ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2020, 52(8): 971-981 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00971



何晓丽,1, 袁小龙2, 胡铭3, 周丽晨1

1宁夏大学教育学院, 银川 750021

2山东省淄博第六中学, 淄博 255300

3宁夏中医医院暨中医研究院, 银川750021

The association between parental meta philosophy and adolescent's behavior problem: The moderating role of vagus

HE Xiaoli,1, YUAN Xiaolong2, HU Ming3, ZHOU Lichen1

1Educational Institute, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China

2Shandong Zibo No.6 High School, Zibo 255300, China

3Ningxia Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yinchuan 750021, China

通讯作者: 何晓丽,

第一联系人: 并列第一作者:何晓丽, 袁小龙。

收稿日期: 2018-07-11   网络出版日期: 2020-08-25

Received: 2018-07-11   Online: 2020-08-25


探讨父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为的关系以及青少年自身迷走神经功能对两者关系的影响。采用“心算任务范式”及问卷法, 对224名青少年及其父母进行测量与调查。结果发现:(1) 母亲情绪教导理念负向预测青少年内外化问题行为, 母亲情绪失控理念正向预测青少年内外化问题行为, 母亲情绪不干涉理念正向预测青少年外化问题行为; 父亲情绪教导理念负向预测青少年内化问题行为, 父亲情绪失控理念正向预测青少年外化问题行为。(2) 当青少年迷走张力较低时, 母亲情绪不干涉理念正向预测青少年外化问题行为; 当青少年迷走抑制较低时, 母亲情绪失控理念正向预测青少年内化、外化问题行为, 父亲情绪失控理念正向预测青少年外化问题行为。综上, 父母元情绪理念能够预测青少年问题行为, 且父母元情绪理念对青少年问题行为影响存在差异。同时, 迷走神经功能对父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为的关系具有一定调节作用。

关键词: 父母元情绪理念 ; 迷走神经功能 ; 青少年问题行为


Emotional and behavior problems including anxiety, depression, withdrawal, and attack are commonly occurred among adolescents. The perceptiveness and attitude of parents to their children's emotional reaction, which is defined as the parental meta-emotion philosophy (PMEP), can affect the regulation of children's emotional and behavior problems. These influences are also distinct as the individual physiological factors. However, several questions are still understudied. Previous studies ignored the effect of father's meta-emotional philosophy on individual behavior problems. Domestic studies paid close attention to the preschool or school-age children other than to adolescent group. No conclusion was drawn on the relationship between parental emotional coaching and the externalizing problems of adolescents. Whether the relationship was affected by other regulatory factors need further analysis. The role of PMEP, on the other hand, may also vary in different cultures. In the current study, we attempt to explore the relationship between the PMEP and adolescents' behavior problem and investigate the influence of adolescents' vagus nerve function on this relationship.

224 adolescents aged from 12 to14 recruited from a middle school of Yinchuan and their parents were selected in the current study. The MP150 (16 channels) physiological multichannel apparatus was firstly used to record adolescents' breathing and heart rate during the resting period and the mental arithmetic period. The baseline vagal tone and vagal suppression in task period were then calculated. Participants and their parents were asked to fill in questionnaires to measure the behavior problems of adolescents and the PMEP after the physiological measurement. The physiological data were analyzed offline using Acqknowledge software (version-4.3), and the physiological data and questionnaire data were imported into SPSS 20.0 for statistical analysis.

Results and conclusions were as follows: (1) PMEP can predict adolescents' behavior problems: the more emotion coaching mothers have, the less internalizing and externalizing problems adolescents have; the more emotion dysfunction mothers have, the more internalizing and externalizing problems adolescents have; the more emotion noninvolvement mothers have, the more externalizing problems adolescent have; the more emotion coaching fathers have, the less internalizing problems adolescents have; the more emotion dysfunction fathers have, the more externalizing problems adolescents have. (2) PMEP in adolescents' problem behaviors is regulated by the vagus nerve: when adolescent's vagal tone was low, the more emotion noninvolvement the mothers have, the more externalizing problems adolescents have; when adolescent's vagal suppression was low, the more emotion dysfunction mothers have, the more internalizing and externalizing problems of adolescents.; When adolescents' vagal suppression was low, the more emotion dysfunction fathers have, the more externalizing problems adolescents have.

In summary, the rise of individual behavior problem is not only due to the effect of single factor, but also due to the result of the interaction between the outside and individual factors. It is suggested that we should investigate the occurrence and development of the individual behavior problems from the multiple perspectives of physical, psychological and social factors.

Keywords: parental meta emotion philosophy ; vagal function ; problem behavior

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何晓丽, 袁小龙, 胡铭, 周丽晨. 父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为:迷走神经的调节作用. 心理学报[J], 2020, 52(8): 971-981 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00971

HE Xiaoli, YUAN Xiaolong, HU Ming, ZHOU Lichen. The association between parental meta philosophy and adolescent's behavior problem: The moderating role of vagus. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2020, 52(8): 971-981 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.00971

1 引言

随着成长环境的日益复杂化, 青少年情绪及与情绪相关的问题行为受到持续性关注。从父母情绪社会化角度探讨青少年问题行为的发生与发展已成为当前研究的热点。其中, 情绪反应、情绪谈论、情绪表达等父母情绪社会化的不同方面都会对青少年问题行为产生不同程度的影响(Chaplin, Cole, & Zahn-Waxler, 2005; 李燕, 贺婷婷, 俞凯, 刘佩丽, 2010 )。而作为影响父母情绪社会化的重要因素之一, 父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为之间的关系尚需进一步探讨(胡瑞, 梁宗保, 张光珍, 邓慧华, 2017)。

父母元情绪理念是父母对自己和孩子情绪所产生的认知与感受, 分为情绪教导理念、情绪摒除理念、情绪不干涉理念和情绪失控理念四种类型(胡台丽, 许木柱, 叶光辉, 2002)。不同类型父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为的关系不尽相同。父母情绪教导理念得分较高时, 儿童表现出较好的情绪调节能力、有效的问题解决能力、良好的同伴交往能力和较少的健康问题(Gottman, Katz, & Hooven, 1996)。父母情绪摒除理念则能够对儿童情绪调节产生不良影响并造成儿童较多的内化和外化问题(Lunkenheimer, Shields, & Cortina, 2007)。如母亲情绪摒除理念能够通过教养态度和青少年自身情绪调节能力对青少年忧郁产生间接作用。此外, 父母对儿童消极情绪的引导可以作为保护性因素缓冲摒除理念对其问题行为造成的不良影响, 因此父母情绪教导理念和父母情绪摒除理念与问题行为的关系尚需进一步研究。情绪失控理念和情绪不干涉理念是东方文化背景下父母特有的元情绪理念(胡台丽 等, 2002)。研究表明, 父亲的情绪失控理念与儿童的外显问题显著正相关, 而与其社会能力显著负相关(衡书鹏, 2014)。母亲情绪不干涉理念则正向预测儿童后期的愤怒攻击、焦虑退缩等行为(梁宗保, 2009; 梁宗保, 张光珍, 陈会昌, 张萍, 2012; 梁宗保, 胡瑞, 张光珍, 邓慧华, 夏敏, 2016)。然而, 从童年期到青少年期, 父母情绪不干涉理念和失控理念对个体问题行为的影响尚不明确。此外, 邱雅沂(2005)调查发现除母亲情绪教导理念外, 其余三种母亲元情绪理念均与青少年忧郁存在显著正相关。梁宗保等人(2012)研究发现父亲的情绪教导与情绪紊乱能够影响其情绪表达进而对儿童社会能力产生间接影响。因此, 探究东方文化背景下, 不同类型父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为的关系, 尤其是对青少年内外化问题行为的影响, 对青少年成长过程中情绪调节、社会能力等的提升具有积极的促进作用。

