ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1670-1679 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01670



潘文静, 温芳芳,, 佐斌,

华中师范大学心理学院暨社会心理研究中心, 武汉 430079

Aging stereotype threat and it’s manipulations in psychological research

PAN Wenjing, WEN Fangfang,, ZUO Bin,

School of Psychology and Research Centre of Social Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China

通讯作者: * 佐斌,** 温芳芳,

收稿日期: 2017-10-11   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(31571147)

Received: 2017-10-11   Online: 2018-09-15

Fund supported: (31571147)


随着人口老龄化的不断加剧, 老年刻板印象威胁受到越来越多的关注。不同于种族或民族、性别等刻板印象威胁, 老年刻板印象威胁表现出累积性、共通性与连续性等特征。目前关于老年刻板印象威胁的研究多集中于认知老化尤其是记忆老化上, 关注老年刻板印象威胁对老年司机和老年员工的消极影响。消除与降低老年刻板印象威胁的消极效应可以从认知改变、群体认同、代际接触、老龄自我实现和个性化以及媒体宣传等五个方面来进行。在实验室研究中, 老年刻板印象威胁有外显与内隐两种不同的操纵形式。未来可以从扩展研究领域、细化“年龄”差异、比较整体效应大小和性别差异、侧重积极效应以及加强本土化检验和跨文化比较研究等方面来深化。

关键词: 老龄化; 老年刻板印象威胁; 研究操纵; 认知改变; 群体认同


With the explosive growth of the aging population, researchers are paying more and more attention to stereotype threat among older adults. Unlike the race/ethnicity and gender stereotype threats, aging stereotype threat is characterized by its accumulativeness, intercommunity, and continuity. Existing research on aging stereotype threat has been primarily focused on cognitive aging, in particular, memory aging, and the impact of aging stereotype threat on older drivers and workers. Five intervening factors are shown to be effective in mitigating the adverse effects of aging stereotype threat: cognitive modification, group identification, intergenerational contact, self-actualization and individualization, and influence of mass media. Laboratory studies of aging stereotype threat use both explicit and implicit manipulation methods. Future research can benefit from extending to broader research areas, refining differences between age groups, comparing the overall effect size and gender difference, emphasizing on positive effects, and drawing upon indigenous studies and cross-cultural comparisons.

Keywords: aging population; aging stereotype threat; manipulation; cognitive modification; group identification

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潘文静, 温芳芳, 佐斌. 老年刻板印象威胁及其研究操纵 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1670-1679 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01670

PAN Wenjing, WEN Fangfang, ZUO Bin. Aging stereotype threat and it’s manipulations in psychological research. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(9): 1670-1679 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01670

种族或民族、性别和年龄作为社会认知的三大主要分类线索, 一直以来都是刻板印象威胁领域关注的焦点。相比种族或民族与性别刻板印象威胁, 与年龄有关的老年刻板印象威胁(Aging Stereotype Threat)却没有得到同等程度的重视(Barber, 2017)。随着老龄化时代的到来, 老年问题越发凸显, 上至国家要规划养老体系, 下至家庭要平衡老少关系。我国是全球老龄化速度最快的国家之一(傅宏, 陈庆荣, 王港, 2017), 到2017年底我国内地60岁及以上的老年人为2.4亿, 占总人口的17.3%。与老龄化相伴随的老年刻板印象威胁作为一种社会认知因素给老年人带来的影响是不容忽视的, 它会降低老年人的生活质量, 阻碍部分老年人成功老化的进程等。例如, 国内关于与老年刻板印象威胁紧密相关的老年刻板印象的研究发现, 大学生在外显层面上对年轻人和老年人的刻板印象和态度不存在差异, 但在内隐层面上却对老年人存在明显的消极刻板印象和态度(佐斌, 温芳芳, 朱晓芳, 2007; 连淑芳, 2004; 任娜, 佐斌, 汪国驹, 侯飞翔, 2012), 这种内隐老年刻板印象存在年龄差异, 年轻人的内隐老化态度明显低于老年人的内隐老化态度, 并且与老年人的认知老化高相关(周丽清, 2007), 而老化态度的改变会对记忆作业产生影响, 其影响机制主要与自身有关的态度、记忆自我效能和情绪等的改变有关(李川云, 吴振云, 2001; 贺庆利, 余林, 马建苓, 2013), 可见, 在中国文化背景下, 与老年刻板印象威胁紧密相关的老年刻板印象和态度普遍存在。因此, 加大对老年刻板印象威胁的关注是极有必要的, 并且在中国开展老年刻板印象威胁的研究也是十分迫切的, 这将对改善“老年歧视”现象和有助于解决某些人口老龄化问题具有重要的理论和现实指导意义。

1 老年刻板印象威胁的概念和特点

1.1 老年刻板印象威胁的概念

老年刻板印象指人们对老年人这一特定社会群体所持有的观念与预期(Levy, Ashman, & Dror, 2000)。从刻板印象内容模型(Stereotype Content Model, SCM)的热情与能力两维度来看, 老年人通常被认为是高热情、低能力的群体, 是被同情和忽视的人群(佐斌, 张阳阳, 赵菊, 王娟, 2006; Cuddy, Norton, & Fiske, 2005), 而消极老年刻板印象容易导致老年刻板印象威胁的产生, 从而损害个体在相关领域的表现, 因此“老年刻板印象”跟“老年刻板印象威胁”两个概念之间具有一定的共生性和相关性。刻板印象威胁最早由Steele和Aronson (1995)提出, 起初用来解释黑人学业成绩低于白人学业成绩的现象, 指处于某种情境性风险中的个体担心自我行为表现会证实其所属群体的消极刻板印象(管健, 柴民权, 2011; 张宝山, 袁菲, 徐靓鸽, 2014; Lamont, Swift, & Abrams, 2015; Steele & Aronson, 1995; Wen, Zuo, Wu, Dong, & Wang, 2016), 这种刻板印象威胁对刻板化个体的消极影响称为刻板印象威胁效应(Stereotype Threat Effect)。与自我实现的预言相似, 刻板化个体在遭遇刻板印象威胁之后, 其行为表现会验证其所属群体的消极刻板印象。刻板印象威胁表现在老年群体中就是老年刻板印象威胁。

1.2 老年刻板印象威胁的特点

目前关于刻板印象威胁的研究, 多聚焦于种族或民族(高兵, 2012)、性别(杨青, 李巧云, 2017; Kinias & Sim, 2016)、年龄(赵凤青, 李娟, 张宝山, 2015; Lamont et al., 2015)、职业(Ihme & Möller, 2015)、学科(宋淑娟, 刘华山, 2014; Finnigan & Corker, 2016)、社会阶层(莫琼琼, 贺雯, 2014)和流动人口(Appel, Weber, & Kronberger, 2015)等领域。老年人是年龄刻板印象威胁的主要关注对象, 与其他领域相比具有独特性, 是刻板印象威胁类属中非常特殊的一类。老年刻板印象威胁的特殊性主要体现在以下三个方面:

第一, 累积性。老年刻板印象的形成是长久内化的结果, 个体在童年期就开始内化老年人的刻板印象并一直持续到老年期。随着自身年龄增长而不断深化的老年刻板印象, 使个体在毕生发展过程中逐渐形成了对老年人的固化认识。当个体步入或即将步入老年阶段时, 对老年人的固化认识即老年刻板印象就会引发老年刻板印象威胁效应, 这种效应会作用于个体自身(Levy, 2009)。第二, 共通性。在社会认知中, 种族或民族、性别和年龄作为三种主要的社会分类线索, 只有老年(年龄)是每个人最终都会获得的社会标签(排除意外死亡情况) (North & Fisk, 2012)。科学技术特别是医学的发展, 虽然可能使个体的性别类型由天生转化为人为, 个体单一的种族或民族身份也可以借由各个国家和民族间的融合交流, 如通婚, 转化为“混血”身份, 但并不是人人都可以享有这样的“特权”。而年龄却是难以逆转的并且各年龄阶段之间是不可跨越的, 所有个体都会按照一定的先后次序来获得相应的年龄身份直至“老年”。第三, 连续性。种族或民族、性别、职业、学科等的划分更多是一种“二分”变量, 而对老年人的划分却是基于年龄这一种“连续”变量(Lamont et al., 2015)。例如, 人口老龄化的国际通行标准是指当一个国家或地区65岁及以上人口占总人口比例超过7%或60岁及以上人口占总人口比例超过10%。我国的人口统计以60周岁为老年人的起点, 而不少西方国家却将65周岁作为老年人的起点, 老年阶段起点的划分与国家的老龄化程度以及经济发展状况有关。

除以上三方面外, 最近有研究者从多重威胁框架(Multi-threat Framework)理论的角度来解释老年刻板印象威胁, 认为它是一种自我概念威胁(self-concept threat)而不是一种群体声誉威胁(Group-reputation Threat) (Barber, 2017)。

2 老年刻板印象威胁的影响

老年刻板印象威胁源于老年刻板印象的存在, 老年刻板印象的内容有积极和消极两个方面(贺庆利等, 2013)。在积极层面上, 老年人通常被认为是智慧的、幸福的等; 在消极层面上, 老年人则被认为是健忘的、虚弱的等。目前针对老年刻板印象威胁的研究主要集中在认知老化尤其是记忆老化上, 除此之外还有部分研究关注老年人在驾驶领域与工作领域中的威胁表现。

