ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (suppl.): 31-31.

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 张小荣; 张潮; 闫捷; 武朵朵; 秦晓斐; 韩娟   

  1.  山西师范大学心理学系, 临汾, 041000
  • 出版日期:2017-08-26 发布日期:2017-08-03
  • 通讯作者: 张小荣
  • 基金资助:

 The impact of Internet Dependence on College Student's attention networks

 ZHANG Xiao-rong; ZHANG Chao; YAN Jie; WU Duo-duo; QIN Xiao-fei; HAN Juan   

  1.  College of Teachers Education, Shanxi Normal university, Linfen, 041000
  • Online:2017-08-26 Published:2017-08-03
  • Supported by:

摘要: 本实验的目的是研究不同级别的网络成瘾对大学生的注意网络功能的影响。采用ANT实验范式, 设计4(暗示类型:空间提示、双边提示、中间提示、无提示)*3(靶子状态:一致、不一致、单个)的被试内实验。方法:选取32名大学生, 先采用YOUNG的网络成瘾量表将被试分成网络成瘾低度组和中度两组, 再结合ANT测验, 从注意网络的警觉、定向和执行控制三种功能来检测不同网瘾级别的大学生的注意网络功能。结果显示:(1)低度网瘾组大学生的平均反应时为573.14ms, 正确率为98.3。中度网瘾组大学生的平均反应时为643.46ms, 正确率为94.8。(2)重复度量方差分析的结果显示:在低度网瘾组中, 暗示类型和靶子状态对反应时的主效应都是显著的(F暗示类型(3, 30)=22.452, P=0.000; F靶子状态(2, 30)=10.603, P=0.000), 暗示类型和靶子状态对错误率的主效应显著(F暗示类型(3, 30)=10.257, P=0.000; F靶子状态(2, 30)=47.100, P=0.000); 中度网瘾组, 靶子状态对反应时的主效应显著(F(2, 30)=35.992, P=0.000), 暗示类型对反应时的主效应不显著(F(3, 30)=0.897, P=0.450)。暗示类型和靶子状态对错误率的主效应都显著(F暗示类型(3, 30)=13.522, P=0.000; F靶子状态(2, 30)=16.097, P=0.000)。(3)配对样本T检验结果显示:低度警觉-中度警觉组, t=4.610,p=0.000, 中度网瘾组大学生警觉功能效率显著降低; 低度执行控制-中度执行控制组, t=-1.147, p=0.026, 中度网瘾组大学生注意的执行控制功能的效应显著增加; 低度定向组-中度定向组, t=-1.852,p=0.084,低度网瘾组和中度网瘾组大学生的定向功能效应不存在差异。(4)ANT各指标与网瘾级别的Pearson相关检验显示:网瘾级别和注意的警觉作用效应呈现负性相关(r=-0.643,p=0.000), 即:网瘾级别越高, 注意的警觉作用越低; 网瘾级别和执行控制功能的效应呈现正性相关(r=0.536, p=0.041), 即:网瘾级别越是低, 注意执行控制功能的效应越低; 网瘾级别同注意的定向功能无显著的相关(r=0.322,p=0.072)。结论:网络成瘾被试的注意网络中警觉功能和执行控制功能存在异常, 定向功能则相对比较稳定。

关键词:  注意网络, 网络成瘾, 定向功能, 警觉功能, 执行控制功能

Abstract:  The experiment is aimed to explore the influence of attention networks in university students with Internet addiction. The experiment adopted 4(cue conditions:spatial cue, center cue, double cue, no cue) * 3 (flanker types: congruent, in-congruent, neutral) two-within-subject factors factorial design with 32 university student subjects.The subjects were randomly divided into two groups by YOUNG net-addition scale.16 low net-addition,16 moderate net-addition.Using ANT to evaluate the processing distinction within each of these three networks (Alerting, Orienting, and Executive control Function). We obtained the results: (1) in the group of moderate net-addition, The Alerting had a significant decrease;Executive control Function had a significant rise.There was no significant difference in Orienting Function .the mean RT of low net-addition was respectively 573.14ms,and the Accuracy rate of low net-addition was respectively 98.3. the mean RT of moderate net-addition was respectively 643.46ms, and the Accuracy rate of moderate net-addition was respectively 94.8. (2) The results of Repeated measures analysis of variance were: F cue conditions(3, 30)=22.452, P=0.000; F flanker types( 2, 30)=10.603, P=0.000.the main effect of cue and flanker types was significant .(3) The results of Paired Samples Test were:t=4.610,p=0.000, Alerting of moderate net-addition was strongly decrease; t=-1.147, p=0.026, Executive control Function of moderate net-addition was strongly increased; t=-1.852, p=0.084, Orienting function of subject was insignificant. (4) The main effect of Alerting and Executive control Function is strongly significant. but, The main effect of orienting function was insignificant. As was the conclusion: Alerting, Executive control Function of net-addition subject was abnormal, Orienting function was relatively stable.

Key words:  Attention networks, Net-addition, Orienting, Alerting, Executive control
