2002), 正是情绪劳动情境下帮助服务行业员工进行情绪调节的关键自我调节资源。

首先, 对于情绪智力较高的员工而言, 他们能够更好地识别情绪及其含义, 并把这些信息运用到解决问题的过程当中(Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2004; 彭正敏, 林绚晖, 张继明, 车宏生, 2004)。因此, 情绪智力水平较高的员工能够更敏感、准确地对自己的情绪状态进行判断, 从而避免陷入到不自觉地对情绪进行反复评估、唤起和反刍的过程中, 帮助个体在一定程度上避免认知资源的持续消耗。其次, 由于情绪智力水平更高的员工也能够更好地调节和表达情绪(Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Wong & Law, 2002), 因此即便是在体会到较高水平负性情绪的情形之下, 较高水平的情绪智力也帮助员工通过多种方式和渠道来实现情绪调节的目标(Schutte et al., 1998)。基于此, 我们提出:

假设3a:情绪智力对员工负性情绪和深层动作之间的关系具有显著的调节作用:当员工的情绪智力水平较高时, 负性情绪对深层动作的抑制作用减弱。

假设3b:情绪智力对员工负性情绪和表层动作之间的关系具有显著的调节作用:当员工的情绪智力水平较高时, 负性情绪对表层动作的促进作用减弱。

2 研究方法

2.1 研究样本和数据收集程序

本研究采用的数据收集于中国南方某呼叫中心的客户服务代表。该呼叫中心为客户提供信用卡和网上银行服务。通过银行人力资源部, 我们将研究声明和一封保证保密性和自愿参与的信发给所有291位客户服务代表。210位客户服务代表同意参加本次调研(问卷回收率为72.2%), 其中包括184名女性员工(占89.3%)和22名男性员工(占10.7%)。这种性别比例和以往有关服务行业的研究(如Gosserand & Diefendorff, 2005; Johnson & Spector, 2007)大致相似。被试的平均年龄是25.11岁(SD = 2.33岁), 年龄范围在21岁到32岁之间。

数据收集过程分为两个阶段, 数据收集都通过向员工发放和回收纸质问卷来完成。研究团队将调研问卷制作完成之后, 由呼叫中心的人力资源部安排班组长协助发放和回收问卷。在最初的评估阶段中, 我们调查了被试的人口统计学信息、工作年限、情绪智力以及其他个体层面上的控制变量。在每天的评估阶段中, 被试在每天早上工作开展之前完成关于正性情绪和负性情绪的调查, 在每天下午下班之前, 他们还需要完成关于一天之内情绪劳动策略的调查。排除遗漏的天数后, 为期14个工作日的调查得到了2921份调查结果。

2.2 测量工具

本研究采用Brislin (1980)推荐的回译的方式将英文量表翻译为中文。

每天的负性情绪。员工每天早晨的负性情绪通过由Watson, Clark和Tellengen (1988)开发的10条目量表进行测量。被试在每天早晨开展工作之前进行负性情绪的测量, 以剔除当天工作中与客户互动的经历对测量的影响。测量中, 被试需要评估量表的形容词(如“战战兢兢的”、“害怕的”等)在多大程度上体现了他们当下的感受。该量表用Likert 5点量表进行测量。其中“1”表示“非常不同意”, “5”表示“非常同意”。员工每天早晨体会到的负性情绪的ICC (1) = 0.56, 说明个体内差异能够解释其44%的方差。在本研究中该量表的内部一致性系数为0.88。

每天的情绪劳动策略。本研究通过Brotheridge和Lee (2003)以及Grandey (2003)的研究中使用的8条目量表来测量员工每天的情绪劳动策略。员工根据他们当天工作中的行为表现来汇报他们的情绪劳动行为。在该量表中, 3个条目测量了员工的深层动作行为, 代表条目如“在与客户通话时, 我尽我最大的努力真正感受公司要求的良好服务情绪”; 5个条目测量员工的表层动作行为, 代表性条目如“在与客户通话时, 我表现出公司要求的友好态度, 哪怕我并不想这么做”。该量表用Likert 5点量表进行测量。其中“1”表示“从不这么做”, “5”表示“总是这么做”。员工每天深层动作的ICC (1) = 0.42, 说明员工的个体内差异解释了其中58%的方差; 员工每天表层动作的ICC (1) = 0.65, 说明个体内差异解释了其中35%的方差。在本研究中, 员工每天深层动作量表和表层动作量表的内部一致性系数分别为0.84和0.86。

工作年限。工作年限由被试自我报告他们作为服务代表在呼叫中心工作的时间长度。本研究将被试汇报的工作时间长度统一为以年为单位, 数值越大代表被试的工作年限越长。

情绪智力。本研究选用Wong和Law (2002)开发的16条目量表来测量员工的情绪智力。该量表在中文情境中开发, 并且在已有研究中表现出了很好的信度和效度(如Law, Wong, & Song, 2004; Wong & Law, 2002)。代表性条目如“我对自己的情绪有很强的掌控力。”该量表用Likert 7点量表进行测量。其中“1”表示“非常不同意”, “7”表示“非常同意”。该量表在本研究中的内部一致性系数为0.87。

控制变量。首先, 由于年龄往往体现了个体与他人互动的一般经验, 而女性在工作和家庭环境中都会进行更多情绪相关的工作(Hochschild, 1983), 且神经质水平也往往影响了个体的情绪感知与表达(Saucier, 1994), 本研究将被试的年龄、性别和神经质纳入作为控制变量, 并选用Saucier (1994)开发的8条目量表对神经质进行测量, 该量表在本研究中的内部一致性系数位0.70。其次, 本研究也控制了被试个体间水平上的情绪劳动策略选择倾向。在控制了个体间水平上情绪劳动策略的选择倾向之后, 我们能够更准确地检验个体内情绪劳动策略的波动及其影响因素。本研究也同样采用8条目量表(Brotheridge & Lee, 2003; Grandey, 2003)来测量员工一般性的情绪劳动策略。本研究中深层动作倾向和表层动作倾向的内部一致性系数分别为0.77和0.72。第三, 我们也控制了员工每天早晨感知到的正面情绪水平, 以及员工个体水平上的正性情感特质和负性情感特质的影响。同样通过Watson等学者(1988)开发的PANA量表, 我们测量了员工个体间水平上的正性情感特质和负性情感特质, 以及每天早晨体会到的正性情绪。本研究中个体间水平上正性情感特质和负性情感特质的内部一致性系数分别为0.70和0.82, 个体内水平上正性情绪的内部一致性系数为0.86。最后, 我们也参照Wang等学者(2013)的研究, 控制了模型中的顺序效应。1( 注:我们也估计了去除所有控制变量之后的路径系数模型。结果表明, 剔除所有控制变量之后, 研究结论不变, 即现有研究结论中所涉及的各个路径显著性及方向不变。为简洁起见, 我们在此仅报告全模型的路径系数估计结果。)

2.3 数据分析策略

本研究收集的数据包含嵌套结构(每个被试中嵌套了14个工作日中的数据点)。因此, 本研究采用Mplus 7.0软件(Muthén & Muthén, 2012)进行多水平分析, 以检验所提出的理论模型。在个体内水平上, 本研究通过估计组内中心化之后的员工每天负性情绪对两种情绪劳动策略效应的随机斜率来检验所提出的主效应假设。在个体间水平上, 我们首先控制了样本中心化之后的员工情绪智力和工作年限对情绪劳动的效应, 并根据Hofmann和Gavin (1998)的建议, 在控制了员工每天负性情绪、正性情绪的个体内均值之后, 通过估计个体间水平上调节变量对个体内负性情绪对情绪劳动策略作用随机斜率的影响来检验跨层次调节作用。

3 研究结果

表1列出了各研究变量的平均值、标准差, 以及相关系数。在个体内水平上, 负性情绪与深层动作显著负相关(r = -0.28, p < 0.01), 而与表层动作显著正相关(r = 0.04, p < 0.05)。相关系数分析初步支持了本研究提出的假设1a和假设1b。我们针对研究涉及的主要变量(负性情绪、深层动作、表层动作、情绪智力)进行了多水平验证性因子分析。多水平验证性因子分析的结果表明, 本研究所反映的四因素模型能够较好地拟合数据, χ2 = 1402.48, df = 555, RMSEA = 0.02, CFI = 0.90, SRMR (个体内水平)= 0.04, SRMR (个体间水平)= 0.07。另外, 考虑到深层动作和表层动作都属于情绪劳动的具体策略, 且负性情绪、深层动作、表层动作都是个体内变量, 我们也检验了三因素模型(将深层动作、表层动作合并为一个因子, 而情绪智力、负性情绪作为两个单独因子)、双因素模型(将深层动作、表层动作、负性情绪合并为一个因子, 而将情绪智力作为一个单独因子)、单因素模型(将深层动作、表层动作、负性情绪、情绪智力合并为一个因子)的模型拟合结果。结果表明, 与本研究所涉及的四因素模型相比, 三因素模型、双因素模型、单因素模型的模型拟合度均显著下降(Δχ2 = 1759.65, Δdf = 5, p < 0.01; Δχ2 =5705.15, Δdf = 24, p < 0.01; Δχ2 = 5020.97, Δdf = 13, p < 0.01)。由此可见, 研究所涉及的四个主要变量之间具有较高的区分效度, 代表了四个不同的构念。

