ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(4): 484-496 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00484


元刻板印象对随迁儿童攻击行为的效应及挫折感的中介作用 *

黄潇潇1, 张宝山,1,2, 张媛1, 麻雨婷1

1 陕西师范大学心理学院

2 北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心陕西师范大学分中心, 西安 710061

Effects of meta-stereotype on aggressive behavior among migrant children and the mediating effect of frustration

HUANG Xiaoxiao1, ZHANG Baoshan,1,2, ZHANG Yuan1, MA Yuting1

1 School of Psychology, Shaanxi Normal University

2 Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment toward Basic Education Quality at Beijing Normal University, Xi’an 710061, China;

通讯作者: 张宝山,

收稿日期: 2018-06-8   网络出版日期: 2019-04-25

基金资助: * 北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心重大成果培育性项目(2018-05-017-BZPK01)资助

Received: 2018-06-8   Online: 2019-04-25


以随迁儿童为被试, 通过操纵其消极元刻板印象, 探讨了元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为的影响及其作用机制。结果显示:(1)元刻板印象威胁能够引起个体攻击水平的升高; (2)挫折感在元刻板印象威胁与攻击行为(针对城市儿童)之间起部分中介作用; (3)使用想象群际接触策略控制挫折感水平, 结果发现元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为(针对城市儿童)的效应随着挫折感的降低而减弱, 进一步支持了挫折感的中介作用。总之, 研究证明元刻板印象威胁会导致随迁儿童的挫折感水平升高, 从而诱发更多的攻击行为。

关键词: 随迁儿童 ; 元刻板印象威胁 ; 挫折感 ; 攻击行为


Meta-stereotype threat (MST) refers to an unbalanced cognitive state where a person’s negative beliefs on the stereotype that out-group members hold about their own group are activated. Previous research has shown that the activation of negative meta-stereotypes contributes to social behaviors, but the mechanism of MST effects on aggressive behaviors remains unclear. Migrant children are more susceptible to meta-stereotype compared with dominant groups. However, the influences of negative meta-stereotype on migrant children’s aggressive behaviors have not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, the current study aims to explore MST effects on migrant children’s aggressive behaviors and the mediated role of frustration between MST and aggressive behaviors. Finally, it attempts to use imagined intergroup contact to examine causes of frustration and identify the negative effects of MST.

As an exploratory study, 60 migrant children were invited to participate in study 1. They were instructed to write adjectives or words that trigger or allay negative meta-stereotypes in accordance with different instructions. Then, they were assigned to complete a balsam pear juice distribution task, which represented aggressive behaviors against local children. Study 2 was improved on the basis of study 1. This study was organized into a 2 (MST condition: activate MST or not) × 2 (attacked aim: local and migrant children) mixed design. A total of 60 migrant children participated in study 2. After writing adjectives, the participants were tasked to complete a test to ensure that meta-stereotype was evoked. Then, a frustration questionnaire and balsam pear juice task among local and migrant children were completed and measured. Study 3 was organized into a 3 (types of imagination: imagined intergroup contact, imagined scenery, and non-imagination) × 2 (attacked aim: local and migrant children) mixed design. First, 95 migrant children were asked to trigger meta-stereotypes and complete the meta-stereotype test. Next, the non-imagination group directly completed the frustration questionnaire and balsam pear juice task, whereas the migrant children of the imagined intergroup contact group imagined positive interaction with local children and the imagined scenery group imagined an outdoor scenery. Then, the two groups completed the questionnaire and balsam pear juice task. T test, ANOVA, and mediation analysis were used to analyze all data.

The following results were observed: (1) Frustration and aggressive behaviors under the MST condition were higher than those in the non-MST condition. (2) The relationship between MST and aggressive behaviors against local children was partly mediated by frustration. (3) The mediated role of frustration was further supported by the results of study 3. Imagined intergroup contact can reduce the aggressive behavior against local children by controlling frustration.

In sum, the results proved that the effects of MST on frustration among migrant children contribute to the increase of aggressive behaviors against local children.

Keywords: migrant children ; meta-stereotype threat ; frustration ; aggressive behavior.

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黄潇潇, 张宝山, 张媛, 麻雨婷. 元刻板印象对随迁儿童攻击行为的效应及挫折感的中介作用 *. 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(4): 484-496 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00484

HUANG Xiaoxiao, ZHANG Baoshan, ZHANG Yuan, MA Yuting. Effects of meta-stereotype on aggressive behavior among migrant children and the mediating effect of frustration. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(4): 484-496 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00484

1 引言

近年来, 随着外出务工人员数量和规模的扩大, 大量的农民工子女也跟随他们的父母或其他监护人进入城市中学习, 这些在流入地居住半年以上的7~15周岁儿童, 被称为“随迁儿童” (孙亚文, 贺雯, 罗俊龙, 2015; 王新波, 单洪雪, 2013)。与随迁儿童相似的概念还有流动儿童、进城务工人员子女、流动人口子女、外来务工人员子女(徐礼平, 2016)。当前, 随迁儿童已经成为城市学校中的重要群体, 有关他们的教育教学也已得到社会各界的广泛关注。然而, 随迁儿童的社会融合状况却不容乐观, 在城乡异质文化的转换中, 往往会经历种种的不适乃至心理冲击(乔金霞, 2015), 如孤独感较强、身份认同困难、自尊和自我效能感下降等(李小青, 邹泓, 王瑞敏, 窦东徽, 2008; 刘菂斐 等, 2010; 熊猛, 叶一舵, 2011)。另外, 更为普遍的是, 相较于城镇当地居住的儿童, 随迁儿童表现出了更高水平的攻击、叛逆、违纪越轨等问题行为。在国外, Bengi-Arslan, Verhulst, Ende和Erol (1997)的研究曾发现, 居住在荷兰的土耳其移民儿童的问题行为(包括攻击行为)水平高于荷兰本地儿童; 国内的许多研究也支持了随迁儿童的问题行为, 特别是攻击行为显著高于当地城镇儿童这一结果(Hu et al., 2018; 李建华, 2014; 李晓巍, 邹泓, 金灿灿, 柯锐, 2008)。总之, 大量研究证据表明, 随迁儿童在遇到冲突时往往会采取攻击的方式来回应或解决问题, 较强的攻击行为倾向已经成为随迁儿童群体不良行为习惯的突出表现之一(王静, 2016)。这些异常的攻击行为不仅显著影响了随迁儿童自身和他人的日常生活秩序和身心的健康成长, 阻碍其个性和社会化的顺利形成, 还造成了学校社交氛围的恶化, 给校园安全埋下不可预估的隐患。

对于随迁儿童的攻击行为, 已有研究发现其与父母教养方式、同伴关系、人格及家庭功能等因素有关(李晓巍 等, 2008)。然而, 除了这些因素之外, 作为弱势群体内部普遍存在的负面心理结构——消极元刻板印象对随迁儿童攻击行为可能存在的一些效应, 却并未引起研究者足够的重视。元刻板印象是指个体关于外群体成员对其所属群体所持刻板印象的信念和看法(Vorauer, Main, & O'Connell, 1998)。元刻板印象是一种群际元知觉, 能够引起焦虑、愤怒等与群际交往相关的负性情绪(Gordijn, Finchilescu, Brix, Wijnants, & Koomen, 2008), 以及对外群体成员的消极态度和不利评价(Owuamalam, Tarrant, Farrow, & Zagefka, 2013)。研究发现, 这种群际元知觉往往是消极的(Vorauer, Hunter, Main, & Roy, 2000)。当消极的元刻板印象激活时, 个体通常会经历来自自我效能感的提升与消极元刻板印象之间的冲突, 并陷入一种社会心理困境及认知不平衡状态, 诱发害怕和压力体验, 损害其行为表现, 这一系列反应称为元刻板印象威胁(孙亚文 等, 2015)。比起优势群体成员, 弱势群体成员更关注外群体成员如何看待自己, 更易受到元刻板印象的影响(Lammers, Gordijn, & Otten, 2008)。身为城市学校中的弱势群体成员, 不少研究指出, 许多随迁儿童都感受到外群体对他们存在消极看法。如邹荣(2012)发现流动儿童普遍存在土里土气、孤僻、暴躁、粗鲁等消极元刻板印象; 屈智勇、邹泓和王英春(2004)调查了中国9个城市的流动儿童, 结果显示24.7%的儿童抱怨过城里人看不起他们, 29.3%的儿童有点担心城里的孩子看不起他们。这意味着, 随迁儿童群体普遍持有关于自身群体的消极元刻板印象, 这可能是导致其攻击行为频发的原因之一。

根据Stephan和Stephan (2000)提出的整合群际威胁理论, 消极元刻板印象很可能会影响到内群体的攻击行为。整合群际威胁理论指出, 群际威胁包括消极刻板印象。由于元刻板印象在本质上属于刻板印象(Schneider, 2005), 因此, 当消极的元刻板印象被激活, 个体所知觉到的元刻板印象威胁实际上是群际威胁的一种。该理论还指出, 内群体感知到的威胁会使其对外群体产生消极的情感和行为反应。这种猜测得到了大量研究结果的支持, 比如群际威胁可以诱发愤怒、沮丧、失望、无助等负性情绪(Renfro, Duran, Stephan, & Clason, 2006; Stephan & Renfro, 2002); 同时, 被引发的负性情绪还能激活对抗、敌对、冲突和暴力等一系列攻击行为(Stephan, Ybarra, & Morrison, 2009)。因此, 随迁儿童普遍持有的消极元刻板印象一旦被激活, 很可能会对其情绪反应乃至行为表现(如攻击行为)产生一定效应。

此外, 大量研究还支持了消极元刻板印象与犯罪等反社会行为之间的联系。如Owuamalam, Issmer, Zagefka, Klaßen和Wagner (2014)指出消极元刻板印象可能会导致非规范行为(如破坏行为等)的增加以及规范行为的减少; 同样, Issmer, Stellmacher和Gollwitzer (2009)以225名正在监禁的青少年为被试, 测量其有关主流社会的元刻板印象以及攻击态度, 结果表明消极的元刻板印象不仅可以预测攻击态度, 还能预测真实的犯罪行为。然而, 目前仍没有研究直接关注消极元刻板印象激活后对个体继发性攻击行为的效应, 更没有研究探讨随迁儿童的元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为的影响。依据上述理论以及消极元刻板印象对反社会行为的效应, 我们完全可以预期:元刻板印象威胁将会导致随迁儿童产生更多的攻击行为(H1)。

关于攻击行为的发生机制, 挫折-攻击假说认为个体受挫后会引发攻击行为, 攻击是挫折的一种后果, 并且总是以挫折的存在为先决条件(Dollard, Miller, Doob, Mowrer, & Sears, 1939)。尽管后来Berkowitz (1989)针对挫折-攻击假说的局限性对其进行了修正, 指出挫折仅唤醒一种情绪状态即攻击的准备状态, 个体是否做出攻击行为视情境等线索而定, 但不可否认的是, 挫折感仍然是导致攻击行为产生的一个重要因素(Berkowitz, 1989; Dill & Anderson, 1995; Reio, 2011)。在国内, 李梅(2002)曾通过实验研究证明学生在学业及交往上遭受的挫折能够引发问题行为。屈朝霞、童玉林、路红红和陆耀明(2012)的研究也发现, 青少年儿童如果在同伴交往和学业成绩方面遭受挫折, 会更容易激发攻击行为。由此可见, 如果随迁儿童体验到来自于同伴拒绝所引起的挫折感, 其攻击行为发生概率可能会进一步提高。

