ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 1302-1314.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.01302

• Meta-Analysis • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The relationship between parenting styles and positive development of Chinese adolescents : A series of meta-analytic studies

TANG Tian, WANG Yu, GONG Fangying, SHI Ke, LI Xi, LIU Wei(), CHEN Ning()   

  1. Institute of Psychology, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
  • Received:2023-04-13 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-06-05


Objective: Positive Youth Development (PYD) is one of the most influential concepts in adolescent development research, which focuses on the potential advantages and plasticity of adolescent development trajectory, and emphasizes the important role of the interaction between individuals and the environment on adolescent development. Previous meta-analytic studies have mostly examined the effects of family parenting styles on single variables in the structure of positive adolescent development, and no study has examined the effects of family parenting styles on the holistic conceptualization of positive adolescent development.

Methods: Based on the perspective of positive adolescent development, this study took Chinese adolescents as samples and included three variables: academic achievement, self-esteem and resilience to conduct a series of meta-analyses (206 articles, 1822 independent effect sizes, and the total number of subjects reached 109,968). Three databases including CNKI, Wanfang and VIP were selected for Chinese, and Web of Science Core Set, Wiley, Proquest, EBSCO and Elsevier databases were selected for foreign languages to search relevant studies on Chinese adolescents. For joint retrieval by keyword, such as "parenting/rearing styles" and "academiac achievemant/success/performance" or "self-esteem" or "resilience", At the same time, a large number of documents are included through subject search and full-text search. Retrieved on 22 December 2022. In the end, 206 articles met the above criteria, including 57 articles on academic achievement, 97 articles on self-esteem (including 3 articles in English), and 52 articles on resilience (including 1 article in English). The zero-order correlation coefficient r was used as the index of effect quantity. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis(CMA 2.0) was used to test the main effect and the moderating effect of the series of meta-analyses; meta-regression analysis was used to analyze the moderating effect of female ratio and publication year, etc.; subgroup analysis was used to analyze the moderating effect of education stage, publication type and measurement tools, etc.

Results: Result: Different types of family rearing styles were significantly correlated with the three core indices of adolescents' positive development. Positive family parenting styles were moderately correlated with adolescents' positive development (r = 0.32), while negative family rearing styles were moderately correlated with adolescents' positive development (r = -0.13). The results confirm the relationship between family parenting style and the positive development of adolescents from a holistic perspective. Specifically, among the concrete constructs of adolescents' positive development, positive parenting style had the highest correlation with resilience (r = 0.43), followed by self-esteem (r = 0.318) and academic achievement (r= 0.18). Negative parenting styles were associated with higher levels of resilience (r = -0.17) and self-esteem (r = -0.16), and lower levels of academic achievement (r= -0.10). These results indicate that the effect of family rearing style on adolescent development is both holographic and different. In addition, meta-regression analysis and subgroup analysis found that the ratio of females in the continuous variable and the stage of education in the group variable had a significant moderating effect on the relationship between family parenting style and the indicators of adolescent positive development.

Conclusion: In this study, three representative variables such as academic achievement, resilience and self-esteem were included in the core indices of adolescents' positive development. Based on the first-order and second-order meta-analysis, the relationship between the development resource of family parenting style and adolescents' positive development was investigated. In order to comprehensively and deeply understand the development resource value of family parenting style. It provides a theoretical perspective and new evidence for the holistic and differentiated effects on the positive development of adolescents. There is a close correlation between family parenting style and adolescent development variables, which confirms the important role of "family style parenting" in promoting the overall positive development of adolescents, and the holographic function of positive family parenting style in shaping adolescents' ability, self-worth and positive psychological character. It highlights the theoretical contribution and practical significance of this study under the background of Chinese excellent traditional family culture.

Key words: family parenting styles, academic achievement, self-esteem, resilience, meta-analysis

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