ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2005, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 248-256.

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  1. 南开大学社会心理学系,天津 300071
  • 收稿日期:2004-10-12 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2005-03-15 发布日期:2005-03-15
  • 通讯作者: 乐国安

Studies and Disputes on Personal Advertisements in the West

Yue Guoan,Zhang Yanyan,Chen Hao   

  1. Department of Social Psychology, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
  • Received:2004-10-12 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-03-15 Published:2005-03-15

摘要: 文章梳理了自20世纪70年代至本世纪初,西方以择偶启事为研究蓝本的择偶标准与择偶策略研究,展示了西方研究者运用进化心理学理论、社会学习理论与社会交换理论,对一般异性恋择偶,择偶启事回复率、初婚和再婚人士择偶,同性恋、异性恋、双性恋择偶间比较,以及网络启事择偶几方面的研究历程;预测了未来择偶启事研究的趋势应是几种理论间观点的相互借鉴与整合

关键词: 择偶启事, 进化心理学理论, 社会学习理论, 社会交换理论

Abstract: The paper reviews the studies and disputes concerning mate selection criteria and strategies based on personal advertisements(ads) in the west since 1970’s up to date, of which theoretic perspectives contain evolutionary psychology, social learning and social exchange theories. And the emphasis and methods of the studies vary with time from traditional heterosexual mate selection to personal ads’ response rate, primary vs secondary mate marketing, heterosexual vs heterosexual vs bisexual and internet personal ads etc. Then the paper predicts the trend of the studies concerning mate selection based on personal ads should be theoretic assimilation and conformity one another in the future

Key words: personal advertisement, evolutionary psychology, social learning theory, social exchange theory