另外, 根据以往的相关文献, 消极元刻板印象与挫折感之间也存在着一定关联。Berkowitz (1989)曾提到如果弱势群体对自身的不利地位普遍持有负面观点, 那么很有可能会引发挫折感; Issmer (2013)也认为消极元刻板印象的激活会强化人们有关社会不公平的信念, 这种信念会加剧内群体成员挫折感的产生。虽然目前还没有来自实证研究的证据直接支持元刻板印象威胁会导致挫折感的增强, 但已有研究发现, 消极元刻板印象的激活可以引起如焦虑、沮丧、愤怒等与群际交往有关的高负性情绪(Gordijn et al., 2008), 而这些情绪正是挫折感的典型反应(车文博, 2001)。因此, 基于以上观点及研究, 我们可以推测当随迁儿童察觉到元刻板印象威胁后, 很可能会出现与挫折感相关的情绪反应及体验, 即消极元刻板印象的激活将会导致挫折感升高(H2)。

综合上述文献可知, 消极元刻板印象、挫折感、攻击行为两两之间都有着密切的关系。具体而言, 随迁儿童消极元刻板印象的激活能够引起挫折感水平的升高以及攻击行为的增强, 而挫折感又会导致攻击行为增加。对于理解三者之间的确切关系, Riek, Mania和Gaertner (2006)等人在整合群际威胁理论基础上提出的群际威胁潜在模型具有一定的指导意义。该理论指出, 群际情绪是群际威胁与群际行为的中介变量, 各类群际威胁是通过群际情绪的中介作用影响其行为。因而, 在元刻板印象威胁与攻击行为的关系中, 挫折感这一情绪很有可能会扮演一定的重要角色。即随迁儿童的消极元刻板印象如被激活, 对与相应外群体成员(城市儿童)的群际关系抱有消极的看法, 那么在同伴交往过程中个体将很可能体验到明显的挫折感, 从而诱发更多攻击行为。据此, 我们可以提出另一个假设, 即挫折感在元刻板印象威胁对随迁儿童攻击行为的效应中起到中介作用(H3)。

基于以往研究和分析, 本研究以随迁儿童为研究对象, 通过激活随迁儿童的消极元刻板印象, 探讨元刻板印象威胁对随迁儿童挫折感和攻击行为的效应, 并揭示挫折感在元刻板印象威胁与攻击行为中起到的中介作用。实验1作为初步的探索性研究, 主要探讨随迁儿童的元刻板印象威胁对相应外群体成员(城市儿童)攻击行为的效应; 实验2探讨元刻板印象威胁对随迁儿童挫折感、攻击行为的效应, 并考察挫折感的中介作用; 为验证中介效应, 实验3则使用一种有效减少随迁儿童挫折体验的策略, 通过控制元刻板印象操纵后随迁儿童的挫折感水平, 进一步检验挫折感在元刻板印象威胁和攻击行为关系中的中介作用, 从而为三者关系的稳定性和可靠性再寻求一个有利的证据。

2 实验1:元刻板印象对随迁儿童攻击行为的效应

2.1 研究目的

实验1以随迁儿童作为被试, 通过测量随迁儿童在激活元刻板印象和不激活元刻板印象条件下对城市儿童的攻击行为, 探讨元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为产生的影响。实验范式借鉴并改编Lieberman, Solomon, Greenberg和McGregor (1999)在测量攻击行为时使用的辣椒酱范式。考虑到辣椒酱对儿童可能造成的伤害, 在研究中将辣椒酱换为苦瓜汁。按照本研究的假设1, 随迁儿童体验到元刻板印象威胁可增强其攻击行为, 即相比控制组, 随迁儿童被试会表现出更强的攻击行为(倾向于给城市儿童分配更多的苦瓜汁)。

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 被试

来自西安市某小学6年级的随迁儿童, 共60名, 平均年龄为11.88岁(SD = 0.69)。被试被随机分配到元刻板印象威胁组和控制组, 其中威胁组男生15名, 女生15名, 平均年龄11.87岁(SD = 0.63); 控制组被试男生16名, 女生14名, 平均年龄11.90岁(SD = 0.76)。两组被试在年龄上无显著差异(t(58) = -0.19, p = 0.85), 且此前都没有参加相关实验的经历。

2.2.2 实验材料

纯天然可供食用的苦瓜汁若干, 纸杯和纸盖若干。

2.2.3 实验设计与程序

采用单因素被试间设计, 自变量为实验条件, 分为元刻板印象威胁组和控制组, 因变量为攻击行为指标, 即被试分配苦瓜汁的重量。

首先让被试填写年龄、性别、年级等信息, 然后将所有被试随机分配到元刻板印象威胁组和控制组并单独进行测量。实验借鉴Owuamalam等人(2013)关于消极元刻板印象的激活范式, 通过让随迁儿童依照不同指导语写形容词, 实现对自变量的操纵。元刻板印象威胁组的指导语为:“作为随迁儿童, 你认为城市儿童对你有哪些消极的印象或者看法?请用一些形容词描述出来(生活方式、学习、性格)。”控制组则是:“你对目前科技发展的看法有哪些?请用一些形容词描述出来。”在完成后, 用苦瓜汁范式测量在元刻板印象威胁组与控制组中被试对城市儿童的攻击行为。

苦瓜汁范式的中心思想是让被试在事先知晓对方不喜欢苦味的前提下, 分给对方一定数量的苦瓜汁, 苦瓜汁的重量就代表攻击行为水平。分配的苦瓜汁重量越大, 攻击行为越高。

苦瓜汁任务开始前, 先让被试品尝苦瓜汁, 采用7点计分, 评价这些苦瓜汁的“苦味程度” (1 = 一点都不苦, 7 = 非常苦)以及“对苦味的喜爱程度” (1 = 非常喜欢, 7 = 一点都不喜欢), 以确保攻击行为指标的有效性。在评定完成后, 由一名主试给被试分发一杯装有50 g苦瓜汁的带盖纸杯, 一个带盖的空纸杯, 告诉被试现在正在进行另外一个实验, 假称在另外几个教室, 几组城市儿童正在进行关于不同地区儿童口味偏好的实验。根据之前的调查研究显示, 儿童在吃甜时感到最愉悦, 在吃苦时感到最痛苦。现在要求被试按照自己的意愿给这些城市儿童分配苦瓜汁, 并告知他们这些苦瓜汁会随机分配给另外几个教室的城市儿童, 且城市儿童需要把分配的苦瓜汁都喝完, 被试在分配好苦瓜汁之后, 用纸盖将杯口密封好。该实验完全匿名, 实验现场主试并不知道被试分配了多少苦瓜汁。

2.3 结果与分析

2.3.1 苦瓜汁评定

使用独立样本t检验对两组被试苦瓜汁“苦味程度”和“喜爱程度”评定进行差异检验, 结果发现元刻板印象威胁组苦瓜汁的“苦味程度”水平(M = 6.07; SD = 0.52)与控制组(M = 6.13; SD = 0.43)无显著差异, t (58) = -0.54, p = 0.59, Cohen's d = 0.13; 对苦瓜汁的“喜爱程度” (M = 6.10; SD = 0.71)与控制组(M = 6.13; SD = 0.51)也无显著差异, t (58) = -0.21, p = 0.84, Cohen's d = 0.04。这表明实验中使用的苦瓜汁符合实验要求, 被试普遍认为苦瓜汁很苦(接近于量表的最高分), 且都不喜欢苦瓜汁(同样接近于量表的最高分)。这在一定程度上可以表明在明确知道对方同样讨厌苦味的前提下, 分配苦瓜汁的重量可以作为一个有意伤害目标的攻击行为倾向指标。

2.3.2 苦瓜汁重量

独立样本t检验结果显示, 元刻板印象威胁组分配的苦瓜汁重量(M = 35.91; SD = 9.73)显著高于控制组分配的苦瓜汁重量(M = 19.35; SD = 7.82), t (58) = 7.27, p < 0.001, Cohen's d = 1.88。这说明, 相比于未受到元刻板印象威胁组的被试, 激活了有关外群体成员消极元刻板印象组的随迁儿童表现出了更高水平的攻击行为。

2.4 讨论

实验1采用苦瓜汁范式, 测量随迁儿童在元刻板印象威胁和无威胁条件下针对城市儿童的攻击行为差异。实验结果显示:相比于没有激活元刻板印象的随迁儿童, 激活有关外群体成员消极元刻板印象的随迁儿童攻击水平更高。这意味着, 元刻板印象威胁能够增强随迁儿童对相应外群体的攻击行为, 符合假设1的预测。但实验1仍存在一定缺陷, 如在具体实践中, 某些被试出现了根据指导语写出形容词非常少的情况, 这可能是由于部分随迁儿童在语言发展中的滞后现象所导致(王美芬, 张萍, 2005), 这一情况可能会影响实验操作的有效性。此外, 实验1有关元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为的机制也没有进行深入的探讨与研究, 且攻击对象仅针对于相应外群体成员(即城市儿童), 针对内群体成员(即随迁儿童)的攻击行为是否受到元刻板印象威胁的影响尚不清楚。对于以上几点缺陷, 实验2做了进一步的完善。

3 实验2:挫折感对元刻板印象与随迁儿童攻击行为的中介作用

3.1 研究目的

实验2同样以随迁儿童作为被试, 使用苦瓜汁范式探讨元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为的影响。与实验1不同的是:首先, 在对元刻板印象的操纵中, 除了让被试依据指导语写形容词, 还向其提供了相关形容词列表; 其次, 加入了对元刻板印象威胁启动有效性的检验; 第三, 对实验过程中被试的挫折感进行了测量; 最后, 攻击对象不再仅限于外群体成员, 还包含内群体成员。基于以上改进, 实验2通过测量随迁儿童在元刻板印象威胁和无威胁条件下的挫折感以及对城市儿童/随迁儿童的攻击行为, 探讨元刻板印象威胁对随迁儿童挫折感和攻击行为的效应, 进一步揭示挫折感在元刻板印象威胁和攻击行为之间扮演的角色。

3.2 研究方法

3.2.1 被试

来自西安市另外一所小学6年级的随迁儿童, 共60名, 平均年龄为12.02岁(SD = 0.65)。被试随机分配到元刻板印象威胁组和控制组, 其中威胁组男生15名, 女生15名, 平均年龄12.13岁(SD = 0.73); 控制组被试男生13名, 女生17名, 平均年龄为11.90岁(SD = 0.55)。两组被试在年龄上无显著差异(t(58) = 1.40, p = 0.17), 且此前都没有参加相关实验的经历。

