ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(1): 24-35 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00024



吕馨1, 刘景瑶1, 魏柳青1, 张学民1,2,*

1 北京师范大学心理学部, 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室, 心理学国家级实验教学示范中心(北京师范大学)

2 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室, 北京 100875

The effects of field dependent-independent cognitive style and abrupt rotation of the reference frame on multiple object tracking

LÜ Xin1, LIU Jingyao1, WEI Liuqing1, ZHANG Xuemin1,2,*

1 Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology; National Demonstration Center for Experimental Psychology Education (Beijing Normal University); Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University

2 State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

通讯作者: 张学民, E-mail:

收稿日期: 2017-12-18   网络出版日期: 2019-01-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金项目“多目标视觉追踪中注意分配的认知神经机制研究”.  31271083
国家自然科学基金重点项目“注意神经机制的可计算模型研究”资助.  61632014

Received: 2017-12-18   Online: 2019-01-25


通过改变目标数量、运动框架突变旋转角度探究不同场认知风格被试在多目标追踪任务中的表现。结果发现:(1)在任务难度较低(运动参考框架稳定, 目标数量为3和4)和任务难度中等(运动参考框架突变向右旋转20°, 目标数量为4)条件下, 场独立型被试的多目标追踪表现均显著好于场依存型被试。在任务难度较高(运动框架稳定, 目标数量为5以及运动参考框架突变向右旋转40°, 目标数量为4)条件下, 两组被试差异不显著。表明不同场认知风格被试追踪表现受任务难度影响; (2)随着目标数量由3至5增多, 追踪负荷增大使被试的追踪成绩显著下降; (3)相比运动框架稳定, 运动框架向右突变旋转20°和40°均显著削弱了被试的追踪表现。旋转角度变化破坏了场景连续性, 影响了追踪表现。

关键词: 多目标追踪 ; 场认知风格 ; 运动参考框架 ; 旋转角度


The Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) task was initially designed by Pylyshyn and Storm (1988) and has been widely used to study the visual attentional mechanisms people use when viewing dynamic scenes. Previous research has usually used this task to explore participants’ abilities to track multiple moving objects in a static reference frame. But more recently, some researchers have started to investigate observers’ tracking performance in nonstable scenes. However, few studies have explored the effects of field dependent-independent cognitive style on tracking tasks from the point of view of individual differences. Previous research has revealed that field dependent-independent cognitive style affects people’s ways of perceiving and thinking. Field-independent individuals rely on an internal reference frame and tend to perceive objects separately from the background, while field-dependent individuals are more likely to rely on an external reference frame and perceive objects as a whole. We tested the effects of field dependent-independent cognitive style and abrupt rotation of the reference frame on tracking performance in the MOT task.
This study included two experiments. Experiment 1 compared performance differences between field- independent individuals and field-dependent individuals in the MOT task. Nineteen participants who scored ≥15 in the Embedded Figures Test (EFT) were classified as the extreme field-independent group, and twenty-three participants who scored ≤11 were classified as extreme field-dependent group. The two groups of participants were required to track 3, 4, or 5 targets in a static reference frame. Experiment 2 explored the tracking differences of the two groups in a nonstable reference frame with four targets. The procedure of Experiment 2 was the same as Experiment 1, except that after the motion of 6s in each trial, the reference frame abruptly changed 0°, 20°, or 40°. Meanwhile, the participants still needed to keep track of the targets.
The two experiments found significant differences between field-independent individuals and field-dependent individuals. In the low-difficulty conditions (stable reference frame, 3 and 4 targets) and the medium-difficulty condition (reference frame abruptly changed 20°, 4 targets), the field-independent group performed significantly better than the field-dependent group. But in the high-difficulty conditions (stable reference frame, 5 targets and reference frame abruptly changed 40°, 4 targets), the performance of the field-independent group did not significantly differ from the field-dependent group. The results revealed that the tracking differences between the two groups of participants were influenced by task difficulty. In addition, participants’ tracking accuracy significantly decreased along with increases in the number of targets and the abrupt rotation of the reference frame. We speculate that the increased cognitive load and discontinuous scene made it more difficult for participants to track the targets, which contributed to the significant decline of tracking accuracy.
In general, by using the MOT task and changing the motion reference frame, we explored the different performances of field dependent-independent individuals in the classic MOT task and an MOT task with a changing reference frame. This study offers an explanation for the different characteristic of field dependent- independent cognitive style from the perspective of multiple object tracking. In addition, changing the MOT to include rotation of the reference frame allows us to study tracking in a situation that is similar to shifts of perspective in the real world, which provides some evidence for how people deploy attention while processing in dynamic scenes.

Keywords: multiple object tracking ; field dependence-independence ; reference frame ; scene rotation

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吕馨, 刘景瑶, 魏柳青, 张学民. 目标数量与运动框架旋转角度对不同场认知风格个体多目标追踪表现的影响 . 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(1): 24-35 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00024

LÜ Xin, LIU Jingyao, WEI Liuqing, ZHANG Xuemin. The effects of field dependent-independent cognitive style and abrupt rotation of the reference frame on multiple object tracking. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(1): 24-35 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00024

1 前言

传统的视觉注意研究主要探讨单个物体在运动参考框架稳定情境中视觉信息加工问题。然而现实生活中人们经常接触视角变化的动态场景, 需要在运动参考框架不稳定的情况下对场景中多个运动物体保持注意和追踪。例如, 在路上行走时, 人们需要在视角连续变化情况下注意来往的车辆和行人; 在观看足球实况转播比赛时, 观众需要在屏幕视角切换的情况下同时保持对多名球员的关注; 在动作类游戏中, 玩家需要在不稳定的视角中同时追踪多名队员与对手; 在虚拟现实(Virtual Reality, VR)情境中, 人们需要在视觉转向的状态下体验沉浸式的视觉虚拟环境。Pylyshyn和Storm (1988)提出的多目标追踪范式(Multiple Object Tracking, MOT)常用于研究动态情境中视觉注意持续加工的规律。此经典研究范式中, 运动物体的运动参考框架在整个过程中都保持稳定。近年来有学者开始研究运动框架不稳定场景下多目标追踪任务的影响因素和认知加工机制, 用于模拟现实情境中视角变化的视觉注意现象(Liu et al., 2005; Seiffert, 2005; Huff, Jahn, & Schwan, 2009; Huff, Papenmeier, Jahn, & Hesse, 2010; Jahn, Papenmeier, Meyerhoff, & Huff, 2012; Brockhoff et al., 2016)。

1.1 多目标追踪的相关研究

经典多目标追踪范式分为线索、追踪和反应三个阶段。线索阶段通常在屏幕上呈现8到10个完全相同的物体(如加号、圆圈、字母等), 其中一部分通过外框闪烁标记为要追踪的目标, 其余的为非目标。闪烁标记时长一般控制在2~5秒内, 之后闪烁标记消失; 追踪阶段所有物体进行随机运动, 运动时间为5~15秒, 要求被试对线索阶段标记的目标进行追踪。运动结束后, 所有的运动物体静止在屏幕上; 反应阶段要求被试用鼠标将线索阶段标记的目标选择出来, 或是以特定的形式突出其中一些物体, 要求被试判断突出的物体是否为刚刚标记过的目标。研究表明, 被试在目标和非目标数量相同的运动场景中通常能够同时追踪到4~5个目标, 并且正确率保持在85%以上, 而随着追踪的目标数量的增加, 追踪正确率会下降(Pylyshyn, 2001; Pylyshyn, 2003)。

以往有关多目标追踪的研究主要探讨运动参考框架稳定情境中视觉注意加工的规律。研究表明运动框架稳定条件下, 被试的多目标追踪任务表现受物体的运动速度(Tombu & Seiffert, 2011)、目标数量(Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988; Yantis, 1992)、任务难度(魏柳青, 刘冰, 张学民, 赵霞, 2013)、空间对称性(Wang, Zhang, Li, & Lyu, 2016)等因素的影响。近年来有部分学者开始关注运动参考框架变化下的多目标追踪表现, 相关研究结果尚存争议。Liu等(2005)对3D立体场景中的多目标追踪现象进行研究, 发现即使立体框架经历连续的平移、缩放、旋转这三种运动组合变化, 立体框架运动速度不影响追踪正确率, 追踪表现仅受物体运动速度的影响。Seiffert (2005)则认为追踪成绩受运动框架变化影响, 改变追踪过程中目标的整体视觉呈现方式, 被试的平均追踪正确率由86%下降到62%。追踪过程中, 运动参考框架发生突变旋转20°或30°时, 也会导致追踪成绩的显著下降(Huff et al., 2009)。Huff等(2010)的后续研究表明, 物体和场景运动的连续性对视觉追踪有重要作用。通过比较运动框架发生突变旋转和缓慢平滑旋转两种情况下的追踪表现, 发现相比缓慢平滑旋转, 被试在运动框架突变旋转下的追踪成绩更差。可能是突变旋转使得场景变化的连续信息缺失, 从而影响追踪的正确率。Brockhoff等(2016)从发展的角度探究一、三、五、七年级儿童青少年以及成人五个年龄组被试在3D环境中的追踪能力, 结果表明场景突变旋转是一个重要因素, 影响了所有年龄组被试的追踪表现。以上研究多采用图示深度线索研究3D空间中运动框架变化的多目标追踪现象, 结果发现运动框架的突变旋转会对多目标追踪正确率产生影响。但上述研究较少从个体差异的角度探讨不稳定运动框架下多目标追踪任务的影响因素。