2.1 记忆表现中的老年刻板印象威胁

健忘、痴呆等老年刻板印象所引发的威胁会影响到老年人的记忆表现。如在自由回忆测验中, 遭受老年刻板印象威胁的老年人与不受该威胁的老年人相比, 测验成绩更差(Hess, Auman, Colcombe, & Rahhal, 2003); 相比于编码阶段前的威胁, 提取阶段前的威胁对老年人的记忆成绩影响更大(Krendl, Ambady, & Kensinger, 2015)。有研究者采用“记得/知道”范式(Remember/Know paradigm, 简称R-K范式)研究了老年刻板印象威胁对老年人的两种(熟悉性与回想)再认记忆提取方式的影响, 结果发现, 遭受到老年刻板印象威胁后, 老年人更倾向于采取熟悉性而不是回想提取方式, 即老年人对记忆材料进行了“回忆不起细节”的简单再认, 缺乏生动丰富的细节回忆, 也就是老年刻板印象威胁引发了老年人的主观记忆(Mazerolle, Regner, Rigalleau, & Huguet, 2015)。研究还发现, 如果老年人在正式参加记忆测验前强调要在接下来的测验中避免出现错误再认时, 与不受威胁的老年人相比, 遭受威胁的老年人有更少的错误认知, 这可能是由于预先警告引发老年人产生了损失厌恶的情绪并倾向于采用预防定向策略, 因此其判断标准变得更加保守, 从而降低了错误认知(Barber & Mather, 2013b; Wong & Gallo, 2016)。采用预防定向策略(如强调“忘记将失去金钱” ), 会降低老年人的记忆成绩, 而采用促进定向策略(如强调“记得将获得金钱奖励”)却能在一定程度上提升老年人的记忆表现(Barber & Mather, 2013a)。除此之外, 研究还发现在记忆策略的使用上, 无论是采用印象形成策略还是识记策略, 老年人的记忆表现都没有显著差异, 但都不如年轻人好。其中对老年刻板印象威胁的感知在年龄和记忆成绩之间起中介作用(Chasteen, Bhattacharyya, Horhota, Tam, & Hasher, 2005), 这与Hess等人(2003)的研究发现相似, 即老年刻板印象威胁影响记忆策略的使用, 而记忆策略反过来部分中介了威胁对记忆成绩的影响。对于空间记忆来说, 老年人的记忆成绩比年轻人更差, 对威胁的感知能否调节年龄和空间记忆任务表现之间的关系, 则依赖于测量空间记忆能力的任务类型(即难易程度) (Meneghetti, Muffato, Suitner, de Beni, & Borella, 2015)。

老年刻板印象威胁对记忆表现的影响也会受到记忆领域认同度、记忆任务投入成本、受教育水平及老化自我概念等一系列因素的作用。例如, 研究发现老年人对记忆领域的认同度越高, 记忆成绩越差; 对记忆任务投入成本越大, 对老年刻板印象威胁越敏感(Hess et al., 2003)。但也有研究得出了不一致结论, 即投入成本大小对记忆成绩并无调节作用(Hess & Hinson, 2006)。此外, 受教育水平更高的老年人更容易受老年刻板印象威胁的影响(Hess, Hinson, & Hodges, 2009), 这与Andreoletti和Lachman (2004)提出的“缓冲效应”相一致, 即教育是老年刻板印象威胁效应的一个缓冲器。积极的老化自我概念能够调节老年刻板印象威胁效应, 呈现积极老年刻板印象能够提高那些具有消极老化自我概念的老年人的记忆表现(Fernández-Ballesteros, Bustillos, & Huici, 2015)。

2.2 驾驶行为和工作参与中的老年刻板印象威胁

除认知记忆表现外, 老年刻板印象威胁对老年人的驾驶行为也有消极影响。例如, 研究者采用内隐联想测验(IAT)发现, 年轻人和老年人都对老年司机持有消极的刻板印象(Lambert, Seegmiller, Stefanucci, & Watson, 2013), 老年司机被认为是过于谨慎的、驾驶不太舒适的、不够安全的以及危险的(Joanisse, Gagnon, & Voloaca, 2012)。实验室模拟也发现威胁组的老年被试与对照组的老年被试相比, 会出现更多驾驶错误尤其是超速违规行为, 同时受到领域认同的调节(Joanisse, Gagnon, & Voloaca, 2013)。也有研究发现老年刻板印象威胁能够导致老年司机的自我调节能力下降, 而这是通过执行控制资源的消耗和工作记忆容量的超负荷来实现的(Brelet et al., 2016)。老年刻板印象威胁也会导致工作记忆容量下降, 使老年人的刹车反应时和滑行距离变长(Lambert et al., 2016)。总体而言, 老年驾驶不仅关乎到老年人自身的生命安全, 更是一种影响社会公共安全的重要因素, 因此有必要对此进行深入研究和扩展。

与驾驶行为相似, 老年人在工作参与中也会受到老年刻板印象威胁的制约。人口老龄化尤其是劳动人口的老龄化势必会造成适龄劳动力比重下降, 从而导致劳动生产率降低。在组织管理领域中, 老年员工与年轻员工相比具有一定的独特优势, 即随着年龄增长与实践经验的不断积累, 老年员工在应对紧急事件时会展现出更多的智慧, 表现更加沉稳, 做事更具条理性。但同时, 在组织雇佣中却会出现老龄歧视现象, 无论是考虑组织的最大利益、长期或短期效益还是单位的职位高低, 人们都倾向于雇佣年轻人(Abrams, Swift, & Drury, 2016)。受老年刻板印象威胁的老年员工与年轻员工相比, 有更消极的工作态度, 职业心理健康更差, 辞职/退休意图更加强烈(von Hippel, Kalokerinos, & Henry, 2013)。Kulik, Perera和Cregan (2016)的研究也发现, 那些在工作领域中遭受老年刻板印象威胁的成熟员工(大于等于45岁)在一年之后会有更强的辞职意图。

3 老年刻板印象威胁的研究操纵

老年刻板印象威胁的研究有着相对固定的实验范式:首先通过操纵老年刻板印象威胁情境来激发老年刻板印象威胁, 然后完成相关的测验任务, 最后测量相应的任务表现。除此之外, 为了增加实验的严谨性, 有的研究者还会增加操纵有效性检验环节来检验威胁是否产生。老年刻板印象威胁的操纵方式可分为外显(explicit)和内隐(implicit)操纵两种, 其中外显操纵又分为凸显(blatant)和微妙(subtler)线索启动两种(Armstrong, Gallant, Li, Patel, & Wong, 2017), 操纵内容又可分为基于事实(fact-based)和基于刻板印象(stereotype-based)两种(Lambert et al., 2016) (见图1)。


图1   老年刻板印象威胁的研究操纵

3.1 外显操纵与内隐操纵

外显操纵即阈上启动, 是让个体意识到相关消极老年刻板印象的激活。外显操纵又分为凸显和微妙线索操纵两种。凸显线索操纵是让被试读一段虚构的新闻报道。如一个具体操纵是, 先将编写的消极刻板印象信息印在报纸的专栏中, 然后将该专栏剪下复印在白纸上, 最后在正式测验前要求被试阅读白纸上的内容来进行老年刻板印象威胁操纵(Hess et al., 2003)。该操纵方式提高了信息真实性, 增加了研究的生态效度, 具有很好的操纵效果。许多研究者都采用了这一操纵方式(Barber & Lee, 2015; Barber & Mather, 2013a, 2013b; Fernández-Ballesteros et al., 2015; Jordano & Touron, 2017; Zhang, Lin, Gao, Zawisza, Kang, & Chen, 2017)。

微妙线索操纵也分为两种:一种是通过指导语直接操纵, 直接告诉被试测验具有诊断性目的, 例如, 用“记忆能力会随着年龄的增长而衰退” (Wong & Gallo, 2016); “最近的研究表明, 与年轻人相比, 老年人的记忆表现更差” (Fernández- Ballesteros et al., 2015); “该测验的目的是为了考察年龄差异” (Hess et al., 2009); “有证据表明老年司机是十分糟糕的” (Lambert et al., 2016)等指导语来操纵。另外一种是通过设置相关背景线索来间接操纵, 例如, 用“年轻人将会与你们(即老年人)同时参加该测验” (Kang & Chasteen, 2009; Mazerolle, Régner, Morisset, Rigalleau, & Huguet, 2012; Mazerolle et al., 2015)等来设置环境。不管是直接操纵还是间接操纵, 都在被试的意识范畴之中。

内隐操纵即阈下启动, 是使个体在意识层面上意识不到相关消极刻板印象的激活, 但存在于潜意识之中。具体操纵方法为:首先在电脑屏幕的中央呈现一个探测刺激“+” (1000 ms), 然后在电脑屏幕的随机位置呈现一个单词(即目标刺激), 如消极老年刻板印象词汇, 呈现时间在17 ms至50 ms间(由预实验中被试的视觉处理能力而定), 再呈现由无意义的辅音字符串组成的掩蔽刺激(250 ms), 最后让被试用按键判断刚才出现的词汇是真词还是假词(Krendl et al., 2015)。这种内隐操纵方式可以激活个体潜意识中的消极老年刻板印象。

有研究发现外显和内隐两种操纵方式产生的效应大小是有差异的(Hess, Hinson, & Statham, 2004); 但是一项元分析却发现, 不论被试是否意识到相关的刻板印象, 其产生的威胁效应大小是没有差异的(Meisner, 2012)。之所以不能得出一致的结论, 可能是因为能够引发老年刻板印象威胁的线索是多样的, 有的显而易见, 有的比较隐秘。