3.2.2 测量工具与实验材料

(1)操作检验问题:借鉴Owuamalam等人(2014)关于元刻板印象效价的研究, 在被试经过元刻板印象威胁和无威胁的操纵后, 完成检验问题“你认为城市儿童对随迁儿童的总体看法是……”, 采用7点评分, 1 = 非常消极, 7 = 非常积极, 以检验元刻板印象激活效果。

(2)挫折感量表:使用Keller和Dauenheimer (2003)设计的量表对挫折感进行测量, 该量表由4个项目构成, 要求被试表明他们目前所体验的挫折感程度, 包括“我感到挫败”、“我感到伤心”、“我感到失望”、“我感到沮丧”。被试在7点量表上做出反应, 1 = 非常不符合, 7 = 非常符合, 4个项目上的总分代表被试的挫折感。本实验中, 量表的α系数为0.70。

(3)苦瓜汁材料:纯天然可供食用的苦瓜汁若干, 纸杯和纸盖若干。

3.2.3 实验设计与程序

采用2(实验条件:元刻板印象威胁组vs.控制组) × 2(攻击对象:城市儿童vs.随迁儿童)混合设计, 其中实验条件为被试间变量, 攻击对象为被试内变量, 分配苦瓜汁的重量为因变量。指导语、实验程序等与实验1相似。根据Zhang, Kou, Zhao和Fu (2016)等人的研究, 直接告知被试外群体是如何评价其所在群体也是激活元刻板印象的有效手段, 并且视觉提示(如书面文字)可以作为线索促进儿童的词汇表达能力(Quill, 1997)。因此, 为了进一步加强元刻板印象激活效果, 以及避免某些儿童较难写出形容词的情况发生, 本实验在要求威胁组被试写出自己认为城市儿童对随迁儿童有哪些消极印象或看法的形容词后马上提供了一些相关元刻板印象形容词列表, 如土里土气、粗鲁、暴躁等(邹荣, 2012) (该形容词列表已经经过评定, 符合随迁儿童脑海中有关城市儿童对他们的印象, 因此能够作为相关元刻板印象形容词在实验中呈现), 同时也向控制组被试提供了相关科技发展形容词列表。此后, 被试将继续完成操作检验问题以及挫折感量表; 随后, 与实验1相似, 先让被试对苦瓜汁进行“苦味程度”以及“喜爱程度”评定, 接着由一名主试给被试分发一杯装有50 g苦瓜汁的带盖纸杯, 两个带盖的空纸杯, 告诉被试现在正在进行另外一个实验, 假称在另外几个教室, 几组城市儿童和随迁儿童正在进行关于不同地区儿童口味偏好的实验。根据之前的调查研究显示, 儿童在吃甜时感到最愉悦, 在吃苦时感到最痛苦。现在要求被试按照自己的意愿分别给另外几个教室里的城市儿童以及随迁儿童分配苦瓜汁, 且拿到苦瓜汁的儿童需要把分配的苦瓜汁都喝完。在被试分配苦瓜汁时, 主试将提前告知此次是分配给城市儿童还是随迁儿童, 分配对象的顺序进行了平衡。被试在分配好苦瓜汁之后, 用纸盖将杯口密封好。该实验完全匿名, 实验现场主试并不知道被试分配了多少苦瓜汁。

3.3 结果与分析

3.3.1 操作检验

使用独立样本t检验对两组被试元刻板印象激活的程度即检验问题进行差异检验, 结果表明两组被试在检验问题上的差异显著, t (58) = -5.66, p < 0.001, Cohen's d = 1.47, 元刻板印象威胁组被试在检验问题上的分数(M = 2.83, SD = 1.02)显著低于控制组被试的分数(M = 4.17, SD = 0.79)。这说明威胁组的元刻板印象更为消极, 实验操纵有效。

3.3.2 苦瓜汁评定

元刻板印象威胁组被试对苦瓜汁“苦味程度”评定水平(M = 6.57; SD = 0.57)与控制组(M = 6.23; SD = 0.86)无显著差异, t (58) = 1.77, p = 0.08, Cohen's d = 0.47; 对苦瓜汁的“喜爱程度” (M = 6.30; SD = 0.70)与控制组之间(M = 6.43; SD = 0.63)无显著差异, t (58) = -0.78, p = 0.44, Cohen's d = 0.19。与实验1相似, 被试普遍认为苦瓜汁很苦, 且都不喜欢苦瓜汁。

3.3.3 挫折感

独立样本t检验显示两组被试的挫折感水平存在显著差异, t (42) = 2.14, p = 0.04, Cohen's d = 0.55, 元刻板印象威胁组被试的挫折感水平(M = 12.10; SD = 4.08)要显著高于控制组被试的挫折感水平(M = 10.33; SD = 1.97)。这表明元刻板印象威胁引起随迁儿童更高水平的挫折感。结果支持了假设2。

3.3.4 苦瓜汁重量

实验2进行了2(实验条件:元刻板印象威胁组vs.控制组) × 2(攻击对象:城市儿童vs.随迁儿童)混合设计的重复测量方差分析。其中实验条件为被试间变量, 攻击对象为被试内变量, 分配苦瓜汁的重量作为因变量。结果显示实验条件主效应显著, F (1, 58) = 9.35, p = 0.003, η2p = 0.14, 说明元刻板印象威胁组的攻击行为显著高于控制组; 另外, 攻击对象的主效应也显著, F (1, 58) = 35.04, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.38, 对外群体(城市儿童)的攻击行为显著高于对内群体(随迁儿童)的攻击行为(见表1)。实验条件和攻击对象的交互效应不显著, F (1, 58) = 1.10, p = 0.30, η2p = 0.02, 这些结果表明, 元刻板印象威胁显著提高了个体攻击行为水平。

表1   两组被试在所有变量上的平均数及标准差

元刻板印象威胁组2.83 (1.02)6.57 (0.57)6.30 (0.70)12.10 (4.08)19.30 (9.82)15.84 (8.15)
控制组4.17 (0.79)6.23 (0.86)6.43 (0.63)10.33 (1.97)12.82 (7.06)10.40 (5.45)

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3.3.5 挫折感的中介效应分析

将元刻板印象威胁的不同操纵(威胁组、控制组)作为虚拟变量, 两水平分别编码为1、0, 1代表元刻板印象威胁组, 0则代表控制组, 所考察的各变量之间的相关如表2所示。元刻板印象操纵与挫折感、对城市儿童的攻击行为、对随迁儿童的攻击行为相关显著。根据温忠麟、张雷、侯杰泰和刘红云(2004)的研究, 上述各变量相关显著的结果符合做中介检验的前提条件。

表2   各测量变量之间的相关系数


注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01

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为了探究挫折感在元刻板印象威胁和攻击行为之间的作用, 使用SPSS宏程序PROCESS软件的Bootstrap方法来评估中介(间接)效果(Hayes, 2013), 即挫折感通过元刻板印象威胁影响攻击行为的间接效应是否显著异于零, 并通过设定重复抽样为5000次, 计算95%的置信区间运行中介效应检验。结果显示, 在元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为(针对城市儿童)的影响中, 挫折感产生中介效应的95%置信区间不包含0 (CI = [0.003, 0.558]), 说明元刻板印象威胁对随迁儿童攻击行为(针对城市儿童)的效应受到挫折感的中介作用, 中介效应值为0.21; 同时, 元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为(针对城市儿童)的直接效应也显著, 95%的置信区间不包含0 (CI = [0.036, 0.967]), 这些结果表明挫折感在元刻板印象威胁对随迁儿童攻击行为(针对城市儿童)的影响中起部分中介作用。结果支持了假设3。然而, 针对内群体(随迁儿童)这一攻击对象, 95%置信区间包含0(CI = [-0.055, 0.426]), 表明挫折感通过元刻板印象威胁影响对内群体攻击行为的间接效应不显著(如图1所示), 具体参数值见表3


图1   元刻板印象威胁通过挫折感影响攻击行为的中介模型

注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01

3.4 讨论

实验2的结果表明, 元刻板印象威胁对挫折感和攻击行为有着显著影响, 并且挫折感在元刻板印象威胁与对城市儿童攻击行为之间起中介作用。首先, 相比于控制组, 元刻板印象威胁组的随迁儿童表现出更高水平的挫折感。以往研究显示, 个体在经历元刻板印象威胁后, 往往会导致较低的内群体认同、降低自尊(Owuamalam & Zagefka, 2011), 从而表现出包括沮丧在内的一系列负面情绪(Owuamalam & Zagefka, 2013)。本研究结果除了支持这一发现外, 更加直接、明确地表明消极元刻板印象的激活可以引发挫折感。其次, 与控制组相比, 元刻板印象威胁导致了攻击行为的普遍增强, 这与实验1的结果相同。根据回馈性原则, 在群际互动中个体可能朝着所持有的元刻板印象发展(Anseel, 2011), 积极的元刻板印象导致积极的行为, 消极的元刻板印象导致消极的行为(Oldenhuis, 2007)。Kamans, Gordijn, Oldenhuis和Otten (2009)的研究同样证实, 认为荷兰人对其持有消极刻板印象的摩洛哥青年表现出了与消极元刻板印象一致的行为。因此, 当激活随迁儿童的消极元刻板印象(如粗鲁、暴躁)后, 被试会倾向于按照与其消极元刻板印象一致的方向行动, 即表现出易怒、较强的攻击性等, 更可能给攻击对象分配较多苦瓜汁, 将自己的攻击行为合理化。

表3   对中介效应显著性检验的bootstrap分析


注:*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01

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最后, 中介分析表明随迁儿童元刻板印象威胁与攻击行为(针对城市儿童)之间的关系, 受到挫折感的部分中介作用, 这揭示了挫折感可能是元刻板印象威胁与对城市儿童攻击行为的潜在机制。另外, 挫折感在元刻板印象威胁与对内群体成员(随迁儿童)攻击行为之间的中介效应不显著, 说明针对内群体这一攻击对象, 元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为产生的影响可能存在其他机制, 这仍需未来的实验对其进行更加深入的研究。

此外, 从上述发现我们还可以预期, 如果“元刻板印象威胁-挫折感-对城市儿童的攻击行为”这种中介作用路径存在, 那么当使用实验操作的方法降低挫折感后, 启动元刻板印象的随迁儿童对城市儿童的攻击行为将显著减少。为了进一步验证这种统计检验获得的效应, 实验3将采用实验操作的方法, 使用想象群际接触范式直接对挫折感进行干预, 再次检验元刻板印象威胁、挫折感以及攻击行为之间的共变关系模式, 从实验操作的角度验证元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为的机制。

4 实验3:想象群际接触减少元刻板印象负面效应

4.1 研究目的

使用想象群际接触范式控制被试的挫折感水平, 进一步检验元刻板印象威胁、挫折感以及攻击行为三个变量之间的关系模式。想象群际接触是指通过想象与外群体积极、友好的互动来达到缓解群际间紧张关系、消除群际偏见的目的(Turner, Crisp, & Lambert, 2007)。根据前人研究, 想象群际接触范式能够减少群际互动间的消极情绪(如沮丧、焦虑等) (Crisp, Stathi, Turner, & Husnu, 2010), 使个体在同伴交往中表现出更加肯定的态度, 对人际关系有着积极的作用(Stathi & Crisp, 2008)。因此我们推测, 想象群际接触能有效改善群际关系, 缓解持有消极元刻板印象的个体在不良同伴交往中所体验的包含沮丧、挫败感在内的挫折心理。