1.2 场认知风格类型及其与认知功能相关研究

认知风格(Cognitive Style), 又称认知方式, 指的是个体在组织和加工信息中所具有的个性化的和一贯性的偏好方式, 反映不同个体在感知觉加工、记忆和思维过程中的个性化特征(Messick, 1984)。早期学者根据研究角度的不同, 对认知风格进行不同维度的划分, 典型的划分方式有场依存-场独立型(Field dependence-independence)、沉思-冲动型(Reflectiveness-Impulsivity)、聚合-发散型(Converging-Diverging)等(Kagan, 1966; Witkin, Moore, Goodenough, & Cox, 1977; Bergum & Cooper, 1977)。近年来认知方式的研究出现整合趋势, Riding和Cheema (1991)在前人的基础上, 将30多种认知方式整合为整体-分析型(Wholist-Analytic)和言语-表象型(Verbal-Imagery)两大维度, 上述场依存-场独立型、沉思-冲动型和聚合-发散型均可以归类到整体-分析型维度。国内外学者在此划分方式下进行了相关研究(梁君英, 张萌, 2012; Riding & Rayner, 1998; Zhou, Zhou, Li, & Zhang, 2015; Nitzan-tamar, Kramarski, & Vakil, 2016)。

本研究的认知风格是基于Witkin等(1977)提出的场认知风格, 也是目前研究和应用最广泛的一种认知风格划分方式, 将个体区分为场独立型(Field Independence, FI)和场依存型(Field Dependence, FD)。“场”可以看作是周围环境, 不同场认知风格个体对场的依赖程度不同。场独立型个体在进行信息加工的时候, 倾向于参照身体内部线索, 不易受周围环境的影响; 场依存型个体则更多参照来自外部环境的线索做出判断。场认知风格个体不同线索加工方式与他们思维与感知觉加工的特性是一致的, 在棒框测验(Rod and Frame Test, RFT)、身体调整测验(Body-adjustment Test)、转屋测验(Rotating Room Test)、镶嵌图形测验(Embedded Figures Test, EFT)等一系列研究中表现出跨任务的一致性倾向。场认知风格作为一种较为稳定的特征受到了广泛的关注, 研究逐渐从狭义的垂直知觉扩展到其他感知觉、记忆、思维、问题解决等复杂认知领域。

除了个性特征上的差异, 研究表明场认知风格与认知功能有着紧密的联系, 场独立型被试在图形推理(王有智, 欧阳仑, 2004)、心理旋转(Li, Zhang, Wu, & Mei, 2016; 赵晓妮, 游旭群, 2007)空间认知任务中的表现均好于场依存型被试。借助ERP技术的研究发现, 场依存型被试在进行视觉空间任务时, 大脑中区和右区的负慢波有着更大的波幅, 比场独立型被试投入了更多的认知资源(岳鹏飞, 李寿欣, 白学军, 2012)。郑月红和施利承(2015)采用眼动仪研究不同场认知风格被试的道路场景注视, 结果发现相比场依存型被试, 场独立型被试更快注视到兴趣区, 并且在兴趣区内有着更多的注视点数目, 但是两种场认知风格被试的平均注视点数目无差异。上述研究表明不同场认知风格个体在视觉认知加工中存在显著差异, 可能是因为场独立型个体在认知过程中倾向于克服或者重构场的组织, 将场中的信息看作是独立于场的客体, 不易受与任务无关的环境信息影响, 从而任务的表现更好; 而场依存型个体倾向于依附于给定的环境信息, 将环境信息与场看作是一个整体, 更容易受环境信息的影响。

综上所述, 以往学者有关多目标追踪的研究多探讨运动框架稳定下运动物体的速度、大小、数量, 物体所带有的身份特征等因素变化对追踪成绩的影响。从个体差异的角度探究场认知风格与运动框架稳定以及运动框架变化的多目标追踪任务关系的研究涉及较少, 从这个角度的研究可以帮助我们认识不同场认知风格个体在运动参考框架稳定和变化的多目标视觉追踪任务中的表现, 对认识生态化情境下参考框架在复杂动态场景信息加工中的作用和规律有一定的理论与实践应用意义。Howard (1982)指出人们在信息加工过程中, 会以物体、背景环境、或是观察者自己为参照点, 将输入的分散信息转化为相对稳定和细节的表征。场认知风格可以用于研究信息加工是否受背景环境的影响(Jonassen & Grabowski, 1993)。场独立型个体倾向于以自身为参照点, 将场内物体加工为独立的、相互分离的知觉对象, 不受外部信息的影响, 易于将物体从环境中分离出来; 而场依存型个体倾向于以外部信息为参照点, 将知觉对象进行整体、统一加工, 把物体从环境中分离出来较为困难(Witkin et al., 1977; Witkin & Goodenough, 1981; Pithers, 2002; Evans, Richardson, & Waring, 2013)。经典多目标追踪考察动态情境中的信息加工, 任务由一个稳定的运动框架和多个离散的、表面特征相同的物体构成, 其中一部分物体为要追踪的目标, 其余为非目标, 要求被试从非目标中对目标进行持续追踪。那么不同场认知风格被试在组织和加工信息时所表现的习惯化和偏好方式是否会影响多目标追踪表现?目标数量变化会对不同场认知风格被试有怎样的影响?运动框架可以视为场景参照(Huff et al., 2010), 追踪过程中运动框架发生旋转变化又会对追踪表现有怎样的影响?上述问题还有待于进一步探讨。

基于上述研究背景及有待于研究问题, 本研究拟结合经典多目标追踪实验范式和运动框架突变旋转角度变化, 探究两种场认知风格被试在多目标追踪任务中的表现。结合以往研究的结果以及场认知风格和多目标追踪实验范式的特点, 本研究提出以下假设:(1)多目标追踪成绩受被试场认知风格、追踪目标数量和运动框架突变旋转角度的影响; (2)场独立型被试更易将目标从非目标和运动框架中分离出来, 追踪成绩优于场依存型被试; (3)目标数量的增多和运动框架突变旋转角度增大, 显著地影响多目标追踪成绩。

本研究设置了两个系列的实验来研讨上述问题和假设。实验1通过变化追踪目标的数量, 采用经典多目标追踪实验范式来探究不同场认知风格被试在多目标追踪任务中的表现; 实验2将目标数量固定为4, 通过变化运动框架的突变旋转角度, 进一步探究当视觉追踪中运动框架发生突然变化对不同场认知风格被试追踪表现的影响。本研究模拟了现实情境中视角变化对视觉注意追踪的影响, 是对经典多目标追踪实验范式的进一步发展和应用, 研究对认识不同场认知风格个体的视觉多目标追踪能力及运动框架旋转角度对其追踪的影响具有一定的理论意义和实践应用价值。

2 实验1:目标数量对不同场认知风格经典多目标追踪的影响


2.1 被试

随机招募北京地区985高校理科专业在校大学生71名, 其中男生29名, 女生42名, 平均年龄19.96 ± 2.15岁。将所有被试镶嵌图形测验得分由高至低排序, 以得分在总人数前27% (≥15分)的被试作为典型场独立组, 以得分在总人数后27% (≤11分)的被试作为典型场依存组。最终共有42名被试参加实验1, 男生20名, 女生22名, 平均年龄19.81 ± 1.93岁。典型场独立组被试19名, 其中男生8名, 女生11名; 典型场依存组23名, 其中男生12名, 女生11名。所有被试视力或矫正视力正常, 颜色知觉正常, 完成实验后获取一定报酬。

2.2 实验设计

实验采用2 (场认知风格类型:场独立、场依存) × 3 (目标数量:3、4、5)的两因素混合设计, 因变量为追踪正确率。研究采用的刺激物是黑色实心圆圈, 总数恒定为10个。实验1共呈现三种条件, 设置的目标数量分别为3个、4个、5个, 所对应设置的非目标数量为7个、6个、5个。

2.3 实验仪器与材料

2.3.1 多目标追踪任务

实验仪器为i5 3.2台式计算机, 显示设备为22英寸显示器。屏幕分辨率设定为1680×1050 pixel (每pixel约为0.028 cm), 垂直刷新频率为60 Hz。实验程序采用Visual Basic 6.0进行编写。

刺激呈现区域为屏幕中央800×600 pixel (水平视角约22°, 垂直视角约17°)的白线方框[RGB (255, 255, 255)], 宽度2 pixel, 背景为灰色[RGB (128, 128, 128)]。运动对象是直径为30 pixel的黑色实心圆[RGB (0, 0, 0)]。在追踪区域的中心始终有一个白色的十字形注视点。所有对象在追踪区域内的初始位置随机分布, 各对象间的距离超过运动对象本身直径, 运动对象与边框的距离不小于运动对象本身直径的两倍。在实验过程中, 运动对象之间或是运动对象与边框发生碰撞后会弹开, 即在实验过程中运动物体之间不会发生遮挡现象。

