ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(4): 450-461 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00450



王斌, 付雅, 张积家,

中国人民大学心理学系、国家民委民族语言文化心理重点研究基地、教育部民族教育发展中心民族心理与教育重点研究基地, 北京 100872

Influence of language and culture on retrieval-induced forgetting under the self-referential condition: Evidence from the Han and the Mosuo

WANG Bin, FU Ya, ZHANG Jijia,

Key Research Center for National Psychology and Education, the National Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education, Beijing 100872, China

通讯作者: 张积家,



收稿日期: 2018-04-24   网络出版日期: 2019-04-25

基金资助: * 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助)项目“语言影响人格:来自双语者与双言者的行为与生理证据” (项目编号:17XNL002)阶段性成果、中国人民大学心理学系科研项目资助

Received: 2018-04-24   Online: 2019-04-25


采用提取诱发遗忘范式考察摩梭人和汉族人在自我参照、母亲参照、姨母参照和他人参照条件下的加工规律, 发现摩梭被试在自我参照、母亲参照、姨母参照条件下都未出现提取诱发遗忘, 而在一般他人参照条件下出现了提取诱发遗忘; 汉族被试在自我参照、母亲参照条件下未出现提取诱发遗忘, 而在姨母参照、他人参照条件下出现了提取诱发遗忘。这表明, 不同的文化和语言影响人的自我构建, 在汉族人的自我结构中包含有母亲, 而摩梭人将母亲、姨母皆作为重要的他人纳入自我建构中, 使得母亲参照和姨母参照产生与自我参照同样的记忆优势。

关键词: 提取诱发遗忘 ; 自我参照加工 ; 母亲参照加工 ; 姨母参照加工 ; 跨文化研究


Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) refers to the phenomenon, in which individuals may forget related information during the retrieval process whenever they try to remember something. Studies have shown that “self-reference” is one of the boundary conditions of RIF in the Western cultural context, indicating that RIF is only eliminated when the recalled materials are related to self-concept (known as the “self-referential effect”). In the Chinese culture, however, RIF was observed under the conditions of self-reference and maternal reference. The Mosuo people are raised in a matrilineal society, in which they are familiar with their mothers and aunts to the same extent. Such people consider their aunts and natural mothers as equally important. Conversely, the Han is a patriarchal society that differs considerably from the orientation of the Mosuo’s. This study aimed to explore the influence of the culture and language of the Mosuo and Han on their self-cognition and processing, especially the influence of their aunts on their self-conception.

Tested participants included 131 Mosuo and 126 Han from Yunnan’s Ninglang District. The experiment had a 2 (Nationality: the Mosuo, the Han) × 4 (Conditions: Self-reference, Mother-reference, Aunt-reference, Other-reference) × 3 (Retrieval Factor: Rp+, Rp-, or Nrp items) design. Nationality and condition were manipulated as between-subject factors, and the retrieval factor was manipulated as a within-subject factor. The study had four phases. (1) Study phase: Participants were shown Chinese characters on the monitor, with a series of 32 category exemplars in random order. They were instructed to memorize the exemplars while associating them with the paired category. (2) Retrieval-practice phase: Here, participants were sequentially presented with word-pair forms of eight cues that could probe their memory. Each cue comprised a category name and a first initial character of an exemplar. Participants were asked to recall the target exemplar in the written form in response to each cue. (3) Distractor phase: Participants were requested to perform mathematical operations within three minutes. (4) Final test phase: Participants were required to produce a written recall of as many exemplars as possible in response to each presented category name.

Results indicated that (1) in the Mosuo culture context, RIF was not observed under self-referential, mother-referential, and aunt-referential encoding, and was found only for other-referential encoding, and (2) for Han participants, RIF was observed in the aunt-referential and the other-referential encoding, but not in the self-referential and mother-referential encoding.

The present findings demonstrate that, first, in the Han and Mosuo cultures, self-reference and maternal reference are the key factors that cause RIF. Second, in the Mosuo culture, aunt-reference is another key factor that influences RIF aside from self-reference and maternal reference. Aunts who are integrated in the self-concept of the Mosuo people are also important to such individuals. Finally, (3) language and culture are crucial factors of self-formation and development.

Keywords: retrieval-induced forgetting ; self-referential processing ; mother-referential processing ; aunt-referential processing ; cross-cultural research

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王斌, 付雅, 张积家. 语言和文化对自我参照条件下提取诱发遗忘的影响——来自汉族人和摩梭人的证据. 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(4): 450-461 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00450

WANG Bin, FU Ya, ZHANG Jijia. Influence of language and culture on retrieval-induced forgetting under the self-referential condition: Evidence from the Han and the Mosuo. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(4): 450-461 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00450

1 引言

在回忆记忆内容时, 会对其他相关材料产生抑制, 使其回忆量降低(Anderson, Bjork, & Bjork, 1994), 这种现象被称为提取诱发遗忘(Retrieval- induced forgetting, RIF)。提取诱发遗忘在生活中很常见, 比如, 在观看一部影片之后, 人们常回忆起一些情节, 而淡忘其他情节。

研究提取诱发遗忘的经典范式是提取练习范式(Anderson, Bjork, & Bjork, 1994)。在学习阶段让被试学习以“类别名称-样例”形式呈现的词对, 如“Fruit-Orange”、“Fruit-Tomato”; 在提取练习阶段从一半类别中选出一半进行线索提取, 如“Fruit- Or____”, 要求被试根据线索写出完整的样例词。干扰阶段之后是测验阶段, 要求被试回忆所有类别的样例词。材料分为三类:Rp+, 即经过提取练习的词对; Rp-, 即类别经过提取、样例未经过提取的词对; Nrp, 即类别和样例都未提取过的词对, 该类别也被称为基线水平。结果发现, Rp+材料的回忆率显著高于Nrp材料, Rp-材料的回忆率低于Nrp材料, 表现出提取诱发遗忘。提取诱发遗忘既可以在单词记忆的简单的情境中发生, 也可以在情绪(Barber & Mather, 2012; Kobayashi & Tanno, 2013; 毛伟宾, 赵浩远, 东利云, 白鹭, 2016)、算数问题(Campbell & Thompson, 2012)等复杂的情境中发生。但是, 也存在着一些边界条件。自我参照是提取诱发遗忘的边界条件之一(Macrae & Roseveare, 2002)。自我参照效应(self-reference effect, SRE)是指凡与自我有关的加工均会导致最优的记忆效果(Rogers, Kuiper, & Kirker, 1997)。Macrae和Roseveare (2002)考察在自我参照、朋友参照和一般他人参照条件下的回忆, 发现与朋友参照条件和一般他人参照条件不同, 被试在自我参照条件下并未出现提取诱发遗忘效应。研究者认为, 自我促进了对记忆信息的精细整合, 自我参照的材料会受到独特的精细编码(Macrae & Roseveare, 2002), 因而在提取时不会受到抑制。

东西方文化的差异使得东西方人的自我存在着差异。西方人的自我具有严格的边界, 自我中仅仅包括自己, 强调自我是一个有边界的、独立于他人的实体; 东方人的自我边界模糊, 在自我中不仅包括自己, 还包括与自己有着亲密关系的重要他人, 强调自我与他人的依赖关系(Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Plaut, Markus, Treadway, & Fu, 2012)。朱滢和张力(2001)发现, 中国人在参照自我特质判断和参照母亲特质判断时, 二者的回忆成绩相当, 说明在中国人的自我中包含有母亲。杨红升和朱滢(2004)进一步将自我与提取诱发遗忘相结合, 发现自我参照加工和母亲参照加工都不抑制相关的材料, 说明母亲参照是提取诱发遗忘产生的边界条件。对集体意识更强的日本文化研究发现, 比起一般他人参照条件, 日本大学生在自我参照、朋友参照和家人参照条件下都未出现提取诱发遗忘效应(Uchida, Ueno, & Miyamoto, 2014)。文化认知神经科学研究表明, 内侧前额叶参与了与自我相关的刺激加工(Northoff et al., 2006; Han & Northoff, 2009)。研究者比较丹麦人和中国人参照自己加工的脑电波, 发现丹麦人比中国人内侧前额叶的神经活动水平更高(Ma et al., 2014)。在东方文化中, 参照自我和参照亲密他人的加工具有共同的神经表征。西方人仅在自我参照条件下激活了内侧前额叶, 而中国人在自我参照条件下和母亲参照条件下都出现了内侧前额叶的激活, 而且在母亲参照条件下和自我参照条件下所产生的神经激活水平相当(Zhu, Zhang, Fan, & Han, 2007; Vanderwal, Hunyadi, Grupe, Connors, & Schultz, 2008; Wang et al., 2012; Wuyun et al., 2014)。除母亲以外, 研究者也把参照对象扩展到其他的家庭成员。例如, Han, Ma和Wang (2016)要求被试分别参照自己、配偶、子女和一般他人做人格特质判断, 发现相比起一般他人参照条件, 男性和女性在自我、配偶和子女特质判断时内侧前额叶有类似的神经活动。研究还显示, 与亲密他人相联系的自我具有动态的认知神经表征, 这种表征会因为文化启动的不同而变化。Ng, Han, Mao和Lai (2010)考察具有双文化背景的香港人在不同文化启动下的自我表征变化, 发现在受到中国文化符号图片启动后, 被试在自我与母亲的特质判断任务中均表现出内侧前额叶的活动增强; 在受到西方文化符号启动后, 内侧前额叶的活动在母亲判断任务中出现了减弱, 却在自我判断任务中有所增强。这种自我表征的暂时性的动态变化与自我建构在不同文化中的差异一致, 反映了文化价值长期累积的影响。

作为独特的文化形式, 宗教对人的思维方式、价值观念、行为方式具有较大的影响。宗教信徒和非信徒的自我神经表征存在着差异。在自我特质判断中, 中国佛教徒和基督教徒激活了背内侧前额叶, 非宗教徒却激活了腹内侧前额叶(Han et al., 2008; Han et al., 2010)。Han等(2008)发现, 中国佛教徒在释迦牟尼参照下背内侧前额叶有持续的激活, 而且与非信徒比, 扣带回也参与自我人格特质判断。中国基督徒在耶稣参照下背内侧前额叶的激活明显高于非信徒(Han et al., 2008)。Wu等(2010)发现, 藏族人在自我特质判断时背内侧前额叶和腹内侧前额叶未激活, 却激活了颞中回, 说明藏传佛教的“无我”教义使得信徒的自我感降低, 未出现自我参照效应。回族大学生在阿訇参照条件下未出现提取诱发遗忘效应(周爱保, 张奋, 马晓凤, 李建升, 夏瑞雪, 2015)。可见, 宗教领袖作为宗教文化中的重要他人, 成为信徒的自我的一部分。

