The intergroup sensitivity effect and its behavioral consequences: The influence of group identification
通讯作者: 温芳芳, E-mail:wenff@mail.ccnu.edu.cn
收稿日期: 2019-12-30 网络出版日期: 2020-08-25
基金资助: |
Received: 2019-12-30 Online: 2020-08-25
通过实验研究了群际互动中个体对不同来源身份的消极群体评价的情绪反应及群体认同的调节作用, 并从情绪-行为反应的连续性视角探索群际敏感效应的行为表现及内在机制。结果发现:(1)相比内群体的消极群体评价, 外群体的消极群体评价更能引起消极情绪反应; (2)群体认同对群际敏感效应起调节作用, 高群体认同者对来自外群体消极评价的情绪反应更加负面, 而低群体认同者这种趋势并不明显; (3)高群体认同者在经历外群体的消极群体评价后会表现出更多的内群体积极行为, 且消极情绪反应对此起中介作用。研究扩展了群际敏感效应的适用范围, 并为探讨其内部机制和后续影响提供了新的研究思路。
The intergroup sensitivity effect (ISE) shows that people have more pronounced negative emotional responses and are less likely to respond with acceptance to criticism from outgroup members than to criticism from ingroup members. Although ISE has been confirmed in a variety of group contexts (e.g., country, religion, and gender), many issues still remain to be resolved. For instance, it is still unknown how social interaction may affect the strength of ISE and what its aftereffects may be. Therefore, the first aim of the current study was to assess the applicability of ISE in an inter-group interaction context and examine the effect of intra-individual group identification on ISE. The second aim of the current study was to explore the behavioral aftereffects of ISE and its emotional-behavioral mechanism.
Experiment 1a (N = 93) repeated the test of ISE in Chinese participants who identified with a specific college group. Experiment 1b (N = 114) examined the influence of negative group evaluations from different sources (an ingroup critic versus an outgroup critic) on emotion in the context of inter-group interaction with the minimal group. In experiment 2 (N = 137) we explored the influence of negative group evaluations from different sources (an ingroup critic versus an outgroup critic) on emotion by instructing participants to read their school's negative evaluations on college BBS, and we also assessed their group identification. Experiment 3 (N = 138) further tested group-donation behavior as an indicator of positive intragroup behavior to examine the influence of group identification and sources of negative group evaluations (an ingroup critic versus an outgroup critic) on behavioral consequences, while the negative emotions may act as important intermediates in the relationship between the interaction and positive intragroup behavior.
The results showed the following: a) We replicated and extended the basic view of ISE and found negative evaluations from outgroup members can cause more intense negative emotional responses than similar evaluations from ingroup members, even within an inter-group interaction context. b) Group identification was found to play a moderate role in ISE: for high-group identification individuals, negative evaluation from outgroup members caused stronger negative emotional responses than from ingroup members, while for those low-group identification individuals, this effect was not significant. c) Group identification performed a mediated moderating role on the influence of different sources of negative group evaluations on negative emotion response and positive intragroup behavior: under high-group-identification condition, sources of negative group evaluations had an indirect positive effect on positive intragroup behavior via emotional responses, whereas under low-group-identification condition, emotional responses did not mediate the relationship between sources of evaluation and positive intragroup behavior.
In conclusion, the current work is the first study to explore the intergroup sensitivity effect in China. We examined the influence of negative group evaluation on individual emotion and behavior and its mechanism from the perspective of group identification. This study provides a new theoretical basis and empirical support for the individual's psychological and behavioral response in the inter-group interaction context, and has important implications for future inter-group relationship research. Future research should further explore the dynamic relationship for the change of inter-group attitude and behavior caused by negative group evaluation and the influence of interactions of situational factors and intra-individual factors on intergroup sensitivity effect.