2.3.2 场认知风格测验

采用北京师范大学1981年修订的镶嵌图形测验划分场认知风格。该测验信度为0.90, 与棒框测验的相关为0.49, 有较高的信度和效度, 已广泛应用于国内认知风格领域的研究。测验共有29道题目, 分为三个部分:第一部分有9道题目, 第二部分和第三部分分别各有10道题目。其中, 第一部分不计分, 只有第二、三部分计分。得分越高, 表明被试越倾向于场独立型。得分越低, 表明越倾向于场依存型。

2.4 实验过程

被试进行团体镶嵌图形测验。测验分为三个部分, 每部分时长3分30秒。将所有被试测验得分由高至低排序, 选取得分在总人数前27% (≥15分)和后27% (≤11分)的被试分别作为典型场独立型和典型场依存型参加追踪实验。

显示屏距被试双眼约57 cm。追踪实验过程如图1所示。被试按空格键开始每个试次, 所有对象静止呈现在屏幕上, 分别有3个、4个或5个黑色实心圆被红色方框闪烁标记为目标, 标记时间为2秒。红色方框消失后, 所有运动对象开始做随机运动, 运动速度为10°/s, 要求被试追踪刚刚被标记过的目标。6秒后运动停止, 被试需要用鼠标选择目标, 之后按空格键进行下一试次。实验中目标数量分3个区组进行, 区组顺序在被试间进行平衡。每个区组20个试次, 被试一共完成60个试次。每个区组正式实验开始前, 被试先进行6次练习实验。整个实验共持续25分钟。实验程序自动记录被试的追踪正确率(被试正确选择的目标数量/总目标数量)×100%。


图1   实验过程图示

由于被试正确选择的目标数量与真实追踪到的目标数量有一定差异, 受猜测概率影响, 不同目标数量的猜测概率不同。根据公式(1)将被试正确选择的目标数量转化成真实追踪到的目标数量, 其中k表示校正后被试真实追踪到的目标数量, P表示被试正确选择的目标数量, t表示目标数量, a表示可能的反应选项, 即目标与非目标数量总和(Horowitz et al, 2007)。采用SPSS 19.0用校正后的追踪正确率(被试真实追踪到的目标数量/总目标数量)×100%进行后续的统计分析。


2.5 实验结果

2.5.1 场认知风格分组

实验1中有效被试42名, 场独立组被试19名, 场依存组被试23名。其中场独立组被试的镶嵌图形测验成绩(M = 16.26, SD = 1.41, N = 19)显著高于场依存组(M = 9.48, SD = 1.70, N = 23), 两组的平均得分差异为6.79, 场认知风格被试分组有效, t(40) = 13.88, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 4.41。场认知风格性别差异不显著, t(40) = -0.24, p = 0.812, Cohen’s d = 0.08。

2.5.2 目标数量对不同场认知风格类型多目标追踪的影响

两组场认知风格被试在不同目标数量下的多目标追踪正确率如图2所示。为探讨目标数量对不同场认知风格被试多目标追踪表现的影响, 对被试的追踪正确率做2 (场认知风格:场独立、场依存)×3 (目标数量:3、4、5)重复测量方差分析。结果发现:场认知风格主效应显著, F(1, 40) = 6.90, p < 0.05, ηp2 = 0.147, 场独立型被试追踪正确率(M = 0.70, SD = 0.12)显著高于场依存型(M = 0.60, SD = 0.12); 目标数量主效应显著, F(2, 80) = 54.22, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.575, 说明被试在不同目标数量下的追踪表现有显著差异。事后检验结果表明, 被试在目标数量为3条件下的追踪正确率显著高于目标数量为4及目标数量为5的条件。目标数量为4的追踪正确率显著高于目标数量为5的条件(目标数量3与4: MD = 0.09, p < 0.001; 目标数量3与5: MD = 0.23, p < 0.001; 目标数量4与5: MD = 0.14, p < 0.001); 目标数量与场认知风格交互作用不显著, F(2, 80) = 0.74, p = 0.480, ηp2 = 0.018。


图2   两种场认知风格类型不同目标数量经典多目标追踪正确率(误差线为标准误)

2.5.3 场认知风格对多目标追踪的影响

为探讨两组场认知风格被试多目标追踪的表现差异, 对不同场认知风格被试在不同目标数量上的追踪正确率做独立样本t检验。结果显示:在目标数量为3和目标数量为4条件下, 两组场认知风格被试的追踪正确率有显著差异, 场独立型被试追踪正确率均显著高于场依存型被试(目标数量3:t(40) = 2.10, p < 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.67; 目标数量4:t(36.72) = 3.01, p < 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.91); 在目标数量为5条件下, 场独立型被试追踪正确率与场依存型被试无显著差异(目标数量5:t(40) = 1.60, p = 0.118, Cohen’s d = 0.51)。

2.6 小结

实验1采用经典多目标追踪范式, 探究不同场认知风格被试在不同目标数量经典多目标追踪上的表现差异。结果表明, 两组场认知风格被试的追踪正确率有显著差异, 场独立型被试的整体追踪正确率显著高于场依存型被试。在低负荷水平(目标数量为3)和中负荷水平(目标数量为4)的条件下, 场独立型被试的追踪表现均显著好于场依存型被试。在高负荷水平(目标数量为5)的条件下, 两组被试的追踪正确率无显著差异。说明两组被试追踪表现差异受任务难度的影响, 在低负荷和中负荷的低中任务难度条件下, 两组场认知风格被试的追踪正确率有显著差异, 在任务难度较高的高负荷条件下, 两者的差异不显著。

此外, 对所有被试来说, 目标数量的变化对追踪表现有显著影响。当目标与非目标总数恒定时, 随着目标数量由3增加到4再增加到5, 追踪负荷的增加使追踪任务难度加大, 追踪正确率显著下降, 与前人的研究结果相一致(白田, 吕创, 魏柳青, 周义斌, 张学民, 2015; Alvarez & Franconeri, 2007; Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988)。从实验1的结果来看, 操纵目标数量的变化对探究不同场认知风格个体在经典多目标追踪情境下的表现差异是有效的。不同场认知风格被试在不同目标数量的追踪任务中表现出了显著的差异, 这是本研究中的主要发现。

3 实验2:运动参考框架突变旋转对不同场认知风格个体多目标追踪的影响

实验1发现场认知风格影响运动参考框架稳定的经典多目标追踪任务表现, 场独立型被试相较于场依存型被试的追踪表现更好。实验2在实验1的基础上, 将目标数量固定为4, 探究两组场认知风格被试在更为复杂的背景, 即多目标追踪任务中运动参考框架发生突变旋转变化条件下的追踪表现。

3.1 被试

随机招募北京地区985高校理科专业在校大学生69名, 其中男生33名, 女生36名, 平均年龄21.58 ± 2.39岁。与实验1相同, 将所有被试镶嵌图形测验得分由高至低排序, 以得分在总人数前27% (≥15分)的被试作为典型场独立型, 以得分在总人数后27% (≤11分)的被试作为典型场依存型。最终共有38名被试参加实验2, 男生16名, 女生22名, 平均年龄21.18 ± 2.49岁。典型场独立组被试19名, 其中男生8名, 女生11名; 典型场依存组被试19名, 其中男生8名, 女生11名。所有被试视力或矫正视力正常, 颜色知觉正常, 完成实验后获取一定报酬。

3.2 实验设计

实验设计为2(场认知风格类型:场独立、场依存)×3(突变旋转角度:0°、20°、40°)的两因素混合设计, 因变量为追踪正确率。研究采用的刺激物是黑色实心圆圈, 目标与非目标的总数恒定为10个, 目标数量恒定为4个, 所对应设置的非目标数量为6个。设置的参考框架突变旋转角度为3种, 分别为运动框架旋转0°(稳定不旋转), 向右(顺时针)突变旋转20°和40°。

3.3 实验仪器与材料

与实验1基本相同, 不同之处在于实验2实验过程中运动参考框架会发生向右的突变旋转(旋转角度为0°、20°、40°), 转动后运动对象仍保持随机运动状态。

3.4 实验过程

被试首先进行团体镶嵌图形测验, 测验分数≥15分和≤11分的被试分别作为典型场独立型和典型场依存型参加实验2。

实验2与实验1不同之处在于追踪过程中, 对象随机运动6秒后运动参考框架发生突变向右旋转(旋转角度分为三种:0°、20°、40°)。突变旋转后要求被试持续保持追踪, 6秒后随机运动停止, 被试需要用鼠标选择哪些是要求追踪的目标, 之后按空格键进行下一试次。

