ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 911-921.

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  1. 陕西师范大学心理学院, 陕西省行为与认知神经科学重点实验室, 西安 710062
  • 收稿日期:2009-01-22 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2009-10-30 出版日期:2009-10-30

Hemispheric Specialization Effects in Visual Image Generation

YOU Xu-Qun;SONG Xiao-Lei


  1. School of Psychology, Shaanxi Normal University, Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Behavior & Cognitive Neuroscience, Xi’an 710062, China
  • Received:2009-01-22 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-10-30 Published:2009-10-30

摘要: 采用Kosslyn单侧视野速示技术, 以英文字母图片为学习材料, 通过三个实验考察了视觉表象产生的大脑半球专门化效应。实验一提出在两种类型的视觉表象产生任务中, 有两种截然不同的加工起作用, 但却不能直接证实这两种不同加工机制的存在。实验二和实验三则进一步证实了两种表象产生任务具有不同的认知加工机制, 并表现出不同的大脑半球专门化效应。上述研究表明: 大脑两半球均参与产生视觉心理表象, 但分工不同, 并表现出不同的单侧化效应: 大脑左半球通过运用类别空间关系产生表象更有效, 大脑右半球运用数量空间关系产生表象更有效。结果进一步拓展了Kosslyn关于视觉空间关系加工的大脑半球专门化观点。

关键词: 表象产生, 大脑半球专门化效应, 空间关系, 类别和数量

Abstract: Visual mental image generation had been defined as the process by which long-term memory knowledge of the visual appearance of objects or scenes is used to create a short-term percept-like image. It was a complex and multi-componential cognitive process, and a most basic process in visual mental image process. That researched systematically on it would not only favor us deeply understanding the law of human visual mental image process, but examining and evaluating visual spatial cognition functional level most effectively in practice. The localiza-tion of mental image generation had been a controversial topic, whether hemispheric specialization really ex-isted in visual mental image generation process? What roles that both hemispheres played in image generation process? All these questions needed to be explored again.
Using two tasks dissociated paradigm developed by Kosslyn, three behavior experiments were conducted to reveal the Hemispheric Specialization during visual image generation process. Seventy two right – handed un-dergraduates (aged between 19 and 21) took part in the experiments. In three experiments, a classical image generation task was adopted to investigate the cognitive processing mechanism of simple letters image genera-tion. Subjects were cued to form images within a grid or within a set of four corner brackets; a single X mark was enclosed within each stimulus, and the subjects were to determine whether the X mark would have fallen on an imaged pattern. Reaction time (measured from the end of the question to the onset of the participants’ re-sponse) and error rates were recorded and analyzed. The aim of these experiments was to clarify the different roles of two hemispheres in generating the mental images.
Some evidence was obtained by having subjects memorize letters in grids(which are easily encoded using descriptions of the positions of segments) or within a space delineated by four brackets(which require memo-rizing the precise positions of the segments). In Experiment 1, we found evidence that the right hemisphere was better at generating images in brackets, whereas there was no such hemispheric difference for the grids. In Ex-periment 2, we found no evidence that size per se affected image generation differently in the two hemispheres, indeed, this experiment only replicated earlier results, with a right hemisphere advantage for brackets stimuli. In experiment 3, the subjects required less time when the stimuli were presented initially to the left hemisphere, which was as expected if categorical spatial relations were used to arrange segments into an image. Through these experiments, Subjects were relatively more accurate when cued in the left visual field with bracket stimuli, but tended to be relatively more accurate when cued in the right visual field with grids stimuli. These results were predicted by the theory that images are built up by arranging parts, and that two different processes can be used to arrange them. One process used stored descriptions to arrange parts, and was more effective in the left cerebral hemisphere; The other process used stored memories of metric positions to arrange parts, and was more effective in the right cerebral hemisphere.
The present results suggested that visual mental images could be generated by either the left or right cere-bral hemisphere, but in different ways. The left hemisphere more effectively generated images by arranging parts according to descriptions (using categorical spatial relations), whereas the right hemisphere more effec-tively generated images by positioning parts in precise locations in space(using coordinate spatial relations).

Key words: image generation, hemispheric specialization, spatial relations, categorical /coordinate