表1   研究变量的平均值、标准差、信度系数和相关性

1. 年龄25.112.33
2. 性别0.890.310.02
3. 正性情感特质3.340.460.00-0.20**(0.70)
4. 负性情感特质2.480.600.060.090.04(0.82)
5. 深层动作倾向4.080.570.02-0.020.09-0.08(0.77)
6. 表层动作倾向3.560.65-*(0.72)
7. 神经质4.451.070.030.06**-0.020.60**-0.19**0.20**(0.70)
8. 工作年限4.102.720.73**
9. 情绪智力5.240.670.04-0.15*0.40**-0.17*0.17*0.07-0.27**0.00(0.87)
10. 正性情绪3.300.56 (0.73)0.10-0.24**0.36**-0.060.31**0.01-0.10**0.050.34**(0.86)-0.20**0.30**-0.09**
11. 负性情绪2.150.48 (0.63)-0.050.03-0.080.43**-0.18**0.100.28**-0.04-0.18**-0.20**(0.88)-0.28**0.04*
12. 深层动作3.760.45 (0.66)0.02-0.16*0.24**-0.18**0.40**0.04-0.19**0.040.25**0.42**-0.41**(0.84)0.13**
13. 表层动作3.210.65 (0.80)-0.020.07-0.060.14*-0.030.52**0.21**0.00-0.08-

注:N (个体间层面) = 210, N (个体内层面) = 2921。性别:0 = 男性, 1 = 女性。各变量在本研究中的内部一致性系数标于对角线处。括号中的标准差为各变量在个体内水平上的标准差。对角线以上的数据为各变量之间在个体内水平上的相关系数, 对角线以下的数据为各变量之间在个体间水平上的相关系数。* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01

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检验个体内负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的影响。本研究通过估计员工每天负性情绪对两种情绪劳动策略影响的随机斜率模型来检验所提出的主效应假设, 并将相关结果总结在表2图2中。由表2图2可见, 员工每天早晨的负性情绪显著减少了深层动作(γ10 = -0.13, p < 0.01), 但与表层动作之间的关系并不显著(γ10= 0.01, p > 0.05)。因此, 本研究提出的假设1a得到了数据支持, 而假设1b没有得到数据支持。在此基础之上, 该主效应模型中“负性情绪-深层动作(τ1 = 0.06, p < 0.01)”关系、“负性情绪-表层动作(τ1 = 0.09, p < 0.01)”关系的随机斜率的残差均显著, 说明个体内负性情绪与深层动作之间的关系, 以及负性情绪与表层动作之间的关系能够进一步被个体间水平上的因素调节。

表2   多水平模型回归系数

截距 (γ00)3.73 **0.470.003.73*0.470.00
年龄 (γ01)-*0.020.04
性别 (γ02)-
正性情感特质 (γ04)
负性情感特质 (γ05)
深层动作倾向 (γ06)0.20****0.050.00
表层动作倾向 (γ07)
正性情感个体内均值 (γ08)0.17****0.060.00
负性情感个体内均值 (γ09)-0.27**0.060.00-0.27**0.060.00
残差 (σ12)0.23****0.020.00
截距 (γ10)-0.13**0.030.00-0.13**0.030.00
工作年限 (γ11)0.03*0.010.02
情感智力 (γ12)0.09*0.040.04
残差 (τ1)0.06****0.020.00
截距 (γ00)1.87*0.770.021.86*0.770.02
年龄 (γ01)-
性别 (γ02)
正性情感特质 (γ04)-
负性情感特质 (γ05)
深层动作倾向 (γ06)-
表层动作倾向 (γ07)0.50****0.060.00
正性情感个体内均值 (γ08)-
负性情感个体内均值 (γ09)-
残差 (σ12)0.21****0.010.00
截距 (γ10)
工作年限 (γ11)
情感智力 (γ12)0.08*0.040.05
残差 (τ1)0.09****0.020.00

注:N (个体间层面) = 210, N (个体内层面) = 2921. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.

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图2   研究模型中各路径系数估计结果

注:N (个体间层面) = 210, N (个体内层面) = 2921. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.

检验工作年限和情绪智力的跨层次调节作用。同样由表2图2可见, 员工工作年限和情绪智力均显著削弱了个体内员工每天负性情绪对深层动作的抑制作用(对于工作年限, γ11 = 0.03, p < 0.05; 对于情绪智力, γ12 = 0.09, p < 0.05)。参照Cohen, Cohen, West和Aiken (2003)的建议, 本研究将工作年限对负性情绪与深层动作之间关系的调节作用展示在图3中。如图3所示, 相比于工作年限较短的员工, 对于工作年限较长的员工而言, 每天负性情绪对深层动作的抑制作用较弱。我们也将情绪智力对负性情绪与深层动作之间关系的调节作用展示在图4中。如图4所示, 相比于情绪智力较低的员工而言, 当员工具有较高的情绪智力时, 每天负性情绪对深层动作的抑制作用也被减弱。因此, 假设2a和3a都得到了数据支持。


图3   工作年限对负性情绪和深层动作关系的调节作用


图4   情绪智力对负性情绪和深层动作关系的调节作用

另外, 尽管员工工作年限没有显著调节个体内每天负性情绪对表层动作的影响(γ11 = 0.02, p > 0.05), 但员工情绪智力显著影响了个体内负性情绪对表层动作的效应(γ12 = 0.08, p < 0.05)。但值得注意的是, 尽管情绪智力具有显著的调节作用, 但调节方向与研究假设相左。我们也将情绪智力对负性情绪与表层动作之间关系的调节作用展示在图5中。如图5所示, 对于情绪智力更高的员工而言, 每天早晨负性情绪对表层动作的作用呈现出积极促进的趋势; 而对于情绪智力更低的员工而言, 每天早晨负性情绪对表层动作的影响则呈现出消极抑制的趋势。因此, 假设2b和假设3b没有得到数据支持。


图5   情绪智力对负性情绪和表层动作关系的调节作用

4 讨论

4.1 研究结果与分析

本研究发现, 员工每天的负性情绪显著降低了深层动作, 但对表层动作的影响不显著。这一研究结果首先支持了本研究中员工情绪劳动策略存在个体内差异, 且受到员工每天情绪波动影响的理论假说。但数据分析结果也表明, 员工每天负性情绪对深层动作和表层动作的影响存在差异:一方面, 员工每天早晨负性情绪显著减少了深层动作; 另一方面, 尽管每天负性情绪对表层动作的影响呈现出积极促进的趋势, 但二者之间的关系并不显著。究其原因, 我们认为这是因为深层动作所聚焦的是改变环境或对环境的认知的前因聚焦的情绪调节, 而表层动作所聚焦的则是改变能够被观测到的情绪或生理反应的反应聚焦的情绪调节(Grandey, 2000)。当员工在开展工作的一天初始就感知到较高的负性情绪时, 实际上是有较为充足的时间和可能性在前因聚焦的情绪调节上也做出一定努力, 而非仅仅在与客户互动的当下进行反应聚焦的情绪调节的。可见员工在每天工作中的表层动作的策略使用可能会与深层动作的策略使用产生重叠(Gabriel, Daniels, Diefendorff, & Greguras, 2015), 因而可能会导致员工情绪波动对表层动作的影响不显著。因此, 我们也期待未来研究采用更细腻的研究范式(如, 潜结构分析策略Latent Profile Analysis), 来探讨员工个体内情绪劳动策略的具体形成机制。