实验共有3种条件(旋转角度0°、20°、40°), 分为3个区组进行。每个条件20个试次, 被试一共完成60个试次。每个区组正式开始前, 被试先进行6次练习实验。整个实验持续时间为30分钟。实验流程图如图3所示。


图3   实验流程图

3.5 实验结果

3.5.1 场认知风格分组

实验2中有效被试38名, 场独立组被试19名, 场依存组被试19名。其中场独立组的镶嵌图形测验成绩(M = 16.58, SD = 1.35, N = 19)显著高于场依存组(M = 9.16, SD = 1.30, N = 19), 两组平均得分差异为7.42。场认知风格被试分组有效:t(36) = 17.27, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 5.76。场认知风格性别差异不显著, t(36) = 0.09, p = 0.929, Cohen’s d = 0.03。

3.5.2 旋转角度对不同场认知风格多目标追踪的影响

两组场认知风格被试在不同旋转角度的多目标追踪任务中的正确率如图4所示。为探究旋转角度对不同场认知风格被试多目标追踪表现的影响, 对被试的追踪正确率进行2(场认知类型:场独立、场依存) × 3(突变旋转角度:0°、20°、40°)的重复测量方差分析。结果发现:场认知风格主效应显著, F(1, 36) = 5.10, p < 0.05, ηp2 = 0.124, 场独立型被试的追踪成绩(M = 0.63, SD = 0.07)显著好于场依存型被试(M = 0.57, SD = 0.07)。旋转角度主效应显著, F(2, 72) = 89.13, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.712, 不同旋转角度之间追踪正确率有显著差异。旋转角度与组别交互作用显著, F(2, 72) = 4.056, p < 0.05, ηp2 = 0.101。


图4   两种场认知风格类型背景框架突变旋转多目标追踪正确率(%) (误差线为标准误)

进一步分析发现, 在旋转0°和旋转20°条件下, 场独立型被试追踪成绩显著好于场依存型被试(旋转0°:MD = 0.08, p < 0.05; 旋转20°:MD = 0.07, p < 0.05)。在旋转40°条件下, 两组被试追踪表现无显著差异(旋转40°:MD = 0.01, p = 0.566)。

对于场独立型被试, 不同旋转角度条件下追踪正确率两两有显著差异(旋转0°与旋转20°:MD = 0.06, p < 0.01; 旋转20°与旋转40°:MD = 0.14, p < 0.001; 旋转0°与旋转40°:MD = 0.20, p < 0.001)。对于场依存型被试, 不同旋转角度之间的追踪正确率两两差异显著(旋转0°与旋转20°:MD = 0.06, p <0.01; 旋转20°与旋转40°:MD = 0.08, p < 0.001; 旋转0°与旋转40°:MD = 0.14, p < 0.001)。

3.6 小结

实验2探究两组场认知风格被试在运动框架突变旋转变化(突变向右旋转0°、20°、40°)多目标追踪任务中的表现。结果表明:两组场认知风格被试在不同实验条件下的表现不同。随着运动框架旋转角度的增大, 两组被试的追踪成绩均显著下降。在运动框架突变向右旋转0°和突变向右旋转20°的条件下, 场独立型被试的表现均显著优于场依存型被试。在运动框架突变向右旋转40°的条件下, 场独立型和场依存型的追踪表现无显著差异。以上结果表明, 两组被试的差异受任务难度影响。在运动框架旋转0°和旋转20°低中任务难度条件下, 两组被试表现有显著差异, 在运动框架旋转40°高任务难度条件下, 两组被试表现差异不显著。

4 综合讨论

4.1 场认知风格对多目标追踪的影响

综合实验1和实验2的结果发现:两组场认知风格被试在经典多目标追踪和运动框架突变旋转的多目标追踪任务中的表现有显著的区别, 场独立型被试在两个追踪任务中的正确率均高于场依存型被试, 且这种优势受任务难度的影响, 在任务难度较低(运动参考框架稳定, 目标数量为3和4)和任务难度中等(运动参考框架突变向右旋转20°, 目标数量为4)条件下, 场独立型被试的多目标追踪成绩表现出突出的优势。在任务难度较高(运动框架稳定, 目标数量为5以及运动参考框架突变向右旋转40°, 目标数量为4)的条件下, 场独立型被试的追踪优势被削弱, 两组被试的追踪表现无显著差异。

在实验1中, 场独立型被试的整体追踪成绩显著优于场依存型被试, 且随着目标数量的增多两组被试的追踪正确率均显著下降。表明对两组被试来说, 目标数量的增多使得任务难度增大, 显著地影响了被试的追踪表现, 与前人的研究结果相一致(Alvarez & Franconeri, 2007; Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988)。在目标数量为3和目标数量为4, 即任务难度较低的条件下, 场独立型被试的表现显著优于场依存型被试。在目标数量为5, 即任务难度较高的条件下, 两组被试的表现差异不显著。Miyake, Witkin和Emerson (2001)的研究表明场独立型被试倾向于使用内部线索, 更易将信息从背景中分离出来。而场依存型被试倾向于受外部线索的影响, 难以从背景中将信息分离出来。在本研究的经典多目标追踪任务中, 被试需要从数个表面特征相同的目标和非目标中, 对目标进行持续的追踪。在目标数量为3和4条件下, 场独立型被试的追踪成绩更好, 可能是因为在追踪负荷中低水平下, 场独立型被试倾向于将目标和非目标加工为独立、分离的客体, 在对目标的追踪过程中易将目标从非目标中识别出来, 不易受非目标的影响。而场依存型被试在对目标的追踪过程中倾向于将目标和非目标看作是一个整体, 易受非目标的影响, 追踪成绩更低。在目标数量为5的条件下, 追踪负荷较大, 任务难度的增加使得场独立型被试将目标从非目标中分离出来较为困难, 无法保持其追踪优势。表明场独立型被试的追踪优势受任务难度的影响。

实验2将目标数量固定为4, 探究更为复杂的背景条件, 即运动框架不旋转、突变旋转20°和突变旋转40°条件下, 两组不同场认知风格被试的追踪表现。实验2的结果显示, 当运动框架不旋转, 也即目标数量为4的经典多目标追踪实验中, 场独立型被试的追踪成绩显著好于场依存型被试, 与实验1的结果相同, 验证了实验1。此外, 场独立型被试在运动框架突变向右旋转20°的条件下, 追踪正确率显著高于场依存型被试。场独立型被试多目标追踪表现的优势可能受被试自身认知风格特点的影响。Li等(2016)发现两组场认知风格被试在朝向和导航任务中的表现存在显著差异, 可能是由于场独立型被试倾向于以自身作为参照, 而场依存型倾向于以环境为参照, 不同场认知风格被试对环境信息的感知、获取、加工不同导致了两者的任务表现有差异。此外, 大量研究表明场独立型个体倾向于分解、重构已有的场组织, 灵活提取组织内的信息; 而场依存型个体倾向于依赖所呈现的场信息的整体结构(Witkin, Oltman, Raskin, & Karp, 1971; Witkin et al., 1977; Zhang, 2004; Boccia, Piccardi, Di Marco, Pizzamiglio, & Guariglia, 2016)。本研究中, 在目标数量为4, 运动框架稳定和运动框架突变向右旋转20°的条件下, 场独立型被试追踪成绩均显著优于场依存型被试, 可能是因为在任务难度中低的情况下, 场独立型被试以自身为参照, 在多目标追踪任务中倾向于将目标、非目标和运动框架加工为独立、分离的客体, 分析每个目标在空间中的位置。在追踪过程中有着更高的选择性注意和更强的搜索灵活性, 更多地将信息解构为元素, 过滤与任务无关的信息, 易于将目标从非目标以及旋转角度变化的运动框架中分离出来, 从而对目标进行更有效的追踪(Witkin et al., 1977; Pithers, 2002; Jia, Zhang, & Li, 2014)。而场依存型被试更加倾向于进行整体加工, 对目标、非目标以及运动框架进行整体、统一的表征, 易受背景变化的影响, 抑制无关信息的能力较弱(宋广文, 韩树杰, 2007), 追踪表现低于场独立型被试。然而当任务难度增大(运动框架突变向右旋转40°, 目标数量为4), 两组场认知风格被试的追踪表现均被显著削弱, 场独立型被试的追踪正确率与场依存型被试无显著差异。可能是因为在高难度任务中, 场独立型被试能够投入的注意资源有限, 难以兼顾对目标的追踪以及对非目标和运动框架的抑制, 场独立型被试的追踪优势被削弱了。尽管两组场认知风格被试在任务难度较大条件下的追踪表现无显著差异, 但是场独立型被试的追踪成绩仍然高于场依存型被试。以上研究结果表明, 与场依存型被试相比, 场独立型被试在多目标追踪中有着更好的追踪表现, 并且场独立型被试的追踪优势受任务难度的影响。

