ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1545-1552 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.0545



陆静怡,, 尚雪松

华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院, 上海 200062

Making decisions for others: Multi-dimensional psychological mechanisms and decision feelings

LU Jingyi,, SHANG Xuesong

School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

通讯作者: * 陆静怡,

收稿日期: 2017-12-24   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(71771088)
上海市教育发展基金会和上海市教育委员会“晨光计划” (16CG29)

Received: 2017-12-24   Online: 2018-09-15

Fund supported: (71771088)


在管理咨询、代理投资等行业, 甚至是日常生活中, 人们都不可避免地需要为他人做决策。因此, 探讨为他人决策者的决策规律逐渐成为研究热点。然而, 现有研究多关注为他人决策者的个人心理机制, 忽视了人际心理机制; 多关注决策结果, 忽略了决策体验。本项目拟探索(1)为他人决策者的个人与人际心理机制; (2)为他人决策者的决策体验的规律, 以及这些规律如何受多维度心理机制的影响; (3)为他人决策者的个体差异如何影响多维度心理机制与决策体验。最终希望构建一个完整的关于为他人决策者的多维度心理机制与决策体验的理论模型。

关键词: 自己-他人决策差异; 社会决策; 人际机制; 决策体验; 个体差异


Individuals frequently make decisions for others in management consulting firms, investment agency companies, and daily lives. Therefore, investigating how people make decisions for others has become one of the most important issues of research concern. However, existing research has investigated the psychological mechanisms of people who make decision for others from an intrapersonal perspective with the lack of an interpersonal perspective. Besides, prior research has mainly focused on decision outcomes, but neglected decision feelings. The present research explores (1) the intrapersonal and interpersonal mechanisms of people who make decisions for others; (2) the decision feelings of people who make decisions for others, and the effect of their psychological mechanisms on decision feelings; and (3) the role of individual difference on psychological mechanisms and decision feelings. We aim to establish a model of multi-dimensional psychological mechanisms and psychological feelings for people who make decisions for others.

Keywords: self-other decision making; social decision; interpersonal mechanism; decision feeling; individual difference

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陆静怡, 尚雪松. 为他人做决策:多维度心理机制与决策体验 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1545-1552 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.0545

LU Jingyi, SHANG Xuesong. Making decisions for others: Multi-dimensional psychological mechanisms and decision feelings. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(9): 1545-1552 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.0545

1 问题提出

当今社会正在经历新一轮的社会分工。在此过程中, 一些新兴行业蓬勃发展, 例如, 管理咨询、代理投资等行业。《中国咨询业发展研究报告白皮书》显示, 近年来, 中国的管理咨询行业发展迅速。2015年, 中国的咨询类企业达到26万家; 整体实力较大的咨询公司数量在1600家左右; 从业人数约为80.75万人(中国日报, 2016)。2016年, 全国各类人力资源服务机构为229万家用人单位提供人力资源管理咨询服务, 同比增长7.7% (人力资源和社会保障部, 2017a)。与此同时, 我国为管理咨询行业的发展提供了良好的政策保障。《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要》指出, 要大力发展咨询服务产业(新华网, 2016)。人力资源和社会保障部(2017b)提出, 要加快发展人力资源管理咨询企业。可见, 在未来若干年甚至是几十年里, 中国管理咨询行业将持续快速发展。

这些行业的从业者在很大程度上都在履行为他人做决策的职责:咨询顾问为其它企业提供建议, 投资代理人为委托人选择投资方案。随着这些行业的兴起, 人们急需了解为他人决策者的决策规律。然而, 现有的行为决策理论却没有完全跟上时代发展的步伐。无论是规范性理论(normative theory)家族的期望效用理论(expected utility theory; von Neumann & Morgenstern, 1944)和风险敏感性理论(risk-sensitivity theory; Mishra, 2014), 还是描述性理论(descriptive theory)家族的预期理论(prospect theory; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979)和启发式决策(heuristic decision making)理论(Gigerenzer & Gaissmaier, 2011), 都只考虑了人们在为自己做决策时的心理特点与行为表现。考虑到现实的诉求, 一个亟待行为决策领域的研究者回答的问题是:人们在为他人做选择时究竟具有哪些心理特点与决策规律?这些特点与规律是否与人们为自己做决策时不同?

2 国内外研究现状述评

2.1 从经济学视角到心理学视角

经济学家们很早就提出了委托-代理问题(principal-agent problem)。他们发现, 在委托-代理关系中, 代理人(即为他人决策者, 如公司经理)的决策结果往往不同于委托人(即为自己决策者, 如公司董事)的偏好(Ross, 1973)。换言之, 为他人决策者所做的选择与为自己决策者的偏好之间存在差异。基于“经济人” (economic man)假设, 经济学家们认为, 人类行为的根本目的是追求自身利益的最大化。对于代理人而言, 一旦自身利益与委托人的利益相冲突, 他们就会牺牲委托人的利益而争取自己的利益。因此, 利益能解释委托-代理问题(简新华, 1998; Jensen & Meckling, 1976)。

经济学视角在一定程度上剖析了委托-代理问题, 但是, 该视角并不能解释现实生活中所有的现象。例如, 很多时候, 管理咨询公司与客户公司的目标是一致的, 为客户公司做出最优的选择意味着管理咨询公司能建立良好的品牌形象, 也可能促使双方进一步合作。即便如此, 管理咨询公司为客户公司所做的决策仍可能有别于客户公司自身的偏好, 最终使得所做决策不能很好地落实, 不能为企业带来收益。那么, 除了利益之外, 还有哪些因素会引发委托-代理问题?

