ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(7): 750-760 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00750



江群1,2, 卢珊1, 张茜1, 王争艳,1

1 首都师范大学心理学院, 首都师范大学儿童发展研究中心, 北京市“学习与认知”重点实验室, 北京 100048;

2 中国人民大学附属中学深圳学校, 广东 深圳 518119

The influence of maternal encouragement of autonomy on toddler’s exploration: Moderating effect of attachment

JIANG Qun1,2, LU Shan1, ZHANG Qian1, WANG Zhengyan,1

1 College of Psychology, Center for Child Development, Learning and Cognitive Key Laboratory, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China

2 The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China Shenzhen School, Shenzhen 518119, China

通讯作者: 王争艳,

收稿日期: 2017-07-7   网络出版日期: 2018-07-15

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金.  31470994
* 北京市社会科学基金项目资助.  15JYB016

Received: 2017-07-7   Online: 2018-07-15

作者简介 About authors

卢珊和江群为共同第一作者。 。


探索行为是婴幼儿从外部环境获取信息、促进认知发展的重要方式和途径。本研究采用家庭半结构观察和实验室陌生情境技术考察66名14个月母婴对中母亲的鼓励自主水平、儿童依恋类型与学步儿探索行为的关系。结果发现:在控制家庭社会经济地位(SES)及儿童气质困难度后, (1)母亲鼓励自主显著正向预测探索操作总频次、探索操作种类、探索坚持性; (2)儿童依恋类型显著负向预测探索操作总频次, 正向预测探索操作平均时长; (3)学步儿依恋类型可以显著地调节母亲鼓励自主对学步儿探索能力的作用, 表现为母亲鼓励自主行为能显著正向预测安全型依恋学步儿的探索能力; 当学步儿为不安全依恋时, 母亲鼓励自主行为对婴儿探索能力的预测作用不显著。 结论:母亲鼓励自主行为能够促进婴幼儿的探索行为, 且儿童依恋安全性对这一影响具有一定的促进作用。

关键词: 学步儿 ; 探索行为 ; 母亲鼓励自主 ; 依恋


Exploratory behavior, derived from one’s motor development, is an important way for infants to obtain information from external environment. Exploration is generally associated with adaptive developmental outcomes, especially cognitive abilities. Although there have been a great number of studies on exploration, most of which focused on the informational value afforded by novel objects, individual differences and different stages of exploration. The environmental factors, more specifically, the maternal behaviors have been obtained little attention. However, two distinctive theories posit mother’s behavior plays a significant role in infant’s exploration, attachment theory and self-determination theory. According to attachment theory, the attachment system and the exploratory system are two distinct yet inseparably linked behavioral systems, and the attachment system contributes to the quality of infant exploration by providing the infant a secure base from which to explore. Self-determination theory argues that infant’s exploration is driven by his/her intrinsic motivation. Individuals will be most intrinsically motivated when the environment supports their need for autonomy, rather than controlling their behavior. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine influence of maternal encouragement of autonomy on 14-month toddler’s exploration and the moderating role of attachment in the relationship between maternal encouragement of autonomy and toddler’s exploratory behavior.

Sixty-six toddlers (M = 14.77 months, SD = 0.99) and their mothers participated in the study. Toddlers’ attachment status was assessed by the Strange Situation procedure in the laboratory. A semi-structure family observation was conducted in the next 2 to 4 weeks. Each toddler was shown three novel objects placing on the floor and requested to explore them for 6 minutes. The toddler’s exploration as well as maternal encouragement of autonomy was videotaped and coded.

Results were as follows: after controlling for children’s temperament and family socioeconomic status, (1) maternal encouragement of autonomy positively predicted toddler’s total frequencies of exploratory operations, types of exploratory operations and exploratory persistence; (2) mother-infant attachment negatively predicted toddler’s total frequencies of exploratory operations, and positively predicted toddler’s average duration of exploratory operations; (3) the influence of maternal encouragement of autonomy on toddler’s exploratory competence was significantly moderated by the pattern of attachment. Specifically, the prediction of maternal encouragement of autonomy on toddler’s exploratory competence was significant when the child established a security attachment, while for the insecure infants, this prediction was nonsignificant.

These results indicated that maternal encouragement of autonomy could significantly promote toddler’s exploratory behavior. Toddler’s secure attachment played a significant role in the relationship between maternal encouragement and toddler’s exploration. It highlighted the importance of establishing a secure attachment relationship, which was directly linked to the effectiveness of mother’s positive parenting behaviors.

Keywords: toddler ; exploratory behavior ; maternal encouragement of autonomy ; attachment

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江群, 卢珊, 张茜, 王争艳. 母亲鼓励自主与学步儿的探索行为:依恋的调节作用. 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(7): 750-760 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00750

JIANG Qun, LU Shan, ZHANG Qian, WANG Zhengyan. The influence of maternal encouragement of autonomy on toddler’s exploration: Moderating effect of attachment. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(7): 750-760 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00750

1 前言

婴幼儿探索行为起源于自身动作发展, 是他们从外部环境获取信息、促进认知发展的重要方式和途径(Lobo, Galloway, & Heathcock, 2015)。通过探索个体能够获得“关于自身及环境的信息”并积极解决问题(Grotevant, 1992)。早期探索对婴幼儿的认知发展和社会适应性的重要性不言而喻。众多研究也揭示了这一点, 如6、7个月婴儿对物体的探索动作与他们对物体特征的感知能力有关(Baumgartner & Oakes, 2013); 9个月婴儿的爬行能力及对物体的探索均与他们的心理旋转能力有关(Schwarzer, Freitag, & Schum, 2013); 2~3岁儿童的探索与他们的言语发展有关(Hellendoorn et al., 2015)。尽管大量研究揭示了学步儿早期探索对后期认知发展的影响, 但鲜有研究探讨母亲养育行为对儿童探索的影响。自我决定理论和依恋理论分别指出养育中母亲的鼓励自主行为与母婴依恋会对学步儿的探索行为产生影响, 本研究将从这两大理论出发, 尝试探讨母亲鼓励自主与母婴依恋对学步儿探索行为的作用及机制, 以期为早期父母养育提供恰当的指导性建议。

1.1 学步儿的探索行为

Hutt (1970)指出探索行为是儿童在新异刺激的吸引下集中注意力、接近、触摸和进行试探性活动的现象。刚出生的婴儿可能只能进行视觉探索。后期婴幼儿通过嘴咬、抓等更多动作, 认识物体大小、温度、纹理和形状等各种特征(Ruff, 1989)。在出生后第一年, 婴幼儿用大量时间来探索物体, 并逐渐学会够取、抓握和操作不同的物体。这些探索行为能够促进他们的注意(Lobo et al., 2015)、接受性和表达性语言(Hellendoorn et al., 2015)以及感知系统发展(Ruff, 1989)。明确婴幼儿如何掌握这一技能以及这一过程的影响因素是发展领域的重要内容。以往研究者指出1岁末时儿童的探索操作会从相对随意的动作开始转变成认知定向的功能性活动(Gibson, 1988)。多数研究者探讨了这一变化过程, 但较多关注物体信息价值的作用(Baumgartner & Oakes, 2013), 较少涉及家庭因素尤其是母亲行为的影响。事实上, 母亲是影响学步儿行为最重要的因素(Gutman & Feinstein, 2010)。毋庸置疑, 母亲的养育行为与儿童早期探索很可能存在密切联系。考虑到1岁末学步儿已开始表现出一定的认知导向探索活动, 本文主要探讨14个月学步儿的探索行为与母亲养育行为之间的关系。

1.2 母亲鼓励自主与探索行为

母亲鼓励自主行为最早是由Deci和Ryan (2010)在自我决定理论(Self-determination Theory, SDT)中提出的。人类行为受自主动机激发, 是这一理论的核心。Palmer等(2013)对SDT理论下儿童的自我决定行为进行了大量探究, 指出虽然儿童在早期并不能完全进行自我决定, 但这一行为却起源于早期发展, 是毕生发展的。对儿童早期而言, SDT理论认为婴幼儿的探索行为是内部动机最直接的表现, 如果外部对个体的自主需求给予支持而非控制时, 个体的内部动机会得到最大程度激发, 进一步促进他们的探索行为。当父母与孩子一起完成问题解决任务时, 自主性支持行为可能包括提供反馈、积极鼓励及提供暗示和建议等(Grolnick, Gurland, DeCourcey, & Jacob, 2002)。有关儿童的SDT理论研究证实了这一观点, 即自主性支持与内部动机间存在一定关联(Grolnick, Frodi, & Bridges, 1984)。Joussemet, Landry和Koestner (2008)的综述研究证实了母亲鼓励自主能够促进婴幼儿的内部动机和内化。根据SDT理论, 我们可以推测, 在母亲提供自主性支持的外部环境中, 学步儿的内部动机将得到最大程度激发, 会表现出更多的探索行为。然而, 这一结论是否正确有待进一步验证。虽然已有文献指出父母的鼓励自主对儿童探索、掌握动机等有重要作用(Schieche & Spangler, 2005), 但是并未直接深入探讨母亲鼓励自主与婴幼儿探索行为的关系。少数相关研究中, Henderson (1984)发现提供指导的支持性条件比单纯的兴趣关注更能激发3~7岁儿童的探索行为。Grolnick等(1984)的追踪研究发现自主导向母亲的孩子在游戏中会表现出更好的坚持性和探索能力。据此, 我们可以推测母亲鼓励自主能够促进婴幼儿的探索行为。结合SDT理论, 我们假设:母亲鼓励自主对学步儿的探索行为具有直接促进作用。

