Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 2067-2090.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.02067
• Research Method • Previous Articles Next Articles
WU Caizhi1,#, YUN Yun1,2,#(), XIAO Zhihua1,3, ZHOU Zhongying1,4, TONG Ting1,5, REN Zhihong1
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WU Caizhi, YUN Yun, XIAO Zhihua, ZHOU Zhongying, TONG Ting, REN Zhihong. The application of ecological momentary assessment in suicide research[J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2024, 32(12): 2067-2090.
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