本实验中, 在诱发消极元刻板印象后, 随迁儿童将被随机分配到三组, 进行想象群际接触、想象风景, 或不进行任何想象。接着完成挫折感量表和苦瓜汁任务。实验预期为:如果挫折感是元刻板印象对攻击行为产生效应的中介变量, 那么通过想象群际接触降低被试挫折感水平后, 被试的攻击行为水平也会显著降低, 即元刻板印象对攻击行为的效应减少或消失。

4.2 研究方法

4.2.1 被试

来自西安市某小学6年级的随迁儿童, 共95名, 平均年龄为12.22岁(SD = 0.61), 被试被随机分配到想象群际接触组、想象风景组和无想象组, 其中想象群际接触组共32人, 男生15名, 女生17名, 被试的平均年龄12.31岁(SD = 0.54); 想象风景组被试共30人, 男生15名, 女生15名, 被试的平均年龄为12.17岁(SD = 0.59); 无想象组被试共33人, 男生18名, 女生15名, 被试的平均年龄为12.18岁(SD = 0.68), 三组被试在年龄上无差异(F (2, 92) = 0.55, p = 0.58), 且此前都没有参加相关实验的经历。

4.2.2 实验材料

检验问题、挫折感量表(α = 0.90)以及苦瓜汁任务都与实验2相同。

4.2.3 实验设计与程序

采用3(元刻板印象威胁干预类型:想象群际接触组vs想象风景组vs无想象组) × 2(攻击对象:城市儿童vs随迁儿童)的两因素混合实验设计。所有被试都如实验2中的方式一样, 激活有关城市儿童的消极元刻板印象并完成检验问题。接下来, 被试被随机分配到想象群际接触组、想象风景组和无想象组。根据Turner等人(2007)的研究范式, 对该实验中的想象群际接触组和想象风景组和无想象组进行操纵。


接下来请同学们闭上眼睛, 花费三分钟的时间想象一下, 你正在和一位城市儿童玩搭房子的游戏, 这位城市儿童和你互帮互助, 最后共同完成搭建了一座非常漂亮的房子。在这个过程中, 你们有说有笑, 你和这位城市儿童的交往是舒适的、轻松的、愉悦的。


接下来请同学们闭上眼睛, 花费三分钟的时间想象一下, 你一个人来到一个僻静的森林公园, 这里有高大的树木、鲜艳的花朵、嫩绿的小草, 还有鸟儿在树林间飞来飞去。想象一下在这座森林公园中你可能看到的美景。

在这两个条件下的被试, 想象时间都精确控制在3分钟。完成想象后, 两组被试完成挫折感量表以及苦瓜汁任务。无想象组直接进行挫折感的测量以及完成苦瓜汁任务。

4.3 结果与分析

4.3.1 操作检验

三组被试在元刻板印象威胁程度上没有显著差异, F (2, 92) = 1.60, p = 0.21。且与实验2中的控制组相比, 三组被试与其差异均显著(ts > 7.50, ps < 0.001)。这说明被试成功地受到了消极元刻板印象的操纵, 并且三组之间消极元刻板印象的激活程度大致相当。

4.3.2 苦瓜汁评定

对三组被试苦瓜汁的“苦味程度”评定以及对苦味的“喜爱程度”进行单因素方差分析, 结果显示, 三组被试苦味程度评定和对苦味的喜爱程度均无显著差异, F (2, 92) = 1.83, p = 0.17, F (2, 92) = 2.18, p = 0.12。具体数据见表4

4.3.3 挫折感

为了检验三组被试的挫折感水平, 进行单因素方差分析, 结果显示三组被试的挫折感有显著差异, Welch's F (2, 53) = 10.95, p < 0.001。事后比较发现, 想象群际接触组(M = 10.38; SD= 2.50)的挫折感水平显著低于想象风景组(M = 12.90; SD = 4.90), p = 0.04; 想象群际接触组与无想象组(M = 15.24; SD = 5.90)差异也显著(p < 0.001); 想象风景组与无想象组差异不显著(p = 0.21)。这些结果说明想象群际接触干预策略能够有效降低被试由于诱发元刻板印象而引起的挫折感, 同时造成挫折感降低的原因是积极的群际互动而不是单单的想象。

4.3.4 苦瓜汁重量

实验3进行3(实验条件:想象群际接触组vs.想象风景组vs.无想象组) × 2(攻击对象:城市儿童vs.随迁儿童)混合设计的重复测量方差分析。其中实验条件为被试间变量, 攻击对象为被试内变量,

苦瓜汁重量即攻击行为水平为因变量。结果表明, 攻击对象的主效应显著, F (2, 92) = 74.70, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.45, 对城市儿童的攻击行为显著高于对随迁儿童的攻击行为; 实验条件的主效应显著, F (2, 92) = 3.32, p = 0.04, ηp2 = 0.07, 事后比较发现, 想象群际接触组与想象风景组差异显著(p = 0.03)、与无想象组差异也显著(p = 0.03), 但想象风景组与无想象组差异不显著(p = 0.92)。这一结果表明想象群际接触组随迁儿童的攻击水平显著低于其余两组。另外, 实验条件与攻击对象交互效应显著, F (2, 92) = 3.04, p = 0.05, ηp2 = 0.06。进一步的简单效应分析发现, 针对内群体这一攻击对象的攻击行为, 三组被试两两均不显著(ps > 0.09); 而针对城市儿童这一对象, 想象群际接触组与想象风景组(p = 0.01)、无想象组(p = 0.03)差异均显著, 而想象风景组与无想象组之间则无差异(p = 0.67)。这表明想象群际接触组被试对城市儿童的攻击行为显著低于想象风景组和无想象组, 对内群体(随迁儿童)的攻击行为则无差异。

4.4 讨论

实验2中, 通过统计检验我们已经发现了挫折感在元刻板印象威胁与对城市儿童的攻击行为之间起部分中介作用。基于这一结果, 在实验3中, 我们则使用实验操作的方法, 直接操作控制中介变量——挫折感, 在这个基础上检验元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为的效应变化。结果表明, 实验操作不仅显著降低挫折感, 还同时减少了随迁儿童对外群体成员(城市儿童)的攻击行为。这一结果再次从操作实验变量的角度印证了“元刻板印象威胁-挫折感-对城市儿童的攻击行为”这种共变关系模式, 进一步支持了实验2的结果。

5 综合讨论

生活在社会中的人们总是会从属于不同的群体, 因此群际之间的相处与互动便成为了日常交往过程中的主题。相比于其他因素, 对于那些处在不利情境下的弱势群体成员, 元刻板印象会对其群际

情绪、群际行为产生更为深刻、更持久的影响(Gómez & Huici, 2008)。本研究以受到社会各界广泛关注的弱势群体——随迁儿童为对象, 探讨其元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为的影响及作用机制。研究结果有助于深入研究元刻板印象威胁与攻击行为的关系, 为改善由元刻板印象威胁所引起的负性情绪及不良行为表现提供了思路与方法。

表4   两组被试在所有变量上的平均数及标准差

想象群际接触组2.97 (0.70)6.50 (0.51)6.56 (0.50)10.38 (2.50)14.23 (7.22)10.86 (5.23)
想象风景组2.67 (0.76)6.50 (0.51)6.50 (0.51)12.90 (4.90)20.00 (10.16)12.88 (6.73)
无想象组2.61 (1.09)6.27 (0.63)6.27 (0.72)15.24 (5.90)19.06 (8.28)13.45 (6.16)

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5.1 元刻板印象威胁对随迁儿童攻击行为的影响及机制

实验1作为探索性的研究, 采用能直接、清晰体现身体伤害行为的苦瓜汁范式, 初步地发现了相比于没有激活元刻板印象的被试, 激活消极元刻板印象的随迁儿童表现了更多对城市儿童的攻击行为。实验2在实验1的基础上加入了消极元刻板印象激活对内群体攻击行为的影响, 发现元刻板印象威胁不仅能够显著提高对外群体的攻击行为, 还能提高对内群体的攻击行为, 这为实验1的假设再次提供了依据。显然, 这些研究结果都表明:随迁儿童的消极元刻板印象能够显著地影响个体的攻击行为。根据Gómez (2002)对于元刻板印象三个主要特征的总结, 元刻板印象本身就带有行为成分, 当个体认为外群体对内群体的评价是消极、负面的时候, 个体会产生几种不同的行为结果, 如避免与外群体交流、对外群体产生愤怒和敌意的反应等。相比于城市儿童, 身为外地户籍的随迁儿童归属感较弱、社会认同感低(郑友富, 俞国良, 2009), 同时随迁儿童在心理健康状况方面的问题检出率较高, 特别是在人际敏感、愤怒、敌意方面比较严重(徐晶晶, 2010)。因此随迁儿童在激活消极元刻板印象后, 很可能更容易采用攻击而不是回避与外群体接触来表现自己的行为。

另外, 实验2还发现消极元刻板印象的激活能够导致挫折感的增强, 且挫折感在元刻板印象威胁与对城市儿童的攻击行为间起部分中介作用。以往研究表明, 消极元刻板印象在一定程度上暗示了个体对外群体存有消极期待, 会导致其产生一系列消极情感(如沮丧、挫败等), 并强化对外群体的消极态度(Stephan & Stephan, 1985)。这也就是说, 当随迁儿童的消极元刻板印象被激活后, 在同伴交往过程中个体往往会体验到强烈的挫折感, 而挫折感又进一步促使随迁儿童对外群体产生不友好甚至敌对的看法, 最终导致攻击行为发生率的提高。

其次, 通过实验2的结果可以得知, 挫折感在元刻板印象威胁与对内群体的攻击行为的中介作用不显著。这说明在元刻板印象威胁与对内群体的攻击行为的关系中, 存在着有别于挫折感的另一个机制。同时, 这一猜测在实验3结果中得到了进一步的支持。在实验3中, 通过想象群际接触对挫折感的干预, 实现了对城市儿童攻击行为的显著下降, 而对内群体的攻击行为, 则与其他两组无显著差异。这两个结果说明, 元刻板印象威胁虽然可以普遍提高随迁儿童的总体攻击水平, 但是其作用机制却存在着显著差异:对于城市儿童这一外群体成员, 元刻板印象威胁往往是通过挫折感促使其攻击行为的扩大和增强; 而对于内群体成员, 元刻板印象威胁并不是通过挫折感, 而是通过其他(如情绪唤醒等)机制对其攻击行为水平产生影响, 这需要未来的研究对此进行更加深入的探讨。