在自我的形成和发展中, 语言起着不可或缺的作用。语言既是文化的属性, 又是文化的部分, 还是文化的条件(克劳德·列维斯特劳斯, 2006)。由于在不同语言中沉淀了不同文化有关人格的理论和原型, 个体在掌握某种语言时, 也就掌握了该语言代表的文化有关人格的看法。因此, 语言影响人格(张积家, 于宙, 乔艳阳, 2017)。人格具有复杂的结构, 自我是广义人格的一部分。语言是否影响自我构建?Bakhtin (1998)认为, 自我是在语言中与他人密切互动构建的实体。自我与他人之间是一种对话关系。维果茨基(1986)认为, 自我是在环境中通过与他人的互动不断成熟转化的结果, 与他人对话是自我形成的重要因素。同时, 语言影响自我也得到了诸多实证研究的证实。例如, 在相同参照比较下, 不同类型的记忆材料产生的自我参照效应大小不同。对亚裔加拿大人而言, 在集体特质材料记忆中, 出现了明显的自我参照效应; 而在个人特质材料记忆中, 他人参照效应却比自我参照效应更大, 出现了自我参照效应的逆转(Wagar & Cohen, 2003)。对维吾尔族被试而言, 以维语作为启动材料时, 自我参照加工的成绩显著优于其他条件; 以普通话作为启动材料时, 自我参照加工及母亲参照加工的成绩显著高于其他条件(祖力皮努尔·艾力, 2016)。此外, 多项研究发现, 相比起消极效价的形容词, 人们对积极效价形容词的自我参照效应更加显著(D’Argembeau, Comblain, & van der Linden, 2005; D’Argembeau & van der Linden, 2008; Sedikides & Green, 2000; Leshikar, Park, & Gutchess, 2015; Durbin, Mitchell &Johnson, 2017)。对中、英两种语言比较发现, 中国留学生在中文条件下对自我具有更多的集体主义描述, 更认同中国文化的观点, 在自尊测验中得分较低(Ross, Xun & Wilson, 2002)。乔艳阳、张积家、李子健和江姗(2017)发现, 语言影响汉、苗、回族大学生的自尊, 没有本民族语言和本民族文字的回族大学生的外显自尊显著高于有本民族语言和本民族文字的汉族大学生和有本民族语言却不经常使用本民族文字的苗族大学生, 但内隐自尊水平却显著低于汉族、苗族大学生。

语言包含有诸多的成分, 如词汇、语义、语法、语音、语用等。亲属词是语言的重要词类。亲属词表征亲属关系, 蕴含着丰富的遗传、婚姻和文化信息。研究表明, 亲属词影响亲属关系认知, 其途径有:(1)语言标记。不同的语言对亲属关系作不同的区分, 有不同的标记。(2)知觉类别效应。人们对本民族语言的亲属分类维度更加敏感, 对本民族语言没有的亲属分类维度不敏感。例如, 摩梭人的亲属称谓属于类别式, 同辈分、同性别的亲属称谓相同, 因此在亲属词概念结构中出现了辈分维度(肖二平, 张积家, 王娟, 林娜, 2010)。(3)理论和语境(肖二平, 张积家, 2012)。张积家、王娟、肖二平与和秀梅(2013)发现, 在满月酒、结婚和吊唁情境下, 摩梭人与汉族人分别对亲属词有不同的分类。亲属称谓是否影响自我建构, 如果影响, 就为语言影响自我提供了进一步的证据。

摩梭人是居住在川滇交界的母系群体, 他们以泸沽湖为中心, 被称为“地球上最后的女儿国”。摩梭人的婚姻形式为“阿注婚姻”。建立阿注关系的男女彼此互称“阿注”[汉译为“朋友”, 心理含义也是“朋友” (肖二平, 张积家, 王娟, 2015)], 男子夜晚到女子家中访宿, 第二天清晨返回到自己家中。偶居的男女不组织家庭, 属于不同的经济单位(詹承绪, 王承权, 李近春, 刘龙初, 2006)。这种“暮合晨离”的两性关系使得摩梭人形成了母系家庭。这种母系家庭由一个始祖母及其姐妹的后裔组成, 其后代是上一代女性成员的子女, 男性成员的子女属于其“阿注”的家庭。摩梭人从小就与始祖母、母亲和母亲的兄弟姐妹生活在一起, 与母系血缘的同辈人相伴成长, 由母亲和母亲的姐妹共同抚养长大, 将母亲及其姐妹一律视为“自己的母亲”, 将自己和姐妹的子女一律视为“自己的子女”, 形成了以母系血缘为纽带的氏族。在摩梭语中, 有一个独特的发音――“咪”, 其基本义是“母亲”, 冠于女性称谓之后是女性的通称义, 冠于名词之后表示“大的、主要的、首要的”。摩梭人将母亲视为伟大的象征, 这种文化反映在语言中, 表现为凡有“大的、重要的、主要的”等意义的词后面都带“咪”。在“母亲”与“大的、重要的、主要的”之间建立了联系, 映射出摩梭人具有“尊母崇母”的文化心理。摩梭人将母亲和母亲的姐妹都称为“阿咪”。“阿咪”在摩梭语中是一个复数概念, 在所有阿咪中, 长于母亲者被称为“阿咪直” (大妈妈), 幼于母亲者被称为“阿咪吉” (小妈妈), 有时甚至连大、小都不区分, 更无所谓“姨”了(詹承绪 等, 2006; 严汝娴, 刘小幸, 2012; 许瑞娟, 2014)。在摩梭文化中, “母婴”关系是一切人际关系的起点, “这种骨肉相连你我一体的血浓于水, 却延伸及推己及人恩泽终生的层次, 甚至拓展为整个文化无处不在的深层结构”。因此, 摩梭文化可以概括为“阿咪”文化(周华山, 2010)。

与摩梭人不同, 汉族人的传统社会结构和人际关系符合费孝通(1985)提出的“差序格局”。在差序格局中, 是一种同心圆式的社会关系, 从自己开始, 仿佛一枚石子投入了水中, 波纹一圈一圈地向外推, 越推越远, 越远越薄。在波纹波及的范围内, 对象属于自己人; 反之, 对象属于外人。因此, 汉族人是以“自己”为中心, 与自己关联的人按照与自己关系的远近、亲疏排列在不同位置上, 离中心越近, 与“我”的关系就越亲近, 就属于“圈内人”; 离中心越远, 与“我”的关系就越疏远, 就属于圈外人。汉族人用容器隐喻(内/外)来映射人际关系的亲疏, “内”表示个体与对象关系亲近, “外”表示个体与对象关系疏远(Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; 汪新筱, 江姗, 张积家, 2018)。费孝通(1985)认为, 血缘和地缘等客观属性是汉族人区分“内/外”的重要因素。家族、家门、氏族是划分圈内人的重要标准。张积家(2018)认为, 中国人的集体主义在很大程度上是由容器隐喻和差序格局共同决定的:在宏观上, 中国人在人际关系上重视容器隐喻; 在微观上, 在同一“容器”的内部, 又存在着差序格局。

因此, 对父系制的汉族人而言, 父系亲属是“内”, 母系亲属是“外”。摩梭社会是母系社会, 血缘以母系来计算, 继嗣以女性血缘为线索。因此, 母系亲属是“内”, 父系亲属是“外”。以往对自我的研究多从文化的角度来考察, 较少涉及语言对自我的影响, 而且已有研究表明, 在中国人的自我中包含有母亲。在母系文化中的摩梭人, 其自我是否与汉族人有异?在摩梭人的心中, 到底有几个母亲?摩梭人将姨母称为“阿咪”, 究竟是一种客气的人际关系策略, 还是他们在认知上真的将姨母与母亲等同?母亲及姨母作为与摩梭人的自我紧密联系的他人, 是否都成为摩梭人自我的一部分?笔者猜测, 由于在摩梭人的语言中母亲与姨母共享“阿咪”称谓, 可能导致他们对母亲与姨母的认知趋于等同。而且, 摩梭人的母系制家庭和语言中独特的“阿咪”称谓也可能使摩梭人的自我具有不同特点, 他们的自我边界会比汉族人更加模糊, 在自我中除了有母亲以外, 还可能包括姨母。拟采用经典的提取诱发遗忘范式, 探讨摩梭人是否将姨母纳入自我的结构中, 以揭示汉族人和摩梭人的自我结构差异。

2 方法

2.1 被试

131名摩梭人, 均来自云南省宁蒗县永宁乡, 年龄范围12~35岁, 男性72人, 女性59人, 平均年龄为15.6 ± 3.7岁, 由于被试选择的限制, 被试多数为中学生, 只有小部分为成年人(20~30岁的被试有3人, 30岁以上的被试有4人), 视力或矫正视力正常; 126名汉族人, 来自云南省宁蒗县永宁乡和拉伯乡, 年龄范围13~38岁, 男性67人, 女性59人, 平均年龄为14.6 ± 2.6岁, 被试也多为中学生, 小部分为成人(20~30岁的有2人, 30岁以上的有1人), 视力或矫正视力正常。将131名摩梭被试和126名汉族被试分配到不同加工条件。摩梭被试:自我组31人, 母亲组36人, 姨母组31人, 他人组33人; 汉族被试:自我组31人, 母亲组30人, 姨母组34人, 他人组31人。实验前对被试访谈, 能够区分汉语中“母亲”和“姨母”含义的被试方可以参与实验。另外, 只有家中有姨母的被试才参与姨母组的实验。

2.2 材料

32个代表室内物品和室外物品的名词, 代表室内物品和室外物品的双字词各16个, 每一个名词的第一个字在全部双字词中都是唯一的。呈现形式为“类别-样例”, 如“室内用品-衣柜”、“室外用品-雨伞”。实验材料来自周爱保等(2015)的研究, 表示室内物品和室外物品的名词熟悉性均经过评定。将32个双字词分为三类, 第一类为提取练习项目, 即类别名称及样例首字在提取练习阶段都出现的8个词对, 标记为“Rp+”; 第二类为类别名称在提取练习阶段出现过但样例未出现的8个词对, 即与“Rp+”属于同一类别但未经过提取练习的词对, 标记为“Rp‒”; 最后一类是类别名称和样例均未做过提取练习的16个词对, 标记为“Nrp”。在正式实验之前, 另有4个练习词对。

2.3 设计

2(民族:摩梭/汉族) × 4(加工任务:自我参照加工/母亲参照加工/姨母参照加工/他人参照加工) × 3(项目类型:Rp+/Rp‒/Nrp)混合实验设计。其中, 民族和加工任务为组间变量, 项目类型为组内变量。

2.4 程序

采用经典的提取诱发遗忘范式, 包括4个阶段:

(1)学习阶段:在计算机屏幕上每5 s呈现一个单词对, 采用“类别名称‒样例”形式, 如“室内用品-衣柜”、“室外用品-雨伞”。在呈现词对的同时, 四组被试分别想象自己、母亲、姨母和他人(姚明)在某时间或某地点看到该单词代表的物品, 同时要用一句话口头报告所想象的情景。口头报告的形式必须完整, 即包括主语(“我”、“母亲”、“姨母”、“他人”)、谓语(看到、看见、买了)、宾语(该单词所代表的物品)以及一个地点状语或时间状语, 如“我昨天看到一件衣柜”、“母亲在家里看到一个脸盆”、“姨母在商场买了一把雨伞”、“姚明在操场看见一个足球”等。每一被试随机安排在某种条件下单独完成任务。