青少年自身的生理性因素是其问题行为发展的内部因素, 而自主神经作为人体重要的生理调控系统, 其功能性不良会导致个体不良的社会功能(Raine, 2002)。“多迷走神经理论(Polyvagal theory)”认为迷走神经是自主神经系统的重要部分, 与个体的社会化行为有关(Porges, 2007)。Perry等人(2014)发现3岁时个体较高的迷走神经张力和较高的迷走神经抑制能够负向预测儿童之后的外化问题, 证明早期生理调节对个体后期发展具有重要作用。Neuhaus, Bernier和Beauchaine (2014)发现高迷走神经张力与较好的社会功能、较少的内化问题有关。上述研究证明, 高迷走神经张力与任务条件下较高的迷走撤出是一种相对适应性的反应, 与个体问题行为具有负向关系。然而, 也有研究并未发现迷走神经张力与问题行为的相关性(Utendale et al., 2014)。对迷走神经抑制与问题行为的关系也存在诸多争论(Hinnant & El-Sheikh, 2009; Utendale et al,. 2014; Shanahan, Calkins, Keane, Kelleher, & Suffness, 2014)。有研究者提出只有适量的迷走神经张力和迷走神经抑制才会对个体行为产生良好作用(Kogan et al., 2014)。迷走神经功能作为个体生理调节能力的指标, 其与个体问题行为关系的复杂度在不同被试情况和研究方法中具有明显差异。此外, 迷走神经功能作为一种风险性因素, 需要联合其他因素才能导致最终问题行为的产生(El-Sheikh, 2005; Hastings & De, 2008)。迷走神经功能在父母元情绪理念与问题行为的关系中的作用有待进一步验证。

目前, 已有研究证实了迷走神经功能在父母因素与个体适应之间的调节作用。Katz和Gottman (1995)发现对于低迷走神经张力儿童, 父母婚姻冲突与儿童外化问题行为显著正向关系, 而对于高迷走神经张力儿童, 两者无显著关系, 表明较高的迷走神经张力能够缓冲婚姻冲突对儿童的不良影响。Van der Graaff等人(2016)发现对于迷走神经张力较低的女孩, 不良的亲子关系质量能够预测较多的外化问题行为, 而对于迷走神经张力较高的女孩, 亲子关系质量的好坏与外化行为问题没有关系。上述研究表明, 较高的迷走张力和迷走抑制代表了良好的生理性调节, 对父母高风险因素影响下的个体具有保护性作用。因此, 考察迷走神经功能在父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为关系中的调节作用也是本次研究的重点。

综上所述, 本研究拟对父母元情绪理念、迷走神经功能与青少年问题行为的关系进行考察, 并提出以下假设:(1) 父母元情绪理念能够显著预测青少年问题行为。(2) 青少年的迷走神经功能对青少年内化和外化问题行为具有预测作用。(3) 青少年迷走神经功能对父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为的关系具有调节作用。

2 研究方法

2.1 被试

随机选取银川市某中学初一、初二、初三学生和父母共计277组家庭自愿参加本次研究。由于部分家长和学生问卷填写不完整、部分学生生理数据采集无效, 研究最终有效家庭数目为224组, 均为独生子女家庭。其中, 男孩116人, 女孩108人。学生年龄12至14岁, 平均年龄12.84岁, 标准差为0.76。母亲学历初中及以下91人、高中70人、大学及以上63人; 父亲学历初中及以下84人、高中68人、大学及以上72人。在进行生理数据采集前告知被试当天不能饮用茶叶、含咖啡因兴奋类饮品, 正式实验前不能做剧烈运动, 被试均为右利手, 视力正常, 不存在先天性生理缺陷和感冒。

2.2 研究工具

2.2.1 测量工具

父母元情绪理念测量 采用台湾学者叶光辉、郑欣佩和杨永瑞(2005)编制的父母后设情绪理念量表(Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy Scale, PMEPS)对父母元情绪理念进行评测, 量表共计42道题目, 分为情绪教导(15题)、情绪不干涉(12题)、情绪摒除(7题)、情绪失控(8题)四个分量表, 采用Likert 6级计分方式, 1“完全不符合”到6“完全符合”, 由青少年父母分别进行报告。该量表后由梁宗保等人(2011, 2012, 2016)验证, 具有良好的信度和效度。本次研究中母亲元情绪理念总量表α信度为0.72, 情绪教导、情绪不干涉、情绪摒除和情绪失控分量表α信度分别为0.86, 0.76, 0.65, 0.84。父亲总量表α信度为0.73, 情绪教导、情绪不干涉、情绪摒除和情绪失控分量表α信度分别为0.81, 0.77, 0.67, 0.79。

青少年问题行为测量 采用Achenbach和Edelbrock (1987)编制的青少年行为自评量表(The Youth Self-Report, YSR), 全量表共计112道题目, 分为焦虑/抑郁、退缩、躯体主诉、社交问题、思维问题、注意问题、违纪行为和攻击行为8个分量表, 采用3级计分, 被试根据近半年内的表现填写量表, “无此表现”计0分, “有时有此表现”计1分, “经常有此表现”计2分。该量表经过实测具有良好的信效度, 适合对12~18岁青少年的问题行为进行测量(刘贤臣 等, 1997)。量表中焦虑/抑郁、退缩、躯体主诉分量表得分可合并为内化问题行为, 违纪行为和攻击行为分量表得分可以合并为外化问题行为。所以, 本文选用焦虑/抑郁、退缩、躯体主诉、违纪行为和攻击行为分量表, 共53题进行内化问题和外化问题的测量。其中内化问题量表和外化问题量表的α信度系数分别0.78, 0.72。

2.2.2 测量仪器

采用美国Biopac公司的MP150型(16通道)生理多导仪进行心率和呼吸的记录。生理多导仪由主机、放大器、换能器三部分构成, 本次实验中主要用到的模块是ECG100c心电放大器和RSP100c呼吸放大器, 两根LEAD100S屏蔽导线, 一根LEAD100d非屏蔽导线, 一条TSD201呼吸绑带, 医用一次性电极贴片若干。除此之外, 本次实验使用一台DELL台式电脑为被试播放实验相关材料刺激, 另外一台DELL笔记本内置AcqKnowledge 4.3软件并与生理多导仪器相连, 进行不同通道的生理波形记录。

2.3 实验过程

2.3.1 生理指标测量

生理指标测量在银川市某中学闲置教室完成, 将教室用布帘分为主试操作室和被试实验室两部分, 被试实验室内有座椅并在座椅前1 m处放置DELL台式机以及生理多导记录仪用以播放实验材料, 主试操作室内放有内置AcqKnowledge 4.3软件的DELL笔记本与生理多导仪连接用以记录被试心电和呼吸数据。

