ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (6): 855-861.

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The Development and Prospects of Retrieval-induced Forgetting Researches

MU De-Fang;Song Yao-Wu;Cheng Ying-He   

  1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Received:2008-01-28 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-11-15 Published:2008-11-15
  • Contact: Cheng Ying-He

Abstract: Theory of retrieval-induced forgetting emphasizes that the competition between target items and relevant items in recalling can lead to forgetting. In this article, several important aspects of retrieval-induced forgetting were reviewed, such as its concept, the retrieval practice paradigm, the relevant theories. And this article mainly summarized the empirical research results and the debates about the mechanism underlying retrieval-induced forgetting. Further research in this field should be focused on the level at which inhibition operates, how the spread of activation may be limited and how it functions in context

Key words: retrieval-induced forgetting, retrieval practice, inhibitory account, noninhibitory account

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