5.2 想象群际接触对元刻板印象威胁负面效应的缓解

实验3通过将所有随迁儿童激活消极元刻板印象后分为三组:想象群际接触组、想象风景组和无想象组, 通过想象群际接触干预挫折感发现, 相比于想象风景组和无想象组, 想象群际接触能够有效降低挫折感, 以及对城市儿童的攻击行为, 这与以往研究结果是相一致的。以往研究发现想象群际接触能够增加对于未来外群体接触的自我效能感(Stathi, Crisp, & Hogg, 2011), 并增加对于外群体成员的亲社会行为(Meleady & Seger, 2016)。

Bilewicz和Jaworska (2013)曾指出, 为了实现冲突群体之间的和解, 必须注意冲突的情感方面, 且通过控制挫折心理, 有利于群际接触间的积极作用。根据群际接触理论, 直接的接触并不是造成群际积极效应的必要条件, 想象和他人的接触情境也可以改善消极、负面的群际态度(Crisp & Turner, 2009)。因此, 在激活随迁儿童的消极元刻板印象后, 通过想象群际接触策略, 能够大大缓解由群际间紧张关系和不良同伴交往所引起的挫折心理, 重建与外群体接触、交流的自信, 使个体在想象中体验与外群体互动的舒适感觉, 并形成更加积极的、愉悦的情绪, 从而促使个体在具体的互动行为上表现出更多的悦纳意向。

6 研究意义、局限与展望

本文探讨了元刻板印象威胁对攻击行为的影响和机制, 发现元刻板印象威胁能够导致随迁儿童产生更多的攻击行为, 且挫折感是元刻板印象威胁与对外群体攻击行为的潜在机制, 这在一定程度上丰富和完善了元刻板印象威胁的理论体系。另外, 过去的研究大多关注家庭、人格等对随迁儿童攻击行为的影响, 而忽视了随迁儿童这一特殊群体在同伴交往中所体验到的元刻板印象威胁心理, 本文拓展了先前的研究, 揭示了元刻板印象威胁可能是随迁儿童攻击行为频发的重要原因之一。同时, 我们的研究还采用了易于控制和改进的想象群际接触干预策略, 缓解由激活消极元刻板印象所引起的负面效应:通过控制随迁儿童的挫折感水平, 达到对外群体攻击行为的改善。这不仅在实践上具有重要意义, 也为随迁儿童之后的社会融合提供了有效的思路与方法。

然而, 本研究仍然存在一定局限。首先, 缺乏对随迁儿童自身攻击性的探讨。由于城市与农村生活的巨大差异, 学前随迁儿童会将无缘无故的攻击当作是玩耍的一种方式(王静, 2016), 而具有高攻击性人格特质的个体, 其攻击行为发生率将会远高于低攻击性人格特质的个体。因此, 个体的攻击性可能是引发随迁儿童攻击行为的重要因素之一, 以后的研究也应该将其纳入研究范围。除此之外, 还有研究者指出, 消极的元刻板印象并不一定导致消极的行为(Hopkins et al., 2007), 随迁儿童也有可能在受到消极元刻板印象激活后对自己进行印象管理, 即通过有意识地改变自己的行为, 从而避免确认消极的元刻板印象, 这与我们的研究结果不一致。鉴于此, 未来的研究可以尝试综合多种因素, 如改变不同的元刻板印象激活情境等, 进一步探求元刻板印象威胁对行为效应的具体模式。


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Parents' reports of problem behaviors in 2,081 Dutch children, 3,127 Turkish children in Ankara and 833 Turkish immigrant children living in The Netherlands, aged 4 18 years, were compared. Dutch and Turkish versions of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) were used. Immigrant children were scored higher than Dutch children on 6 of the 11 CBCL scales, most markedly on the Anxious/Depressed scale. Immigrant children were scored higher than Ankara children on five CBCL scales. However, these differences were much smaller than those found between immigrant and Dutch children. Furthermore, immigrant children's Total Problem scores did not differ from those for Ankara children. Turkish immigrant children have very similar patterns of parent-reported problem behaviors to children living in Turkey, although both groups of Turkish children showed higher levels of parent-reported problem behaviors than Dutch children. The higher scores for Turkish children on the Anxious/Depressed scale compared with their Dutch peers may be explained by cultural differences in parental perception of children's problem behaviors, as well as the threshold for reporting them, or by cultural differences in the prevalence of problems, for instance as the result of cross-cultural differences in child-rearing practice. More research is needed to test the degree to which Turkish immigrant parents tend to preserve their cultural characteristics and child-rearing practices in Dutch society.

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Frustration-aggression hypothesis: Examination and reformulation

Psychological Bulletin, 106( 1), 59-73.

DOI:10.1037//0033-2909.106.1.59      URL     PMID:2667009      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract Examines the Dollard et al. (1939) frustration-aggression hypothesis. The original formulation's main proposition is limited to interference with an expected attainment of a desired goal on hostile (emotional) aggression. Although some studies have yielded negative results, others support the core proposition. Frustrations can create aggressive inclinations even when they are not arbitrary or aimed at the subject personally. Interpretations and attributions can be understood partly in terms of the original analysis but they can also influence the unpleasantness of the thwarting. A proposed revision of the 1939 model holds that frustrations generate aggressive inclinations to the degree that they arouse negative affect. Evidence regarding the aggressive consequences of aversive events is reviewed, and Berkowitz's cognitive-neoassociationistic model is summarized.

Bilewicz, M., &Jaworska, M. ( 2013).

Reconciliation through the righteous: The narratives of heroic helpers as a fulfillment of emotional needs in Polish-Jewish intergroup contact

Journal of Social Issues, 69( 1), 162-179.

DOI:10.1111/josi.12009      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Postwar Polish61Jewish relations are heavily affected by divergent narratives about the Holocaust. Debates about the role of Poles as passive bystanders or perpetrators during the Holocaust have deeply influenced mutual perceptions of Poles and Jews. Previous research has shown that historical issues raised during Polish61Jewish encounters inhibit positive consequences of intergroup contact, mostly due to frustrated emotional needs related to past genocide. The aim of the present intervention was to reconcile young Poles and Israelis by presenting narratives that could change stereotypical thinking about the past. Our results indicate that the narratives of historical rescuers of Jews during WWII allowed overcoming the negative impact of the past on intergroup contact by fulfilling frustrated needs for acceptance among Polish participants. The article discusses the potential role of the heroic helpers’ narrative for reconciliation after mass violence, as it may prevent entitative categorizations of groups as victims, perpetrators, and bystanders.

Che W. B. ( 2001). Encyclopedia of counseling psychology. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Educational Press.

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[ 车文博 . ( 2001). 心理咨询大百科全书. 杭州: 浙江教育出版社.]

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Crisp R. J., Stathi S., Turner R. N., & Husnu S . ( 2010).

Imagined intergroup contact: Theory, paradigm and practice

Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 3( 1), 1-18.

DOI:10.1111/j.1751-9004.2009.00230.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A goal shared enthusiastically amongst many social psychologists is the improvement of intergroup relations. Conflict between groups is usually related to distinct, and in many cases opposing, identities, based on (for example) ethnicity, nationality, and religion, but also gender, age, sexual orientation and political or individual preferences. Our research has developed a new intervention for improving intergroup relations based on an integration of theory and empirical work on social cognition and interg

Crisp R. J., & Turner R. N, . ( 2009).

Can imagined interactions produce positive perceptions?: Reducing prejudice through simulated social contact

American Psychologist, 64( 4), 231-240.

DOI:10.1037/a0014718      URL     PMID:19449982      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The contact hypothesis states that, under the right conditions, contact between members of different groups leads to more positive intergroup relations. The authors track recent trends in contact theory to the emergence of extended, or indirect, forms of contact. These advances lead to an intriguing proposition: that simply imagining intergroup interactions can produce more positive perceptions of outgroups. The authors discuss empirical research supporting the imagined contact proposition and find it to be an approach that is at once deceptively simple and remarkably effective. Encouraging people to mentally simulate a positive intergroup encounter leads to improved outgroup attitudes and reduced stereotyping. It curtails intergroup anxiety and extends the attribution of perceivers' positive traits to others. The authors describe the advantages and disadvantages of imagined contact compared to conventional strategies, outline an agenda for future research, and discuss applications for policymakers and educators in their efforts to encourage more positive intergroup relations. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved.

Dill, J. C., Anderson C. A . ( 2010).

Effects of frustration justification on hostile aggression

Aggressive Behavior, 21( 5), 359-369.

DOI:10.1002/1098-2337(1995)21:5<359::AID-AB2480210505>3.0.CO;2-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The present study tested Berkowitz' [1989: Psychological Bulletin 106:59-73] reformulation of the frustration-aggression hypothesis which states that any negative or aversive stimulus such as frustration, even if justified, will result in some measurable tendency to aggress, Participants' attainment of an expected gratification was either blocked in an unjustified manner, blocked in a justified manner, or not blocked at all. Degree of hostile aggression directed at the frustrating individual was measured. As predicted, justified frustration produced less hostile aggression than unjustified frustration, but even justified frustration produced more hostile aggression than no frustration at all. Results support Berkowitz' frustration-aggression reformulation. 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Dollard J., Miller N. E., Doob L. W., Mowrer O. H., & Sears, R. R. ( 1939) . Frustration and aggression. New Haven: Yale University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Gómez,Á. ( 2002).

If my group stereotypes others, others stereotype my group…and we know. Concept, research lines and future perspectives of meta-stereotypes

Revista de Psicología Social, 17( 3), 253-282.

DOI:10.1174/02134740260372982      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper presents a review of sociopsychological literature on the recent topic of meta-stereotypes, i. e., beliefs that group members typically have about how others see them. The impact of meta-stereotypes on intergroup relations and their connection with stereotyping processes are analyzed. Antecedents, concept and traits of meta-stereotypes are described in an attempt to show that meta-stereotypes fit into the general category of processes derived from group members' awareness that outgroup members stereotype their group. In order to arrive at a proper definition of meta-stereotypes, its differences with related concepts are underlined in the second section of the paper. A review of research published or in progress on meta-stereotypes follows, trying to show how they have contributed to the study of this process and to open new lines of research. Finally, three recent theoretical developments in social psychology, i.e., social stigma, stereotype threat, and empathy are analyzed and their connection with meta-stereotypes is emphasized.

Gómez, Á., &Huici, C. ( 2008).

Vicarious intergroup contact and the role of authorities in prejudice reduction

The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11( 1), 103-114.

DOI:10.1017/S1138741600004169      URL     PMID:18630653      [本文引用: 1]

El presente estudio se centra en los efectos del contacto vicario intergrupal y en el apoyo de una figura de autoridad en la mejora de las evaluaciones del exogrupo y del meta-estereotipo. Meta-estereotipo se refiere a las creencias compartidas de los miembros del endogrupo sobre c0106mo creen que los miembros del exogrupo les perciben. Se llevaron a cabo tres estudios preliminares para determinar las caracter0102sticas deseables e indeseables para un buen desempe01±o en el baloncesto, la tarea que mejor demostrar0102a la aplicaci0106n de estas caracter0102sticas, y los dos grupos (equipos de baloncesto) que deber0102an implicarse en el contacto vicario intergrupal. En el presente estudio participaron los seguidores de uno de dichos equipos. El contacto vicario intergrupal mejor0106 la evaluaci0106n del exogrupo y del meta-estereotipo en comparaci0106n a una condici0106n de no contacto. Adicionalmente, los efectos positivos del contacto vicario intergrupal aumentaron significativamente cuando fue apoyado por una figura de autoridad. M0103s importante todav0102a, nuestro estudio muestra que la mejora de la evaluaci0106n del exogrupo estuvo mediada parcialmente por los cambios en el meta-estereotipo.