(2)提取练习阶段:学习的名词呈现完后, 马上进行提取练习。提取练习随机从呈现的室内用品和室外用品中选取一类, 从中随机选取8个名词以“类别名称-样例”的形式呈现给被试, 但样例名词只给出第一个字, 如“室内用品-衣__”、“室外用品-雨__”等, 被试需要回忆并在答题纸上写出残缺的单字。在每种加工条件下, 随机选取一半被试将室内用品作为提取练习词对, 另一半被试将室外用品作为提取练习词对。每组词对呈现5 s, 先后呈现3次。

(3)干扰阶段:在提取练习阶段之后是3分钟的干扰阶段, 计算机随机呈现两位数或3位数的加法, 要求被试算出结果。

(4)回忆阶段:要求被试自由回忆并且在答题纸上写出学习阶段出现的室内用品和室外用品的名称, 顺序不限, 时间不限, 直到被试停止作答。

3 结果与分析

3.1 总回忆率


表1   摩梭、汉族被试在四种不同加工任务中的回忆率

任务民族N总回忆率Rp+Rp-Nrp(Rp+) - Nrp(Rp-) - Nrp
自我摩梭310.42 (0.07)0.80 (0.08)0.31 (0.10)0.29 (0.11)0.51 (0.11) ***0.01 (0.11)
汉族310.41 (0.07)0.79 (0.14)0.29 (0.12)0.27 (0.15)0.53 (0.23) ***0.03 (0.20)
母亲摩梭360.43 (0.05)0.78 (0.10)0.31 (0.08)0.30 (0.07)0.48 (0.12) ***0.01 (0.07)
汉族300.43 (0.08)0.76 (0.16)0.33 (0.17)0.32 (0.11)0.44 (0.18) ***0.01 (0.18)
姨母摩梭310.41 (0.09)0.78 (0.11)0.29 (0.11)0.28 (0.14)0.50 (0.16) ***0.01 (0.16)
汉族340.44 (0.12)0.78 (0.16)0.29 (0.14)0.36 (0.21)0.42 (0.28) ***-0.07 (0.18) *
他人摩梭330.40 (0.08)0.76 (0.16)0.21 (0.13)0.31 (0.14)0.45 (0.19) ***-0.10 (0.23) *
汉族310.44 (0.10)0.78 (0.13)0.26 (0.13)0.35 (0.15)0.42 (0.16) ***-0.09 (0.20) *

注:*p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001; (Rp+) - Nrp:提取促进记忆, (Rp-) - Nrp:提取诱发遗忘

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2(民族:汉族/摩梭人) × 4(加工任务:自我参照/ 母亲参照/姨母参照/他人参照)多因素方差分析表明, 民族的主效应不显著, F(1, 249) = 2.01, p > 0.05; 加工任务的主效应不显著, F(3, 249) = 0.54, p > 0.05; 民族与加工任务的交互作用不显著, F(3, 249) = 1.52, p > 0.05。这表明, 民族与加工任务对总回忆率没有显著影响。

3.2 提取促进记忆



图1   摩梭被试和汉族被试在不同条件下对Rp+材料与Nrp材料的回忆率

4(加工任务:自我参照/母亲参照/姨母参照/他人参照) × 2(项目类型:Rp+/Nrp)重复测量方差分析表明, 在摩梭被试中, 项目类型的主效应显著, F(1, 127) = 1394.25, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.92, 95%CI = [0.46, 0.51], Rp+项目的回忆率显著高于Nrp项目; 加工任务的主效应不显著, F(3, 127) = 0.21, p > 0.05; 项目与加工任务的交互作用不显著, F(3, 127) = 1.03, p > 0.05。在汉族被试中, 项目类型的主效应显著, F(1, 122) = 538.94, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.82, 95%CI = [0.41, 0.49], Rp+项目的回忆率显著高于Nrp项目; 加工任务的主效应不显著, F(3, 122) = 0.95, p > 0.05; 项目类型和加工任务的交互作用不显著, F(3, 122) = 1.76, p > 0.05。这表明, 在不同民族中, 提取练习对提取促进记忆具有显著影响。因为Rp+材料是被试在提取练习阶段提取过的, 所以Rp+材料的回忆率显著高于基线水平的Nrp材料。

3.3 提取诱发遗忘

比较摩梭、汉族被试在不同条件下的Rp-材料与Nrp材料的回忆率, 结果见表1图2


图2   摩梭人和汉族人在不同条件下Rp-材料与Nrp材料的回忆率

4(加工任务:自我参照/母亲参照/姨母参照/他人参照) × 2(项目类型:Rp-/Nrp)重复测量的方差分析表明, 在摩梭被试中, 项目类型的主效应不显著, F(1, 127) = 1.22, p > 0.05; 加工任务的主效应不显著, F(3, 127) = 2.16, p > 0.05; 项目与加工任务的交互作用显著, F(3, 127) = 4.00, p = 0.009, ηp2 = 0.09。简单效应分析表明, 在自我参照、母亲参照、姨母参照条件下两类项目的差异均不显著, F值均小于0.30, ps > 0.05; 在他人参照下, 两类项目差异显著,F(1, 127) = 12.65, p = 0.001, 95%CI = [-0.15, -0.04]。在汉族被试中, 项目类型的主效不显著, F(1, 122) = 3.51, p > 0.05; 加工任务的主效应不显著, F(3, 122) = 0.94, p > 0.05; 项目类型与加工任务的交互作用显著, F(3, 122) = 2.98, p = 0.034, ηp2 = 0.07。简单效应分析表明, 在自我参照和母亲参照条件下, 两类项目的差异均不显著, F值均小于0.60, ps > 0.05; 在姨母参照和他人参照条件下, 两类项目的差异显著, F姨母参照(1, 122) = 4.78, p = 0.031, 95%CI = [-0.14, -0.01]; F他人参照(1, 122) = 7.29, p = 0.008, 95%CI = [-0.16, -0.03]。

对四种加工任务的Rp-与Nrp的回忆率做配对样本t检验, 分析在不同的加工任务中两者的差异是否显著。如果Rp-类词对的回忆率显著低于Nrp类词对, 则表明出现了提取诱发遗忘效应。结果发现, 摩梭被试在自我参照、母亲参照和姨母参照条件下两者的差值都不显著(见表1), t自我参照(30) = 0.69, p > 0.05, t母亲参照(35) = 1.00, p > 0.05, t姨母参照(30) = 0.35, p > 0.05, 在他人参照条件下两者的差值显著, t他人参照(32) = -2.38, p = 0.024, d = 0.74, 95%CI = [-0.18, -0.01]。汉族被试在自我参照和母亲参照条件下两者的差值不显著, t自我参照(30) = 0.73, p > 0.05, t母亲参照(29) = 0.31, p > 0.05, 在姨母参照和他人参照条件下两者的差值显著, t姨母参照(33) = -2.21, p = 0.034, d = 0.39, 95%CI = [-0.13, -0.01], t他人参照(30) = -2.61, p = 0.014, d = 0.64, 95%CI = [-0.17, -0.02]。这表明, 摩梭被试在自我参照、母亲参照和姨母参照条件下都未出现提取诱发遗忘效应, 在他人参照条件下出现了提取诱发遗忘效应(图3); 汉族被试在自我参照和母亲参照条件下都未出现提取诱发遗忘效应, 而在姨母参照和他人参照条件下出现了提取诱发遗忘效应(见图4)。即, 仅有摩梭被试出现了姨母参照效应。


图3   摩梭被试四种加工条件下的提取诱发遗忘效应


图4   汉族被试四种加工条件下的提取诱发遗忘效应

3.4 排除输出干扰的影响

上述结果表明, 摩梭被试在自我参照、母亲参照、姨母参照条件下均未出现提取诱发遗忘效应, 在他人参照条件下出现了; 汉族被试在自我参照、母亲参照条件下均未出现提取诱发遗忘效应, 在姨母参照和他人参照条件下出现了。已有研究显示, 实验结果出现了提取诱发遗忘效应, 并不一定是由于在提取练习阶段对Rp+项目的提取练习而对Rp-产生抑制导致的, 也可能是由于输出干扰引起的(Tulving & Arbuckle, 1963; Criss, Malmberg, & Shiffrin, 2011)。即做过提取练习的词对(Rp+)在回忆阶段更容易被首先回忆出来, 从而干扰了与这些词对属于同一类别但未做过提取练习的Rp-的回忆率, 使其低于基线水平。即, Rp-项目的回忆顺序晚于Rp+项目而对Rp-项目的回忆产生了干扰。为了排除这种可能性, 采用Macrae和Roseveare (2002)的检验方法, 在Rp-的回忆率显著低于Nrp的条件下, 分别计算每个被试的Rp+和Rp-项目在整个回忆序列中的平均位置, 然后两者相减, 根据差值将被试分为高、低两组, 检验这两组被试的Rp-与Nrp的回忆率差值差异是否显著, 若不显著, 则二者回忆顺序对提取诱发遗忘没有影响。摩梭被试在他人参照条件及汉族被试在姨母参照、他人参照条件下都出现了提取诱发遗忘效应, 所以对这三组数据进行检验。结果发现, F摩梭-他人(1, 31) = 0.06, F汉族-姨母(1, 32) = 1.84, F汉族-他人(1, 29) = 0.09, ps > 0.05, 差异均不显著, 因此可以排除输出干扰的影响。

4 讨论

4.1 关于总回忆率和提取促进记忆

在四种参照条件下的总回忆率无显著差异, 这与已有研究的结果一致(Markus & Kitayama, 1991; 杨红升, 朱滢, 2004; 周爱保 等, 2015)。但是, 将材料分为Rp+、Rp和Nrp比较时, 摩梭人和汉族人的自我参照条件相对于他人参照条件出现了记忆优势。另外, 两个民族在四种参照条件下的提取促进记忆差异显著, 也与已有研究的结果一致。在提取练习阶段加强了线索和目标词的联结, 在回忆阶段就容易首先回忆出来。

4.2 关于姨母参照条件对提取诱发遗忘的影响

汉族人和摩梭人在母亲参照条件下均未出现提取诱发遗忘效应, 再次证明了朱滢和张力(2001)的发现, 在中国人的自我中包含有“母亲”。两个民族在姨母参照条件下的回忆出现了差异:摩梭人未出现提取诱发遗忘效应, 汉族人出现了提取诱发遗忘效应。这表明, 对摩梭人而言, 在姨母参照加工时自我同样发挥作用, 使得记忆材料得到了精细加工, 在提取练习时未抑制Rp-材料, 因而未出现提取诱发遗忘效应。因此, 文化影响自我及其基本认知过程, 摩梭人已经将姨母整合进自我之中, 成为自我的一部分。然而, 在汉族人的自我中, 却不包含姨母。所以如此, 与两个民族的文化和语言有密切关系。