3.2 基于事实和基于刻板印象内容的操纵

基于事实内容的操纵是指通过“科学研究发现或大量研究证明……”这样一种表述方式来直接告知被试, 老年人确实在某些领域表现欠佳或不如年轻人, 强调“事实的重要性”。例如, “大量研究证明, 记忆能力对绝大多数人来说会随着年龄而衰退, 比如老年人能记住的信息更少、需要更多的时间去记忆或在回忆和再认时有更大的困难……” (Zhang et al., 2017)。这种内容操纵方式因为增加了信度从而消除了刻板印象的模糊边界,元分析也发现这种基于事实内容的操纵对结果的影响总体较小(d = 0.09) (Lamont et al., 2015)。

基于刻板印象内容的操纵是指通过“大家普遍认为老年人或社会上普遍流行的关于老年人的观点认为……”这样一种表述方式来直接告诉被试, 对老年人的某些看法只是广大人民群众普遍存在的一种观念和预期, 是否被证实还不清楚, 强调“这只是一种老年刻板印象”。例如, “老年人群体通常被刻板化为一个差司机……” (Lambert et al., 2016)。与基于事实内容的操纵相比, 基于刻板印象内容的操纵所产生的影响结果更大一些(d = 0.52), 因为这种操纵引发了个体对内容信息更大的模糊性和不确定性从而占用了个体更多的认知资源(Lamont et al., 2015), 而认知资源的减少将会导致行为表现下降, 这是一种纯度更高的内容操纵。

3.3 老年刻板印象威胁研究的操纵检验

为了增加老年刻板印象威胁实验研究的效度, 在对自变量进行人为操纵后, 有的研究者会进行操纵检验。例如, Hess等人(2003)在操纵老年刻板印象威胁后, 紧接着让被试完成一个刻板印象激活评估测验任务(Stereotype Activation Assessment Task)来评估老年刻板印象激活的程度, 以此来检验老年刻板印象威胁的激活。在一项考察老年人驾驶能力的实验中, 实验最后采用自我报告法(7点李克特量表), 让被试回答“如果我在模拟驾驶中失败了, 实验者就会相信老年人的驾驶能力是不如年轻人的”这一问题来检验老年刻板印象威胁的激活, 若威胁组与控制组有显著差异且威胁组的分数高于控制组, 则证明威胁的操纵是有效的(Brelet et al., 2016)。也可以采用《老年员工刻板印象威胁量表》(共5题)来检验威胁的产生及其程度大小, 如“一些同事会因为我的年龄而认为我不能够胜任我的职业” (von Hippel et al., 2013), 这是一种更为直接的操纵检验。虽然增加操纵检验这一环节更具科学性, 但是在实际的研究中并不都包含操纵检验这一步, 更多是通过比较实验数据的差异性来证明操纵的有效性。

4 老年刻板印象威胁的干预研究

老年刻板印象威胁给老年人带来的消极影响是多方面的, 有效的干预能够在一定程度上减轻甚至消除威胁的负面影响, 因此对威胁的干预具有非常重要的意义。老年刻板印象威胁效应与老年人自身的应对能力有关, 由于个体差异的存在, 不同老年人在面对同样威胁时可能会有不同的表现(Phibbs & Hooker, 2017)。老年刻板印象威胁产生的根本原因在于老年刻板印象的存在, 而老年刻板印象不仅包括老年人的自我刻板化印象, 也包括年轻人对老年人的刻板印象(Hess et al., 2004)并且受外在社会环境因素影响而不断得到强化(Levy, 2009)。老年人的个人特征和外在社会环境因素都可能影响老年刻板印象威胁效应(贺庆利等, 2013), 有效的干预措施除了从老年人自身出发外, 也应该减少那些能够引发老年刻板印象威胁的外在社会环境线索。概括而言, 主要可以通过认知改变、群体认同、代际接触、老龄自我实现与个性化、媒体宣传等5种途径对老年刻板印象威胁加以干预。

4.1 认知改变

出于维护良好感觉和自尊的需求, 当积极刻板印象身份被激活时, 消极刻板印象身份就会受到抑制(赵凤青等, 2015)。研究发现, 在某种刻板印象威胁情境中启动积极老年刻板印象, 如强调老年人经验丰富、做事明智等可以减弱或消除消极老年刻板印象对相关领域任务表现的消极影响(Levy & Leifheit-Limson, 2009), 因此启动或引导积极老年刻板印象的认知改变, 可以在一定程度上降低老年刻板印象威胁所带来的消极影响。老化自我知觉也是影响老年刻板印象威胁一个因素, 有研究发现在威胁组和对照组条件下, 对老化有着更好知觉的被试比那些有着消极知觉的被试有更好的记忆表现(Fernández-Ballesteros et al., 2015)。但也有研究者指出, 消极老化自我知觉对老年刻板印象威胁的影响较小(d = 0.16), 因为老化过程包含更多的其它因素, 老年刻板印象只是影响老化过程的一个很小的影响因素。但是老年人是否知觉到年龄歧视却有很重要的影响(d = 0.5), 因为当老年人知觉到年轻人对自己的年龄歧视后, 提高了与自己相关的消极刻板印象的污名化意识, 从而增强了老年人对老年刻板印象威胁的易感性, 这也暗示那些经历年龄歧视的老年人会对老年刻板印象威胁更敏感(Phibbs & Hooker, 2017)。因此, 如何降低个体对年龄歧视的知觉比形成积极自我老化知觉在一定程度上更能有效降低老年刻板印象威胁效应。

4.2 群体认同

除认知改变外, 研究者也探讨老年群体认同在干预老年刻板印象威胁中的作用。群体认同是指个体将群体成员身份整合进自我概念的程度(殷融, 张菲菲, 2015)。研究发现当面临群体认同威胁时, 个体为了保护和维持内群体的社会认同, 在心理和行为策略方面会投入更多, 从而会经历更大的威胁(阮小林, 张庆林, 杜秀敏, 崔茜, 2009)。例如, 有研究发现, 不论是威胁组还是对照组, 那些对老年群体有更高认同度的老年人都有更差的记忆表现(Kang & Chasteen, 2009)。也有研究得出了不同的结论, 提高群体认同能够缓和老年刻板印象威胁效应, 这可以用拒绝-认同模型(Rejection-identification Model)来解释, 即在知觉到老年刻板印象威胁后, 老年人会寻求内群体成员的社会支持来提高对老年群体的认同, 从而降低这种威胁对心理健康带来的消极影响, 缓和老年刻板印象威胁效应(Fernández-Ballesteros et al., 2015)。总的来看, 群体认同在老年刻板印象威胁效应中所起的作用是十分复杂的, 应进一步通过深化研究发展出更为切实可行的干预措施。

4.3 代际接触

代际间的积极接触是降低老年刻板印象威胁的有效策略(Abrams, Eller, & Bryant, 2006; Abrams et al., 2008)。例如, 在数学测验中, 有研究发现与子孙后辈进行积极接触会降低老年刻板印象威胁, 而且仅仅靠想象接触也会降低威胁, 其中焦虑的降低起着一定的中介作用(Abrams et al., 2008)。按照群际接触理论的解释, 积极代际接触降低了老年人对自身年龄的偏见以及对老年群体的认同, 这使得测验焦虑降低, 减少了认知资源的消耗从而提高了测验成绩, 但这种调节作用只在高威胁条件下才会出现(Abrams et al., 2006)。社会上普遍存在的老年歧视现象也是引发老年刻板印象威胁的一个重要因素(Phibbs & Hooker, 2017), 那些拥有消极老化自我知觉的老年人不仅会对别人表现出的老年歧视行为更敏感, 同时这种消极老化自我知觉反过来又加强了老年人的自我刻板化行为表现, 引发了别人对自己的老年歧视行为(Voss, Wolff, & Rothermund, 2017)。长期积极的代际接触还可能会使老年人的主观心理年龄下降进而降低对老年群体的认同, 从而降低老年刻板印象威胁效应(Phibbs & Hooker, 2017)。因此, 增强老年人的责任意识, 进行更多高质量的积极代际接触能够降低老年人对老年刻板印象威胁的易感性。

4.4 老龄自我实现与个性化

此外, 促进老龄自我实现与个性化发展也是降低老年刻板印象威胁的重要途径。例如, 研究发现老年大学学员是主观幸福感较高, 心理健康水平较好的老年群体(陈芬, 张庆豪, 2005)。老年大学能够吸引和促进老年人进行学习, 有助于提升老年人的心理健康水平, 培养积极健康的老化心态, 而积极的老化自我知觉有助于减轻老年刻板印象威胁效应(Fernández-Ballesteros et al., 2015)。例如, 在组织管理领域, 有研究发现, 对老年员工进行针对性的高水平训练, 能够部分降低老年刻板印象威胁(Kulik et al., 2016), 这可能是因为训练提升了老年人的工作自我效能感, 使老年人再次达到自我实现, 肯定了自己的价值。研究也发现肯定自我价值能够有效降低刻板印象威胁(张宝山等, 2014)。除此之外, 家庭、老年社区、公司及养老院等组织也应该鼓励并培养老年人的兴趣爱好, 引导老年人进行个性化发展, 分散对老化过程的注意力, 如跳广场舞、练习书法等都可以降低对老年刻板印象威胁的易感性, 有助于降低老年刻板印象威胁效应, 使老年人能够拥有一个愉快轻松的晚年生活。