研究结果还表明, 员工个体间情绪智力和工作年限都显著调节了个体内负性情绪对深层动作的抑制作用。这些研究结果也支持了自我调节理论的观点, 情绪智力和工作年限作为员工在进行情绪劳动情境中的关键自我调节资源和认知资源, 能够为其每天工作中的自我调节过程进行资源补充。除此之外, 本研究在检验个体间情绪智力对个体内负性情绪对表层动作关系的调节作用时, 得到了与假设不一致的结论。尽管员工每天负性情绪对表层动作策略的影响并不显著, 但对于情绪智力较高的员工而言, 当他们体会到了较高水平的负性情绪之后, 其表层动作水平也较高。究其原因, 我们认为, 一方面, 对于情绪智力水平较高的员工而言, 他们的自我调节能力不仅体现在对情绪的理解和调节上, 也体现在对外在情绪表达的把握控制上(Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Mayer et al., 2004; Wong & Law, 2002)。因此, 在没有更深层次的情绪调节相配合的情形下, 这种聚焦于情绪外在表达的情绪调节方式实际上也是与表层动作相适应的。

另一方面, 我们认为这一研究结果其实也说明了情绪智力作为服务行业员工个体水平上调节资源的重要性。具体而言, 这一研究结果实际说明, 在体会到了较高水平负性情绪的情形中, 情绪智力较高的员工所进行的表层动作和深层动作都是更多的。情绪智力能够使得服务行业员工在情绪调节上具有更强的坚持度(Beal et al., 2005)。而当员工个体所具备的认知资源和调节资源不足以支持其维持情绪劳动时, 员工的确是有可能做出偏差行为的(如针对顾客的破坏行为, Judge, Woolf, & Hust, 2009; Wang et al., 2011; 工作退缩行为, Kao, Cheng, Kuo, & Huang, 2014等)。可见情绪智力作为员工个体水平上的调节资源, 帮助员工在困难的情形(如体会到较高水平负面情绪的情形)中, 也不减少深层动作和表层动作的情绪劳动, 是员工能够用以应对工作中情绪表达需求的重要资源。

4.2 理论意义

本研究在现有情绪劳动文献的基础上, 采用追踪式的研究范式, 主要考察员工每天负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的影响以及个体层面上资源差异对这一影响的调节作用, 主要有以下几方面的理论贡献。

首先, 本研究根据自我调节理论检验了员工每天负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的影响效应, 这一结论拓展了我们对于员工情绪劳动策略的影响因素的理解。具体而言, 以往研究着重强调的是员工个体水平上的特质(如Kammeyer-Mueller et al., 2013; Scott & Barnes, 2011)、感知到的情绪表达规则(Diefendorff & Gosserand, 2003)等因素对员工总体采取的情绪劳动策略倾向的影响, 而较少关注个体内情绪波动对每天工作中具体情绪劳动策略的作用。借助个体内的研究视角, 本研究不仅更贴近情绪、情绪劳动的管理实践, 所得到的研究结论也有助于进一步拓展和丰富情绪劳动领域的相关理论和知识。

其次, 本研究也拓展了自我调节理论在情绪劳动研究中的应用价值。本研究所采用的自我调节理论框架的切入点也呼应了Beal等学者(2005)所提出的, 在情绪劳动情境下探讨员工个体水平上和在工作初始水平上认知资源和自我调节资源对其工作影响的呼吁。从自我调节理论出发, 本研究探讨了员工在体验到负性情绪之后, 对当天具体情绪劳动策略的影响及其边界条件。因此, 自我调节理论在情绪劳动的研究中也有很强的解释效力, 能够对促进情绪劳动领域研究的发展提供更多有益的思路。

4.3 实践启示

本研究的研究结果在实际的工作中也有很好的应用价值。例如, 从招聘、培训的角度出发, 本研究能够为企业的管理实践提供有益启示:从招聘角度而言, 本研究发现员工的情绪智力在员工每天的负性情绪和情绪劳动策略之间起到了调节作用。因此企业在招聘的过程中, 可以考虑使用专业心理测量工具对应聘者的情绪智力进行考察, 招聘向情绪智力较高的员工倾斜。从培训角度而言, 本研究发现员工每天早晨的负性情绪会影响员工每天的情绪劳动策略。因此企业可以考虑指导员工进行解压训练, 帮助员工更好地疏解工作压力和负面情绪。另外, 由于员工的情绪智力和工作年限均是调节个体内负性情绪对情绪劳动策略影响的重要边界条件, 企业也可以考虑鼓励工作年限较长或是在情绪智力方面表现更突出的员工在培训和工作中多与其他员工进行交流和经验分享, 从而达到帮助员工提升个人层面自我调节资源和认知资源的目的。

4.4 研究局限性与展望

尽管本研究借助自我调节理论框架, 并采用追踪式的研究范式, 考察了呼叫中心的员工每天负性情绪对其每天的情绪劳动策略的影响以及个体水平上工作年限和情绪智力的跨层次调节作用, 有利于了解影响员工情绪劳动策略的内在机制, 但仍存在着一定的局限性:

首先, 尽管本研究借助自我调节理论框架, 从资源消耗和补充的角度来探讨情绪劳动的机制以及相应的跨层次调节作用, 但是由于数据收集条件的局限性, 本研究未能收集到具体涉及资源的研究变量, 因此没有直接对资源的机制进行验证。基于此, 我们呼吁未来研究在采用资源相关的理论来探讨情绪劳动的内在机制时, 进一步探明员工每天早晨情绪状态对其情绪劳动策略产生影响的具体机制, 从而在实证上为资源相关的理论机制提供支持。

其次, 尽管本研究采用了追踪式的数据收集方法, 获取了员工个体内每一天水平上情绪状态对情绪劳动策略的影响数据。但由于情绪的持续时间相对较短, 且特定情绪的引起往往是有特定明确原因的, 这就使得对于情绪相关的研究值得更进一步地深入到事件水平, 探讨员工在具体工作情境中特定事件的影响。因此, 本研究也呼吁未来有关情绪和情绪劳动的研究采用更为细腻深入的研究范式, 进一步地探讨员工工作中的工作事件或是影响员工表现的非工作事件, 从而更全面地建立变量之间的因果关系。另外, 也有学者提出员工们的负性情绪水平有可能因为经过了深层动作的调节而减弱、受到了表层动作的被迫抑制之后反而增强(Scott & Barnes, 2011)。可见员工每天体会到的负性情绪不仅仅是资源在前期事件中损耗的结果, 也有可能受到员工不同情绪劳动策略的影响而进一步累积。因此, 我们也希望未来研究能够继续深入, 从理论构建和研究设计上更进一步地挖掘员工具体情绪体验与情绪劳动策略之间的关系, 进一步推动情绪劳动理论的发展。

第三, 尽管本研究在数据分析的过程中控制了顺序效应, 能够在一定程度上控制与特定工作日相关因素(如工作量或工作负荷)的影响, 但由于数据收集过程中条件的限制, 我们没有能够获取员工在每个工作日中具体工作量的数据。因此, 我们也呼吁未来的研究能够在本研究的基础之上, 获取有关员工工作量、工作负荷相关的客观数据, 以进一步推动情绪劳动领域研究的发展。

最后, 本研究所测量的变量都是采用自陈量表的形式, 因此无法完全避免同源误差的影响。但由于本研究所涉及到的主要研究变量都涉及到个体内在的感受和认知状态, 因此由其本人进行自我报告应当是较为恰当的。除此之外, 我们也在每天的测量当中将员工感知的负性情绪和他们所采取的情绪劳动策略的测量分离, 力求在一定程度上减弱同源误差的影响。最后, 我们根据Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee和Podsakoff (2003)的建议, 从统计上进行了针对同源误差影响的检验。我们比较了包含主要研究变量和控制变量的理论模型, 以及理论模型基础之上再加一个同源因子模型之间的模型拟合差异, 统计结果表明, 加上同源因子之后, 模型的拟合度显著下降(Δχ2 = 367.64, Δdf = 2, p < 0.01), 说明在本研究中模型估计没有受到潜在同源因子的影响。尽管我们认为研究所涉及的模型检验和研究结论较为可靠, 能够在一定程度上规避了同源误差的影响, 但在未来的研究中, 我们也期望学者们能够通过采用客观指标或争取收集不同来源数据的方法, 以更好地降低同源误差的影响。

5 结论

员工每天负性情绪显著地抑制了深层动作, 而对表层动作的影响作用不显著。员工个体水平上的工作年限和情绪智力调节了个体内负性情绪对情绪劳动策略的作用。一方面, 相较于工作年限较短和情绪智力较低的员工, 对于工作年限较长的员工和情绪智力较高的员工而言, 个体内负性情绪对深层动作的抑制作用相对较弱。另一方面, 相较于情绪智力较低的员工, 当情绪智力较高的员工体会到较高的负性情绪时, 也更倾向于采取表层动作的策略进行情绪劳动。


Ackerman P.L . ( 1988).

Determinants of individual differences during skill acquisition: Cognitive abilities and information processing

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 117( 3), 288-318.