1.3 母婴依恋与探索行为

著名依恋理论家Bowlby (1982)指出依恋系统和探索系统既相互补充又相互抑制。从进化角度讲, 前者为学步儿提供了保护机制或安全基地, 后者为学步儿提供了生存优势。这样既确保了学步儿通过向依恋对象寻求亲近而得到保护, 又能通过探索从环境中进行学习。相关研究支持依恋安全性能够促进个体的探索行为(丁艳华, 2012)。Whipple, Bernier和Mageau (2011)则指出在探索中面临可能会引起恐惧或痛苦的刺激或挑战时, 依恋安全型学步儿会向母亲寻求安慰, 之后继续探索; 而矛盾型易表现愤怒或消极行为; 回避型则不会寻求母亲抚慰, 继续维持探索活动。可见, 不同依恋类型儿童的探索行为差异明显。遗憾的是, 以往研究多从探索行为的量上进行探讨, 关注具体行为类别的频次和时长(Soska & Adolph, 2014), 缺乏质的比较。少数研究者甚至发现探索行为的量化指标与婴幼儿的认知发展和坚持性并无关联, 而探索行为的质化指标却与之密切相关(Jennings, Harmon, Morgan, Gaiter, & Yarrow, 1979)。Jennings及其同事(1979)进一步指出量化指标(如操作物体的总时间)是所有婴幼儿能力范围之内的表现(如简单的敲或摇晃物体), 质化指标则要求儿童表现更多技能(如表现出适应物体特性的探索行为)或集中注意力(如探索行为的持续性, 要求儿童表现对某个物体持久的注意)。可见, 探索行为的质化指标较之量化指标更能体现个体探索的差异性。对此, 本文借鉴前人研究中设置情境的家庭观察法, 对14个月学步儿的探索行为从探索操作总频次、探索操作平均时长、探索操作种类、探索坚持性以及探索能力五个维度进行质和量的分析, 以期更为全面系统地探究依恋对探索行为产生的具体影响。由于安全型依恋学步儿把母亲当作“安全基地”, 在探索中可能会比不安全型更专注、灵活地探索物体的功能, 以获取更多的信息, 在有限时间内探索操作持续的平均时间也会更长。因此我们假设, 母婴依恋安全性能够促进个体表现出更高质量的探索行为, 具体表现为:一定时间内探索行为持续的平均时长、探索坚持性以及探索能力上, 安全依恋学步儿要显著高于不安全型学步儿。

1.4 依恋与母亲鼓励自主的关系

Ainsworth, Blehar,‎ Waters和Wall (1978)将依恋安全性定义为个体寻求亲近和完成探索之间的一个恰当平衡表现。据此, Whipple等人(2011)从探索—依恋两方面分别探讨了母亲自主性支持和母亲敏感性对依恋的预测作用, 发现母亲自主性支持不仅与依恋安全性呈显著正相关(r = 0.32), 还能预测5%的依恋安全性变异。遗憾的是, 他们并没有直接考察儿童的探索行为。据此可知, 母亲鼓励自主会对依恋安全性产生影响。反过来, 母婴依恋状态是否会影响探索过程中儿童对母亲鼓励自主的反应呢?以往研究指出即使是在一个挑战性环境中, 个体对母亲支持的信任程度与他们表现出更多、更好的探索行为有关(Grossmann, Grossmann, Kindler, & Zimmermann, 2008)。Dujardin, Bosmans, De Raedt和Braet (2015)发现当儿童为安全型依恋时, 其对母亲的信任程度较高, 因而在中等危险程度的环境中比不安全型依恋儿童更自由地探索。可见, 母婴安全型依恋有助于提高儿童对母亲支持的信任程度, 从而促进探索。换言之, 母亲鼓励自主主要是母亲为满足儿童自主需求提供的支持行为, 儿童对其的信任程度可能会受到母婴依恋关系的影响。这一影响是否会进一步对母亲鼓励自主与儿童探索行为的关系产生作用也是本文关注的问题之一。根据Grusec和Davidov (2010)的领域特殊性理论, 儿童在社会化过程中存在五大重要领域:保护领域、互惠领域、控制领域、群体参与领域和指导性学习领域。从养育特殊性来看, 母亲敏感性和依恋同属于同一保护领域。而母亲鼓励自主旨在满足孩子的自主需求, 包括提供反馈、暗示和建议等(Grolnick et al., 2002)。我们推测, 由于依恋和母亲鼓励自主分属于不同养育领域, 依恋更可能在鼓励自主与探索之间起调节作用, 即探讨依恋安全性在母亲鼓励自主预测儿童探索行为中的调节作用。人类发展的“保护因子-保护因子模型”认为, 不同保护因子在预测发展结果时可能存在两种交互作用模式假说:促进假说和排除假说(鲍振宙, 张卫, 李董平, 李丹黎, 王艳辉, 2013)。如果促进假说成立, 母亲鼓励自主更能显著促进安全型个体的探索行为而非不安全型的, 这时培养母婴之间的安全依恋就至关重要, 这样母亲的鼓励自主才能最大程度地促进婴幼儿的探索行为; 如果排除假说成立, 母亲鼓励自主更能显著促进不安全型的探索行为而非安全型的, 此时应该更多的关注不安全型个体, 积极提高母亲的鼓励自主行为, 从而促进孩子的探索行为。

综上, 本研究从自我决定理论和依恋理论出发, 将从母亲鼓励自主和母婴依恋两个维度考察母亲行为对14月学步儿探索行为的直接影响; 同时对依恋在母亲鼓励自主行为对儿童探索行为预测中的调节作用进行探讨。由于不少研究指出儿童的气质困难度不仅与母亲的养育行为有关(Kochanska & Kim, 2013), 而且还与儿童的探索行为相关(van den Boom, 1994), 故在本研究将婴儿气质困难度作为控制变量。明确这些不仅有助于促进人们对早期养育中母亲行为对学步儿探索行为的影响有更清楚的认识和理解, 而且将有助于母亲根据自身特点恰当地调整养育行为, 进一步推动婴幼儿的认知和社会适应性发展, 具有深远和具体的指导意义。

2 方法

2.1 参与者

参与者来自首都师范大学儿童发展研究中心的一项追踪研究项目。在北京多个社区的儿童保健中心招募了6个月健康学步儿家庭96名, 均签署了知情同意书后在实验室完成了婴儿气质问卷。随后的追踪中有12个家庭因为联系方式变更、已离开北京、第一次参与婴儿哭闹严重等原因退出研究。本研究取样于该项目中学步儿14个月时参与研究的79个家庭, 其中, 75名学步儿在实验室完成了陌生情境程序, 4人因哭闹或不适应未能完成实验; 68名学步儿在家中完成了探索行为的家庭观察, 其母亲在家中均完成了鼓励自主评估, 另11户因时间冲突、住址变迁等未能完成家庭观察。剔除母亲鼓励自主变量中偏离平均数三个标准差之外的数据后, 最终纳入分析的被试为66对母婴。学步儿平均年龄为14.77月(SD = 0.99), 男28名, 女38名。母亲平均年龄为30.76岁(SD = 3.69)。87.8%的母亲和76.6%的父亲为本科及以上学历, 46.8%的母亲和81.0%的父亲收入均在6000元及以上。北京城区中24~39岁年龄段的母亲具有大学本科及以上教育水平的比例为55.6%, 本研究中母亲这一受教育程度比例大大超过了北京城区的样本分布情况(National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2011)。参加本研究的儿童与参加追踪项目但是没有参加本研究的被试相比在母亲年龄、父母受教育程度及父母收入上并无显著性差异。

2.2 研究程序

学步儿14个月时来实验室参加陌生情境实验, 并填写社会人口学信息。实验室程序结束后2~4周内进行家庭观察。

陌生情境实验室观察:学步儿14月大时, 邀请每对母婴来实验室进行Ainsworth陌生情境观察程序, 共8个情节, 主要为:母亲与学步儿自由游戏(情节1, 2, 3)、陌生实验者与学步儿自由游戏(情节3, 7) 、学步儿与母亲分离(情节4, 6)以及学步儿与母亲重聚(情节5, 8), 每阶段持续3 min。全程录像并与母亲约好后期家庭观察时间(林青等, 2014)。

探索行为家庭观察:实验室观察后2~4周内, 征得母亲同意, 两名实验员入户进行家庭观察。请母亲把孩子带到日常玩耍的房间, 实验者逐一提供能够刺激婴幼儿多种感官的三个玩具:螺丝和螺母组合、玩具琴以及形状屋。指导语为“请妈妈坐在宝宝的旁边, 除了极力要求您回应之外, 尽量不要主动参与到宝宝的探索活动当中。每个玩具持续2 min, 共6 min”。

半结构母子互动家庭观察:探索行为观察结束后, 请母亲与学步儿进行15 min自由互动, 实验者逐一提供水果切切看、炊具和无字布书三个玩具。指导语为“请妈妈像平时那样和宝宝一起玩玩具, 每个玩具5 min, 共15 min”。