4.2.1 文化对自我的影响

自我以开放的形式与文化发生作用。自我在文化中形成和塑造, 反过来又再现或再造文化(葛鲁嘉, 周宁, 1996)。不同的文化拥有不同的价值观、信念、交流方式, 自我表征也存在着差异(朱滢, 2007)。在西方文化中生活的人形成了独立型自我, 在东方文化中生活的人形成了依赖型自我(Markus & Kitayama, 1991)。独立型自我保持自我的独立性和分离性, 依赖型自我拥有更多的公共成分, 人们注重与他人保持和谐关系, 与重要他人互有重合。杨红升和朱滢(2004)的研究表明, 在中国人的自我中包含有母亲, 在母亲参照条件下未出现提取诱发遗忘效应。这一看法在汉族人和摩梭人中均得到了验证。而在姨母参照条件下, 汉族人出现了提取诱发遗忘效应, 摩梭人则未出现。

汉族是典型的父系社会。汉文化一直主张“亲疏有别”:血缘关系越近, 亲属的亲密程度越高, 在亲属网络中距离越近。在汉族人的传统观念里, 亲属被内、外二分。“内”是指宗亲, 包括父系同姓亲属、父系未出嫁女性和父系男性的配偶; “外”是指非宗亲, 即外亲, 包括母系亲属、妻系亲属、父系女性(姑、姐妹、女儿)的子女, 如外祖父母、姨母、外甥、外孙等(骆明弟, 2008)。《尔雅·义疏》:“言外者所以别于父族也。”可见, “外”是为了区别内亲和外亲而设立的。汉族人重内亲、轻外亲。古代汉族人为了突出“宗亲”以示其“正”, 宗亲以“堂”称之, 如“堂叔、堂侄、堂哥、堂妹”等。与“堂”相对, 表示外亲的是词素是“表”, 表亲又分为舅表、姑表和姨表。在表亲中, 舅表最亲, 舅舅虽然是外亲, 但各个民族都有“尊舅”的传统。在汉语谚语中, 有“三代不出舅家门”、“娘舅为大”的说法。因为舅舅的家族为“我”的家族提供了母亲, 使“我”的家族得以延续, 因此应当感恩。其次是姑表亲, 姑姑是出自宗族的女性, 是父亲的姐妹, 姑表亲也具有父系血缘。对汉族人而言, 姨表亲之间由于缺乏父系血缘联系, 又不具有感恩的理由, 所以最为疏远。例如, 在《红楼梦》第二十回中, 宝玉对黛玉说:“咱们是姑舅姊妹, 宝姐姐是两姨姊妹, 论亲戚他比你疏。”在汉语俗语中也有:“叔伯亲, 骨肉亲, 堂亲三代, 世代同姓三分亲。姑舅亲, 辈辈亲, 姑表二代, 打断骨头连着筋。姨娘亲, 当辈亲, 姨表一代, 死了姨娘断了亲。”堂亲三代是指:亲堂兄弟姐妹(又称叔伯兄弟姐妹, 同一祖父)、从堂兄弟姐妹(同一曾祖父)、远堂兄弟姐妹(同一高祖父); 姑表二代是指:姑舅表兄弟姐妹、姑舅表兄弟姐妹的子女; 姨表一代是指:姨表兄弟姐妹。对汉族人而言, 只有这些人才算是亲属。从叔伯亲到姨娘亲, 汉族人的亲属范围迅速缩小, 可见汉族人对姨表亲的轻视。

另外, 汉族在封建社会中也存在一夫一妻多妾的婚姻制度, 嫁给同一男子的妇女有“妻、妾”之分。妻又称“正室、结发、原配”, 妾又称“偏房、侧室”。《说文解字》:“妾, 有罪女子。”“妾”的本义是女奴, 也用来表示男子在妻子以外另娶的女子。在古代, 父亲的正妻为“嫡母”, 父亲的妾被称为“庶母”。妻所生的长子是嫡子, 其余的儿子为庶子, 妾所生的儿子比妻的庶子地位更低(谢玉娥, 1999)。在古代, 汉族人也称父之妾为“姨”或“姨娘”。如在《红楼梦》中, 探春与贾环虽然是赵姨娘亲生, 却只能称为赵姨娘为“姨娘”而不能称为“娘”。在近代, 称富人取之妾为“姨太太”, 以别于作为正妻的“太太”。可见, 在封建社会中, 汉族人存在着多个女性与子女共同生活的家庭模式, 但妻妾有尊卑之别, 子女有嫡庶之分。子女与生母及其他母亲的亲疏关系受生母的地位影响, 使得子女不可能得到所有母亲的宠爱, 母亲也不可能将其他女性的孩子与自己的孩子同等对待。

因此, 无论是“内外”二分的亲属制度, 还是“一妻多妾”的婚姻制度, 都直接反映了汉族传统文化中“男尊女卑”的等级观念。然而, 在摩梭文化中, 女性却具有崇高的地位。母系血缘是维系摩梭人家族的纽带, 由母系血缘关系而形成的社会单位称为“家屋”。“家屋”被摩梭人视为独立而神圣的生命实体, 其价值超乎任何一个个体。每一个“家屋”都有自己的名字, 这也成为屋内人们的姓氏。“家屋”对摩梭人而言不是一堆木头搭成的“物”, 而是凝结了摩梭人祖先长久漂泊之后定居的夙愿。因为先祖的游牧生活伴随着贫困、危险和匮乏, “家屋”则注重稳定、团结、永恒和拒绝分离(许瑞娟, 2014)。因此, 摩梭人尤其强调亲兄弟姐妹厮守终生, 拒绝婚姻, 因为婚姻会导致“家屋”分裂。只有人在屋中, 屋在心中, 才能够心连心, 屋永存。所以, 摩梭人视“家屋”为感情的终极归宿。“家屋”的团结和谐是摩梭人内心中最幸福的向往。摩梭人男不娶, 女不嫁, 偶居的双方各居母家, 男子除了夜晚访宿女子家外, 其余时间回到自己家中生产与生活, 兄弟姐妹关系最为亲近。在摩梭母系家庭中, 女人的身份是母亲或者姐妹, 而非妻子; 男人的身份是舅舅或者兄弟, 而非父亲或者丈夫。摩梭人从小就与母亲、姨母、舅舅生活在一起, 与母系亲属的亲密程度最高。对生父或其他父系亲属, 虽然也具有共同血缘, 但是, 除了少数感情深厚者外, 大多亲密度不高。汉族人虽然小时候与兄弟姐妹一起生活, 长大以后却各自组建了独立的家庭, 兄弟姐妹的关系会随着距离远、联系频率低而逐渐疏远。因此, 虽然姨母对汉族人和摩梭人而言具有相同的客观血缘关系, 但是, 他们与个体之间的亲密程度却受到联系频率影响, 感情联系有着天壤云泥之别, 最终导致摩梭人将“姨母”纳入自我结构中, 而汉族人的姨母却不在自我之内。

4.2.2 语言对自我的影响

语言既是文化的重要组成部分, 也是文化的载体。语言理解是文化移植的过程。每一语言都有表征亲属关系的亲属词, 它们既是人对亲属关系认知的产物, 又影响人对亲属关系的认知。克劳德·列维斯特劳斯(2006)认为, 亲属关系既具有生物学基础, 也需要通过语言的反复使用来加以巩固。人类社会有两大系列亲属现象:一是由不同称呼语词表达的亲属关系语词系统, 二是由亲属的相互态度构成的亲属关系态度系统。亲属之间的相互语词称呼, 构成了实际亲属关系的重要组成部分。所有使用亲属关系语词系统的个体或群体, 由于语词所表达和指谓的特定关系, 在行为上受到了语词规定的约束。使用这些语词就等于“做”这些语词所规定的关系规则。亲属关系的传承需要亲属称呼系统的确认。亲属称谓规定了人在社会中的行为和态度规范, 也包含着个人拥有的权利和责任。个体在使用亲属词时, 同时也隐含着实行由亲属关系要求的不同态度, 如尊敬或亲近、亲情或敌意等。因此, 对于同一亲属, 讲不同语言的人会有不同的态度。这些蕴含在语词意义中的亲属之间不同态度的因素, 包含着比语词称呼关系更重要的心理、情感和社会关系因素, 在保障亲属关系维持和运作上起着更重要的作用。这些看法同马克思主义经典作家的观点一致。恩格斯(1972)指出:“父母、子女、兄弟、姊妹等称谓并不是简单的荣誉称号, 而是一种负有完全确定的、异常郑重的相互义务的称呼, 这些义务的总和便构成这些民族的社会制度的实质部分。”

研究表明, 语言标记影响亲属词认知(汪新筱 等, 2018; 肖二平, 张积家, 2012)。在语言中, 某些基本的、经常出现的成分被认为是有标记的(理查兹, 2000)。语言标记使得人们更容易选择某些认知途径、认知过程和认知策略。不同民族的语言将亲属词划分为不同的维度, 具有不同的标记。汉语用“内、堂、外、表”来标记亲属词, 如称呼姐妹的孩子为“外甥”或“外甥女”, 称呼女儿的孩子为“外孙”或“外孙女”。这种亲属标记在记忆表征中更加凸显, 个体在加工中会格外留意, 从而更容易将“内亲”或“堂亲”看作是“自家人”, 将“外亲”或“表亲”当成“外面人”。这种“内外”有别、“堂表”有别的分类一旦形成, 就会使人们对这两类亲属采取不同的态度。姨母在汉族亲属制中属于表亲。表, 外也。《说文解字》:“表, 上衣也。从衣从毛。古者衣裘, 以毛为表。” (许慎, 1963)。表亲在汉族人具有差序格局特点的亲属关系网络中处于离自我中心较远的位置, 因而汉族人与姨母的关系一般比较疏远。

