ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1553-1566 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.0553



刘燕, 李锐,

苏州大学东吴商学院, 苏州 215021

Antecedents and outcomes of expatriate proactive behaviors in Chinese MNCs: A challenge-hindrance stressor perspective

LIU Yan, LI Rui,

Dongwu Business School, Soochow University, Suzhou 215021, China

通讯作者: * 李锐,

收稿日期: 2018-02-28   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71332002)

Received: 2018-02-28   Online: 2018-09-15

Fund supported: (71332002)


传统研究强调跨文化多重压力阻碍外派成功, 但相对忽视压力具备的动力作用。该研究基于挑战性-阻碍性压力视角, 遵循“压力-动机-行为-结果”的逻辑框架, 对中国跨国公司外派人员多目标主动行为及结果的产生机制展开研究。依据自我决定理论分析挑战性-阻碍性两种不同属性压力如何通过影响动机和主动行为进而影响外派人员的职业发展、工作绩效及组织绩效的过程, 并根据工作要求-控制模型, 从组织和工作资源两方面识别两种压力影响外派结果的边界条件, 以及跨文化背景下主动行为发挥作用的边界条件。该研究揭示外派主动动机及行为在高不确定性跨文化背景下的价值功效, 可以为中国跨国公司挑选、培训、激励和保留国际化人才提供实践的参考。

关键词: 外派人员; 挑战性压力; 阻碍性压力; 主动行为; 外派成功


Prior research has highlighted the obstructive rather than motive role of cross-cultural stressors in expatriate success. The present research attempts to explore the reasons why Chinese multinational companies (MNCs) succeed or fail in international assignments. Based on the stress-motivation-behavior- outcome framework, this research focuses on the antecedents and outcomes of proactive behaviors of expatriates. To be specific, by drawing on self-determination theory and job demand-resource (control) model, our research links challenge-hindrance stressors to proactive behaviors of expatriates. Further, the research examines the motivation mechanisms of how these two different types of stressors influence proactive behaviors, and identifies the boundary conditions of these mechanisms from the perspectives of organization and job resources. In addition, our research also explores the impacts of proactive behaviors on multi-level expatriate outcomes as well as identifies the boundary conditions for such impacts. Our work underscores the strategic value of proactive behaviors in the uncertain and complex cross-cultural context, and entails significant practical implications for MNCs to select, train, motivate, and retain internationalized talents.

Keywords: expatriate; challenge stressor; hindrance stressor; proactive behavior; expatriate success

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刘燕, 李锐. 中国跨国公司外派人员多目标主动行为的前因与后果——挑战性-阻碍性压力视角 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1553-1566 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.0553

LIU Yan, LI Rui. Antecedents and outcomes of expatriate proactive behaviors in Chinese MNCs: A challenge-hindrance stressor perspective. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(9): 1553-1566 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.0553

1 问题的提出

我国对外直接投资在“一带一路”倡议提出后步入高速增长阶段。商务部数据显示, 2016年我国对外直接投资比上年增长44%, 涉及在164个国家和地区投资7961家企业, 投资额1.12992万亿元, 海外工作人数2016年底达97万人1(1 102504240.shtml)。走出国门的中国跨国公司依赖外派人员推动战略目标实现; 而国际人力资源管理经验的缺乏却导致外派效果不佳(Fan, Xia, Zhang, Zhu, & Li, 2016)。外派人员承担重要的组织任务, 如促进母子公司的知识转移、填补子公司关键岗位、开发全球化人才等(赵曙明, 2016)。未达目标的国际委派不仅造成跨国公司经济损失, 也损害与子公司的未来合作(Zeira & Banai, 1985); 外派人员因此失去自尊, 产生消极态度以至离职等(Takeuchi, 2010)。外派管理不再是我国人力资源管理的边缘话题, 而是实践界和学术界迫在眉睫的严峻挑战(赵曙明, 2016)。

西方外派成功的研究已经取得了较为丰富的成果, 主流研究强调外派人员及家庭为应对跨文化工作和生活转换的不确定性而感受的多重压力, 假设这些压力消耗个体心理成本, 引起行为紧张并导致撤离外派任务(Bhaskar-Shrinivas, Harrison, Shaffer, & Luk, 2005)。该类研究遵行的是环境作用于人的反应行为范式(reactive behavioral paradigm) (Ren, Shaffer, Harrison, Fu, & Fodchuk, 2014), 主要探索个体特征和工作、人际和文化等情境的压力源对外派人员跨文化适应及提前撤回的影响。仅有少数学者立足于动机视角解释外派成功(失败)现象, 认为外派人员除了被动地对环境做出响应, 也有动机通过获取资源和缔结关系等积极策略, 主动管理、改善或塑造周围环境, 使之与自身更匹配, 从中获得幸福感, 进而长期坚守外派岗位并取得外派成功(Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, & Schaufeli, 2001)。遗憾的是, 这种主动行为范式(proactive behavioral paradigm)的实证研究并不多见。主动行为是目标驱动行为(Parker, Bindl, & Strauss, 2010), 意在变革或改善自身及环境(Parker & Collins, 2010), 其自主发起、面向变革和提前行动的特征对于成功达到外派目标特别重要, 因为外派情境比一般工作情境存在更多的挑战和不确定性, 要求外派人员采取主动行为以赢得成功。

我国跨国经营活动起步较晚, 处于“摸着石头过河”阶段。现存外派管理知识主要基于西方背景, 不一定适合在中国照搬照用, 因为外派成功具有背景依赖性(Zhao, Liu, & Zhou, 2016)。中国的制度与文化、经济发展状况、人才储备和就业市场与西方国家存在较大差异。如, 家庭问题(主要指配偶跨文化不适应)被发现是西方外派失败的首要因素(Dupuis, Haines, & Saba, 2008), 但中国雇员一般不携带家属执行外派任务(Wang, Freeman, & Zhu, 2013); 西方发达国家雇员将外派当成“苦差”, 提前撤回现象频繁发生(Takeuchi, Wang, & Marinova, 2005); 中国雇员将外派看成是报酬增长和职业发展的机会(Shen & Edwards, 2004)。因此, 有必要从积极的主动行为视角探讨中国跨国公司外派成功的路径。本研究以中国跨国公司外派人员为研究样本, 运用挑战性-阻碍性工作压力模型整合传统研究中“各自为政”的反应行为和主动行为研究范式, 遵循“压力-动机-行为-结果”的逻辑框架, 聚焦于外派人员2(2 本研究中的外派人员包括跨国公司委派到东道国子公司的经理、技术人员、管理人员及一般职员, 不包括劳务工人。)多目标主动行为及效果的产生机制展开系统和深入的研究。

2 文献综述

2.1 个体外派成功及影响因素的研究

从上世纪末开始, 国际商务和人力资源管理领域的学者以外派成功(expatriate success)或外派效力(expatriate effectiveness)为议题展开了理论和实证的研究。文献中并没有对外派成功(或效力)作明确具体定义, 而是用之指代一系列有利于跨国公司目标实现的外派结果。个体外派成功的代表变量主要有跨文化适应、提前撤回和工作绩效(Hemmasi, Downes, & Varner, 2010), 实证研究发现跨文化适应正向影响留职意愿及工作绩效, 负向影响提前撤回(Chen, Kirkman, Kim, Farh, & Tangirala, 2010; Kraimer & Wayne, 2004; Ren et al., 2014)。已有研究探索了促进或阻碍以上三个变量的影响因素。个体因素的研究发现, 个体特质影响外派成功(Molet, Born, Willemsen, & Van Der Molen, 2005; Malek & Budhwar, 2013; 王泽宇, 王国锋, 井润田, 2013; 刘畅唱, 贾良定, 李珏兴, 刘德鹏, 杨椅伊, 2016); 其次, 与个人能力相关的因素也是影响外派成功的重要原因, 如国际经验、沟通能力和社会资本等(Takeuchi, Tesluk, Yun, & Lepak, 2005; Tucker, Bonial, & Lahti, 2004; Kim & Slocum, 2008; Osman-Gani & Rockstuhl, 2009; Chiu, Wu, Zhuang, & Hsu, 2009; 陈文春, 袁庆宏, 2010; 周燕华, 崔新健, 2012; 徐笑君, 2016)。另外, 研究强调了家庭与配偶因素对外派成功的影响(Takeuchi, Yun, & Tesluk, 2002; Lazarova, Westman, & Shaffer, 2010; Bader, Berg, & Holtbrügge, 2015)。最近的研究开始关注个体动机因素对外派成功的促进作用(Chen et al., 2010; Wang & Takeuchi, 2007; Zhao et al., 2016)。组织因素被发现是促进外派成功的另一类重要因素, 其中包括与人力资源管理实践有关的因素(Kraimer, Wayne, & Jaworski, 2001; Gong, 2003; Colakoglu & Caligiuri, 2008; Osman-Gani & Rockstuhl, 2009; Wu & Ang, 2011; Showail, Parks, & Smith, 2013; Kawai & Strange, 2014; 王玉梅, 何燕珍, 2014)、组织支持(Kraimer & Wayne, 2004; Takeuchi, Wang, Marinova, & Yao, 2009)和领导因素(Kraimer & Wayne, 2004; Pattie, Benson, Casper, & Mcmahan, 2013)。社会因素如价值观、文化距离(Peltokorpi & Froese, 2014; Froese & Peltokorpi, 2011)、制度特征和制度距离(Maurer & Li, 2006; Gaur, 2007)等也被发现影响个体外派成功。