2.3 研究工具

2.3.1 家庭基本信息

在婴儿6个月时母亲填写《家庭基本信息调查表》, 以收集儿童的性别、年龄、母亲生育年龄、家庭收入水平以及父母受教育程度等基本的人口统计学信息和家庭安排信息。其中, 父母家庭收入为7点评分(从1“月薪1500以下”至7“月薪20000以上”), 父母受教育程度为7点评分(从1“小学水平”至7“硕士及以上”)。参考Laranjo和Bernier (2013)的文献计算SES, 即SES为父母受教育水平与父母收入标准化后的平均数。

2.3.2 婴儿气质问卷–修订版

采用中文修订版 《婴儿气质问卷–修订版》(Revised Infant Temperament Questionnaire, RITQ) (张劲松, 沈理笑, 许积德, 陆雪奇, 张松友, 2000)中构成气质困难度的5个分量表, 该问卷由Carey和McDevitt等人于1978年依据Thomas和Chess的儿童气质理论编制而成。由母亲在婴儿6个月时填写, 采用1~6等级评定。该问卷一共包括由95个条目构成的9个分量表。气质困难度主要由活动水平、趋避性、适用性、反应强度、情绪本质5个分量表构成, 共55个条目。气质困难度的计算方法是这55个条目的平均值, 其得分越高, 表示儿童消极气质特点越突出(Stright, Gallagher, & Kelley, 2008)。问卷内部一致性系数为0.83, 重测信度为0.66~0.81。本研究中的内部一致性α系数为0.736。

2.3.3 陌生情境编码手册

采用Ainsworth和Bell (1970)的陌生情境编码手册评估学步儿的依恋类型。实验历时20~30 min。分别对陌生情境中学步儿的交互行为(寻求亲近和接触、维持接触、反抗和回避)和依恋类型进行编码和判断。根据学步儿在情境中指向母亲的行为模式将其分为安全、回避和矛盾三种类型。由经过统一培训的3名研究人员对依恋类型进行定性编码, 本研究由3名编码者随机抽取10%的录像建立编码者一致性, 编码者一致性系数(Kappa系数)为0.83。

2.3.4 学步儿探索行为编码表

参考Bradley-Johnson, Johnson, Swanson和Jackson (2004)对婴幼儿12种探索行为的精细划分, 确定了本研究的17种探索操作行为(见表1)。结合Frodi, Bridges和Grolnick (1985)对探索坚持性和探索能力的评价方法, 从以下五方面编码探索行为:

表1   婴幼儿17种具体探索操作行为表


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(1)探索操作总频次:学步儿在6 min内发出17类具体探索操作的频次之和;

(2)探索操作平均时长:学步儿在6 min内发出14类具体探索操作(其中倒换、扔、松手放三类是瞬间动作, 故只记录行为频次, 不记录行为时长)的时长之和与频次之和的比值;

(3)探索操作种类:学步儿在6 min内发出17类具体探索操作的类别之和, 同一操作重复出现只记录一次, 比如“推”在三个玩具中均出现了, 都计为1, 表示只有一类操作, 如果除了“推”还有“敲”, 那么就计为2;

(4)探索坚持性:以学步儿的注意力在玩具上集中的时间长度为指标, 将6 min内学步儿在三个玩具上注意力集中的时长之和作为探索坚持性得分;

(5)探索能力:探索成功频次与探索未成功频次的加权和, 前者权重为2, 后者为1。探索成功与否主要指是否按照玩具本身的功能进行操作, 比如打开形状屋屋顶就是一次成功探索, 如果努力后没能打开, 就是探索未成功, 记录下尝试打开的次数。

其中, 探索操作总频次、探索操作平均时长是探索行为的量化指标, 分别记录的是单一具体操作行为的频次和花费的平均时间, 探索操作种类、探索坚持性和探索能力分别表现的是学步儿探索行为的丰富程度、注意力坚持以及对物体信息量是否搜集充分等方面的考察, 是探索行为的质化指标。由2名编码者经过系统培训, 采用事件取样法对探索行为录像编码, 编码一致性(相关系数)为0.74。

2.3.5 母亲鼓励自主行为编码

采用Liu, Chen, Zheng, Chen和Wang (2009)的《母子互动行为编码方案》评估学步儿母亲的鼓励自主水平。该方案中包含两个维度:母亲对儿童自主性的鼓励和母亲对儿童联结的鼓励。后者主要指直接用来处理儿童人际关系的养育行为, 包括儿童与他人的合作、情感亲密程度/情感交流以及身体/行为亲近。本研究中使用的是前者, 即母亲鼓励儿童自主性分量表。母亲鼓励自主行为主要指母亲促进儿童主动性和自发性的所有言语或者非言语行为, 包括:鼓励儿童开始自我导向的活动, 如母亲说:“哇, 有好多玩具可以玩, 你为什么不去玩呢”; 鼓励儿童持续独立的自我导向的活动, 如儿童正在玩卡车, 母亲说:“你做得真棒”; 鼓励或允许儿童自己做出决定, 如母亲说:“这么多玩具, 你想先玩哪个呢”。

对半结构亲子互动家庭观察中的“水果切切看”、“炊具”两个情境共10 min编码母亲鼓励自主。采用事件取样法记录母亲发出鼓励自主行为的总频次。由两名接受培训的编码者随机抽取15%样本得到编码者一致性(相关系数)为0.80。

2.4 数据分析

采用SPSS 22.0软件进行描述性统计、相关分析和调节效应检验。

3 结果

3.1 初步分析

本研究中, 陌生情境程序有效被试为62人, 其中安全型46人(男19, 女27)、回避型8人(男4, 女4)、反抗型8人(男2, 女6)。由于后两者人数较少, 合并为不安全型。由于家庭社会经济地位(Social Economical Status, SES)不同提供的外在探索环境的丰富程度不同, 故在进行相关分析时将其作为协变量。将婴儿气质困难度、SES设为控制变量, 儿童依恋类型按照虚拟变量处理, 对各变量进行偏相关分析1(由于样本量较小, 为了减少犯I类错误的几率和最大化效果量, 本文采用重复抽样1000次的方法(bootstraping)进行验证得到相似结果, 故报告原始数据结果。)。各研究变量的描述性分析及偏相关分析结果见表2

表2   各变量的描述性分析和偏相关分析(N = 66)

变量1234567M ± SDMin~Max
1. 探索操作总频次(次)188.95 ± 23.951.72~3.94
2. 探索操作平均时长(秒)-0.54***12.02 ± 0.5439.77~141.36
3. 探索操作种类(类)0.42***-0.14112.61 ± 1.590.67~3.44
4. 探索坚持性(秒)0.48***-0.120.38**1244.80 ± 42.648.00~17.00
5. 探索能力0.14- ± 12.06133.00~300.00
6. 母亲鼓励自主(次)0.28*-0.110.35**0.29*0.12137.31 ± 13.080.00~47.00
7. 儿童依恋类型-0.35**0.37**0.11-0.23+0.15-0.081
SES-0.01 ± 0.72-2.00~1.00
气质困难度3.19 ± 0.451.72~3.94

注:儿童依恋类型为0、1二分变量, 0为不安全型, 1为安全型, 下同。

*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, +p < 0.10, 双侧检验, 下同。

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结果表明, 儿童依恋类型与探索操作总频次(rpartial = -0.35, p < 0.01)呈显著负相关, 与探索操作平均时长(rpartial = 0.37, p < 0.01)呈显著正相关。此外, 结合独立样本t检验结果:安全型与不安全型在探索操作总频次(t = -2.62, p < 0.05)、探索操作平均时长(t = 2.39, p < 0.05)存在显著性差异。可知安全依恋婴儿的探索操作平均时长(M = 2.13)高于不安全型的(M不安 = 1.77), 但是探索操作总频次(M = 84.89)显著低于不安全型的(M不安 = 102.38)。说明安全型在具体探索操作上比不安全型个体更深入, 平均持续时间更长。虽然不安全依恋婴儿探索操作总频次显著超过了安全型, 由于安全型探索操作种类的平均数略高于不安全型, 后者很可能表现出部分单调重复的探索操作。儿童依恋类型与探索坚持性(rpartial = -0.23, p < 0.10)呈边缘显著负相关, 说明不安全型依恋者在进行探索时坚持的时间比安全型依恋者更长。

母亲鼓励自主与探索操作总频次(rpartial = 0.28, p < 0.05)、探索操作种类(rpartial = 0.35, p < 0.01)和探索坚持性(rpartial = 0.29, p < 0.05)均呈显著正相关。可见, 母亲鼓励自主程度高, 个体探索行为总频次就更高、表现出来的探索行为类别也更丰富、坚持程度也更高。下面对儿童依恋类型在母亲鼓励自主对探索行为预测中的调节作用进行分析。

3.2 儿童依恋类型对母亲鼓励自主预测婴儿探索行为的调节效应分析

采用分层回归考察儿童依恋类型在母亲鼓励自主与学步儿探索行为中的调节效应。以学步儿探索行为的5个维度为因变量, 儿童依恋类型按照虚拟变量处理, 将SES、气质困难度作为第一层控制变量进入方程; 随后将母亲鼓励自主和依恋类型作为第二层变量进入方程; 接着将母亲自主性与儿童依恋类型标准化后的乘积项作为第三层变量进入方程, 采用偏差校正的百分位Bootstrap法计算标准化回归系数。结果见表3