宋仕婕, 佐斌, 温芳芳, 谭潇.
SONG Shijie, ZUO Bin, WEN Fangang, TAN Xiao.
1 引言
群际互动是社会生活的重要方面, 个体的自我价值感很大程度上取决于社会对其所属群体的价值评价(Abrams & Hogg, 2004)。因此, 他人对个体所在群体的看法会影响其自我概念, 甚至在群际互动中的情感和态度, 更严重的群体污名或消极的群体评价可能会对个体自尊以及威胁情境中的行为产生不良影响(Jetten & Hornsey, 2014; Smart-Richman, Blodorn, & Major, 2016)。本研究立足群际敏感效应理论, 从群体认同的视角考察消极群体评价对个体情绪和行为的影响及其内在机制, 为理解群际互动中个体的心理及行为反应模式提供支持与参考。
以往研究表明, 对群体的消极评价可能会产生严重的后果(Rabinovich & Morton, 2010)。不合理的群体消极评价会使群体成员感受到歧视并抗议, 对群体间互动产生恶劣的影响(Hirsh & Kang, 2016; Mccoy & Major, 2003); 而恰当的群体消极评价, 如对群体不恰当行为或未履行主体责任的批评, 却可以督促群体的变革与发展, 在推动群体往积极方面变化中发挥重要作用(Iyer, Schmader, & Lickel, 2007)。内外群体身份(group identity)作为一种重要的提示线索, 在群际互动中往往会得到个体优先处理并做出响应(Barsade & Knight, 2015; Turner & Reynolds, 2011)。研究发现, 相比来自内群体成员的批评, 人们对来自外群体成员的批评更加敏感且更不容易接受, 这一现象被概括为“群际敏感效应” (Intergroup Sensitivity Effect), 即“我们说可以, 但你不行”, 因为来自内群体的批评被认为是出于为群体利益考虑的建设性动机, 而外群体的批评则是出于敌意和竞争的动机(Hornsey & Esposo, 2009; Thai, Borgella, & Sanchez, 2019)。
群际敏感效应被证明在国家(Adelman & Dasgupta, 2019; Rabinovich & Morton, 2012)、宗教(Ariyanto, Hornsey, & Gallois, 2010)、性别(de Hoog, 2013)等多个群体身份背景下都有较好的稳定性。这些研究一致发现, 即使是相同的消极内容, 来自外群体的评价比来自内群体的评价更能引起消极的情绪、更不公平和更缺乏建设性, 而国内尚未有研究对这一效应进行探讨。有关自我和群体关系的跨文化研究表明, 东亚文化中的个体比西方文化中的个体更容易受内群体成员观点的影响(Cohen & Gunz, 2002; Zaroff, D'Amato, & Bender, 2014), 并且, 中国具有较高的自我批评氛围, 内部的批评和异议对社会群体发展与完善具有激发作用(章若昆, 郭永玉, 2009)。这暗示在中国文化背景下, 人们对来自内群体成员的消极评价会采取更加包容的态度, 而来自外群体的消极评价所构成的群际威胁则可能导致更加消极的情绪反应(吕行, 钟年, 田波, 舒首立, 2017)。因此, 有必要对群际敏感效应在中国被试中进行本土化检验, 以确定其跨文化的一致性。
此外, 除了客观现实群体分类, 在特定社会情境中激活的内外群体身份也会对群际互动和个体反应发挥重要作用(Weisbuch & Ambady, 2008)。最早有关群体偏好的研究发现, 即使是随机形成的最简群体, 也会对群体成员的感知产生强大影响(Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, & Flament, 1971; 温芳芳, 佐斌, 2018)。想象程序(imagination procedure)操作能够排除对真实群体的先前信念的混淆从而做出更好的因果关系检验(Cuddy, Fiske, & Glick, 2007), 那么, 基于最简群体范式操作的想象群体身份是否可以重复验证群际敏感效应, 对进一步探讨群际敏感效应理论的普适性和解释边界具有重要意义。因此, 本研究试图采用客观现实群体和最简群体两种范式, 在更广泛的群体分类互动情境中检验群际敏感效应, 并以此为基线进一步考察不同来源身份的消极群体评价对个体情绪和行为的影响及内在机制。
以往研究中有两种理论对群际敏感效应的产生机制提供了一定的解释。一种是基于社会认同模型(Social Identity Model)的群体身份理论, Hornsey等人支持群际敏感效应是群体身份本身所导致的, 因为外群体的批评对群体身份构成了威胁, 被看作是出于敌意和竞争的动机, 从而采取防御性的应对(de Hoog, 2013; Hornsey & Imani, 2004)。另一种是社会规范理论(Social Norm Theory), Sutton等人认为对外群体的批评是违反社会规范的, 例如偏见和歧视也通常是不被社会许可的, 人们更倾向于接受来自内部的批评, 而外部的批评通则被视为冒犯和违背社会规范(Sutton, Elder, & Douglas, 2006; Lindner & Nosek, 2009)。因此, 是对违反规范的感知而不是消极评价的身份感知决定了人们对批评的反应(Sutton, Douglas, Elder, & Tarrant, 2008)。这两种理论解释显著的不同在于被评价者的群体认同(group identification)是否会对评价反应产生影响。根据群体身份理论的解释, 群体认同可能是影响个体对消极群体评价反应的重要因素, 群体认同高的成员在面对消极群体评价时会感受到更高的身份威胁, 其群际敏感效应可能比群体认同低的成员更加明显; 而根据社会规范理论的观点, 无论其群体认同水平高低, 因为来自外群体的消极评价违反了社会道德规范, 都可能会导致群际敏感效应。因此, 结合这两种理论, 群体认同水平是否影响调节着群际敏感效应的变化, 有必要进行精细化探讨。
有关群际敏感效应影响因素的研究也发现, 在群体间的环境特征上, 公开的消极评价相比非公开的消极评价(Hornsey et al., 2005), 以及群体间冲突明显相比冲突不明显时(Ariyanto et al., 2010), 都会导致评价接收者更强的防御。在消极评价的性质上, 批评的归因方式(Rabinovich & Morton, 2010)、语言的抽象或具体水平(Moscatelli, Prati, & Rubini, 2019)也会影响群际敏感效应的强弱。此外, 评价者在进行消极评价的同时强调群体的积极方面(糖衣炮弹)或使用包容性的语言, 也可以缓和消极评价的负面效应(Hornsey, Robson, Smith, Sutton, & Esposo, 2008)。这些研究在影响群际敏感效应强弱的外部边界条件上进行了较好的拓展, 但对个体应对评价的心理变量却关注不足。尽管一些研究者提出假设认为个体层面的因素(如态度和价值观)可能影响群际敏感效应的强度(Rabinovich & Morton, 2012), 但仍缺乏实证研究验证。
根据社会认同理论的观点, 群体认同会影响个体自我系统中群体属性内化的程度(Tajfel & Turner, 1979; 张莹瑞, 佐斌, 2006), 人们对内群体的认同感越强, 越能感受到自己与群体的紧密联结(Hogg, 2016)。在社会认同威胁(social identity threat)情境中, 高认同者更倾向于采用集体策略, 将群体利益作为情绪及行为反应的目标; 而低认同者则更多使用个体策略, 从个体的角度做出判断和反应(管健, 2011; Zagefka, Binder, Brown, & Hancock, 2013)。以往研究发现低群体认同者面对群体的消极评价时, 甚至会尝试脱离群体, 建立新的有价值的社会认同(Jetten, Iyer, Tsivrikos, & Young, 2008; Tausch, Saguy, & Bryson, 2015), 这意味着低群体认同个体无论收到来自内群体还是外群体的消极群体评价, 都会在心理上与群体建立疏离感来提升个体自尊的需要。相对而言, 高群体认同个体对来自外群体和内群体的消极评价敏感程度存在差异, 高认同者将自己与群体紧密地联系在一起, 来自外群体的消极群体评价直接威胁了他们的群体身份感知, 破坏了内群体的形象和利益, 使其产生外部导向的敌意情绪; 而内群体的消极评价被视为出于建设性的动机, 高认同者更倾向与群体成员保持一致, 通过集体努力来应对和改善群体的不足(Hornsey et al., 2005)。因此, 从群体认同的角度考察不同来源的消极群体评价对个体的影响, 不仅可以对群际敏感效应的形成过程做认知路径的补充, 也可以综合“群体身份”和“违背规范”两种视角的观点, 进一步明确群际敏感效应的解释机制。