4.5 媒体宣传

基于社会环境视角, 主流媒体宣传积极的老年刻板印象也能够有效降低老年刻板印象威胁。媒体, 如网络、广播、电视、杂志等是有关老化信息和观念的最主要来源之一, 如果媒体有较多对老年消极形象的传播或对年轻化的过度崇尚, 会使得年轻人和老年人所持有的消极老年刻板印象不断得到加强和扩展。因此, 主流媒体要营造一个“尊老爱老”的舆论氛围, 广泛宣传积极的老年刻板印象, 如老年人是充满智慧的等(North & Fiske, 2012), 可以减少那些容易加强和扩展消极老年刻板印象的外在社会环境线索。同时, 主流媒体也要兼顾老年人的休闲娱乐需要, 适当增加适宜老年人观看或参与的节目与活动等, 传播正确的老化知识, 肯定老年人的价值, 增强老年人的幸福感。总体而言, 主流媒体的积极宣传能够塑造积极的社会环境, 有助于降低甚至部分消除老年刻板印象威胁效应。

5 研究展望

“莫道桑榆晚, 为霞尚满天”, 这表达了老年群体的一种积极向上的态度。通过对老年刻板印象威胁的梳理可以发现, 虽然其他领域的刻板印象威胁效应研究已经很多, 但是国内外针对老年群体的刻板印象威胁效应的研究却处于起步阶段, 要进一步开展深入研究, 为有效干预老年刻板印象威胁提出有效策略。

5.1 扩展老年刻板印象威胁研究领域

老年刻板印象威胁给老年人带来的影响是多方面的, 并不局限于认知老化、驾驶行为和工作参与, 还有许多其他的层面。比如生理层面的研究, 虽然老年人的生理功能随着年龄的增长一直处于衰退状态, 但很少有研究直接考察老年刻板印象威胁对生理功能带来的消极影响。还有医疗背景下的老年刻板印象威胁, 如研究发现有相当数量的老年人在医院经历了老年刻板印象威胁并带来了消极的医疗后果(Phibbs & Hooker, 2017)。研究发现遭受老年刻板印象威胁的老年病人倾向于对医生更加不信任、对医疗更加不满意、身心更加不健康和对流行疫苗的接受度更低(Abdou, Fingerhut, Jackson, & Wheatong, 2016)。除此之外, 大多数研究集中在威胁对老年人客观认知输出的影响, 很少关注老年人对自我相关能力的主观判断或评价以及在非认知领域中的表现。比如, 最近的一项研究发现, 受老年刻板印象威胁影响, 自我报告听力能力降低的老年人口比例增加了(Barber & Lee, 2015)。除了认知记忆外, 对于老年人一般认知能力的研究也较少。在对新知识的学习能力、隔代抚养、学习新技能等领域都可以扩展老年刻板印象威胁效应的研究。

5.2 细化老年刻板印象威胁研究的“年龄”差异

“老年人”的年龄划分与老龄化程度有关。老龄化越严重, 老年的起始年龄可能会越大。世界卫生组织将60~74岁的人群划分为年轻老年人, 75~89岁为老年人, 90岁及以上为长寿老人。西方一些发达国家将65周岁作为中年和老年的分界点; 而中国2013年修订的《老年人权益保障法》把60周岁作为老年人的起点。对不同年龄段的“老年人”而言, 同一种老年刻板印象威胁所带来的效应大小是否相同呢?研究发现, 回忆任务成绩会随年龄下降, 甚至只在很小的60~75岁范围之内发生(Horton, Baker, Pearce, & Deakin, 2010), 年轻的老人(60~70)比老年的老人(71~82)在记忆任务上受老年刻板印象威胁的影响更大(Hess et al., 2009)。未来应细化老年刻板印象威胁对不同年龄段“老年人”所带来的影响, 这样有助于细化干预措施, 增强干预的有效性。

5.3 比较不同形态的刻板印象威胁效应大小和性别差异

与其他形态的刻板印象威胁相比, 老年刻板印象威胁整体效应可能存在不同。例如, Walton和Spencer (2009)发现种族或民族和性别领域的刻板印象威胁效应大小相同, 但Nguyen和Ryan (2008)的研究却得出了不一致的结论, 即种族或民族刻板印象威胁效应比性别威胁效应更大。那么, 老年刻板印象威胁效应大小与种族或民族和性别刻板印象威胁效应相比会如何呢?目前还没有学者对此进行过研究。除此之外, 交叉刻板印象威胁, 如一位老年女性可能会同时受到老年歧视和性别歧视这两种社会歧视, 哪一种歧视占比更大呢?个体对哪一种歧视的易感性更强呢?今后可以纳入性别变量进一步开展相关研究。

5.4 侧重老年刻板印象威胁研究的积极层面

既然老年刻板印象存在积极和消极两方面影响(贺庆利等, 2013), 那么老年刻板印象威胁是否也存在一定的积极效应呢?前已述及, 当老年人被预先警告时, 老年刻板印象威胁可以降低老年人的错误认知。但是已有的研究几乎不涉及到老年刻板印象威胁的积极层面, 这可能是一种隐藏更深的老年歧视表现。既然威胁难以消除, 就要努力挖掘威胁的积极层面并放大其积极效应, 从这个角度开展相关的研究, 可以说大有可为。

5.5 加强老年刻板印象威胁的本土化检验和跨文化比较研究

不同文化和不同国家对待老年人的态度并非完全一样, 最近的一项跨文化元分析发现, 随着人口老龄化的加速, 整体上来看, 东方(包括东亚、南亚和东南亚)比西方(包括以英语为母语的西方和欧洲国家)在对待老年人的态度上更加消极, 这颠覆了人们此前的认知, 即认为东方集体主义文化下的国家比西方个体主义文化下的国家在对待老年人的态度上更积极。这一研究说明在当今时代, 人们“认为的”不一定是“正确的”了(North & Fiske, 2015)。人口结构的变化会导致社会资源重新分配, 不同老龄化程度的国家需要制定出有针对性的养老服务政策, 而一个国家或地区文化、经济、社会和政策的不同, 使不同国家或地区的老年人有着不同的体验, 可能会引发不同程度的老年刻板印象威胁效应(Lamont et al., 2015)。中国是一个深受儒家文化影响的国家, 讲究“孝道”并且强调集体主义, 所以加强老年刻板印象威胁在中国文化背景下的本土化检验和开展多个国家之间的跨文化比较研究显得十分必要。


陈芬, 张庆豪 . ( 2005).


中国健康心理学杂志, 13( 2), 153-154.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-1252.2005.02.032      URL     [本文引用: 1]


傅宏, 陈庆荣, 王港 . ( 2017).


中国科学院院刊, 32( 2), 138-147.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


高兵 . ( 2012).


心理科学进展, 20( 8), 1201-1206.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.01201      URL     [本文引用: 1]


管健, 柴民权 . ( 2011).

刻板印象威胁: 新议题与新争议

心理科学进展, 19( 12), 1842-1850.

[本文引用: 1]

贺庆利, 余林, 马建苓 . ( 2013).


心理科学进展, 21( 3), 495-505.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.00495      URL     [本文引用: 4]

The aging stereotype, which refers to the perception and the expectation pointing to old individuals, can significantly affect holder's physiological and cognition functions as well as behavior performances. Existing researches mainly focus on the potential mechanism, mediators and influence factors of aging stereotype. It is assumed that aging stereotype is formed through the process of internalization; Stereotype Threat Theory and Self-Stereotyping are the two main theories in explaining the aging stereotype effects. Inhibition ability, context situation as well as cultural differences are among the main factors influence the aging stereotype; Aging self-perception and stereotypic expectancy are the mediators of the aging stereotype. Future research should focus on the effect of different level of consciousness, context situation, individual characteristics on aging stereotypes and the effect of characteristics of aging stereotype on different age group. Potential mediators, intervention and cross-cultural study should also included.

李川云, 吴振云 . ( 2001).


中国老年学杂志, 21( 1), 3-6.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202.2001.01.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

It was a study of the effect of non-cognitive factors on cognitive aging. The purpose of the study was to research the effect of attitude towards aging on memory performance of the elderly, and trying to explore the mechanism of the attitude towards aging on memory performance. The entire study was divided into three phases and included six experiments. The questionnaire of attitude towards aging was compiled in phase 1. Then the validity and reliability of it was tested in the elderly. The self-esteem scale was also tested as above. These prepare the instruments for the study. It was a static study in phase 2. Through comparing the old groups in different environment, analyzing relationship between different non-cognitive factors and memory performance in the old subjects in identical environment, the paths of the effect of the attitude towards aging on memory performance was explored. It was a dynamic study in phase 3. By changing attitude towards aging of the elderly with direct thinking (positive, negative), the effect on memory performance was observed and the mechanism was explored. Main results: 1. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire towards aging were good. Its construct had two factors (positive, negative). Both reliability of retest and split test were over 0.90. 2. Direct thinking task was able to change the attitude towards aging effectively in old or young adults. The scores of the attitudes towards aging between positive and negative thinking subjects were different significantly. 3. The effect of attitude towards aging on memory performance was significant. The results in static or dynamic condition showed that the elderly with higher score of the questionnaire of attitude towards aging (more positive), their memory self-efficacy and memory performance were higher. In the opposite (negative), they were lower. 4. Mechanism of the effect of the attitude towards aging on memory performance: in static condition there were two paths i.e. direct path and through memory self-efficacy; in dynamic condition, besides the two paths, emotion change constituted another path. 5. Different non-cognitive factors have different effect on psychological function. The results of this study found that self-esteem has no significant correlation with memory performance, but correlates with depression; The factor of education has effect on many non-cognitive factors and memory performance.

连淑芳 . ( 2004).