表3   儿童依恋类型对母亲鼓励自主预测学步儿探索行为的调节效应分析(N = 62)



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根据Aiken和West (1991)的程序, 对调节效应进一步做简单斜率检验, 结果见图1。结果显示, 当学步儿为安全型依恋时, 母亲鼓励自主行为能显著正向预测学步儿探索能力作用 (βsimple = 6.22, SE = 0.38, p < 0.05), 相较于母亲低鼓励自主, 高鼓励的学步儿探索能力增加了6.22个单位; 当学步儿为不安全依恋时, 母亲鼓励自主行为对婴儿探索能力的预测作用不显著(βsimple = -0.23, SE = 0.03, ns)。可见, 母亲鼓励自主行为能够进一步提高安全型依恋儿童的探索能力, 而当儿童为不安全型依恋时, 母亲鼓励自主行为对其探索能力并无显著影响。


图1   依恋类型对母亲鼓励自主与学步儿探索能力的调节作用

4 讨论

6个月大的婴儿已是一个积极又复杂的探索者, 他们充满活力地在各种行为组合中快速转换以便获取信息(Lobo, Kokkoni, de Campos, & Galloway, 2014)。Grossmann等人(2008)强调母亲的早期养育行为在一定程度上为婴儿更好地探索环境奠定了坚实的基础。本文主要探讨了早期养育中母亲的鼓励自主及母婴依恋对学步儿探索行为的影响, 及依恋在母亲鼓励自主与学步儿探索能力关系中的调节效应, 部分符合本研究最初的假设。下面将针对上述结果展开详细讨论。

4.1 母亲鼓励自主与学步儿探索行为的关系

偏相关分析表明母亲鼓励自主与探索操作总频次、探索操作种类和探索坚持性三个维度均呈显著正相关。控制SES、儿童气质困难度后, 母亲鼓励自主能够显著正向预测这三个维度。结果与假设吻合, 验证了母亲鼓励自主行为能够促进学步儿的探索行为。根据SDT理论, 探索行为是儿童内部动机的直接表现形式, 外部自主需求得到满足后能更大程度激发个体的内部动机, 进而表现出更高水平的探索行为(Ludlow, 2010)。母亲的鼓励自主主要指母亲为鼓励儿童的选择、目标及独立完成解决问题的养育行为(Grolnick & Ryan, 1989), 包括母亲采用儿童视角、尊重儿童自身节奏, 确保孩子在完成任务过程中发挥自主能动性(Matte-Gagné, Bernier, & Lalonde, 2015)。这些行为在一定程度上满足了学步儿的自主需求, 提高了他们的内部动机, 使其在探索过程中表现更好。以往研究也证实了母亲鼓励自主与儿童的内在动机密切相关(Grolnick et al., 1984)。Vig (2007)指出个体的内在动机与他们自发的好奇心及渴望掌控有关, 而探索行为正是这一动机的体现。可见, 母亲鼓励自主对儿童探索行为的直接促进作用可能是通过激发个体的内在动机得以实现的。本研究结果显示与低鼓励自主水平母亲的孩子相比, 高鼓励自主水平母亲的孩子在探索中表现出更高频、丰富的探索操作, 注意力也更专注。这从质和量上证实了母亲鼓励自主能够促进婴幼儿的探索行为, 为SDT理论提供了支持依据。

4.2 儿童依恋类型与学步儿探索行为的关系

本研究发现安全型与不安全型学步儿在探索操作总频次和探索操作平均时长上存在显著性差异。其中, 儿童依恋类型与探索操作总频次呈显著负相关, 与探索操作平均时长呈显著正相关。结果证实了本文的部分假设。说明了安全依恋者在具体探索操作上比不安全者平均持续时间更长, 但探索总频次则不如不安全者高。这一结果可能是受依恋内部工作模式的影响。Grossmann等人(2008) 依据依恋安全性观点, 提出了“探索安全性”概念, 区分了“安全型探索”和“不安全型探索”, 指出“安全型探索”是对物体或任务进行自信、专注、热切以及灵活多变的探索。他们认为安全依恋的个体已经形成内部工作模式, 具体表现为在必要时可得到照料者的照顾, 在探索中需投入更少的认知资源去控制照看者。这种释放资源的方式, 是一种“安全的探索”, 它能保证孩子进行更多的探索, 促进自控力的发展。Sroufe (2005)的研究支持了这个观点:安全型依恋的儿童处理问题时会表现出更强的持久性和灵活能力来调整冲动以适应情境需求。因此, 安全依恋者进行的是安全型探索, 他们会在探索中投入更多认知资源, 更耐心, 探索操作持续的平均时间更长; 而不安全型者则将部分认知资源用来控制照看者, 故在探索中易分心, 频繁更换探索操作, 在具体操作上持续平均时间较短, 是一种不安全型探索表现。可见, 探索操作平均时长可能比探索操作频次更能反映个体的依恋质量。儿童依恋类型与探索坚持性呈边缘显著负相关, 提示不安全型依恋儿童在探索中比安全型的注意集中时间更长, 这可能是前者采取的一种适应性分心策略, 即为了适应母亲的不确定, 将注意力转移到对探索物体的关注。本研究并未发现安全型依恋的探索能力显著高于不安全型, 考虑到婴幼儿在6、7个月时才与母亲产生特殊情感联结, 约1岁形成对母亲的依恋(Ainsworth et al., 1978), 这一关系对探索行为的实质影响可能需更长时间才得以表现。正如Gutman和Feinstein (2010)指出, 时间是父母养育行为与儿童发展结果两者关系中的一个重要因素, 一些父母的养育行为可能并不具有同时效果, 而与儿童后期的社会性和动作发展存在纵向关联。未来研究可进一步对多个时间点进行观察, 考察依恋与探索行为间的动态作用, 从而揭示两者关系的本质。

4.3 母亲鼓励自主与儿童依恋类型对探索行为的作用机制分析

需要指出的是本文并未发现母亲鼓励自主与母婴依恋存在显著正相关, 与Whipple等(2011)的结果并不一致。原因可能来自两方面:一是测量方式上的偏差, 二是母亲鼓励自主行为存在文化差异。Whipple等人采用AQS评估母婴依恋, 本文采用经典陌生情境实验。鼓励自主的评估方式也有差异, 前者采用的是5等级评定法, 本文则是事件取样法编码行为。其次, 鉴于西方国家更重视鼓励自主(Greenfield, Suzuki, & Rothstein-Fisch, 2006), 我国更强调母亲的鼓励联结而非鼓励自主(Liu et al., 2009)。这说明: 在我国, 母亲的鼓励自主在养育中表现相对更少, 可能导致其在依恋关系建立中起不到关键作用。另外, 受中国传统文化中对父母权威和孩子顺从行为的推崇, 我国父母的爱多表现在“管”孩子的行为中, 一些研究者还发现这种“管”的行为特质与父母教养方式中的温暖维度显著正相关(Bond, 1998)。Chen等人(2000)也发现母婴依恋与母亲的专制型态度显著相关。这些研究揭示了相比母亲鼓励自主, 母亲的专制型教养方式或与“管”类似的控制行为可能更会显著影响母婴依恋关系。今后有必要对母亲鼓励自主行为进行跨文化对比, 以揭示其中的原因。

值得注意的是, 本文发现母亲鼓励自主与儿童依恋类型在探索能力上存在显著交互作用。简单斜率检验表明, 母亲鼓励自主能显著正向预测安全型而非不安全型学步儿的探索能力。可知, 母亲鼓励自主更能显著促进安全型依恋的探索行为而非不安全型的, 符合促进假说。一个可能的解释是依恋关系影响了儿童对母亲的信任, 进而影响了他们对母亲鼓励自主行为的接纳。Corriveau等(2009)指出婴儿期的依恋安全性会影响幼儿对母亲的信任。Dujardin等(2015)进一步发现安全型依恋儿童对母亲提供支持的信任程度较高, 在中等危险程度的环境中能比不安全型更自由地探索。显然, 在探索中当母亲表现出鼓励自主行为时, 安全型儿童因为对母亲提供支持有较高的信任程度, 会更愿意接纳这一支持行为, 从而更有效地探索。不安全型恰好相反, 他们对母亲提供支持持怀疑态度, 往往更易拒绝或忽视母亲的鼓励自主。这种差异反过来又影响了她们的孩子在探索行为上的表现。由此可见, 依恋安全性在母亲鼓励自主对学步儿探索行为的促进作用中具有保护功能。McElwain和Booth-LaForce (2006)指出母婴依恋的保护作用在学步儿早期尤其突出。从本文结果来看, 在婴幼儿早期培养母婴之间的安全依恋至关重要, 这样母亲的鼓励自主才能最大程度促进婴幼儿的探索行为。Hughes (2017)指出, 不评价儿童、换位思考及积极接纳儿童等方式都能有效提升母亲与不安全依恋儿童间的信任程度。对于不安全型儿童而言, 如果能提升他们对母亲的信任程度则有助于其积极接纳母亲的鼓励自主, 促进高质量探索行为的发展。