近十几年来, 心理学涉足了该领域。心理学家细化了经济学的委托-代理问题, 他们认为, 当面对完全一样的决策时, 为自己决策者所做的选择和为他人决策者所做的选择往往存在差异。这一现象被称为“自己-他人决策差异” (刘翠翠, 陈彬, 刘磊鑫, 原献学, 汪祚军, 2013; 刘永芳等, 2014; 王晓田, 陆静怡, 2016; 徐惊蛰, 谢晓非, 2011; 张慧, 陆静怡, 谢晓非, 2014; Lu & Xie, 2014; Lu, Xie, & Xu, 2013; Polman, 2012a, 2012b)。心理学研究的预设假设是, 无论为自己还是为他人决策者, 都具有良好的动机, 希望做出最好的选择。但是, 自己-他人决策差异仍无法避免, 其主要原因是, 为自己与为他人决策者具有不同的认知与动机特点。

2.2 为他人决策者的认知特点

决策的认知观认为, 决策就是信息加工的过程(Payne, Bettman, & Johnson, 1992)。人们的选择是在不同属性之间权衡的结果。在这一视角下, 要了解为他人决策者, 就需要分析他们对选项所包含的多种属性的关注程度, 并考察他们在属性之间的权衡过程。

2.2.1 有限权衡

研究发现, 相比为自己做决策, 为他人做决策时, 人们进行有限的权衡(tradeoff), 只考虑候选项在有限的维度上的表现。Kray与其合作者的研究表明, 人们在为他人决策时考虑的维度较少, 而在为自己决策时考虑的维度较多。例如, 在找工作的问题中, 为他人决策者只考虑某份工作能否实现他人的抱负, 而为自己决策者除了考虑能否实现抱负, 还会考虑工作地点离家的距离等因素(Kray, 2000; Kray & Gonzalez, 1999)。Lu等人(2013)得到了类似的结果。她们采用多种决策情境, 包括选择餐厅、课程与旅游目的地, 发现在信息搜索、偏好确定、信息回忆等多个过程中, 为他人决策者都体现出有限权衡的特点, 而为自己决策者则会在更多的维度中进行权衡。

此外, Stone的一系列研究都发现, 当为他人做决策时, 人们只考虑候选项在一个维度上的表现, 这个维度就是社会准则(social norm)。如果选择某一候选项符合社会准则, 人们就会为他人选择它; 反之, 则不会为他人选择它。但是, 当为自己做决策时, 人们会考虑候选项在多个维度上的表现, 比如, 社会标准、自身偏好等(Stone & Allgaier, 2008; Stone, Choi, de Bruin, & Mandel, 2013)。

2.2.2 关注获益

根据预期理论, 人们在决策中表现出损失厌恶(loss aversion)的倾向, 即对损失的敏感性高于对获益的敏感性(Kahneman & Tversky, 1979)。换言之, 决策者在认知上更加关注损失, 赋予损失较大的权重; 相反, 他们不那么关注获益, 赋予获益较小的权重。该规律在价值函数上的体现是获益部分的函数较为平缓, 而损失部分的函数较为陡峭(图1)。然而, 当人们为他人做决策时, 却更加关注获益, 而不那么关注损失(Polman, 2012b)。


图1   为自己与为他人决策者的价值函数

例如, Lu和Xie (2014)给被试提供一系列决策情境, 要求被试为自己或为朋友做决策, 并记录下被试在决策过程中的想法。结果发现, 相比为自己决策者, 为他人决策者更少地提及对损失的思考, 而更多地提及对获益的思考。此外, Lu, Jia, Xie和Wang (2016)采用眼动追踪法, 直接测量了决策者的认知关注点。同样, 她们要求被试为自己或为朋友做选择, 并给被试提供决策情境。眼动追踪的结果发现, 相比为自己做选择的被试, 为朋友做选择的被试在做决策过程中注视获益信息的次数多、时间久, 但注视损失信息的次数少、时间短。

基于上述结果, 我们认为, 为他人决策者的价值函数不同于预期理论中为自己决策者的价值函数(图1)。在获益部分, 为他人决策者的价值函数曲线比为自己决策者的价值函数曲线陡峭, 因为为他人决策者比为自己决策者更加关注获益; 而在损失部分, 为他人决策者的价值函数曲线比为自己决策者的价值函数曲线平缓, 因为为他人决策者对损失的关注程度不及为自己决策者。

2.3 为他人决策者的动机特点

调节聚焦理论(regulatory focus theory, Crowe & Higgins, 1997; Higgins, 2000)认为, 人们在达成目标的过程中表现出两种不同的动机:提升聚焦(promotion focus)与防御聚焦(prevention focus)。以提升为目标的决策者具有较强的进取动机, 他们努力实现自己的理想与抱负。这些个体在决策过程中对是否取得正性结果很敏感, 因为得到正性结果有助于实现理想。以防御为目标的决策者则具有较强的规避动机, 他们努力避免失败与错误。在决策过程中, 这些个体对是否避免了负性结果比较敏感, 因为只有消除负性结果才有可能避免出错。

现有研究表明, 为自己做决策的个体更多地关注防御, 具有回避失败的动机, 相反, 为他人做决策时, 人们则更多地关注提升, 具有趋近理想的动机。例如, Polman (2012a)的研究发现, 为自己做决策者害怕出现负性的结果, 所以, 他们认为选项的数量越少越好, 因为选项数量越少, 糟糕的选项出现的可能性就越小; 而为他人做决策的个体希望实现抱负, 所以, 他们认为选项的数量越多越好, 因为选项数量越多, 完美选项出现的可能性就越大。在消费决策领域, 为自己选购商品的消费者更有可能购买广告中含有防御信息(例如, 某果汁防止能量不足、减少疲惫)的商品, 而为朋友选购商品的消费者更有可能购买广告中含有提升信息(例如, 某果汁有助于获取能量、更有精神)的商品(尚雪松, 2017)。综上, 在动机层面, 为他人决策者与为自己决策者也具有不同的特点。

2.4 对现有研究的反思

2.4.1 从个人机制到人际机制

尽管研究者已探讨了为他人决策者的认知与动机特点, 但是, 目前的研究有两方面的局限。第一, 对认知和动机特点的探讨还不够完整。例如, 补偿性与非补偿性加工之争一直是行为决策研究的焦点话题(Su et al., 2013)。补偿性加工是指人们认为候选项在某一维度上的优势能补偿其在另一维度上的劣势。非补偿性加工是指决策者认为选项在某一维度上的优势并不能补偿其在另一维度上的劣势。在探讨为他人做决策时, 研究者也绕不开此话题。但是, 目前的研究还未涉及该内容。因此, 这是该领域研究急需探讨的话题。

第二个也是最大的局限在于, 无论是认知还是动机特点, 当前的研究都把决策者视作一个孤立的个体, 没有将决策者放在社会背景中。事实上, 与为自己做决策非常不同, 为他人做决策是一个人际过程, 它不仅涉及做决策的人(即为他人决策者), 还涉及决策结果的承担者(即他人)。因此, 我们不能也无法把决策者和结果承担者分离开。当把结果承担者也纳入考虑之后, 为他人做决策这个任务就具有人际方面的收益与代价(interpersonal benefits and costs)。例如, 为他人所做的决策结果很可能被他人知晓, 他人会依据决策结果评价决策者(Lerner & Tetlock, 1999)。一旦决策结果不尽如人意, 他人很有可能会责怪决策者, 对其进行负面评价(Kruger, Burrus, & Kressel, 2009)。即使他人不责难, 决策者自己也会感到人际方面的负性情绪, 例如内疚与自责(Lu, Liang, & Duan, 2017; Steffel, Williams, & Perrmann-Graham, 2016)。