尽管群际敏感效应得到了一系列研究的支持, 但经历消极群体评价会对后续行为产生怎样的影响仍不清楚。根据群际情绪-刻板印象-行为趋向系统模型(Behaviors from Intergroup Affect and Stereotypes Map, BIAS Map)和群体共享情绪(group-shared emotion)理论表明, 认知、情感和行为是一种连续性的反应, 三者相互交织共同具有功能性、预测性和系统性, 群体共享情绪可能是行为的重要调节或中介因素(Cuddy et al., 2007; 汪祚军 等, 2017)。当群体形象遭受威胁时, 最初的防御反应可能会转化为内在的动机, 促进改善群体形象的行为, 以驳斥他人对其群体的负面刻板印象(Hopkins et al., 2007; Kulich, Lorenzi-Cioldi, Iacoviello, Faniko, & Ryan, 2015)。Rabinovich和Morton (2015)提出, 对消极群体评价的负面情绪反应可能与旨在改变现状的行为意图有关, 除了防御性的负面情绪, 个体或许还会做出更多改善群体形象的战略性行为。以上研究表明, 面对消极群体评价时, 维护积极的群体形象是消极情绪诱发行为反应的核心动机。个体出于维护群体形象的需要, 可能会通过某种有效方法来捍卫自己的群体, 如增加积极的内群体行为或贬损外群体的行为, 以降低消极评价所带来的身份威胁, 特别是在高群体认同成员身上。
鉴于此, 本研究将通过4个实验进一步揭示群际敏感效应的内在机制及其对后续行为表现的影响。实验1a通过客观群体分类操纵不同来源身份的消极群体评价, 考察现实群体情境中的群际敏感效应; 实验1b通过想象群体分类操纵不同来源身份的消极群体评价, 考察最简群体情境中的群际敏感效应; 实验2基于现实情境的内外群体分类, 进一步探讨群体认同对群际敏感效应的调节作用; 实验3以内群体积极行为作为行为表现的指标, 探讨群际敏感效应的行为后效以及群体认同的影响机制。研究提出以下假设:(1)现实群体情境和最简群体情境中均能证明群际敏感效应的存在, 不同来源身份的消极群体评价对个体情绪的影响存在显著差异, 个体对来自外群体的评价有更加强烈的消极情绪反应; (2)群体认同在不同来源身份的消极群体评价与情绪反应的关系中起调节作用。对低群体认同者而言, 无论消极群体评价来自内群体还是外群体均有较低的消极情绪; 而对于高群体认同者而言, 对来自外群体成员的消极群体评价有较高的消极情绪, 对来自内群体的消极群体评价消极情绪水平较低; (3)不同来源身份的消极群体评价和群体认同还会对个体的内群体积极行为产生影响, 消极情绪对此起中介作用(见图1)。
2 实验1:群际敏感效应的本土化检验
2.1 实验1a:现实群体分类中的群际敏感效应
2.1.1 目的
实验1a拟基于现实群体分类对群际敏感效应进行本土化检验, 考察中国被试对不同来源身份的消极群体评价的情绪反应差异。
2.1.2 方法
随机选取某高校大学生93人, 其中男性36名, 女性57名, 平均年龄20.87岁(SD = 2.11)。
采用单因素被试间设计, 自变量为消极评价的来源身份分为内群体和外群体, 因变量为被试的消极情绪反应。
研究采用学校作为现实形成的内外群体分类情境, 实验材料改编自Hornsey等人(2009)研究中以国家为背景的消极群体评价。首先, 给被试呈现一则该地区高校论坛“报考交流”板块的帖子截图, 内容为某位新人提问“H大学(为被试所在学校)如何?H大学的学生毕业后职业前景怎么样?”评论里由一位来自本校(或外校K大学)的同学对被试所在学校做出消极的评价。消极评价来源身份为内群体时, 被试阅读的评论为:H大学不怎么样, 体制僵化, 形式化严重, 在这儿读书不会有什么收获。H大学的学生都比较不思进取, 专业能力不足, 毕业之后找工作也很难, 就业面狭窄, 技能水平也不够。当消极评价来源身份为外群体时, 被试阅读的材料相同, 只是评价者身份不同。随后要求被试对于上述评价的情绪感受在“生气的、难过的、恼怒的、受侮辱的”四种情绪体验(Adelman & Dasgupta, 2019; Hornsey, Oppes, & Svensson, 2002)上进行0~100评分, 评分的均值作为消极情绪反应程度的指标, 本实验中情绪测量的内部一致性信度为0.92。
2.1.3 结果
以消极评价的来源身份(内群体、外群体)为自变量, 被试的情绪反应均值作为因变量, 进行独立样本t检验。被试对来自外群体消极评价的消极情绪反应(M = 67.21, SD = 23.60)显著高于对来自内群体消极评价的消极情绪反应(M = 48.07, SD = 19.44), t (91) = 4.26, p < 0.001, d = 0.88。
2.1.4 讨论
实验1a的结果证明, 在以学校作为区分内外群体身份的互动情境中, 来自外群体的消极评价会导致更加生气、难过、恼怒以及受侮辱的消极情绪反应。表明人们对来自外群体的批评更加敏感, 而对于内群体的批评则相对包容, 这与国外群际敏感效应的研究结果相一致(Thai et al., 2019)。群体身份作为推断评价者动机的一种启发式线索影响了个体对不同来源的消极评价所做出的反应, 来自外群体的消极群体评价被认为带有敌意和偏见, 而来自内群体的消极群体评价则更具建设性。
2.2 实验1b:最简群体分类中的群际敏感效应
2.2.1 目的
采用想象程序操纵最简群体身份, 考察最简情境下个体对不同来源身份的消极群体评价的情绪反应差异。
2.2.2 方法
随机选取某高校大学生114人, 其中男性35名, 女性79名, 平均年龄19.76岁(SD = 1.89)。
采用单因素被试间设计, 自变量为消极评价的来源身份分为内群体和外群体, 因变量为被试的消极情绪反应。
研究采用想象的群际互动情境材料, 要求被试想象自己和本院同学一起代表学院参加校级的辩论比赛, 比赛结束后, 由一位本队队友(或对方队友)对被试所在辩论队做出消极的评价, 随后询问被试对于上述评价的情绪感受。消极评价来源身份为内群体时, 被试阅读的材料为:今天, 你和本院的同学一起代表学院参加了校级的辩论比赛, 比赛中你们配合不当, 发挥失常。比赛结束后, 你的一位队友表示“这场比赛我们表现得太差了, 一点儿都不默契, 准备也不充分, 完全不是他们的对手!”消极评价来源身份为外群体时, 被试阅读的材料为:今天, 你和本院的同学一起代表学院参加了校级的辩论比赛, 比赛中你们配合不当, 发挥失常。比赛结束后, 对方的一位队友表示“这场比赛你们表现得太差了, 一点儿都不默契, 准备也不充分, 完全不是我们的对手!”。随后要求被试对于上述评价的情绪感受在“生气的、难过的、恼怒的、受侮辱的”四种情绪体验上进行0~100评分, 各情绪词评分的均值作为消极情绪反应程度的指标, 本实验中情绪测量的内部一致性信度为0.90。
2.2.3 结果
以消极评价的来源身份(内群体、外群体)为自变量, 被试的情绪反应均值作为因变量, 进行独立样本t检验。当消极群体评价来自外群体时(M = 58.93, SD = 20.52), 被试的消极情绪反应程度显著高于来源身份为内群体时(M = 42.14, SD = 18.20), t (112) = 4.63, p < 0.001, d = 0.86。
2.2.4 讨论
实验1b的结果证明基于最简群体分类的互动情境中, 相比内群体的消极群体评价, 外群体的消极群体评价也更能引起个体的消极情绪反应, 这一结果验证并拓展了群际敏感效应的基本观点。研究表明最简群体身份也会对群体评价的感知产生影响, 这一结果进一步证明了群际敏感效应的普适性并可以应用到更多的群体身份上, 为后续开展群际敏感效应的相关研究提供了简单可行的实验范式和实证依据。
3 实验2:群体认同对群际敏感效应的调节作用
3.1 目的
3.2 方法
3.2.1 被试
随机选取某高校大学生137人, 其中男性51名, 女性86名, 平均年龄20.12岁(SD = 1.79)。
3.2.2 实验设计
采用2(来源身份:内群体、外群体) × 2(群体认同:高认同、低认同)组间设计, 因变量为被试的消极情绪反应。
3.2.3 实验材料与程序
使用学校作为区分内外群体身份的互动分类情境, 告知被试本研究为对学校满意度的调查, 首先让被试对学校的认同程度进行评分, 随后呈现一则该地区高校论坛“报考交流”板块的帖子截图, 内容为某位新人提问“H大学(为被试所在学校)如何?H大学的学生毕业后职业前景怎么样?”评论里由一位来自本校(或外校K大学)的同学对被试所在学校做出消极的评价, 并询问被试对于上述评价的情绪感受, 要求被试对于上述评价的情绪感受在“生气的、难过的、恼怒的、受侮辱的”四种情绪体验上进行0~100评分。其中, 群体认同的测量改编自Luhtanen和Crocker (1992)编制的集体自尊量表中个体对群体身份认同程度、身份重要性分量表, 量表采用7级评分, 共8个项目, 如“我很高兴成为H大学中的一员”, “作为H大学的一员是我个人形象的重要组成部分”。本实验中群体认同测量的内部一致性信度为0.92, 消极情绪测量的内部一致性信度为0.87。
3.3 结果
依据被试群体认同的平均数为临界值, 将被试分为高认同(n = 73, M高 = 5.73, SD高 = 0.54)和低认同(n = 64, M低 = 3.96, SD低 = 0.85)两组, 两组被试的群体认同得分差异显著, t(135) = 14.66, p < 0.001, d = 2.49。
以消极评价的来源身份(内群体、外群体)和群体认同(高认同、低认同)为自变量, 被试的消极情绪反应作为因变量进行两因素方差分析。结果显示, 来源身份的主效应显著, F(1, 133) = 24.83, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.16, 个体对来自外群体评价的消极情绪反应显著高于来自内群体的评价; 群体认同的主效应显著, F(1, 133) = 40.31, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.23, 高群体认同个体的消极情绪反应显著高于低群体认同的个体。