4.4 研究意义与局限

毋庸置疑, 早期探索对儿童认知发展是至关重要的。通过探讨母亲养育行为对儿童探索的影响及依恋的作用, 对于促进婴幼儿认知发展具有重要意义。以往关于婴幼儿探索的研究多关注新异刺激的特点、个体差异等, 对探索行为的影响因素、尤其是母亲行为影响的研究少之又少。本研究揭示了母亲鼓励自主能有效促进学步儿的探索行为, 而依恋安全性可能会在一定程度上保护母亲鼓励自主对探索行为的促进作用。本研究拓展了母子互动与儿童发展结果关系的研究, 并对母亲如何采用科学方法促进婴幼儿的探索行为具有一定的实践意义。

然而, 本研究也存在一些不足。首先, 学步儿的探索是一个复杂的、动态现象, 不可避免的会受到多种因素的影响, 如儿童的舒适状态和能力水平、知识获得及外在强化等(Schulz & Bonawitz, 2007)。本文从母婴两方面出发, 探讨的是母亲鼓励自主与母婴依恋对学步儿探索行为的影响; 对学步儿身体健康状况等自身特征及家庭环境的作用, 尤其是学步儿自身可能会对探索行为产生更重要影响的一些心理品质或人格特点(如冒险性、好奇心等特征)没有进行考察和控制。同时, 由于参加家庭中较多由祖辈陪同照料婴幼儿, 本研究也未对可能的祖辈依恋加以控制, 今后可以在了解母婴依恋和祖辈依恋的基础上, 进一步比较母亲与祖辈的鼓励自主对学步儿探索行为的作用。其次, 由于篇幅所限, 本文没有对探索行为各个维度进行细致对比, 尤其是区分安全探索和不安全探索的维度差异, 并对这两类不同探索类型的儿童其母亲行为的差异进行比较。这些都是未来研究值得关注和改善的方面。最后, 由于本研究中多数母亲受教育水平较高, 使得结论的推广受到了一定局限; 并且本研究只考察了学步儿14个月一个时间点的探索行为, 未来有必要进行多个时间点的追踪研究, 以更好地理解母亲行为与探索之间的关联。

5 结论


(2)安全型依恋的个体在探索过程中的探索平均时长高于不安全型, 但是探索总频次低于不安全型。

(3) 依恋安全性能够保护母亲鼓励自主行为对探索行为的促进作用:当个体是安全依恋时, 母亲鼓励自主行为能够积极促进他们的探索能力, 而个体为不安全依恋时, 这一促进作用并不明显。


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The concepts of attachment and attachment behavior are considered from an ethological-evolutionary viewpoint. Attachment behavior and exploration are viewed in balance, and the biological functions of each are discussed. As an illustration of these concepts, a study is reported of 56 white, middle-class infants, 49-51 weeks of age, in a strange situation. The presence of the mother was found to encourage exploratory behavior, her absence to depress exploration and to heighten attachment behaviors. In separation episodes such behaviors as crying and search increased. In reunion episodes proximity-seeking and contact-maintaining behaviors were heightened. In a substantial proportion of Ss, contact-resisting behaviors were also heightened in the reunion episodes, usually in conjunction with contact-maintaining behaviors, thus suggesting ambivalence. Some Ss also displayed proximity-avoiding behavior in relation to the mother in the reunion episodes. These findings are discussed in the context of relevant observational, clinical, and experimental studies of human and nonhuman primates, including studies of mother-child separation. In conclusion, it is urged that the concepts of attachment and attachment behavior be kept broad enough to comprehend the spectrum of the findings of this range of studies.

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We examined the relation between 6- and 7-month-old infants' (N = 60) manual activity with objects during free play and their perception of the features of dynamic, multimodal events. Infants were habituated to a single event in which a hand reached for and manipulated a colorful, multifeatured object, and a sound was heard (e.g., a hand squeezed a purple round object, causing a whistling sound) and then their response to events that involved a change in the appearance of the object, the action, or the sound was assessed. Infants responded least to changes in the appearance of the objects, and their sensitivity to this feature was related to their manual activity with objects during free play. Infants' responding to changes in the sound or action was unrelated to motor activity, suggesting that at this age motor achievements related to object exploration are associated with infants' perception of some, but not all, object features.

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This study examined perceived parental styles and psychosocial adjustment in 97 Hong Kong Chinese late adolescent girls, using culturally sensitive measures of parenting (warmth, restrictive control, and attributes related to the Chinese philosophy of guan or "training"), and of adjustment. Parenting characteristics associated with guan showed coherence, correlated significantly with parental warmth, and predicted well-being. Contrary to the suggestions of other investigators, restrictive control related negatively to self-esteem and well-being. Maternal control and paternal warmth emerged as important parent style variables in relating to adaptation, and exercized their effects on well-being partly through the mediating agency of self-esteem and relationship harmony. This preliminary study provides an empirical investigation of the impact exercized by a culturally specific dimension proposed for Chinese parenting, and highlights the importance of using culturally sensitive measures of adaptation.

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Focuses on a study which compared the exploratory behaviors used by infants who were congenitally blind and infants with normal vision. Background of the study population; List of exploratory behaviors used by infants; Similarities and differences between blind and sighted infants.

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The purpose of the study was to examine how maternal authoritative and authoritarian attitudes were manifested in mother-child interactions and relationships in Chinese culture. A sample of 2-year-old children and their mothers (N = 166) in Beijing and Shanghai, People's Republic of China, participated in the study. Information on maternal child-rearing attitudes and mother-child attachment relationships was obtained from mothers' reports. Data concerning maternal parenting strategies, child behaviours, and child reactions to maternal reunion were collected from observations. The results indicated that maternal authoritative attitudes were associated with low power parenting strategies, whereas maternal authoritarian attitudes were associated with enforcement and prohibitory strategies. It was also found that maternal attitudes were associated with child behaviours through the mediation of parenting strategies. However, maternal attitudes might contribute uniquely to mother-child relationships, over and above maternal behaviours. The study provided evidence on the internal coherence of authoritative and authoritarian patterns and their differential significance for child development in urban China.

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There is increasing interest in attachment-related social information processing, including children's attentional processing of information regarding the attachment figure. Previous research in middle childhood revealed evidence for a stronger attentional focus toward mother in children with less secure attachment expectations. However, the implication of this attentional focus for children's exploration has not been explored. This study tested the hypothesis that this attentional focus toward mother occurs at the expense of attentional exploration of the environment. Ninety children, aged 8-12, completed questionnaires assessing trust in maternal support, watched a video that induced mild fear of dogs, and completed a dot probe computer task assessing attentional processing of simultaneously presented pictures of mother and pictures of the threatening stimulus (i.e., dogs). Less trust in maternal support was linked to a stronger attentional focus toward the mother pictures versus the dog pictures. These results suggest that, in the presence of mother, children with more secure attachment expectations are better able to freely explore a mildly threatening environment. (PsycINFO Database Record

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The present study examined correlates of mastery-related across the infant's second year of life. Maternal control style was quantified on a control to support-of-autonomy continuum, infant-mother attachment was assessed in the Strange Situation, and mastery-related was observed in a toy play session at 12 and 20 months. Infants whose mothers were supportive of their autonomy displayed greater task-oriented persistence and competence during play than did infants of more controlling mothers; securely attached and avoidant infants tended to exhibit greater persistence at tasks than anxious-ambivalent babies, and ambivalent babies were the most negative in affect.

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Reviews empirical and conceptual milestones in the literature (1896–1987) on exploratory behavior. Three developmental phases, which are linked to perceptual development, to development of action, and to cognitive development, in the 1st yr of life are suggested and analyzed. Phase 1, the neonate phase, is followed by Phase 2 at 4–5 mos, in which infants pay attention to affordances and distinctive features of objects. Phase 3 involves ambulatory exploration. The author argues that evolution has provided infants with action and sensory systems that equip them to discover the world. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

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Cultural pathways through human development

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For some children, the cultural climate within their homes derives from the dominant cultural climate and mirrors it. For other children, the cultural climate of the home may differ quite significantly from the cultural climate of society at large, such as in the case of recently immigrated families from many foreign countries. Our foundational theme is that many children in the United States (and other immigrant-receiving countries) are raised in home cultures that place a higher relative value on interdependence as a goal of development than does the dominant surrounding culture, in which independence is more highly valued. Value systems oriented toward interdependence derive from families' ancestral cultures, often Latin American, Asian, African, Native American, or Native Hawaiian. A cultural orientation towards independence yields one pathway through universal developmental issues; a cultural orientation towards interdependence yields a different one. In societies where the independence orientation is dominant (such as the United States), these diverging pathways can cause children and families with a more interdependent home culture to be caught in a conflicting cross-current of socializing influences. Because of the large number of immigrant and native families in the United States, such conflict constitutes a significant social problem. Our chapter begins by summarizing cultural and cross-cultural research worldwide that documents the interdependent and independent pathways of development. It proceeds to document the clash of these cultural pathways through human development in the United States. Based on this body of evidence, we formulate suggestions to pediatricians, social workers, and other professionals concerning ways to lessen the human cost of these cross-cultural value conflicts. Finally, we describe and evaluate interventions designed to reduce cross-cultural value conflict in the lives of children growing up in a multicultural society.