DOI:10.1037/0096-3445.117.3.288      URL    

ABSTRACT An integrative theory that links general models of skill acquisition with ability determinants of individual differences in performance is presented. Three major patterns of individual differences during skill acquisition are considered: changes in between-subjects variability, the simplex pattern of trial intercorrelations, and changing ability–performance correlations with practice. In addition to a review of previous theory and data, eight experimental manipulations are used to evaluate the cognitive ability demands associated with different levels of information-processing complexity and consistency. Subjects practiced category word search, spatial figure, and choice reaction time tasks over several hundred trials of task practice. An air traffic controller simulation was used to show generalization to a complex task. Examinations of practice-related between-subjects variance changes and ability–performance correlations are used to demonstrate that an equivalence exists between three broad phases of skill acquisition and three cognitive–intellectual determinants of individual differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Ashforth B.E., &Humphrey R.H . ( 1993).

Emotional labor in service roles: The influence of identity

. Academy of Management Review, 18( 1), 88-115.

[本文引用: 2]

Austin E. J., Dore T. C. P., &O’Donovan K. M . ( 2008).

Associations of personality and emotional intelligence with display rule perceptions and emotional labour

Personality and Individual Differences, 44( 3), 679-688.

DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2007.10.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Emotional labour has been widely studied and is of considerable interest in relation to outcomes such as sense of accomplishment and burnout. There is a growing interest in individual differences in emotional labour and in organisational display rule perceptions. Personality and emotional intelligence (EI) are relevant to this, but their effects have been examined in a relatively small number of publications. The present study extends this literature by examining associations amongst personality, EI, display rule perceptions and emotional labour in a group of 247 undergraduate students. Surface acting (SA) was found to be positively correlated with Neuroticism and negatively correlated with Extraversion and Conscientiousness, whilst deep acting (DA) was positively correlated with Agreeableness and Extraversion. Positive display rule perceptions were correlated with Extraversion and negative display rule perceptions with Neuroticism. EI was unrelated to DA but negatively associated with SA and positively associated with positive display rule perceptions. Structural equation modelling showed that EI partially mediated the effect of personality on SA. The personality correlations were similar to previous results. For EI it appears that high-EI individuals are less likely to make use of the emotionally superficial SA strategy; this may be related to their superior emotion regulation capabilities.

Baumeister R. F., &Vohs, K. D. ( 2003).

Self-regulation and the executive function of the self.

In M. R. Leary & J. P. Tangney (Eds. ), Handbook of self and identity (Vol. 1, pp. 197-217). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

DOI:10.1093/jxb/39.6.775      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The self is not a passive, indifferent, or unresponsive entity. Rather, the self is active, involved, and responsive, intentionally engaging in volitional processes to change, alter, or modify its thoughts, feelings, responses, and behaviors. Processes such as altering one's own behavior, resisting temptation, and changing one's moods are characterized by the terms self-control and self-regulation. More broadly, the self takes action, selects a response from numerous options, filters irrelevant information, and is responsible for response selection and enactment. The aspect of the self that initiates behaviors and makes selections is called the executive function. Our review focuses on the executive function of the self, with emphasis on self-regulation and self-control, which are considered subcomponent processes of the executive function.

Baumeister R.F., &Vohs K.D . ( 2007).

Self-regulation, ego depletion, and motivation

Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1( 1), 115-128.

DOI:10.1111/spco.2007.1.issue-1      URL    

Baumeister R. F., Vohs K. D., &Tice D. M . ( 2007).

The strength model of self-control

Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16( 6), 351-355.

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Beal D. J., Weiss H. M., Barros E., &MacDermid S. M . ( 2005).

An episodic process model of affective influences on performance

Journal of Applied psychology, 90( 6), 1054-1068.

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Berkowitz L .( 1989).

Frustration-aggression hypothesis: Examination and reformulation

Psychological Bulletin, 106( 1), 59-73.

DOI:10.1037//0033-2909.106.1.59      URL     PMID:2667009      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Examines the Dollard et al. (1939) frustration-aggression hypothesis. The original formulation's main proposition is limited to interference with an expected attainment of a desired goal on hostile (emotional) aggression. Although some studies have yielded negative results, others support the core proposition. Frustrations can create aggressive inclinations even when they are not arbitrary or aimed at the subject personally. Interpretations and attributions can be understood partly in terms of the original analysis but they can also influence the unpleasantness of the thwarting. A proposed revision of the 1939 model holds that frustrations generate aggressive inclinations to the degree that they arouse negative affect. Evidence regarding the aggressive consequences of aversive events is reviewed, and Berkowitz's cognitive-neoassociationistic model is summarized.

Brislin R.W . ( 1980).

Translation and content analysis of oral and written materials.

In H. C. Triandis & J. W. Berry (Eds.), Handbook of cross-cultural psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 389-444). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

[本文引用: 1]

Brotheridge C.M., &Lee R.T . ( 2002).

Testing a conservation of resources model of the dynamics of emotional labor

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 7( 1), 57-67.

DOI:10.1037/1076-8998.7.1.57      URL     PMID:11827234      [本文引用: 1]

This study uses S. E. Hobfoll's (1989) conservation of resources theory as a means of examining why emotional labor may or may not result in burnout. A model is developed that proposes that workers attempt to cope with role demands by performing surface or deep acting and that the effect of this expenditure of resources on worker burnout depends on the more immediate rewards of the service encounter and the application of internal and external resources specific to the needs at hand. This model is tested and confirmed using cross-sectional survey responses from 236 working adults. Research and practical implications are discussed.

Brotheridge C.M., &Lee R.T . ( 2003).

Development and validation of the emotional labour scale

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 76( 3), 365-379.

DOI:10.1348/096317903769647229      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Clore G. L. ( 1994).

Why emotions are felt

In P. Ekman & R. J. Davidson (Eds.), The nature of emotion (pp. 103-111). Oxford,England: Oxford University Press.

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Cohen J., Cohen P., West S. G., &Aiken L. S . ( 2003).

Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences (3rd ed.).

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Diefendorff J. M., Croyle M. H., &Gosserand R. H . ( 2005).

The dimensionality and antecedents of emotional labor strategies

Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66( 2), 339-357.

DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2004.02.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Diefendorff J.M., &Gosserand R.H . ( 2003).

Understanding the emotional labor process: A control theory perspective

Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24( 8), 945-959.

DOI:10.1002/job.230      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abstract A dynamic, process-oriented approach to understanding emotional labor is presented, utilizing concepts from control theory models of behavioral self-regulation. Emotional labor is characterized as involving a discrepancy monitoring and reduction process, whereby perceptions of emotional displays and emotional display rules are continuously compared. If a discrepancy between emotional displays and display rules is detected, individuals are proposed to use emotion regulation strategies to reduce the discrepancy. The goal hierarchy aspect of control theory is used to describe emotional labor in the broader context of job performance and explain how positive and negative outcomes can result from the emotional labor process. Propositions are developed throughout the paper. Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Diefendorff J. M., Richard E. M., &Croyle M. H . ( 2006).

Are emotional display rules formal job requirements? Examination of employee and supervisor perceptions

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 79( 2), 273-298.

DOI:10.1348/096317905X68484      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study explored whether emotional display rules are perceived by part-time employees and their supervisors as formal job requirements. Results showed that display-related behaviours were thought to be required activities (i.e. in-role) by the majority of the sample, and that employees and supervisors generally agreed in this perception. Job-based differences in interpersonal requirements predicted the extent to which employees and supervisors categorized display-related behaviours as required, with more interpersonal requirements being associated with greater in-role categorization. Job-based differences in interpersonal requirements also predicted the level of agreement between employees and supervisors in categorizing display-related behaviours as in-role or extra-role. Finally, job satisfaction and job involvement predicted the extent to which employees categorized emotional display behaviours as being required in their jobs, with more satisfied and more involved individuals rating emotional display behaviours as in-role at a higher rate than less satisfied and less involved individuals.

Gabriel A. S., Daniels M. A., Diefendorff J. M., &Greguras G. J . ( 2015).

Emotional labor actors: A latent profile analysis of emotional labor strategies

Journal of Applied Psychology, 100( 3), 863-879.