摩梭人十分重视母系血缘亲属的心理情感和“家屋”本位的传统文化。摩梭亲属词以女性亲属词为主, 父系亲属称谓和姻亲称谓少, 而且大多以母系亲属称谓的叙述方式来表达(肖二平 等, 2010)。摩梭亲属称谓也不区分直系和旁系, 姨表兄弟姐妹与兄弟姐妹同称, 没有“堂、表”的概念。摩梭人将生母和生母的姐妹都称为“阿咪”。“阿咪”文化让摩梭孩子自幼共享所有母亲的爱, 也让摩梭儿童自幼形成了博爱式的“多元思维”, 长大以后也少有独占情人的欲望。肖二平等(2010)发现, “阿咪”被分在核心家庭成员的长辈中。在摩梭人的观念里, 所有的母系血缘亲属都是自家人, 很少刻意区分谁是自己的亲生母亲, 认为母亲及其姐妹都是自己的母亲, 亲生或非亲生的区分并不重要。过去, 很多摩梭孩子直到成年以后才知道自己的生母是谁, 有时非生母比生母对自己还要好。只要来自同一个“家屋”, 就是亲人, 就是“同一根骨头”, 不分彼此。因此, “阿咪”称谓不仅表达了个体对姨母的尊重, 也拉近了个体与姨母之间的心理距离。母亲与姨母共享“阿咪”称谓, 个体对她们也就产生了同样的态度。周华山(2010)说:“ ‘阿咪’已经从生物学词汇提升为一种整体文化的核心符号, 一种集体潜意识, 不单代表着对妇女主体与地位的肯定, 更是一种以情感和谐、家族团结、敬老爱幼为本的思想模式与价值观。” “阿咪”的慈爱不仅弥漫在每一个摩梭家庭里, 更是摩梭文化的主旋律。摩梭人在反复使用“阿咪”来称呼母亲和姨母时, 与所称呼者的“母子”关系便得到了确认和巩固, 同时也隐含着实行由“母亲”称谓所包含的权利、义务及相应的亲近态度, 使他们在心理、情感上将母亲和姨母看得同等重要, 并且使这种“母子”关系得到了较好的维持和运作。喊一声“阿咪”, 称呼者与被称呼者的内心顿时会暖意丛生, 情感会迅速地亲密起来。因此, “阿咪”称谓不仅体现了摩梭社会讲究伦理秩序的社会风尚与优良传统, 更体现了摩梭家屋的“一辈子关爱、不分彼此”的情感理念。因此, 摩梭人视“姨母”如生母, “姨母”和生母均被纳入自我中, 使得自我结构的边界比汉族人更加模糊。近年来, 随着社会的发展, 很多摩梭人从“家屋”中分离出来建立了独立的家庭。但是, 千百年来的摩梭母系文化、“家屋”本位文化仍然根植于年轻一代的摩梭人心中。

本研究结果与已有研究的结果也存在着不一致之处。Dai等人(2014)发现, 相对于陌生女性, 摩梭儿童识别生母和姨母的面孔诱发出更大的右侧N170成分, 但识别生母面孔比识别姨母面孔诱发出更大的N1成分、左侧N170成分和P300成分。这可能是因为被试的年龄较小(平均年龄5.8岁), 对哺乳自己的生母的依恋程度更高所致。但是, 随着个体在家屋中逐渐长大, 个体为传统摩梭文化所濡化, 生母与姨母的界限就趋于消失了。另外, 由于被试选择的限制, 本研究的被试年龄差异较大, 有少量是成年人。年龄不同, 受传统文化的影响程度也不同。后续研究可进一步探讨年龄和文化对自我建构的交互作用。

总之, 文化和语言均与自我休戚相关。独特的母系文化和由此衍生的亲属称谓深深地影响着摩梭人的心理和行为, 进而影响着摩梭人的自我的形成和发展。

5 结论

(1)在汉文化和摩梭文化中, 自我参照和母亲参照都是引起提取诱发的关键因素。

(2)在摩梭文化中, 姨母参照是除自我参照和母亲参照之外的影响提取诱发的又一关键因素, 姨母作为重要他人被整合于摩梭人的自我结构中。

(3)语言和文化均是自我形成和发展的重要 因素。


Anderson M. C., Bjork R. A., & Bjork E. L . ( 1994).

Remembering can cause forgetting: Retrieval dynamics in long-term memory

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 20( 5), 1063-1087.

DOI:10.1037//0278-7393.20.5.1063      URL     PMID:7931095      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract Three studies show that the retrieval process itself causes long-lasting forgetting. Ss studied 8 categories (e.g., Fruit). Half the members of half the categories were then repeatedly practiced through retrieval tests (e.g., Fruit Or_____). Category-cued recall of unpracticed members of practiced categories was impaired on a delayed test. Experiments 2 and 3 identified 2 significant features of this retrieval-induced forgetting: The impairment remains when output interference is controlled, suggesting a retrieval-based suppression that endures for 20 min or more, and the impairment appears restricted to high-frequency members. Low-frequency members show little impairment, even in the presence of strong, practiced competitors that might be expected to block access to those items. These findings suggest a critical role for suppression in models of retrieval inhibition and implicate the retrieval process itself in everyday forgetting.

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Barber, S. J.,& Mather, M. , ( 2012).

Forgetting in context: The effects of age, emotion, and social factors on retrieval- induced forgetting

Memory and Cognition, 40( 6), 874-888.

DOI:10.3758/s13421-012-0202-8      URL     PMID:3594662      [本文引用: 1]

Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) refers to the finding that selectively retrieving some information impairs subsequent memory for related but nonretrieved information. This occurs both for the individual doing the remembering (i.e., within-individual retrieval-induced forgetting: WI-RIF), as well as for individuals merely listening to those recollections (i.e., socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting: SS-RIF). In the present study, we examined how the contextual factors of age and emotion independently and interactively affect both WI-RIF and SS-RIF. The results indicated that both WI-RIF and SS-RIF occurred at equivalent levels, both for younger and older adults and for neutral and emotional information. However, we identified a boundary condition to this effect: People only exhibited SS-RIF when the speaker that they were listening to was of the same sex as themselves. Given that participants reported feeling closer to same-sex speakers, this suggests that people co-retrieve more, and therefore exhibit increased SS-RIF, with close others. In everyday life, these RIF effects should influence what information is remembered versus forgotten in individual and collective memories.

Campbell, J. I. D., & Thompson, V. A, . ( 2012).

Retrieval- induced forgetting of arithmetic facts

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38( 1), 118-129.

DOI:10.1080/20445911.2013.820191      URL     PMID:21875249      [本文引用: 1]

Retrieving a single-digit multiplication fact (3 4 =12) can slow response time (RT) for the corresponding addition fact (3+4=7). The present experiment investigated effects of problem type (i.e., tie addition problems such as 3+3 vs. non-ties such as 3+4) and cultural background on this retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) phenomenon in young adults. Canadians answering in English (n=36), Chinese adults answering in English (n=36), and Chinese answering in Chinese (n=36) received four blocks of multiplication practice and then two blocks of the addition counterparts and control additions. Tie addition problems presented a robust RIF effect that did not differ between groups, but only the Canadian group showed RIF for non-ties and only for small non-ties with sum 10 (3+4). The Chinese groups' RIF effect for addition ties, but not small non-ties, converges with recent evidence that ties are solved by direct memory retrieval whereas small non-ties may be solved by highly efficient procedural processes in skilled performers.

Criss A. H., Malmberg K. J., & Shiffrin R. M . ( 2011).

Output interference in recognition memory

Journal of Memory and Language, 64( 4), 316-326.

DOI:10.1016/j.jml.2011.02.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

D’Argembeau A., Comblain C., & Van der Linden, M ., ( 2005).

Affective valence and the self-reference effect: Influence of retrieval conditions

British Journal of Psychology, 96(4), 457-466.

DOI:10.1348/000712605X53218      URL     PMID:16248936      [本文引用: 1]

Positive trait information is typically better recalled than negative trait information when encoded in reference to the self, but not when encoded in reference to someone else or when processed for general meaning. This study examined whether this influence of affective meaning is modulated by retrieval conditions. Participants encoded positive and negative trait adjectives in reference to themselves or to a celebrity. They were then presented with either a free-recall task (Experiment 1) or a recognition memory task (Experiment 2). Positive adjectives were better recalled than negative adjectives, but only when they were encoded in reference to the self. In contrast, encoding condition and valence did not interact in the recognition memory task. Taken together, these findings suggest that the difference in memory between positive and negative self-referent information is due, at least in part, to a control exerted on memory retrieval.

D’Argembeau, A., & Van der Linden M. , ( 2008).

Remembering pride and shame: Self-enhancement and the phenomenology of autobiographical memory

Memory, 16(5), 538-547.

DOI:10.1080/09658210802010463      URL     PMID:18569682      [本文引用: 1]

People's self-images are grounded in autobiographical memories and, in particular, in the phenomenological experience associated with remembering. The desire to increase or maintain the positivity of the self-image (i.e., the self-enhancement motive) might thus play an important role in shaping memory phenomenology. This study examined this hypothesis by asking participants to recall positive and negative events that involve self-evaluations (i.e., pride and shame) and positive and negative events that involve evaluations about others (i.e., admiration and contempt); various phenomenological characteristics (e.g., sensory details, feeling of re-experiencing) were assessed using rating scales. The results show a positivity bias (i.e., subjectively remembering positive events with more details than negative events) for events that involve self-evaluations but not for events that involve evaluations of others. In addition, this bias was stronger for people high in self-esteem. It is concluded that biases affecting the phenomenology of autobiographical memory are part of the arsenal of psychological mechanisms people use to maintain a positive self-image.

Dai J. Q., Zhai H. C., Wu H.Y., Yang S. Y., Cacioppo J. T., & Cacioppo S., Luo. Y. J . ( 2014).

Maternal face processing in Mosuo preschool children

Biological Psychology, 99, 69-76.

DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2014.03.001      URL     PMID:24631724      [本文引用: 1]

Instinctively responding to maternal face is an evolutionary function of enhancing survival and development. However, because of the confounding nature of familiarity, little is known concerning the neural mechanism involved in maternal face recognition. We had a rare opportunity to examine Mosuo preschool children who were raised in a matrilineal society in which mothers and aunts represent equally familiar faces to the children. The participants were exposed to photographs of their mother's face, aunt's face, and an unfamiliar female's faces during electroencephalography (EEG) recording. The EEG results showed that the mother's face elicited a more negative N1 component, a larger left N170 component, and a larger P300 component; both the mother's and aunt's faces elicited a larger right N170 component. These results suggest that the emotional attachment between mother and child has neural ramifications across three successive face processing stages that are distinguished from the neural effects of facial familiarity.

Durbin,K. A., Mitchell,K. J. & Johnson M. K, . ( 2017).

Source memory that encoding was self-referential: The influence of stimulus characteristics

Memory, 25(9), 1191-1200.

DOI:10.1080/09658211.2017.1282517      URL     PMID:28276984      [本文引用: 1]

(2017). Source memory that encoding was self-referential: the influence of stimulus characteristics. Memory. Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2017.1282517

Engels,F . ( 1972). The origins of families, privates, property systems and states. selected works of Marx and Engles (4). Beijing: People’s Publishing House. (Original work published 1884).

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Han S. H., Gu X. S., Mao L. H., Ge J. Q., Wang G., & Ma Y. N . ( 2010).