如果把当前研究揭示的认知和动机特点归为为他人决策者的个人方面的心理机制, 那么, 为他人决策这一任务的人际属性决定了为他人决策者的行为还应具有人际方面的心理机制。与个人机制一样, 对人际机制的探讨也十分重要, 但这恰恰是现有研究所忽视的内容。因此, 要完整地理解为他人决策者, 就必须将人际机制一同纳入研究框架, 构建为他人决策者的多维度心理机制模型。

2.4.2 从决策结果到决策体验

现有关于自己-他人决策差异的研究多是选定某个决策效应, 如选择超负荷效应(Polman, 2012a)、现状偏差(Lu & Xie, 2014)、不作为惯性(Lu, Jia, Xie, & Wang, 2016)等, 继而探讨为自己和为他人决策在该效应上的差异。我们可以把这些研究归类为对决策结果的探讨。然而, 一个完整的决策包含两个方面:决策结果和决策者的决策体验(Pham, 2013)。决策体验包括情绪、决策幸福感(Matz, Gladstone, & Stillwell, 2016)、决策信心(Tsai & McGill, 2011)、决策舒适度(decision comfort; Parker, Lehmann, & Xie, 2016)等。决策结果和决策体验是两个独立的构念。有些时候, 从客观上来说, 人们得到了较好的决策结果, 但是, 他们主观的决策体验却比较糟糕。显然, 研究者对前者的关注程度远远超过了对后者的关注程度, 只有有限的研究考察了为他人决策者的决策体验。

首先, 相比为自己决策者, 做决策这件事给为他人决策者带去更强的愉悦感(enjoyment)。在Polman和Vohs (2016)的研究中, 一部分被试为自己做决策, 另一部分被试为他人做决策, 然后, 被试评价自己在决策时体验到的愉悦感强度。结果发现, 相比为自己做决策的被试, 为他人决策者认为决策过程更加愉悦。该研究考察的是做决策这一任务本身给为他人决策者带来的体验, 此外, 还有个别研究考察了为他人决策者在具体决策问题中的情绪体验(Jung, Sul, & Kim, 2013)。例如, 在购买具有享乐性质的商品时, 决策者会体验到内疚, 因为享乐商品并非生活必需品(Zemack- Rugar, Rabino, Cavanaugh, & Fitzsimons, 2016)。但是, 当消费者为他人购买享乐商品时, 他们体验到的内疚情绪的程度大大减弱(Lu, Liu, & Fang, 2016)。

随着为他人做决策这一行业的兴起, 决策体验是一个不容忽视的研究问题。研究者不妨借鉴成熟的决策体验模型(Parker et al., 2016), 将不同的决策体验变量置于决策发展时间轴上, 然后逐一探究每一种心理机制对不同阶段的决策体验具有何种影响。

2.4.3 从不同的他人到不同的决策者

在探讨为他人决策时, 研究者区分了不同的他人, 例如, 与自己相似或不相似的他人(Liviatan, Trope, & Liberman, 2008)、亲密的或疏远的他人(Sun, Liu, Zhang, & Lu, 2017), 并总结了人们在为不同他人决策时呈现出的不同心理规律。但是, 作为为他人决策的重要元素之一, 为他人决策者受到的关注非常有限, 鲜有研究者对为他人决策者进行细分。

然而, 无论是决策结果(Lin, 2015; Patalano, Weizenbaum, Lolli, & Anderson, 2015)还是决策体验(Polman, 2010)均受决策者人格特质的影响。因此, 在探讨为他人决策的规律时, 研究者需要探讨为他人决策者的个体差异(例如, 共情能力、最优化倾向等)对为他人决策的心理机制、决策结果与决策体验的影响。

3 研究构想

基于已有研究及对当前研究的反思, 本项目旨在探讨为他人做决策时决策者的心理机制和决策体验, 从而构建一个相对完整的关于为他人决策者心理与行为规律的理论模型。具体而言, 目标1是构建为他人做决策的多维度心理机制, 包括个人机制与人际机制。目标2是探明为他人决策者的决策体验的规律并明确这些规律如何受多维度心理机制的影响。目标3是揭示为他人决策者的个体差异如何影响多维度心理机制与决策体验。研究框架如图2所示。


图2   研究框架

3.1 研究1:为他人做决策的心理机制

本研究的目标是要构建为他人做决策的心理机制, 包括个人机制与人际机制。在个人机制方面, 要考察为他人决策者采用的是补偿性还是非补偿性的加工方式、是整体型(holistic)还是分析型(analytic)的加工方式以及为他人决策者的动机类型与强度等问题。例如, 给被试提供若干对选项, 每一对选项包含两个候选项, 它们都具有金额与概率信息, 被试需要为自己或他人进行选择。但是, 这些信息都被隐藏了, 被试需要按照自己的意愿点击相应的信息框并查看信息。计算机程序将记录被试查看金额与概率信息的次数及时长。如果被试采用非补偿性加工方式, 他们倾向于忽略概率信息而只关注金额信息; 如果被试采用补偿性加工方式, 他们既关注概率信息又关注金额信息(Pachur, Hertwig, & Wolkewitz, 2014)。因此, 对比为自己决策者和为他人决策者对概率和金额信息的关注程度, 即可反映他们所采用的加工方式。我们预期, 相比为自己决策者, 为他人决策者更倾向于采用补偿性加工方式。

在人际机制方面, 我们首先关注的是合理化决策理由。为他人决策者需要考虑如何向他人解释自己的决策是合理的(justification; Lerner & Tetlock, 1999)。即使决策结果并非最佳, 但只要决策理由是合理的, 就能减少他人的责怪(Simonson & Nowlis, 2000)。这一心理特点促使为他人决策者选择那些看上去更为合理的选项, 或者选择更容易合理化的选项。在研究中, 被试将为自己或为他人做决策, 他们需要在两个总体吸引力相似的选项中进行选择, 但是, 人们容易为选择其中的一个选项找到合适的理由, 而不易为另一个选项找到合适的理由。我们将考察被试的选择偏好, 从而总结为他人决策者的人际特点。我们预期, 相比为自己决策者, 为他人决策者更可能选择较易合理化决策理由的选项。