当被试来到实验室时, 让其自然放松的坐在座椅上, 主试为被试连接生理信号传感器。之后主试回到操作室, 让被试适应环境1 min, 期间保持放松, 然后开始正式实验。正式实验分为两个流程:第一个流程为基线期, 使用PPT给被试自动播放中性图片12张, 让其认真观看, 保持放松, 保持身体尽量不动, 同时采集被试基线期数据(180 s), 实验图片均来自中国情绪图片系统(白露, 马慧, 黄宇霞, 罗跃嘉, 2005); 第二个流程即任务期, 采用心算任务让被试做连续减法运算, 同时采集被试任务期数据(180 s)。实验心算任务的原型为特里尔应激任务范式(TSST)中的心算任务。研究设计了3组四位数减两位数运算, 使用A/B两套PPT播放方案对三组运算加以平衡, 除心算减法呈现顺序不同外, 其余皆相同。之后实验结束, 总时间持续约9 min。

2.3.2 问卷测量

生理测量结束后, 由被试当场填写“青少年行为自评量表”。在学校家长会期间(约在全部生理测量完成一周后), 由主试为家长发放2张“父母后设情绪理念量表”, 讲解相应注意事项后, 一份问卷请到会家长填写后现场回收, 另一份问卷则由家长带回, 由未到会家长填写, 第二天交由学生带回。

2.4 数据分析

采用Acqknowledge 4.3软件对生理数据进行离线分析。呼吸性窦性心律不齐(respiratory sinus arrhythmia, RSA)是指与呼吸周期有关的心率节律性波动, 因此我们采集同时期呼吸与心率数据, 使用Acqknowledge 4.3内置RSA计算模块, 计算原理是使用峰谷法(peak-to-valley method)计算每一次呼吸的心跳间期(IBI, 单位:ms)变化。首先得出全时段初始RSA值, 然后将初始RSA值进行自然对数转换(单位ln [ms²]), 最后对基线时期(180 s)和任务时期(180 s)的RSA值取平均数, 即可得到基线期和任务期的RSA值。基线期RSA - 任务期RSA = RSA抑制。研究中主要使用基线RSA (基线迷走神经张力)和RSA抑制(迷走神经抑制)两项指标考察迷走神经功能。最后将生理数据和问卷数据共同转换到SPSS 20.0进行统计分析。

3 结果

3.1 不同实验阶段迷走神经水平差异

采用配对样本t检验, 考察不同实验阶段迷走神经水平的差异, 结果表明任务期RSA显著低于基线期RSA (7.69 ± 1.12 vs. 8.04 ± 1.03, t = 8.57, p < 0.001), 说明被试在任务条件下表现出显著的RSA抑制。

3.2 父母元情绪理念、迷走神经功能和青少年问题行为相关分析

表1可知, 母亲情绪教导与内化、外化问题行为显著负相关, 母亲情绪不干涉与外化问题行为显著正相关, 母亲情绪失控与内化、外化问题行为显著正相关。父亲情绪教导与内化问题行为显著负相关, 父亲情绪失控与外化问题行为显著正相关; 基线RSA和RSA抑制均与外化问题行为显著负相关。

表1   父母元情绪理念、迷走神经功能与问题行为的相关分析

父母元情绪理念M ± SD1234567891011
1母亲情绪教导65.46 ± 12.801
2母亲情绪不干涉37.00 ± 8.95-0.17*1
3母亲情绪摒除24.49 ± 5.31-0.31***0.24***1
4母亲情绪失控26.99 ± 8.69-0.33***0.25***0.47***1
5父亲情绪教导62.36 ± 10.960.32***-0.12-0.11-0.111
6父亲情绪不干涉36.53 ± 8.86-0.25***0.33***0.37***0.29***-0.30***1
7父亲情绪摒除24.78 ± 5.51-0.20**0.20**0.58***0.29***-0.22**0.46***1
8父亲情绪失控24.84 ± 7.51-0.14*0.23***0.21**0.46***-0.22***0.38***0.28***1
9内化问题行为12.25 ± 6.34-0.23******-0.16*
10外化问题行为8.23 ± 4.53-0.19**0.21**0.040.22**-**0.51***1
11基线RSA8.04 ± 1.03-0.13-0.010.0040.030.09-0.05-0.11-0.11-0.04-0.15*1
12 RSA抑制0.35 ± 0.61-0.030.0010.050.09-0.010.07-0.020.09-0.05-0.15*0.13*

注:* p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001; RSA抑制 = 基线RSA - 任务RSA

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3.3 母亲元情绪理念、基线迷走神经张力与青少年问题行为关系

采用多元线性回归方法, 分别以内化问题行为和外化问题行为为因变量, 母亲情绪教导、情绪失控为自变量, 基线RSA为调节变量, 性别和年龄为控制变量, 构建回归方程, 结果见表2

表2   母亲元情绪理念、基线迷走神经张力与青少年问题行为关系的回归分析


注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

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表2可知, 当以内化问题行为为因变量时, 母亲情绪教导和情绪失控的回归系数显著, 即认为母亲情绪教导对青少年内化问题有负向预测作用、母亲情绪失控对青少年内化问题有正向预测作用, 但是母亲情绪教导、情绪失控与基线RSA乘积项的预测作用不显著。当以外化问题为因变量时, 母亲情绪教导、情绪不干涉、情绪失控和青少年基线RSA的回归系数显著, 即认为母亲情绪教导、青少年基线RSA对青少年外化问题行为有负向预测作用, 母亲情绪不干涉、情绪失控对青少年外化问题行为有正向预测作用, 同时母亲情绪不干涉和基线RSA乘积项回归系数显著, 说明基线RSA在母亲情绪不干涉与青少年外化问题行为的关系中具有调节作用。为进一步了解基线RSA的调节作用模式, 按照正负1个标准差对基线RSA进行高低分组, 对交互项进行简单斜率的分析, 结果见图1


图1   基线RSA对母亲情绪不干涉与外化问题行为关系的调节作用

图1可知, 当青少年基线迷走神经张力较低时, 母亲情绪不干涉显著正向预测青少年外化问题行为(β简单斜率 = 1.73, p < 0.001); 当青少年基线迷走神经张力较高时, 母亲情绪不干涉对青少年外化问题行为的预测不显著(β简单斜率 = 0.11, p = 0.788)。

3.4 父亲元情绪理念、基线迷走神经张力与青少年问题行为关系

采用多元线性回归方法, 分别以内化问题行为和外化问题行为为因变量, 父亲情绪教导为自变量, 基线RSA为调节变量, 性别和年龄为控制变量, 构建回归方程, 结果见表3

表3   父亲元情绪理念、基线迷走神经张力与青少年问题行为关系的回归分析


注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

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表3可知, 当以内化问题行为为因变量时, 父亲情绪教导的回归系数显著, 即认为父亲情绪教导对青少年内化问题行为有负向预测作用, 但是父亲情绪教导与基线RSA乘积项的预测作用不显著; 当以外化问题行为为因变量时, 父亲情绪失控的回归系数显著, 即认为父亲情绪失控对青少年外化问题行为有正向预测作用, 但是父亲情绪失控与基线RSA乘积项的预测作用不显著。

3.5 母亲元情绪理念、迷走神经抑制与青少年问题行为关系

采用多元线性回归方法, 分别以内化问题行为和外化问题行为为因变量, 母亲情绪教导、情绪失控为自变量, RSA抑制为调节变量, 性别和年龄为控制变量, 构建回归方程, 结果见表4