心理科学, 27( 1), 95-96.

[本文引用: 1]

莫琼琼, 贺雯 . ( 2014).


中国特殊教育, ( 2), 85-89.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-3728.2014.02.022      URL     [本文引用: 1]

刻板印象威胁是指由消极刻板印 象导致的一种社会心理困境,诱发群体成员的压力和害怕体验,进而损害群体成员的行为表现。研究选取65名城市农民工子女,采用工作记忆的数字n-back 范式,考察城市农民工子女的刻板印象威胁效应,结果如下:(1)在工作记忆的三个任务难度中,实验组被试的正确率显著低于控制组被试的正确率;随着难度的 增加,控制组和实验组被试的正确率都显著下降;(2)在工作记忆的三个任务难度中,实验组被试的猜测率显著高于控制组被试的猜测率。结果表明在激活城市农 民工子女的消极刻板印象后,产生了明显的刻板印象威胁效应。

任娜, 佐斌, 汪国驹, 侯飞翔 . ( 2012).


中国临床心理学杂志, 20( 2), 203-206.

[本文引用: 1]

阮小林, 张庆林, 杜秀敏, 崔茜 . ( 2009).


心理科学进展, 17( 4), 836-844.

[本文引用: 1]

宋淑娟, 刘华山 . ( 2014).


中国临床心理学杂志, 22( 3), 386-389.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

目的:有研究发现负性刻板印象对被刻板对象会产生威胁效应,本研究探讨反数学-性别刻板印象信息能否给女 生带来积极效应.方法:选取150名高二理科女生,完全随机分成三组,分别在不同的数学-性别刻板印象情境下接受数学相关测验.第一组为语言减弱组,测验 时有意通过语言声称方式提供反数学-性别刻板印象信息;第二组为榜样减弱组,测验时有两位女性数学非常棒的楷模在场;第三组为控制组,测验情境中不有意提 供任何数学性别信息.结果:语言减弱组的工作记忆容量显著低于控制组(P<0.01),榜样减弱组的工作记忆容量和数学测验成绩都显著高于控制组(P值均 小于0.05).结论:语言声称方式直接提供反数学-性别刻板印象信息不能对女生产生积极效应,相反还会给女生带来威胁效应;榜样方式提供反数学-性别刻 板印象信息对女生有明显的积极效应.

杨青, 李巧云 . ( 2017).


心理技术与应用, 5( 2), 99-107.

DOI:10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2017.02.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]


殷融, 张菲菲 . ( 2015).


心理科学进展, 23( 9), 1637-1646.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.01637      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Group identity has a direct positive effect on individuals’ willingness of participating collective action, and also it moderates the relationships of group efficiency and group-based emotions to action tendencies. Many special types of group identity such as politicized identity, common identity and dual identity could affect collective action in wide range. From the perspective of dynamic researches, undertaking collective action can strengthen protestors’ identification for ingroup. And strong group identity will exert a sustained impact on protestors’ behaviors. Further research should explore the complex work mechanism of group identity on the basis of the differences of collective action in contexts, behavior patterns and development stages.

张宝山, 袁菲, 徐靓鸽 . ( 2014).

刻板印象威胁效应的消除: 干预策略及其展望

心理科学, 37( 1), 197-204.

[本文引用: 2]

赵凤青, 李娟, 张宝山 . ( 2015).


中国老年学杂志, 35, 6278-6281.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9202.2015.21.132      URL     [本文引用: 2]


周丽清 . ( 2007).


中国健康心理学杂志, 15( 10), 901-903.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-1252.2007.10.018      URL     [本文引用: 1]


佐斌, 温芳芳, 朱晓芳 . ( 2007).


应用心理学, 13( 3), 231-236.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6020.2007.03.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]


佐斌, 张阳阳, 赵菊, 王娟 . ( 2006).

刻板印象内容模型: 理论假设与研究

心理科学进展, 14( 1), 138-145.

[本文引用: 1]

Abdou C. M., Fingerhut A. W., Jackson J. S., & Wheaton F. ( 2016).

Healthcare stereotype threat in older adults in the health and retirement study

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 50( 2), 191-198.

DOI:10.1016/j.amepre.2015.07.034      URL     PMID:26497263      [本文引用: 1]

Healthcare stereotype threat is the threat of being personally reduced to group stereotypes that commonly operate within the healthcare domain, including stereotypes regarding unhealthy lifestyles and inferior intelligence. The objective of this study was to assess the extent to which people fear being judged in healthcare contexts on several characteristics, including race/ethnicity and age, and to test predictions that experience of such threats would be connected with poorer health and negative perceptions of health care. Data were collected as part of the 2012 Health and Retirement Study (HRS). A module on healthcare stereotype threat, designed by the research team, was administered to a random subset (n=2,048 of the total 20,555) of HRS participants. The final sample for the present healthcare stereotype threat experiment consists of 1,479 individuals. Logistic regression was used to test whether healthcare stereotype threat was associated with self-rated health, reported hypertension, and depressive symptoms, as well as with healthcare-related outcomes, including physician distrust, dissatisfaction with health care, and preventative care use. Seventeen percent of respondents reported healthcare stereotype threat with respect to one or more aspects of their identities. As predicted, healthcare stereotype threat was associated with higher physician distrust and dissatisfaction with health care, poorer mental and physical health (i.e., self-rated health, hypertension, and depressive symptoms), and lower odds of receiving the influenza vaccine. The first of its kind, this study demonstrates that people can experience healthcare stereotype threat on the basis of various stigmatized aspects of social identity, and that these experiences can be linked with larger health and healthcare-related outcomes, thereby contributing to disparities among minority groups.

Abrams D., Crisp R. J., Marques S., Fagg E., Bedford L., & Provias D. ( 2008).

Threat inoculation: Experienced and imagined intergenerational contact prevents stereotype threat effects on older people’s math performance

Psychology and Aging, 23( 4), 934-939.

DOI:10.1037/a0014293      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abrams D., Eller A., & Bryant J. ( 2006).

An age apart: The effects of intergenerational contact and stereotype threat on performance and intergroup bias

Psychology and Aging, 21, 691-702.

DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.21.4.691      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abrams D., Swift H. J., & Drury L. ( 2016).

Old and unemployable? How age-based stereotypes affect willingness to hire job candidates

Journal of Social Issues, 72( 1), 105-121.

DOI:10.1111/josi.12158      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Across the world, people are required, or want, to work until an increasingly old age. But how might prospective employers view job applicants who have skills and qualities that they associate with older adults? This article draws on social role theory, age stereotypes and research on hiring biases, and reports three studies using age‐diverse North American participants. These studies reveal that: (1) positive older age stereotype characteristics are viewed less favorably as criteria for job hire, (2) even when the job role is low‐status, a younger stereotype profile tends to be preferred, and (3) an older stereotype profile is only considered hirable when the role is explicitly cast as subordinate to that of a candidate with a younger age profile. Implications for age‐positive selection procedures and ways to reduce the impact of implicit age biases are discussed.

Andreoletti, C., & Lachman, M. E. ( 2004).

Susceptibility and resilience to memory aging stereotypes: Education matters more than age

Experimental Aging Research, 30, 129-148.

DOI:10.1080/03610730490274167      URL     PMID:15204628      [本文引用: 1]

The authors examined whether the memory performance of young, middle-aged, and older adults would be influenced by stereotype versus counterstereotype information about age differences on a memory task. One hundred forty-nine adults from a probability sample were randomly assigned to a control group or to age-stereotype conditions. As predicted, counterstereotype information was related to higher recall compared to stereotype and control groups. This was true across all age groups, but only for those with more education. Both stereotype and counterstereotype information were related to lower recall compared to the control group across age groups for those with lower education. Results suggest those with more education are more resilient when faced with negative age stereotypes about memory and respond positively to counterstereotype information. In contrast, those with less education show greater susceptibility to the detrimental effects of age stereotypes and respond negatively to both stereotype and counterstereotype information about memory aging.

Appel M., Weber S., & Kronberger N. ( 2015).

The influence of stereotype threat on immigrants: Review and meta-analysis

Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 900.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00900      URL     PMID:4495554      [本文引用: 1]

In many regions around the world students with certain immigrant backgrounds underachieve in educational settings. This paper provides a review and meta-analysis on one potential source of the immigrant achievement gap: stereotype threat, a situational predicament that may prevent students to perform up to their full abilities. A meta-analysis of 19 experiments suggests an overall mean effect size of 0.63 (random effects model) in support of stereotype threat theory. The results are complemented by moderator analyses with regard to circulation (published or unpublished research), cultural context (US versus Europe), age of immigrants, type of stereotype threat manipulation, dependent measures, and means for identification of immigrant status; evidence on the role of ethnic identity strength is reviewed. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.

Armstrong B., Gallant S. N., Li L., Patel K., & Wong B. I. ( 2017).

Stereotype threat effects on older adults' episodic and working memory: A meta-analysis

Gerontologist, 57( S2), 193-205.