来源身份和群体认同的交互作用显著(如图2所示), F(1, 133) = 12.17, p = 0.001, η2 = 0.08。对此交互作用进行简单效应分析发现, 高群体认同者对来自外群体消极评价的消极情绪反应(M = 76.52, SD = 2.67)显著高于内群体(M = 52.95, SD = 2.71), F(1, 72) = 38.40, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.22; 低群体认同者对来自外群体评价的消极情绪(M = 49.15, SD = 2.87)高于对来自内群体评价的消极情绪(M = 44.99, SD = 2.87), 但两者差异不显著, F(1, 63) = 1.05, p = 0.308。
3.4 讨论
实验2证明了群体认同在个体对消极群体评价的情绪反应中的重要作用。高群体认同者对群体消极评价有更加强烈的消极情绪反应, 这一结果与社会认同理论的观点相一致, 群体认同作为内群体的共同经历会直接影响个体对于群体基本情感的培植(Bagci, Turnuklu, & Bekmezci, 2018)。并且, 对于高群体认同者, 来自外群体的消极评价比来自内群体的消极评价会引起更强烈的消极情绪反应; 对于群体认同低的成员, 不同来源的消极群体评价所引起的消极情绪均处于相对较低的水平。这些结果验证了假设2, 即群体认同对群际敏感效应存在调节作用, 高群体认同成员身上有更为明显的群际敏感效应, 但低群体认同成员身上差异不明显。
4 实验3:群际敏感效应的行为表现:群体认同和情绪的作用
4.1 目的
以内群体积极行为作为行为表现的指标, 考察不同来源身份的群体消极评价和群体认同对内群体积极行为的影响, 以及情绪的中介作用。
4.2 方法
4.2.1 被试
随机选取某地区高校大学生138人, 其中男性43名, 女性95名, 平均年龄21.59岁(SD = 2.42)。
4.2.2 实验设计
采用2(来源身份:内群体、外群体) × 2(群体认同:高认同、低认同)组间设计, 因变量为被试的消极情绪反应和内群体积极行为。
4.2.3 实验材料与程序
告知被试本研究为对学校满意度的调查, 首先让被试填写自己学校的名称, 然后对学校的认同程度进行评分, 随后呈现一则网上由本校(或外校)学生对其学校的消极评价, 询问被试对于上述评价的情绪感受, 在“生气的、难过的、恼怒的、受侮辱的”四种情绪体验上进行0~100评分, 最后进行内群体积极行为的测量。研究采用内群体积极行为作为行为反应的指标, 内群体积极行为的测量改编自Garcia, Weaver和Moskowitz (2002)对亲社会行为的研究, 阅读材料为“现在想象你已经从学校毕业, 并且工作许多年了, 你的经济收入处在一个比较理想的水平。你愿意把你每年收入的多大比例捐献给母校的教育发展事业呢?”请被试在1 (0%) ~ 8 (25%及以上)之间估计可能的选择。群体认同和消极情绪的内部一致性信度分别为0.91和0.88。
4.3 结果
依据被试群体认同的平均数为临界值, 将被试分为高认同(n = 69, M高 = 5.62, SD高 = 0.58)和低认同(n = 69, M低 = 3.91, SD低 = 0.63)两组, 两组被试的群体认同得分差异显著, t(136) = 16.49, p < 0.001, d = 2.82。
以消极评价的来源身份(内群体、外群体)和群体认同(高认同、低认同)为自变量, 被试的消极情绪反应作为因变量进行方差分析。来源身份的主效应显著, F(1, 134) = 31.88, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.19, 来自外群体评价的消极情绪反应显著高于对来自内群体评价的反应; 群体认同的主效应显著, F(1, 134) = 66.25, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.33, 高群体认同个体的消极情绪反应显著高于低群体认同的个体; 来源身份和群体认同的交互作用显著(见图3), F(1, 134) = 14.95, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.14。进一步简单效应分析表明, 高群体认同者对来自外群体消极评价的消极情绪(M = 83.80, SD = 2.46)比对来自内群体消极评价的消极情绪 (M = 57.63, SD = 2.64)反应更加强烈F(1, 68) = 52.65, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.28; 与实验2结果一致, 低群体认同者对两种来源引起的消极情绪反应不存在差异(p = 0.47)。
同样, 以消极评价的来源身份和群体认同为自变量, 被试的内群体积极行为为因变量进行方差分析。结果发现, 来源身份的主效应显著, F(1, 134) = 36.24, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.21, 外群体消极评价会导致更多的内群体积极行为; 群体认同的主效应显著, F(1, 134) = 32.16, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.19, 高群体认同个体的内群体积极行为显著高于低群体认同的个体。重要的是, 来源身份和群体认同的交互作用显著(见图4), F(1, 134) = 16.09, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.10。进一步简单效应分析发现, 相比经历内群体消极评价后的内群体积极行为(M = 3.90, SD = 0.20), 高群体认同者经历外群体消极评价后有更多的内群体积极行为(M = 5.76, SD = 0.18), F(1, 68) = 50.18, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.27; 而低群体认同者在内群体消极评价和外群体消极评价后的内群体积极行为表现上不存在显著差异(p = 0.16)。
实验3再次证明消极评价来源身份和群体认同对个体的消极情绪反应存在交互的影响, 并且这种交互作用在内群体积极行为表现上也同时存在, 考虑到两者的相似影响, 进一步探索情绪可能存在的中介作用, 采用回归分析和PROCESS宏程序中的模型8对上述变量进行有中介的调节效应分析(Hayes, 2013)。
结果验证了有中介的调节模型(见表1), 来源身份和群体认同的交互项对内群体积极行为(β = 0.29, t = 4.33, p < 0.001)和消极情绪(β = 0.28, t = 4.62, p < 0.001)的预测作用均显著(方程1和方程2), 说明群体认同调节了消极评价来源身份对个体消极情绪反应和内群体积极行为的影响, 与方差分析结果一致; 将中介变量纳入方程(方程3)后, 消极情绪对内群体积极行为具有显著的正向预测作用(β = 0.66, t = 9.58, p < 0.001), 来源身份和群体认同交互项的预测作用减少且不显著(β = 0.10, t = 1.77, p = 0.08), 表明情绪反应的中介效应显著, 群体认同对来源身份的调节作用能够通过情绪的中介作用正向预测内群体积极行为, 有中介的调节模型成立(见图5)。进一步考察间接效应的bootstrap 95%置信区间发现, 当群体认同高时, 情绪的中介作用显著([0.28, 0.58]), 而群体认同低时, 情绪的中介效应不显著([-0.07, 0.16]), 这表明对于群体认同水平高的个体, 来自外群体的消极评价通过激活消极情绪反应对内群体积极行为产生间接的正向影响, 而对于群体认同水平低的个体, 情绪并没有中介消极评价来源身份和内群体积极行为之间的关系。
表1 消极评价来源身份对内群体积极行为的有中介的调节效应检验
变量 | 方程1 | 方程2 | 方程3 | ||||||
(因变量:内群体积极行为) | (因变量:消极情绪) | (因变量:内群体积极行为) | |||||||
β | SE | t | β | SE | t | β | SE | t | |
来源身份 | 0.44** | 0.06 | 6.88 | 0.35** | 0.06 | 5.64 | 0.21** | 0.06 | 3.81 |
群体认同 | 0.39** | 0.06 | 6.20 | 0.51** | 0.06 | 8.28 | 0.06 | 0.06 | 0.96 |
来源身份×群体认同 | 0.29** | 0.06 | 4.33 | 0.28** | 0.06 | 4.62 | 0.10 | 0.05 | 1.77 |
情绪反应 | 0.66** | 0.07 | 9.58 | ||||||
R2 | 0.45 | 0.48 | 0.67 | ||||||
F | 36.38** | 41.98** | 68.77** |
注: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01
4.4 讨论
实验3再次证明消极评价来源身份和群体认同水平会共同作用于被试的情绪反应, 即高群体认同者对来自外群体的消极评价有更加消极的情绪反应, 表现为更加强烈的群际敏感效应。更重要的是, 这种群际敏感效应也在行为层面上得到了验证, 高群体认同者经历来自外群体的消极评价后会产生更多内群体积极行为, 这似乎是对消极情绪的一种行为补偿(Proulx & Inzlicht, 2012)。有中介的调节效应分析验证了这一假设, 群体认同和消极评价来源身份的共同影响能够通过情绪的中介作用预测被试的内群体积极行为, 高群体认同者对于来自外群体的消极群体评价会激活更加强烈的消极情绪反应, 从而做出更多的内群体积极行为, 这是一种维护群体积极形象的连续反应过程。