表4   母亲元情绪理念、迷走神经抑制与青少年问题行为关系的回归分析


注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001

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表4可知, 当以内化问题行为为因变量时, 母亲情绪失控与RSA抑制乘积项回归系数显著, 说明RSA抑制在母亲情绪失控与青少年内化问题行为的关系中具有调节作用。当以外化问题为因变量时, 青少年RSA抑制的回归系数显著, 即认为青少年RSA抑制对青少年外化问题行为有负向预测作用, 同时母亲情绪失控和RSA抑制乘积项回归系数显著, 说明RSA抑制在母亲情绪失控与青少年外化问题行为的关系中具有调节作用。为进一步了解RSA抑制的调节作用模式, 按照正负1个标准差对RSA抑制进行高低分组, 对交互项进行简单斜率的分析, 结果见图2图3


图2   RSA抑制对母亲情绪失控与内化问题行为关系的调节作用


图3   RSA抑制对母亲情绪失控与外化问题行为关系的调节作用

图2可知, 当青少年迷走神经抑制较低时, 母亲情绪失控显著正向预测青少年内化问题行为(β简单斜率 = 2.69, p < 0.001); 当青少年迷走神经抑制较高时, 母亲情绪失控对青少年内化问题行为的预测不显著(β简单斜率 = -0.09, p = 0.894)。

图3可知, 当青少年迷走神经抑制较低时, 母亲情绪失控显著正向预测青少年外化问题行为(β简单斜率 = 1.95, p < 0.001); 当青少年迷走神经抑制较高时, 母亲情绪失控对青少年外化问题行为的预测不显著(β简单斜率 = -0.30, p = 0.510)。

3.6 父亲元情绪理念、迷走神经抑制与青少年问题行为关系

采用多元线性回归方法, 分别以内化问题行为和外化问题行为为因变量, 父亲情绪教导为自变量, RSA抑制为调节变量, 性别和年龄为控制变量, 构建回归方程, 结果见表5

表5   父亲元情绪理念、迷走神经抑制与青少年问题行为关系的回归分析


注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001

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表5可知, 当以内化问题行为为因变量时, 父亲情绪教导与RSA抑制乘积项预测作用不显著; 当以外化问题行为为因变量时, 父亲情绪失控与RSA抑制乘积项的回归系数显著, 说明RSA抑制在父亲情绪失控与青少年外化问题行为的关系中具有调节作用。为进一步了解RSA抑制的调节作用模式, 按照正负1个标准差对RSA抑制进行高低分组, 对交互项进行简单斜率的分析, 结果见图4


图4   RSA抑制对父亲情绪失控与外化问题行为关系的调节作用

图4可知, 当青少年迷走神经抑制较低时, 父亲情绪失控显著正向预测青少年外化问题行为(β简单斜率 = 1.62, p < 0.001); 当青少年迷走神经抑制较高时, 父亲情绪失控对青少年外化问题行为的预测不显著(β简单斜率 = 0.21, p = 0.628)。

4 讨论

4.1 父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为的关系

研究表明, 当父母持有较高情绪教导理念时, 儿童会表现出良好的情绪调节能力、有效的问题解决策略、良好的同伴关系、以及较少的健康问题(Gottman et al., 1996; Katz & Windecker-Nelson, 2004; 叶光辉 等, 2005)。其中, 父亲情绪教导理念与孩子的情绪调节能力、亲社会行为、社会能力正相关(Stover, 2003)。若父亲能够尊重、关心孩子的消极情绪, 并且对孩子的情绪加以指导, 将有利于孩子发展出良好的情绪和行为调节能力, 进而抑制问题行为的产生(Parke, 2002)。本研究结果显示, 母亲情绪教导理念显著负向预测青少年内化、外化问题行为, 而父亲情绪教导理念显著负向预测青少年内化问题行为。结合前人研究成果, 说明持有较高情绪教导理念的母亲可能会更敏锐的觉察到孩子的消极情绪并尊重孩子的情绪反应, 进而影响其问题行为的发生, 而父亲情绪教导理念对青少年行为发展的影响则更加独特。

情绪失控理念是一种不良的父母元情绪理念, 对青少年社会能力的发展具有负面影响(梁宗保 等, 2012), 且母亲情绪失控理念与儿童的愤怒攻击行为和焦虑退缩行为等显著正相关(梁宗保 等, 2016)。本研究中, 母亲情绪失控理念显著正向预测青少年内化、外化问题行为, 父亲情绪失控理念显著正向预测青少年外化问题行为。说明当父母持有较高情绪失控理念时, 其对孩子的消极情绪反应十分敏感却不知所措, 甚至表现出失控反应和失当行为。在该情况下, 孩子的消极情绪无法得到有效的指导和关心, 导致其不清楚自己消极情绪的缘由, 以及如何处理消极情绪, 进而容易引发青少年情绪和行为问题。

情绪不干涉理念是中国父母特有的元情绪理念, 其对个体发展的影响作用相对复杂, 难以一言概之。青少年正处于情绪发展的关键时期, 表现为情绪的不稳定性及其情绪调节能力的不成熟性, 因此在一定程度上需要家长从旁协助来处理情绪问题。本研究表明母亲情绪不干涉理念显著正向预测青少年外化问题行为, 而父亲情绪不干涉理念与青少年问题行为不相关, 与已有研究结论不尽一致。这可能与在东方文化背景下, 母亲承担了主要的教养责任而父亲与孩子相处的时间较少有关。

本研究发现, 父母的情绪摒除理念与青少年问题行为无显著相关, 这与西方被试群体的研究结论不尽一致(Lagacé-Séguin & Coplan, 2005; Lunken- heimer et al., 2007)。持有较高情绪摒除理念的父母往往否认孩子的消极情绪感受, 进而要求孩子尽快消除这些情绪, 甚至会因孩子表现出不良情绪而惩罚他们。摒除型理念不利于孩子正常的情绪表达, 对孩子问题解决能力、社会能力、情绪能力等的形成均具有不良影响(Gottman, Katz, & Hooven, 1997)。相对而言, 西方社会文化强调个人展现与情绪表达(Soto, Perez, Kim, Lee, & Minnick, 2011), 而中国社会文化强调“和谐”, 认为人与人之间相处应该以和为贵, 人们往往注重集体而忽略个体感受。因此父母会鼓励孩子克制个人情绪, 凡事喜怒不形于色, 由此才能融入社会(Chen & French, 2008; 胡台丽 等, 2002), 父母的情绪摒除理念恰恰适应了中国本土文化, 反而不会对个体问题行为造成影响。

4.2 迷走神经功能与问题行为的关系

本研究发现迷走神经张力和迷走神经抑制均显著负向预测青少年外化问题行为, 即迷走神经张力越高、迷走神经抑制越大则青少年外化问题表现越少, 这与前人研究结论一致(Graziano & Derefinko, 2013; Perry, Calkins, Nelson, Leerkes, & Marcovitch, 2012)。当个体具有相对较高的迷走神经抑制时, 其迷走神经水平恢复速度会很快(Brosschot & Thayer, 1998; Porges, 2007), 有利于发展出良好的注意控制、执行功能、情绪调节能力和行为调节能力(Gottman & Katz, 2002; Marcovitch et al., 2010; Zhang, Wang, You, Lü, & Luo, 2015), 进而对个体的问题行为产生积极影响(Calkins & Fox, 2002; Eisenberg et al., 2009; Gilliom & Shaw, 2004)。