DOI:10.1093/geront/gnx056      URL     PMID:28854607      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Background and Objectives: Prior research has shown that exposure to negative age-based stereotype threat (ST) can undermine older adults’ memory performance. The objective of the current meta-analysis was to examine the reliability and magnitude of ST effects on older adults’ episodic and working memory performance—two forms of memory that typically show the greatest age-related declines. In addition, we examined potential moderators of age-based ST including type of ST manipulation, type and timing of memory task, participant age and education level. Research Design and Method: A total of 23 samples for episodic memory and 15 samples for working memory were derived from 19 published and 4 unpublished articles and analyzed in two separate meta-analyses. Results: Analyses revealed a reliable effect of ST on both older adults’ episodic (d = 0.373) and working memory performance (d = 0.253). Interestingly, the age-based ST effect was only significant when blatant ST manipulations were used with episodic memory tasks or when subtle ST manipulations were used with working memory tasks. Moreover, within episodic memory, the ST effect only reached significance for recall but not cued-recall or recognition performance, and for immediate but not delayed tests of memory. Neither age nor level of education moderated the association between ST and older adults’ memory performance. Discussion and Implications: These results highlight the vulnerability of both older adults’ episodic and working memory performance to age-based ST. When measuring older adults’ memory performance in a research context, we must therefore be wary of exposing participants to common stereotypes about aging and memory.

Barber, S. J., & Lee, S. R. ( 2015).

Stereotype threat lowers older adults' self-reported hearing abilities

Gerontology, 62( 1), 81-85.

DOI:10.1159/000439349      URL     PMID:26461273      [本文引用: 2]

Background: Although stereotype threat is a well-documented phenomenon, previous studies examining it in older adults have almost exclusively focused on objective cognitive outcomes. Considerably less attention has been paid to the impact of stereotype threat on older adults' subjective assessments of their own abilities or to the impact of stereotype threat in noncognitive domains. Objective: Older adults are stereotyped as having experienced not only cognitive declines, but physical declines as well. The current study tested the prediction that stereotype threat can negatively influence older adults' subjective hearing abilities. Methods: To test this, 115 adults (mean age 50.03 years, range 41-67) read either a positive or negative description about how aging affects hearing. All participants then answered a questionnaire in which they assessed their own hearing abilities. Results: The impact of stereotype threat on self-reported hearing was moderated by chronological age. Participants in their 40s and early 50s were unaffected by the stereotype threat manipulation. In contrast, participants in their late 50s and 60s rated their hearing as being subjectively worse when under stereotype threat. Conclusion: The current study provides a clear demonstration that stereotype threat negatively impacts older adults' subjective assessments of their own abilities. It is also the first study to demonstrate an effect of stereotype threat within the domain of hearing. These results have important implications for researchers investigating age-related hearing decline. Stereotype threat can lead to overestimation of the prevalence of age-related hearing decline. It can also serve as a confounding variable when examining the psychosocial correlates of hearing loss. Because of this, researchers studying age-related hearing loss should aim to provide a stereotype threat-free testing environment and also include assessments of stereotype threat within their studies. u00a9 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel

Barber, S. J., & Mather, M. ( 2013 a).

Stereotype threat can both enhance and impair older adults’ memory

Psychological Science, 24( 12), 2522-2529.

DOI:10.1177/0956797613497023      URL     PMID:24150969      [本文引用: 2]

Negative stereotypes about aging can impair older adults' memory via stereotype threat; however, the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are unclear. In two experiments, we tested competing predictions derived from two theoretical accounts of stereotype threat: executive-control interference and regulatory fit. Older adults completed a working memory test either under stereotype threat about age-related memory declines or not under such threat. Monetary incentives were manipulated such that recall led to gains or forgetting led to losses. The executive-control-interference account predicts that stereotype threat decreases the availability of executive-control resources and hence should impair working memory performance. The regulatory-fit account predicts that threat induces a prevention focus, which should impair performance when gains are emphasized but improve performance when losses are emphasized. Results were consistent only with the regulatory-fit account. Although stereotype threat significantly impaired older adults' working memory performance when remembering led to gains, it significantly improved performance when forgetting led to losses.

Barber, S. J., & Mather, M. ( 2013 b).

Stereotype threat can reduce older adults' memory errors

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66( 10), 1888-1895.

DOI:10.1080/17470218.2013.840656      URL     PMID:3978122      [本文引用: 2]

Stereotype threat often incurs the cost of reducing the amount of information that older adults accurately recall. In the current research, we tested whether stereotype threat can also benefit memory. According to the regulatory focus account of stereotype threat, threat induces a prevention focus in which people become concerned with avoiding errors of commission and are sensitive to the presence or absence of losses within their environment. Because of this, we predicted that stereotype threat might reduce older adults' memory errors. Results were consistent with this prediction. Older adults under stereotype threat had lower intrusion rates during free-recall tests (Experiments 1 and 2). They also reduced their false alarms and adopted more conservative response criteria during a recognition test (Experiment 2). Thus, stereotype threat can decrease older adults' false memories, albeit at the cost of fewer veridical memories, as well.

Barber, S. J. ( 2017).

An examination of age-based stereotype threat about cognitive decline: Implication for stereotype- threat research and theory development

Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12( 1), 62-90.

DOI:10.1177/1745691616656345      URL     PMID:28073332      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract"Stereotype threat" is often thought of as a singular construct, with moderators and mechanisms that are stable across groups and domains. However, this is not always true. To illustrate this, the current review focuses on the stereotype threat that older adults face about their cognitive abilities. Using Shapiro and Neuberg's (2007) Multi-Threat Framework, I first provide evidence that this is a self-concept threat, and not a group-reputation threat. Because this differs from the form(s) of threat experienced by other groups (e.g., the threat that minority students face about their intellectual abilities), the moderators of threat observed in other groups (i.e., group identification) do not always generalize to age-based stereotype threat about cognitive decline. Looking beyond the form(s) of threat elicited, this review also provides evidence that the mechanisms underlying stereotype threat effects may vary across the lifespan. Due to age-related improvements in emotion regulation abilities, stereotype threat does not seem to reduce older adults' executive control resources. Overall, this review highlights the need to approach the concept of stereotype threat with more granularity. This will allow us to design more effective stereotype threat interventions. It will also shed light on why certain effects "fail to replicate" across domains or groups.

Brelet L. B., Moták L., Ginet M., Huet N., Izaute M., & Gabaude C. ( 2016).

Enhancing older driver’ safety: On effects induced by stereotype threat to older adults’ driving performance, working memory and self-regulation

Geriatrics, 1( 3), 20.

DOI:10.3390/geriatrics1030020      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Chasteen A. L., Bhattacharyya S., Horhota M., Tam R., & Hasher L. ( 2005).

How feelings of stereotype threat influence older adults’ memory performance

Experimental Aging Research, 31, 235-260.

DOI:10.1080/03610730590948177      URL     PMID:1751474      [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of the present research was to explore the role of stereotype threat as a mediator of older people's memory performance under different instructional sets. In three studies, younger and older participants completed a memory test that was either framed as a memorization or as an impression formation task. Across these studies, memory performance was greater for younger than for older adults and was higher in the impression formation than memorization condition, but was not different for older adults in the two instruction conditions. These results also showed that age differences in memory performance were mediated by participants' feelings of stereotype threat, such that age was positively related to stereotype threat and stereotype threat was negatively related to memory performance. These data demonstrate that concerns about being negatively stereotyped influence age differences in memory performance, and that the effects of these feelings on performance are not easily reduced by reframing the task instructions.

Cuddy A. J. C., Norton M. I., & Fiske S. T. ( 2005).

This old stereotype: The pervasiveness and persistence of the elderly stereotype

Journal of Social Issues, 61, 267-285.

DOI:10.1111/josi.2005.61.issue-2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Fernández-Ballesteros R., Bustillos A., & Huici C. ( 2015).

Positive perception of aging and performance in a memory task: Compensating for stereotype threat?

Experimental Aging Research, 41, 410-425.

DOI:10.1080/0361073X.2015.1053757      URL     [本文引用: 6]

Finnigan, K. M., & Corker, K. S. ( 2016).

Do performance avoidance goals moderate the effect of different types of stereotype threat on women’s math performance?

Journal of Research in Personality, 63, 36-43.

DOI:10.1016/j.jrp.2016.05.009      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Hess, T. M., & Hinson, J. ( 2006).

Age-related variation in the influences of aging stereotypes on memory in adulthood

Psychology and Aging, 21, 621-625.

DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.21.3.621      URL     PMID:16953723      [本文引用: 1]

Adults 24-86 years of age read positive or negative information about aging and memory prior to a memory test. The impact of this information on recall performance varied with age. Performance in the youngest and oldest participants was minimally affected by stereotype activation. Adults in their 60s exhibited weak effects consistent with the operation of stereotype threat, whereas middle-age adults exhibited a contrast effect in memory performance, suggestive of stereotype lift. Beliefs about aging and memory were also affected by stereotypic information, and older adults' changed beliefs were more important in predicting performance than was exposure to stereotype-based information alone.

Hess T. M., Auman C., Colcombe S., & Rahhal T. A. ( 2003).

The impact of stereotype threat on age differences in memory performance

Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 58( 1), P3-P11.

DOI:10.1093/geronb/58.1.P3      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Hess T. M., Hinson J. T., & Hodges E. A. ( 2009).

Moderators of and mechanisms underlying stereotype threat effects on older adults’ memory performance

Experimental Aging Research, 35, 153-177.

DOI:10.1080/03610730802716413      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Hess T. M., Hinson J. T., & Statham J. A. ( 2004).

Explicit and implicit stereotype activation effects on memory: Do age and awareness moderate the impact of priming?

Psychology and Aging, 19, 495-505.

DOI:10.1037/0882-7974.19.3.495      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Horton S., Baker J., Pearce W., & Deakin J. M. ( 2010).

Immunity to popular stereotypes of aging? Seniors and stereotype threat

Educational Gerontology, 36, 353-371.