DOI:10.1037/a0037408      URL     PMID:25068812      [本文引用: 1]

Research on emotional labor focuses on how employees utilize 2 main regulation strategies-surface acting (i.e., faking one's felt emotions) and deep acting (i.e., attempting to feel required emotions)-to adhere to emotional expectations of their jobs. To date, researchers largely have considered how each strategy functions to predict outcomes in isolation. However, this variable-centered perspective ignores the possibility that there are subpopulations of employees who may differ in their combined use of surface and deep acting. To address this issue, we conducted 2 studies that examined surface acting and deep acting from a person-centered perspective. Using latent profile analysis, we identified 5 emotional labor profiles-non-actors, low actors, surface actors, deep actors, and regulators-and found that these actor profiles were distinguished by several emotional labor antecedents (positive affectivity, negative affectivity, display rules, customer orientation, and emotion demands-abilities fit) and differentially predicted employee outcomes (emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and felt inauthenticity). Our results reveal new insights into the nature of emotion regulation in emotional labor contexts and how different employees may characteristically use distinct combinations of emotion regulation strategies to manage their emotional expressions at work.

Gailliot M. T., Baumeister R. F., Dewall C. N., Maner J. K., Plant E. A., &Tice D. M., … Schmeichel B. J . ( 2007).

Self-control relies on glucose as a limited energy source: Willpower is more than a metaphor

Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 92( 2), 325-336.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.92.2.325      URL     PMID:17279852      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract The present work suggests that self-control relies on glucose as a limited energy source. Laboratory tests of self-control (i.e., the Stroop task, thought suppression, emotion regulation, attention control) and of social behaviors (i.e., helping behavior, coping with thoughts of death, stifling prejudice during an interracial interaction) showed that (a) acts of self-control reduced blood glucose levels, (b) low levels of blood glucose after an initial self-control task predicted poor performance on a subsequent self-control task, and (c) initial acts of self-control impaired performance on subsequent self-control tasks, but consuming a glucose drink eliminated these impairments. Self-control requires a certain amount of glucose to operate unimpaired. A single act of self-control causes glucose to drop below optimal levels, thereby impairing subsequent attempts at self-control. ((c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved).

Grandey A.A . ( 2000).

Emotion regulation in the workplace: A new way to conceptualize emotional labor

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5( 1), 95-110.

DOI:10.1037//1076-8998.5.1.95      URL     PMID:10658889      [本文引用: 4]

The article discusses the emotion regulation in the workplace. The topic of emotions in the workplace is beginning to gain closer attention by researchers and theorists. The study of emotional labor addresses the stress of managing emotions when the work role demands that certain expressions be shown to customers. However, there has been no overarching framework to guide this work, and the previous studies have often disagreed on the definition and operationalization of emotional labor. The purposes of this article are as follows: to review and compare previous perspectives of emotional labor, to provide a definition of emotional labor that integrates these perspectives, to discuss emotion regulation as a guiding theory for understanding the mechanisms of emotional labor, and to present a model of emotional labor that includes individual differences.

Grandey A.A . ( 2003).

When “the smile must go on”: Surface acting and deep acting as determinants of emotional exhaustion and peer-rated service delivery

Academy of Management Journal, 46( 1), 86-96.

DOI:10.2307/30040678      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Affective delivery, or expressing positive emotions in service interactions, helps satisfy customers. But employees cannot always feel positive and, to avoid breaking display rules, may act. Surface acting (modifying facial expressions) and deep acting (modifying inner feelings) were tested as predictors of stress and of coworker-rated affective delivery. Consistent with a dramaturgical perspective, affective delivery ratings were negatively related to surface acting but positively related to deep acting. Surface acting, but not deep acting, was related to stress.

Gosserand R.H., &Diefendorff J.M . ( 2005).

Emotional display rules and emotional labor: The moderating role of commitment

Journal of Applied Psychology, 90( 6), 1256-1264.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.90.6.1256      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Gross J.J .( 1998).

The emerging field of emotion regulation: An integrative review

Review of General Psychology, 2( 3), 271-299.

DOI:10.1037/1089-2680.2.3.271      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Hagger M. S., Wood C., Stiff C., &Chatzisarantis N. L . ( 2010).

Ego depletion and the strength model of self- control: A meta-analysis

. Psychological Bulletin, 136( 4), 495-525.

DOI:10.1037/a0019486      URL     PMID:20565167      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract According to the strength model, self-control is a finite resource that determines capacity for effortful control over dominant responses and, once expended, leads to impaired self-control task performance, known as ego depletion. A meta-analysis of 83 studies tested the effect of ego depletion on task performance and related outcomes, alternative explanations and moderators of the effect, and additional strength model hypotheses. Results revealed a significant effect of ego depletion on self-control task performance. Significant effect sizes were found for ego depletion on effort, perceived difficulty, negative affect, subjective fatigue, and blood glucose levels. Small, nonsignificant effects were found for positive affect and self-efficacy. Moderator analyses indicated minimal variation in the effect across sphere of depleting and dependent task, frequently used depleting and dependent tasks, presentation of tasks as single or separate experiments, type of dependent measure and control condition task, and source laboratory. The effect size was moderated by depleting task duration, task presentation by the same or different experimenters, intertask interim period, dependent task complexity, and use of dependent tasks in the choice and volition and cognitive spheres. Motivational incentives, training on self-control tasks, and glucose supplementation promoted better self-control in ego-depleted samples. Expecting further acts of self-control exacerbated the effect. Findings provide preliminary support for the ego-depletion effect and strength model hypotheses. Support for motivation and fatigue as alternative explanations for ego depletion indicate a need to integrate the strength model with other theories. Findings provide impetus for future investigation testing additional hypotheses and mechanisms of the ego-depletion effect.

Halbesleben J. R., Neveu J. P., Paustian-Underdahl S. C., &Westman M . ( 2014).

Getting to the “COR” understanding the role of resources in conservation of resources theory

Journal of Management, 40( 5), 1334-1364.

DOI:10.1177/0149206314527130      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Proposed as a theory of motivation, the basic tenet of conservation of resources (COR) theory is that humans are motivated to protect their current resources and acquire new resources. Despite its recent popularity in the organizational behavior literature, several criticisms of the theory have emerged, primarily related to the central concept of resources. In this review, we address concerns regarding the conceptualization, conservation, acquisition, fluctuation, and measurement of resources. We highlight gaps in the COR literature that can be addressed by integrating research from other areas of psychology and management. In this manner, we hope to push the COR literature forward by resolving several concerns and providing suggestions for future research that might address other concerns.

Hochschild A. R. ( 1983). The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling . Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

[本文引用: 5]

Hofmann D.A., &Gavin M.B . ( 1998).

Centering decisions in hierarchical linear models: Implications for research in organizations

Journal of Management, 24( 5), 623-641.

DOI:10.1016/S0149-2063(99)80077-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Organizational researchers are increasingly interested in modeling the multilevel nature of organizational data. Although most organizational researchers have chosen to investigate these models using traditional Ordinary Least Squares approaches, hierarchical linear models (i.e., random coefficient models) recently have been receiving increased attention. One of the key questions in using hierarchical linear models is how a researcher chooses to scale the Level-1 independent variables (e.g., raw metric, grand mean centering, group mean centering), because it directly influences the interpretation of both the level-1 and level-2 parameters. Several scaling options are reviewed and discussed in light of four paradigms of multilevel/cross-level research in organizational science: incremental (i.e., group variables add incremental prediction to individual level outcomes over and above individual level predictors), mediational (i.e., the influence of group level variables on individual outcomes are mediated by individual perceptions), moderational (i.e., the relationship between two individual level variables is moderated by a group level variable), and separate (i.e., separate within group and between group models). The paper concludes with modeling recommendations for each of these paradigms and discusses the importance of matching the paradigm under which one is operating to the appropriate modeling strategy.

Huang M. E., Wu Z. Q., &Tang G. Q . ( 2010).

How does personality relate to mental health in service industry setting? The mediating effects of emotional labor strategies

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 42( 12), 1175-1189.

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DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2010.01175      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Hülsheger U.R., &Schewe A.F . ( 2011).

On the costs and benefits of emotional labor: A meta-analysis of three decades of research

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 16( 3), 361-389.

DOI:10.1037/a0022876      URL     PMID:21728441      [本文引用: 1]

The article presents a study on the relationship of emotional labor with well-being and performance outcomes of employees. It states that in predicting performance outcomes and well-being it uses meta-analytic regression analysis to provide data on the link of emotion-rule dissonance, deep acting, and surface acting. Results reveal that emotional-rule dissonance and surface acting are harmful to both performance outcomes and well-being.

Johnson H.M., &Spector P.E . ( 2007).

Service with a smile: Do emotional intelligence, gender, and autonomy moderate the emotional labor process?

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12( 4), 319-333.