2.2 组织外派成功及影响因素的研究

少量文献关注组织外派成功(Zhu, Cieri, Fan, & Zhang, 2014)。这类研究主要就外派配置对子公司绩效的影响进行了考察。如, Peterson, Sargent, Napier和Shim (1996)发现公司外派人力资源政策、国际化程度与跨国公司的整体绩效有关联。Gaur, Delios和Singh (2007)说明, 为了有效地转移管理实践和公司能力, 在制度距离大的东道国子公司更依靠母国外派配置, 外派配置对子公司绩效的积极影响取决于母国和东道国的制度距离和子公司经验。Richards (2001)也探讨了外派配置与子公司绩效的关系, 发现在发展中国家及子公司依靠当地客户时更适合使用当地经理, 大型子公司及市场主体与母公司相似时更适合使用外派经理。Colakoglu和Caligiuri (2008)发现, 高比例的母公司外派配置对子公司绩效存在负面影响, 这种影响在文化距离较高时更为显著。Gong (2003)发现母公司外派配置比例对子公司生产力存在正面影响, 文化距离正向调节这一关系, 但随着时间的推移, 这种关系会逐渐变弱。还有研究探索了外派现象与组织绩效的关系。如Paik和Sohn (2004)发现外派经理关于东道国的跨文化知识增加跨国公司对子公司的控制效力。Chang, Gong和Peng (2012)发现外派的知识转移能力通过子公司知识接收能力而影响子公司绩效(投资回报率和股东权益回报率), 当子公司吸收能力强时, 该关系更为密切。Bonache和Noethen (2014)的案例研究说明, 外派个体成功是组织成功的前提, 但随着外派人员的角色不同, 二者的关系强度会发生变化。总体而言, 该分支的研究显得较为分散。

2.3 外派压力、动力与外派成功

主流研究强调压力对外派成功的影响, 认为外派人员的压力来源于跨文化流动所引起的个人生活的变化及工作环境的不确定性。具体的压力源包括新的工作角色和任务、陌生的生活环境和人际关系, 以及工作与生活环境中的文化差异等(Bakker, Demerouti, Boer, & Schaufeli, 2003)。压力视角的研究认为外派成功是外派人员应对压力而进行心理调适的结果(Bhaskar-Shrinivas et al., 2005)。由于体验到的压力数量和强度会弱化外 派人员努力的效果(Harrison, Shaffer, & Bhaskar- Shrinivas, 2004), 如果不能有效地管理压力将导致外派失败。因此, 压力视角的研究注重考察压力源(如角色模糊和角色冲突)的负面作用和社会支持(如组织支持和上司支持)的正面作用。

最近有研究开始从动力的视角研究外派成功, 认为有动力追求外派工作机会的个体能通过主动管理压力和主动响应跨文化环境而促进外派成功(Chen et al., 2010; Ren et al., 2014)。动力的来源包括个人挑战、工作本身的重要性和专业的提升、追求国际化经验和全球化职业能力提升等(Shaffer, Kraimer, Chen, & Bolino, 2012; Stahl, Miller, & Tung, 2002)。该视角下的研究发现, 跨文化动机(Chen et al., 2010)、目标导向(Wang & Takeuchi, 2007)和无边界职业思维(Zhao et al., 2016)等与个体内在动机有关的因素推动外派人员主动改造环境而不是被动地适应环境, 从而促进跨文化适应和工作绩效。

Ren等(2014)将压力和动力视角的研究区分成“环境→人”反应行为范式和“人→环境”的主动行为范式。反应行为范式强调环境的力量在外派过程中发挥主导作用, 外派人员被动地努力适应环境; 主动行为范式说明, 人除了被动地响应环境以外, 也可以主动从周围环境中获取信息和反馈和建立新型人际关系以获取有价值的社会支持(Firth, Chen, Kirkman, & Kim, 2014)。基于工作要求-资源模型(Demerouti et al., 2001), Ren等(2014)同时考察了跨文化要求(文化新奇, 价值观距离和东道国语言技能缺乏)和资源(包括信息、关系和心理资源)获取行为对外派人员跨文化适应、工作投入及留职的影响, 他们发现主动资源获取行为具有显著的积极作用。但是他们的研究没有涉及到对主动行为产生机制的探索。



图1   已有外派成功研究框架图

2.4 研究评述

(1)主流研究以外派人员为中心探讨跨文化适应、提前撤回和工作绩效的影响因素(Hemmasi et al., 2010)。这类研究忽略了其它利益相关者对外派活动的诉求, 如母公司和子公司对外派活动的期望(Takeuchi, 2010); 另外, 主流研究遵循被动的反应行为范式, 忽视了个体在压力环境下主观能动性的作用。实际上, 主动行为对个体及组织目标都有积极影响(张桂平, 廖建桥, 2011), 它所具有的自主发起、预测未来和提前行动的特征在不确定的外派情境下有特殊价值。

(2)主流研究基于压力视角考察压力源(如角色模糊)对外派成功的影响。然而, 认知交互理论说明, 压力取决于个体对情境刺激的认知评价, 即压力是环境与个体反应共同作用的结果, 应该根据个体对压力源的知觉来判断压力的大小(李宗波, 李锐, 2013); 另外, 压力视角的研究假设压力弱化个体努力的结果(Harrison et al., 2004), 因而是阻碍外派成功的负面因素。挑战性-阻碍性压力模型说明压力也有“好”“坏”之分, 其中, 挑战性压力发挥的是“动力”的作用。挑战性-阻碍性压力模型可有效地整合外派压力和动力在一个理论框架中(Firth et al., 2014)。

(3)已有研究发现影响因素与外派结果之间的关系简单直接。实际上, 不仅个体的特质、知觉和情感等因素会对外派成功产生影响, 母公司、子公司等利益相关者也会影响外派人员的心理、态度、动机和行为, 其它与工作有关的情境因素同时也在发挥作用。然而, 很少有学者从个体-情境交互作用视角考察影响因素彼此之间及与外派结果之间的复杂关系。实际上这简化了外派实践的复杂背景, 所得出的研究结论未必可靠, 有必要从个体-情境交互作用视角考察外派成功的路径, 以体现外派成功背景的复杂性。

3 研究构想

Dowling, Festing和Engle (2013)指出, 跨国公司国际委派目的包括:(1)职位填充, 即为特定管理职位注入新能力和填补技术空白; (2)培养管理人员, 即为外派人员将来成为国际化的高层管理人员做准备; (3)组织管理, 即控制和协调子公司的运作, 转移管理能力、程序和实践; (4)开发全球市场机会, 这一论述表明外派活动的目标是多层面的。本研究将外派目标区分为个体目标、工作目标和组织目标, 拟运用自我决定理论和挑战性-阻碍性压力模型整合已有两种主要研究范式, 考察中国跨国公司外派人员挑战性-阻碍性压力如何通过影响动机(包括‘can do’、‘reason to’和‘energized to’ 路径, Parker et al, 2010)、主动行为(包括主动个人-环境契合行为、主动工作行为和主动战略行为, Parker & Collins, 2010), 进而影响外派多层次目标实现的过程。研究基于工作要求-资源(控制)模型(Karasek, 1979)考察影响挑战性-阻碍性压力对外派成功作用效果的边界条件(包括工作资源和社会资源)和跨文化背景下外派主动行为发挥作用的边界条件(包括跨文化的个体和情境特征)。整体研究模型及具体涉及变量参见图2


图2   外派人员多目标主动行为整体研究框架

注:此图为整体研究模型, 研究会从理论与实践价值的双重角度选择具体研究议题而设计模型并付诸研究实践。

由于该研究框架中所涉及变量和关系的组合较多, 本文限于篇幅, 无法面面俱到地对之进行全面阐释, 我们从总体框架中选择个体、工作和战略层次的主动行为及结果各举一例对其产生机制进行逻辑推演和提出假设。未来研究将根据聚焦的研究问题在总体框架的基础上提出具体研究模型并展开研究。

3.1 基于个体目标实现的外派主动行为研究

3.1.1 主动职业管理行为与外派职业成功

在国际化进程加速的中国背景下, 变化和不确定的雇佣环境使无边界职业观越来越被企业雇员所接受, 具有国际经验和跨文化能力的人必然会获得更多的职业发展机会。Zhao等(2016)指出, 个体追求或接受外派任务的重要目标是获得自身的职业发展, 而这种职业发展并不只限定于在组织内部, 也包括外部职场; Shen和Jiang (2015)对中国企业雇员的调查发现, 中国雇员追求或接受外派工作的主要目的是追求职业发展。因此, 本研究将探讨两个重要的职业成功结果变量, 一是主观的职业成功——职业生涯工具性(career instrumentality), 指个体对执行外派任务的收获对未来工作和职业发展的价值感知(Feldman & Thomas, 1992); 一是客观的职业成功, 指职位和薪水的提升(Turban & Dougherty, 1994)。职业管理行为(career initiative)是面向长期的个人-环境主动契合行为, 指员工为确保持续向组织提供增长的价值而主动进行的职业计划、技能提升和咨询资深人士行为(Seibert, Kraimer, & Crant, 2001)。个体主动地展开职业管理行为能更精准地进行职业目标设定和更好的推动职业目标奋斗过程, 本研究假设主动职业管理行为促进外派职业生涯工具性和客观职业成功。

