ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (12): 1612-1624.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2016.01612 cstr: 32110.14.2016.01612

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汪文义1; 宋丽红2; 丁树良1   

  1. (1江西师范大学计算机信息工程学院; 2江西师范大学初等教育学院, 南昌 330022)
  • 收稿日期:2015-10-24 发布日期:2016-12-24 出版日期:2016-12-24
  • 基金资助:

    国家自然科学基金项目(31500909, 31360237, 31160203, 30860084)、全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题(DHA150285)、教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(13YJC880060)、江西省自然科学基金项目(20161BAB212044)、江西省社会科学研究“十二五” (2012年)规划项目(12JY07)、江西省教育科学2013年度一般课题(13YB032)、江西省教育厅科技计划项目(GJJ13207)、国家留学基金委资助项目(201509470001)、江西师范大学青年成长基金和博士启动基金资助。

Classification accuracy and consistency indices for complex decision rules in multidimensional item response theory

WANG Wenyi1;SONG Lihong2;DING Shuliang1   

  1. (1 College of Computer Information Engineering; 2 Elementary Educational College, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China)
  • Received:2015-10-24 Online:2016-12-24 Published:2016-12-24


介绍多维项目反应理论模型下分类准确性和分类一致性指标, 采用蒙特卡罗方法实现复杂决策规则下指标计算, 并从数学上证明分类准确性指标两类估计量在均匀先验和相同决策规则条件下依概率收敛于同一真值。研究结果表明:分类准确性指标可以比较准确地评价分类结果的准确性; 分类一致性指标可以较好地评价分类结果的重测一致性; 在一定条件下, 基于能力量尺的指标优于基于原始总分的指标; 纵使测验维度增加, 估计精度仍比较好; 随着测验长度和维度间相关增加, 分类准确性和分类一致性更高。指标可以用来评价标准参照测验或计算机分类测验的多种决策规则下分类信度和效度。

关键词: 多维项目反应理论, 决策规则, 分类一致性, 分类准确性, 信度, 效度


For a criterion-referenced test, classification consistency and accuracy indices are important indicators to evaluate the reliability and validity of classification results. Some procedures have been proposed to estimate these indices in the framework of unidimensional item response theory (UIRT) based on either the total sum scores or the latent trait estimates. Although multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) has enjoyed tremendous popularity, most research is based on the total sum scores only, and Yao (2016) is a case in point. The present authors believe that under MIRT, the decision rules on the two indices should consider the both depending on the different situations. The two reasons are (1) Classifications from the latent trait estimates are equally or more accurate than from the total sum scores, at least for the logistic model of one-parameter, two-parameters, and the graded response model in UIRT; (2) It may be difficult to estimate the two indices from the total sum scores in some content areas when some items may measure more than two domains (complex structure). In this study, the Guo-based consistency and accuracy indices have been extended to MIRT for complex decision rules. Monte Carlo method was employed to estimate Lee-and Guo-based indices for tackling intractable summations or high-dimensional integrals. A simulation study was conducted under a multidimensional graded response model (MGRM). In the simulation study, one, two and four factors were manipulated. Three levels of correlation (ρ=0.0, ρ=0.50, and ρ=0.8) between pairs of dimensions were considered. The examinee sample size was 1,000 and 3,000 respectively. The ability vectors were generated from the multivariate normal distributions with an appropriately sized mean vector of 0 and covariance matrix Σ, where the diagonal elements of Σ were all 1 and the off-diagonal elements were given by the corresponding correlations. The test length for the one factor model was 10 and 20, for the two factor model was 15 and 30, and for the four factor model was 30 and 60. In order to balance information of each domain or dimension, content balancing techniques were adopted to ensure that the tests fulfill the content or domain requirements. The fully crossed design yielded a total of 28 conditions, where each was replicated 10 times. Simulation results suggested that the Guo-based indices worked well and flexibly because their values matched closely with the simulated consistency and accuracy rates for three decision rules, and the difference between the Lee- and Guo-based accuracy indices was much smaller for decision rule based on total score, which conformed to the theoretical results. The two practical implications of this research are identified. First, the indices can be used in score interpretations and test construction. Since it is convenient to estimate consistency and accuracy indices for domain scores and composite scores when the true cut scores are set on the θ scale, items that measure specific dimension with low indices can be created. Second, they might be useful in developing item selection algorithm in computerized classification testing for making multidimensional classification decisions.

Key words: multidimensional item response theory, decision rule, classification consistency, classification accuracy, reliability, validity