ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2002, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (06): 28-36. cstr: 32110.14.2002.00028

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  1. 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心,华南师范大学心理应用研究中心 广州510631 ,广州510631
  • 发布日期:2002-12-25 出版日期:2002-12-25


Mo Lei,Han Yingchun (South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631)   

  • Online:2002-12-25 Published:2002-12-25

摘要: 该研究修正了Radvansky1997年的实验设计 ,运用扇效应技术系统地探讨影响建构拥有关系情境模型的因素。共包括 4个实验 ,被试为 180名一年级本科生 ,研究材料是“1人 /多物”与“多人 / 1物”两类表示拥有关系的句型 ,每类句型都有 3种扇水平 ,用计算机逐个呈现句子 ,要求被试迅速再认作出按键反应 ,用MANOVA分析了被试对不同扇水平的两类句型的反应时。实验 1在中文条件下重复了Radvansky1997年的实验 ;实验 2探讨在明确的相同空间条件下 ,对“多人买 1物”拥有行为句式的整合是否表现出扇效应 ;实验 3探讨在信息采用顺向展开的情况下 ,“多人买 1物”拥有行为句式的整合是否表现出扇效应 ;实验 4进一步探讨在具有相同时空状语的条件下 ,“1人有多物”与“多人有 1物”两类拥有状态句式的整合是否表现出扇效应。结果表明 ,当具有明确的时空信息情况下 ,或者当信息顺向展开的情况下 ,“多人买 1物”的拥有行为句式的整合均没有表现出扇效应 ;而在有相同时空状语情况下 ,“1人有多物”的拥有状态句式的整合也没有表现出扇效应 ;说明这些句式可以整合为同一情境模型 ,与Radvansky的研究结果不同。研究结果初步表明 ,享有共同概念的若干事件信息是否整合为同一个情境模型 ,受到动词的动作性程度、是否有相

关键词: 情境模型, 扇效应, 拥有关系

Abstract: This research revised the design of Radvansky’s study(1997)and used the fan-effect paradigmto investigatethe factors affectingthe construction of situation models. Four experiments were administered. Sswere 180 university students. The experiment materials included two types of sentence patterns of ownership relation. Each had three fan levels. Sswere asked to recognize and react with push-button as quickly as possible the sentences which were presented with the computer one by one. The reaction time that Ssreacted the different types of sentences at different fan levels was analyzed with multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA).In Experiment 1, the experiment made by Radvanskyin 1997 was repeated by using the Chinese materials. In Experiment 2, it was studied whether under the circumstance with the clear and equal spatial-frame the integration of the sentences of“multiple personsbuy a single object" condition would show the fan effect. And Experiment 3 looked into whether the integration of sentences of "multiple personsbuy a single object" condition would show the fan effect when the information unfolded in forward direction. At last, Experiment 4 studied whether under the circumstance with the equal spatial-temporal frame the information of both condition, the "multiple persons have asingle object" condition and "a single personhas multiple objects" condition, would show the fan effect. The results indicated: 1.When the clear spatial information was given or the information was unfolded in forward direction, the integration of sentences of "multiple personsbuy a single object" condition didn't show any fan effect. 2.When equal spatial-temporal information was given, the integration of sentences of"multiple personshave a single object" condition didn't show any fan effect either. These results differed from those of Radvansky. This research indicated that the construction of situation model of abstract ownership relations were affected by the character of the verb, spatial-temporal frame and the direction of the unfolding of information.

Key words: situation model, fan effect, ownership relations