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This study examined the effects of contextual and individual differences on mothers' autonomy support versus control on homeworklike tasks. Sixty mothers and their third-grade children worked on map and poem tasks, with mothers in either an ego-involving (high pressure) or a non-ego-involving (low pressure) condition. Later, children worked on similar tasks themselves. Mothers in the high-pressure condition were more controlling on the poem task. For the map task, mothers who came in with controlling styles and received the high-pressure manipulation were most controlling. Children whose mothers interacted in a more controlling manner wrote less creative when alone. Results suggest the importance of context, children's competence levels, and mothers' styles in determining levels of autonomy support.

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Three dimensions of parent style--autonomy support, involvement, and provision of structure--were studied using 64 mothers and 50 fathers of children in grades 3 through 6. Focus was on defining parental influences on children's school-related adjustment and performance. The three aspects of home environment were differentially associated with varied school outcomes. (SLD)

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A wider view of attachment and exploration: The influence of mothers and fathers on the development of psychological security from infancy to young adulthood

In J. Cassidy & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications (2nd ed., pp. 857-879). New York, NY, US: Guilford Press.

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ABSTRACT Here we advocate a broad perspective on attachment and exploration, as influenced by children's experiences with both mothers and fathers. For each issue we discuss, we present studies exploring the influence of fathers alongside those exploring the influence of mothers. In this chapter, the concept of "security of exploration" as a companion to secure attachment is introduced. We define "secure exploration" in the early years as confident, attentive, eager, and resourceful exploration of materials or tasks, especially when a child is facing disappointment. We begin this chapter by discussing the concept of secure exploration in greater detail. In the next section, we review studies showing that both a secure child-mother attachment and a father's sensitive and challenging support of a child's exploration influence the child's (and, later, the adolescent's) secure exploration of cognitive challenges. An interesting corollary is also discussed: An increasing number of studies provide evidence that a secure child-mother attachment and a supportive father-child relationship are associated with less gender-stereotypic behavior in both girls and boys. In the subsequent section, we review research exploring the relation between secure child-parent relationships and a child's resourceful transition and adaptation to new social as well as intellectually challenging situations in which the parents are not present. These situations include transitions into and adaptation to preschool, kindergarten, later school grades, and college. The last section addresses three issues: (1) the under-emphasized effects of fathers on children's relationships with close friends and siblings; (2) the influence of parent-child relationships during infancy, childhood, and adolescence on young adults' attachment and partnership representations, in our north German longitudinal study; and (3) the present status of the wider view of attachment, including security of exploration and the unique contributions of mothers and fathers to general psychological security. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

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Assigned and chosen identity components: A process perspective on their integration

In G. R. Adams, T. P. Gullotta, & R. Montemayor (Eds.), Advances in adolescent development, Vol. 4. Adolescent identity formation( pp. 73-90). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT in this chapter, I have drawn a distinction between (a) components of identity that arise out of choices made available to individuals in their social contexts and (b) components of identity over which individuals have no choice but around which they must construct meaning / in order for the identity literature to address issues such as coherence of personality and continuity over time, it is critical that we identify the similarities and differences in the identity process for assigned and chosen components and that we then understand conceptually how the different components of identity fit together into a whole / adoptive identity was used as an example of an assigned component, and several avenues by which assigned and chosen components of identity might interact were proposed "chosen" identity: structure and process / "assigned" identity: the case of adopted children / interaction of assigned and chosen components of identity (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Grusec, J. E. &Davidov, M. , ( 2010).

Integrating different perspectives on socialization theory and research: A domain- specific approach

Child Development, 81( 3), 687-709.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01426.x      URL     PMID:20573097      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract There are several different theoretical and research approaches to the study of socialization, characterized by frequently competing basic tenets and apparently contradictory evidence. As a way of integrating approaches and understanding discrepancies, it is proposed that socialization processes be viewed from a domain perspective, with each domain characterized by a particular form of social interaction between the object and agent of socialization and by specific socialization mechanisms and outcomes. It is argued that this approach requires researchers to identify the domain of social interaction they are investigating, to understand that phenotypically similar behaviors may belong to different domains, and to acknowledge that caregivers who are effective in one type of interaction may not be effective in another.

Gutman, L.M., &Feinstein L. , ( 2010).

Parenting behaviours and children’s development from infancy to early childhood: Changes, continuities and contributions

Early Child Development and Care, 180, 535-556.

DOI:10.1080/03004430802113042      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This study investigated trajectories of parenting behaviours and children’s development from infancy to early childhood, associations between parenting behaviours and children’s development and how these associations vary according to socioeconomic indicators. Mothers and children were examined from an ongoing longitudinal study of families resident in the geographic area of Avon in the UK. Using growth curve modelling, four waves of data were examined when the children were 6–42 months old. Findings suggest that timing is an important factor in the relationship between parenting and children’s development. The positive association between mother–child interactions and children’s development was evident 12 months later, whereas engagement in outside activities had both concurrent and later positive associations with children’s development. Maternal education was also highlighted as a significant moderator suggesting that interactive parenting may have a protective role for children whose mothers have lower education.

Hellendoorn A., Wijnroks L., van Daalen E., Dietz C., Buitelaar J. K., & Leseman P . ( 2015).

Motor functioning, exploration, visuospatial cognition and language development in preschool children with autism

Research in Developmental Disabilities, 39, 32-42.

DOI:10.1016/j.ridd.2014.12.033      URL     PMID:25635383      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract In order to understand typical and atypical developmental trajectories it is important to assess how strengths or weaknesses in one domain may be affecting performance in other domains. This study examined longitudinal relations between early fine motor functioning, visuospatial cognition, exploration, and language development in preschool children with ASD and children with other developmental delays/disorders. The ASD group included 63 children at T1 (Mage = 27.10 months, SD = 8.71) and 46 children at T2 (Mage = 45.85 months, SD = 7.16). The DD group consisted of 269 children at T1 (Mage = 17.99 months, SD = 5.59), and 121 children at T2 (Mag e= 43.51 months, SD = 3.81). A subgroup nested within the total sample was randomly selected and studied in-depth on exploratory behavior. This group consisted of 50 children, 21 children with ASD (Mage = 27.57, SD = 7.09) and 29 children with DD (Mage = 24.03 months, SD = 6.42). Fine motor functioning predicted language in both groups. Fine motor functioning was related to visuospatial cognition in both groups and related to object exploration, spatial exploration, and social orientation during exploration only in the ASD group. Visuospatial cognition and all exploration measures were related to both receptive and expressive language in both groups. The findings are in line with the embodied cognition theory, which suggests that cognition emerges from and is grounded in the bodily interactions of an agent with the environment. This study emphasizes the need for researchers and clinicians to consider cognition as emergent from multiple interacting systems. Copyright 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Henderson, B.B . ( 1984).

Parents and exploration: The effect of context on individual differences in exploratory behavior

Child Development, 55, 1237-1245.

DOI:10.2307/1129993      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Three studies investigated: the effect of parent involvement on the exploratory behaviors of children rated as high-, moderate-, or low-explorers; whether maternal presence increased the exploration of low-exploratory children, decreased the exploration of high-exploratory children, or both; and whether maternal presence or mother/child interaction was responsible for the absence of assessment-level effects in studies 1 and 2. (RH)

Hughes D. A. ( 2017).

Building the bonds of attachment: Awakening love in deeply traumatized children

Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield.Hutt, C.( 1970). Specific and diversive exploration. In Advances in child development and behavior (Vol. 5, pp. 119-180). New York: Academic Press.

[本文引用: 2]

Jennings K. D., Harmon R. J., Morgan G. A., Gaiter J. L., & Yarrow L. J . ( 1979).

Exploratory play as an index of mastery motivation: Relationships to persistence, cognitive functioning, and environmental measures

Developmental Psychology, 15( 4), 386-394.

DOI:10.1037/0012-1649.15.4.386      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abstract To measure exploratory play at 1 yr of age, 41 middle-class infants were observed in a free-play setting. In a separate session, 11 structured tasks assessed the infants' persistence in mastering tasks. In a 3rd session, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development were given. As part of another study, home observations were available for 40 of the infants at 1 yr of age and for 23 of the infants at 6 mo of age. Measures of quantitative aspects of exploratory play showed no relationship to persistence or cognitive development; however, measures indexing the quality of exploratory play did. In addition, environmental measures at both 6 and 12 mo were related to exploratory play at 1 yr, particularly to the production of perceptual effects; but some of these findings were opposite to those expected. Results suggest that the quality of exploratory play, rather than the quantity, is a better index of underlying mastery motivation. In addition, the widely accepted assumption of a link between the amount of general exploration and cognitive ability needs to be reexamined. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Joussemet M., Landry R., &Koestner R . ( 2008).

A self- determination theory perspective on parenting

Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 49( 3), 194-200.

DOI:10.1037/a0012754      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT This article describes research on parenting that supports children's need for autonomy. First, the authors define parental autonomy support and distinguish it from permissiveness or independence promotion. The authors also define psychologically controlling parenting and distinguish it from behavioral control (structure). Second, the authors present studies examining how parental autonomy support promotes healthy development. Indeed, clear and consistent positive effects arise from different types of studies, conducted with children of various ages. Parent observation studies suggest that parental autonomy support is associated with infants' motivation and toddlers' internalization. Parent interview studies reveal that an autonomy-supportive parental attitude relates to children's adjustment at school. Children self-report studies demonstrate a clear link between perceptions of parental autonomy support and psychosocial functioning amongst adolescents. Third, the correlates and precursors of parental psychological control and autonomy support are presented, with a special focus on parents' trust in their children's ability to develop in an autonomous manner. Finally, ideas for future research are suggested. Although self-determination theory is not strictly a developmental theory, it seems highly pertinent to the socialization of children, their internalization and development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Kochanska, G., &Kim S. , ( 2013).

