ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (11): 1651-1660.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2024.01651

• 理论与史 • 上一篇    



  1. 河北师范大学心理学系, 石家庄 050024
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-02 发布日期:2024-09-05 出版日期:2024-11-25
  • 通讯作者: 阎书昌, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

C. W. Mateer and the spread of psychology in the late Qing dynasty: From the school where a mental philosophy course was first offered

YAN Shu-Chang   

  1. Department of Psychology, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China
  • Received:2023-11-02 Online:2024-09-05 Published:2024-11-25

摘要: 史学界对晚清传教士狄考文在西方心理学传入中的贡献存在着疏漏, 甚至误读, 例如登州文会馆首开心灵(理)学课程问题。通过对登州文会馆早期历史资料的甄辨, 发现登州文会馆并不是1876年开设心灵学的课程, 而且截至1891年之前都没有开设该课程的记录, 依据1891年印制的课程表判断, 可能是在1896或1897年之后才开设心灵(理)学课程。登州文会馆开设心灵学课程要晚于颜永京、谢卫楼开设时间。登州文会馆首任馆长狄考文在1877年就表现出有一定的心理学知识, 并对psychology做出尝试汉译, 这是在他为中国编写教科书而写的文章中提到的。他参加了教科书委员会工作, 熟悉丁韪良编写Mental Philosophy教科书的计划, 并于1899年为丁韪良著《性学举隅》写一篇书评。他1891年任术语委员会主席。到1896年成立科技术语委员会, 狄考文任主席。由他主编的《术语词汇》(包含心理学学科)到1904年出版。在晚清心理学传播过程中, 狄考文较早关注到心理学, 推动了心理学教学及心理学术语统一工作, 并使心理学教学成为登州文会馆的传统。通过狄考文在对psychology一词早期翻译, 及后来他对丁韪良出版《性学举隅》的评述, 可以看出他在心理学汉语术语创制上注重从中国传统文化中汲取营养。

关键词: 狄考文, 登州文会馆, 心灵学课程, 科技术语委员会, 丁韪良

Abstract: In the English literature of the 1840s-1860s, “mental philosophy” and “psychology” were used interchangeably, gradually transitioning to the term “psychology” after 1860. In Chinese, “mental philosophy” is generally translated as Xin Ling Xue心灵学, which later came to be considered psychology. In the process of examining the proposition that the first mental philosophy course in the history of Chinese psychology, analysis of Dengchow College diplomas from 1885 and 1889, the 1891 diploma style, and other historical data, supplemented by biographical information on C. W. Mateer about the early courses offered at the Dengchow College, revealed no evidence of a psychology program at Dengchow College in 1877. A curriculum from 1891 showing a course in Xin Ling Xue心灵学 in the sixth year suggests that Dengchow College may have offered psychology classes in 1896 or after 1897. The curriculum noted that “Several desirable branches, e.g., Mental Science and Physical Geography have been omitted for want of suitable textbooks.” There remains a lack of information about who taught these courses and what materials were used. Dengchow College offered psychology courses significantly later than Y. K. Yen at St. John’s College in 1880 and D. Z. Sheffield at Luhe Academy in Tungchow around 1892. Relevant information supports the teachers and teaching materials in these two schools.
Mateer’s contribution to the spread of Western psychology during the late Qing dynasty is notable for his efforts in unifying psychological terminology and his attention to W. A. P. Martin's plan to write a textbook on Mental Philosophy, and his monograph, Xing Xue Ju Yu性学举隅. Among these efforts, his recognition of the term Xing Xue性学 as a translation for psychology were particularly significant. Mateer began his term on the School and Textbook Series Committee in May 1877, during which the Committee planned to develop a Chinese textbook on Mental Philosophy, with Martin taking responsibility. Both Mateer and Martin were members of the commission and maintained a close association. In October 1877, Mateer used the term “psychology” in an English article, providing commentary on its Chinese translation. Mateer’s interest in psychology was evident in his role as chair of the Publication Committee, established in 1890 to organize terminology. The responsibility for mental science terminology fell to Sheffield. Progress in the harmonization of terminology was slow until the establishment of the Scientific Terminology Committee in 1896, which significantly advanced this work. In his 1896 diary, Mateer noted that he had collected terminological work in fifteen disciplines, including psychology. In 1898, Martin published his monograph, Xing Xue Ju Yu性学举隅, which was followed by a critical essay from Mateer. Mateer highly praised the monograph, particularly its use of the term Xing Xue性学. Mateer’s involvement in the publication of Technical Terms, English and Chinese in 1904, where he served as editor, further highlights his contribution to the development of psychological terminology in China. Many of the psychological terms included in the book were derived from Sheffield’s unpublished teaching material on mental philosophy (around 1892), Yen’s book Xin Ling Xue (1889), and Martin’s monograph Xing Xue Ju Yu (1898).
Mateer’s transition from opposing the original meaning of psychology in Chinese translation to adopting the term Xing Xue性学 illustrates his recognition of the contributions of traditional Chinese culture in creating Chinese terminology for psychology. This shift underscores his effort to draw nourishment from Chinese culture to facilitate the translation of Western studies.

Key words: Calvin Wilson Mateer, Tengchow College, mental philosophy course, Scientific Terminology Committee, William Alexander Parsons Martin