假设1a: 主动职业管理行为促进外派职业生涯工具性和客观职业成功。

3.1.2 挑战性-阻碍性压力与外派主动职业管理行为的关系:控制评价的中介作用

本研究将挑战性-阻碍性压力与职业管理行为及成功相联系, 探讨控制评价在二者关系中的中介作用。本研究中, 挑战性压力是个体认为能够克服, 对工作绩效与成长具有积极意义的压力, 如工作负荷、时间紧迫性、工作范围与职责、工作复杂性等; 阻碍性压力是指个体认为难以克服, 对完成工作目标和职业生涯发展具有阻碍作用的压力, 如组织政治、角色模糊与冲突、官僚程序、工作不安全感等(Cavanaugh, Boswell, Roehling, & Boudreau, 2000)。挑战性压力使个体预期在工作绩效、晋升和成长方面会获得收益和回报, 因而会加强其采取积极的应对策略; 而阻碍性压力使个人体认为很难战胜, 即使战胜后也不会带来收益与回报, 因而会减少其采取积极应对策略(Lepine, Lepine, & Jackson, 2004)。控制评价(control appraisals)是指个体认为自己有能力控制周围环境并对工作效果产生影响的一种认知。高控制评价的个体有强烈的责任感、不轻言放弃并渴望成功(Fay & Frese, 2001)。挑战性-阻碍性压力对外派人员的控制评价水平可能产生不同方向的影响。挑战性压力高的外派人员喜欢挑战性的工作, 认为对自身发展有重要价值, 并且对未来成功有一定期待和把握。阻碍性压力高的外派人员则相反, 他们不相信可能战胜压力, 而且认为即使克服压力也难以给自己带来多大收益。自我决定理论说明内在的动机(intrinsic motivation) (即个体对任务本身所包含的乐趣、兴趣以及沉浸其中的愿望)、综合的动机(integrated motivation) (即完成重要生活目标或者体现自己所看重的价值观的动机)和认同的动机(identified motivation) (即认识到行为对于自己或他人的重要性而产生的动机)倾向于主动发起行动(Deci & Ryan, 1985; Gagné & Deci, 2005)。因此可以推测, 挑战性压力会产生更高程度的自我决定(动机), 如感觉自己有能力克服压力赢取成功, 即促进其控制评价水平, 并进一步投入主动职业管理行为; 而阻碍性压力抑制控制评价, 进而会阻碍主动职业管理行为。实证研究发现挑战性-阻碍性压力对个体态度、行为和绩效分别存在正面和负面的影响(LePine et al., 2004; 张韫黎, 陆昌勤, 2009; 张亚军, 肖小虹, 2016); 而动机扮演中介角色(LePine et al., 2004)。因此, 我们提出以下假设:

假设1b: 控制评价在挑战性压力与主动职业管理行为之间起中介作用; 控制评价在阻碍性压力与主动职业管理行为之间起中介作用。

结合假设1a-1b所涉及的变量关系及逻辑, 我们进一步提出如下假设:

假设1c: 挑战性压力依次通过控制评价和主动职业管理行为的中介作用而对职业工具性和客观职业成功产生正向影响。阻碍性压力依次通过控制评价和主动职业管理行为的中介作用而对职业工具性和客观职业成功产生负向影响。

3.1.3 母公司职业支持和外派启导的调节作用

工作要求-资源(控制)模型说明压力是工作要求和工作控制联合作用的结果。工作要求是压力源, 工作资源(控制)是缓解工作压力、增强工作激励的重要因素(Karasek, 1979)。因此, 能加强工作控制的有关资源可能调节挑战性-阻碍性压力的作用效果。本研究拟从组织和个体层面分别识别影响二重压力发挥作用的边界条件。组织支持是一种特殊的社会支持资源, 包括提供有价值的信息和物质资源,也包括提供物质奖励和职位提升等(Rhoades & Eisenberger, 2002), 被认为对雇员在工作转换后应对压力、提高适应性和取得工作绩效起重要作用(Kraimer & Wayne, 2004)。由于外派雇员关心自己在回国后的职业发展前景(Stahl et al., 2002), 因此来自母公司的职业支持可能促进挑战性压力对控制评价及主动职业管理行为和结果的促进作用。又由于组织支持缓冲工作要求对心理健康的负面影响(Demerouti et al., 2001), 因此, 本研究预测母公司职业支持会对阻碍性压力的消极作用产生削弱效应。

假设1d: 母公司的职业支持调节挑战性-阻碍性压力对控制评价的影响, 并进而调节挑战性(阻碍性)压力通过控制评价和主动职业管理行为对职业工具性及客观职业成功的影响。当母公司职业支持较高时, 上述关系和影响较强(较弱), 反之, 刚较弱(较强)。

启导(mentoring)是指存在于有经验的组织成员与缺乏经验的组织成员之间一对一的等级关系(Kram, 1985)。启导帮助缺乏经验的人增长组织知识、组织可见度, 促进其职业发展和提高能力。已有研究探讨了外派启导对外派人员的跨文化适应和职业发展的促进作用(Zhuang, Wu, & Wen, 2013; Carraher, Sullivan, & Crocitto, 2008)。本研究认为外派启导不仅能从长远出发为外派人员提供有效的职业指导, 同时也有可能为外派人员的工作生活和学习提供及时和日常的指导, 从而增强挑战性压力的激励作用和减弱阻碍性压力的负面效果。

假设1e: 外派启导调节挑战性-阻碍性压力对控制评价的影响, 并进而调节挑战性-阻碍性压力通过控制评价和主动职业管理行为对职业生涯工具性及客观职业成功的影响。当外派启导较高时, 上述的关系和影响较强(较弱), 反之, 刚较弱(较强)。



图3   挑战性-阻碍性压力与外派职业成功关系的理论模型

3.2 基于工作目标实现的外派主动行为研究

3.2.1 变革担当与外派工作绩效

工作绩效无疑是外派活动追求的重要工作目标, 然而传统研究视角关注的是跨文化适应的影响(Chen et al., 2010; Kraimer & Wayne, 2004)。本研究探讨外派人员主动变革担当(taking charge)产生机制和对工作绩效影响。变革担当指员工自愿付出建设性努力发起组织功能性变革, 以便在自己的岗位、部门或组织情境下更加有效的开展工作(Morrison & Phelps, 1999)。当前, 变革和创新已成为全球范围内企业的共同认识和诉求, 正式而有限的组织主导的变革举措已经不足以应对企业生存和发展的挑战(Chiaburu, Oh, Berry, Li, & Gardner, 2011)。跨国公司尤其依靠外派人员主动发起变革以促进组织内部各项功能的提升, 因为分散性的跨国组织面临多变和不确定的东道国环境。外派人员的变革担当会通过改善组织内相关程序或部门/组织政策, 使自身工作更为顺畅, 效率更高, 从而提高任务绩效; 同时, 变革担当还能使其他成员受益, 帮助其以更有效的方式完成工作。在此过程中, 外派人员加强与子公司同事间的互动、更适应子公司的风俗和规范, 并更有可能与东道国生意伙伴建立关系等(Kraimer & Wayne, 2004), 从而提高其职外绩效。

假设2a: 变革担当促进外派任务绩效和职外绩效。

3.2.2 挑战性-阻碍性压力与变革担当的关系——弹性角色导向的中介作用

弹性角色导向(flexible role orientation)指个体愿意承担拓展的责任的程度(Campbell, 2000)。Parker等(2010)认为弹性角色导向是促进主动行为的重要原因, 因为高弹性角色导向的个体倾向于将不属于自己本职工作的目标和问题看成是自己的工作, 对组织或部门的目标和成功有承诺感和责任感。因此, 高弹性角色导向的人不仅会认为持续的组织变革是重要的, 而且会认为自己有责任推动变革。据此推测, 弹性角色导向与主动变革担当之间应存在积极的联系。

挑战性-阻碍性压力对弹性角色导向可能产生不同方向的影响。如前文所述, 挑战性压力对个体有积极的激励作用, 促进外派人员采取积极应对策略; 而阻碍性压力对个体有消极的阻碍作用, 导致外派人员采取消极被动的应对策略(LePine et al., 2004)。根据自我决定理论, 挑战性压力高的外派人员会更愿意积极主动地通过改善周围的环境以使得工作更加有效, 这种积极主动的意愿使其更愿意承担更多的责任, 而不仅仅局限于其固有的工作角色, 即表现出较高的弹性角色导向, 从而更有可能从事变革担当行为; 阻碍性压力高的外派人员则相反, 他们会认为要完成组织给定的角色和任务都是困难的, 因此减少了弹性角色导向, 进一步阻碍变革担当行为的产生。因此, 我们提出以下假设:

假设2b: 弹性角色导向在挑战性压力与变革担当之间起中介作用; 弹性角色导向在阻碍性压力与变革担当之间起中介作用。

结合假设2a-2b所涉及的变量关系及逻辑, 我们进一步提出如下假设:

假设2c: 挑战性压力依次通过弹性角色导向和变革担当的中介作用而对任务绩效和职外绩效产生正向影响。阻碍性压力依次通过弹性角色导向和变革担当的中介作用而对任务绩效和职外绩效产生负向影响。

3.2.3 工作自主权和行为文化智商的调节作用

本研究按照工作要求-控制模型, 考察来自组织的工作资源变量——工作自主权对挑战性-阻碍性压力作用效果的调节作用。工作自主权指组织在给予个人在安排工作和决定工作方式上的自主、独立和裁量权的程度, 反映了组织与员工间的信任关系, 这种信任关系是组织目标和个体职业成功实现的前提(Parker, 1998)。如果拥有较高的工作自主权, 外派人员会感受到来自组织的信任和支持, 因而会加强其应对挑战的决心和信心, 并提升其回报组织的责任感和承诺感。因此, 工作自主权可能增强挑战性压力的积极效应, 降低阻碍性压力的消极效应。因此提出以下假设:

假设2d: 工作自主权调节挑战性-阻碍性压力对弹性角色导向的影响, 并进而调节挑战性-阻碍性压力通过弹性角色导向和变革担当对任务绩效和职外绩效的影响。当工作自主权较高时, 上述关系和影响较强(较弱), 反之, 刚较弱(较强)。

本研究进一步探讨变革担当行为要产生积极效果可能存在的限制条件, 因为主动行为是否取得积极的效果还取决于行为接受方的反应(Saks, Gruman, & Cooper-Thomas, 2011)。由于主动行为常以令人感觉意外的方式出现并可能偏离组织的规范和上司的期望(Grant & Ashford, 2008), 如果掌握不好时机和技巧, 可能得不到同事和上司的认可和接纳, 相反可能会因此受到排斥或惩罚(张桂平, 廖建桥, 2011), 这种风险在跨文化背景下可能更容易产生。本研究认为外派人员的行为文化智商(behavioral cultural intelligence), 指个体在与不同文化背景下的人交流时展示合适的语言和非语言行为的灵活性(Earley & Ang, 2003), 可能对变革担当的影响结果产生调节效应。拥有高行为文化智商的人懂得按照当地文化风俗和规范采取行动, 因而其主动行为更有可能受到周围人的欢迎而不是抵制(Zhao et al., 2016)。因此提出以下假设:

假设2e: 行为文化智商调节变革担当对任务绩效和职外绩效的影响, 并进而调节挑战性(阻碍性)压力通过弹性角色导向和变革担当对任务绩效和职外绩效的影响。当行为文化智商较高时, 上述关系和影响较强(较弱), 反之, 刚较弱(较强)。



图4   挑战性-阻碍性压力与外派工作绩效关系的理论模型

3.3 基于战略目标实现的外派主动行为研究

3.3.1 议题推销与组织外派成功

在战略层面, 子公司竞争优势和母公司控制力是跨国公司追求的重要目标。子公司竞争优势指子公司相对于竞争对手在一个或几个竞争要素方面的领先态势(Li & Zhou, 2010; 刘燕, 2012)。母公司控制力(HQ control)指跨国公司要求子公司按照全球整体方针统一行动的能力(Paik & Sohn, 2004), 跨国公司对子公司的控制可确保其一体化战略目标的顺利实施。外派人员(经理)是跨国公司的代理人, 通常位于不可或缺的重要岗位, 如被称为边界扫描者(Dowling et al., 2013), 外派人员(经理)的主动战略行为可能帮助跨国公司实现外派目标。议题推销(issue selling)是一种通过提示组织决策层关注环境中的特殊事件、发展或趋势而影响组织绩效的主动战略行为(Dutton & Ashford, 1993)。议题推销与变革担当虽然都聚焦于组织的变革, 但变革担当聚焦于对完成组织目标的内部方法的变革, 如工作方式、政策和程序等, 而议题推销所关注的是战略方面的问题, 如提高当地市场响应性、组织与外部的竞争与合作等。外派人员通过议题推销可能促进子公司组织战略方面的变革, 使之更有效地利用资源、响应环境的变化, 提升竞争优势; 同时, 议题推销可能通过影响子公司管理层的战略思维和方向, 使之更好地反映和符合跨国公司的期望, 从而增加跨国公司对子公司的控制力。

假设3a: 议题推销促进子公司竞争优势和母公司控制力。

3.3.2 挑战性-阻碍性压力与议题推销的关系——积极情感的中介作用

Parker等(2010)将积极情感(positive affect)看成是一种‘energized to’的主动行为动机路径。积极情感是一种乐观的态度, 能开阔思维并使人充满能量, 具有积极情感的人更道德、热情、自信和关心他人福祉, 他们更少害怕和顾虑。积极情感的作用特点对于外派人员做出议题推销非常重要。因为拥有积极情感的外派人员对于议题推销获得高层管理者的认同和采纳会有肯定的期待, 他们不太可能在推销议题因害怕产生负面的效果而产生重重顾虑。研究发现具有积极情感的人倾向于采用直接针对问题的应对战略(Parkes, 1990), 并喜欢参与推动组织变革的对上影响活动, 而 且他们有更多的自信和自我效能感积极发起主动变革行为(Oettingen, Mayer, Thorpe, Janetzke, & Lorenz, 2005)。

挑战性-阻碍性压力可能通过影响外派人员的积极情感进而影响议题推销行为。根据认知交互理论, 当情境要求超越个体能力时, 个体会产生压力体验, 进而产生一系列特定的情绪反应, 而个体的情绪反应会影响随后的工作行为, 并最终导致工作绩效的变化(可能是正向的, 也可能是负向的) (李宗波, 李锐, 2013)。Rodell和Judge (2009)也指出, 压力源可视为一种情感事件, 会引起特定的情绪反应。 挑战性压力源会引起正面情绪反应, 如专注和乐观等, 并进一步促进个体的组织公民行为; 阻碍性压力源则会导致负面的情绪, 如焦虑、无助或愤怒, 从而抑制个体的组织公民行为。由此说明, 外派人员是否愿意做出额外的努力与其压力状况及情绪有关, 挑战性-阻碍性压力可能通过积极情感的动机机制而促进或阻碍议题推销。因此, 研究提出如下假设:

假设3b: 积极情感在挑战性压力与议题推销之间起中介作用; 积极情感在阻碍性压力与议题推销之间起中介作用。

结合假设3a-3b所涉及的变量关系及逻辑, 我们进一步提出如下假设:

假设3c: 挑战性压力依次通过积极情感和议题推销的中介作用而对子公司竞争优势和母公司控制力产生正向影响。阻碍性压力依次通过积极情感和议题推销的中介作用而对子公司竞争优势和母公司控制力产生负向影响。

3.3.3 子公司支持和文化距离的调节作用

Chen等(2010)指出, 子公司支持可能发挥压力调节机制作用。按照工作要求-控制模型, 组织支持是一种特殊的社会支持资源。外派人员直接面对子公司工作环境, 子公司支持应该对外派人员产生直接的影响。子公司支持通过帮助外派人员理清工作思路、提供信息、构建关系和获取资源等, 也可以帮助外派人员解决和预防工作中的困难和障碍(Chen et al., 2010)。在子公司支持程度高的背景下, 喜欢迎接挑战的外派人员可能展现出更有信心、承诺和热情等积极的感情状态, 从而更有可能主动做出有益于子公司发展的行为, 以此回报子公司的支持; 子公司支持可能有针对性帮助外派人员处理压力源的相关问题, 缓解因阻碍性压力造成的焦虑、沮丧和无助等消极情绪, 并进一步减弱阻碍性压力引起的对情绪等的一系列负面作用。

假设3d: 子公司支持调节挑战性-阻碍性压力对积极情感的影响, 并进而调节挑战性(阻碍性)压力通过积极情感和议题推销对子公司竞争力和母公司控制力的影响。当子公司支持较高时, 上述关系和影响较强(较弱), 反之, 刚较弱(较强)。

议题推销研究强调推销技术及有效性问题(Dutton, Ashford, O'Neill, & Lawrence, 2001), 说明该行为产生效果存在一定的限制条件。不同文化背景的人感知和行动的方式存在差异。外派人员的文化背景影响他们关于是否和怎样发起议题推销的心理图式, 而子公司管理层的文化背景影响他们对于议题推销的反应。本研究考察权力距离对议题推销作用的调节效应。权力距离(power distance)表示人们对组织中权力分配不平等情况的接受程度。东方文化下的权力距离指数较高, 而西方文化下权力距离指数较低(Kirkman, Chen, Farh, Chen, & Lowe, 2009)。在权力距离大的文化背景下,议题推销可能面临较大风险, 如被上司视为对自身的一种威胁,并被同事视为出风头的表现(张桂平,廖建桥, 2011)。因此, 权力距离可能削弱议题推销对组织外派目标的积极实现。具体提出以下假设:

假设3e: 权力距离调节议题推销对子公司竞争优势和母公司控制力的影响, 并进而调节挑战性(阻碍性)压力通过积极情感和议题推销对子公司竞争优势和母公司控制力的影响。当权力距离较大时, 上述关系和影响较弱(较强), 反之, 刚较强(较弱)。



图5   挑战性-阻碍性压力与母子公司绩效关系的理论模型

外派人员远在东道国, 身处复杂多样化的跨文化环境。研究将根据聚焦的议题和拟解决的关键问题结合采用文献分析、专家咨询和深度访谈及问卷调查的混合研究法。研究对象以中国大型国有跨国企业和民营跨国企业为主, 以长三角地区中小型跨国公司为辅。调查涉及以下过程:(1)多渠道联系国内跨国公司HR部门, 说明学术研究的需要, 请求其配合展开对外派人员的调查; (2)对跨国公司HR部门和经理展开访谈, 了解公司外派管理实践的具体措施, 如选人、培训、薪酬、考评和职业计划等; (3)对回任的外派人员展开访谈, 了解他们在外派前、外派中和外派后的经历。在样本量够大的情况下, 采用问卷展开对回任外派人员的职业成功调查; (4)获取至少1500名外派人员及上司的名单和邮件地址, 在公司预告后展开先后三次追踪的网上问卷调查, 预计获取300~500份配套数据; (5)精选有代表性的外派人员, 采用多种方式, 如微信、邮件、视频和回国度假时面对面地展开访谈。