本研究未发现迷走神经功能与内化问题行为的关系, 推测迷走神经功能与问题行为, 尤其是与内化问题的关系可能受到多种因素的调节。

4.3 迷走神经功能对父母元情绪理念与青少年问题行为关系的调节作用

迷走神经张力对母亲情绪不干涉理念与青少年外化问题行为关系的调节作用显著。简单斜率分析表明, 当青少年迷走神经张力水平较低时, 母亲情绪不干涉理念越高则青少年外化问题越多, 而当青少年迷走神经张力水平较高时, 母亲情绪不干涉理念与青少年外化问题的关系不显著。高水平迷走神经张力代表了个体良好的生理调节能力, 不仅直接影响个体的情绪和行为调节, 而且在家庭风险因素对个体发展的影响中起到“保护性”作用(Van der Graaff et al., 2016)。持有较高情绪不干涉理念的母亲, 表现为对孩子的消极情绪缺乏关注。若孩子自身调节能力不足, 无法有效处理自己的消极情绪时, 母亲的不干涉处理方式可能对其造成不良影响, 进而引发青少年的问题行为。低迷走神经张力儿童的适应结果与父母情绪社会化的关系更强, 即父母对低迷走神经张力个体的影响更大(Hastings & De, 2008)。

迷走神经抑制在母亲情绪失控理念与青少年内化、外化问题行为的关系中具有调节作用; 迷走神经抑制在父亲情绪失控理念与青少年外化问题行为的关系中具有调节作用。简单斜率分析表明, 当青少年迷走神经抑制水平较低时, 母亲情绪失控理念能够显著正向预测青少年内化、外化问题; 而当青少年迷走神经抑制水平较高时, 母亲情绪失控理念对青少年内化、外化问题的影响不显著; 当青少年迷走神经抑制水平较低时, 父亲情绪失控理念能够显著正向预测青少年外化问题行为; 而当迷走神经抑制水平较高时, 父亲情绪失控理念对青少年外化问题行为的影响不显著。研究表明, 高水平迷走神经抑制能够在家庭风险因素下对个体的适应起到保护作用(McLaughlin, Alves, & Sheridan, 2014; Perry et al., 2012)。因此, 高水平迷走抑制能够缓冲父母情绪失控理念对孩子的影响, 对个体发展具有保护作用。

5 结论

(1) 父母元情绪理念能够预测青少年问题行为, 母亲情绪教导理念负向预测青少年内外化问题行为, 母亲情绪失控理念正向预测青少年内外化问题行为, 母亲情绪不干涉理念正向预测青少年外化问题行为; 父亲情绪教导理念负向预测青少年内化问题行为, 父亲情绪失控理念正向预测青少年外化问题行为。(2) 父母元情绪理念对青少年问题行为的作用受迷走神经的调节, 当青少年迷走张力较低时, 母亲持有情绪不干涉理念越多, 青少年外化问题越多; 当青少年迷走抑制较低时, 母亲持有情绪失控理念越多青少年内化、外化问题行为越多; 父亲持有情绪失控理念越多, 青少年外化问题行为越多。


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A model of the association between hostility and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is proposed based upon anger inhibition, slow cardiovascular recovery, and low parasympathetic activity (vagal tone). This model is opposed to the more conventional model that emphasizes anger expression, cardiovascular reactivity, and high sympathetic tone. We argue that in social reality, incidences of anger inhibition outnumber incidences of anger expression to a great extent, irrespective of preferred expression style. Moreover, slow cardiovascular recovery, rather than high reactivity, may be the mechanism underlying the CVD risk associated with anger inhibition. Both anger inhibition and slow cardiovascular recovery are associated with a persistently low vagal tone. Thus, the anger inhibition/vagal inhibition model seems more consistent with the actual nature of anger in daily life and with the known cardiovascular control mechanisms. The model may better account for the chronic pathophysiological state that is believed to lead to CVD. Importantly, an experimental inhibition/recovery paradigm might also allow to test potential behavioral and cognitive accelerators of cardiovascular recovery. As an example of an important socially-mediated health risk that may be elucidated using the anger inhibition/vagal inhibition model, we discuss Black-White differences that have been found in CVD.

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Developmental Psychology, 45(4), 988-1008.

DOI:10.1037/a0016213      URL     PMID:19586175      [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of the study was to examine the relations of effortful control (EC), impulsivity, and negative emotionality to at least borderline clinical levels of symptoms and change in maladjustment over four years. Children's (N = 214; 77% European American; M age = 73 months) externalizing and internalizing symptoms were rated by parents and teachers at 3 times, 2 years apart (T1, T2, and T3) and were related to children's adult-rated EC, impulsivity, and emotion. In addition, the authors found patterns of change in maladjustment were related to these variables at T3 while controlling for the T1 predictor. Externalizing problems (pure or co-occurring with internalizing problems) were associated with low EC, high impulsivity, and negative emotionality, especially anger, and patterns of change also related to these variables. Internalizing problems were associated with low impulsivity and sadness and somewhat with high anger. Low attentional EC was related to internalizing problems only in regard to change in maladjustment. Change in impulsivity was associated with change in internalizing primarily when controlling for change in externalizing problems.

El-Sheikh, M. (2005).

Does poor vagal tone exacerbate child maladjustment in the context of parental problem drinking? A longitudinal examination

Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 114 (4), 735-741.

DOI:10.1037/0021-843X.114.4.735      URL     PMID:16351394      [本文引用: 1]

Children's vagal tone was examined as a vulnerability factor in the longitudinal relation between mothers' (MPD) and fathers' (FPD) problem drinking and children's adjustment. At T1, MPD and FPD were examined, and children's vagal tone was assessed. Two years following initial participation, child adjustment problems were evaluated. A lower level of vagal tone was a vulnerability factor for internalizing problems associated with MPD and FPD and for externalizing difficulties associated with MPD. In the context of a higher level of MPD or FPD, a lower level of vagal tone was a vulnerability factor for increases in externalizing problems over time. Results are supportive of the importance of biopsychosocial perspectives in which child characteristics interact with family risk to predict psychopathology.

Gilliom, M., & Shaw, D. S. (2004).

Codevelopment of externalizing and internalizing problems in early childhood

Development and Psychopathology, 16(2), 313-333.

DOI:10.1017/s0954579404044530      URL     PMID:15487598      [本文引用: 1]

Using cross-domain latent growth modeling, we examined trajectories of externalizing and internalizing problems in disadvantaged boys followed from ages 2 to 6 years (N = 303). On average, externalizing problems gradually decreased and internalizing problems gradually increased. However, we found significant variability in individual-level trajectories. Higher levels of externalizing problems were associated with higher levels of internalizing problems; rates of change were also positively correlated across domains. In addition, high levels of externalizing problems predicted rapid increases in internalizing problems. In follow-up analyses involving child and parenting factors, the combination of high negative emotionality, low fearfulness, and high negative maternal control preceded high, nondecreasing externalizing trajectories. The combination of high negative emotionality, high fearfulness, and high negative maternal control preceded high, increasing internalizing trajectories. Taken together, the results indicate both general and specific processes in the development of early externalizing and internalizing problems.

Gottman, J. M., Katz, L. F., & Hooven, C. (1996).