5 综合讨论
本研究是在中国文化背景下对群际敏感效应的首次探讨, 从群体认同的视角考察消极群体评价对个体情绪和行为的影响及其内在机制, 为群际互动中个体的心理及行为反应模式提供了全新的理论依据与实证支持。基于群体身份的重要作用, 发现群体认同对群际敏感效应及其行为表现产生重要影响, 高群体认同者面临来自外部的群体威胁时, 会出现更加负面的应激情绪反应, 同时也会产生更多维护内群体的行为。此外, 随着我国综合国力进一步增强, 世界局势更加复杂严峻, 在国际群际关系矛盾丛生的现实背景下, 研究消极群体评价对个体心理及行为的影响, 明确群体认同的作用, 倡导采取理性的态度看待来自外群体的言论报道, 保持头脑清醒, 对稳定社会情绪, 培养良好的社会心态也具有重要的实践价值。
5.1 群际敏感效应的稳定性
实验1分别通过实验1a的现实群体分类和实验1b的最简群体范式进行了群际敏感效应的本土化检验, 结果均显示在群际互动中, 个体对来自外群体的消极群体评价有强烈的消极情绪反应, 这一结果与以往关于群际敏感效应的研究结果相一致(Adelman & Dasgupta, 2019; Esposo, Hornsey, & Spoor, 2013; Hornsey, Oppes, & Svensson, 2002)。除了与生俱来的客观群体身份(如国家、性别、宗教等), 基于情境在群际互动中形成的内外群体分类依然会对个体的情绪反应产生影响, 即人们对来自外群体的批评更加防御和消极, 而对来自内群体的批评更加包容和接受。实验2和实验3采用学校身份作为后天环境导致的群体分类标准, 依然验证了消极评价来源身份的主效应, 这充分体现了群际敏感效应的稳定性。这些结果表明了群体身份对群体间互动的广泛影响(Abrams & Hogg, 2004; Otten, 2016), 人们将内群体成员的批评视为一种建议, 而将外群体成员的批评视为对群体身份的威胁。Hornsey, Grice, Jetten, Paulsen和Callan (2007)也发现一旦群体的消极评价由一位群体内的新人作出, 对于内群体成员批评的包容便不会出现。因此, 群体身份作为一种动机推断线索可以决定消极评价的性质从而影响后续的情感反应。
5.2 群体认同对群际敏感效应的影响
以往研究在群体间的环境特征和消极评价的性质上对影响群际敏感效应强弱的调节因素进行了探索, 本研究从个体层面提出群体认同这一变量, 考察其在个体评价反应中的影响。实验2证明了群体认同高的成员会对消极的群体评价产生更多消极情绪, 且相比群体认同低的成员, 高群体认同者对来自外群体的消极评价感受会更加消极。同样的, 实验3也得出了一致的结论, 即高群体认同会增强群际敏感效应, 而低群体认同者身上这一效应并不明显。这一结果符合社会认同理论的基本假设, 即群体内成员会通过与外群体比较来维护所属群体的积极形象, 对群体高度投入的个体尤其如此(Ellemers & Haslam, 2012)。对于高群体认同者, 其群体利益大于个体利益, 来自外群体的消极评价对其所属群体构成现实威胁, 群体身份所赋予的情感与价值意义使其有更强烈的动机维护自己的群体(王勍, 俞国良, 2016); 同样, 面对来自内部的消极评价, 高认同者倾向于从群体的角度做出判断和反应, 对内部的批评和异议表现得相对包容和谅解, 有利于促进群体的内部团结而获得长远发展。相反, 对于低群体认同者, 其个体利益大于群体利益, 面对群体的消极评价时会在心理上与群体保持距离以维护自尊需要, 从而表现出较低的负面情绪(Martiny & Nikitin, 2019)。此外, 群体认同的调节作用也支持了群体身份对群际敏感效应的解释, 个体对来自外群体消极评价的负面反应并不是由于对方违背了社会规范, 而是对方威胁和侵犯了内群体的利益(Hornsey & Esposo, 2009; Sutton et al., 2006)。
5.3 群际敏感效应的行为后效及内部机制
研究首次对群际敏感效应的行为表现进行了探索, 发现不同来源身份的消极群体评价和群体认同还会对个体的行为反应产生影响, 高群体认同者经历来自外群体的消极评价后会产生更多内群体积极行为, 而消极情绪对此起中介作用。这一结果证明了行为反应对情绪反应的补偿作用(Proulx & Inzlicht, 2012), 除了短暂的情绪回应表达对消极评价的不满, 群体成员还会采取有效的行为措施以改善群体的形象。群体成员对内群体认同感越强, 群体利益与个人利益的整合性就越高, 就越容易在群体遭受不公正时体验到消极情绪, 并在情感上激发维护内群体的行为(Schmid, Hewstone, Tausch, Cairns, & Hughes, 2009)。有关群体行为的研究也发现, 群体成员会根据群体目标调整自我表现, 通过具体的行为(如帮助群体成员或组织领导任命)来塑造群体的积极形象(Kulich et al., 2015; van Leeuwen & Tauber, 2012)。由此看来, 群体的积极行为可能是管理群体形象的战略工具, 当外群体的消极评价威胁到积极的群体身份时, 群体成员会努力捍卫群体身份, 做出更多的内群体积极行为。这种从情绪到行为的连续性反应模式可以看作是群际敏感效应在行为后效上的延伸, 对群体间互动具有重要意义, 后续研究还可以对消极群体评价导致的群际态度和群体间行为做更多探索。
5.4 本研究的局限与展望
本研究验证并扩展了群际敏感效应的适用范围, 发现了群体认同对群际敏感效应的调节作用, 并进一步探索了群际敏感效应的行为表现及内在机制, 一定程度上弥补了相关研究的不足, 但本研究也存在一些局限值得未来进一步探究:首先, 研究采用情境激活的内外群体作为群际互动的背景, 后续研究进一步采用现场实验的范式, 在更加生态和真实的环境中考察群际敏感效应的发生发展过程, 将有助于提高该效应的可推广性。其次, 研究探索群际敏感效应的行为表现时, 将内群体积极行为作为落脚点考察了个体经历消极群体评价后维护群体的行为。但出于群体间的社会比较, 个体对外群体的行为态度也必然会发生变化, 例如采取报复或贬损外群体的行为(Norton, Monin, Cooper, & Hogg, 2003), 未来研究可以对消极群体评价导致的群际态度改变和群体间行为做更多动态地探索。最后, 研究从个体层面证明了群体认同对群际敏感效应的调节作用, 并未考虑更加复杂的社会背景和群际关系, 例如群体间权力地位高低(Scheepers, Ellemers, & Sassenberg, 2013)。低地位群体的成员可能会抛弃群体认同以应对消极评价, 因为维持特定的群体认同需要付出更高的社会成本。这些都是有趣且值得研究的问题, 这些研究结果将对更大范围的群体间行为产生影响。
6 结论
(2)群体认同对群际敏感效应起调节作用, 相比低群体认同者, 高群体认同者对来自外群体的消极群体评价的情绪反应更加消极。
(3)不同来源身份的消极群体评价和群体认同对个体的内群体积极行为产生影响, 情绪在这一过程中起中介作用。
Collective identity: Group membership and self-conception
Effect of threat and social identity on reactions to ingroup criticism: defensiveness, openness, and a remedy
,DOI:10.1177/0146167218796785 URL PMID:30270735 [本文引用: 3]
Openness to criticism and dissenting opinions is enormously important to group decision-making. Past research has found that people are more persuaded by criticism of their group when it comes from fellow ingroup members rather than outgroup members. But this ingroup advantage is not boundless. Three experiments demonstrate that the ingroup advantage related to openness to criticism is erased when perceivers feel their group is under threat. The results further suggest that the psychological mechanism underlying defensive responses to criticism is attributional-Threat elicits greater suspicion of ingroup critics' motives, which eliminates the ingroup critic's advantage relative to outgroup critics. A final experiment tests an intervention designed to increase openness to criticism and finds that reminders of the importance of dissent and free speech emerge as an effective remedy to increase the persuasiveness of criticism despite high threat.