DOI:10.1037/1076-8998.12.4.319      URL     PMID:17953492      [本文引用: 1]

The article examines how emotional intelligence, gender and autonomy moderate the effect of emotional labor process on well-being of employees from eight customer service organizations. Findings reveal that emotional intelligence, unlike gender and autonomy, is not a significant moderator of the relations between emotional labor strategies and personal outcomes of emotional exhaustion, affective well-being and job satisfaction.

Judge T.A., &Ilies R. ( 2004).

Affect and job satisfaction: A study of their relationship at work and at home

Journal of Applied Psychology, 89( 4), 661-673.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.89.4.661      URL     PMID:15327352      [本文引用: 1]

The authors investigated 2 broad issues: (a) across- and within-individual relationships between mood and job satisfaction and (b) spillover in moods experienced at work and at home. Using an experience-sampling methodology, they collected multisource data from a sample of 74 working individuals. Multilevel results revealed that job satisfaction affected positive mood after work and that the spillover of job satisfaction onto positive and negative mood was stronger for employees high in trait-positive and trait-negative affectivity, respectively. Results also revealed that the effect of mood at work on job satisfaction weakened as the time interval between the measurements increased. Finally, positive (negative) moods at work affected positive (negative) moods experienced later at home.

Judge T. A., Woolf E. F., &Hurst C . ( 2009).

Is emotional labor more difficult for some than for others? A multilevel, experience-sampling study

Personnel Psychology, 62( 1), 57-88.

DOI:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2008.01129.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In response to 2 areas for development in the emotional labor literature—(a) the contemporaneous associations between emotional labor and affective reactions, and (b) whether emotional labor might be more personally costly for some employees than others—this study tested a conceptual model explaining the differential effects of deep and surface acting on job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion via their asymmetrical influences on mood, and whether extraverts fare better when engaging in emotional labor. As expected, surface acting was positively associated with negative mood, and this explained some of the association of surface acting with increased emotional exhaustion and decreased job satisfaction. Contrary to hypotheses, deep acting was unrelated to job satisfaction and was associated with lower positive affect. Extraversion moderated several emotional labor relationships such that, in general, surface and deep acting had more positive (or less negative) effects for extraverts (compared to introverts). Overall, the results support the importance of considering the roles of mood and disposition in the impact of emotional labor.

Kammeyer-Mueller J. D., Rubenstein A. L., Long D. M., Odio M. A., Buckman B. R., Zhang Y. W., &Halvorsen- Ganepola M. D. K. ( 2013).

A meta-analytic structural model of dispositonal affectivity and emotional labor

Personnel Psychology, 66( 1), 47-90.

DOI:10.1111/peps.12009      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The exponential growth of the service economy has increased the attention that organizational researchers have paid to the concept of emotional labor. Although much progress has been made in the field, few studies have provided an integrated picture of how individual dispositions, perceived display rules, and emotional labor behaviors shape employee outcomes. To clarify and compare results across this growing body of literature, a quantitative review was developed, along with a theoretically derived path diagram of key emotional labor constructs. Evidence from our structural meta-analytic model based on 116 primary studies demonstrates that examining affective dispositions and emotional labor constructs and the pattern of positive and negative results helps to clarify and add specificity to the literature. Results were consistent with the perspective that surface acting emotion regulation strategies have a pattern of negative relationships with work outcomes of job satisfaction and stress/exhaustion (but not with job performance), whereas deep acting emotion regulation strategies have a pattern of positive relationships with all of these work outcomes.

Kanfer R., &Ackerman P.L . ( 1989).

Motivation and cognitive abilities: An integrative/aptitude-treatment interaction approach to skill acquisition

Journal of Applied Psychology, 74( 4), 657-690.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.74.4.657      URL    

Integrates two central constructs of applied psychology, motivation and cognitive ability within an information-processing framework. Role of cognitive-intellectual abilities in predicting individual differences in job performance; Simultaneous effects of training content, goal setting and ability-performance interactions; Notions of ability-motivation interaction and design of training and motivation programs.

Kao F. H., Cheng B. S., Kuo C. C., &Huang M. P . ( 2014).

Stressors, withdrawal, and sabotage in frontline employees: The moderating effects of caring and service climates

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87( 4), 755-780.

DOI:10.1111/joop.12073      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this study, we examine frontline employees in a multifoci approach for clarifying relationships between social stressors caused by supervisors, colleagues and customers, and turnover intentions, sick leave and service sabotage. The study also considers caring climates and service climates for moderating effects. Data were collected from 420 frontline employees and 30 supervisors in 30 hotels in the hospitality industry. Hierarchical linear model analysis confirmed that supervisor-caused stressors were more strongly related to turnover intention; colleague-caused stressors were more strongly related to sick leave; and customer-caused stressors were more strongly related to service sabotage. In addition, caring climates moderated the relationships between supervisor- and customer-caused stressors and turnover intentions. Service climates moderated the relationships between supervisor- and customer-caused stressors and service sabotage. The findings corroborate the target similarity model. The implications of this study for research and practice are discussed.

Law K. S., Wong C. S., &Song L. J . ( 2004).

The construct and criterion validity of emotional intelligence and its potential utility for management studies

Journal of Applied Psychology, 89( 3), 483-496.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.89.3.483      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Li J., Pang B., Zhang B., &Du H . ( 2011).

Self-regulation: From basic theories to applications

Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Science), 6, 5-13.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 黎坚, 庞博, 张博, 杜涵 . ( 2011).

自我调节: 从基本理论到应用研究

北京师范大学学报(社会科学版), 6, 5-13.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-0209.2011.06.001      URL     [本文引用: 2]


Liu Y., Song Y., Koopmann J., Wang M., Chang C. D., &Shi J . ( 2017).

Eating your feelings? Testing a model of employees' work-related stressors, sleep quality, and unhealthy eating

Journal of Applied Psychology, 102( 8), 1237-1258.

DOI:10.1037/apl0000209      URL     PMID:28394149      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Although organizational research on health-related behaviors has become increasingly popular, little attention has been paid to unhealthy eating. Drawing on the self-regulation perspective, we conducted 2 daily diary studies to examine the relationships between work-related stressors, sleep quality, negative mood, and eating behaviors. Study 1 sampled 125 participants from 5 Chinese information technology companies and showed that when participants experienced higher levels of job demands in the morning, they consumed more types of unhealthy food and fewer types of healthy food in the evening. In addition, sleep quality from the previous night buffered the effect of morning job demands on evening unhealthy food consumption. Study 2 used data from 110 customer service employees from a Chinese telecommunications company and further demonstrated a positive association between morning customer mistreatment and evening overeating behaviors, as well as the buffering effect of sleep quality. Results from Study 2 also supported afternoon negative mood as a mediator linking morning customer mistreatment to evening overeating behaviors. Finally, our findings revealed that the buffering effect of sleep quality was channeled through employees' vigor in the morning, which subsequently weakened the effect of customer mistreatment on negative mood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

Ma S. L., &Huang M.E . ( 2006).

Emotional labor: Surface acting and deep acting, which one is better?

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 38( 2), 262-270.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 马淑蕾, 黄敏儿 . ( 2006).

情绪劳动: 表层动作与深层动作, 哪一种效果更好?

心理学报, 38( 2), 262-270.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

The study was to investigate which one of the emotional labors, surface acting and deep acting, had better effect on later performance and self authenticity. Combined Muraven, Tice & Boumeister(1998)’s dual-task paradigm and Gross (1998)’s emotion regulation paradigm, conducting two kinds of emotional labor by instructions before watching emotional (most sadness and pain) eliciting film, while emotional consequences in subjective report, expressive behavior and physiological responses were measured, and then two effects of emotional labors, e.g. later mathematics performance and self authenticity, were tested as well. The results: (1) One need to pay significant effort and feel difficult to perform surface- and deep-action in emotional labors, and deep-action would attract more attention; (2) Both surface-action and deep- action resulted in decreased sadness, but deep-action activated stronger physiological response (e.g. less increased in R-R interval inter-beat).(3)surface-action resulted in poorer performance in mathematics and lower self authenticity. Conclusion: If it is needed to keep smiling under sad experience, deep-action is a positive one

, &Ma Y. F., Wang T .( 2011).

Is emotional labor the same to all employees in the service industry? The moderating effect of negative affectivity and social skill

Economic Management Journal, 33( 5), 95-102.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 马玉凤, 王涛 . ( 2011).


经济管理, 33( 5), 95-102.]

URL     [本文引用: 2]


, Mayer J. D., &Salovey P . ( 1997).

What is emotional intelligence?

In PSalovey & D. J. Sluyter (Eds.), Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Educational implications (pp. 3-31). New Yourk: Basic Books.

[本文引用: 3]

Mayer J. D., Salovey P., &Caruso D. R . ( 2004).