Difficult temperament moderates links between maternal responsiveness and children’s compliance and behavior problems in low-income families

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54( 3), 323-332.

DOI:10.1111/jcpp.12002      URL     PMID:23057713      [本文引用: 1]

Background: Research has shown that interactions between young children’s temperament and the quality of care they receive predict the emergence of positive and negative socioemotional developmental outcomes. This multimethod study addresses such interactions, using observed and mother-rated measures of difficult temperament, children’s committed, self-regulated compliance and externalizing problems, and mothers’ responsiveness in a low-income sample.Methods: In 186 thirty-month-old children, difficult temperament was observed in the laboratory (as poor effortful control and high anger proneness), and rated by mothers. Mothers’ responsiveness was observed in lengthy naturalistic interactions at 30 and 33 months. At 40 months, children’s committed compliance and externalizing behavior problems were assessed using observations and several well-established maternal report instruments.Results: Parallel significant interactions between child difficult temperament and maternal responsiveness were found across both observed and mother-rated measures of temperament. For difficult children, responsiveness had a significant effect such that those children were more compliant and had fewer externalizing problems when they received responsive care, but were less compliant and had more behavior problems when they received unresponsive care. For children with easy temperaments, maternal responsiveness and developmental outcomes were unrelated. All significant interactions reflected the diathesis-stress model. There was no evidence of differential susceptibility, perhaps due to the pervasive stress present in the ecology of the studied families.Conclusions: Those findings add to the growing body of evidence that for temperamentally difficult children, unresponsive parenting exacerbates risks for behavior problems, but responsive parenting can effectively buffer risks conferred by temperament.

Laranjo, J, &Bernier A , ( 2013).

Children's expressive language in early toddlerhood: Links to prior maternal mind-mindedness

Early Child Development and Care, 183( 7), 951-962.

DOI:10.1080/03004430.2012.699964      URL    

This study examines the prospective links between early maternal mind-mindedness, including references to different types of mental states, and child subsequent expressive vocabulary. Eighty-four mother–infant dyads took part in two assessments. At one year of age, maternal mind-mindedness was assessed during mother–child free play in the home, and at two years, mothers completed the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory to evaluate children's expressive vocabulary. Maternal mind-mindedness was related to children's expressive language, above and beyond family socio-economic status. Specifically, only maternal comments on child cognitions were related to children's expressive language. The findings suggest that maternal mind-mindedness is relevant to understanding children's language development while highlighting the importance of considering the exact nature of mind-related comments.

Lin Q., Wang Z. Y., Lu S., Liang X., He Q., Wang Z., & Hu R. S . ( 2014).

Internal working models of toddlers: A bridge from maternal sensitivity to toddlers’ attachment Behaviors

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 46(3), 353-366.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 林青, 王争艳, 卢珊, 梁熙, 贺琼, 王朝, 胡若时 . ( 2014).

从母亲的敏感性到学步儿的依恋安全性: 内部工作模式的桥梁作用

心理学报, 46( 3), 353-366.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.00353      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Internal working models are based on young children’s expectations for the behavior of their attachment figures that develop into broader representations of their relational experiences, and decision rules about how to interact with others. These internal working models are thought to influence the child’s subsequent processing of social experiences and allow the child to anticipate, plan for, and adapt to his or her social world. Current research studies largely concentrated on the internal working models of attachment in childhood and adulthood; very little inquiry has been conducted on internal working models of preverbal infants and toddlers. It was not until 2007 that a study by Johnson, Dweck and Chen had found evidence for infants’ internal working models of attachment using a habituation paradigm. In addition, some theorists and researchers have indicated that maternal sensitivity is associated with internal working models in childhood; and also it has been suggested that maternal sensitivity may affect toddler’s attachment status. Therefore, internal working models may play an important role in relationship between maternal sensitivity and toddler’s attachment status. However, there is inadequate research on maternal sensitivity and internal working models in infancy. The present study explored the relationship between toddlers’ attachment status, maternal sensitivity and internal working models of toddlers. We hypothesized that toddlers of different attachment status might have unique patterns of expectations about their mother’s responsive behavior, and the expectations might correspond to maternal sensitivity in caregiver-infant interactions. Forty-one toddlers (M = 14.01 months, SD = 0.81) and their mothers from middle class backgrounds participated in the study. A visual habituation study using abstract animations with separation and reunion events was conducted to test a part of the toddlers’ internal working models—their expectations of a caregiver’s responsiveness. Toddlers’ attachment status was assessed by the Strange Situation procedure. Maternal sensitivity in caregiver–toddler interactions was measured by Maternal Behavior Q-Sort. The data was analyzed using repeated-measure analysis of variance, chi-square analyses, paired t tests, q-factor analysis and LCA. Results were as follows: (1) Toddlers’ expectations of a caregiver’s responsiveness depended on their own attachment status: insecure toddlers expected their caregivers to withhold comfort; (2) Toddlers’ expectations of a caregiver’s responsiveness depended on their mother’s behavior: the toddlers of Self-centered mothers expected caregivers to be unresponsive; (3) The results found by LCA indicated that there were two types of attachment system: Category 1, the toddlers of Child-centered mothers tended to expect their caregivers to be responsive, and showed secure attachment behaviors. Category 2, the toddlers of Self-centered mothers tended to expect their caregivers to be unresponsive, and showed insecure attachment behaviors in Strange Situation procedure. These results indicated that it was effective to using a visual habituation procedure to measure internal working models of preverbal toddlers. The claims that toddlers’ internal working models play an important role in the relationship between maternal sensitivity and toddler’s attachment status can be supported. If we want to change the attachment status of toddlers through their internal working models, we should pay attention to the behavior of their mothers.

Liu M. W., Chen X. Y., Zheng S. J., Chen H. C., & Wang L . ( 2009).

Maternal autonomy- and connectedness-oriented parenting behaviors as predictors of children's social behaviors in China

Social Development, 18( 3), 671-689.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9507.2008.00501.x      URL     [本文引用: 2]

The purpose of the study was to examine the contributions of maternal encouragement of autonomy and maternal encouragement of connectedness to the prediction of children's social behaviors. A sample of children (N = 94), initially aged two years, and their mothers in China participated in the two-year longitudinal study. Child autonomy and connectedness and maternal goal-oriented behaviors were assessed at two years of age through the observation of mother child interactions. Data on children's social participation, prosocial behavior, aggression, and organization/leadership in peer interactions were collected in a follow-up study when the children were four years of age. It was found that maternal encouragement of connectedness significantly predicted children's sociability and organization/leadership behavior, especially for children who were relatively high on autonomy. The results indicated the developmental significance of socialization goal-oriented behaviors in cultural context.

Lobo M. A., Galloway J. C., & Heathcock J. C . ( 2015).

Characterization and intervention for upper extremity exploration & reaching behaviors in infancy

Journal of Hand Therapy, 28( 2), 114-125.

DOI:10.1016/j.jht.2014.12.003      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Lobo M. A., Kokkoni E., de Campos A. C., & Galloway J. C . ( 2014).

Not just playing around: Infants’ behaviors with objects reflect ability, constraints, and object properties

Infant Behavior and Development, 37( 3), 334-351.

DOI:10.1016/j.infbeh.2014.05.003      URL     PMID:24879412      [本文引用: 1]

This study describes infants behaviors with objects in relation to age, body position, and object properties. Object behaviors were assessed longitudinally in 22 healthy infants supine, prone, and sitting from birth through 2 years. Results reveal: (1) infants learn to become intense and sophisticated explorers within the first 6 months of life; (2) young infants dynamically and rapidly shift among a variety of behavioral combinations to gather information; (3) behaviors on objects develop along different trajectories so that behavioral profiles vary across time; (4) object behaviors are generally similar in supine and sitting but diminished in prone; and (5) infants begin matching certain behaviors to object properties as newborns. These data demonstrate how infants learn to match their emerging behaviors with changing positional constraints and object affordances.

Ludlow, B. ( 2010).


Teaching Exceptional Children, 43( 2), 6.

DOI:10.1177/004005991004300101      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Matte-Gagné C., Bernier A., & Lalonde G . ( 2015).

Stability in maternal autonomy support and child executive functioning

Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24( 9), 2610-2619.

DOI:10.1007/s10826-014-0063-9      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of early and current maternal autonomy support, and of its stability over time, in predicting child executive functioning (EF). Seventy-eight mother hild dyads participated in two visits when children were aged 15months (T1) and 3years (T2), allowing for the assessment of maternal autonomy support (T1 and T2) and child EF (T2). The results showed that autonomy support at 15months and the average level of autonomy support displayed by the mothers between 15months and 3years were significant predictors of child EF, whereas current autonomy support was not. Group comparison techniques showed that children of mothers who displayed low autonomy support at both 15months and 3years performed the worst on EF. These results speak to the relevance of using multiple assessments of parenting behavior when examining its impact on child cognitive development.

McElwain, N.L., &Booth-LaForce C, , ( 2006).

Maternal sensitivity to infant distress and nondistress as predictors of infant-mother attachment security

Journal of Family Psychology, 20( 2), 247-255.