United we stand: Intergroup conflict moderates the intergroup sensitivity effect
The buffering role of in-group identification and intergroup contact on the association between perceived discrimination and mental health
As seen by the other…: Perspectives on the self in the memories and emotional perceptions of Easterners and Westerners
,DOI:10.1111/1467-9280.00409 URL PMID:11892778 [本文引用: 1]
The experiment reported investigated the phenomenological consequences of Easterners' and Westerners'perspectives on the self Two findings are consistent with the notion that Asians are more likely than Westerners to experience the self from the perspective of the generalized other First, Eastern participants were more likely than Western participants to have third-person (as opposed to first-person) memories when they thought about situations in which they would be at the center of a scene. Second, Easterners and Westerners engaged in different sorts of projections when they read the emotional expressions of other people. Westerners were more biased than Easterners toward egocentric projection of their own emotions onto others, whereas Easterners were more biased than Westerners toward relational projection, in which they projected onto others the emotions that the generalized other would feel in relation to the participant. Implications for how phenomenological experiences could reinforce different Eastern and Western ideologies about the self and the group are discussed.
The BIAS Map: Behaviors from intergroup affect and stereotypes
,DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.92.4.631 URL PMID:17469949 [本文引用: 2]
In the present research, consisting of 2 correlational studies (N = 616) including a representative U.S. sample and 2 experiments (N = 350), the authors investigated how stereotypes and emotions shape behavioral tendencies toward groups, offering convergent support for the behaviors from intergroup affect and stereotypes (BIAS) map framework. Warmth stereotypes determine active behavioral tendencies, attenuating active harm (harassing) and eliciting active facilitation (helping). Competence stereotypes determine passive behavioral tendencies, attenuating passive harm (neglecting) and eliciting passive facilitation (associating). Admired groups (warm, competent) elicit both facilitation tendencies; hated groups (cold, incompetent) elicit both harm tendencies. Envied groups (competent, cold) elicit passive facilitation but active harm; pitied groups (warm, incompetent) elicit active facilitation but passive harm. Emotions predict behavioral tendencies more strongly than stereotypes do and usually mediate stereotype-to-behavioral-tendency links.
Processing of social identity threats: A defense motivation perspective
Shooting the messenger: Outsiders critical of your group are rejected regardless of argument quality
,DOI:10.1111/bjso.12024 URL PMID:23316747 [本文引用: 1]
People are more resistant to criticisms of their group when those criticisms are made by an outgroup rather than an ingroup member, a phenomenon referred to as the intergroup sensitivity effect (ISE). The current study compared four competing models of how argument quality would moderate the ISE, with a view to establishing the complex interrelationships between source and message effects in group-directed criticism. Quality of the argument affected responses to ingroup critics, but not to outgroup critics. For outsiders who wish to promote positive change and reform in a group culture, this leads to a somewhat depressing conclusion: their message is likely to be rejected regardless of whether it is objectively 'right', well-considered, well-justified, or well-argued.
Crowded minds: the implicit bystander effect
,Five studies merged the priming methodology with the bystander apathy literature and demonstrate how merely priming a social context at Time 1 leads to less helping behavior on a subsequent, completely unrelated task at Time 2. In Study 1, participants who imagined being with a group at Time 1 pledged significantly fewer dollars on a charity-giving measure at Time 2 than did those who imagined being alone with one other person. Studies 2-5 build converging evidence with hypothetical and real helping behavior measures and demonstrate that participants who imagine the presence of others show facilitation to words associated with unaccountable on a lexical decision task. Implications for social group research and the priming methodology are discussed.
Complexities of social identity and strategies for social identity management
, (
Mechanisms of identity conflict: Uncertainty, anxiety, and the behavioral inhibition system
,DOI:10.1177/1088868315589475 URL PMID:26048875 [本文引用: 1]
Social identities are associated with normative standards for thought and action, profoundly influencing the behavioral choices of individual group members. These social norms provide frameworks for identifying the most appropriate actions in any situation. Given the increasing complexity of the social world, however, individuals are more and more likely to identify strongly with multiple social groups simultaneously. When these groups provide divergent behavioral norms, individuals can experience social identity conflict. The current manuscript examines the nature and consequences of this socially conflicted state, drawing upon advances in our understanding of the neuropsychology of conflict and uncertainty. Identity conflicts are proposed to involve activity in the Behavioral Inhibition System, which in turn produces high levels of anxiety and stress. Building upon this framework, four strategies for resolving identity conflict are reviewed.
Helping to improve the group stereotype: On the strategic dimension of prosocial behavior
,DOI:10.1177/0146167207301023 URL PMID:17483397 [本文引用: 1]
Three studies consider a basis for intergroup helping. Specifically, they show that group members may help others to disconfirm a stereotype of their own group as mean. Study 1 shows that Scots believe they are seen as mean by the English, resent this stereotype, are motivated to refute it, and believe out-group helping is a particularly effective way of doing so. Study 2 shows that increasing the salience of the English stereotype of the Scottish as mean leads Scots to accentuate the extent to which Scots are depicted as generous. Study 3 shows that increasing the salience of the stereotype of the Scots as mean results in an increase in the help volunteered to out-group members. These results highlight how strategic concerns may result in out-group helping. In turn, they underscore the point that helping others may be a means to advance a group's interest.
Keeping it in-house: Howaudience affects responses to group criticism
Resistance to group criticism and recommendations for change: Lessons from the intergroup sensitivity effect
Group-directed criticisms and recommendations for change: Why newcomers arouse more resistance than old- timers
,DOI:10.1177/0146167207301029 URL PMID:17557893 [本文引用: 1]
Three experiments examine the extent to which newcomers are able to influence their groups relative to old-timers. Specifically, how group members respond to criticisms of their group was assessed as a function of the intragroup position of the speaker. When criticizing their workplace (Experiment 1; N = 116), their profession (Experiment 2; N = 106), or an Internet community (Experiment 3; N = 189), newcomers aroused more resistance than old-timers, an effect that was mediated by perceptions of how attached critics were to their group identity. Experiment 3 also showed that newcomers could reduce resistance to their criticisms by distancing themselves from a group of which they were previously members. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.