其次是责任规避。当为他人做出选择之后, 尤其是选择可能带来负性结果(例如, 损失金钱)时, 他人很有可能会责怪决策者。为了逃避他人的指责, 为他人做决策时, 人们往往表现出责任规避倾向, 减弱自己与决策结果(特别是负性结果)之间的关联。他们试图告诉他人:“不好的决策结果不完全是由我造成的。”

责任规避可能导致多种行为结果。其一是将决策权移交给第三方(Steffel et al., 2016)。例如, 当员工需要为老板的差旅选择宾馆时, 由于担心做出错误的决定而被老板批评, 他们很可能将决策权交给第三方。其二是在包含损失的决策问题中选择不确定的选项, 因为选择了不确定的选项之后, 即使他人遭受损失, 自己只需要负一部分责任, 还有一部分责任可归为概率或运气(Leonhardt, Keller, & Pechmann, 2011)。在研究中, 我们将探讨责任规避还可能使为他人决策者表现出哪些决策行为。

3.2 研究2:为他人决策者的决策体验

研究2将关注为他人决策者的决策体验, 以及多维度心理机制对决策体验的影响。关于决策体验, 将借鉴现有的成熟的决策体验模型(Parker et al., 2016), 将决策体验按决策发展时间轴分为决策前阶段(例如, 对决策的期待、决策难度预期、决策前情绪)、结果揭晓前阶段(例如, 决策信心、决策舒适度、决策时情绪)、结果揭晓后阶段(例如, 决策满意度、决策幸福感、决策后情绪)的决策体验(图2)。在考察多维度心理机制对决策体验的影响时, 将逐一测量或改变为他人决策者的个人或人际特点, 结合量表测量、眼动追踪、生理反应记录等手段, 考察决策者在决策发展时间轴的各个阶段上的决策体验如何受心理机制的影响。

以有限权衡的认知特点对决策体验的影响为例, 研究将采用2(决策者角色:为自己决策者/为他人决策者)× 2(权衡程度:有限/反复)的组间设计, 给被试提供若干种商品信息, 要求一组被试为自己做购买决策, 另一组被试为一位朋友做购买决策。此外, 通过指导语要求一组被试只关注商品在他们最在意的维度上的表现, 要求另一组被试关注商品在所有维度上的表现。被试需要报告在决策结果揭晓前他们对决策的期待程度、在决策过程中他们是否具有信心、在决策完成之后他们的决策满意度。我们预期, 为自己决策者在进行反复权衡时, 其决策体验更为积极, 相反, 为他人决策者在进行有限权衡时, 其决策体验更为积极。

3.3 研究3:为他人决策者的个体差异对心理机制和决策体验的影响

研究3的目的是阐明为他人决策者的个体差异将如何影响其在为他人决策时的心理机制和决策体验。将关注为他人决策者的共情能力、最优化倾向等个体差异, 测量或操纵这些变量, 并考察为他人决策者的心理机制和决策体验将会出现何种变化。

以为他人决策者的共情能力对有限权衡这一认知特点的影响为例, 我们预期, 共情能力强的为他人决策者能够设身处地地体会他人身处同一决策情境中的感受, 从而表现出类似于为自己决策者的心理特点。采用共情量表测量被试的认知共情和情感共情能力, 再依次给被试提供决策问题, 要求一组被试为自己做决策, 另一组为他人做决策。基于量表测量和眼动指标, 考察被试在不同维度之间进行权衡的程度。

4 研究意义

4.1 理论建构

现有的经典决策理论总结的都是为自己决策者的决策规律, 完全忽略了为他人决策者。现实的需求促使研究者开始探讨为他人决策者的心理特点与行为规律。该领域的研究结果有助于拓展经典的行为决策理论。例如, 对为他人决策者关注获益这一认知特点的分析拓展了预期理论, 有助于研究者更完整地刻画不同决策者的价值函数曲线(图1)。此外, 对补偿性认知加工方式的探讨也能为补偿性和非补偿性加工方式之争添加新的注解。

在探讨为他人决策者的心理特点时, 本项目提出, 为他人做决策是一个人际过程, 因此, 除了现有研究所关注的为他人决策者的个人机制(包括认知与动机机制), 本项目特别提出了人际机制。这方面的研究有助于研究者从个人与人际两方面构建更加完整的行为决策理论。

此外, 揭示自己-他人决策差异挑战了经济理性的不变性原则。传统的经济学观点指出, 经济理性的重要标准是决策者的选择遵循不变性(invariance), 即只要决策问题的本质没有发生变化, 决策者的偏好与选择也应该保持恒定。然而, 行为决策研究的大量结果挑战了不变性原则(Tversky & Kahneman, 1986)。Simon (1990)认为, 决策者受到决策能力和对决策环境控制力的局限, 不可能表现得完全理性, 只能做到“有限理性” (bounded rationality)。

对为他人决策者的研究结果也能说明人们在实际决策中经常违背不变性原则。在为他人和为自己决策时, 决策问题的本质没有发生变化, 只是决策对象从自己转变为他人, 但为他人决策的规律就显著有别于为自己决策的规律。这在一定程度上也反映了人们的有限理性。决策对象可以被认为是一种决策的环境因素(contextual factors), 决策者的偏好随着环境的变化而改变。

最后, 本项目的结果有助于研究者从全新的视角解读委托-代理问题。经济学家从利益出发解析委托-代理问题。对为他人决策者的行为决策的研究表明, 即使委托人和代理人不存在利益冲突, 代理人(为他人决策者)的行为规律仍不同于委托人(为自己决策者), 其原因在于, 代理人(为他人决策者)在决策过程中具有特定的心理机制与决策体验。因此, 本项目从一个不同于经济学的视角为解答经典的委托-代理问题提供了一条新思路。

4.2 现实意义

探讨为他人决策者的心理机制与决策体验有助于人们在现实生活中做出更为合理的决策。无论是履行为他人决策职责的管理咨询行业从业者, 还是委托管理咨询行业进行决策的客户公司, 都需要充分认识到:为他人决策者的多维度心理机制与决策体验不同于为自己决策者, 并以开放和包容的心态对待这种差异。

