Acta Psychologica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (7): 1099-1114.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2023.01099
• Reports of Empirical Studies • Previous Articles Next Articles
YUAN Bo(), WANG Xiaoping, YIN Jun, LI Weiqiang(
YUAN Bo, E-mail:;LI Weiqiang, E-mail:
YUAN Bo, WANG Xiaoping, YIN Jun, LI Weiqiang. (2023). The role of cross-situational stimulus generalization in the formation of trust towards face: A perspective based on direct and observational learning. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 55(7), 1099-1114.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the construction process of face stimulation. (A) The original faces and 6 pre-rated faces were morphed in 11% increments. To avoid too similar with each other, only the faces with two increments along the same continuum were selected. (B) The original face that was eventually used in the experiment and the corresponding morphed face.
Figure 4. (A) Regression analysis of face similarity and ratio of selected morphed faces under different face association types; (B) Posterior probability distribution of fair/unfair face association × face similarity regression coefficient and corresponding confidence interval CIs.
Figure 5. Probability density distribution of four parameters of DDM under different face connection types. (A) represents the table drift rate v; (B) represents the boundary height α; (C) represents the boundary starting point deviation z; (D) represents non-decision time τ.
Figure 6. (A) Regression analysis of face similarity and ratio of selected deformable faces under the same face association type; (B) Posterior probability distribution of fair/unfair face association × face similarity regression coefficient and correspo nding confidence interval CIs.
Figure 7. Probability density distribution of four parameters of DDM under different face association types. (A) represents the table drift rate v; (B) represents the boundary height α; (C) represents the boundary starting point deviation z; (D) represents non-decision time τ.
Figure 8. (A) Regression analysis of face similarity and ratio of selected morphed faces under different face association types; (B) Posterior probability distribution of fair/unfair face association × face similarity regression coefficient and corresponding confidence interval CIs.
Figure 9. Probability density distribution of four parameters of DDM under different face connection types. (A) represents the table drift rate v; (B) represents the boundary height α; (C) represents the boundary starting point deviation z; (D) represents non-decision time τ.
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