Criticizing groups from the inside and the outside: An identity perspective on the intergroup sensitivity effect
,DOI:10.1177/0146167203261295 URL PMID:15030626 [本文引用: 1]
Research on group criticism has demonstrated that criticisms are received less defensively when made by an ingroup member than when made by an outsider (the intergroup sensitivity effect). Three experiments tested the extent to which this effect is driven by social identity concerns or by judgments of how experienced the source of the criticism is. In Experiments 1 and 2, Australians who criticized Australia (ingroup critics) were met with less defensiveness than were foreigners who criticized Australia (outgroup critics), regardless of the amount of experience the foreigner had with Australia. Furthermore, the effects of speaker type on evaluations were mediated by perceptions of the extent to which the criticisms were intended to be constructive but not by perceptions of experience. Finally, Experiment 3 indicated that although experience does not help outgroup critics, a lack of experience can hurt ingroup critics. Recommendations are provided as to how people can reduce defensiveness when making group criticisms.
“It's OK if we say it, but you can't”: Responses to intergroup and intragroup criticism
Sugaring the pill: Assessing rhetorical strategies designed to minimize defensive reactions to group criticism
Why individuals protest the perceived transgressions of their country: The role of anger, shame, and guilt
Deviance and dissent in groups
,DOI:10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115151 URL PMID:23751035 [本文引用: 1]
Traditionally, group research has focused more on the motivations that make people conform than on the motivations and conditions underpinning deviance and dissent. This has led to a literature that focuses on the value that groups place on uniformity and paints a relatively dark picture of dissent and deviance: as reflections of a lack of group loyalty, as signs of disengagement, or as delinquent behavior. An alternative point of view, which has gained momentum in recent years, focuses on deviance and dissent as normal and healthy aspects of group life. In this review, we focus on the motivations that group members have to deviate and dissent, and the functional as well as the dysfunctional effects of deviance and dissent. In doing so we aim for a balanced and complete account of deviance and dissent, highlighting when such behaviors will be encouraged as well as when they will be punished.
When is individual mobility costly? The role of economic and social identity factors
Signaling change during a crisis: Refining conditions for the glass cliff
Alienable speech: Ideological variations in the application of free-speech principles
A collective self-esteem scale: Self-evaluation of one's social identity
,DOI:10.1177/0146167292183006 URL [本文引用: 1]
The influence of different types of intergroup threat on collective self- esteem: The mediating effect of two kinds of emotions
不同群际威胁类型对集体自尊的影响: 愤怒和自卑的中介作用
Social identity threat in interpersonal relationships: Activating negative stereotypes decreases social approach motivation
,DOI:10.1037/xap0000198 URL PMID:30321023 [本文引用: 1]
Research has shown that social identity threat can have a broad variety of negative consequences. However, not much is known about the consequences of social identity threat on interpersonal relationships. In the present research, we hypothesize that experiencing social identity threat decreases people's social approach motivation toward other people related to the stereotyped domain. Specifically, we manipulated social identity threat by activating negative stereotypes about women in math. As math is an important aspect of the academic self-concept, female university students who are confronted with a negative math stereotype should experience threat toward their identity as university students. We then tested whether this threat affected female students' motivation to approach other university students and whether the effect was mediated by a reduced sense of belonging to the university. Data from 478 participants, assessed in three experimental (Study 1a: N = 79, Study 1b: N = 164, Study 2: N = 100) and one correlational study (Study 3: N = 135), mainly supported these hypotheses. We conclude that social identity threat can be detrimental to the quality of people's social lives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).
Group identification moderates emotional responses to perceived prejudice
,DOI:10.1177/0146167203253466 URL PMID:15189619 [本文引用: 1]
Two studies tested the prediction that group identification (importance of the group in the self-concept) moderates the impact of perceived discrimination on self-evaluative emotions (depression and self-esteem). In Study 1, women low in gender identification experienced less depressed emotion and higher self-esteem if a negative evaluation was due to sexism than when it was not. The self-evaluative emotions of women high in gender identification were not buffered by attributions to sexism. In Study 2, ethnic identification and depressed emotions were positively related when Latino-Americans read about pervasive prejudice against the ingroup but were negatively related when they read about prejudice against an outgroup. Both studies demonstrated that for highly group identified individuals, prejudice against the ingroup is a threat against the self. Thus, the self-protective strategy of attributing negative feedback to discrimination may be primarily effective for individuals who do not consider the group a central aspect of self.
If you criticize us, do it in concrete terms: Linguistic abstraction as a moderator of the intergroup sensitivity effect
Vicarious dissonance: Attitude change from the inconsistency of others
,DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.85.1.47 URL PMID:12872884 [本文引用: 1]
Three studies support the vicarious dissonance hypothesis that individuals change their attitudes when witnessing members of important groups engage in inconsistent behavior. Study 1, in which participants observed an actor in an induced-compliance paradigm, documented that students who identified with their college supported an issue more after hearing an ingroup member make a counterattitudinal speech in favor of that issue. In Study 2, vicarious dissonance occurred even when participants did not hear a speech, and attitude change was highest when the speaker was known to disagree with the issue. Study 3 showed that speaker choice and aversive consequences moderated vicarious dissonance, and demonstrated that vicarious discomfort--the discomfort observers imagine feeling if in an actor's place--was attenuated after participants expressed their revised attitudes.
The minimal group paradigm and its maximal impact in research on social categorization
,DOI:10.1016/j.copsyc.2016.06.010 URL [本文引用: 1]
The five “A” s of meaning maintenance: Finding meaning in the theories of sense-making
,DOI:10.1080/1047840X.2012.702372 URL [本文引用: 2]
Who says we are bad people? The impact of criticism source and attributional content on responses to group-based criticism
,DOI:10.1177/0146167210362980 URL PMID:20363906 [本文引用: 2]
We investigated the interplay between the source of criticism and the attributional content of their message on behavioral responses to group-based criticism. Studies 1 and 2 revealed that outgroup critics were more effective when their criticism included internal attributions (to the ingroup's character) rather than external attributions (the ingroup's circumstances), whereas there was no effect of attributional content for ingroup critics (a significant Source x Content interaction). Study 3 explored the role of audiences in responses to outgroup criticism. The results indicated that the positive effects of internal versus external attributions were only evident when an outgroup audience was witness to participants' responses. Furthermore, these effects were mediated through concerns about the ingroup's image. Together, these patterns suggest that responses to criticism depend not just on the identity of the critic but also on what the critic says and who is watching. People may be surprisingly responsive to outgroup criticism-particularly when inaction might lead others to perceive them as
Sizing fish and ponds: The joint effects of individual-and group-based feedback
,DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2011.07.017 URL [本文引用: 2]
The present paper explores the combined effects of individual- and group-directed feedback on perceived need for individual and collective change. Valence of feedback about individual and group performance (positive versus negative) was manipulated orthogonally. The results revealed that responses to various combinations of two-level feedback were moderated by group identification. With respect to the perceived need for collective change, high-identifiers (but not low-identifiers) were motivated by discrepant feedback: When group feedback was negative but individual feedback was positive, high identifiers perceived collective change to be more important than low-identifiers. With respect to the perceived need for individual change, low-identifiers (but not high-identifiers) were discouraged by the discrepant feedback: When group feedback was positive but individual feedback was negative, low-identifiers perceived individual change to be less important than high-identifiers. These data highlight the interplay between individual and collective feedback, and suggest that the meaning of feedback at each level (individual or group) is framed by the feedback received at the other level. Moreover, group identification seems to play a crucial role in reconciling differences between one's individual self and the performance of one's group. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc.