DOI:10.1080/03601270903323976      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Previous research suggests that seniors' short-term performance is affected by stereotype threat efined as a situation in which an individual is at risk of confirming a negative characterization about one's group. The current study attempted to replicate and extend these findings to areas of cognitive and physical functioning considered important to seniors' quality of life and known to decline with age. In total, 99 seniors were tested on six dependent measures: recall performance, reaction time, grip strength, flexibility, walking speed, and self-concept. While seniors were affected by the stereotype intervention, they suffered no performance decrements on the main dependent measures. This raises the intriguing possibility that a certain segment of seniors may be immune to popular stereotypes of aging.

Ihme, T. A., & Möller, J. ( 2015).

“He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches?”: Stereotype threat and preservice teachers

Journal of Educational Psychology, 107( 1), 300-308.

DOI:10.1037/a0037373      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Stereotype threat is defined as a situational threat that diminishes performance, originating from a negative stereotype about one's own social group. In 3 studies, we seek to determine whether there are indeed negative stereotypes of students who have chosen a career in teaching, and whether the performance of these students is affected by stereotype threat. Responses to open-ended questions (Study 1, N = 82) and comparisons in closed-ended response format (Study 2, N = 120) showed that preservice teachers are perceived as having a low level of competence and a high level of warmth, in keeping with the paternalistic stereotype. We conclude that a stereotype does indeed exist that attributes lower competence to prospective teachers. In Study 3 (N = 262), a group of preservice teachers was subjected to stereotype threat. In keeping with the stereotype threat model, that group performed worse on a cognitive test than the group of similar students who were not under stereotype threat; the performance of students in the field psychology did not differ in response to the threat condition. This study is the 1st to show the effects of stereotype threat on students preparing for a teaching career.

Joanisse M., Gagnon S., & Voloaca M. ( 2012).

Overly cautious and dangerous: An empirical evidence of the older driver stereotypes

Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45, 802-810.

DOI:10.1016/j.aap.2011.11.002      URL     PMID:22269572      [本文引用: 1]

Negative comments regarding the competency of older drivers are frequently heard in the general population. While negative stereotypes of older drivers seem to be present, their existence has yet to be empirically validated. We thus investigated the stereotypes pertaining to older drivers in two experiments. In both experiments young adults viewed 12 simulated clips of three categories of driving behaviors (i.e., younger adults’ unsafe behaviors, older drivers’ unsafe behaviors and appropriate-safe driving behaviors) without knowing the driver's age. They were asked to rate how representative the behaviors were of a typical younger, middle-aged, or older driver. Experiment 1 showed that older drivers’ unsafe behaviors were rated as significantly more representative of the typical older driver, while young adults’ unsafe behaviors were perceived as significantly more representative of the typical younger driver. In Experiment 2, younger participants viewed the same clips but were only asked to indicate whether the observed behavior was representative or not of the typical older driver. The main findings were replicated. When asked to describe the main features of the typical older drivers, participants qualified them as being overly cautious, uncomfortable behind the wheel, and unsafe and dangerous. The potential implications on driving performance of older drivers and on driving cessation and are discussed.

Joanisse M., Gagnon S., & Voloaca M. ( 2013).

The impact of stereotype threat on the simulated driving performance of older drivers

Accident Analysis and Prevention, 50, 530-538.

DOI:10.1016/j.aap.2012.05.032      URL     PMID:22727883      [本文引用: 1]

Older drivers are perceived as being dangerous and overly cautious by other drivers. We tested the hypothesis that this negative stereotype has a direct influence on the performance of older drivers. Based on the Stereotype Threat literature, we predicted that older driving performance would be altered after exposure to a Stereotype Threat. Sixty-one older drivers aged 65 and above completed a simulated driving assessment course. Prior to testing, half of the participants were told that the objective of the study was to investigate why older adults aged 65 and above were more implicated in on-road accidents (Stereotype Threat condition) and half were showed a neutral statement. Results confirmed that exposure to the threat significantly altered driving performance. Older adults in the Stereotype Threat condition made more driving mistakes than those in the control group. Interestingly, under a Stereotype Threat condition, older adults tended to commit more speeding infractions. We also observed that domain identification (whether driving is deemed important or not) moderated the impact of the threat. Taken together, these results support recent older drivers performance models suggesting that the interaction between individual and social factors need to be considered when examining older drivers performance.

Jordano, M. L., & Touron, D. R. ( 2017).

Stereotype threat as a trigger of mind-wandering in older adults

Psychology and Aging, 32( 3), 307-313.

DOI:10.1037/pag0000167      URL     PMID:28333503      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Older adults (OAs) report less overall mind-wandering than younger adults (YAs) but more task-related interference (TRI; mind-wandering about the task). The current study examined TRI while manipulating older adults' performance-related concerns. We compared groups for which memory-related stereotype threat (ST) was activated or relieved to a control group. Participants completed an operation span task containing mind-wandering probes. ST-activated OAs reported more TRI than ST-relieved OAs and had worse performance on the operation span task. This study illustrates that environmental context triggers current concerns and determines, in part, the frequency and content of mind-wandering. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

Kang, S. K., & Chasteen, A. L. ( 2009).

The moderating role of age-group identification and perceived threat on stereotype threat among older adults

International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 69( 3), 201-220.

DOI:10.2190/AG.69.3.c      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Kinias, Z., & Sim, J. ( 2016).

Facilitating women's success in business: Interrupting the process of stereotype threat through affirmation of personal values

Journal of Applied Psychology, 101( 11), 1585-1597.

DOI:10.1037/apl0000139      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Krendl A. C., Ambady N., & Kensinger E. A. ( 2015).

The dissociable effects of stereotype threat on older adults’ memory encoding and retrieval

Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4, 103-109.

DOI:10.1016/j.jarmac.2015.02.001      URL     PMID:4445899      [本文引用: 2]

The present study asks how subliminal exposure to negative stereotypes about age-related memory deficits affects older adults’ memory performance. Whereas prior research has focused on the effect of “stereotype threat” on older adults’ memory for neutral material, the present study additionally examines the effect on memory for positive and negative words, as well as whether the subliminal “threat” has a larger impact on memory performance when it occurs prior to encoding or prior to retrieval (as compared to a control condition). Results revealed that older adults’ memory impairments were most pronounced when the threat was placed prior to retrieval as compared to when the threat was placed prior to encoding or no threat occurred. Moreover, the threat specifically increased false memory rates, particularly for neutral items compared to positive and negative ones. These results emphasize that stereotype threat effects vary depending upon the phase of memory it impacts.

Kulik C. T., Perera S., Cregan C. ( 2016).

Engage me: The mature-age worker and stereotype threat

Academy of Management Journal, 59( 6), 2132-2156.

DOI:10.5465/amj.2015.0564      URL     [本文引用: 2]

As the workforce ages, and people retire later in life, organizations will need to develop strategies to engage their mature-age workers. We used a stereotype threat framework to investigate the impact of threat-inducing (young manager, young workgroup, manual occupation) and threat-inhibiting (high performance practices, mature-age practices) contextual cues on mature-age worker engagement. A total of 666 mature-age employees in Australia described their work experiences in three surveys administered over a three-year period. Results indicated that mature-age employees who experienced stereotype threat in the workplace reported lower engagement 11 12 months later. All of the contextual cues had an impact on stereotype threat and exerted indirect (mediated by stereotype threat) effects on engagement. However, the effects of manager age were moderated by organizational practices. Diversity conscious mature-age practices moderated the effect of manager age, so mature-age practices were particularly beneficial in counteracting negative cues associated with young managers. But diversity blind high performance practices moderated the effect of manager age, so high performance practices were especially helpful in generating engagement among mature-age workers with older managers. We recommend that organizations adopt both diversity blind and diversity conscious practices into their diversity management portfolios. The two types of practices are complementary and have additive effects on mature-age worker engagement.

Lambert A. E., Seegmiller J. K., Stefanucci J. K., & Watson J. M. ( 2013).

On working memory capacity and implicit associations between advanced age and dangerous driving stereotypes

Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 306-313.

DOI:10.1002/acp.v27.3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Lambert A. E., Watson J. M., Stefanucci J. K., Ward N., Bakdash J. E., & Strayer D. L. ( 2016).

Stereotype threat impairs older adult driving

Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 22-28.

DOI:10.1002/acp.3162      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Abstract Stereotypes can harm human performance, especially when activated in individuals with diminished working memory capacity (WMC). Performance implications for the stereotype of poor driving in older adults were investigated. Using a sample of older adults, WMC (the ability to maintain task goals and ignore distractions) and driving performance [brake reaction time (RT), following distance, and crashes] were assessed, the latter using a high-fidelity simulator. Elderly participants under stereotype threat with reduced WMC exhibited slower brake RTs and longer following distances compared with a control condition that was not threatened. This driving profile was characteristic of cognitive distraction. Stereotype threat has clear consequences for human performance in a common real-world task—driving—that is critical to public safety. Furthermore, these findings suggest caution in how the media and public policy communicate information about older adult driving.Copyright 08 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Lamont, R. L, Swift, H. J., & Abrams, D. ( 2015).

A review and meta-analysis of age-based stereotype threat: Negative stereotypes, not facts, do the damage

Psychology and Aging, 30( 1), 180-193.

DOI:10.1037/a0038586      URL     [本文引用: 6]

Levy, B. R., & Leifheit-Limson E. ( 2009).

The stereotype- matching effect: Greater influence on functioning when age stereotypes correspond to outcomes

Psychology and Aging, 24( 1), 230-233.

DOI:10.1037/a0014563      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Levy, B. ( 2009).

