ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

›› 1989, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (02): 20-30.

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Fan Cun-ren Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica The Associate Center for Child Psychology, CDCC   

  • Published:1989-06-25 Online:1989-06-25

Abstract: The CDCC Infant Mental Scale was mainly based on the Bayley Scale and revised according to Chinese children's actual condition. This scale is a diagnostic one for the assesment of the mental development of chil- dren aged 0-3 years. In this way the scale serves as an efficient tool for eugenics, better cultivation and early education. It can be used not only by child health workers, child educators, peadiatricians as the basis of dia- gnosis, medical treatment and education, but also by child psychologists, educators and child health workers as a tool when investigating the factors (e. g. genetic, nutritional, educational, environmental etc.) influencing the development of children. The scale was sampled strictly according to the stratified sampling (age, sex, parents educational level, districts, the size of the city) of the third census of 1982. The sample was devided into 16 age groups, 100 children within one group, altogether 1600 subjects. This scale will be ada- pted to all over the country, the characteristic of the scale differentiates it from other scales currently in operation. The scale was tested by split-half technique, test-retest and tester- observer rating correlation. Results showed high validity. The reliability was tested by comparing the results with that of Gesell Scales. The results also showed a rather good reliability. So the scale is worth popularizing for broader use.

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