Things we (don't) want to hear: Exploring responses to group-based feedback
,DOI:10.1080/10463283.2015.1115214 URL [本文引用: 1]
Power in group contexts: The influence of group status on promotion and prevention decision making
,DOI:10.1111/j.2044-8309.2011.02063.x URL PMID:21950319 [本文引用: 1]
This research examines how group status affects the impact of individual power positions on promotion versus prevention choices in group decision making. We consider that high power not only implies control, but also indicates responsibility for the achievement of group goals. We argue that the nature of these goals depends on the current status of the group. In Experiment 1, individuals who were accorded high power showed more promotion-oriented decisions in the low group status condition while decisions were more prevention oriented under high group status. Experiment 2 replicated these effects, and further demonstrated that they only emerge when those in power are explicitly made accountable for the achievement of group goals. These results are discussed in relation to regulatory focus theory, power theories, and the role of social identities and group goals in group dynamics.
Antecedents and consequences of social identity complexity: Intergroup contact, distinctiveness threat, and outgroup attitudes
,DOI:10.1177/0146167209337037 URL PMID:19506033 [本文引用: 1]
Social identity complexity defines people's more or less complex cognitive representations of the interrelationships among their multiple ingroup identities. Being high in complexity is contingent on situational, cognitive, or motivational factors, and has positive consequences for intergroup relations. Two survey studies conducted in Northern Ireland examined the extent to which intergroup contact and distinctiveness threat act as antecedents, and outgroup attitudes as consequences, of social identity complexity. In both studies, contact was positively, and distinctiveness threat negatively, associated with complex multiple ingroup perceptions, whereas respondents with more complex identity structures also reported more favorable outgroup attitudes. Social identity complexity also mediated the effects of contact and distinctiveness threat on attitudes. This research highlights that the extent to which individuals perceive their multiple ingroups in more or less complex and differentiated ways is of central importance to understanding intergroup phenomena.
An identity-based motivational model of the effects of perceived discrimination on health-related behaviors
Social identity and social convention in responses to criticisms of groups
.(pp. 345-372).
Reactions to internal and external criticism of outgroups: Social convention in the intergroup sensitivity effect
,DOI:10.1177/0146167205282992 URL PMID:16702151 [本文引用: 2]
Recent research has documented the intergroup sensitivity effect (ISE) whereby people respond more favorably to internal versus external criticism of their group. The present studies examine the reactions of bystanders who do not belong to the criticized group and whose reactions are therefore more likely to be informed by social conventions than by defensiveness. Studies 1 and 2 presented British participants with criticisms of Australians, manipulating their ostensible source. These British bystanders exhibited the ISE, responding more favorably to the speaker and comments when the critic was Australian rather than non-Australian. These responses were driven by the perceived motives of speakers rather than their level of experience with the group (Study 2). Study 3 provides direct evidence that internal criticism is more conventionally acceptable than is external criticism.
Social categorization and intergroup behavior
,DOI:10.1002/(ISSN)1099-0992 URL [本文引用: 1]
An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. In W. G. Austin & S. Worchel (Eds.)
(pp. 33-47).
How does intergroup contact affect social change? Its impact on collective action and individual mobility intentions among members of a disadvantaged group
,DOI:10.1111/josi.12127 URL [本文引用: 1]
It's only funny if we say it: Disparagement humor is better received if it originates from a member of the group being disparaged
Self-categorization theory
(pp. 399-417).
Outgroup helping as a tool to communicate ingroup warmth
,DOI:10.1177/0146167211436253 URL PMID:22399362 [本文引用: 1]
The authors extend previous research on the effects of metastereotype activation on outgroup helping by examining in more detail the role of group impression management motives and by studying direct helping (i.e., helping the outgroup believed to hold a negative view of the ingroup). Data from three experiments provided full support for the communicative nature of direct outgroup helping by demonstrating that outgroup helping in response to a negative metastereotype was predicted by participants' concern for the image of their ingroup, but not by their self-image concerns. Moreover, group image concerns predicted outgroup helping but not ingroup helping and predicted outgroup helping only when a negative metastereotype was activated, compared with a positive metastereotype, or a (negative or positive) autostereotype. The results also ruled out an alternative explanation in terms of denying the self-relevance of the metastereotype.
The relationship between group identification and individual mental health: Moderating variables and mechanisms
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2016.01300 URL [本文引用: 1]
In recent years, the relationship between group identification and individual mental health has attracted the attention of researchers. Through referring to the relevant literatures, we demonstrate that identification with different types of groups, including nations, countries, schools or families, and number of identified groups are significantly associated with individuals’ mental health. On the one hand, motivation to identify with groups and group evaluation moderate the association between group identification and individuals’ mental health. On the other hand, the relationship between group identification and individuals’ mental health are mediated by self-esteem, social support, perceived personal control and attribution styles. In the future, multiple methods should be used in the further study on moderating variables and mechanisms for the relationship between group identification and individual mental health.
群体认同与个体心理健康的关系: 调节变量与作用机制
,DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2016.01300 URL [本文引用: 1]
近年来, 群体认同与个体心理健康的关系得到了研究者的关注。本研究通过对相关文献的梳理与归纳发现:民族、国家、学校、家庭等不同种类群体的认同, 群体认同数量与个体心理健康的关系显著; 群体认同与个体心理健康之间的关系受群体认同动机和个体对群体评价的调节, 并依赖于自尊、社会支持、控制知觉、归因方式等因素的中介; 未来应利用多种方法继续研究群体认同与个体心理健康关系的调节变量与作用机制。
The amplification effect of group-shared emotion
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.00662 URL [本文引用: 1]
Affective divergence: automatic responses to others' emotions depend on group membership
,DOI:10.1037/a0011993 URL PMID:18954194 [本文引用: 1]
Extant research suggests that targets' emotion expressions automatically evoke similar affect in perceivers. The authors hypothesized that the automatic impact of emotion expressions depends on group membership. In Experiments 1 and 2, an affective priming paradigm was used to measure immediate and preconscious affective responses to same-race or other-race emotion expressions. In Experiment 3, spontaneous vocal affect was measured as participants described the emotions of an ingroup or outgroup sports team fan. In these experiments, immediate and spontaneous affective responses depended on whether the emotional target was ingroup or outgroup. Positive responses to fear expressions and negative responses to joy expressions were observed in outgroup perceivers, relative to ingroup perceivers. In Experiments 4 and 5, discrete emotional responses were examined. In a lexical decision task (Experiment 4), facial expressions of joy elicited fear in outgroup perceivers, relative to ingroup perceivers. In contrast, facial expressions of fear elicited less fear in outgroup than in ingroup perceivers. In Experiment 5, felt dominance mediated emotional responses to ingroup and outgroup vocal emotion. These data support a signal-value model in which emotion expressions signal environmental conditions.
The minimal group paradigm: Operation, psychological mechanism and new application
最简群体范式的操作, 心理机制及新应用
Who is to blame? The relationship between ingroup identification and relative deprivation is moderated by ingroup attributions
,DOI:10.1027/1864-9335/a000153 URL [本文引用: 1]
Understanding differences in cognition across the lifespan: Comparing eastern and western cultures
A review of the research on self-criticism personality
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