4 理论构建与创新之处

外派成功是国际人力资源管理实践和学术研究中的经典话题。主流研究从被动的跨文化适应视角探讨外派成功的前因, 关注的是外派压力因素的消极作用。如前文所述, 外派压力有正负面之分, 正面的压力能发挥动力作用, 促使外派人员采取多目标的主动行为以追求个体、工作和组织层面的外派成功。在高度不确定的外派背景下, 自主发起、面向变革和提前行动的主动行为对于完成多样化的外派角色和外派目标十分关键, 而已有研究很少考察外派人员主动行为的发生机制及其对外派成功的影响。本文运用挑战性-阻碍性压力模型, 遵循“压力-动机-行为-结果”的逻辑框架, 构建了外派人员多目标主动行为及效果的解释性理论模型。

4.1 自我决定的外派主动行为动机机制

本文从自我决定视角构建了外派主动行为的动机机制模型。我们以Parker和Collins (2010)发现的主动行为三阶结构以及Parker等(2010)提出的主动行为动机机制(即“can do”、“reason to”和“energized to”)为基础, 依据外派实践的重要性和外派研究的必要性, 选取了外派职业管理行为、变革担当和议题推销加以探讨, 并检验控制评价、弹性角色导向和积极情感的中介角色。基于自我决定理论, 挑战性压力高的外派员工知道战胜挑战对自身发展的重要价值, 而且对未来的成功有一定期待和把握, 因此会产生更高程度的自我决定(动机), 如感觉自己有能力克服压力赢取成功(控制评价)、有责任改善组织内部功能和促进组织适应外部环境(弹性角色导向)及有热情主动促进职业及组织的长期成功(积极情感), 进而促进其积极采取主动行为; 阻碍性压力高的外派人员则相反, 他们不相信可能战胜压力, 而且认为即使克服压力也难以带来多大收益, 导致降低其动机投身于主动行为。

4.2 外部资源对外派压力作用的调节机制

在自我决定的外派主动行为动机机制的基础上, 本文基于工作要求-控制(资源)模型构建了外部资源对外派压力作用的调节机制模型。我们关注工作资源变量——工作自主权和外派启导, 以及社会资源变量——母公司支持和子公司支持。我们提出, 工作自主权和启导可以有效加强挑战性压力对主动行为动机及结果的促进作用, 减弱阻碍性压力对主动行为动机及结果的阻碍作用。组织支持是特殊的社会资源, 缓冲工作要求对心理健康的负面影响, 也可能增强工作要求的激励作用。母公司和子公司支持程度越高, 喜欢迎接挑战的外派人员更有信心、承诺和热情投身于主动行为; 母公司和子公司支持也可以缓解因阻碍性压力而造成的焦虑、沮丧和无助等消极情绪, 减弱阻碍性压力对主动行为动机及结果的负面影响。

4.3 跨文化情境对外派主动行为效果的调节机制

主动行为由目标驱动(Parker et al., 2010), 但是否能达成目标还取决于一些关键的情境因素, 这在跨文化背景下尤为如此。本文在主动行为产生机制的研究基础上进一步探讨主动行为对个体职业发展、工作绩效及组织绩效三层次目标的影响结果。另外, 以往研究很少将主动行为放在跨文化的背景下加以考察。实际上, 如果主动行为实施不当, 不仅不能产生积极效果, 还可能受到排斥或惩罚(张桂平, 廖建桥, 2011)。本文提出跨文化背景因素——权力距离, 和跨文化个体特征——文化智商可能对主动行为的效果产生重要影响。权力距离越大, 外派人员主动行为容易被上司视为一种冒犯和威胁, 因而降低主动行为的积极效应; 而高文化智商的外派人员更懂得按照跨文化环境中的规范采取行动, 因而其主动行为更可能受到周围人的欢迎而不是抵制(Zhao et al., 2016), 因此, 主动行为的积极作用越强。

以上三方面的理论建构彼此独立又相互依存, 整合在一起诠释了外派人员多目标主动行为的产生机制和影响结果, 完善了外派成功的理论研究。其创新之处表现在:首先, 已有外派研究文献很少关注新兴市场跨国公司外派现象(Zhu et al, 2014), 本研究以中国跨国公司外派人员为研究样本, 尝试建立西方研究很少涉及的外派成功理论。其次, 本研究不似传统研究那样聚焦于压力视角解释外派人员的跨文化适应问题, 而是用挑战性-阻碍性工作压力模型整合传统研究中“各自为政”的反应行为和主动行为研究范式, 从更积极的视角探究外派成功的原因。再者, 将压力与微观、中观和宏观层次的外派成功相联系, 扩展压力的影响范围从个体层面到组织层面, 揭开压力影响外派成功的机制黑箱; 最后, 针对外派实践背景的复杂性, 从工作和社会资源以及跨文化的视角识别了影响压力和主动行为作用的边界条件, 使外派成功的产生机理更为清晰和细致。


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The Academy of Management Review, 18( 3), 397-428.

DOI:10.2307/258903      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The time and attention of top management in an organization are critical, but limited, resources. This article develops insights on issue selling as a process that is central to explaining how and where top management allocates its time and attention. We see issue selling as a critical activity in the early stages of organizational decision-making processes. We first clarify the value of understanding issue selling at the individual and organizational levels and from both symbolic and instrumental perspectives. We then develop a framework for describing and studying issue selling in organizations that draws on three different theoretical perspectives: issue selling as upward influence, issue selling as claiming behaviors, and issue selling as impression management. We use the different perspectives to develop a set of testable research propositions. The article concludes with a discussion of practical and theoretical implications of the issue-selling framework.

Dutton J. E., Ashford S. J., O'Neill R. M., & Lawrence K. A. ( 2001).

Moves that matter: issue selling and organizational change

Academy of Management Journal, 44( 4), 716-736.

DOI:10.2307/3069412      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this study, we examined 82 accounts of "issue selling" to better understand managers' implicit theories for successfully shaping change from below by directing the attention of top management. The study reveals the importance of various issue-selling moves, including packaging, involvement, and timing. Managerial accounts uncover three kinds of contextual knowledge that are critical to the execution of issue-selling moves. The study shows managers actively shaping the issue-selling microprocesses that contribute to organizational change.

Earley P. C. , & Ang, S.( 2003) . Cultural intelligence: Individual interactions across cultures v 31, pp, 489-493, Stanford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Fan D., Xia J., Zhang M. M., Zhu C. J., & Li Z. ( 2016).

The paths of managing international human resources of emerging market multinationals: Reconciling strategic goal, and control means

Human Resource Management Review, 26( 4), 298-310.

DOI:10.1016/j.hrmr.2016.04.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Fay, D., & Frese, M. ( 2001).

The concept of personal initiative: An overview of validity studies

Human Performance, 14( 1), 97-124.

DOI:10.1207/S15327043HUP1401_06      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Feldman, D. C., & Thomas, D. C. ( 1992).

Career management issues facing expatriates

Journal of International Business Studies, 23( 2), 271-293.

DOI:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8490268      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This research explores expatriate assignments from a career development perspective. First, the article examines the impact of five organization-level career development programs and policies on expatriate effectiveness. Then, it explores the impact of five individual-level career management strategies on the success of expatriate transitions. Data from 118 expatriates in Saudi Arabia, Europe, South America, and Japan are presented to examine these career development issues.

Firth B. M., Chen G., Kirkman B. L., & Kim K. ( 2014).

Newcomers abroad: expatriate adaptation during early phases of international assignments

Academy of Management Journal, 57( 1), 280-300.

DOI:10.5465/amj.2011.0574      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT Integrating work from the expatriate adjustment and newcomer socialization litera-tures within a motivational framework, we propose that motivational states and stress cognitions impact expatriates' work adjustment patterns over time, which in turn influence important assignment attitudes. In accordance with our theorizing, analyses of longitudinal data collected from 70 expatriates during their first four months of international assignment indicated that cross-cultural motivation and psychological empowerment related positively to initial levels of adjustment, and indirectly and negatively to work adjustment change. Challenge stressors positively related to changes in work adjustment over time. In turn, changes in work adjustment signif-icantly related to expatriates' assignment satisfaction and premature return inten-tion, explaining variance above and beyond that explained by average levels of work adjustment. These findings extend understanding of how and why expatriate work adjustment evolves over time, as well as the unique influence that differences in adjustment change have on important expatriate outcomes. Firms in today's global economy rely on interna-tional work assignments in which managers are expected to identify and manage new global oppor-tunities. The number of expatriates is estimated to be close to one million worldwide and is likely to continue to increase (Mercer, 2009). Although in-ternational assignments can provide firms and managers with unique growth and developmental opportunities (Yan, Zhu, & Hall, 2002), they also require expatriates to adjust effectively to novel work requirements, responsibilities, and expecta-tions, all while learning new cultural norms that impact work tasks (Shin, Morgeson, & Campion, 2007). It is perhaps not surprising that work adjust-ment (i.e., the extent to which expatriates feel com-fortable handling their jobs during an international assignment) is strongly positively related to both expatriates' work attitudes and effectiveness. In contrast, lack of expatriate work adjustment can lead to financial, professional, and personal costs (for reviews, see Bhaskar-Shrinivas, Harrison, Shaf-fer, and Luk [2005], Harrison, Shaffer, and Bhaskar-Shrinivas [2004], and Takeuchi [2010]). However, it has been widely argued that it takes time for expatriates to adjust to uncertain and novel challenges inherent in international assignments (Black, 1988; Black, Mendenhall, & Oddou, 1991; Takeuchi, 2010). Scholars have suggested that ad-justment occurs over time as expatriates exert and sustain effort to navigate their new work conditions (Black & Mendenhall, 1991; Farh, Bartol, Shapiro, & Shin, 2010; Maertz, Hassan, & Magnusson, 2009; Torbiorn, 1982). Further, Maertz et al. (2009) ar-gued that adjustment changes as a function of the extent to which expatriates meet and effectively handle assignment challenges. Although theory and initial evidence suggest that expatriate adjustment changes over time, Bhaskar-Shrinivas et al. (2005: 273) observed that "fewer than 5 percent of the existing studies are longitu-dinal." Harrison et al. (2004: 237) more strongly noted that "almost no longitudinal research has

Froese, F. J., & Peltokorpi, V. ( 2011).