4.2 目标数量和旋转角度变化对多目标追踪的影响

实验1结果显示, 目标数量变化显著地影响被试的追踪成绩。以往的研究表明, 被试能够从多个表面特征完全相同的非目标中保持对运动目标的持续追踪(Pylyshyn & Storm, 1988)。本研究实验1结果表明, 在运动框架不旋转的条件下, 即经典的多目标追踪中, 被试的追踪表现随着目标数量的增多显著下降, 与前人的研究结果相一致(Alvarez & Franconeri, 2007; 胡路明, 吕创, 张学民, 魏柳青, 2018; 魏柳青 等, 2013)。目标数量的增多增加了被试的追踪负荷, 任务难度上升使得被试的追踪正确率显著下降。表明操纵目标数量显著地影响被试的追踪成绩。

实验2发现旋转角度变化显著地影响被试追踪表现, 与Huff等(2009)的研究结果一致。与运动框架稳定不旋转条件相比, 多目标追踪过程中运动框架突变向右旋转20°和旋转40°均显著地削弱被试的追踪表现, 可能是稳定运动框架下被试能够对目标进行时时刻刻的追踪, 而运动框架的突变旋转使动态场景变化不连续, 被试无法对目标位置进行实时的更新, 影响了追踪的结果。以上研究结果表明, 变化目标数量和运动框架突变旋转角度均会对被试的多目标追踪表现产生显著影响。

4.3 研究意义和展望

以往的研究多关注运动框架稳定下多目标追踪的影响因素, 而本研究基于经典的多目标追踪任务, 结合运动框架旋转角度的变化, 探讨运动框架不稳定的多目标追踪任务中不同场认知风格个体的追踪表现。研究不仅为不同场认知风格个体在多目标追踪任务上的表现规律提供了一定的理论解释, 也具有一定的实践应用意义。

日常生活情境中, 人们经常处于运动变化的复杂视觉场景, 视觉场景中的信息在视角、运动和复杂性等方面是不断变化的。如过马路时, 要对不同视角的来往车辆和行人保持注意; 打篮球或踢足球时, 要从不同视角上关注本队及对方球员的位置。本研究的运动框架突变旋转通过实验室实验模拟动态场景中的视觉信息和视角变化, 使持续的视觉动态追踪任务更符合日常生活场景, 研究结果更具有生态效度和可推论性。此外, 本研究将多目标追踪研究与社会心理因素结合, 关注视觉动态追踪任务中的个体差异, 有助于认识不同场认知风格个体在参考框架发生变化的多目标追踪任务中的视觉注意加工特点。从经典多目标追踪和运动框架突变旋转的多目标追踪任务的角度, 为场认知风格加工偏好的解释提供了进一步证据, 丰富了已有的认知风格理论, 也为不同场认知风格个体在现实环境下的认知加工特点和优势及其可能适应的环境任务提供了实证依据。

考察不同场认知风格个体在多目标追踪中的表现, 有助于不同场认知风格类型的人更清晰地了解自己的认知方式, 充分发挥自己的潜能, 在日常生活和工作中更加灵活有效地对生态化情境下的视觉信息进行加工处理。在日常生活的中低难度的视觉运动场景中(如过马路、开车、动作类游戏、观看球赛、团体运动等), 场依存型个体可以学习场独立型个体在组织和加工信息时的偏好习惯和方式, 以自身而非环境作为参照, 将动态场景内的视觉信息看作独立、分离的客体, 可以减少无关信息的干扰, 实现对目标的有效注意和追踪; 此外, 运用虚拟现实技术, 可以设计不同难度的视觉动态场景追踪任务或模拟训练游戏, 提高场依存型个体的视觉追踪能力; 在与场认知风格和视觉追踪能力表现相关的认知技能职业选拔中, 涉及中低难度视觉动态场景的工作(如驾驶员、职业比赛裁判、视频监控员、生活中真实场景的导航和虚拟游戏任务中的导航等), 可以选拔场独立型个体从事相关领域的职业, 有助于提高人-机与视觉环境交互效率。在必要的情况下, 也可以对场独立型个体进行训练, 提高其完成较高难度视觉场景任务的能力; 对于高难度和复杂程度的动态视觉场景, 在后续的研究中, 可以通过进一步变化追踪负荷(如目标数量的递增变化)和参考框架难度(如旋转角度的递进变化)进行深入研究, 探讨不同场认知风格个体在完成高难度任务的具体表现情况, 为选拔具有良好复杂视觉运动场景认知加工能力的专业人员提供依据。

本研究对不同场认知风格个体在2D视觉注意追踪任务中的追踪表现进行探讨, 平面的多目标追踪虽然能够考察被试在视觉追踪任务中注意的分配与保持问题, 但与现实情境中人们获取的视觉信息仍然有明显的差别。在未来的研究中, 应当采取三维立体的多目标追踪任务, 更加贴合人们在日常生活中的视觉注意场景。同时, 还可以结合虚拟现实技术, 实现不同场认知风格的人与环境自然交互, 考察更为生态化场景下, 场认知风格对现实和交互环境感知、思维等的影响。此外, 在未来的研究中可以结合眼动仪、脑电、fMRI技术对不同场认知风格个体在追踪任务中的认知与神经机制进行深入探究, 为认识和了解不同场认知风格个体的认知机制及其神经机制提供实证依据。

5 结论


(1)在经典多目标追踪和运动框架突变旋转多目标追踪任务中, 不同场认知风格被试的追踪表现有显著的差异, 两组被试的表现差异受任务难度影响。在任务难度较低(运动参考框架稳定, 目标数量为3和4)和任务难度中等(运动参考框架突变向右旋转20°, 目标数量为4)条件下, 场独立型被试的多目标追踪表现均显著好于场依存型被试。在任务难度较高(运动框架稳定, 目标数量为5以及运动参考框架突变向右旋转40°, 目标数量为4)的条件下, 场独立型被试的追踪优势被削弱, 两组被试的追踪表现无显著差异。

(2)目标数量变化对被试的追踪表现有显著影响。随着目标数量由3至5增多, 被试的追踪成绩显著下降。可能是目标数量的增多增加了被试的认知负荷, 从而影响了被试的追踪正确率。

(3)旋转角度变化影响被试多目标追踪表现。相比运动框架稳定, 运动框架向右突变旋转20°和40°均显著削弱了被试的追踪表现。可能是运动框架突变旋转角度的增大导致动态场景变化的连续信息缺失, 影响被试对目标位置的实时更新, 从而影响了被试的追踪成绩。


Alvarez G.A., &FranconeriS.L, . ( 2007).

How many objects can you track? Evidence for a resource-limited attentive tracking mechanism

Journal of Vision, 7( 13), 1-10.

DOI:10.1167/7.13.14      URL     PMID:17997642      [本文引用: 3]

Much of our interaction with the visual world requires us to isolate some currently important objects from other less important objects. This task becomes more difficult when objects move, or when our field of view moves relative to the world, requiring us to track these objects over space and time. Previous experiments have shown that observers can track a maximum of about 4 moving objects. A natural explanation for this capacity limit is that the visual system is architecturally limited to handling a fixed number of objects at once, a so-called magical number 4 on visual attention. In contrast to this view, Experiment 1 shows that tracking capacity is not fixed. At slow speeds it is possible to track up to 8 objects, and yet there are fast speeds at which only a single object can be tracked. Experiment 2 suggests that that the limit on tracking is related to the spatial resolution of attention. These findings suggest that the number of objects that can be tracked is primarily set by a flexibly allocated resource, which has important implications for the mechanisms of object tracking and for the relationship between object tracking and other cognitive processes.

Bai T., Lyu C., Wei L. Q., Zhou Y. B., & Zhang X. M . ( 2015).

The facilitating effect of target-nontarget categorical difference in identity on multiple identity tracking

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 47( 2), 203-211.

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心理学报, 47( 2), 203-211.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.00203      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Research on Multiple Identity Tracking (MIT) focused on the influence of differences in properties of targets’ and non-targets’ identities on tracking performance and identity recognition. It has been found that the uniqueness of single property, but not compounded property, facilitated tracking performance. However, the uniqueness of compounded property could facilitate tracking performance in the condition where the property guided or oriented attention towards targets. The facilitating effect was also affected by both the complexity of identity information and working memory load. One problem with the previous research is that the same category of stimuli (e.g., either numbers or letters) served as targets and non-targets. The current study involved two categories of stimuli (i.e., 0-9 and A、C、E、K、N、P、R、T、U、Y) and manipulated the differences between targets and non-targets to investigate the effects of differences in targets-nontargets identity on tracking performance and identity recognition. Two experiments had been conducted with undergraduate students using the MIT paradigm. Experiment 1A included three conditions: no identity difference (e.g., both targets and non-targets were the same numbers), within-category difference (e.g., targets and non-targets were different numbers), and between-category difference (e.g., targets were numbers and non-targets were letters). Results showed a significantly greater tracking performance in the between-category difference condition relative to the no identity difference condition, with within-category difference in between. Experiment 1B simultaneously manipulated the identity differences (no difference, within-category difference, between-category difference) and the number of targets (4 vs. 5) and found a significant interaction between the two factors. That is, when there were 4 targets (6 non-targets), tracking performance for between-category difference and within-category difference was better than for no identity difference; when there were 5 targets (5 non-targets), tracking performance for between-category difference was better than for within-category and no identity difference. And tracking performance for within-category difference was significantly better than for no identity difference. Experiment 2 altered the degrees of between-category difference. Non-targets in the third experiment were 5 letters. Targets were 4 letters and 1 number (low-difference condition), 2 letters and 3 numbers (medium-difference condition), and 5 numbers (high-difference condition). We observed that both tracking performance and identity recognition increased with the increasing degree of difference. The results of the two experiments indicated that between-category identity difference between targets and non-targets facilitated tracking performance and identity recognition in the multiple identity tracking task. These results could be explained by the working memory model, grouping theory and Model of Multiple Identity Tracking (MOMIT).

