ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (11): 1341-1354.

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  1. 美国休斯敦市
  • 收稿日期:2011-01-27 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2011-11-30 出版日期:2011-11-30
  • 通讯作者: 杨思梁

Chen Li and 20th Century Industrial Psychology in China

YANG Siliang   

  1. (Independent Scholar, Houston, Texas, USA 77083)
  • Received:2011-01-27 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-11-30 Published:2011-11-30
  • Contact: YANG Siliang

摘要: 陈立的工业心理学生涯跨越70年, 但主要活动集中于1935至1937年, 1977至1990年代中期, 中断40年而再续, 可谓波澜起伏。除了1935年撰写的《工业心理学概观》, 陈立的主要贡献源于后一阶段, 其中包括:恢复了中断多年的中国心理学教学和研究、建立了中国第一个与管理有关的专业(工业心理学)和第一个国家重点实验室、培养了国内第一批工业心理学硕、博士、继承和发扬了实地调研—实验室研究—理论学习相结合的工业心理学传统; 陈立还通过写作和其他形式的呼吁, 促成了中国管理学的兴盛。但他晚年却觉得自己一生是失败的, 主要是因为他认为工业心理学没能做到 “指导人走向最适宜的机会, 并在此过程中实现最高的自我”。

关键词: 陈立, 工业心理学, 管理学, 工业心理学实验室

Abstract: Chen Li’s career as an industrial psychologist began in July 1933, shortly after he got his doctoral degree from University College London, and lasted till his death in 2004. His achievements in the seemingly long career came within a few years of his life: from 1935 when he authored the first Chinese book on the topic, to mid-1937 when Japan invaded China; and from 1977 to mid-1990s, the gap of 40 years serves as a reminder of the tragedies that China went through. During the latter years of his life, he established the first industrial psychology program (and the first ever management-related academic program) in China’s history. He single-handedly re-kindled the torch of China’s management science cut short by multi years of military and political turmoil. His legacy also includes a large number of students who now shoulder important executive duties in various teaching and management positions. Yet, he considered his life a failure, because he did not see his discipline achieving the goal to “lead human beings towards their best potentials, and through the process, towards ultimate self-actualization”.

Key words: Chen Li, industrial psychology, management science, organizational psychology