Cultural distance and expatriate job satisfaction

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35( 1), 49-60.

DOI:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2010.10.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Despite its strong impact in domestic settings on job performance, organizational commitment, stress, and turnover intentions, job satisfaction has received little attention in the literature on expatriates. This paper analyzes the predictors of job satisfaction that may arise in an expatriate context. Drawing on the cultural distance perspective, we propose that the national cultural distance, supervisor's nationality, host-country language proficiency, expatriate type, and company nationality are important determinants of expatriate job satisfaction. Survey results from 148 expatriates in Japan demonstrate that national cultural distance, supervisor's nationality, and expatriate type have a statistically significant influence on expatriate job satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications are provided.Research highlights? Cultural distance perspective helps explain expatriate job satisfaction. ? National cultural distance decreases expatriate job satisfaction. ? Expatriates show lower job satisfaction under host-country supervisors. ? Self-initiated expatriates show lower job satisfaction.

Gagné, M., & Deci, E. L. ( 2005).

Self-determination theory and work motivation

Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26( 4), 331-362.

DOI:10.1002/job.322      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Cognitive evaluation theory, which explains the effects of extrinsic motivators on intrinsic motivation, received some initial attention in the organizational literature. However, the simple dichotomy between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation made the theory difficult to apply to work settings. Differentiating extrinsic motivation into types that differ in their degree of autonomy led to self-determination theory, which has received widespread attention in the education, health care, and sport domains. This article describes self-determination theory as a theory of work motivation and shows its relevance to theories of organizational behavior.

Gaur A.S., Delios A., & Singh K. ( 2007),

Institutional Environments, Staffing Strategies, and Subsidiary Performance

Journal of Management, 33( 4), 611-636.

DOI:10.1177/0149206307302551      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT We adopt and develop an institutional perspective to advance our understanding of how host country environments influence subsidiary staffing strategies. We propose and find that firms rely more on parent company nationals (expatriates) in institutionally distant environments for reasons related to the efficient transfer of management practices and firm-specific capabilities. Further, we find that the positive influence of expatriate staffing levels on subsidiary performance (subsidiary labor productivity) is dependent on the institutional distance between the host and home country, and subsidiary experience. We base our findings on our analysis of expatriate employment levels and performance in 12,997 foreign subsidiaries of 2,952 Japanese firms in 48 countries.

Gong, Y.P. ( 2003).

Subsidiary staffing in multinational enterprises: Agency, resources, and performance

Academy of Management Journal, 46( 6), 728-739.

DOI:10.1016/S0925-5273(03)00064-1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

How likely are multinational enterprises (MNEs) to use expatriate parent country nationals to staff culturally distant subsidiaries? How does their employment affect subsidiary performance? The agency theory prediction is that MNEs will rely more heavily on parent country nationals as cultural distance increases and that this reliance will weaken over time. Both agency theory and the "resource-based view" suggest that a positive effect of expatriate staffing on subsidiary performance increases with cultural distance but decreases over time. Results largely supported the predictions in data on Japanese foreign subsidiaries.

Grant, A. M., & Ashford, S. J. ( 2008).

The dynamics of proactivity at work

Research in Organizational Behavior, 28( 28), 3-34.

DOI:10.1016/j.riob.2008.04.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

As the organizational literature on specific proactive behaviors grows, researchers have noted inefficiencies and redundancies in the separate study of different proactive behaviors when their underlying nature, antecedents, processes, and consequences may be similar. We develop a framework designed to generalize across specific manifestations of proactivity, describing the nature, dimensions, situational antecedents, psychological mechanisms, dispositional moderators, and consequences of proactive behavior. We conclude by discussing implications and recommendations for organizational scholars to take a more proactive approach to constructing, evaluating, and cumulating theory about proactive behavior. Our chapter thus answers recent calls for integrative theory about the general dynamics of proactivity, and fits with current trends emphasizing the increasing importance of proactivity in organizational life.

Harrison D. A., Shaffer M. A., & Bhaskar-Shrinivas P. ( 2004).

Going places: roads more and less traveled in research on expatriate experiences

Research in Personnel & Human Resources Management, 23( 04), 199-247.

DOI:10.1016/S0742-7301(04)23005-5      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT We review 25 years of research on expatriate experiences concentrating on expatriate adjustment as a central construct, and relying on a general stressor-stress-strain framework. First, we consider who expatriates are, why their experiences differ from domestic employees, and what adjustment is. Conceptualizing (mal)adjustment in terms of stress, we next review the stressors and strains associated with it. Consolidating the wide range of antecedents (anticipatory and in-country) that have been studied to date, we note major patterns of effects and their implications for how HR managers can facilitate adjustment. Although relatively less research has focused on the consequences of adjustment, enough evidence exists to establish a bottom-line impact of poor adjustment on performance. To stimulate future efforts to understand the experiences of expatriates, we discuss the challenges and opportunities of continuing down this road of research.

Hemmasi M., Downes M., & Varner L. L. ( 2010).

An empirically-derived multidimensional measure of expatriate success: Reconciling the discord

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21( 7), 982-998.

DOI:10.1080/09585191003783447      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This paper examines the discord surrounding how expatriate success, or effectiveness, is defined. We review the many ways that success has been conceptualized and then seek to reconcile these differences by presenting a multidimensional measure of success, based on data collected from 118 expatriate respondents worldwide. A series of factor analyses, along with reliability and item analyses yielded nine measurement scales which included cultural adjustment, work-related adjustment, career development, HQ-subsidiary coordination, assignment completion, professional/skill development, shaping and controlling the subsidiary, satisfaction and overall assignment effectiveness. The process by which these scales were developed is described in the paper and all items and scale reliabilities are presented.

Karasek, R. A. ( 1979).

Job demands, job decision latitude, and mental strain: implications for job redesign

Administrative Science Quarterly, 24( 2), 285-308.

DOI:10.2307/2392498      URL     [本文引用: 2]

A stress-management model of job strain is developed and tested with recent national survey data from Sweden and the United States. This model predicts that mental strain results from the interaction of job demands and job decision latitude. The model appears to clarify earlier contradictory findings based on separated effects of job demands and job decision latitude. The consistent finding is that it is the combination of low decision latitude and heavy job demands which is associated with mental strain. This same combination is also associated with job dissatisfaction. In addition, the analysis of dissatisfaction reveals a complex interaction of decision latitude and job demand effects that could be easily overlooked in conventional linear, unidimensional analyses. The major implication of this study is that redesigning work processes to allow increases in decision latitude for a broad range of workers could reduce mental strain, and do so without affecting the job demands that may plausibly be associated with organizational output levels.

Kawai, N., & Strange, R. ( 2014).

Perceived organizational support and expatriate performance: understanding a mediated model

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25( 17), 2438-2462.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2014.884615      URL     [本文引用: 1]

What are the mechanisms by which multinational corporations (MNCs) can facilitate the effective performance of their expatriate staff in foreign countries? There is a substantial literature on expatriation, yet few studies have addressed how perceived organizational support (POS) may impact upon expatriates' work adjustment and affective commitment, and then on their job performance. We use data on 118 expatriates working at the German subsidiaries of Japanese MNCs, and demonstrate that career POS has a direct positive influence on work adjustment and affective commitment. Our results indicate that work adjustment fully mediated the relationship between career POS and task performance. We further discovered that both work adjustment and affective commitment play a pivotal role in mediating the impact of career POS on contextual performance. We discuss the practical implications of these findings and provide suggestions for future research.

Kim, K., & Slocum, J. W. Jr. ( 2008).

Individual differences and expatriate assignment effectiveness: the case of U.S.-based Korean expatriates

Journal of World Business, 43( 1), 109-126.

DOI:10.1016/j.jwb.2007.10.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kirkman B. L., Chen G., Farh J. L., Chen Z. X., & Lowe K. B. ( 2009).

Individual power distance orientation and follower reactions to transformational leaders: a cross- level, cross-cultural examination

Academy of Management Journal, 52( 4), 744-764.

DOI:10.5465/amj.2009.43669971      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kraimer, M. L., & Wayne, S. J. ( 2004).

An examination of perceived organizational support as a multidimensional construct in the context of an expatriate assignment

Journal of Management: Official Journal of the Southern Management Association, 30( 2), 209-237.

[本文引用: 6]

Kraimer M. L., Wayne S. J., & Ren, A. A. J. ( 2001).

Sources of support and expatriate performance: The mediating role of expatriate adjustment

Personnel Psychology, 54( 1), 71-99.

