ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (12): 1380-1387.

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  1. (1河北联合大学心理学院, 唐山 063000) (2河北师范大学教育学院, 石家庄 050024)
  • 收稿日期:2011-01-06 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2011-12-30 出版日期:2011-12-30
  • 通讯作者: 鲁忠义

The Simulation Process of Chinese Simple Negative Declarative Sentence

GAO Zhi-Hua;LU Zhong-Yi;MA Hong-Xia   

  1. (1 College of Psychology, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063000, China)
    (2 College of Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050091, China)
  • Received:2011-01-06 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-12-30 Published:2011-12-30
  • Contact: LU Zhong-Yi

摘要: 采用自定步速阅读的方法, 从体验认知的角度探索了汉语简单否定句的动态理解过程。以具有对立谓词的汉语陈述性的肯定句和否定句为实验句, 以与否定句的两种状态相对应的图片为实验图片, 并构成句子-图片匹配/不匹配两种匹配状态。研究结果表明, 实验1在以250 ms为间隔时间的条件下, 肯定句和否定句的理解有显著的匹配效应; 实验2以750 ms为间隔时间, 则未表现出匹配效应, 而实验3以1500 ms为间隔时间, 肯定句和否定句的理解又表现出显著的匹配效应。实验结果证明, 具有对立谓词的简单的汉语否定句理解的心理模拟过程, 并不像两步模拟假设所设想的那样遵循着先模拟被否定状态再模拟实际状态的顺序, 而是在理解的初期就完成了对事件的实际状态的模拟。

关键词: 否定, 两步模拟假设, 匹配/不匹配效应

Abstract: The Experiential View of Language Comprehension, which derived from Embodied Cognition in Psychology, proposes that the comprehender is an immersed experiencer of the described situation and comprehension is the vicarious experience of the described situation. But it has difficulty in abstract language comprehension. Kaup and her colleagues (2003, 2007b) attempted to explain negative operator from the frame of embodied cognition and proposed “Two-Step Simulation Hypothesis”. In comprehension of negative sentence, comprehender simulates the negated state of affairs depicted in the sentence in the first step, and then starts shifting his attention away from the negated state of affairs and onto the simulation of the actual state of affairs in the second step. Kaup and her colleagues (2007a) demonstrated the negated state was simulated when the delay between sentences and pictures was 250ms, but such result was achieved from the negative sentences whose actual state were indefinite; in 2006, they found the simulation of the actual state when the delay was 1500ms in the negative sentences with definite actual state. But the conclusion is susceptive for its bases on different types of negative sentences and different languages (English and German). So the present study aims to explore the simulation process of Chinese simple negative declarative sentences and test the “Two-Step Simulation Hypothesis”.
The self-paced reading technique was adopted to explore the characteristics of simulation processes of Chinese simple negative declarative sentences on Pentium III computer, using E- Prime software. The Chinese affirmative and negative sentences with contradictory predicates paired with pictures that corresponding to the contradictory states described by the sentences, which composed matched and mismatched condition for sentence-picture pair, matched and mismatched. Subjects were required to self-regulate their reading. When subjects finish reading one sentence and press the space key, a “+” would appear in the center of the screen for 250ms, 750ms and 1500ms respectively, then the picture would present in the center and prompted subjects to press the “Yes” or ”No” key to decide whether the object in the picture is mentioned in the previous sentence. Some questions for checking understanding of the previous sentences are asked and required the subject to response with pressure on “Yes” or ”No” key. The response times for pictures were analyzed by mixed repeated analysis of variance.
In Experiment 1, 250ms as the probe time for initial stage of comprehension, the response time of matched state was shorter than the mismatched state significantly in both affirmative and negative sentences. In experiment 2, 750ms for the middle stage, there was no significant difference between matched and mismatched state. In experiment 3, 1500ms for last stage, the response time of matched state was shorter than the mismatched state significantly in both affirmative and negative sentences again.
The result denied the “Two-Step Simulation Hypothesis”, which indicated that simple negative sentences comprehension didn’t always follow the orders predicated by the Two-Step Simulation Hypothesis. The simulation of actual state of affair can be achieved at the initial period.

Key words: negation, Two-Step Simulation Hypothesis, match/mismatch effects