Parental meta-emotion philosophy and the emotional life of families: Theoretical models and preliminary data

Journal of Family Psychology, 10 (3), 243-268.

[本文引用: 2]

Gottman, J. M., Katz, L. F., & Hooven, C. (1997). Meta-emotion: How families communicate emotionally. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

[本文引用: 1]

Gottman, J. M., & Katz, L. F. (2002).

Children's emotional reactions to stressful parent-child interactions: The link between emotion regulation and vagal tone

Marriage & Family Review, 34 (3-4), 265-283.

[本文引用: 1]

Graziano, P., & Derefinko, K. (2013).

Cardiac vagal control and children's adaptive functioning: A meta-analysis

Biological Psychology, 94 (1), 22-37.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.04.011      URL     PMID:23648264      [本文引用: 1]

Polyvagal theory has influenced research on the role of cardiac vagal control, indexed by respiratory sinus arrhythmia withdrawal (RSA-W) during challenging states, in children's self-regulation. However, it remains unclear how well RSA-W predicts adaptive functioning (AF) outcomes and whether certain caveats of measuring RSA (e.g., respiration) significantly impact these associations. A meta-analysis of 44 studies (n=4996 children) revealed small effect sizes such that greater levels of RSA-W were related to fewer externalizing, internalizing, and cognitive/academic problems. In contrast, RSA-W was differentially related to children's social problems according to sample type (community vs. clinical/at-risk). The relations between RSA-W and children's AF outcomes were stronger among studies that co-varied baseline RSA and in Caucasian children (no effect was found for respiration). Children from clinical/at-risk samples displayed lower levels of baseline RSA and RSA-W compared to children from community samples. Theoretical/practical implications for the study of cardiac vagal control are discussed.

Hastings, P. D., & De, I. (2008).

Parasympathetic regulation and parental socialization of emotion: Biopsychosocial processes of adjustment in preschoolers

Social Development, 17 (2), 211-238.

[本文引用: 2]

Heng, S. P. (2014).

The influence of parents' emotional expression and emotional instruction on children's aggressive behavior: The mediating role of emotion regulation ability

Journal of Xinyang Normal University (Philos. & Soc. Sci. Edit.), 34 (5), 24-28.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 衡书鹏. (2014).

父母情绪表达, 情绪教导对儿童攻击行为的影响——情绪调节能力的中介作用

信阳师范学院学报:哲学社会科学版, 34 (5), 24-28.]

[本文引用: 1]

Hinnant, J. B., & El-Sheikh, M. (2009).

Children's externalizing and internalizing symptoms over time: The role of individual differences in patterns of RSA responding

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37 (8), 1049-1061.

DOI:10.1007/s10802-009-9341-1      URL     PMID:19711181      [本文引用: 1]

We examined associations between basal respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) in conjunction with RSA regulation with the hypothesis that their interaction would explain unique variability in children's prospective adjustment 2 years later. Participants were 176 children (98 girls; 78 boys) in middle childhood. RSA regulation was assessed through social and problem-solving challenges. Parents reported on children's internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Interactions between RSA baseline and regulation to the social stressor predicted children's later internalizing symptoms. Interactions between RSA baseline and responding to the problem-solving stressor predicted children's externalizing symptoms. The highest levels of internalizing symptoms were predicted for children with both lower basal RSA and higher RSA suppression. The highest levels of externalizing symptoms were predicted for children who demonstrated lower basal RSA in conjunction with RSA augmentation. Findings highlight the importance of the contemporaneous consideration of basal RSA and RSA regulation in the prediction of developmental psychopathology symptomology.

Hu, R., Liang, Z. B., Zhang, G. Z., Deng, H. H. (2017).

The perspective of emotional parenting:Relation between parental meta-emotion philosophy and children's psychosocial adjustment

Advances in Psychological Science, 25 (4), 599-608.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 胡瑞, 梁宗保, 张光珍, 邓慧华. (2017).

情绪教养视角: 父母元情绪理念与儿童心理社会适应

心理科学进展, 25 (4), 599-608.]

[本文引用: 1]

Hu, T. L., Xu, M. Z., & Ye, G. H. (2002). Feeling, emotion and culture. Taipei, China: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.

[本文引用: 3]

[ 胡台丽, 许木柱, 叶光辉. (2002).


台北, 中央研究院民族学研究所.]

[本文引用: 3]

Katz, L. F., & Gottman, J. M. (1995).

Vagal tone protects children from marital conflict

Development and Psychopathology, 7 (1), 83-92.

[本文引用: 1]

Katz, L. F., & Windecker-Nelson, B. (2004).

Parental meta-emotion philosophy in families with conduct-problem children: Links with peer relations

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 32 (4), 385-398.

DOI:10.1023/b:jacp.0000030292.36168.30      URL     PMID:15305544      [本文引用: 1]

We addressed the question of whether mothers of conduct-problem (CP) children differ from mothers of non-CP children in their awareness and coaching of emotion, and also examined whether mother's awareness and coaching of emotion is associated with better peer relations in CP children. Meta-emotion philosophy, assessed through audio taped interviews, and preschool children's peer relations, observed in same-sex dyadic interaction with a close friend, were investigated in families with CP and non-CP children. Results indicated that mothers of CP children were less aware of their own emotions and less coaching of their children's emotions than mothers of non-CP children. Moderation analyses revealed that children's level of aggression moderated the relationship between mother's meta-emotion and children's peer play. For both aggressive and nonaggressive children, higher levels of mother awareness and coaching of emotion was associated with more positive and less negative peer play, although effects were stronger for families with nonaggressive children. These data suggest that both aggressive and nonaggressive children can benefit when parents are more aware and coaching of emotion. Implications for the development of an intervention program aimed at improving parental awareness and coaching of emotion is discussed.

Kogan, A., Oveis, C., Carr, E. W., Gruber, J., Mauss, I. B., Shallcross, A., Keltner, D. (2014).

Vagal activity is quadratically related to prosocial traits, prosocial emotions, and observer perceptions of prosociality

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107 (6), 1051-1063.

DOI:10.1037/a0037509      URL     PMID:25243414      [本文引用: 1]

In the present article, we introduce the quadratic vagal activity-prosociality hypothesis, a theoretical framework for understanding the vagus nerve's involvement in prosociality. We argue that vagus nerve activity supports prosocial behavior by regulating physiological systems that enable emotional expression, empathy for others' mental and emotional states, the regulation of one's own distress, and the experience of positive emotions. However, we contend that extremely high levels of vagal activity can be detrimental to prosociality. We present 3 studies providing support for our model, finding consistent evidence of a quadratic relationship between respiratory sinus arrhythmia--the degree to which the vagus nerve modulates the heart rate--and prosociality. Individual differences in vagal activity were quadratically related to prosocial traits (Study 1), prosocial emotions (Study 2), and outside ratings of prosociality by complete strangers (Study 3). Thus, too much or too little vagal activity appears to be detrimental to prosociality. The present article provides the 1st theoretical and empirical account of the nonlinear relationship between vagal activity and prosociality.

Lagacé-Séguin, D. G., & Coplan, R. J. (2005).

Maternal emotional styles and child social adjustment: Assessment, correlates, outcomes and goodness of fit in early childhood

Review of Social Development, 14 (4), 613-636.