DOI:10.1037/0893-3200.20.2.247      URL     PMID:16756400      [本文引用: 1]

In considering Bowlby's (1969/1982) conceptualization of attachment as a "biobehavioral safety-regulating system," Goldberg, Grusec, & Jenkins (1999) proposed that maternal sensitivity to infant distress may be particularly relevant to the formation of a secure attachment relationship. Data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care provided a unique opportunity to address this question as maternal sensitivity to nondistress and distress were each coded for 357 mother-infant dyads at 6 months and 230 dyads at 15 months from videotaped observations of mother-infant play sessions. Attachment security was assessed in the Strange Situation at 15 months. Logistic regression analyses indicated that greater sensitivity to distress (but not greater sensitivity to nondistress) at 6 months was associated with increased odds of being classified as secure. The 15-month sensitivity measures were nonsignificant predictors of security. The results support the notion that the protective function of the child-mother attachment relationship may be especially salient during early infancy.

Palmer S. B., Summers J. A., Brotherson M. J., Erwin E. J., Maude S. P., Stroup-Rentier V., .. Haines S. J . ( 2013).

Foundations for self-determination in early childhood: An inclusive model for children with disabilities

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 33( 1), 38-47.

DOI:10.1177/0271121412445288      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ruff, H.A . ( 1989).

The infant's use of visual and haptic information in the perception and recognition of objects

Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie, 43( 2), 302-319.

DOI:10.1037/h0084222      URL     PMID:2486501      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the haptic and visual systems during infant's bimodal interaction with objects. Four general topics are discussed: the role of exploratory activity in perception, the specific ways in which the two systems are related during exploration, developments over age in the relationship between the systems, and the impact of the organism/environment relationship on these developments.

Schieche, M.G., &Spangler G. , ( 2005).

Individual differences in biobehavioral organization during problem-solving in toddlers: The influence of maternal behavior, infant-mother attachment, and behavioral inhibition on the attachment- exploration balance

Developmental Psychobiology, 46( 4), 293-306.

DOI:10.1002/(ISSN)1098-2302      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Schulz, L.E., &Bonawitz E.B . ( 2007).

Serious fun: Preschoolers engage in more exploratory play when evidence is confounded

Developmental Psychology, 43( 4), 1045-1050.

DOI:10.1037/0012-1649.43.4.1045      URL     PMID:17605535      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Researchers, educators, and parents have long believed that children learn cause and effect relationships through exploratory play. However, previous research suggests that children are poor at designing informative experiments; children fail to control relevant variables and tend to alter multiple variables simultaneously. Thus, little is known about how children's spontaneous exploration might support accurate causal inferences. Here the authors suggest that children's exploratory play is affected by the quality of the evidence they observe. Using a novel free-play paradigm, the authors show that preschoolers (mean age: 57 months) distinguish confounded and unconfounded evidence, preferentially explore causally confounded (but not matched unconfounded) toys rather than novel toys, and spontaneously disambiguate confounded variables in the course of free play. Copyright 2007 APA.

Schwarzer G., Freitag C., & Schum N . ( 2013).

How crawling and manual object exploration are related to the mental rotation abilities of 9-month-old infants

Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 97.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00097      URL     PMID:3586719     

The present experiment examined whether the mental rotation ability of 9-month-old infants was related to their abilities to crawl and manually explore objects. Forty-eight 9-month-old infants were tested; half of them had been crawling for an average of 9.365weeks. The infants were habituated to a video of a simplified Shepard–Metzler object rotating back and forth through a 240° angle around the longitudinal axis of the object. They were tested with videos of the same object rotating through a previously unseen 120° angle and with a mirror image of the display. All of the infants also participated in a manual object exploration task, in which they freely explored five toy blocks. The results showed that the crawlers looked significantly longer at the novel (mirror) object than at the familiar object, independent of their manual exploration scores. The non-crawlers looking times, in contrast, were influenced by the manual exploration scores. The infants who did not spontaneously explore the toy blocks tended to show a familiarity preference, whereas those who explored the toy blocks preferred to look at the novel object. Thus, all of the infants were able to master the mental rotation task but it seemed to be the most complex process for infants who had no crawling experience and who did not spontaneously explore objects.

Soska, K.C., &Adolph K.E . ( 2014).

Postural position constrains multimodal object exploration in infants

Infancy, 19( 2), 138-161.

DOI:10.1111/infa.2014.19.issue-2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Sroufe, L.A . ( 2005).

Attachment and development: A prospective, longitudinal study from birth to adulthood

Attachment & Human Development, 7( 4), 349-367.

DOI:10.1080/14616730500365928      URL     PMID:16332580      [本文引用: 1]

There is much to digest in a 30 year longitudinal study of the developing person (Sroufe, Egeland, Carlson, & Collins, 2005a). The following paper summarizes some key points regarding the place of infant attachment in the developmental course. It is argued that understanding the role of attachment entails grasping the organizational nature of the attachment construct and embracing a non-linear transactional model. Using such concepts, attachment history was shown in the Minnesota study to be clearly related to the growth of self-reliance, the capacity for emotional regulation, and the emergence and course of social competence, among other things. Moreover, specific patterns of attachment had implications for both normal development and pathology. Even more important than such linkages, however, study of the place of early attachment in later adaptation reveals much about developmental processes underlying both continuity and change. Findings are overviewed concerning the complex links between attachment and ultimate outcomes and the preservation of early patterns even during times of change. In all, these findings have implications both for future research and for clinical application.

Stright A. D., Gallagher K. C., & Kelley K . ( 2008).

Infant temperament moderates relations between maternal parenting in early childhood and children’s adjustment in first grade

Child Development, 79( 1), 186-200.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2007.01119.x      URL     PMID:18269517      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract A differential susceptibility hypothesis proposes that children may differ in the degree to which parenting qualities affect aspects of child development. Infants with difficult temperaments may be more susceptible to the effects of parenting than infants with less difficult temperaments. Using latent change curve analyses to analyze data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care, the current study found that temperament moderated associations between maternal parenting styles during early childhood and children first-grade academic competence, social skills, and relationships with teachers and peers. Relations between parenting and first-grade outcomes were stronger for difficult than for less difficult infants. Infants with difficult temperaments had better adjustment than less difficult infants when parenting quality was high and poorer adjustment when parenting quality was lower.

van den Boom, D. C . ( 1994).

The influence of temperament and mothering on attachment and exploration: An experimental manipulation of sensitive responsiveness among lower- class mothers with irritable infants

Child Development, 65( 5), 1457-1477.

DOI:10.2307/1131511      URL     PMID:7982362      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract 6-month-old infants selected on irritability shortly after birth and their mothers were randomly assigned to 2 intervention and 2 control groups to test the hypothesis that enhancing maternal sensitive responsiveness will improve quality of mother-infant interaction, infant exploration, and attachment. The intervention lasted 3 months and ended when the child was 9 months of age. When infants were 9 months of age, intervention group mothers were significantly more responsive, stimulating, visually attentive, and controlling of their infant's behavior than control group mothers. Intervention infants had higher scores than control infants on sociability, self-soothing, and exploration, and they cried less. Quality of exploration also improved, with intervention infants engaged in cognitively sophisticated kinds of exploration more than control infants. At 12 months of age, significantly more intervention group dyads were securely attached than control group dyads.

Vig, S. ( 2007).

Young children’s object play: A window on development

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 19(3), 201-215.

DOI:10.1007/s10882-007-9048-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Adults can learn a great deal about young children’s development by watching them play with toys or other objects. Insights derived from theoretical and empirical explorations of object play are particularly useful for early childhood professionals who assess the development of preschool children with disabilities. The following discussion reviews theoretical and empirical literature relevant to young children’s object play and suggests implications of research findings for practitioners. The review emphasizes the cognitive prerequisites for object play, the sequential development of object play, the relationship between play and language, and the characteristics of object play in young children with developmental disabilities.

Whipple N., Bernier A., & Mageau G. A . ( 2011).

Broadening the study of infant security of attachment: Maternal autonomy-support in the context of infant exploration

Social Development, 20( 1), 17-32.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9507.2010.00574.x      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Although security of attachment is conceptualised as a balance between infants' attachment and exploratory behaviours, parental behaviours pertaining to infant exploration have received relatively little empirical attention. Drawing from self-determination theory, this study seeks to improve the prediction of infant attachment by assessing maternal autonomy-support during infant exploration, in addition to maternal sensitivity. Seventy-one dyads participated in two home visits. Maternal sensitivity was assessed when the infants were 12 months old, whereas maternal autonomy-support and infant attachment were assessed at 15 months. The results revealed that autonomy-support explained an additional portion of the variance in attachment when maternal socioeconomic status and sensitivity were controlled. These results speak to the relevance of a theory-driven approach to examining maternal behaviours in the context of child exploration.

Zhang Z. S., Shen L. X., Xu J. D., Lu X. Q., Zhang S. Y . ( 2000).

The temperament study of one-month to twelve- year old children in Shanghai

Chinese Mental Health Journal, 14( 2), 79-83.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 张劲松, 沈理笑, 许积德, 陆雪奇, 张松友 . ( 2000).

上海市 1 个月~12岁儿童气质特点研究

中国心理卫生杂志, 14( 2), 79-83.]

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1000-6729.2000.02.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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