Stereotype embodiment

Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18( 6), 332-336.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2009.01662.x      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Levy B., Ashman O., & Dror I. ( 2000).

To be or not to be: The effects of aging stereotypes on the will to live

Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 40( 3), 409-420.

DOI:10.2190/Y2GE-BVYQ-NF0E-83VR      URL     PMID:12557880      [本文引用: 1]

This study examined whether stereotypes of aging might contribute to decisions the elderly make about when to die. Old and young participants (N=64) were subliminally primed with either negative or positive stereotypes of old age and then responded to hypothetical medical situations involving potentially fatal illnesses. Consistent with our prediction, the aged participants primed with negative stereotypes tended to refuse life-prolonging interventions, whereas the old participants primed with positive age stereotypes tended to accept the interventions. This priming effect did not emerge among the young participants for whom the stereotypes were less relevant. The results suggest that societally-transmitted negative stereotypes of aging can weaken elderly people's will to live.

Mazerolle M., Régner I., Morisset P., Rigalleau F., & Huguet P. ( 2012).

Stereotype threat strengthens automatic recall and undermines controlled processes in older adults

Psychological Science, 23, 723-727.

DOI:10.1177/0956797612437607      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Mazerolle M., Régner I., Rigalleau F., & Huguet P. ( 2015).

Stereotype threat alters the subjective experience of memory

Experimental Psychology, 62( 6), 395-402.

DOI:10.1027/1618-3169/a000303      URL     PMID:27120561      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract There is now evidence that negative age-related stereotypes about memory reduce older adults' memory performance, and inflate age differences in this domain. Here, we examine whether stereotype threat may also influence the basic feeling that one is more or less able to remember. Using the Remember/Know paradigm, we demonstrated that stereotype threat conducted older adults to a greater feeling of familiarity with events, while failing to retrieve any contextual detail. This finding indicates that stereotype threat alters older adults' subjective experience of memory, and strengthens our understanding of the mechanisms underlying stereotype threat effects.

Meisner, B. A. ( 2012).

A meta-analysis of positive and negative age stereotype priming effects on behavior among older adults

Journals of Gerontology, 67B ( 1), 13-17.

DOI:10.1093/geronb/gbr062      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Meneghetti C., Muffato V., Suitner C., de Beni R., & Borella E. ( 2015).

Map learning in young and older adults: The influence of perceived stereotype threat

Learning and Individual Differences, 42, 77-82.

DOI:10.1016/j.lindif.2015.08.015      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Nguyen, H. H. D., & Ryan, A. M. ( 2008).

Does stereotype threat affect test performance of minorities and women? A meta-analysis of experimental evidence

Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 1314-1334.

DOI:10.1037/a0012702      URL     [本文引用: 1]

North, M. S., & Fiske, S. T. ( 2012).

An inconvenienced youth? Ageism and its potential intergenerational roots

Psychological Bulletin, 138( 5), 982-997.

DOI:10.1037/a0027843      URL     PMID:22448913      [本文引用: 2]

Age is the only social category identifying subgroups that everyone may eventually join. Despite this and despite the well-known growth of the older population, age-based prejudice remains an understudied topic in social psychology. This article systematically reviews the literature on ageism, highlighting extant research on its consequences and theoretical perspectives on its causes. We then identify a crucial gap in the literature, potential intergenerational tensions, speculating how a growing-older population-and society's efforts to accommodate it-might stoke intergenerational fires, particularly among the younger generation. Presenting both sides of this incipient issue, we review relevant empirical work that introduces reasons for both optimism and pessimism concerning intergenerational relations within an aging society. We conclude by suggesting future avenues for ageism research, emphasizing the importance of understanding forthcoming intergenerational dynamics for the benefit of the field and broader society.

North, M. S., & Fiske, S. T. ( 2015).

Modern attitudes toward older adults in the aging word: A cross-cultural meta-analysis

Psychological Bulletin, 141( 5), 993-1021.

DOI:10.1037/a0039469      URL     PMID:26191955      [本文引用: 1]

Prevailing beliefs suggest that Eastern cultures hold older adults in higher esteem than Western cultures do, due to stronger collectivist traditions of filial piety. However, in modern, industrialized societies, the strain presented by dramatic rises in population aging potentially threatens traditional cultural expectations. Addressing these competing hypotheses, a literature search located 37 eligible papers, comprising samples from 23 countries and 21,093 total participants, directly comparing Easterners and Westerners (as classified per U.N. conventions) in their attitudes toward aging and the aged. Contradicting conventional wisdom, a random-effects meta-analysis on these articles found such evaluations to be more negative in the East overall (standardized mean difference = -0.31). High heterogeneity in study comparisons suggested the presence of moderators; indeed, geographical region emerged as a significant moderating factor, with the strongest levels of senior derogation emerging in East Asia (compared with South and Southeast Asia) and non-Anglophone Europe (compared with North American and Anglophone Western regions). At the country level, multiple-moderator meta-regression analysis confirmed recent rises in population aging to significantly predict negative elder attitudes, controlling for industrialization per se over the same time period. Unexpectedly, these analyses also found that cultural individualism significantly predicted relative positivity-suggesting that, for generating elder respect within rapidly aging societies, collectivist traditions may backfire. The findings suggest the importance of demographic challenges in shaping modern attitudes toward elders-presenting considerations for future research in ageism, cross-cultural psychology, and even economic development, as societies across the globe accommodate unprecedented numbers of older citizens.

Phibbs, S., & Hooker, K. ( 2017).

An exploration of factors associated with ageist stereotype threat in a medical setting

Journals of Gerontology: Series B,

URL     [本文引用: 5]

Steele, C. M., & Aronson, J. ( 1995).

Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69( 5), 797-811.

DOI:10.1037/0022-3514.69.5.797      URL     PMID:7473032      [本文引用: 2]

Stereotype threat is being at risk of confirming, as self-characteristic, a negative stereotype about one's group. Studies 1 and 2 varied the stereotype vulnerability of Black participants taking a difficult verbal test by varying whether or not their performance was ostensibly diagnostic of ability, and thus, whether or not they were at risk of fulfilling the racial stereotype about their intellectual ability. Reflecting the pressure of this vulnerability, Blacks underperformed in relation to Whites in the ability-diagnostic condition but not in the nondiagnostic condition (with Scholastic Aptitude Tests controlled). Study 3 validated that ability-diagnosticity cognitively activated the racial stereotype in these participants and motivated them not to conform to it, or to be judged by it. Study 4 showed that mere salience of the stereotype could impair Blacks' performance even when the test was not ability diagnostic. The role of stereotype vulnerability in the standardized test performance of ability-stigmatized groups is discussed.

von Hippel C., Kalokerinos E. K., & Henry J. D. ( 2013).

Stereotype threat among older employees: Relationship with job attitudes and turnover intentions

Psychology and Aging, 28( 1), 17-27.

DOI:10.1037/a0029825      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Voss P., Wolff J. K., & Rothermund K. ( 2017).

Relations between views on ageing and perceived age discrimination: A domain-specific perspective

European Journal of Ageing, 14, 5-15.

DOI:10.1007/s10433-016-0381-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Walton, G. M., & Spencer, S. J. ( 2009).

Latent ability: Grades and test scores systematically underestimate the intellectual ability of negatively stereotyped students

Psychological Science, 20, 1132-1139.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02417.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wen F. F., Zuo B., Wu Y., Dong X. H., & Wang W. ( 2016).

Reducing the effect of stereotype threat: The role of coaction contexts and regulatory fit

Social Psychology of Education, 19( 3), 607-626.

DOI:10.1007/s11218-016-9344-z      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Two experiments examined the effects of competition and cooperation contexts, as well as regulatory fit, on reducing the negative influence of stereotype threat. Experiment 1 demonstrated that in high stereotype threat conditions, participants in the cooperation context scored significantly higher on a math test than those in the competition context, while participants in low stereotype threat conditions did not differ in both contexts. Experiment 2 found that under stereotype threat, participants with induced prevention focus scored significantly higher on a math test in the cooperation context than those in the competition context or control group. At the same time, participants with induced promotion foci did not differ between the contexts. Thus, while the cooperation context may counteract the effect of stereotype threat, inducing a promotion focus may create a regulatory fit in the competition context that could also remove the effect of stereotype threat.

Wong, J. T., & Gallo, D. A. ( 2016).

Stereotype threat reduces false recognition when older adults are forewarned

Memory, 24( 5), 650-658.

DOI:10.1080/09658211.2015.1036885      URL     PMID:26218527      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Exposing older adults to ageing stereotypes can reduce their memory for studied information--a phenomenon attributed to stereotype threat--but little is known about stereotype effects on false memory. Here, we assessed ageing stereotype effects on the Deese-Roediger-McDermott false memory illusion. Older adults studied lists of semantically associated words, and then read a passage about age-related memory decline (threat condition) or an age-neutral passage (control condition). They then took a surprise memory test with a warning to avoid false recognition of non-studied associates. Relative to the control condition, activating stereotype threat reduced the recognition of both studied and non-studied words, implicating a conservative criterion shift for associated test words. These results indicate that stereotype threat can reduce false memory, and they help to clarify mixed results from prior ageing research. Consistent with the regulatory focus hypothesis, threat motivates older adults to respond more conservatively when error-prevention is emphasised at retrieval.

Zhang B. S., Lin Y., Gao Q. Y., Zawisza M., Kang Q., & Chen X. H. ( 2017).

Effects of aging stereotype threat on working self-concepts: An event-related potentials approach

Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, 223.

DOI:10.3389/fnagi.2017.00223      URL     [本文引用: 2]


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