Bergum B.O., & Cooper T. , ( 1977).

Undergraduate self-perceptions of creativity and independence

Perceptual & Motor Skills, 44( 1), 187-190.

DOI:10.2466/pms.1977.44.1.187      URL     PMID:840589      [本文引用: 1]

596 undergraduate students from 7 schools of a major university responded to a group of 20 questions relating to self-perceptions of creativity and independence employed in earlier studies of graduate faculty members and industrial inventors and producers. The hypothesis was that these students would tend to perceive of themselves in terms of popular expectations relating to the schools of their choice. The results indicated that students of architecture, engineering, liberal arts, and science tend to see themselves as significantly more independent, individualistic, and creative than students of business, education, and to some extent, agriculture.

Boccia M., Piccardi L., Di Marco M., Pizzamiglio L., & Guariglia C . ( 2016).

Does field independence predict visuo-spatial abilities underpinning human navigation? Behavioural evidence

Experimental Brain Research, 234( 10), 2799-2807.

DOI:10.1007/s00221-016-4682-9      URL     PMID:27225254      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Field independence (FI) has been defined as the extent to which the individual perceives part of a field as discrete from the surrounding field, rather than embedded in the field. It has been proposed to represent a relatively stable pattern in individuals' predisposition towards information processing. In the present study, we assessed the effect of FI on skills underpinning human navigation. Fifty Healthy individuals took part in this study. FI has been assessed by using the group embedded figures test (GEFT). Participants were also asked to perform several visuo-spatial orientation tasks, including the perspective taking/spatial orientation test (PTSOT), the mental rotation task (MRT) and the vividness task, as well as the Santa Barbara Sense of Direction Scale, a self-reported questionnaire, which has been found to predict environmental spatial orientation ability. We found that performances on the GEFT significantly predicted performances on the PTSOT and the MRT. This result supports the idea that FI predicts human navigation.

Brockhoff A., Papenmeier F., Wolf K., Pfeiffer T., Jahn G., & Huff M . ( 2016).

Viewpoint matters: Exploring the involvement of reference frames in multiple object tracking from a developmental perspective

Cognitive Development, 37, 1-8.

DOI:10.1016/j.cogdev.2015.10.004      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Earlier studies demonstrated that visual tracking of dynamic objects is supported by both scene-based and object-based reference frames, depending on the magnitude of scene displacement (Huff, Jahn, & Schwan, 2009; Liu et al., 2005). The current experiment tests if this pattern also applies to younger participants, i.e. school-age children, by comparing the effects of abrupt scene rotations on tracking performance of multiple dynamic objects in a 3D scene across five age groups (grade 1, 3, 5, 7 and adults). Scene rotations have two consequences: displacement of (1) the whole scene and, (2) individual objects. Tracking accuracy of 123 participants was measured across five age groups (grades 1, 3, 5, 7, and adults). Either 1 or 3 targets moved independently among a total of 8 identical objects for 5s. The scene remained constant or was rotated by 10 or 20 after 3s. Tracking performance of all participants was well above chance level (probability of 0.5) and an age-related increase in performance was observed. Contrasting the two factors revealed that scene rotation had a greater impact on performance than object displacement. Further, the effect of abrupt rotations was independent of age. These findings suggest that allocentric reference frames support attentive tracking across abrupt viewpoint changes and that scene-based tracking is already applied early in human development. Findings are discussed in light of new studies that link MOT to grouping processes (local and global). We propose that scene-based or allocentric processing abilities undergo a similar development as, or are connected to, grouping skills.

Evans C., Richardson J. T. E., & Waring M . ( 2013).

Field independence: Reviewing the evidence

British Journal of Educational Psychology, 83( 2), 210-224.

DOI:10.1111/bjep.12015      URL     PMID:23692531      [本文引用: 1]

BackgroundThe construct of field independence (FI) remains one of the most widely cited notions in research on cognitive style and on learning and instruction more generally. However, a great deal of confusion continues to exist around the definition of FI, its measurement, and the interpretation of research results, all of which have served to limit our understanding of and practice in education.AimsThis study reviews research evidence on FI and highlights key issues to frame a more informed agenda for future research.ArgumentsCaution needs to be exercised over the interpretation of the evidence around FI and field dependence (FD). In tests measuring FI only, it is inappropriate to use the term FD. FI is clearly correlated with measures of spatial ability; however, whether FI is just a measure of perceptual and more specifically spatial ability is a matter of debate. Furthermore, whether FI is just a cognitive ability or a cognitive style is not the central issue, as both can be developed. FI has a significant relationship with aspects of working memory and with other variables. It is especially important in the management and interpretation of complex cognitive tasks.ConclusionsField independence has an important role to play in the navigation of the complex and information-rich learning environments of the 21st century. It is therefore important to move beyond the present narrow focus on FI as a style or trait by acknowledging, embracing, and exploring the complexity of the interaction between individual and contextual variables.

Howard I.P . ( 1982).

Human visual orientation


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Hu L. M., Lyu C., Zhang X. M., & Wei L. Q . ( 2018).

The effect of identity switch in multiple identity tracking

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 50( 1), 9-27.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 胡路明, 吕创, 张学民, 魏柳青 . ( 2018).


心理学报, 50( 1), 9-27.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Huff M., Jahn G., & Schwan S . ( 2009).

Tracking multiple objects across abrupt viewpoint changes

Visual Cognition, 17( 3), 297-306.

DOI:10.1080/13506280802061838      URL     [本文引用: 3]

The reported experiment tested the effect of abrupt and unpredictable viewpoint changes on the attentional tracking of multiple objects in dynamic 3-D scenes. Observers tracked targets that moved independently among identically looking distractors on a rectangular floor plane. The tracking interval was 11 s. Abrupt rotational viewpoint changes of 10°, 20°, or 30° occurred after 8 s. Accuracy of tracking targets across a 10° viewpoint change was comparable to accuracy in a continuous control condition, whereas viewpoint changes of 20° and 30° impaired tracking performance considerably. This result suggests that tracking is mainly dependant on a low-level process whose performance is saved against small disturbances by the visual system's ability to compensate for small changes of retinocentric coordinates. Tracking across large viewpoint changes succeeds only if allocentric coordinates are remembered to relocate targets after displacements.

Huff M., Papenmeier F., Jahn G., & Hesse F. W . ( 2010).

Eye movements across viewpoint changes in multiple object tracking

Visual Cognition, 18( 9), 1368-1391.

DOI:10.1080/13506285.2010.495878      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Observers can visually track multiple objects that move independently even if the scene containing the moving objects is rotated in a smooth way. Abrupt scene rotations yield tracking more difficult but not impossible. For nonrotated, stable dynamic displays, the strategy of looking at the targets' centroid has been shown to be of importance for visual tracking. But which factors determine successful visual tracking in a nonstable dynamic display? We report two eye tracking experiments that present evidence for centroid looking. Across abrupt viewpoint changes, gaze on the centroid is more stable than gaze on targets indicating a process of realigning targets as a group. Further, we show that the relative importance of centroid looking increases with object speed.

Jahn G., Papenmeier F., Meyerhoff H. S., & Huff M . ( 2012).

Spatial reference in multiple object tracking

Experimental Psychology, 59, 163-173.

DOI:10.1027/1618-3169/a000139      URL     PMID:22246062      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Spatial reference in multiple object tracking is available from configurations of dynamic objects and static reference objects. In three experiments, we studied the use of spatial reference in tracking and in relocating targets after abrupt scene rotations. Observers tracked 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 targets in 3D scenes, in which white balls moved on a square floor plane. The floor plane was either visible thus providing static spatial reference or it was invisible. Without scene rotations, the configuration of dynamic objects provided sufficient spatial reference and static spatial reference was not advantageous. In contrast, with abrupt scene rotations of 20 , static spatial reference supported in relocating targets. A wireframe floor plane lacking local visual detail was as effective as a checkerboard. Individually colored geometric forms as static reference objects provided no additional benefit either, even if targets were centered on these forms at the abrupt scene rotation. Individualizing the dynamic objects themselves by color for a brief interval around the abrupt scene rotation, however, did improve performance. We conclude that attentional tracking of moving targets proceeds within dynamic configurations but detached from static local background.

Jia S., Zhang Q., & Li S . ( 2014).