例如, 管理咨询公司和客户公司可能会做出相异的决定。如果没能从行为决策的视角认识为他人决策者的心理机制, 客户公司往往会将双方相左的意见归咎于对方的自私动机, 进而爆发冲突与纷争。但是, 如果能了解为他人决策者的心理机制, 客户公司就不会从动机角度指责管理咨询公司。如此, 不仅可以大大降低双方发生冲突的可能性, 还能促使自己站在对方的角度进行更为全面的思考, 从而做出更为合理的决策。


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当局者迷, 旁观者清? 自我-他人决策的理性差异及其机制

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The existing studies on self-other differences in decision-making still have many inconsistencies in the used tasks, the related findings and theoretical explanations, and lack of exploration of psychological mechanisms and neural basis of this phenomenon. Although some researchers have used psychological distance hypothesis to explain their research results, the manipulation of psychological distance in their experiment are still too simple to form a general theoretical model. In recent years, we have found in a series of studies that: The asymmetry in self-other differences in decision-making exist under gain and loss situations; Manipulation of psychological distance is more effective in inducing self–other differences in decision-making than manipulation of social distance and decision-makers’ roles; Self-esteem levels of decision-makers affect self-other differences in decision-making. Future studies should further explore the essence of psychological distance, the change in psychological distance caused by reversal of decision-makers’ role, as well as the brain mechanisms of self-other differences in decision-making.

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The authors review the self-other decision-making differences, and propose that such differences are derived from decision makers’ cognitive differences in construal level. The mental construals are low when people make decisions for themselves, whereas the mental construals are high when they decide for others. Theoretically, self-other decision-making differences are illustrations of bounded rationality. Practically, understanding such differences as well as their mechanisms helps to achieve optimal decisions.

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Making a good decision: Value from fit

American Psychologist, 55, 1217-1230.

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Abstract The classic answer to what makes a decision good concerns outcomes. A good decision has high outcome benefits (it is worthwhile) and low outcome costs (it is worth it). I propose that, independent of outcomes or value from worth, people experience a regulatory fit when they use goal pursuit means that fit their regulatory orientation, and this regulatory fit increases the value of what they are doing. The following postulates of this value from fit proposal are examined: (a) People will be more inclined toward goal means that have higher regulatory fit, (b) people's motivation during goal pursuit will be stronger when regulatory fit is higher, (c) people's (prospective) feelings about a choice they might make will be more positive for a desirable choice and more negative for an undesirable choice when regulatory fit is higher, (d) people's (retrospective) evaluations of past decisions or goal pursuits will be more positive when regulatory fit was higher, and (e) people will assign higher value to an object that was chosen with higher regulatory fit. Studies testing each of these postulates support the value-from-fit proposal. How value from fit can enhance or diminish the value of goal pursuits and the quality of life itself is discussed.

Jensen, M. C., & Meckling, W. H. ( 1976).

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Previous neuroimaging studies on decision making have mainly focused on decisions on behalf of oneself. Considering that people often make decisions on behalf of others, it is intriguing that there is little neurobiological evidence on how decisions for others differ from those for oneself. The present study directly compared risky decisions for self with those for another person using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants were asked to perform a gambling task on behalf of themselves (decision-for-self condition) or another person (decision-for-other condition) while in the scanner. Their task was to choose between a low-risk option (i.e., win or lose 10 points) and a high-risk option (i.e., win or lose 90 points) with variable levels of winning probability. Compared with choices regarding others, those regarding oneself were more risk-averse at lower winning probabilities and more risk-seeking at higher winning probabilities, perhaps due to stronger affective process during risky decisions for oneself compared with those for other. The brain-activation pattern changed according to the target, such that reward-related regions were more active in the decision-for-self condition than in the decision-for-other condition, whereas brain regions related to the theory of mind (ToM) showed greater activation in the decision-for-other condition than in the decision-for-self condition. Parametric modulation analysis using individual decision models revealed that activation of the amygdala and the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC) were associated with value computations for oneself and for another, respectively, during risky financial decisions. The results of the present study suggest that decisions for oneself and for other may recruit fundamentally distinct neural processes, which can be mainly characterized as dominant affective/impulsive and cognitive/regulatory processes, respectively.

Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. ( 1979).

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Differential weighting in choice versus advice: I’ll do this, you do that

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 12, 207-217.

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Abstract We propose that when individuals make a decision for themselves they weight attributes more uniformly compared to when they give advice. In Study 1, 138 participants were given a hypothetical choice between two jobs varying on two dimensions and asked either to choose for themselves, offer advice to a best friend, or offer advice to an acquaintance. We hypothesized that respondents offering advice would favor the option with the higher value on the more important dimension. More participants in the acquaintance condition recommended the job with a higher value on the important dimension than participants making the choice for themselves. Study 2 ( N =62) tested the hypothesis in a situation where the options consisted of three dimensions. One option was relatively high on two of the three dimensions and the other option was relatively high on the remaining ‘socially important’, or ‘prominent’, dimension. The uniform weighting hypothesis for self-choice predicts higher frequency of choice for the former option. Data were consistent with this prediction. Study 3 ( N =170) tested the hypothesis in students' choice of major at the university. We made use of an actual event, a pending university budget cut, that would require some students to change majors. Participants either made the decision for themselves, made a recommendation to a student in their same department, or made a recommendation to a student in another department facing the analogous dilemma. Replicating the findings of the first two studies, participants offering advice to a student in another department suggested staying with their current major significantly more than participants making the choice for themselves. Copyright 08 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Kray, L. J. ( 2000).

Contingent weighting in self-other decision making

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 83, 82-106.

DOI:10.1006/obhd.2000.2903      URL     PMID:10973784      [本文引用: 1]

Three studies are presented that examine the decision-making processes that lead advisors to have preferences distinct from personal decision makers (Kray & Gonzalez, 1999). Advising and personal decision making were hypothesized to invoke different interpersonal frames, which lead to different weighting of decision attributes. Alternatively, advisors might simply exert less effort in decision making for others than do personal decision makers. In Study 1, the contingent weighting of attributes was examined in two decision-making tasks (choice vs. matching). Advisors were more likely to choose in a manner consistent with hat most people would prefer than personal decision makers, but no differences in preferences were observed in the matching task. Advisors subsequently reported experiencing less regret and blame and more strongly preferred the chosen alternative than did personal decision makers. In Study 2, advisors considered more decision attributes to be important in the abstract compared to personal decision makers, and the choice pattern of Study 1 was replicated. In Study 3, advisors and personal decision makers generated more considerations when making a decision compared to individuals making decisions in the abstract. Finally, the preferences of personal decision makers were more consistent with their reported attribute importance judgments than were those of advisors. In total, the results suggest advisors incorrectly infer others' preferences, rather than suffer from a deficit of motivation, when giving advice.