Gordijn E., Finchilescu G., Brix L., Wijnants N., & Koomen W . ( 2008).

The influence of prejudice and stereotypes on anticipated affect: Feelings about a potentially negative interaction with another ethnic group

South African Journal of Psychology, 38( 4), 589-601.

DOI:10.1177/008124630803800401      URL     [本文引用: 2]

In this research we investigated whether feelings about an imagined potentially negative interaction with a member of another ethnic group was affected more by valence than content of stereotypes, and whether the differential influence of perception and meta-perception was similar for dominant and dominated groups within a given society. Prejudice, cultural stereotypes and meta-stereotypes were measured for both the dominant and the subordinate group, white and black South Africans, respectively. We found that prejudice was related to the perception of a more negative cultural stereotype of the other ethnic group, and to the perception of a more positive meta-stereotype of one's own ethnic group. However, this latter result was found only for the dominant group. Furthermore, for both the dominant and the subordinate groups, prejudice predicted more negative than positive feelings. For the subordinate group, a more negative cultural stereotype predicted more anxiety-related feelings, and a more negative meta-stereotype predicted less happy feelings about such an interaction. For the dominant group, stereotypes were not predictive of feelings about the interaction. Overall, the relationship between stereotypes, prejudice, and feelings appears to be based on valence rather than on specific content of the stereotypes.

Hayes A. F. ( 2013). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. New York: Guilford Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Hopkins N., Reicher S., Harrison K., Cassidy C., Bull R., & Levine M . ( 2007).

Helping to improve the group stereotype: On the strategic dimension of prosocial behavior

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33( 6), 776-788.

DOI:10.1177/0146167207301023      URL     PMID:17483397      [本文引用: 1]

In three studies we consider a basis for inter-group helping. Specifically we show that group members may help others in order to disconfirm a stereotype of their own group as mean. Study one shows that Scots believe they are seen as mean by the English, resent this stereotype, are motivated to refute it, and believe out-group helping is a particularly effective way of doing so. Study two shows that increasing the salience of the English stereotype of the Scottish as mean leads Scots to accentuate the extent to which Scots are depicted as generous. Study three shows that increasing the salience of the stereotype of the Scots as mean results in an increase in the help volunteered to out-group members. These results highlight how strategic concerns may result in out-group helping. In turn, they underscore the point that helping others may be a means to advance a group interest.

Hu H. W., Gao J. M., Jiang H. C., Jiang H. X., Guo S. Y., Chen K., … Qi Y. Y . ( 2018).

A comparative study of behavior problems among left-behind children, migrant children and local children

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15( 4), 655.

DOI:10.3390/ijerph15040655      URL     PMID:29614783      [本文引用: 1]

This study aims to estimate the prevalence of behavioral problems among left-behind children, migrant children and local children in China, and to compare the risks of behavioral problems among the three types of children. Data on 4479 children aged 6 16 used in this study were from a survey conducted in China in 2017. The school-age version of the Children Behavior Checklist was used to measure children behavioral problems. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and logistic regressions were conducted. The prevalence of behavioral problems was 18.80% and 13.59% for left-behind children and migrant children, respectively, both of which were higher than that of local children. Logistic regression analysis showed that after adjustments for individual and environmental variables, the likelihood of total, internalizing and externalizing behavior problems for left-behind children and migrant children were higher than those for local children; left-behind children had a higher likelihood of internalizing problems than externalizing problems, while migrant children had a higher prevalence of externalizing problems. Left-behind children had a higher prevalence of each specific syndrome than migrant and local children. Both individual and environmental factors were associated with child behavioral problems, and family migration may contribute to the increased risks. Left-behind and migrant children were more vulnerable than local children to behavioral problems.

Issmer,C. ( 2013).

Explaining aggressive and delinquent behaviors of disadvantaged adolescents: The impact of negative metastereotypes

Journal of Medical Case Reports, 4( 1), 1-5.

[本文引用: 1]

Issmer C., Stellmacher J., & Gollwitzer M . ( 2009).

When disadvantaged adolescents strike out: The impact of negative metastereotypes on delinquency

Journal of Criminal Psychology, 3( 1), 4-18.

DOI:10.1108/20093821311307721      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Purpose – This paper aims to examine the impact of perceived negativity against the ingroup on delinquency in disadvantaged social groups. It is based on assumptions from labeling theory and social identity theory. Design/methodology/approach – The authors hypothesized that negative metastereotypes towards the outgroup “majority society” (i.e. the perception of the outgroup holding negative stereotypes against the ingroup) would enhance delinquent behavior. Based on recent findings from research on self-esteem and aggression, the authors further hypothesized that self-esteem would moderate this effect, namely that delinquency-enhancement would be strongest for individuals high in self-esteem. The hypotheses were tested in a sample of incarcerated adolescents (n=225) and a sample of educationally disadvantaged adolescents (n=92), respectively. Findings – Negative metastereotypes towards the “majority society” are positively related to delinquent behavior. This effect is particularly strong when disadvantaged individuals' positive self-regard is high. Research limitations/implications – This research gives important, new insights on the basis of cross-sectional, correlative data. Future research should aim to corroborate the findings by use of experimental or longitudinal designs. Originality/value – The paper shows that the perception of negative stereotypes against one's disadvantaged ingroup in society is a risk factor for delinquent behavior. It furthermore highlights how personality differences in self-esteem influence this relationship. The research builds a bridge between criminological labeling theory and social-psychological social identity theory.

Kamans E., Gordijn E. H., Oldenhuis H., & Otten S . ( 2009).

What I think you see is what you get: Influence of prejudice on assimilation to negative meta-stereotypes among Dutch Moroccan teenagers

European Journal of Social Psychology, 39( 5), 842-851.

DOI:10.1002/ejsp.593      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This research examined how Dutch Moroccan teenagers in the Netherlands deal with the negative stereotype that they believe the Dutch have about their group. We hypothesize that Moroccans act in line with this negative image when they are prejudiced against the Dutch and feel personally meta-stereotyped. A survey study among 88 Dutch Moroccan teenagers revealed that Moroccan teenagers who felt negative about the Dutch and thought that they were personally negatively stereotyped, expressed attitudes in line with this negative meta-stereotype. That is, they act in line with the outgroup's negative image by legitimizing criminality, aggression, loitering teenagers, and Muslim extremism. These findings suggest that being confronted with a negative stereotype about one's group might sometimes lead to a reaction that is both harmful for the stereotyped group as well as society in general. Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keller, J., &Dauenheimer, D. ( 2003).

Stereotype threat in the classroom: Dejection mediates the disrupting threat effect on women's math performance

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29( 3), 371-381.

DOI:10.1177/0146167202250218      URL     PMID:15273014      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Research on stereotype threat, which is defined as the risk of confirming a negative stereotypic expectation about one's group, has demonstrated that the applicability of negative stereotypes disrupts the performance of stigmatized social groups. While it has been shown that a reduction of stereotype threat leads to improved performance by members of stigmatized groups, there is a lack of clear-cut findings about the mediating processes. The aim of the present study is to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that stereotype threat causes in women working on mathematical problems. In addition, the study set out to test stereotype threat theory in a natural environment: high school classrooms. The experiment involved the manipulation of the gender fairness of a math test. The results indicate that the stereotype threat effect exists in this everyday setting. Moreover, it appears that dejection emotions mediate the effect of threat manipulation.

Lammers J., Gordijn E. H., & Otten S . ( 2008).

Looking through the eyes of the powerful

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44( 5), 1229-1238.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2008.03.015      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Across four experiments, we test the idea that power decreases metastereotyping, and that this effect is mediated by reduced perspective taking. Metastereotypes refer to the beliefs that members of group A share about the stereotypes that members of specific outgroup B typically have about ingroup A. We propose that the dominant psychological orientation of the powerless is aimed at seeing how others see them. In an intergroup situation they are therefore inclined to activate and apply metastereotypes. In the first three experiments we consistently find that low power leads to more metastereotyping than high power and control (in Experiment 3). Specifically, we show this effect with three different manipulations of power, namely a role manipulation (Experiment 1), experiential priming (Experiment 2), and parafoveal priming (Experiment 3). In the fourth experiment we uncover the mediating role of perspective taking. Together these findings provide strong evidence that powerlessness leads to metastereotyping.

Li, J. H . ( 2014).

A research on learning adaption and problem behavior of children of migrant workers in city (Unpublished master’s thesis). Hunan Normal University


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湖南师范大学, 长沙.]

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Li, M. ( 2002).

Comments on the researches of child's behavioral disorders in the last decade in China

Journal of Xuzhou Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 28( 2), 130-133.

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徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 28( 2), 130-133.]

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Li X. Q., Zou H., Wang R. M., & Dou D. H . ( 2008).

The developmental characteristics of temporary migrant children's self-esteem and its relation to learning behavior and teacher-student relationship in Beijing

Psychological Science, 31( 4), 909-913.

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Li X. W., Zou H., Jin C. C., & Ke R . ( 2008).

The relations among problem behaviors, personalities and family functioning of migrant children

Psychological Development and Education, 24( 2), 54-59.

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Lieberman J. D., Solomon S., Greenberg J., & McGregor H. A . ( 1999).

A hot new way to measure aggression: Hot sauce allocation

Aggressive Behavior, 25( 5), 331-348.

DOI:10.1002/(SICI)1098-2337(1999)25:5<331::AID-AB2>3.0.CO;2-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Laboratory experiments investigating aggressive behavior have operationalized and assessed aggression in a variety of ways; however, these measures are often problematic because they do not create a situation in which participants perceive potential for real harm to come to the target, there is a risk of actual harm to the target, or they are too familiar to participants. To overcome these limitations, we developed a new method for measuring aggression, specifically, the amount of hot sauce administered to a target known to dislike spicy foods. We summarize a series of experiments assessing theory-based hypotheses regarding aggression in which this measure is employed. We then briefly consider the strengths and limitations of this new measure. Aggr. Behav. 25:331-348, 1999. ? 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Liu D. F., Wang Z. L., Li W. B., Zhou C., Qi H. J., & Hu D . ( 2010).

Relationship among migrant children's self-efficacy, perceived social support and loneliness

Chinese Journal of School Health, 31( 2), 180-183.

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[ 刘菂斐, 王兆良, 李文兵, 周超, 齐海静, 胡典 . ( 2010).


中国学校卫生, 31( 2), 180-183.]

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Meleady, R., & Seger, C. R . ( 2016).

Imagined contact encourages prosocial behavior towards outgroup members

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20( 4), 447-464.