Field dependence-independence modulates the efficiency of filtering out irrelevant information in a visual working memory task

Neuroscience, 278, 136-143.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2014.07.075      URL     PMID:25135352     

Past research has demonstrated that field dependence–independence (FDI) can affect academic performance, selective attention, and working memory. However, the underlying mechanism of how FDI modulates selective attention and working memory is still unclear. Using event-related potential (ERP) techniques, specifically with the contralateral delay activity (CDA), the present study found that the correct response rates and CDA amplitudes in the 2-item and 2-item–2-distractor conditions were comparable for field independence (FI) participants. Field dependence (FD) participants performed worse, and the CDA amplitude was enhanced when distractors appeared. These results indicated that FI participants can filter out task-irrelevant information more efficiently than FD participants. The main difference between FD and FI individuals is their inhibition function.

Jonassen D.H., & Grabowski B.L, . ( 1993).

Handbook of individual differences, learning and institution

. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

[本文引用: 1]

Kagan J. ( 1966).

Reflection-impulsivity: The generality and dynamics of conceptual tempo

Journal Abnormal Psychology, 71( 1), 17-24.

DOI:10.1037/h0022886      URL     PMID:5902550      [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT 3rd-grade children previously classified as either reflective or impulsive were administered a serial learning task under 3 different conditions. After administration of 2 lists, 1 group was told their performance was poor, a 2nd was told that the next lists were difficult, and controls were given no special communication. Impulsive Ss in all groups reported more incorrect words before and after experimental intervention. Reflective boys who were told the next lists were difficult showed the largest increase in incorrect words.

Li H. T., Zhang Y. Q., Wu C. G., & Mei D . ( 2016).

Effects of field dependence-independence and frame of reference on navigation performance using multi-dimensional electronic maps

Personality and Individual Differences, 97, 289-299.

DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2016.03.078      URL     [本文引用: 2]

61The effects of the field dependence on performance multiple tasks were studied.61The interaction effect between field dependence and frame of reference was found.61Field-independent individual showed better performance when using north-up maps.61FI individual had better performance than FD individuals in mental rotation tasks.61There was no difference between FI and FD individuals when they used track-up maps.

Liang J.Y., & Zhang M. , ( 2012).

Cognitive style interacts with constructions in sentence meaning processing

Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 18( 4), 309-314.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 梁君英, 张萌 . ( 2012).


应用心理学, 18, 309-314.]

[本文引用: 1]

Liu G., Austen E. L., Booth K. S., Fisher B. D., Argue R., Rempel M. I., & Enns J. T . ( 2005).

Multiple-object tracking is based on scene, not retinal, coordinates

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 31( 2), 235-247.

DOI:10.1037/0096-1523.31.2.235      URL     PMID:15826227      [本文引用: 2]

This study tested whether multiple-object tracking-the ability to visually index objects on the basis of their spatiotemporal history-is scene based or image based. Initial experiments showed equivalent tracking accuracy for objects in 2-D and 3-D motion. Subsequent experiments manipulated the speeds of objects independent of the speed of the scene as a whole. Results showed that tracking accuracy was influenced by object speed but not by scene speed. This held true whether the scene underwent translation, zoom, rotation, or even combinations of all 3 motions. A final series of experiments interfered with observers' ability to see a coherent scene by moving objects at different speeds from one another and by distorting the perception of 3-D space. These reductions in scene coherence led to reduced tracking accuracy, confirming that tracking is accomplished using a scene-based, or allocentric, frame of reference.

Messick S. .( 1984).

The nature of cognitive styles: Problems and promise in educational practice

Educational Psychologist, 19( 2), 59-74.

[本文引用: 1]

Miyake A., Witzki A. H., & Emerson M. J . ( 2001).

Field dependence-independence from a working memory perspective: A dual-task investigation of the hidden figures test

Memory, 9( 4-6), 445-457.

DOI:10.1080/09658210143000029      URL     PMID:11747594      [本文引用: 1]

Field dependence-independence (FDI) is a construct intensively investigated within cognitive style research, but its cognitive underpinnings are not clearly specified. We propose that performance on FDI tasks primarily reflects the operations of the visuospatial and executive components of working memory. We tested this hypothesis in a dual-task experiment with a commonly used measure of FDI, the Hidden Figures Test. The results showed that performance on this test was impaired by concurrent performance of secondary tasks that primarily tap the visuospatial component (spatial tapping) and the executive component (2-back and random number generation), but was almost unaffected by other secondary tasks (simple tapping and articulatory suppression). Moreover, an analysis of secondary task performance ruled out the possibility of strategic trade-offs and revealed an intriguing dissociation for two different sets of andomness indices for the random number generation task. These results support the hypothesised mapping between FDI and working memory components and suggest that the dual-task paradigm can provide a useful way to bring underspecified constructs like FDI into closer alignment with theoretical ideas developed within cognitive psychology.

Nitzan-tamar O., Kramarski B., & Vakil E . ( 2016).

Eye movement patterns characteristic of cognitive style

Experimental Psychology, 63( 3), 159-168.

DOI:10.1027/1618-3169/a000323      URL     PMID:27404984      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Various tools have been designed to classify the wholistic/analytic cognitive style, based mostly on behavioral data that reveals little about how these processes function. The main goal of this study is to characterize patterns of eye movements (EM) that are typical of learners with tendencies toward wholistic/analytic styles. Forty students completed the E-CSA-W/A test, while their EM were simultaneously monitored. The results revealed that the overall response time of the wholist group was lower in both tasks. The differences in response time between the groups are interpreted as being influenced by impulsive/reflective styles. While the behavioral data provide us with the end result and quantitative differences between the groups, EM provide us with the qualitative information about the process that led to the response. The study showed that the wholist group is characterized by less fixations and transitions than the analytic group, which is interpreted as reflecting use of whole/partial strategy.

Pithers R.T . ( 2002).

Cognitive learning style: A review of the field dependent-field independent approach

Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 54( 1), 117-132.

DOI:10.1080/13636820200200191      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This article reviews the relevant literature in the area of cognitive style as it impacts on individual, vocational and organizational learning. The focus is applied to one specific, well-documented dimension of cognitive style, which has been researched and written about for almost 30 years. This is the domain of field dependence-field independence: a concept that relates to the relatively persuasive way individual learners acquire, structure and process information. It concerns how people perceive, think, solve problems and learn. This approach to cognitive style or so it has been claimed, has implications for the effectiveness of individual and organisational learning. Consequently, the available literature in this area was examined to review the development of current thinking about this concept, as well as to describe and critically evaluate the implications of the outcomes of theory and research in this area for vocational education and training.

Pylyshyn Z.W . ( 2001).

Visual indexes, preconceptual objects, and situated vision

Cognition, 80( 1-2), 127-158.

DOI:10.1016/S0010-0277(00)00156-6      URL     PMID:11245842      [本文引用: 1]

This paper argues that a theory of situated vision, suited for the dual purposes of object recognition and the control of action, will have to provide something more than a system that constructs a conceptual representation from visual stimuli: it will also need to provide a special kind of direct (preconceptual, unmediated) connection between elements of a visual representation and certain elements in the world. Like natural language demonstratives (such as ‘this’ or ‘that’) this direct connection allows entities to be referred to without being categorized or conceptualized. Several reasons are given for why we need such a preconceptual mechanism which individuates and keeps track of several individual objects in the world. One is that early vision must pick out and compute the relation among several individual objects while ignoring their properties. Another is that incrementally computing and updating representations of a dynamic scene requires keeping track of token individuals despite changes in their properties or locations. It is then noted that a mechanism meeting these requirements has already been proposed in order to account for a number of disparate empirical phenomena, including subitizing, search-subset selection and multiple object tracking (Pylyshyn et al., Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 48(2) (1994) 260). This mechanism, called a visual index or FINST, is briefly discussed and it is argued that viewing it as performing a demonstrative or preconceptual reference function has far-reaching implications not only for a theory of situated vision, but also for suggesting a new way to look at why the primitive individuation of visual objects, or proto-objects, is so central in computing visual representations. Indexing visual objects is also, according to this view, the primary means for grounding visual concepts and is a potentially fruitful way to look at the problem of visual integration across time and across saccades, as well as to explain how infants' numerical capacity might arise.

Pylyshyn Z. W. ( 2003). Life and mind. Seeing and visualizing: It's not what you think. Cambridge, MA, US: MIT Press.

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Pylyshyn Z.W., & Storm R.W . ( 1988).

Tracking multiple independent targets: Evidence for a parallel tracking mechanism

Spatial Vision, 3( 3), 179-197.

DOI:10.1163/156856888X00122      URL     PMID:3153671      [本文引用: 6]

Abstract There is considerable evidence that visual attention is concentrated at a single locus in the visual field, and that this locus can be moved independent of eye movements. Two studies are reported which suggest that, while certain aspects of attention require that locations be scanned serially, at least one operation may be carried out in parallel across several independent loci in the visual field. That is the operation of indexing features and tracking their identity. The studies show that: (a) subjects are able to track a subset of up to 5 objects in a field of 10 identical randomly-moving objects in order to distinguish a change in a target from a change in a distractor; and (b) when the speed and distance parameters of the display are designed so that, on the basis of some very conservative assumptions about the speed of attention movement and encoding times, the predicted performance of a serial scanning and updating algorithm would not exceed about 40% accuracy, subjects still manage to do the task with 87% accuracy. These findings are discussed in relation to an earlier, and independently motivated model of feature-binding--called the FINST model--which posits a primitive identity maintenance mechanism that indexes and tracks a limited number of visual objects in parallel. These indexes are hypothesized to serve the function of binding visual features prior to subsequent pattern recognition.