Emotional intelligence: Theory, findings, and implications

Psychological Inquiry, 15( 3), 197-215.

DOI:10.1207/s15327965pli1503_02      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Three experiments were conducted to determine whether feeding semduramicin at recommended levels would affect the broiler chicken's response to dietary methionine. In Experiment 1, three levels of methionine (0, 0.15, 0.30%) were fed to chicks in battery brooders. In Experiment 2, two levels of protein (18 and 22%) and three levels of methionine (0, 0.15, 0.30%) were fed to chicks in floor pens from 18 to 44 d. In Experiment 3, two methionine supplements were fed during each of the starter (0 and 0.21%, 0 to 18 d) and grower (0 and 0.10%, 18 to 35 d) periods to chicks in floor pens. In all experiments, male commercial broiler chicks were used, and all diets were fed with and without 25 mg/kg diet of semduramicin. The basal diets were based on corn, soybean meal, and poultry oil. In Experiment 1, there was a growth and feed conversion ratio response to methionine supplements, but there was no effect of semduramicin on growth nor any semduramicin by methionine supplement interaction. In Experiment 2, at 44 d, protein and methionine levels both influenced feed conversion ratios, but semduramicin did not. Feeding 22 vs 18% protein increased carcass and breast muscle yields and decreased abdominal fat pad weights. The results of Experiments 2 and 3 were very similar. Overall, the effects of semduramicin on growth and processing parameters were small and not significant, but considerable benefits in performance and carcass parameters could be realized by feeding the higher levels of protein or methionine.

Menges J.I., &Kilduff M . ( 2015).

Group emotions: Cutting the gordian knots concerning terms, levels of analysis, and processes

The Academy of Management Annals, 9( 1), 845-928.

DOI:10.1080/19416520.2015.1033148      URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractResearch has established that groups are pervaded by feelings. But group emotion research within organizational science has suffered in recent years from a lack of terminological clarity, from a narrow focus on small groups, and from an overemphasis on micro-processes of emotion transmission. We address those problems by reviewing and systematically integrating relevant work conducted not only in organizational science, but also in psychology and sociology. We offer a definition of group emotions and sort the conceptual space along four dimensions: group emotion responses, recognition, regulation, and reiteration. We provide evidence that group emotions occur at all levels of analysis, including levels beyond small work groups. The accounts of group emotion emergence at higher levels of analysis differ substantially between organizational science, psychology, and sociology. We review these accounts mergence through inclination, interaction, institutionalization, or identification nd then synthesize them into one parsimonious model. The consequences of different group emotions are reviewed and further constructs (including emotional aperture, group emotional intelligence, emotional culture, and emotional climate) are discussed. We end with a call for future research on several neglected group emotion topics including the study of discrete shared emotions, emotions at multiple levels, the effects of social network patterns, and effects on group functioning.

Mo S. J., &Shi J.Q . ( 2017).

Impacts of emotional labor strategies on employee sabotage behavior

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49( 3), 349-358.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 莫申江, 施俊琦 . ( 2017).


心理学报, 49( 3), 349-358.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2017.00349      URL     [本文引用: 2]


Muraven M., &Baumeister R.F . ( 2000).

Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle?

Psychological Bulletin, 126( 2), 247-259.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.126.2.247      URL     PMID:10748642      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The authors review evidence that self-control may consume a limited resource. Exerting self-control may consume self-control strength, reducing the amount of strength available for subsequent self-control efforts. Coping with stress, regulating negative affect, and resisting temptations require self-control, and after such self-control efforts, subsequent attempts at self-control are more likely to fail. Continuous self-control efforts, such as vigilance, also degrade over time. These decrements in self-control are probably not due to negative moods or learned helplessness produced by the initial self-control attempt. These decrements appear to be specific to behaviors that involve self-control; behaviors that do not require self-control neither consume nor require self-control strength. It is concluded that the executive component of the self--in particular, inhibition--relies on a limited, consumable resource.

Muthén L.K., &Muthén B.O . ( 2012).

Mplus user’s guide (7th ed.).

Los Angeles, CA:Author.

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National Bureau of Statistics of China. Xu, J. Y .

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Peng Z. M., Lin X. H., Zhang J. M., &Che H. S . ( 2004).

The ability model of emotional intelligence

Advances in Psychological Science, 12( 6), 817-823.

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[ 彭正敏, 林绚晖, 张继明, 车宏生 . ( 2004).


心理科学进展, 12( 6), 817-823.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3710.2004.06.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Podsakoff P. M., MacKenzie S. B., Lee J. Y., &Podsakoff N. P . ( 2003).

Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies

Journal of Applied Psychology, 88( 5), 879-903.

[本文引用: 1]

Ren Q.Y., &Zhang W.Q . ( 2014).

A review of latest foreign researches on emotional labor strategies

East China Economic Management, 28( 3), 152-158.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 任庆颖, 张文勤 . ( 2014).


华东经济管理, 28( 3), 152-158.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5097.2014.03.029      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Saucier G . ( 1994).

Mini-markers: A brief version of Goldberg's unipolar big-five markers

Journal of Personality Assessment, 63( 3), 506-516.

DOI:10.1207/s15327752jpa6303_8      URL     PMID:7844738      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Goldberg (1992) developed a robust set of 100 adjective markers for the Big-Five factor structure found in phenotypic personality description. Because and even briefer marker set might be advantageous under certain assessment conditions, the performance of these 100 markers in 12 data sets was scrutinized, leading to the selection of an optimally robust subset of only 40 adjectives. This "Mini-Marker" subset demonstrated unusually impressive features for an abbreviated inventory, consisting of five scales that show, in comparison to the original scales, less use of difficult items, lower interscale correlations, and somewhat higher mean inter-item correlations; alpha reliabilities are somewhat lower. A format for administering this briefer inventory is appended.

Schmidt F. L., Hunter J. E., &Outerbridge A. N . ( 1986).

Impact of job experience and ability on job knowledge, work sample performance, and supervisory ratings of job performance

Journal of Applied Psychology, 71( 3), 432-439.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.71.3.432      URL

Schutte N. S., Malouff J. M., Hall L. E., Haggerty D. J., Cooper J. T., Golden C. J., &Dornheim L . ( 1998).

Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligence

Personality and Individual Differences, 25( 2), 167-177.

DOI:10.1016/S0191-8869(98)00001-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This series of studies describes the development of a measure of emotional intelligence based on the model of emotional intelligence developed by Salovey and Mayer [Salovey, P. & Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9, 185 211.]. A pool of 62 items represented the different dimensions of the model. A factor analysis of the responses of 346 participants suggested the creation of a 33-item scale. Additional studies showed the 33-item measure to have good internal consistency and testretest reliability. Validation studies showed that scores on the 33-item measure

Scott B.A., &Barnes C.M . ( 2011).

A multilevel field investigation of emotional labor, affect, work withdrawal, and gender

Academy of Management Journal, 54( 1), 116-136.

[本文引用: 3]

Smith C. A., Haynes K. N., Lazarus R. S., &Pope L. K . ( 1993).

In search of the “hot” cognitions: Attributions, appraisals, and their relation to emotion

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65( 5), 916-929.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.65.5.916      URL     PMID:8246115      [本文引用: 1]

Two studies examined the hypothesized status of appraisals, relative to attributions, as proximal antecedents of emotion. In Study 1, which looked at 6 emotions (happiness, hope-challenge, anger, guilt, fear-anxiety, and sadness), undergraduates (N = 136) reported on their attributions, appraisals, and emotions during past encounters associated with a variety of situations. In Study 2, which was focused on anger and guilt, undergraduates (N = 120) reported on these same variables in response to experimenter-supplied vignettes that systematically manipulated theoretically relevant attributions. The results of both studies indicated that the emotions were more directly related to appraisals than they were to attributions, and Study 2 provided evidence that appraisal serves as a mediator between attribution and emotional response. These findings lend support to the hypothesized status of appraisal as the most proximal cognitive antecedent of emotion.

Tesluk P.E., &Jacobs R.R . ( 1998).

Toward an integrated model of work experience

Personnel Psychology, 51( 2), 321-355.

DOI:10.1111/j.1744-6570.1998.tb00728.x      URL    

Work experience and related concepts such as tenure and seniority have been and continue to be used extensively in a variety of human resource functions. However, research on experience has proceeded without a clear theoretical orientation, adequate consideration of contextual and individual factors, and appropriate attention to measurement and design. These issues are addressed and a model of the work experience construct is offered. Work experience is described as consisting of qualitative and quantitative components that exist at different levels of specification and which interact and accrue over time. The model provides a nomological net for the experience construct linking it to contextual and individual factors critical for the development of experience and its translation into immediate outcomes of work-based knowledge, skills, attitudes, and motivation, and secondary outcomes such as performance. The model provides a basis for specific research propositions and human resource applications that consider work experience as a multidimensional, multilevel, and temporally dynamic construct.