[本文引用: 1]

Oldenhuis, H. K. E . ( 2007).

I know what they think about us: Metaperceptions and intergroup relations (Unpublished doctorial dissertation). University of


[本文引用: 1]

Owuamalam C., Issmer C., Zagefka H., Klaßen M., & Wagner U . ( 2014).

Why do members of disadvantaged groups strike back at perceived negativity towards the in-group?

Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24( 3), 249-264.

DOI:10.1002/casp.2165      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Against the background of riots in communities across London in 2011, this paper examines the implications of negative meta-stereotypes on stigmatized group members' reactions towards members of privileged out-groups within their communities. We hypothesized that concerns over negative opinions that the dominant out-group is expected to hold of the in-group (i.e. meta-stereotypes) would be negatively associated with group members' perceptions of societal fairness and that this relationship would be mediated by members' recall of personal experiences with discrimination. We further hypothesized that views about societal fairness that are challenged in this way would lower an inclination to express discontent with the status quo via normative means while at the same time, increase nonnormative expressions. Results from two surveys (study 1, N65=6550; study 2, N65=65132) provided support for these hypotheses and are discussed in terms of their meaning for community relations. Copyright 08 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Owuamalam C. K., Tarrant M., Farrow C. V., & Zagefka H . ( 2013).

The effect of metastereotyping on judgements of higher-status outgroups when reciprocity and social image improvement motives collide

Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 45( 1), 12-23.

DOI:10.1037/a0030012      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Two experiments examined the effect of metastereotype valence on high and low identifiers' judgments of an outgroup. As high identifiers are strongly emotionally invested in the ingroup, we expected that such group members would feel angry when they activate negative metastereotypes which would correspondingly lead to less favourable evaluation of the outgroup. We further expected this pattern to be particularly visible when high identifiers could communicate their dissatisfaction to an outgroup (but not an ingroup) audience presumably to persuade the outgroup to reevaluate their attitudes toward the ingroup. We did not expect low identifiers to reflect the valence of metastereotypes in their outgroup attitudes and judgments, given their weak emotional ties with the ingroup and because such members are likely to feel that metastereotypes do not apply to them personally. Results from two experiments (Study 1, N = 78; Study 2, N = 80) supported these predictions and are discussed in light of the implications of metastereotyping for intergroup relations.

Owuamalam, C. K.,& Zagefka, H. , ( 2011).

Downplaying a compromised social image: The effect of metastereotype valence on social identification

European Journal of Social Psychology, 41( 4), 528-537.

DOI:10.1002/ejsp.v41.4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Owuamalam, C., &Zagefka, H. ( 2013).

We'll never get past the glass ceiling! Meta-stereotyping, world-views and perceived relative group-worth

British Journal of Psychology, 104( 4), 543-562.

DOI:10.1111/bjop.12006      URL     PMID:24094283     

This article examines the implications of perceived negativity from members of a dominant outgroup on the world views and perceived relative group worth of members of disadvantaged groups. We hypothesized that concerns about the negative opinions a dominant outgroup is perceived to hold of the ingroup (i.e., meta-stereotypes) would undermine group members' views about societal fairness. We expected this trend to be mediated by recall of previous personal experiences of discrimination. We further hypothesized that members' views about societal fairness would predict their perception of the ingroup's worth relative to the outgroup such that undermined views about societal fairness would be associated with lower perceived ingroup worth relative to the outgroup. Taken jointly, results from two studies using two real intergroup contexts support these hypotheses and are discussed in terms of their implications for the social mobility of members of disadvantaged groups.

Qiao, J. X . ( 2015).

On the social integration of immigrant children and the family influence

Studies in Early Childhood Education, 8, 3-13

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Qu Z. X., Tong Y. L., Lu H. H., & Lu Y. M . ( 2012).

The effects of peer interaction and academic achievement on aggressive behavior of children and adolescents: Based on the frustration-aggression theory

Issues on Juvenile Crimes and Delinquency, 4, 13-21.

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[ 屈朝霞, 童玉林, 路红红, 陆耀明 . ( 2012).


青少年犯罪问题, 4, 13-21.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1509.2012.04.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

挫折—侵犯理论指出,当个体受到挫折时,很有可能发生攻击行为。基于调研数据,采用Ordered Probit模型对调研资料进行分析,回归分析结果发现,儿童青少年在同伴交往和学业成绩方面遭受挫折更容易激发攻击行为。为了减少和防止儿童青少年的攻击行为,进而避免青少年犯罪低龄化、团伙化和暴力化的趋势,提出了改变家长和学校认知、改善学校和家长教育方式等措施。

Qu Z. Y., Zou H., & Wang Y. C . ( 2004).

Class environment: Types and its prediction on students’ school adjustment

Psychological Science, 27( 1), 207-211.

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[ 屈智勇, 邹泓, 王英春 . ( 2004).


心理科学, 27( 1), 207-211.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6981.2004.01.061      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Quill, K. A . ( 1997).

Instructional considerations for young children with autism: The rationale for visually cued instruction

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 27( 6), 697-714.

DOI:10.1023/A:1025806900162      URL     PMID:9455729      [本文引用: 1]

Instructional considerations for children with autism who continue to struggle with current treatment models are discussed. Specifically, the use of instructional strategies for children who may be characterized as visual learners are addressed. The discussion begins with a review of research that illuminates the learning style differences associated with autism. Next, the instructional strategies of both behavioral and incidental teaching methods are examined in light of the research. Finally, using a case study as the backdrop, the discussion concludes with a description of how visually cued instruction can be applied in various contexts.

Reio, T. G . ( 2011).

Supervisor and coworker incivility: Testing the work frustration-aggression model

Advances in Developing Human Resources, 13( 1), 54-68.

DOI:10.1177/1523422311410648      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to test the association among situational constraints, emotional reactions, behavioral responses, and their distal outcomes in the workplace through two modified versions of the Fox-Spector (1999) work frustration-aggression model. Demographics (age, gender) and personality traits (emotional stability, thrill seeking), incivility, and two organizational outcomes (organizational commitment and employee satisfaction) were added to the original model. The paper-and-pencil survey battery, consisting of eight scales, was completed by 507 participants. Models were tested with path-analytic procedures. After controlling for the demographic and personality variables, situational constraints, frustration, and supervisor and coworker incivility predicted less organizational commitment and employee satisfaction. The frustration and incivility variables served as mediators between situational constraints and the dependent variables in the models. Human Resource Development (HRD) researchers and practitioners are provided with insights into incivility behavior where HRD leveraging can make a difference in organizational commitment and workplace satisfaction.

Renfro C. L., Duran A., Stephan W. G., & Clason D. L . ( 2006).

The role of threat in attitudes toward affirmative action and its beneficiaries

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36( 1), 41-74.

DOI:10.1111/j.0021-9029.2006.00003.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This set of two studies employed the integrated threat theory to examine attitudes toward affirmative action (AA). The first study found that opposition to the policy of AA was predicted by realistic threats, symbolic threats, and personal relevance; while attitudes toward the beneficiaries of AA were predicted by three of the four threat variables (symbolic threats, intergroup anxiety, and negative stereotypes), and in-group identity. The second study replicated and expanded on the first study and found that the effects of several individual-difference variables (racism, anti-Black affect, and political conservatism) on opposition to AA were mediated by three of the threats in the integrated threat theory (realistic threats, symbolic threats, and negative stereotypes). The implications of the results are discussed.

Riek B. M., Mania E. W., & Gaertner S. L . ( 2006).

Intergroup threat and outgroup attitudes: A meta-analytic review

Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10( 4), 336-353.

DOI:10.1207/s15327957pspr1004_4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Schneider D. J. ( 2005). The psychology of stereotyping. New York: Guilford Press.

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Stathi, S., & Crisp, R. J . ( 2008).

Imagining intergroup contact promotes projection to outgroups

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44( 4), 943-957.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2008.02.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Three studies investigated the conditions under which imagining intergroup contact would lead to greater projection of positive traits to outgroups. In Experiment 1 (Mexico) imagined contact predicted greater self-outgroup positive trait overlap for majority but not minority ethnic groups. In Experiment 2 (UK) imagined contact led to greater projection of positive traits to the outgroup for lower compared to higher identifiers. In Experiment 3 (UK) imagined contact led to greater projection of positive traits to the outgroup when the self was salient compared to when the outgroup was salient. These findings suggest that the social cognitive consequences of imagined contact are most favorable for intergroup relations when the personal self, but not social self, is salient. We discuss the implications of these findings for a developing model of imagined contact effects.

Stathi S., Crisp R. J., & Hogg M. A . ( 2011).

Imagining intergroup contact enables member-to-group generalization

Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 15( 3), 275-284.

DOI:10.1037/a0023752      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Intergroup contact improves intergroup relations. In some cases, however, actual contact is impractical and here imagining intergroup contact (Crisp & Turner, 2009) may represent a viable alternative. While initial findings have been promising, imagined contact research has yet to confirm whether it enables a critical process involved in successful intergroup contact: member-to-group generalization. We tested the hypothesis that imagined contact, and specific enhancements to the technique, are enabling in the form of generalized contact self-efficacy. In Experiment 1 participants who imagined a positively toned encounter with a single outgroup member subsequently felt more confident about future interactions with the outgroup in general. Furthermore, imagining contact was maximally effective at achieving generalization when group versus individuating information was salient (Experiment 2) and when the imagined interaction involved an outgrouper who was typical versus atypical (Experiment 3). These findings contribute to growing support for the notion that imagined contact represents a flexible, effective tool for improving intergroup relations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Stephan W. G., Renfro C. L., & Davis, M. D. , ( 2002) . The role of threat in intergroup relations. In D. Mackie & E. Smith (Eds.), From prejudice to intergroup emotions: Differentiated reactions to social groups (pp. 265-283) . New York: Psychology Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Stephan, W. G., & Stephan, C. W . ( 1985).

Intergroup anxiety

Journal of Social Issues, 41( 3), 157-175.

DOI:10.1111/josi.1985.41.issue-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Stephan, W. G., & Stephan, C. W . ( 2000).

An integrated threat theory of prejudice

In S. Oskamp (Ed.), “The Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology” Reducing prejudice and discrimination( pp. 23-45). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

react-text: 465 The present study tests the two-dimensional model of stereotype content proposed by Fiske, Cudy, Glick and Xu (2002) among 121 Costa Rican students. Results show that warmth and ability represent two underlying principles of the stereotypical perception of social groups. Both, warmth and ability differentiate four stereotypical perceptions (paternalistic stereotypes, contemptuous prejudice,... /react-text react-text: 466 /react-text [Show full abstract]

Stephan W. G., Ybarra O., & Rios Morrison K . ( 2009).

Intergroup Threat Theory. In T. D. Nelson (Ed.), Handbook of prejudice, and discrimination ( pp. 43-59)

Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

[本文引用: 1]

Sun Y. W., He W., & Luo J. L . ( 2015).

Meta-stereotype threat effects on working memory among migrant children: Mediating effects of intergroup anxiety

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47( 11), 1349-1359.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 孙亚文, 贺雯, 罗俊龙 . ( 2015).