Riding R.& Cheema I. ,( 1991).

Cognitive styles—An overview and integration

Educational Psychology, 11( 3-4), 193-215.

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Riding R.J., & Rayner S. , ( 1998).

Cognitive styles and learning strategies: Understanding style differences in learning and behaviour

London: D. Fulton Publishers.

[本文引用: 1]

Seiffert A.E . ( 2005).

Attentional tracking across display translations

Journal of Vision, 5( 8), 643.

[本文引用: 2]

Song G.W., & Han S.J, . ( 2007).

The inhibitory mechanism of dependent-independent cognitive styles

Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 5( 2), 100-104.

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[ 宋广文, 韩树杰 . ( 2007).


心理与行为研究, 5( 2), 100-104.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Stroop interference paradigm was used to investigate the differences of the inhibitory mechanism between the filed dependenct and filed independenct participants. By using GEFT(group embedded figures test), 28 partic? ipants were selected from 71 university students, and there was equal number of 14 students in both field-de? pendent group and field-independent group. In the experiment, the WinPes Phychological Experimental System was applied to present Stroop task. The results showed:(1)People of field-dependent cognitive style inhibited less efficiently the distracting information than those of independent style.(2)In the Stroop task, automatic pro? cessing of the word colors happened, but the automatic degree was relatively low.

Tombu M., & Seiffert A.E . ( 2011).

Tracking planets and moons: Mechanisms of object tracking revealed with a new paradigm

Attention Perception Psychophysics, 73, 738-750.

DOI:10.3758/s13414-010-0060-z      URL     PMID:4150655      [本文引用: 1]

People can attend to and track multiple moving objects over time. Cognitive theories of this ability emphasize location information and differ on the importance of motion information. Results from several experiments have shown that increasing object speed impairs performance, although speed was confounded with other properties such as proximity of objects to one another. Here, we introduce a new paradigm to study multiple object tracking in which object speed and object proximity were manipulated independently. Like the motion of a planet and moon, each target–distractor pair rotated about both a common local point as well as the center of the screen. Tracking performance was strongly affected by object speed even when proximity was controlled. Additional results suggest that two different mechanisms are used in object tracking—one sensitive to speed and proximity and the other sensitive to the number of distractors. These observations support models of object tracking that include information about object motion and reject models that use location alone.

Wang C. D., Zhang X. M., Li Y. N., & Lyu C . ( 2016).

Additivity of feature-based and symmetry-based grouping effects in multiple object tracking

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 657.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00657      URL     PMID:4854980      [本文引用: 1]

The notion that visual attention can operate over visual objects in addition to spatial locations has recently received much empirical support, but there has been relatively little empirical consideration of what can count as an 'object' in the first place. We have investigated this question in the context of the multiple object tracking paradigm, in which subjects must track a number of... [Show full abstract]

Wang Y.Z., & Ou Y.L . ( 2004).

The influence of different cognition styles of University students to figure reasoning level--And concurrently discusses the function of personality in the cognitive process

Psychological Science, 27( 2), 389-391.

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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6981.2004.02.041      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wei L. Q., Liu B., Zhang X. M., & Zhao X . ( 2013).

The effects of multiple object tracking difficulty on nontargets inhibition

Journal of Psychological Science, 36( 5), 1093-1100.

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[ 魏柳青, 刘冰, 张学民, 赵霞 . ( 2013).


心理科学, 36( 5), 1093-1100.]

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Witkin H.A., & Goodenough D.R . ( 1981).

Cognitive styles: essence and origins. Field dependence and field independence

Psychol Issues, 51, 1-141.

URL     PMID:7012884      [本文引用: 1]

Witkin HA, Goodenough DR.

Witkin H. A., Moore C. A., Goodenough D. R., & Cox. P. W . ( 1977).

Field-dependent and field-independent cognitive styles and their educational implications

Review of Educational Research, 47( 1), 1-64.

DOI:10.1002/j.2333-8504.1975.tb01065.x      URL     [本文引用: 5]

The field dependent and field independent cognitive styles are described in detail and a characterization of cognitive styles in general is given. The literature from four areas of interest to educators, in which the implications of the field dependent and field independent cognitive styles have been examined, are reviewed. These areas are: How students learn; how teachers teach; how teachers and students interact; how students make their educational-vocational choices and perform in the area of their choice. (116pp.)

Witkin H. A., Oltman P., Raskin E.,& Karp S. A. ,( 1971) . A manual for the embedded figures test. California: Consulting Psychologists Press.

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Yantis S. ( 1992).

Multielement visual tracking: Attention and perceptual organization

Cognitive Psychology, 24( 3), 295-340.

[本文引用: 1]

Yue P. F., Li T. X., & Bai X. J . ( 2012).

Individuals of field dependence-independence cognitive style in three-dimensional mental rotation tasks showed differences in neural efficiency: Evidence from slow cortical potentials

Psychological Exploration, 32( 6), 531-535.

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[ 岳鹏飞, 李寿欣, 白学军 . ( 2012).


心理学探新, 32( 6), 531-535.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-5184.2012.06.010      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Zhang L.F . ( 2004).

Field-dependence/independence: Cognitive style or perceptual ability? -- Validating against thinking styles and academic achievement

Personality and Individual Differences, 37( 6), 1295-1311.

DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2003.12.015      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In individual differences psychology, one of the long-standing debated issues has been focusing on the nature of the field-dependence/independence construct as defined in Witkin’s theory of psychological differentiation––the pioneer work in the study of intellectual styles. The present study examines the nature of the field-dependence/independence construct against academic achievement as well as against the thinking style construct as defined in Sternberg’s theory of mental self-government. Participants were 200 (154 female and 46 male) students enrolled in a large comprehensive university in Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China. Participants responded to the Group Embedded Figures Test and the Thinking Styles Inventory. Students’ academic achievements were also examined in relation to their field-dependence/independence (FDI) and thinking style scores. Major findings are (1) the FDI and the thinking style constructs were unrelated; and (2) whereas particular thinking styles were related to the students’ overall achievement in mathematics courses and courses in the Chinese language, the FDI scores were related only to students’ achievement in geometry. It was concluded that the field-dependence/independence construct represents perceptual ability, but not a broad cognitive style.

Zhao X.N., & You X.Q . ( 2007).

The experimental research about the influence of field cognition mode on mental rotation

Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 13( 4), 334-340.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 赵晓妮, 游旭群 . ( 2007).


应用心理学, 13( 4), 334-340.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6020.2007.04.008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

采用2个2×2×6三因素混合设计实验,以图形和数字为实验材料,探讨能反应个体能力水平差 异的场认知方式对心理旋转的影响。两个实验结果均表明:(1)场认知方式的主效应显著,场独立性的被试比场依存性的被试反应时短,且正确率高;两类被试的 反应时、正确率曲线具有一致的变化趋势;(2)图形和数字的心理旋转反应时呈倒“V”形状,反应时随着旋转角度的增加而增加,180°时反应时最长,以 180°为界,曲线两侧的变化趋势对称;(3)正确率随着旋转角度的增加而降低,呈现“V”状,180°时正确率最低,曲线两侧的变化趋势对称。

Zheng Y.H., & Shi L.C . ( 2015).

The impact of field-independent and field-dependent cognitive styles on road scene observing: an eye movement study

Medical Journal of Communication, 29( 2), 131-134.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 郑月红, 施利承 . ( 2015).


交通医学, 29( 2), 131-134.]

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Zhou J. F., Zhou C. P., Li J. S., & Zhang M . ( 2015).

Cognitive style modulates conscious but not unconscious thought: Comparing the deliberation-without-attention effect in analytics and wholists

Consciousness and Cognition, 36, 54-60.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2015.05.018      URL     PMID:26069938      [本文引用: 1]

Unconscious thought theory (UTT) suggests that conscious thinking is less effective in complex decision-making than unconscious thinking. However, little research has taken individual differences (e.g., cognitive style) into account. Using an adapted UTT paradigm, the present study compared the performances of individuals with a wholist or an analytic cognitive style in both conscious and unconscious thought conditions. After viewing information regarding four hypothetical phones, participants in the conscious thought condition deliberated for three minutes before rating the phones, while participants in the unconscious thought condition were distracted with a 2-back task for three minutes before rating. The results showed that wholists were equally good at differentiating good and bad phones after conscious or unconscious thought, whereas analytics performed well only when thinking unconsciously. The modulation effect of cognitive style appeared only in conscious thought. Implications for UTT and the understanding of cognitive style are discussed.


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