Wang M., Liao H., Zhan Y. J., &Shi J. Q . ( 2011).

Daily customer mistreatment and employee sabotage against customers: Examining emotion and resource perspectives

Academy of Management Journal, 54( 2), 312-334.

DOI:10.5465/AMJ.2011.60263093      URL    

ABSTRACT Taking emotion and resource perspectives, we examined the daily relationship between customers' mistreatment of employees and employee sabotage of customers, as well as employees' individual- and unit-level emotion-based and resource-based moderators for this relationship. Multilevel analyses of daily survey data from 131 call center employees showed that daily customer mistreatment significantly predicted customer-directed sabotage. In addition, supporting the emotion perspective, employees' negative affectivity exacerbated the effect of customer mistreatment on customer-directed sabotage, whereas employees' self-efficacy for emotional regulation weakened such effect. Further, supporting the resource perspective, job tenure and service rule commitment both weakened the effect of customer mistreatment.

Wang M., Liu S. Q., Liao H., Gong Y. P., Kammeyer- Mueller J., &Shi J. Q . ( 2013).

Can’t get it out of my mind: Employee rumination after customer mistreatment and negative mood in the next morning

Journal of Applied Psychology, 98( 6), 989-1004.

DOI:10.1037/a0033656      URL     PMID:23895040      [本文引用: 2]

Drawing on cognitive rumination theories and conceptualizing customer service interaction as a goal attainment situation for service employees, the current study examined employee rumination about negative service encounters as an intermediate cognitive process that explains the within-person fluctuations in negative emotional reactions resulting from customer mistreatment. Multilevel analyses of 149 call-center employees' 1,189 daily surveys revealed that on days that a service employee received more (vs. less) customer mistreatment, he or she ruminated more (vs. less) at night about negative encounters with customers, which in turn led to higher (vs. lower) levels of negative mood experienced in the next morning. In addition, service rule commitment and perceived organizational support moderated the within-person effect of customer mistreatment on rumination, such that this effect was stronger among those who had higher (vs. lower) levels of service rule commitment but weaker among those who had higher (vs. lower) levels of perceived organizational support. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

Watson D., Clark L. A., &Tellegen A . ( 1988).

Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54( 6), 1063-1070.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.54.6.1063      URL     PMID:3397865      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract In recent studies of the structure of affect, positive and negative affect have consistently emerged as two dominant and relatively independent dimensions. A number of mood scales have been created to measure these factors; however, many existing measures are inadequate, showing low reliability or poor convergent or discriminant validity. To fill the need for reliable and valid Positive Affect and Negative Affect scales that are also brief and easy to administer, we developed two 10-item mood scales that comprise the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). The scales are shown to be highly internally consistent, largely uncorrelated, and stable at appropriate levels over a 2-month time period. Normative data and factorial and external evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for the scales are also presented.

Weiss H. M., &Cropanzano, R. ( 1996) .

Affective events theory: A theoretical discussion of the structure, causes and consequences of affective experiences at work.

In B M Staw & L L Cummings (Eds), Research in organizational behavior: An annual series of analytical essays and critical reviews, Vol 18, (pp 1-74) US: Elsevier Science/JAI Press.

DOI:10.1177/030639689603700317      URL     [本文引用: 2]

introduce a theory of affective experience at work which emphasizes the role of work events as proximal causes of affective reactions / discuss the structure of affective experiences, their situational and dispositional causes and their effects on performance and job satisfaction / [present] a general overview of the previous positions on job satisfaction, and then contrast these positions with one that focuses on affective experiences 3 theoretical approaches to job satisfaction [cognitive judgment approach, social influences approach, dispositional approach] / Affective Events Theory (AET): an overview / previous research consistent with AET [Hersey (1932), Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman (1959)] / the nature of emotions and moods / other causes of affect levels at work [dispositional influences on affect, environmental causes] / emotion episodes: the ebb and flow of emotional experience / affective cycles: exogenous and endogenous causes / affect and satisfaction judgments / affect and performance (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved)

Wong C.S., & Law, K. S . ( 2002).

The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and attitude: An exploratory study

. The Leadership Quarterly, 13( 3), 243-274.

DOI:10.1016/S1048-9843(02)00099-1      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Recently, increasing numbers of scholars have argued that emotional intelligence (EI) is a core variable that affects the performance of leaders. In this study, we develop a psychometrically sound and practically short EI measure that can be used in leadership and management studies. We also provide exploratory evidence for the effects of the EI of both leaders and followers on job outcomes. Applying Gross' emotion regulation model, we argue that the EI of leaders and followers should have positive effects on job performance and attitudes. We also propose that the emotional labor of the job moderates the EI ob outcome relationship. Our results show that the EI of followers affects job performance and job satisfaction, while the EI of leaders affects their satisfaction and extra-role behavior. For followers, the proposed interaction effects between EI and emotional labor on job performance, organizational commitment, and turnover intention are also supported.

Yang L. F., &Hu J.C . ( 2010).

Empirical research on the effect of job satisfaction on emotional labor strategies

Research on Economics and Management, 1, 104-112.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 杨林锋, 胡君辰 . ( 2010).


经济与管理研究, 1, 104-112.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7636.2010.01.018      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Yang Y., Ma Q. H., Zeng F. Q., Tan G. W., &Yang C. J . ( 2013).

Empirical research on the relationship between organizational justice and emotional labor strategies

Industrial Engineering & Management, 18( 4), 37-43.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 杨勇, 马钦海, 曾繁强, 谭国威, 杨春江 . ( 2013).


工业工程与管理, 18( 4), 37-43.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5429.2013.04.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

情绪劳动是服务领域普遍存在的现象,无论对服务员工个人还是组织 绩效都有重要的影响.将组织公平理论引入到情绪劳动研究领域中,探讨四维结构的组织公平感对情绪劳动三种表演策略产生何种影响.通过对多个服务行业的 213名员工进行调查和数据分析,结果表明:程序公平可以抑制一线服务员工的表层表演,促进深层表演和真实表达;分配公平对真实表达有显著促进作用;领导 公平对深层表演有显著促进作用.研究结果将聚焦于个人和情境因素的情绪劳动前因研究拓展到了组织领域,进一步深化已有理论认识,使情绪劳动理论更加完整, 同时也为服务员工的管理实践以理论指导.

Zapf D .( 2003).

Emotion work and psychological well-being: A review of the literature and some conceptual considerations

Human Resource Management Review, 12( 2), 237-268.

DOI:10.1016/S1053-4822(02)00048-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this article, the state of the art of research on emotion work (emotional labor) is summarized with an emphasis on its effects on well-being. It starts with a definition of what emotional labor or emotion work is. Aspects of emotion work, such as automatic emotion regulation, surface acting, and deep acting, are discussed from an action theory point of view. Empirical studies so far show that emotion work has both positive and negative effects on health. Negative effects were found for emotional dissonance. Concepts related to the frequency of emotion expression and the requirement to be sensitive to the emotions of others had both positive and negative effects. Control and social support moderate relations between emotion work variables and burnout and job satisfaction. Moreover, there is empirical evidence that the cooccurrence of emotion work and organizational problems leads to high levels of burnout.

Zhou L., Wang M., Chang C. H., Liu S. Q., Zhan Y. J., &Shi J. Q . ( 2017).

Commuting stress process and self- regulation at work: Moderating roles of daily task significance, family interference with work, and commuting means efficacy

Personnel Psychology, 70( 4), 891-922.

DOI:10.1111/peps.12219      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Based on self-regulation theories of stress processes, this study proposed a model to examine the within-person mediation relationship between morning commuting stressors and self-regulation at work via morning commuting strain. In addition, the study examined the moderating roles of daily task significance, daily family interference with work, and commuting means efficacy in this mediation model. Results from 45 bus commuters' daily diary data over a period of 15 workdays indicated that the amount of morning commuting stressors experienced by the bus commuters was positively related to their morning commuting strain, which, in turn, had a negative impact on self-regulation at work. At the within-person level, daily task significance buffered the negative indirect relationship between morning commuting stressors and self-regulation at work via morning commuting strain, whereas daily family interference with work in the morning exacerbated this negative indirect relationship. Further, at the between-person level, commuting means efficacy buffered this negative indirect relationship such that the negative indirect effect was weaker for workers with higher (vs. lower) commuting means efficacy. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.


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