随迁儿童元刻板印象威胁对工作记忆的影响: 群际焦虑的中介作用

心理学报, 47( 11), 1349-1359.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.01349      URL     [本文引用: 2]

A total of 90 migrant children participated in the present study. Participants were instructed to write descriptive adjectives to evoke negative meta-stereotype or not according to different instructions. Then, participants were assigned to either the meta-stereotype threat (MST) condition (25 males, 24 females, aged 11~13 years, = 12.05, = 0.83) or the non-MST condition (21 males, 20 females, aged 11~13 years, = 12.24, = 0.79). This study was organized into a 2 3 design. The first factor was the type of meta-stereotype, consisting of 2 levels, MST condition and non-MST condition. The second factor was the type of working memory, including 3 levels, 0-, 1-, and 2-back working memory tasks. The participants also completed the intergroup-anxiety scale. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and mediation analysis were used to analyze the data.The following results were observed: (1) The intergroup anxiety under the MST condition was higher than the case of non-MST condition. (2) The accuracy of the MST condition was significantly lower than that of the non-MST condition across the 0-, 1-, 2-back working memory tasks. Moreover, the accuracy in the MST and the non-MST condition both decreased significantly with the task difficulty growing. (3) In the 0-, 1-, 2-back working memory tasks, the reaction time of participants in the MST condition was significantly higher than those in the non-MST condition, and in the MST condition, the reaction time significantly increased with the increase of difficulty, the interaction between the group and the type of working memory was significant. (4) The relationship between the meta-stereotype and the accuracy of working memory (medium difficulty) was entirely mediated by the intergroup anxiety. The relationship between the meta-stereotype and the reaction time of working memory (medium difficulty) was partially mediated by the intergroup anxiety.Overall, it was suggested that the deleterious effects of negative meta-stereotype on working memory and the intergroup anxiety among migrant children contributed to the explanation of the decline of working memory at medium level of difficulty. Further study still needs to precisely assess other factors (i.e., prejudice, social identity, and so on) that are involved in the threat effects of the meta-stereotype.

Turner R. N., Crisp R. J., & Lambert E . ( 2007).

Imagining intergroup contact can improve intergroup attitudes

Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10( 4), 427-441.

DOI:10.1177/1368430207081533      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Vorauer J. D., Hunter A. J., Main K. J., & Roy S. A . ( 2000).

Meta-stereotype activation: Evidence from indirect measures for specific evaluative concerns experienced by members of dominant groups in intergroup interaction

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78( 4), 690-707.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.78.4.690      URL     PMID:10794374      [本文引用: 1]

Six experiments demonstrated that dominant group members readily frame intergroup interaction in terms of how they themselves are evaluated. The authors used indirect measures of meta-stereotype activation to assess dominant group members' inclination to spontaneously consider an out-group member's (ostensible) stereotypic expectations about them. The necessary conditions for meta-stereotype activation were rather minimal, but the potential for evaluation by an out-group member--as opposed to mere exposure to the person--was required. Individual differences involving the importance accorded to social evaluation (public self-consciousness and personal importance of racial attitudes) were associated with meta-stereotype activation, whereas racial attitudes were not. Two studies in which evaluative orientation was manipulated directly demonstrated a link between in terms of how one is viewed and the activation and application of meta-stereotypes.

Vorauer J. D., Main K. J., & O'Connell G. B . ( 1998).

How do individuals expect to be viewed by members of lower status groups? Content and implications of meta-stereotypes

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75( 4), 917-937.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.75.4.917      URL     PMID:9825528      [本文引用: 1]

Three studies demonstrated that meta-stereotypes held by members of dominant groups about how their group is viewed by a lower status group have important implications for intergroup relations. Study 1 confirmed that White Canadians hold a shared negative meta-stereotype about how they are viewed by Aboriginal Canadians; Studies 2 and 3 extended these results to people's beliefs about an individual out-group member's impressions of them. Feeling stereotyped was associated with negative emotions about intergroup interaction as well as decreases in current self-esteem and self-concept clarity. The perceptions of low- and high-prejudiced persons (LPs and HPs) diverged in a manner consistent with their distinct personal values and group identifications. LPs held a more negative meta-stereotype than did HPs. However, in a one-on-one interaction, HPs sensed that they were stereotyped, whereas LPs felt that they conveyed a counterstereotypical impression.

Wang, J . ( 2016).

The qualitative study on the manifestation and the manifestation and causes of mental health problems of preschool migrant children (Unpublished master’s thesis)

Shenyang Normal University.

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[ 王静 . ( 2016).



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Wang M. F., & Zhang P. , ( 2005).

Analysis on the factors influencing the language ability of migrant children

Maternal and Child Health Care of China, 20( 3), 331-332.

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[ 王美芬, 张萍 . ( 2005).


中国妇幼保健, 20( 3), 331-332.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4411.2005.03.045      URL     [本文引用: 1]

目的:探讨影响流动人口中儿童语言能力发展的家庭及社会因素,为促进流动人口中儿童语言发展提供依据.方 法:使用PPVT(图片词汇)测试,通过问卷调查形式对255名3.5~5.5岁的儿童(男125名,女130名)语言发展情况进行调查.另随机选择城区 同年龄入同体检儿童252名(男125名,女127名)为对照组.DPOAE(耳声发射)排除听力障碍儿童.结果:本组255名流动人口儿童PPVT测试 结果显示,3个年龄段儿童智商随着年龄的增长逐渐升高(P<0.05),两组儿童智商相比较存在显著性差异.父母的文化程度、家庭月收入、语言种类、居住 本地时间、父亲性格内向和领养人性格内向,两组儿童比较均有显著性差异.流动人口儿童在语言词汇量、语言表达不连贯、不会主动提问均显著低于城区儿童 (P<0.01).结论:小儿语言发展随着年龄的增长逐渐发展,但言语的发展受家庭及社会环境因素的影响,提示流动人口中3.5~5.5岁儿童存在语言发 展落后.

Wang, X. B., & Shan, H. X . ( 2013).

The psychological fusion of migrant children and local student in school

Moral Education China, 18, 6-10.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 王新波, 单洪雪 . ( 2013).


中国德育, 18, 6-10.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wen Z. L., Chang L., Hau K. T., & Liu H. Y . ( 2004).

Testing and application of the mediating effects

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 36( 5), 614-620.

[ 温忠麟, 张雷, 侯杰泰, 刘红云 . ( 2004).


心理学报, 36( 5), 614-620.]


The concepts of mediator and related constructs, as well as the estimation of mediating effects were discussed. Based on the comparison of various testing methods, a procedure was proposed which was a composite test derived from two existing testing methods. The newly proposed procedure is likely to be better than any single testing method in terms of the sum of type 1 and type 2 error rates. Moreover, it can be used to test both partial and full mediating effects. As an illustration, the procedure was applied to an empirical study on students鈥 antisocial behaviors and their effects on peer relations.

Xiong, M., & Ye, Y. D . ( 2011).

Mental health for the children of farmers who worked in city in China

Advances in Psychological Science, 19( 12), 1798-1813.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 熊猛, 叶一舵 . ( 2011).


心理科学进展, 19( 12), 1798-1813.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

The children of farmers who worked in city refer to the group of those whose parents have the identity of peasant, the farmland by contract, but are mainly engaged in non-agricultural industries, and take the salary as their main source of income. They are generally the children of 6 to 18 who are at the right age to school. Generally speaking, the mental health of them is worse than that of the urban children. In social cognition, they have a certain discrimination perception, a feeling of relatively depriving and some identity crisis. In emotion and feeling, the imbalance of emotion, tendency of lonely (depression) and feeling of inferiority (self-accusation) are often serious. In social adaption, the social maladjustment, interpersonal tension and sensation, poorer learning adaptability and more behavior problems are obvious. Furthermore, the individual factors, such as gender, age, personality, coping style and life satisfaction, together with the environmental factors, such as factors from family, school and society, are the main influencing factors to their mental health. In addition, the education intervention for them are lack of systematization, which mainly are some qualitative researches. As a result, the broadening of study objects and contents, the improvement of research approaches, and the strengthening of systematic research and theoretical construction are the trends of research in this field.

Xu J. J . ( 2010).

A comparative study on mental health of migrant workers' children

Ideological and Theoretical Education, 10, 62-68.

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[ 徐晶晶 . ( 2010).


思想理论教育, 10, 62-68.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-192X-B.2010.05.017      URL     [本文引用: 1]

作为一个日趋庞大的社会群体, 进城务工人员随迁子女受到了社会各界的广泛关注。已有的研究主要侧重于他们入学受教育方面的问题,随着社会的发展变化,进城务工人员随迁子女的身心健康发 展问题也日益受到关注。通过实证研究,把就读于公办学校的进城务工人员随迁子女和就读于农民工子弟学校的进城务工人员随迁子女的心理健康状况进行比较,发 现就读于公办学校的这些学生的心理状况比农民工子弟学校的学生要好,二者在自我意识、人际敏感、抑郁、敌意等方面存在显著差异。

Xu, L. P . ( 2016).

Social adaption problems and countermeasures of migrant children in Pearl River Delta area

Journal of Teaching and Management, 5, 29-32.]

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[ 徐礼平 . ( 2016).


教学与管理: 理论版, 5, 29-32.]

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Zhang L. G., Kou Y., Zhao Y. L., & Fu X. Y . ( 2016).

Group boundary permeability moderates the effect of a dependency meta-stereotype on help-seeking behaviour

International Journal of Psychology, 51( 4), 243-251.

DOI:10.1002/ijop.12165      URL     PMID:25885332      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Previous studies have found that when low-status group members are aware that their in-group is stereotyped as dependent by a specific out-group (i.e. a dependency meta-stereotype is salient), they are reluctant to seek help from the high-status out-group to avoid confirming the negative meta-stereotype. However, it is unclear whether low-status group members would seek more help in the context of a salient dependency meta-stereotype when there is low (vs. high) group boundary permeability. Therefore, we conducted two experiments to examine the moderating effect of permeability on meta-stereotype confirmation with a real group. In study 1, we manipulated the salience of the dependency meta-stereotype, measured participants' perceived permeability and examined their help-seeking behaviour in a real-world task. Participants who perceived low permeability sought more help when the meta-stereotype was salient (vs. not salient), whereas participants who perceived high permeability sought the same amount of help across conditions. In study 2, we manipulated the permeability levels and measured the dependency meta-stereotype. Participants who endorsed a high-dependency meta-stereotype sought more help than participants who endorsed a low-dependency meta-stereotype; this effect was particularly strong in the low-permeability condition. The implications of these results for social mobility and intergroup helping are discussed. 2015 International Union of Psychological Science.

Zheng Y. F., & Yu G. L . ( 2009).

A study on migrant children's identity and personality

Educational Research, 5, 99-102.

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教育研究, 5, 99-102.]

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Zou, R . ( 2012).

The characteristics of meta-stereotype and its influence on the intergroup relations of migrant children and urban children (Unpublished master’s thesis)

Southwest University.

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