ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (05): 587-598.

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广告代言人参与度研究: 深层代言还是浅层代言


  1. 北京大学光华管理学院, 北京 100871
  • 收稿日期:2009-07-30 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2010-05-30 出版日期:2010-05-30

How Deeply Involved Should Celebrities Be in Advertising?

ZHANG Hong-Xia;LIU Xue-Nan   

  1. Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Received:2009-07-30 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2010-05-30 Published:2010-05-30

摘要: 有关广告代言人效果、消费者卷入的研究都曾引起学界的重视并已取得了丰硕的成果, 然而, 代言人在品牌代言时实际参与(卷入)的程度是否影响消费者对其代言效果的认识, 当代言不同类别的产品时这种代言效果是否依然存在, 此外, 消费者的个性特点是否也会影响这种代言效果等仍需要理论上的深入探讨。本文通过2(代言人高参与度/代言人低参与度)×2(高认知需求/低认知需求)×2(享乐型产品/功能型产品)的实验设计, 全面、系统地探讨了代言人参与的深浅程度对消费者品牌态度和品牌文化感知的影响, 以及消费者认知需求对两者之间的调节作用。结果表明, 无论是代言享乐型还是功能型产品, 代言人参与程度都会对消费者品牌态度和品牌文化感知有显著的影响, 而且消费者对于明星代言享乐型产品的品牌态度显著高于功能型产品。特别地, 这种作用还受到消费者认知需求水平的影响。即当消费者认知需求水平高时, 名人参与代言的程度会对其品牌态度造成积极的正向的影响; 而当消费者认知需求水平低时, 名人参与代言程度则不会对其品牌态度造成显著影响。

关键词: 参与度, 享乐型产品, 功能型产品, 认知需求, 品牌文化

Abstract: The advertising literature indicates that celebrity endorsement can facilitate brand awareness and reinforce purchase intention. If the image of a specific celebrity fits well with that brand, the effect of endorsement can be strengthened through meaning transfer or emotional attachment. However, little is known about how deeply the celebrities should be involved in the advertising. While celebrity endorsement has been shown to be able to influence the perception and behavior of customers, to what extent should celebrities be involved in the advertising, and how would this affect the relationship between the brand and customers? Would the celebrity involvement be contingent on product categories and contexts? The authors tried to answer these questions by conducting a 2 (involvement: high and low) × 2 (product category: hedonic and utility) × 2 (need for cognition: high and low) experiment. In the pretest, 57 subjects were recruited from a prestigious university in China. Later on, 140 students from the two universities were divided into four subgroups to participate in the experiment, and 120 responses were used for analysis. The ANOVA results indicated that involvement could significantly affect both customer attitudes toward a brand and their perception of its brand culture. Higher celebrity involvement in the advertising could positively improve customers’ attitude and their evaluation of the brand’s underlying cultural values, and this effect existed for both hedonic and utility products. In addition, need for cognition played a moderating role in the relation between involvement and customer attitude.
This study enriches the literature on celebrity endorsement by introducing the concept “celebrity involvement” in advertising research. The findings show that, for both hedonic and utility products, high levels of celebrity involvement in the advertising lead to positive impacts on customer attitude and perception of brand culture. Therefore, if a firm hopes to make full use of celebrity endorsement, it will be insufficient to use only his/her image or name in the advertising. Instead, the firm should carry out well-organized marketing campaigns to cultivate the deeper meanings and values of this celebrity so as to build up closer relation between customers and the brand.

Key words: celebrity endorsement, involvement, need for cognition, hedonic product, utility product, brand culture