DOI:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2001.tb00086.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study examined the role of 3 sources of support in facilitating expatriate adjustment and performance. A model was developed that examined the effects of perceived organizational support (POS), leader-member exchange (LMX), and spousal support on expatriates' adjustment to work, the country, and interacting with foreign nationals. In turn, it was expected that expatriate adjustment would influence expatriate task performance and contextual performance. The model was tested using a sample of 213 expatriate-supervisor dyads via structural equation modeling. The results indicated that POS had direct effects on expatriate adjustment, which in turn had direct effects on both dimensions of performance. Although LMX did not influence adjustment, it did have direct effects on expatriate task and contextual performance. Spousal support did not relate to adjustment or performance. Practical implications for facilitating expatriate adjustment and performance are discussed.

Kram, K. E. ( 1985). Mentoring at work: Developmental relationships in organizational life. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Co.

[本文引用: 1]

Lazarova M., Westman M., & Shaffer M. A. ( 2010).

Elucidating the positive side of the work-family interface on international assignments: A model of expatriate work and family performance

. Academy of Management Review, 35( 1), 93-117.

[本文引用: 1]

Lepine J. A., Lepine M. A., & Jackson C. L. ( 2004).

Challenge and hindrance stress: Relationships with exhaustion, motivation to learn, and learning performance

Journal of Applied Psychology, 89( 5), 883-891.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.89.5.883      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Li, J. J., & Zhou, K. Z. ( 2010).

How foreign firms achieve competitive advantage in the Chinese emerging economy: managerial ties and market orientation

Journal of business research, 63( 8), 856-862.

DOI:10.1016/j.jbusres.2009.06.011      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Malek, M. A., & Budhwar, P. ( 2013).

Cultural intelligence as a predictor of expatriate adjustment and performance in malaysia

Journal of World Business, 48( 2), 222-231.

DOI:10.1016/j.jwb.2012.07.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This research tests the linkage between cultural intelligence, expatriate adjustment to the host country's environment and expatriate performance while on international assignments. The investigation is carried out with data from 134 expatriates based in multinational corporations in Malaysia. The results highlight a direct influence of expatriates’ cultural intelligence on general, interaction and work adjustments. The improved adjustments consequently have positive effects on both the expatriates’ task and contextual performance. The research findings have implications for both international human resource management (IHRM) researchers and managers.

Maurer, S. D., & Li, S. ( 2006).

Understanding expatriate manager performance: effects of governance environments on work relationships in relation-based economies

Human Resource Management Review, 16( 1), 29-46.

DOI:10.1016/j.hrmr.2006.02.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Molet S. T., Born M. P., Willemsen M. E., & Van Der Molen, H. T. ( 2005).

Predicting expatriate job performance for selection purposes: A quantitative review

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36( 5), 590-620.

DOI:10.1177/0022022105278544      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Morrison, E. W., & Phelps, C. C. ( 1999).

Taking charge at work: Extra role efforts to initiate workplace change

Academy of Management Journal, 42( 4), 403-419.

DOI:10.2307/257011      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this study, we investigated a neglected form of extrarole behavior called taking charge and sought to understand factors that motivate employees to engage in this activity. Taking charge is discretionary behavior intended to effect organizationally functional change. We obtained both self-report and coworker data for 275 whitecollar employees from different organizations. Taking charge, as reported by coworkers, related to felt responsibility, self-efficacy, and perceptions of top management openness. These results expand current understanding of extrarole behavior and suggest ways in which organizations can motivate employees to go beyond the boundaries of their jobs to bring about positive change.

Oettingen G., Mayer D., Thorpe J. S., Janetzke H., & Lorenz S. ( 2005).

Turning fantasies about positive and negative futures into self-improvement goals

Motivation and Emotion, 29( 4), 236-266.

DOI:10.1007/s11031-006-9016-y      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Contrasting fantasies about the future with reflections on reality that impedes fantasy realization creates a tight link between expectations of success and forming commitments to self-improvement goals. This effect applies to both fantasies about a positive future contrasted with impeding negative reality as well as fantasies about a negative future contrasted with impeding positive reality. In Study 1, with 63 student participants, contrasting positive fantasies about benefiting from a vocational training with negative reflections on reality impeding such benefits led to expectancy-dependent willingness to invest in the training, more so than indulging in the positive future and than dwelling on the negative reality. In Study 2, with 158 high school students from former East Berlin, contrasting negative, xenophobic fantasies about suffering from the influx of immigrants with positive reflections on reality impeding such suffering led to expectancy-dependent tolerance and willingness to integrate the immigrants. Findings are discussed in terms of how mental contrasting facilitates self-improvement and personal development by making people form expectancy-dependent goal commitments to approach positively-perceived as well as negatively-perceived futures.

Osman-Gani, A. M., & Rockstuhl, T. ( 2009).

Cross-cultural training, expatriate self-efficacy, and adjustments to overseas assignments: an empirical investigation of managers in Asia

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33( 4), 277-290.

DOI:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2009.02.003      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Paik, Y., & Sohn, J. D. ( 2004).

Expatriate managers and MNC’s ability to control international subsidiaries: the case of Japanese MNCs

Journal of World Business, 39( 1), 61-71.

DOI:10.1016/j.jwb.2003.08.003      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Parker, S. K. ( 1998).

Enhancing role breadth self-efficacy: The roles of job enrichment and other organizational interventions

Journal of Applied Psychology, 83( 6), 835-852.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.83.6.835      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Parker S. K., Bindl U. K., & Strauss K. ( 2010).

Making things happen: A model of proactive motivation

Journal of Management: Official Journal of the Southern Management Association, 36( 4), 827-856.

DOI:10.1177/0149206310363732      URL     [本文引用: 6]

Being proactive is about making things happen, anticipating and preventing problems, and seizing opportunities. It involves self-initiated efforts to bring about change in the work environment and/or oneself to achieve a different future. The authors develop existing perspectives on this topic by identifying proactivity as a goal-driven process involving both the setting of a proactive goal (proactive goal generation) and striving to achieve that proactive goal (proactive goal striving). The authors identify a range of proactive goals that individuals can pursue in organizations. These vary on two dimensions: the future they aim to bring about (achieving a better personal fit within one’s work environment, improving the organization’s internal functioning, or enhancing the organization’s strategic fit with its environment) and whether the self or situation is being changed. The authors then identify “can do,”“reason to,” and “energized to” motivational states that prompt proactive goal generation and sustain goal striving. Can do motivation arises from perceptions of self-efficacy, control, and (low) cost. Reason to motivation relates to why someone is proactive, including reasons flowing from intrinsic, integrated, and identified motivation. Energized to motivation refers to activated positive affective states that prompt proactive goal processes. The authors suggest more distal antecedents, including individual differences (e.g., personality, values, knowledge and ability) as well as contextual variations in leadership, work design, and interpersonal climate, that influence the proactive motivational states and thereby boost or inhibit proactive goal processes. Finally, the authors summarize priorities for future research

Parker, S. K., & Collins, C. G. ( 2010).

Taking stock: Integrating and differentiating multiple proactive behaviors

Journal of Management: Official Journal of the Southern Management Association, 36( 3), 633-662.

DOI:10.1177/0149206308321554      URL     [本文引用: 3]

ABSTRACT The authors aimed to clarify the similarities, differences, and interrelationships among multiple types of proactive behavior. Factor analyses of managers’ self-ratings (N = 622) showed concepts were distinct from each other but related via a higher-order structure. Three higher-order proactive behavior categories were identified—proactive work behavior, proactive strategic behavior, and proactive person-environment fit behavior—each corresponding to behaviors aimed at bringing about change in the internal organization (e.g., voice), the fit between the organization and its environment (e.g., issue selling), and the fit between the individual and the organization (e.g., feedback seeking), respectively. Further analyses on a subsample (n = 319) showed similarities and differences in the antecedents of these behaviors.

Parkes, K. R. ( 1990),

Coping, negative affectivity, and the work environment: Additive and interactive predictors of mental health

Journal of Applied Psychology, 75( 4), 399-409.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.75.4.399      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Pattie M. W., Benson G., Casper W., & Mcmahan G. C. ( 2013).

Goal congruence: Fitting international assignment into employee careers

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24( 13), 2554-2570.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2012.744336      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This research investigates how the quality of the relationship between sending supervisors and expatriates is related to turnover and performance. Utilizing goal congruence and leader–member exchange (LMX) theories, it is hypothesized that the quality of the relationship between sending supervisors and expatriates mediates goal congruence and the two outcome variables: performance and turnover intentions. The goal examined is the degree to which the expatriation fits into expatriates' career paths at the firm. Regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses with a sample of 44 matched sending supervisor–expatriate dyads. Findings indicate that LMX mediates the relationship between goal congruence and performance. Furthermore, goal congruence has a direct negative relationship with turnover intentions. These results suggest that sending supervisors significantly influence the success of expatriate assignments.

Peltokorpi, V., & Froese, F. ( 2014).

Expatriate personality and cultural fit: The moderating role of host country context on job satisfaction

International Business Review, 23( 1), 293-302.

DOI:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2013.05.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Peterson R. B., Sargent J., & Napier N. K., Shim W. S. ( 1996).

Corporate expatriate HRM Policies, Internationalization, and Performance in the world’s largest MNCs

Management International Review, 36( 3), 215-230.

[本文引用: 1]

Ren H., Shaffer M. A., Harrison D. A., Fu C., Fodchuk K. M. ( 2014).

Reactive adjustment or proactive embedding? Multistudy, multiwave evidence for dual pathways to expatriate retention

Personnel Psychology, 67( 1), 203-239.

DOI:10.1111/peps.2014.67.issue-1      URL     [本文引用: 5]

Rhoades, L., & Eisenberger, R. ( 2002).