Neural substrates of self-referential processing in Chinese Buddhists

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 5( 2-3), 332-339.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsp027      URL     PMID:2894681      [本文引用: 1]

Our recent work showed that self-trait judgment is associated with increased activity in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) in non-religious Chinese, but in the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) in Chinese Christians. The current work further investigated neural substrates of self-referential processing in Chinese Buddhists. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we scanned 14 Chinese Buddhists, while they conducted trait judgments of the self, Zhu Rongji (the former Chinese premier), Sakyamuni (the Buddhist leader) and Jesus (the Christian leader). We found that, relative to Zhu Rongji judgment, self-judgment in Buddhist participants failed to generate increased activation in the VMPFC but induced increased activations in the DMPFC/rostral anterior cingulate cortex, midcingulate and the left frontal/insular cortex. Self-judgment was also associated with decreased functional connectivity between the DMPFC and posterior parietal cortex compared with Zhu Rongji judgment. The results suggest that Buddhist doctrine of No-self results in weakened neural coding of stimulus self-relatedness in the VMPFC, but enhanced evaluative processes of self-referential stimuli in the DMPFC. Moreover, self-referential processing in Buddhists is characterized by monitoring the conflict between the doctrine of No-self and self-focus thinking during self-trait judgment.

Han S. H., Ma Y. N., & Wang G . ( 2016).

Shared neural representations of self and conjugal family members in Chinese brain

Culture & Brain, 4( 1), 72-86.

DOI:10.1007/s40167-016-0036-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Human adults share ample experiences with their spouse and offspring. Do these experiences produce shared neural correlates of reflection on oneself and family members? We addressed this issue by scan

Han S. H., Mao L. H., Gu X. S., Zhu Y., Ge J. Q., & Ma Y. N . ( 2008).

Neural consequences of religious belief on self-referential processing

Social Neuroscience, 3( 1), 1-15.

DOI:10.1080/17470910701469681      URL     PMID:18633851      [本文引用: 3]

Christianity strongly encourages its believers to surrender to God and to judge the self from God's perspective. We used functional MRI to assess whether this religious belief is associated with neural correlates of self-referential processing distinct from that of non-religious people. Non-religious and Christian participants were scanned while performing tasks of personal-trait judgments regarding the self or public persons. We found that, while self-judgment was linked to better memory of traits related to the self than to others, self-referential processing induced increased activity in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) for non-religious participants but in the dorsal MPFC for Christian participants. In addition, the dorsal MPFC activity was positively correlated with the rating scores of the importance of Jesus judgment in subjective evaluation of a person's personality. Because the ventral and dorsal MPFC are respectively engaged in representation of stimulus self-relevance and evaluation of self-referential stimuli, our findings suggest that Christian beliefs result in weakened neural coding of stimulus self-relatedness but enhanced neural activity underlying evaluative processes applied to self-referential stimuli.

Han, S. H.,& Northoff, G. , ( 2009).

Understanding the self: A cultural neuroscience approach

Progress in Brain Research, 178, 203-212.

DOI:10.1016/S0079-6123(09)17814-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kobayashi, M., &Tanno, Y. ( 2013).

Retrieval-induced forgetting of words with negative emotionality

Memory, 21(3), 315-323.

DOI:10.1080/09658211.2012.725741      URL     PMID:23116447      [本文引用: 1]

Retrieval of a memory can cause forgetting of other related memories. This phenomenon is known as retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF). Previous studies have shown the results with respect to RIF of negative words were mixed, suggesting that it should be reconsidered. We used a stem-cued recall test to re-examine whether RIF occurs for negative words. A total of 30 undergraduate university students (11 male, 19 female) aged 19鈥22 years (M = 19.83, SD = 0.75) learned target words with neutral and negative emotionality. They then engaged in retrieval practice for half of the neutral and half of the negative targets by completing a word-fragment recall test. Finally a stem-cued recall test encompassing all studied targets was administered. The results of this test revealed that retrieval practice of neutral words caused forgetting of unpractised neutral words, but retrieval practice of negative words did not induce forgetting of unpractised negative words. We attribute the absence of RIF for negative words to baseline deflation or to integration, which were both generated by the inter-relationships between negative words. Further study is needed to clarify which factor, baseline deflation or integration, mainly influences the lack of RIF of negative words.

Lakoff G.& Johnson M , ( 1980) . Metaphors we live by (pp.30-32). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Leshikar E. D., Park J. M., & Gutchess A. H . ( 2015).

Similarity to the self affects memory for impressions of others in younger and older adults

The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 70(5), 737-742.

DOI:10.1016/j.jarmac.2014.10.002      URL     PMID:4553711      [本文引用: 1]

The present studies investigated whether similarity to the self influenced memory for impressions of others. We predicted that similarity to the self would facilitate impression memory for others, paralleling the self-reference effect found when information is processed relative to the self. We were interested in how the initial valence of the impression, whether positive or negative, affected impression memory. Across two experiments, participants formed impressions while viewing faces paired with traits and behaviors. After recognition, participants rated the self-descriptiveness of the studied traits allowing impression memory to be sorted into high-, medium-, and low-self-similarity. For positive impressions, similar others were remembered better than dissimilar others. For negative impressions, similar others were remembered more poorly than dissimilar others. These results illustrate that similarity to the self has multifaceted effects on person memory, leading to memory enhancement in the case of people given positive impressions, but reducing memory for people associated with negative impressions.

Lévi-Straus, C .( 2006). Anthropologie structurale. Beijing: Renmin University of China Publishing House. (Original work published 1958)

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Luo,M. D . ( 2008).

On the cultural nature of Chinese kinship appellation

Guizhou Culture and History,( 4), 102-106.

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贵州文史丛刊, ( 4), 102-106.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-8750.2008.04.022      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Ma Y. N., Dan B., Wang C. B., Allen M., Frith C., & Roepstorff A., Han S. H . ( 2014).

Sociocultural patterning of neural activity during self-reflection

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9( 1), 73-80.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nss103      URL     PMID:3871729      [本文引用: 1]

Western cultures encourage self-construals independent of social contexts, whereas East Asian cultures foster interdependent self-construals that rely on how others perceive the self. How are culturally specific self-construals mediated by the human brain? Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we monitored neural responses from adults in East Asian (Chinese) and Western (Danish) cultural contexts during judgments of social, mental and physical attributes of themselves and public figures to assess cultural influences on self-referential processing of personal attributes in different dimensions. We found that judgments of self vs a public figure elicited greater activation in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in Danish than in Chinese participants regardless of attribute dimensions for judgments. However, self-judgments of social attributes induced greater activity in the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) in Chinese than in Danish participants. Moreover, the group difference in TPJ activity was mediated by a measure of a cultural value (i.e. interdependence of self-construal). Our findings suggest that individuals in different sociocultural contexts may learn and/or adopt distinct strategies for self-reflection by changing the weight of the mPFC and TPJ in the social brain network.

Macrae, C. N., & Roseveare, T. A . ( 2002).

I was always on my mind: The self and temporary forgetting

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 9( 3), 611-614.

DOI:10.3758/BF03196320      URL     PMID:12412904      [本文引用: 4]

Previous research has demonstrated that the act of remembering can prompt the temporary suppression of related items in memory—that is, retrieval-induced forgetting (Anderson, Bjork, & Bjork, 1994). In extending work of this kind, the present research sought to identify some important boundary conditions of this effect. As expected, temporary forgetting was eliminated under task conditions that elicited distinctive encoding operations—specifically, when material was relevant to the self. This result is noteworthy since it identifies spontaneous processing operations that protect information from temporary forgetting, a finding that has important implications both for the emergence of this inhibitory effect in everyday life and for theoretical treatments of memory function.

Mao. W. B, Zhao H. Y, Liu. L. Y., & Bai. L . ( 2016).

The emotional memory trade-off effect in retrieval-induced forgetting

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 48( 10), 1219-1228.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 毛伟宾, 赵浩远, 东利云, 白鹭 . ( 2016).


心理学报, 48( 10), 1219-1228.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2016.01219      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Markus, H. R.,& Kitayama, S. , ( 1991).

Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation

Psychological Review, 98( 2), 224-253.

DOI:10.1037/0033-295X.98.2.224      URL     [本文引用: 3]

It is suggested that perceptions of the self, of others, and of the relationship between self and others are very powerful and that this influence is clearly reflected in culture. The independent view of the self, represented in Western culture, is contrasted with the interdependent view in many other cultures. (SLD)

Ng S. H., Han S. H., Mao L. H& Lai, J. C. L. ., ( 2010).

Dynamic bicultural brains: fMRI study of their flexible neural representation of self and significant others in response to culture priming

Asian Journal Social Psychology, 13( 2), 83-91.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-839X.2010.01303.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Where in the brain are the self and significant others (e.g. mother) represented? Neuroscientists have traced self-representation to the ventral medial prefrontal cortex for both Westerners and East Asians. However, significant others were represented alongside the self in the same brain area for East Asians but not for Westerners. In this experiment, Westernized bicultural Chinese were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing trait judgments that referenced the self, mother, or a non-identified person (NIP) after Western or Chinese culture priming. Consistent with Western independent self-construals and Chinese interdependent self-construals, Western priming increased, whereas Chinese priming decreased the neural differentiation of mother and NIP from self.

Northoff G., Alexander H., Greck M. D., Bermpohl F., Dobrowolny H., & Panksepp. J . ( 2006).

Self-referential processing in our brain—A meta-analysis of imaging studies on the self

NeuroImage, 31( 1), 440-457.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.12.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Plaut V. C., Markus H. R., Treadway J. R., & Fu A. S . ( 2012).

The cultural construction of self and well-being: A tale of two cities

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38( 12), 1644-1658.

DOI:10.1177/0146167212458125      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Qiao Y. Y., Zhang J. J., & Li Z. J., Jiang S . ( 2017).

The influence of language on implicit and explicit self-esteem of college students of Han, Miao, Hui ethnic groups

Journal of Research on Education on Ethnic Minorities, 28( 3), 73-78.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 乔艳阳, 张积家, 李子健, 江珊 . ( 2017).


民族教育研究, 28( 3), 73-78. ]

[本文引用: 1]

Richards J. C., Platt J.& Platt, H. , (2000). Longman dictionary of language teaching & applied linguistics (in Chinese). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

[ 理查兹, 普拉特, 普拉特 . ( 2000). 朗文语言教学及应用语言学词典. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社.]

Rogers T. B., Kuiper N. A., & Kirker W. S . ( 1977).

Self-reference and the encoding of personal information

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 35(9), 677-688.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.35.9.677      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ross M., Xun W. Q. E., & Wilson A. E . ( 2002).

Language and the bicultural self

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(8), 1040-1050.

DOI:10.1177/01461672022811003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In a study of bicultural individuals' self-perceptions, Chinese-born students were randomly assigned to participate in either Chinese or English. Serving as controls, Canadian-born participants of either European or Chinese descent participated in English. The effects of the language manipulation paralleled findings in previous studies comparing East Asians to North Americans. Participants responding in Chinese reported more collective self-statements in open-ended self-descriptions, lower self-esteem on the Rosenberg scale, and more agreement with Chinese cultural views than did the remaining groups. In their self-descriptions, participants writing in Chinese provided similar numbers of favorable and unfavorable self-statements. The other groups reported more favorable self-statements. Participants reporting in Chinese indicated similar levels of positive and negative mood. The remaining groups reported more positive mood. The results suggest that East-Asian and Western identities may be stored in separate knowledge structures in bicultural individuals, with each structure activated by its associated language.