DOI:10.1111/sode.2005.14.issue-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Li, Y., He, T. T., Yu, K., & Liu, P. L. (2010).

The relations between parental coping with children's negative emotions and children's social skill and the quality of moos

Journal of Psychological Science, 33 (2), 452-455.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 李燕, 贺婷婷, 俞凯, 刘佩丽. (2010).


心理科学, 33 (2), 452-455.]

[本文引用: 1]

Liang, Z. B. (2009).

The role of temperament and parents' emotional factors in children's social adaptation

(Unpublished doctoral thesis). Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 梁宗保. (2009).


(博士学位论文). 北京师范大学.]

[本文引用: 1]

Liang, Z. B., Hu, R., Zhang, G. Z., Deng, H. H., & Xia, M. (2016).

Bidirectional relations between maternal meta-emotion philosophy and children's social adjustment among preschoolers: A longitudinal study

Psychological Development and Education, 32 (4), 394-401.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 梁宗保, 胡瑞, 张光珍, 邓慧华, 夏敏. (2016).


心理发展与教育, 32 (4), 394-401.]

[本文引用: 2]

Liang, Z. B., Zhang, G. Z., Chen, H. C., & Zhang, P. (2011).

Preschooler's emotion understanding development and its relation with parental meta-emotion philosophy

Psychological Development and Education, 27(3), 233-240.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 梁宗保, 张光珍, 陈会昌, 张萍. (2011).


心理发展与教育, 27 (3), 233-240.]

[本文引用: 2]

Liang, Z. B., Zhang, G. Z., Chen, H. C., & Zhang, P. (2012).

Relations among parental meta-emotion philosophy, parental emotion expressivity, and children's social competence

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 44 (2), 199-210.

[本文引用: 4]

[ 梁宗保, 张光珍, 陈会昌, 张萍. (2012).


心理学报, 44(2), 199-210.]

[本文引用: 4]

Liu, X. C., Guo, C. Q., Liu, L. Q., Wang, A. Z., Hu, L., Tang, M. Q., … Sun, L. M. (1997).

Reliability and validity of achenbach youth self-report

Chinese Mental Health Journal, 11 (4), 200-203.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 刘贤臣, 郭传琴, 刘连启, 王爱祯, 胡蕾, 唐茂芹, … 孙良民. (1997).


中国心理卫生杂志, 11 (4), 200-203.]

[本文引用: 1]

Lunkenheimer, E. S., Shields, A. M., & Cortina, K. S. (2007).

Parental emotion coaching and dismissing in family interaction

Social Development, 16(2), 232-248.

[本文引用: 2]

Marcovitch, S., Leigh, J., Calkins, S. D., Leerks, E. M., O'Brien, M., & Blankson, A. N. (2010).

Moderate vagal withdrawal in 3.5-year-old children is associated with optimal performance on executive function tasks

Developmental Psychobiology, 52 (6), 603-608.

DOI:10.1002/dev.20462      URL     PMID:20806334      [本文引用: 1]

Vagal tone (measured via respiratory sinus arrhythmia, RSA) and vagal withdrawal (measured by decreases in RSA) have been identified as physiological measures of self-regulation, but little is known how they may relate to the regulation of cognitive activity as measured through executive function (EF) tasks. We expected that baseline measures of vagal tone, thought to be an indicator of attention, would correlate with EF performance. We also predicted that vagal withdrawal would allow for the reorientation of attention that is needed to succeed on EF tasks, but too much withdrawal would be detrimental. RSA measured at baseline was indeed related to EF performance in 220 3.5-year-old children, and those who exhibited a moderate decrease in RSA during the EF tasks outperformed children whose RSA decreased by too little or too much. These findings implicate vagal tone withdrawal as a psychophysiological measure of higher cognitive processes, most likely substantiated through increases in the levels of focused attention.

McLaughlin, K. A., Alves, S., & Sheridan, M. A. (2014).

Vagal regulation and internalizing psychopathology among adolescents exposed to childhood adversity

Developmental psychobiology, 56 (5), 1036-1051.

DOI:10.1002/dev.21187      URL     PMID:24338154      [本文引用: 1]

Childhood adversity (CA) is strongly associated with youth psychopathology. Identifying factors that reduce vulnerability following CA is critical for developing preventive interventions. Vagal tone and vagal reactivity following psychosocial stressors might influence psychopathology among youths exposed to CA. We acquired heart period and impedance cardiography data to calculate respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) and preejection period (PEP) from 157 adolescents aged 13-17 years at rest and during the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Internalizing and externalizing symptoms and multiple forms of CA were assessed. Resting RSA and RSA reactivity interacted with CA in predicting internalizing but not externalizing psychopathology; CA was unassociated with internalizing problems in adolescents with high resting RSA and RSA reactivity. No interactions were observed with PEP. High resting RSA predicted greater vagal rebound and accelerated heart rate recovery following the TSST, highlighting one potential mechanism underlying low internalizing symptoms following CA among youths with high vagal tone.

Neuhaus, E., Bernier, R., & Beauchaine, T. P. (2014).

Brief report: Social skills, internalizing and externalizing symptoms, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia in autism

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44 (3), 730-737.

DOI:10.1007/s10803-013-1923-7      URL     PMID:23982488      [本文引用: 1]

Theoretical and empirical models describe respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) as a peripheral biomarker of emotion regulation and social competence. Recent findings also link RSA to individual differences in social functioning within autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, associations between RSA and symptoms of internalizing/externalizing psychopathology in ASD have not been explored. We assessed RSA, social functioning, and internalizing/externalizing symptoms among boys with and without ASD. Compared with controls, participants with ASD evidenced reduced parasympathetic cardiac control, which correlated with social behavior. Symptoms were associated with deficiencies in RSA, over-and-above the contribution of social functioning. These findings yield a more nuanced understanding of parasympathetic function in ASD, and suggest a role for integrative intervention strategies that address socioemotional difficulties.

Parke, R. D. (2002).

Fathers and families

Handbook of Parenting, 3, 27-73.

[本文引用: 1]

Perry, N. B., Calkins, S. D., Nelson, J. A., Leerkes, E. M., & Marcovitch, S. (2012).

Mothers' responses to children's negative emotions and child emotion regulation: The moderating role of vagal suppression

Developmental Psychobiology, 54 (5), 503-513.

DOI:10.1002/dev.20608      URL     PMID:22072217      [本文引用: 2]

The current study examined the moderating effect of children's cardiac vagal suppression on the association between maternal socialization of negative emotions (supportive and nonsupportive responses) and children's emotion regulation behaviors. One hundred and ninety-seven 4-year-olds and their mothers participated. Mothers reported on their reactions to children's negative emotions and children's regulatory behaviors. Observed distraction, an adaptive self-regulatory strategy, and vagal suppression were assessed during a laboratory task designed to elicit frustration. Results indicated that children's vagal suppression moderated the association between mothers' nonsupportive emotion socialization and children's emotion regulation behaviors such that nonsupportive reactions to negative emotions predicted lower observed distraction and lower reported emotion regulation behaviors when children displayed lower levels of vagal suppression. No interaction was found between supportive maternal emotion socialization and vagal suppression for children's emotion regulation behaviors. Results suggest physiological regulation may serve as a buffer against nonsupportive emotion socialization.

Perry, N. B., Nelson, J. A., Calkins, S. D., Leerkes, E. M., O'brien, M., & Marcovitch, S. (2014).