Kruger J., Burrus J., & Kressel L. M. ( 2009).

Between a rock and a hard place: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 1286-1290.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2009.07.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Individuals are frequently forced to make decisions from among undesirable choice-sets. Raise taxes or cut social services? Lay off workers or go bankrupt? Go deep in debt or forgo a college education? The research presented here suggests that in such situations, decision-makers are often evaluated negatively regardless of the choice they make. In Experiment 1, participants read about a judge deciding which of two seemingly unfit parents to award sole custody in a real-life divorce case. In Experiment 2, participants were led to believe that their partner in the experiment was forced to pick one of two unpleasant tasks for the participant to perform. In both cases, the decision and decision-maker were evaluated negatively regardless of the alternative chosen nd regardless of the fact that they were the only options in the choice-set. Discussion focuses on the source, scope, and consequences of this phenomenon.

Leonhardt J. M., Keller L. R., & Pechmann C. ( 2011).

Avoiding the risk of responsibility by seeking uncertainty: Responsibility aversion and preference for indirect agency when choosing for others

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21, 405-413.

DOI:10.1016/j.jcps.2011.01.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Lerner, J. S., & Tetlock, P. E. ( 1999).

Accounting for the effects of accountability

Psychological Bulletin, 125, 255-257.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.125.2.255      URL     PMID:10087938      [本文引用: 2]

This article reviews the now extensive research literature addressing the impact of accountability on a wide range of social judgments and choices. It focuses on 4 issues: (a) What impact do various accountability ground rules have on thoughts, feelings, and action? (b) Under what conditions will accountability attenuate, have no effect on, or amplify cognitive biases? (c) Does accountability alter how people think or merely what people say they think? and (d) What goals do accountable decision makers seek to achieve? In addition, this review explores the broader implications of accountability research. It highlights the utility of treating thought as a process of internalized dialogue; the importance of documenting social and institutional boundary conditions on putative cognitive biases; and the potential to craft empirical answers to such applied problems as how to structure accountability relationships in organizations.

Lin, H.-C. ( 2015).

Moderating roles on individuals’ decisions when making choices for others

Food Quality and Preference, 39, 221-227.

DOI:10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.07.017      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Previous studies have demonstrated that when the social context entails possible public scrutiny, consumers may change their judgments and choices to what is perceived to be socially desirable, while they may incorporate more variety seeking when they are making choices for others rather than for themselves. Building upon previous research and in an attempt to better understand consumers’ variety-seeking tendencies, this study aims to uncover the underlying mechanisms for the self–other difference in the variety seeking tendency via experimental designs. This article discusses individual differences of gender, self-monitoring and maximizing tendency with respect to self–other differences when consumers incorporate variety seeking. Consistent with the proposed hypotheses, the results indicate that the individuals’ differences tested in this article moderate the effects of self–other differences on variety seeking. Finally, the academic and practical implications are addressed.

Liviatan I., Trope Y., & Liberman N. ( 2008).

Interpersonal similarity as a social distance dimension: Implications for perception of others’ actions

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1256-1269.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2008.04.007      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Lu J., Jia H., Xie X., & Wang Q. ( 2016).

Missing the best opportunity; who can seize the next one? Agents show less inaction inertia than personal decision makers

Journal of Economic Psychology, 54, 100-112.

DOI:10.1016/j.joep.2016.03.004      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Lu J., Liang Y., & Duan H. ( 2017).

Justifying decisions: Making choices for others enhances preferences for impoverished options

Social Psychology, 48, 92-103.

DOI:10.1027/1864-9335/a000302      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Lu J., Liu Z., & Fang Z. ( 2016).

Hedonic products for you, utilitarian products for me

Judgment and Decision Making, 11, 332-341.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Consumers make trade-offs when they choose between utilitarian and hedonic products. The former is practical, instrumental, and functional, whereas the latter is sensational and experiential. Prior research shows that people feel more guilt when they contemplate on engaging in hedonic consumption than engaging in utilitarian consumption. The current research investigates the effect of decision targets (i.e., making decisions for oneself or another person) on preferences for utilitarian and hedonic products. Consumers deciding for others were more likely to choose hedonic over utilitarian options than were consumers deciding for themselves. Utilitarian/hedonic was manipulated either through attributes of similar products (Study 1) or through different products (Study 2). Anticipatory guilt accounted for such self09“other difference (Study 2). In particular, anticipatory guilt triggered by contemplating hedonic consumption is less for consumers who made choices for others than for those who made choices for themselves. In sum, preferences for utilitarian and hedonic products depend on decision targets.

Lu, J., & Xie, X. ( 2014).

To change or not to change: A matter of decision maker’s role

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124, 47-55.

DOI:10.1016/j.obhdp.2013.12.001      URL     [本文引用: 3]

The status quo effect derived from loss aversion is common in decision making. However, we propose that advisors (vs. personal decision makers) are less susceptible to such an effect because they are less loss-averse. The difference in loss aversion between personal decision makers and advisors is reflected in both the query order and content. Compared to advisors, personal decision makers produce more queries favoring the status quo, at an earlier time, than those favoring the new option. As hypothesized, the status quo effect was observed among personal decision makers, but not among advisors (Studies 1 and 2). Query order and content were found to mediate the impact of decision maker’s role on the status quo effect (Study 2). When personal decision makers and advisors made queries in the same order (Study 3) or of the same content (Studies 4a and 4b), the difference between self–other decision making disappeared.

Lu J., Xie X., & Xu J. ( 2013).

Desirability or feasibility: Self-other decision-making differences

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 144-155.

DOI:10.1177/0146167212470146      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Matz S. C., Gladstone J. J., & Stillwell D. ( 2016).

Money buys happiness when spending fits our personality

Psychological Science, 27, 715-725.

DOI:10.1177/0956797616635200      URL     PMID:27056977      [本文引用: 1]

In contrast to decades of research reporting surprisingly weak relationships between consumption and happiness, recent findings suggest that money can indeed increase happiness if it is spent the “right way” (e.g., on experiences or on other people). Drawing on the concept of psychological fit, we extend this research by arguing that individual differences play a central role in determining the “right” type of spending to increase well-being. In a field study using more than 76,000 bank-transaction records, we found that individuals spend more on products that match their personality, and that people whose purchases better match their personality report higher levels of life satisfaction. This effect of psychological fit on happiness was stronger than the effect of individuals’ total income or the effect of their total spending. A follow-up study showed a causal effect: Personality-matched spending increased positive affect. In summary, when spending matches the buyer’s personality, it appears that money can indeed buy happiness.