Sedikides, C., & Green, J. D . ( 2000).

On the self-protective nature of inconsistency-negativity management: Using the person memory paradigm to examine self-referent memory

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(6), 906-922.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.79.6.906      URL     PMID:11138760      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract How do individuals remember feedback that is inconsistent or negative? According to the inconsistency-negativity resolution model, individuals are motivated to reduce uncertainty and resolve inconsistency even when threat to self is potential. They more deeply process and better remember negative self- than other-referent information. According to the inconsistency-negativity neglect model, individuals are motivated to protect the self against threat. They engage in more shallow processing and remember less negative self- than other-referent information. Participants read and recalled either self- or other-referent mixed-valence information. The neglect model was supported in personality and minimal feedback settings. A chronometric exploration of processing mechanisms and the ruling out of a retrieval interference account clarified aspects of the model. Individuals are hypersensitive to threat potential: They will protect the self against even hypothetical threat.

Tulving, E., & Arbuckle, T. Y . ( 1963).

Sources of intratrial interference in immediate recall of paired associates

Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1( 5), 321-334.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-5371(63)80012-2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This experiment was concerned with intralist retention of paired associates. On the basis of the observation that an item is practically always recalled immediately after its presentation and that its recall is less than perfect when other items are presented for learning (input) and attempted recall (output) in the intralist retention interval, two sources of intratrial interference, associated with the operations of inputting and outputting, were postulated as being responsible for the decreasing availability of the learned item in recall. An experimental design was used that permitted the separation, and the evaluation of the effects, of these two sources of interference. This was done by systematically varying the sequence in which list items were recalled. Each of 50 Ss learned 20 lists of ten paired associates under different conditions of input and output sequence on a single trial. The results can be summarized as follows. (1) In general, probability of recall of an individual item is greatly affected by the position of the item in the input and output sequence. (2) When the item in the last input position is recalled in the first output position, its retention is practically perfect. (3) The probabilities of recall of items under other combinations of input and output position vary considerably, in some cases being as low as .20. (4) The recall of items in early input positions is relatively little affected by their position in the output sequence. (5) The recall of items in late input positions decreases systematically with their position in the output sequence. These findings were evaluated in the light of the two hypothesized sources of intratrial interference. Apart from the finding of primacy effects igher recall of early input items than of middle input items he data seemed to reflect the operation of input and output interference. The previously reported findings that the shape of the serial position curve differs under conditions of serial and free recall were discussed in terms of the observed interaction between input and output position of individual items. Some implications of the findings for the problem of one-trial versus incremental learning of associations were also briefly mentioned.

Uchida Y., Ueno T., & Miyamoto Y . ( 2014).

You were always on my mind: The importance of “significant others” in the attenuation of retrieval-induced forgetting in Japan

Japanese Psychological Research, 56( 3), 263-274.

DOI:10.1111/jpr.12051      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Research on memory has demonstrated that remembering material can cause forgetting of related information, which is known as retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF). Macrae and Roseveare identified “self” as one of the boundary conditions of this effect in the Western cultural context, showing that RIF was eliminated when material was encoded to be related to the self (known as self-referential effect), but not to significant others. In this study, we predicted and found that significant others could be another boundary condition in Japanese cultural contexts in which self and agency are more interdependent or conjoint; RIF was observed neither under best-friend-related encoding nor under family-related encoding in Japan. The effect of significant others is found uniquely in Japanese cultural contexts, suggesting that the cultural model of self has significant power in the spontaneous system of memory.

Vanderwal T., Hunyadi E., Grupe D. W., Connors C. M., & Schultz R. T . ( 2008).

Self, mother and abstract other: An fMRI study of reflective social processing

NeuroImage, 41(4), 1437-1446.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.03.058      URL     PMID:2559963      [本文引用: 1]

Using fMRI, we studied the neural correlates of self-referential processing by comparing BOLD signal changes during self and mother conditions of a self-reference effect (SRE) task. Conjunction analysis of these two conditions showed several common areas of significant activation, including the medial aspects of the superior frontal gyri, left inferior frontal gyrus, bilateral temporal poles, left superior temporal sulcus and left precuneus. The locations of the 7 strongest peak activations for the self condition and for the mother condition were compared on a subject-by-subject basis in native space. Of the 119 pairs of peaks explored, 87% were located within 2 voxels of each other, demonstrating the commonality of the brain regions subserving both self- and mother-referential processing within an individual subject. In group analyses of the self-referential vs. mother-referential contrast, small differences in activation strength were observed in the left superior frontal sulcus, right cingulate gyrus and the left fusiform gyrus. Greater activation for mother than for self was observed in bilateral temporal lobes. Subjects also performed a social attribution task (SAT) in which they inferred mental states about interacting geometric shapes. Activations from this visual theory of mind task were compared with the activations demonstrated during self-referential processing. Striking similarities were found, including overlapping activations in bilateral medial prefrontal cortices, left inferior frontal gyrus and precuneus. These data suggest that reflective analysis of self, mother and abstract others relies predominantly on the same neural architecture.

Vygotsky L. S. ( 1986). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Wagar, B. M. & Cohen D. , ( 2003).

Culture, memory, and the self: An analysis of the personal and collective self in long-term memory

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39(5), 468475.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-1031(03)00021-0      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We used a memory paradigm to test whether the nature of representations of the self within long-term memory differed as a function of cultural background. In Western samples words encoded in relation to the self are typically remembered better, and Euro-Canadian participants here showed this standard self-reference effect. However, Asian-Canadian participants were slower to recognize personal traits (as opposed to collective traits) when these traits had been encoded in reference to the self, suggesting a more elaborate representation of the collective self than the personal self in long-term memory. Further, memory was actually inhibited for Asian-Canadians when personal traits were encoded in reference to the self (vs. encoded with other referents). Differences in long-term memory trace strength for self-related data may emerge even as differences in the working self do not, and implications of this difference are discussed.

Wang G., Mao L., Ma Y., Yang X., Cao J., Liu X., Wang J., Wang X., Han S . ( 2012).

Neural representations of close others in collectivistic brains

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7( 2), 222-229.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsr002      URL     PMID:3277373      [本文引用: 1]

Wang X. X., Jiang S., & Zhang J. J . ( 2018).

Effect of the spatial linguistic symbol on the container metaphor of seniority rules

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 50( 9), 953-964.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 汪新筱, 江姗, 张积家 . ( 2018).


心理学报,50( 9), 953-964.]

[本文引用: 2]

Wu Y. H., Wang C., He X., Mao L. H., & Zang L . ( 2010).

Religious beliefs influence neural substrates of self- reflection in Tibetans

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 5( 2-3), 324-331.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsq016      URL     PMID:2894671      [本文引用: 1]

Previous transcultural neuroimaging studies have shown that the neural substrates of self-reflection can be shaped by different cultures. There are few studies, however, on the neural activity of self-reflection where religion is viewed as a form of cultural expression. The present study examined the self-processing of two Chinese ethnic groups (Han and Tibetan) to investigate the significant role of religion on the functional anatomy of self-representation. We replicated the previous results in Han participants with the ventral medial prefrontal cortex and left anterior cingulate cortex showing stronger activation in self-processing when compared with other-processing conditions. However, no typical self-reference pattern was identified in Tibetan participants on behavioral or neural levels. This could be explained by the minimal subjective sense of 'I-ness0964 in Tibetan Buddhists. Our findings lend support to the presumed role of culture and religion in shaping the neural substrate of self.

Wuyun G., Shu M., Cao Z. J., Huang W., Zou X., Li S., Zhang X., Luo H., & Wu Y. H . ( 2014).

Neural representations of the self and the mother for Chinese individuals

Plos One, 9( 3), e91556.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0091556      URL     PMID:3948885      [本文引用: 1]

An important question in social neuroscience is the similarities and differences in the neural representations between the self and close others. Most studies examining this topic have identified the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) region as the primary area involved in this process. However, several studies have reported conflicting data, making further investigation of this topic very important. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, we investigated the brain activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) when Chinese participants passively listened to their self-name (SN), their mother name (MN), and unknown names (UN). The results showed that compared with UN recognition, SN perception was associated with a robust activation in a widely distributed bilateral network, including the cortical midline structure (the MPFC and ACC), the inferior frontal gyrus, and the middle temporal gyrus. The SN invoked the bilateral superior temporal gyrus in contrast to the MN; the MN recognition provoked a stronger activation in the central and posterior brain regions in contrast to the SN recognition. The SN and MN caused an activation of overlapping areas, namely, the ACC, MPFC, and superior frontal gyrus. These results suggest that Chinese individuals utilize certain common brain region in processing both the SN and the MN. The present findings provide evidence for the neural basis of the self and close others for Chinese individuals.

Wu Y. H., Wang C., He X., Mao L. H., & Zang L . ( 2010).

Religious beliefs influence neural substrates of self-reflection in Tibetans

Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 5, 324-331.

DOI:10.1093/scan/nsq016      URL     PMID:2894671     

Previous transcultural neuroimaging studies have shown that the neural substrates of self-reflection can be shaped by different cultures. There are few studies, however, on the neural activity of self-reflection where religion is viewed as a form of cultural expression. The present study examined the self-processing of two Chinese ethnic groups (Han and Tibetan) to investigate the significant role of religion on the functional anatomy of self-representation. We replicated the previous results in Han participants with the ventral medial prefrontal cortex and left anterior cingulate cortex showing stronger activation in self-processing when compared with other-processing conditions. However, no typical self-reference pattern was identified in Tibetan participants on behavioral or neural levels. This could be explained by the minimal subjective sense of 'I-ness0964 in Tibetan Buddhists. Our findings lend support to the presumed role of culture and religion in shaping the neural substrate of self.

Xiao E. P., Zhang J. J., Wang J . ( 2015).

The ‘A zhu’ relationship under the sexual union in Mosuo matrilineal society: Akin to kinship or friendship?

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47( 12), 1486-1498.

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[ 肖二平, 张积家, 王娟 . ( 2015).

摩梭走访制下的阿注关系: 亲属还是朋友?