Early physiological regulation predicts the trajectory of externalizing behaviors across the preschool period

Developmental Psychobiology, 56 (7), 1482-1491.

URL     PMID:24909987      [本文引用: 1]

Porges, S. W. (2007).

The polyvagal perspective

Biological Psychology, 74 (2), 116-143.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2006.06.009      URL     PMID:17049418      [本文引用: 2]

The polyvagal theory introduced a new perspective relating autonomic function to behavior, that included an appreciation of the autonomic nervous system as a

Qiu, Y. Y. (2005).

The influence of maternal meta-emotion philosophy and parenting style on adolescent depression: the role of adolescent's emotion regulation ability

(Unpublished doctoral thesis). National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, China.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 邱雅沂. (2005).

母亲后设情绪理念, 教养态度对青少年忧郁倾向的影响: 青少年情绪调节能力的角色

(博士学位论文). 台湾师范大学.]

[本文引用: 1]

Raine, A. (2002).

Annotation: The role of prefrontal deficits, low autonomic arousal, and early health factors in the development of antisocial and aggressive behavior in children

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 43 (4), 417-434.

DOI:10.1111/1469-7610.00034      URL     PMID:12030589      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: This article selectively reviews the biological bases of antisocial and aggressive behavior in children with a focus on low autonomic functioning, prefrontal deficits, and early health factors. RESULTS: Low resting heart rate is thought to be the best-replicated biological correlate of antisocial and aggressive behavior in child and adolescent populations and may reflect reduced noradrenergic functioning and a fearless, stimulation-seeking temperament. Evidence from neuropsychological, neurological, and brain imaging studies converges on the conclusion that prefrontal structural and functional deficits are related to antisocial, aggressive behavior throughout the lifespan. A prefrontal dysfunction theory of antisocial behavior is advanced. This argues that social and executive function demands of late adolescence overload the late developing prefrontal cortex, giving rise to prefrontal dysfunction and a lack of inhibitory control over antisocial, violent behavior that peaks at this age. Birth complications and minor physical anomalies are selectively associated with later violent behavior, especially when combined with adverse psychosocial risk factors for violence. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy may increase the risk for antisocial and violent behavior in later life by disrupting noradrenergic functioning and enhancement of cholinergic receptors that inhibit cardiac functioning. Malnutrition during pregnancy is associated with later antisocial behavior and may be mediated by protein deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: It is argued that early health intervention and prevention studies may provide the most effective way of reversing biological deficits that predispose to antisocial and aggressive behavior in children and adults.

Shanahan, L., Calkins, S. D., Keane, S. P., Kelleher, R., & Suffness, R. (2014).

Trajectories of internalizing symptoms across childhood: The roles of biological self-regulation and maternal psychopathology

Development and Psychopathology, 26 (402), 1353-1368.

DOI:10.1017/S0954579414001072      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Soto, J. A., Perez, C. R., Kim, Y. H., Lee, E. A., & Minnick, M. R. (2011).

Is expressive suppression always associated with poorer psychological functioning? A cross-cultural comparison between European Americans and Hong Kong Chinese

Emotion, 11(6), 1450-1455.

DOI:10.1037/a0023340      URL     PMID:21707152      [本文引用: 1]

The habitual use of expressive suppression as an emotion regulation strategy has been consistently linked to adverse outcomes in a number of domains, including psychological functioning. The present study aimed to uncover whether the suppression-health relationship is dependent on cultural context, given differing cultural norms surrounding the value of suppressing emotional displays. We hypothesized that the negative associations between suppression and psychological functioning seen in European Americans would not be seen among members of East Asian cultures, in which emotional restraint is relatively encouraged over emotional expression. To test this hypothesis, we asked 71 European American students and 100 Chinese students from Hong Kong to report on their use of expressive suppression, life satisfaction, and depressed mood. A moderation analysis revealed that expressive suppression was associated with adverse psychological functioning for European Americans, but not for Chinese participants. These findings highlight the importance of context in understanding the suppression-health relationship.

Stover, J. (2003).

Fathers' meta-emotion and children's social status

(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Seattle Pacific University.

[本文引用: 1]

Utendale, W. T., Nuselovici, J., Saint‐Pierre, A. B., Hubert, M., Chochol, C., & Hastings, P. D. (2014).

Associations between inhibitory control, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and externalizing problems in early childhood

Developmental Psychobiology, 56 (4), 686-699.

DOI:10.1002/dev.21136      URL     PMID:23765984      [本文引用: 2]

Polyvagal theory provides a framework for understanding connections between children's autonomic regulation, cognitive functioning, and behavioral adjustment. Parasympathetic regulation has been associated with executive functions and externalizing problems (EP), and children with EP demonstrate deficits in inhibition of prepotent responding, or inhibitory control (IC). We examined parasympathetic regulation of cardiac reactivity during two IC tasks in 144 children (M = 5.61 years, SD = 1.09) ranging from low to clinical levels of EP. Overall children with more EP evidenced greater RSA suppression during IC tasks than did children with fewer EP, and degree of RSA suppression also moderated associations between IC performance and EP. Only for children who showed stronger RSA suppression was accuracy of IC response inversely associated with EP, and latency of response for one task positively associated with EP. This study provides insight into the role of parasympathetic mechanisms in children's cognitive regulation of impulsive and aggressive behaviors.

Van der Graaff, J., Meeus, W., de Wied, M., van Boxtel, A., van Lier, P., & Branje, S. (2016).

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia moderates the relation between parent-adolescent relationship quality and adolescents' social adjustment

Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44 (2), 269-281.

URL     PMID:25711459      [本文引用: 2]

Ye, G. H., Zheng, X. P., & Yang, Y. R. (2005).

The influence of maternal meta-emotion philosophy on children's attachment inclination

Chinese Journal of Psychology, 47 (2), 181-195.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 叶光辉, 郑欣佩, 杨永瑞. (2005).


中华心理学刊, 47 (2), 181-195.]

[本文引用: 2]

Zhang, H., Wang, Z., You, X., Lü, W., & Luo, Y. (2015).

Associations between narcissism and emotion regulation difficulties: Respiratory sinus arrhythmia reactivity as a moderator

Biological Psychology, 110, 1-11.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.06.014      URL     PMID:26159808      [本文引用: 1]

The aim of the current study was to examine the direct and interactive effects of two types of narcissism (overt and covert) and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) reactivity on emotion regulation difficulties in 227 undergraduate students. Overt and covert narcissism and emotion regulation difficulties were assessed with self-report measures (narcissistic personality inventory (NPI)-16, hypersensitive narcissism scale (HSNS), and difficulties in emotion regulation scale (DERS)), and physiological data were measured during the baseline, stress (a public-speaking task), and recovery periods in the laboratory. Results indicated that overt narcissism was negatively related to a lack of emotional awareness and emotional clarity, whereas covert narcissism was positively related to overall emotion regulation difficulties, nonacceptance of emotional responses, impulse control difficulties, limited access to emotion regulation strategies, and a lack of emotional clarity. RSA reactivity in response to a mock job interview moderated the associations between covert narcissism (as a predictor) and overall emotion regulation difficulties and impulse control difficulties (as outcomes). This finding showed that a greater stress-induced RSA decrease may serve as a protective factor and ameliorate the effect of covert narcissism on individuals' emotion regulation difficulties.


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