Mishra, S. ( 2014).

Decision-making under risk: Integrating perspectives from biology, economics, and psychology

Personality and Social Psychology Review, 18, 280-307.

DOI:10.1177/1088868314530517      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Pachur T., Hertwig R., & Wolkewitz R. ( 2014).

The affect gap in risky choice: Affect-rich outcomes attenuate attention to probability information

Decision, 1, 64-78.

DOI:10.1037/dec0000006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Parker J. R., Lehmann D. R., & Xie Y. ( 2016).

Decision comfort

Journal of Consumer Research, 43, 113-133.

DOI:10.1093/jcr/ucw010      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Patalano A. L., Weizenbaum E. L., Lolli S. L., & Anderson A. ( 2015).

Maximization and search for alternatives in decision situations with and without loss of options

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28, 411-423.

DOI:10.1002/bdm.1856      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Maximizing tendency has been associated with greater accumulation of choice alternatives prior to selection of a preference. It is not known whether this search behavior extends to situations in which accumulation of new choice alternatives comes with the potential loss of existing ones. In Study 1, we replicate the original finding of greater accumulation of choice alternatives, using a computer-based laboratory task. We then provide evidence, in Studies 2 and 3, that when potential loss of existing options is incorporated into the task, maximization is associated with less rather than more search for additional options. Maximization components of decision difficulty and alternative search, but not high standards or satisficing, explain this behavior. Other task measures are also collected, but few maximization-related differences are observed. The findings support an interpretation of maximizers as decision makers who are as concerned with the potential loss of existing options as with the loss of undiscovered future ones. Copyright 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Payne J. W., Bettman J. R., & Johnson E. J. ( 1992).

Behavioral decision research: A constructive processing perspective

Annual Review of Psychology, 43, 87-131.

DOI:10.1146/      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The highly contingent nature of decision behavior both poses problems (costs) and creates opportunities (benefits) for decision researchers. That decision processes (DPs) are not invariant across task environments complicates the search for a small set of underlying principles. Questions about the conditions under which different types of information and different DPs are likely to be used can yield such generalizations as (1) the effects of task complexity on decision-strategy use, (2) the importance of gain vs loss in both risky and riskless preference, and (3) the prevalence of the anchoring and adjustment process in judgment. The constructive and contingent nature of DPs has implications for integrating decision research with other areas of psychology and applications such as the practice of decision analysis, the design of information environments, and the measurement of values. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Pham, M. T. ( 2013).

The seven sins of consumer psychology

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23, 411-423.

DOI:10.1016/j.jcps.2013.07.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Consumer psychology faces serious issues of internal and external relevance. Most of these issues originate in seven fundamental problems with the way consumer psychologists plan and conduct their research—problems that could be called “the seven sins of consumer psychology.” These seven “sins” are (1) a narrow conception of the scope of consumer behavior research; (2) adoption of a narrow set of theoretical lenses; (3) adherence to a narrow epistemology of consumer research; (4) an almost exclusive emphasis on psychological processes as opposed to psychological content; (5) a strong tendency to overgeneralize from finite empirical results, both as authors and as reviewers; (6) a predisposition to design studies based on methodological convenience rather than on substantive considerations; and (7) a pervasive confusion between “theories of studies” and studies of theories. Addressing these problems (“atoning for these sins”) would greatly enhance the relevance of the field. However, this may require a substantial rebalancing of the field's incentives to reward actual research impact rather than sheer number of publications in major journals.

Polman, E. ( 2010).

Why are maximizers less happy than satisficers? Because they maximize positive and negative outcomes

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23, 179-190.

DOI:10.1002/bdm.v23:2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Polman, E. ( 2012 a).

Effects of self-other decision making on regulatory focus and choice overload

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 980-993.

DOI:10.1037/a0026966      URL     PMID:22429272      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract A growing stream of research is investigating how choices people make for themselves are different from choices people make for others. In this paper, I propose that these choices vary according to regulatory focus, such that people who make choices for themselves are prevention focused, whereas people who make choices for others are promotion focused. Drawing on regulatory focus theory, in particular work on errors of omission and commission, I hypothesize that people who make choices for others experience a reversal of the choice overload effect. In 6 studies, including a field study, I found that people who make choices for themselves are less satisfied after selecting among many options compared to few options, yet, people who make choices for others are more satisfied after selecting among many options compared to few options. Implications and suggestions for other differences in self-other decision making are discussed.

Polman, E. ( 2012 b).

Self-other decision making and loss aversion

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 119, 141-150.

DOI:10.1016/j.obhdp.2012.06.005      URL     [本文引用: 2]

In eight studies, we tested the prediction that making choices for others involves less loss aversion than making choices for the self. We found that loss aversion is significantly lessened among people choosing for others in scenarios describing riskless choice (Study 1), gambling (Studies 2 and 3), and social aspects of life, such as likeably and status (Studies 4a–e). Moreover, we found this pattern in relatively realistic conditions where people are rewarded for making desirable (i.e., profitable) choices for others (Study 2), when the other for whom a choice is made is physically present (Study 3), and when real money is at stake (Studies 2 and 3). Finally, we found loss aversion is moderated when factors associated with self–other differences in decision making are taken into account, such as decision makers’ construal level (Study 4a), regulatory focus (Study 4b), degree of information seeking (Study 4c), omission bias (Study 4d), and power (Study 4e).

Polman, E., & Vohs, K. D. ( 2016).

Decision fatigue, choosing for others, and self-construal

Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7, 471-478.

DOI:10.1177/1948550616639648      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Past research has shown that people tend to feel depleted by their decisions. In contrast, we found people report that making decisions for others (vs. the self) is less depleting because it is more enjoyable. Our investigation thus replicated a prior finding (that decision-making is depleting), moderated it by target of decision (self vs. other), and demonstrated mediation (enjoyment). We further measured chronic focus on self or others (self-construal) and established a full process model that marries prior findings with the current ones: Choosing for others is more enjoyable and less depleting to the extent that decision makers are independent, and less enjoyable and more depleting to the extent that decision makers are interdependent. That a mismatch between chronic and state orientation leads to the better outcomes for self-control indicates a special link between self-construal and decision-making.

