ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

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王红丽, 李振, 周梦楠, 陈政任   

  • 收稿日期:2024-05-24 修回日期:2024-06-08 接受日期:2024-07-04
  • 通讯作者: 李振
  • 基金资助:
    人与AI创造力共舞:AI介入的创造力悖论及基于综合创造力4D模型的破解机制研究(72372045); 人工智能主客观角色地位差异与人机交互协作态度的多重路径研究—基于地位感知视角(2023A1515010718)

Empowerment or disempowerment: The influence of using AI on creative personality

Li, Zhen   

  • Received:2024-05-24 Revised:2024-06-08 Accepted:2024-07-04
  • Contact: Li, Zhen

摘要: 创造性人格常被视为人类稳定且独特的禀赋。但当人工智能(artificial intelligence,以下简称AI)技术侵入创造性工作领域,AI具备的“数字权威”导致人类对AI的自动化偏差,人类由创造力主导角色滑向依附角色只在一线之间,并通过影响个体的创新自我效能感和创新角色认同,最终威胁到个体的创造性人格。本项目拟基于“我能创新”和“我应创新”两条作用路径,厘清在创造性任务中使用AI及产生自动化偏差对个体创造性人格的影响,并探讨个体如何通过自我领导守住创新主体地位,以期深化对AI背景下创造性人格的研究。

关键词: 人工智能, 创造力, 人格特质, 自动化偏差, 自我管理

Abstract: Creative personality is often regarded as relatively stable and unique. However, when artificial intelligence (AI) engages in creative tasks, the “digital authority” of AI may lead to automation bias in human use of AI, and it is difficult for humans to maintain their leading role in creativity. Thus, the use of AI may influence individuals' creative self-efficacy and creative role identity, ultimately threatening creative personality. In order to complement researches on creative personality in the context of AI, this study aims to clarify the influence of using AI in creative work on creative personality based on the notion of “could” and “should”. At last, this study explores the effectiveness of self-management, that is, the way in which individuals defend their position as innovation subject.

Key words: AI, creativity, personality, automation bias, self-management