ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1989, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (02): 106-112.

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Cheng Li-guo Fujian Normal University   

  • Published:1989-06-25 Online:1989-06-25

Abstract: This article clearly points out that Piaget is a Tri-Schemist. The argu- ment touches upon many major philosophical problems in Psychology. The article is divided into four parts: (1)The interaction between the subject and object operates with the subject activity as its medium; (2)Cognitional information comes from the circuit in a form of tri-schema; (3)The moti- vation mechanism in constructivism has a dialectical relation with tri-sche- ma; (4) Tri-schema has its objective entity. In sport, Piaget's genetic epi- stemology is not in contradiction to marxist theory on reflection.

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