Perceived organizational support: A review of the literature

Journal of Applied Psychology, 87( 4), 698-714.

DOI:10.1037//0021-9010.87.4.698      URL     PMID:1218457412      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract The authors reviewed more than 70 studies concerning employees' general belief that their work organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being (perceived organizational support; POS). A meta-analysis indicated that 3 major categories of beneficial treatment received by employees (i.e., fairness, supervisor support, and organizational rewards and favorable job conditions) were associated with POS. POS, in turn, was related to outcomes favorable to employees (e.g., job satisfaction, positive mood) and the organization (e.g., affective commitment, performance, and lessened withdrawal behavior). These relationships depended on processes assumed by organizational support theory: employees' belief that the organization's actions were discretionary, feeling of obligation to aid the organization, fulfillment of socioemotional needs, and performance-reward expectancies.

Richards, M. ( 2001).

US Multinational Staffing Practices and Implications for Subsidiary Performance in the UK and Thailand

Thunderbird International Business Review, 43( 2), 225-242.

DOI:10.1002/(ISSN)1520-6874      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rodell, J. B., & Judge, T. A. ( 2009).

Can "good" stressors spark "bad" behaviors? The mediating role of emotions in links of challenge and hindrance stressors with citizenship and counterproductive behaviors

Journal of Applied Psychology, 94( 6), 1438-1451.

DOI:10.1037/a0016752      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Saks A. M., Gruman J. A., & Cooper-Thomas H. ( 2011).

The neglected role of proactive behavior and outcomes in newcomer socialization

Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79( 1), 36-46.

DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2010.12.007      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study examined the direct, mediating, and moderating effects of proactive outcomes in the relationship between newcomer proactive behaviors and socialization outcomes. Based on a sample of 204 co-op university students who completed surveys at the end of their work term, the results indicated that newcomers who more frequently engaged in a proactive behavior (e.g., information seeking) were more likely to receive the corresponding proactive outcome (e.g., information). We also found that proactive outcomes mediate the relationship between proactive behaviors and socialization outcomes and several of the proactive behaviors were more strongly related to socialization outcomes for newcomers who obtained more proactive outcomes. These results indicate the important yet previously neglected role of proactive outcomes for understanding the relationship between newcomer proactive socialization behaviors and outcomes.

Seibert S. E., Kraimer M. L., & Crant J. M. ( 2001).

What do proactive people do? A longitudinal model linking proactive personality and career success

Personnel Psychology, 54( 4), 845-874.

DOI:10.1111/peps.2001.54.issue-4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Shaffer M. A., Kraimer M. L., Chen Y. P., & Bolino M. C. ( 2012).

Choices, challenges, and career consequences of global work experiences A review and future agenda

Journal of Management: Official Journal of the Southern Management Association, 38( 4), 1282-1327.

[本文引用: 1]

Shen, J., & Edwards, V. ( 2004).

Recruitment and selection in Chinese MNCs

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15( 4-5), 814-835.

DOI:10.1080/0958519042000192960      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Shen, J., & Jiang, F. ( 2015).

Factors influencing Chinese female expatriates’ performance in international assignments

The International Journal of Human Resource, Management, 26( 3), 299-315.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2011.581637      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The current literature is mixed regarding what factors determine expatriate performance. In this study, we developed and tested a model to examine the relationship among family problems, expatriate–efficacy, host-country nationals' (HCNs') prejudice against women, perceived organizational support (POS) and Chinese female expatriate performance in international assignments. Our results indicated that HCNs' prejudice against women had a significant negative relationship and expatriate–efficacy had a significant positive relationship with female expatriate performance. POS and family problems moderated the relationship between HCNs' prejudice against women and female expatriate performance. However, family problems were not significantly related to female expatriate performance. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

Showail S. J., Parks J. M., & Smith F. L. ( 2013).

Foreign workers in Saudi Arabia: A field study of role ambiguity, identification, information-seeking, organizational support and performance

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24( 21), 3957-3979.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2013.781521      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Stahl G. K., Miller E. L., & Tung R. L. ( 2002).

Toward the boundaryless career: A closer look at the expatriate career concept and the perceived career implications of an international assignment

Journal of World Business, 37( 3), 216-227.

DOI:10.1016/S1090-9516(02)00080-9      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Takeuchi, R. ( 2010).

A critical review of expatriate adjustment research through a multiple stakeholder view: Progress, emerging trends, and prospects

Journal of Management: Official Journal of the Southern Management Association, 36( 4), 1040-1064.

[本文引用: 3]

Takeuchi R., Tesluk P. E., Yun S., & Lepak D. P. ( 2005).

An integrative view of international experience

Academy of Management Journal, 48( 1), 85-100.

DOI:10.2307/20159642      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Integrating multiple theoretical perspectives, we differentiated international experience into current and past experience. In addition, we organized past international experience along two dimensions: domain (work/travel) and cultural specificity (U.S./non-U.S.). We examined the effects of expatriates' current assignment experience and past international experience on cross-cultural adjustment. The results indicate that past international experience moderates the relationship between current assignment tenure and general and work adjustment and also that general and work adjustment directly affect expatriates' early return intentions.

Takeuchi, R., Wang, M, & Marinova, S. V. ( 2005).

Antecedents and consequences of psychological workplace strain during expatriation: A cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation

Personnel Psychology, 58( 4), 925-948.

DOI:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2005.00809.x      URL    

ABSTRACT In this study, we examined nonlinear/interaction effects associated with the antecedents and consequences of psychological workplace strain, using cross-sectional (N=165) and longitudinal (N=133) data collected from Western expatriates in China. The results of this study indicate that family characteristics interact to affect the level of psychological workplace strain experienced by expatriates. In addition, we find an inverse u-curve relationship between psychological workplace strain and supervisory rated job performance for both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Finally, the empirical results lend support to the hypothesized positive relationship between work adjustment measured at Time 1 and job performance measured at Time 2. Implications for expatriate adjustment research and practice are discussed.

Takeuchi R., Wang M., Marinova S. V., & Yao X. ( 2009).

Role of domain-specific facets of perceived organizational support during expatriation and implications for performance

Organization Science, 20( 3), 621-634.

DOI:10.1287/orsc.1080.0403      URL    

Takeuchi R., Yun S., & Tesluk P. E. ( 2002).

An examination of crossover and spillover effects of spousal and expatriate cross-cultural adjustment on expatriate outcomes

Journal of Applied Psychology, 87( 4), 655-666.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.87.4.655      URL    

Tucker M. F., Bonial R., & Lahti K. ( 2004).

The definition, measurement and prediction of intercultural adjustment and job performance among corporate expatriates

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28( 3-4), 221-251.

DOI:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2004.06.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Turban, D. B., & Dougherty, T. W. ( 1994).

Role of protégé personality in receipt of mentoring and career success

Academy of Management Journal, 37( 3), 688-702.

DOI:10.2307/256706      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We used structural equation modeling to investigate relationships among protégés' personality characteristics, initiation of mentoring, mentoring received, and career success for 147 managers and professionals. Protégés influenced the amounts of mentoring they received by initiating relationships with mentors. Internal locus of control, high self-monitoring, and high emotional stability enhanced initiation, which mediated the relationships between personality characteristics and mentoring received. The latter was related to career attainment and perceived career success, and career attainment influenced perceived success. Finally, protégé gender was not related to initiation or mentoring received.

Wang D., Freeman S., & Zhu C. J. ( 2013).

Personality traits and cross-cultural competence of Chinese expatriate managers: A socio-analytic and institutional perspective

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24( 20), 3812-3830.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2013.778314      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wang, M., & Takeuchi, R. ( 2007).

The role of goal orientation during expatriation: A cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation

Journal of Applied Psychology, 92( 5), 1437-1445.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.92.5.1437      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Wu, P-C., & Ang. S. H. ( 2011).

The impact of expatriate supporting practices and cultural intelligence on cross-cultural adjustment and performance of expatriates in Singapore

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22( 13), 2683-2702.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2011.599956      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zeira, Y., & Banai, M. ( 1985).

Selection of expatriate managers in MNCs: the host-environment point of view

International Studies of Management & Organization, 15( 1), 33-51.

DOI:10.1080/00208825.1985.11656402      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article examines the expectations of host-country organizations (HCO) concerning desired selection criteria for expatriate managers (EM) in multinational corporations, and compare these expectations with those of headquarters and EM. The study finds no major differences in expectations between MNC and HCO in Western Europe that would suggest an underlying conflict of interests. On the contrary, the study discloses that there is a substantial consensus among headquarters officials, EM, and representatives of HCO about the criteria desired in selecting international executives. Because of this similarity, one might logically assume that MNC that select their EM according to criteria endorsed by headquarters, by EM, or by HCO should not face a high rate of failure among international executives.

Zhao S., Liu Y., & Zhou L. L. ( 2016).

How does a boundaryless mindset enhance expatriate job performance? The mediating role of proactive resource acquisition tactics and the moderating role of behavioral cultural intelligence

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-25. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1253033

[本文引用: 6]

Zhu C. J., Cieri H. D., Fan D., & Zhang M. M. ( 2014).

For a special issue of the international journal of human resource management (IJHRM)

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25( 19), 2745-2747.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2014.949086      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Zhuang, W. L., Wu, M. & Wen, S. L. ( 2013).

Relationship of mentoring functions to expatriate adjustments: comparing home country mentorship and host country mentorship

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24( 1), 35-49.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2012.669784      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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