ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 1985, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 41-47.

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  1. 新加坡国立大学
  • 发布日期:1985-12-25 出版日期:1985-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 梅锦荣


Boey Kam Weng   

  • Online:1985-12-25 Published:1985-12-25

摘要: 本研究的结果显示中译及英文MMPI在新加坡使用时不但具颇高之信度,且两者可视作相等之版本。有关资料亦表明受中文教育和受英文教育的新加坡华人在MMPI上有不同的反应倾向。前者之剖析图属2.8类型,其选答模式与香港地区者相似。后者之剖析图则属8.9类型,其选答模式与美国者较为接近。 在比较中国与新加坡华人在量表的顺序排列时,发现后者在Ma量表之T分数占较高的等级,在Pa量表则占较低的等级。与香港地区比较时,则新加坡华人在Si量表之等级较高。有关量表顺序排列之等级相关則表明了受中文教育的新加坡华人与中国和香港地区之MMPI剖析图,有显著的相似性。但受英文教育的新加坡华人则仅男性之剖析图与香港地区者相似。进一步证实了受不同语文教育的新加坡华人在性格上有差异。 本研究收集的资料,不但可供解说测验之参考,亦可作为进一步效度研究的基础。在跨文化的研究上更提供了有用的资料。

关键词: NULL

Abstract: The findings of this study show that the Chinese and English MMPI are highly equivalent (average scale-by-scale correlation=0.81)and their average scale reliabilities are also very satisfactory, reaching 0.85 and 0.78 respectively.With regard to the MMPI profiles of Singapore Chinese, it was found that subjects who are Chinese-educated (C-Ed) obtained a 28 code type, whereas the English-educated (E-Ed), a 89 code type. Interestingly, when basic scales were ranked in terms of T-scores, Singapore Chinese had appreciably higher ranking in Scale Ma and lower in Scale Pa when compared with mainland China. Their ranking in Scale Si was slightly higher when compared with Hong Kong district. Significant rank order correlations were found between C-Ed and Chinese in mainland China and Hong Kong district. For the E-Ed, only the profile of males is found to be similar with their counterparts in Hong Kong district. In terms of endorsement pattern, correlations of E-Ed with six American samples were higher than with subjects in Hong Kong district, whereas for the C-Ed, the reverse was observed.The above findings show clearly that though C-Ed and E-Ed are both Singapore Chinese, they cannot be considered a homogenous group. The profiles established in this study not only meet the need of a local normal baseline for test interpretations, but also provide data for further validation study and cross-cultural comparison.

Key words: NULL