心理学报, 47( 12), 1486-1498. ]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.01486      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Azhu is similar to a Han’s lover, both terms indicating a romantic nature. The aim of the current study was to explore the essence of the relationship under the sexual union from a psychological perspective. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the emotional responses and the behavioral tendencies of four different relationships (kin, /lover, friend, and stranger), addressing distinct domains for which kinship is known (such as incest avoidance and altruistic behavior) by comparing the Moso people with the Han people.Fifty-eight Moso people and 61 Han people participated in Experiment 1. A 2 Ethnicity (Moso vs. Han) × 2 Gender (Male vs. Female) × 4 Relationship Type (Kin, /Lover, Friend, Stranger) mixed design was used. The participants’ emotional responses were rated in a Likert scale after imaging sexual intercourse with the four heterosexual relationship types respectively. Results in Experiment 1 showed that there was a remarkable ethnicity difference in incest avoidance. The Han people expressed a much stronger sense of disgust than the Moso people to sexual behavior with kin, while there were no significant differences in the degree of disgust caused by sexual behavior with non-kin between the Hans and the Mosos. The emotional responses caused by imaging sexual behavior with special objects differed between the two genders. Female participants’ negative emotions (including disgust) were much stronger than those of male participants’, while those of positive emotions (including romantic) were exactly the opposite. However, this kind of gender differences was non-significant regarding kinship.Fifty Moso people and 98 Han people participated in Experiment 2. The design was similar to Experiment 1. A Likert scale was used to evaluate the participants’ willingness to perform an altruistic behavior to help a kin, /lover, friend, and stranger respectively. The results indicated that the Moso people were more willing to perform selfless altruistic behaviors than the Han people to a kin, a friend or a stranger. However, the situation was the opposite when the /lover was in danger. The differences were smaller among the Han people when rating the altruistic behaviors between kins versus those between lovers, while the differences were larger among the Moso people when rating the altruistic behaviors between kins versus those between s; The differences were smaller among the Moso people when rating the altruistic behaviors between /lover. Han males had a stronger willingness to perform altruistic behaviors than Han females, whereas Moso females had a stronger willingness to help their than Moso males.In general, the results in the current study showed that the Han people treated their lovers as kins while Moso people treated their relationship under the sexual union in the Moso society was a kind of non-kin friendship, which was fundamentally different from the couple relationship of mainstream society.

Xiao,E. P., & Zhang J. J, . ( 2012).

National language influences national psychology: Evidence from classifying kinship words

Advances in Psychological Science , 20( 8), 1189-1200.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 肖二平, 张积家 . ( 2012).


心理科学进展, 20( 8), 1189-1200.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.01189      URL     [本文引用: 2]

The kinship, which is generally regarded as the initial social relationship of individuals, is formed on the basis of blood relationship and marriage. There are corresponding words to represent kinship in every language, which is called kinship words. Kinship words contain abundant information involving genetics, marriage, sociology and culture. Kinship words, the royal crown of anthropology and ethnonymics, are one of the most important topics in the field of anthropology, ethnonymics and linguistics, especially national psychology. Since 2001, by means of natural classifying, we explored the conceptual structure of kinship words among varied participant groups, including children, youngsters and undergraduates of different nationalities, such as the Han nationality, the Naxi nationality, the Moso, the Dai nationality, the Yi nationality, the Bai nationality and Jinuo nationality. The conceptual structure of kinship words varies from different nationalities. The series studies revealed the factors influencing the semantic categorization and conceptual organization, demonstrating that national language influenced national psychology; and revealed the mechanism of the impact of language on kinship words classifying, providing important evidences for the theories on the influences of language on cognition; and revealed the features of the different nationalities kinship, providing important materials for the theoretical basis of the national psychology.

Xiao E. P., Zhang J. J., Wang J., & Lin N . ( 2010).

The conceptual structure of kinship words of the Mosuo

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 42( 10), 955-969.

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[ 肖二平, 张积家, 王娟, 林娜 . ( 2010).


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DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2010.00955      URL     [本文引用: 3]

采用自由分类法探讨了摩梭人亲属词的概念结构。结果表明:(1)摩梭人亲属词的概念结构有两个维度:“亲属的亲密程度”和“辈分大小”。这与汉族和纳西族亲属词的概念结构既相似, 又存在差异。摩梭人亲属词分类的特点反映了独特的母系家庭和婚姻制度。(2)舅权和父权在摩梭人的亲属关系中正在经历着变化。作者对“摩梭母系制是原始母系制的‘活化石’”的观点提出了质疑。

Xie, Y. E ., ( 1999).

A look at the traditional gender cultural identity of Chinese women from the ancient appellation custom

Journal of Henan University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 39( 5), 111-115.

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古代称谓多产生于“男尊女卑”的文化语境 ,又以特有的方式服务于这个性别文化格局。它维护了男性中心社会的性别秩序 ,代表了男性的一种话语权力。以此为视点 ,考察我国妇女传统的性别文化身份 ,用社会性别的眼光对其进行审视、分析、借鉴 ,是建设新的两性文化不可缺少的一个方面

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The self and retrieval-induced forgetting

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 36(2), 154-159.

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心理学报, 36(2), 154-159.]

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Retrieval-induced forgetting under self-referential processing, mother-referential processing and other-referential processing conditions was examined. Under the former two conditions no retrieval-induced forgetting was found while it existed under other-referential processing condition. Thus, memory superiority of self-referential processing and mother-referential processing to other-referential processing was confirmed with the paradigm used in retrieval-induced forgetting research. The results showed that memory material under self or mother-referential processing condition can not only be remembered more than that under other-referential processing condition, but also showed no inhibition effect on related material during retrieval in Chinese subjects. Meanwhile, it can be concluded that mother-referential processing is a boundary condition for retrieval-induced forgetting for Chinese.

Zhan C. X., Wang C. Q., Li J. C., & Liu, L. C. , ( 2006). The ‘A zhu’ marriage and matriarchy family of Yongning Naxi nationality. Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House.

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Zhang, J. J . ( 2018).

Container metaphor, preface-structure and national psychology

Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities (Humanities and Social Science), 39( 5), 214-221.

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西南民族大学学报(人文社科版), 39( 5), 214-221. ]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-3926.2018.05.034      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Zhang J. J., Wang J., Xiao E. P., & He X. M . ( 2013).

Influence of culture and circumstance on kinship words’ conceptual structure

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 45( 8), 825-839.

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[ 张积家, 王娟, 肖二平, 和秀梅 . ( 2013)


心理学报, 45( 8), 825-839.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2013.00825      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kinship words are important and intricate social concepts which convey abundant information of heredity, marriage, society and culture. Kinship system plays an important part in human culture which also inversely affects people’s cognition for kinship. Few researches focused on the problems such as mechanism of microcosmic circumstance’s influence on kinship’s cognition and the mechanism of interaction between macro-environment and micro-environment. The Moso is a matriarchal ethnic group living in the border of Yunnan and Sichuan provinces and famous for “A zhu marriage” and “Matriarchal society family”.The Han nationality’s kinship system is distinct from The Moso. The present study intends to compare the conceptual structure of kinship words of the Moso and the Han nationality under different circumstance. Natural classifying and multi-dimensional scale were used to explore the Moso and the Han nationality’s conceptual structure of kinship words under “Manyue Wine (a reception for a baby's completion of its first month of life)”, “Marriage” and “Condolence” circumstance. The subjects were 225 Moso students and 242 Han students both from Yunnan’ Ninglang district. Before classifying, different instructions were read to lead the subjects to imagine the circumstance. Results showed that: Under the “The Manyue wine” circumstance, Moso’s conceptual structure of kinship words were grouped into two dimensions: (1) grade in the family hierarchy; (2) level of intimacy among the relatives. Han nationality’s conceptual structure of kinship words were also grouped into two dimensions: (1) the nature of kinship; (2) level of intimacy among the relatives. Under the “Marriage” circumstance; Moso’s conceptual structure of kinship words were grouped into two dimensions: (1) grade in the family hierarchy; (2) level of intimacy among the relatives. Han nationality’s conceptual structure were also grouped into two dimensions: (1) grade in the family hierarchy; (2) gender. Under the “Condolence” circumstance, Moso’s conceptual structure of kinship words were grouped into two dimensions: (1) grade in the family hierarchy; (2) level of intimacy among the relatives. Han nationality’s conceptual structure of kinship words were also grouped into two dimensions: (1) level of intimacy among the relatives; (2) grade in the family hierarchy. The importance ranking of kinship has significant correlation among 3 kinds of situations. Results showed that the structures of kinship words between Moso and Han reflect the characteristics of Moso culture and Han culture, showing culture’s shape to social cognition with intrinsic difference. Compared to the Han nationality, the most distinct characteristics of Moso’s kinship words classifying was followed with four aspects: (1) Mother’s brother was classified into the same group with immediate elders under “Manyue Wine” and “Marriage” circumstance. (2) Sister’s son was alone under “Condolence” circumstance. (3) Grandchildren relatives weren’t revealed special intimacy under the “Marriage” and “Condolence” circumstance. (4) There is no “in laws/ not in laws” dimension, and also there was no “Marriage” group in the kinship words classification.Similarities and difference exist in kinship classifying between the Moso and Han no matter circumstance’s guidance, reflecting situation’s influence on kinship words’ cognition. The Moso’s “zou-fang” system and Han nationality’s condolence system can reflect the macroscopic feature of Moso culture and Han culture. The divergence of classification under microcosmic circumstance also reflects the role of work memory. All results indicated that: (1) Under different situations, the classifying result between Moso and Han has not only similarity but also divergence; (2) The importance ranking of kinship has significant correlation under these kinds of situations; (3) Culture and situation affect relatives’ conceptual structure.

Zhang J. J., Yu, Z, Qiao, Y. Y , ( 2017).

Language influence on personality: Research evidence and theoretical explanation

Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities, 28( 4), 74-82.

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语言影响人格: 研究证据与理论解释

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Zhou A. B., Zhang F., Ma X. F., & Xia R. X . ( 2015).

The cultural differences of imam-reference processing: Based on the retrieval-induce forgetting paradigm discussed

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阿訇参照效应的文化差异: 基于提取诱发遗忘范式的探讨

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DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.00757      URL     [本文引用: 3]


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自我记忆效应(self-reference effect,SRE)即凡与自我有关的加工均导致最优的记忆成绩,这一记忆成绩甚至优于语义加工.东方人的自我概念包含母亲成分,3项实验表明,中国人与自我有关的记忆并不优于与母亲有关的记忆,而是处于同一水平(特别是在R/K判断方面);但是,西方人的自我不包含母亲成分,有资料表明,英国人、美国人与自我有关的记忆优于与母亲有关的记忆.从情景记忆的HERA(hemisphericencodiny/retrieval asymmetry)模型的角度,讨论上述东西方人自我记忆效应差异发现的意义,这一发现将为使用脑认知成像技术探索自我在脑中的定位提供新的思路.

Zhu Y., Zhang L., Fan J., & Han S. H . ( 2007).

Neural basis of cultural influence on self-representation

NeuroImage, 34( 3), 1310-1316.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.08.047      URL     PMID:17134915     

Culture affects the psychological structure of self and results in two distinct types of self-representation (Western independent self and East Asian interdependent self). However, the neural basis of culture elf interaction remains unknown. We used fMRI to measured brain activity from Western and Chinese subjects who judged personal trait adjectives regarding self, mother or a public person. We found that the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) showed stronger activation in self- than other-judgment conditions for both Chinese and Western subjects. However, relative to other-judgments, mother-judgments activated MPFC in Chinese but not in Western subjects. Our findings suggest that Chinese individuals use MPFC to represent both the self and the mother whereas Westerners use MPFC to represent exclusively the self, providing neuroimaging evidence that culture shapes the functional anatomy of self-representation.

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Uyghur individual’s self-reference effect based identity (Unpublished master dissertation)

Xinan University.

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