ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 570-581.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2023.00570 cstr: 32111.14.2023.00570

• 研究构想 • 上一篇    下一篇

“真伪性”视角下的谦逊领导行为: 双刃剑效应和转化机制

李洁1, 张真真1, 梁巧转1, 李根强2()   

  1. 1西安交通大学管理学院, 西安 710049
    2新乡医学院管理学院, 河南 新乡 453003
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-01 出版日期:2023-04-15 发布日期:2022-12-30
  • 通讯作者: 李根强, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

The conversion mechanism and double-edged sword effect of expressed leader humility from the perspective of leader authenticity

LI Jie1, ZHANG Zhenzhen1, LIANG Qiaozhuan1, LI Genqiang2()   

  1. 1School of Management, Xian Jiaotong University, Xi’an 7100049, China
    2School of Management, Xinxiang Medical College, Xinxiang 453003, China
  • Received:2022-07-01 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2022-12-30


本文突破了以往研究过于聚焦谦逊领导积极效应的局限, 从领导者谦逊行为动机出发, 认为领导的谦逊表达实际上存在两种动机:真心实意的内在特质表达或逢场作戏的自我展现策略, 其领导有效性存在差异。基于上述思路, 本文以谦逊领导的“真伪性”辨析为核心, 构建谦逊领导积极效应、消极效应和转化机制模型。具体而言, 首先从“下属应对”视角, 构建真实性领导谦逊下的员工发展策略模型, 和策略性领导谦逊下的员工生存策略模型与迎合策略模型; 其次, 从“组织转化”视角, 揭示策略性领导谦逊的个人层面形成机制与组织层面干预机制。研究成果将丰富谦逊领导理论研究版图, 为大变局背景下发挥谦逊领导独特效用、将管理“伪君子”现象“化虚为实”提供组织应对思路。

关键词: 真实性领导谦逊, 策略性领导谦逊, 下属应对机制, 转化机制


Leader humility is a new leadership style that emerging at the VUCA era, which received highly praised in academia and practitioner as being regarded as the "panacea" of organizational management. However, some leaders regard humility as the "workplace protection" and behave in humble ways deliberately, in order to meet the social norms and achieve self-interest. In fact, the phenomenon of "hypocrites" is very common in the workplace, which has negative impact on organization development, e.g. damaging the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and inducing organizational deviation. However, prior studies overwhelmingly focused on the positive effects of leader humility, which may neglect the implicit behavioral motivation of leader’s humble expression and the potential dark-side effect of leader humility. Hence, in post-pandemic era, does employees more sensitive to the behavioral motivation of leadership? Does authentic humble leadership more effective to shaping resilient organizations? Does the strategic humble leader effective in workplace? How to break the shackles of strategic leadership? The above questions have not yet been fully explored in current research.
Moving beyond the general positive effect, this research recognized two distinct motivations that actually exist behind the expressed humility: the authentic expression of internal trait or self-expression strategy of self-interesting, which may have different effectiveness. Drawing from the distinguish of authentic or strategic of leader humility, this study develops positive effect model of authentic leader humility, negative effect model of strategic leader humility, and conversion effect model of strategic leader humility. Specifically, from the “follower reaction” perspective, study 1 investigates how employee respond to leader’s authentic humble behavior. Based on the resource conservation theory, this study develops a developing strategy model for employees and explores the psychological mechanism and boundary condition of improving employee resilience. Study 2 investigates how employee respond to leader’s strategic humble behavior. Based on supervisor-subordinate value consistency model, this study develops the survival strategy model and ingratiate strategy model for employees, and explores the cognitive and behavioral process employees adopt under different degree of value consistence. From the “leader conversion” perspective, study 3 further reveals the formation mechanism of strategic leader humility at the individual level, and verifies the intervention mechanism of strategic leader humility at the organizational level.
In all, this research aims to reveal the profile of the study of leader humility. Through the essential exploration of the "authenticity" of leader expressed humility, this study deepens the dialectical understanding of the connotation of leader humility theory and the different effectiveness of humble leadership. In this way, from the perspectives of subordinate response and leadership transformation, this research comprehensively explores the positive effects of authentic leader humility, the negative effects of strategic leader humility and the transformation mechanism of strategic leader humility. The current study contributes to expand the understanding of leader humility theory, as well as provides potential directions for managers to fully stimulate authentic effectiveness of leader humility, and help to reduce the negative effect of strategic humility in the era of post-pandemic.

Key words: authentic leader humility, strategic leader humility, follower reaction, conversion mechanism
