Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 27-38.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.00027
• Conceptual Framework • Previous Articles Next Articles
SUN Xiaomin1(), YANG Shuting1, KONG Xiaoshan1, LIU Zhenzhen1, MA Rongzi1, YUAN Yue1, ZHANG Nan1, JIANG Xinying1, CAO Peiling1, BAO Ruiji2, LIN Yiqin1, LI Ning1, LI Zhihang1
SUN Xiaomin
CLC Number:
SUN Xiaomin, YANG Shuting, KONG Xiaoshan, LIU Zhenzhen, MA Rongzi, YUAN Yue, ZHANG Nan, JIANG Xinying, CAO Peiling, BAO Ruiji, LIN Yiqin, LI Ning, LI Zhihang. Conceptualization of time poverty and its impact on well-being: From the perspective of scarcity theory[J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2024, 32(1): 27-38.
核心概念 | 与幸福感的关系 | 实证证据 |
工作时间压力 | 正向 | Garhammer ( |
线性相关不显著 | Widmer et al. ( | |
时间数量不足(感) | 负向 | Gärling et al. ( Rudd ( |
匆忙感、紧迫感 | 负向 | Browne et al., ( |
可自由支配时间 | 倒U型 | Sharif et al., ( |
核心概念 | 与幸福感的关系 | 实证证据 |
工作时间压力 | 正向 | Garhammer ( |
线性相关不显著 | Widmer et al. ( | |
时间数量不足(感) | 负向 | Gärling et al. ( Rudd ( |
匆忙感、紧迫感 | 负向 | Browne et al., ( |
可自由支配时间 | 倒U型 | Sharif et al., ( |
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