ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B


    25 August 1959, Volume 3 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    PAN SHUH and CHEN DA-JOU (Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica)
    1959, 3 (4):  3-15. 
    Abstract ( 1091 )  
    In describing the ten years' developments in Chinese psychology, the authors have divided the whole decade into three main periods. The brief descriptions of these, three periods are as follows: The preliminary efforts of the first period (1949—1952) in washing off the academical thoughts of bourgeois psychology were ended in victory, and the policies concerning the reformation and reconstruction of psychology upon the basis of Marxism and Parlov's theory were firmly established. In the second period (1952—71957) in accordance with the policies, the reformation and rebuilding of psychology were actually tested for the first time, and the plans for the development of psychology were also made. The third period (1957—1959) has been characterized with the thoroughful scholarstic disputes in psychological problems, the close alliance of psychological practice with the Socialistic reconstruction and a great advancement on the road of active reconstruction of psychology upon the dialectic Materialism. The authors have especially pointed to the fact that, the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Government regard psychology as an important subiect of study, thereby supporting enthusiastically the work of Chinese psychologists, that the experiences of Soviet psychologists in establishing the materialistic psychology have had a positive influence on the development of psychology in China, and hat the unanimous efforts of Chinese psychological workers have resulted in a preliminary, yet a triumphant success. Finally, the directions of the future developments of psychology in China are also pointed out.
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    TSAO JIH-CHANG AND LEE CHIA-CHIH (Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica)
    1959, 3 (4):  16-26. 
    Abstract ( 746 )  
    The present paper describes briefly the development of industrial psychology in China and explains its differences from the "Industrial Psychology" and psychotechnology in capitalistic countries. The main results of research obtained by Chinese psychological workers in recent years, concerning the improvement of working methods, the prevention of accidents, the acceleration of technical training and the conditions facilitating new innovations are presented. Lasdy, it is emphasized that the practice of combining theories with practice and also of titilizing science for production are highly effective. Furthermore, it points out the defects found in the past work of industrial psychology, as well as the way in developing this field in future.
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    LUNG SHU-HSIU AND LIU FAN (Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica)
    1959, 3 (4):  27-38. 
    Abstract ( 650 )  
    This is a summary of the research work of Chinese psychologists with respect to psychological processes and their physiological mechanisms in the last ten years. The authors first present briefly the aspects of Chinese psychology in relation to the studies of psychological processes and their physiological mechanism before the Liberation, and then proceed to describe the developments of these fields in this decade as well as the theoretical viewpoints held by the psychological workers. The main parts of this paper are predominantly dealt with the explanation of the results of research work which include studies concerning the perception of motion, the measurements of auditory threshold the coordinated activities of the primary and secondary signal systems, skill and mastering of motor activities, and also the animals' analizing and synthesizing abilities, the type characteristics of children and animals' higher nervous activities and the interactions of higher nervous activities within the central nervous system. Lastly, authors gave their evaluation of the studies in the last ten years just mentioned and their opinions pertaining to the future developments.
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    Division of Medical Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica
    1959, 3 (4):  68-75. 
    Abstract ( 600 )  
    This paper summarizes the preliminary experiences obtained in the speedy-synthetic treatments of neurathenics among the steel workers and makes clearer theroles of psychological factors in the genesis, developments and therapies of neurathenia. The three major causes of this disease are the hypertension during work and study, an inadequet relationship with other people, as well as some significant misfortunes in the patient's personal life. The psychotherapy applied here consists mainly of rational therapy which was undertaken during the state of wakefulness, and its main contents comprise 1)the elimination of patients worries about the disease and the establishment of his belief in recovery within a short period of time; 2) the alteration of patient's attitudes toward the disease and his understanding of its causes; 3) the combination of psychological theory with practice, uplifting, thereby, the patient's active fighting spirits against the disease. The effects of the treatment within a month show that those who have been cured and greatly improved totaled 81.4% of all the patients.
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