Ross, S. A. ( 1973).

The economic theory of agency: The principal’s problem

American Economic Review, 63, 134-139.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

No abstract is available for this item.

Simon, H. A. ( 1990).

Invariants of human behavior

Annual Review of Psychology, 41, 1-19.

DOI:10.1146/      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Simonson, I., & Nowlis, S. M. ( 2000).

The role of explanations and need for uniqueness in consumer decision making: Unconventional choices based on reasons

Journal of Consumer Research, 27, 49-68.

DOI:10.1086/314308      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Steffel M., Williams E. F., & Perrmann-Graham J. ( 2016).

Passing the buck: Delegating choices to others to avoid responsibility and blame

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 135, 32-44.

DOI:10.1016/j.obhdp.2016.04.006      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Although people prize the ability to choose when making choices for themselves, this right may become a burden when tasked with choosing for others. We show that people are more likely to delegate choices for others than for themselves, especially choices with potentially negative consequences. This is driven by a desire to avoid feeling responsible or being blamed for such decisions rather than a desire to avoid making difficult choices or a lack of concern for others outcomes, and is unique to delegation and does not extend to other methods of choice avoidance, like delaying decisions or flipping a coin, that do not absolve decision makers of responsibility and blame. Moreover, people only delegate to others who can assume responsibility, regardless of their expertise, consistent with the notion that people delegate primarily to cede responsibility and blame, not put choices in the hands of more capable decision makers.

Stone, E. R., & Allgaier, L. ( 2008).

A social values analysis of self-other differences in decision making involving risk

Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 114-129.

DOI:10.1080/01973530802208832      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Three experiments tested our social values analysis of self–other differences in decision making under risk. In Experiment 1, we showed that people make riskier decisions for others in domains where risk taking is valued but not in those where risk is not valued. Experiment 2 documented that it is considered more inappropriate to make a risk-averse decision for another person than for oneself in situations where risk is valued. Experiment 3 showed that self–other differences in decision making occur even when there are no self–other differences in prediction and for decisions made for a typical student as well as for a friend. We use these results to argue that decision making for others is based predominantly on the perceived value placed on risk, leading to a norm for how to decide for others in situations where such a social value exists.

Stone E. R., Choi Y., de Bruin W. B., & Mandel D. R. ( 2013).

I can take the risk, but you should be safe: Self-other differences in situations involving physical safety

Judgment and Decision Making, 8, 250-267.

[本文引用: 1]

Su Y., Rao L.-L., Sun H.-Y., Du X.-L., Li X., & Li S. ( 2013).

Is making a risky choice based on a weighting and adding process? An eye-tracking investigation

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39, 1765-1780.

DOI:10.1037/a0032861      URL     PMID:23687917      [本文引用: 1]

The debate about whether making a risky choice is based on a weighting and adding process has a long history and is still unresolved. To address this long-standing controversy, we developed a comparative paradigm. Participants' eye movements in 2 risky choice tasks that required participants to choose between risky options in single-play and multiple-play conditions were separately compared with those in a baseline task in which participants naturally performed a deliberate calculation following a weighting and adding process. The results showed that, when participants performed the multiple-play risky choice task, their eye movements were similar to those in the baseline task, suggesting that participants may use a weighting and adding process to make risky choices in multiple-play conditions. In contrast, participants' eye movements were different in the single-play risky choice task versus the baseline task, suggesting that participants were not likely to use a weighting and adding process to make risky choices in single-play conditions and were more likely to use a heuristic process. We concluded that an expectation-based index for predicting risk preferences is applicable in multiple-play conditions but not in single-play conditions, implying the need to improve current theories that postulate the use of a heuristic process.

Sun Q., Liu Y., Zhang H., & Lu J. ( 2017).

Increased social distance makes people more risk-neutral

The Journal of Social Psychology, 157, 502-512.

DOI:10.1080/00224545.2016.1242471      URL     PMID:27685243      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Individuals are consistently observed to be risk averse over gains and risk seeking over losses. This study examined whether increased social distance would change these behavioral patterns. To test our hypothesis, social distance was manipulated by asking the participants to make decisions either for themselves or for another person (Experiment 1), either for a known person or for an unknown person (Experiment 2), and either for a close friend or for a distant friend (Experiment 3). The results of Experiments 1 and 3 showed that increased social distance made people more risk neutral, and such an effect was stronger in the gain domain than in the loss domain. However, the effect of social distance was not observed in Experiment 2. These findings suggest that risk preferences are influenced by the social distance between decision makers and beneficiaries.

Tsai, C. I., & McGill, A. L. ( 2011).

No pain, no gain? How fluency and construal level affect consumer confidence

Journal of Consumer Research, 37, 807-821.

DOI:10.1086/655855      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Choice confidence is affected by fluency and moderated by construal levels that evoke different theories to interpret the feelings of fluency. At lower construal levels, fluency informs the feasibility of completing the concrete steps of the decision process to choose well, but at higher construal levels, fluency informs (insufficient) effort invested for the desirability of the outcome. We manipulated fluency by varying the font of product descriptions or the number of thoughts we asked participants to recall. Our studies showed that fluency increased confidence for people processing at lower construal levels but decreased confidence for those processing at higher construal levels. Construal level does not affect the persuasiveness of consumers' thoughts, supporting the hypothesis that it is the interpretation of fluency experienced during judgment, not the thought content, that leads to the moderating effects of construal level.

Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. ( 1986).

Rational choice and the framing of decisions

Journal of Business, 59, S251-S278.

DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-74919-3_4      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Alternative descriptions of a decision problem often give rise to different preferences, contrary to the principle of invariance that underlies the rational theory of choice. Violations of this theory are traced to the rules that govern the framing of decision and to the psychophysical principles of evaluation embodied in prospect theory. Invariance and dominance are obeyed when their application is transparent and often violated in other situations. Because these rules are normatively essential but descriptively invalid, no theory of choice can be both normatively adequate and descriptively accurate.

von Neumann, J., & Morgenstern, O.( 1944) . Theory of games and economic behavior. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Zemack-Rugar Y., Rabino R., Cavanaugh L. A., & Fitzsimons G. J. ( 2016).

When donating is liberating: The role of product and consumer characteristics in the appeal of cause-related products

Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26, 213-230.

DOI:10.1016/j.jcps.2015.06.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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