ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(6): 1121-1130 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01121


反馈寻求行为的影响因素和本土化发展 *

张颖, 杨付,

西南财经大学工商管理学院, 成都 611130

Feedback-seeking behavior: Influencing factors and localization development


School of Business Administration, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 611130, China

通讯作者: 杨付,

收稿日期: 2017-08-4   网络出版日期: 2018-06-10

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(71502141)

Received: 2017-08-4   Online: 2018-06-10

Fund supported: (71502141)


反馈寻求行为是指个体积极主动地向上级或其他个体寻求与自身绩效、角色定位和工作目标等相关的反馈信息。研究者系统的梳理了反馈寻求行为的概念界定、测量方式、影响因素及实施效果, 强化了中国本土文化的权变作用。未来研究应继续完善反馈寻求行为的概念, 开发符合时代特征的测量工具, 拓展研究层次, 并结合中国特殊的组织情境, 对反馈寻求行为做进一步探讨。

关键词: 反馈; 反馈寻求行为; 积极反馈; 消极反馈; 中国本土文化


Feedback-seeking behavior refers to individuals proactively seek feedbacks about their performance, role position or job targets from other individuals or their leaders. This study systematically summarizes the existing literatures in aspects of the concept, measurement, influencing factors and consequences of feedback-seeking behavior, at the same time highlights the effects of Chinese indigenous culture. We identify that future study should try to improve the concept of feedback-seeking behavior, develop new measurement which fits into new cultural and economic background, expand research level to organization and team level, and take Chinese special organizational situation into consideration to make further discussion toward feedback-seeking behavior.

Keywords: feedback; feedback-seeking behavior; positive feedback; negative feedback; Chinese organizational context

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张颖, 杨付. 反馈寻求行为的影响因素和本土化发展 *. 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(6): 1121-1130 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01121

ZHANG Ying, YANG Fu. Feedback-seeking behavior: Influencing factors and localization development. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(6): 1121-1130 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01121

1 引言

随着信息寻求领域研究的深入, 理论界和实务界提出当员工对自己所获得的结果不确定时, 会主动寻求与之相关的反馈信息, 即反馈寻求(feedback-seeking) (向长春, 龙立荣, 2012)。随着经济和社会的发展, 组织环境复杂化, 劳动力多元化, 组织边界模糊化及工作的远程化都对员工的反馈寻求行为提出了更高的要求(王雁飞, 2005)。

Ashford和Cummings (1983)提出的反馈寻求行为的概念指出, 反馈寻求行为是一种个体主动进行自我调节, 而非被动地等待上级或组织反馈的行为; 具有这种行为的个体会积极获取与自身绩效、角色定位和工作目标等相关的上级反馈信息。反馈寻求行为对工作绩效(Chen, Lam, & Zhong, 2007; Dahling & Whitaker, 2016; Lam, Huang, & Snape, 2007)、创新行为(王石磊, 彭正龙, 2013; 张婕, 樊耘, 张旭, 2014), 组织公民行为(Krasman, 2012)等工作特征都有积极的影响作用。然而国内外对于反馈寻求行为的研究集中于对其影响因素的研究, 对其实施效果的研究匮乏, 缺少系统的梳理。此外, 对中国组织情境中员工的反馈寻求行为研究也刚刚起步, 仍需要进一步的研究和探索。

本研究将对反馈寻求行为的起源及概念做进一步剖析, 总结及概括反馈寻求行为的主要测量方法, 从反馈寻求行为的影响因素、实施效果和反馈寻求行为在中国本土文化下的权变作用等方面对现有的反馈寻求行为研究作系统的梳理和评析, 提出现有研究的局限以及未来研究的展望, 从而为未来的研究方向提供理论借鉴。

2 概念界定

反馈寻求行为最早由Ashford和Cummings (1983)提出, 是指员工通过观察环境或其他人的行为活动, 来获得富有价值的信息, 进而进行自我调整, 来满足组织绩效的需要。随着反馈寻求领域研究的深入, 国内外学者主要从以下不同视角对反馈寻求行为的概念进行了重新定义。具体包括:第一, 基于社会化的视角。最早Ashford和Cummings (1983)提出的反馈寻求概念是基于资源理论的视角, 将反馈视为一种资源。随后Ashford, Blatt和VandeWalle (2003)进一步将这一概念引入社会化领域, 认为反馈寻求行为是一种社会化的策略。在这种策略下, 员工不仅仅从文化培训、制度规范等方面获取信息, 而是自下而上主动的向周围群体寻求有价值的信息, 以适应个人和组织发展。第二, 基于主动性行为的视角。Krasman (2010)提出反馈寻求行为作为主动性行为的重要组成部分之一, 指个体对非正式的日常信息的主动搜索行为。此外, Parker和Collins (2010)研究认为反馈寻求行为是一种积极的主动性策略。通过这种策略员工可以了解周围环境对其的要求和评价, 从而掌控在组织中的命运。第三, 基于反馈寻求行为目标的视角。有学者提出反馈寻求行为使得个体能够适应不断改变的目标和角色期望(Morrison & Weldon, 1990), 快速做出反应, 获得准确的自我评价(Ashford & Tsui, 1991), 提高工作绩效(Chen et al., 2007)。由此, De Stobbeleir, Ashford和Buyens (2011)提出反馈寻求行为是使得个体与环境更好契合的一种策略。第四, 基于反馈寻求行为本质的视角。Qian, Yang和Han (2016)研究提出, 反馈寻求行为的本质是放慢步调反思和探索, 而不是在具有威胁的情境下坚持采取行动。

此外, 在反馈寻求内容方面, Ashford 和Cummings (1983)提出反馈寻求行为主要包含以下5个方面:反馈寻求频率(特定情境下个体寻求反馈的数量)、反馈寻求策略(直接询问或间接监控), 反馈寻求内容(有关自己或他人, 积极或消极), 反馈寻求目标(直接上级或同事), 和反馈寻求时间(紧随评估之后或间隔一段时间)。尽管有不同学者从各种角度对反馈寻求行为的概念进行了界定, 但这些界定都比较抽象, 目前还未有研究从反馈寻求行为频率、反馈寻求行为策略、反馈寻求行为内容、反馈寻求行为目标和反馈寻求行为时间的角度对反馈寻求行为的内容进行进一步研究。现有研究基本采用Ashford 和Cummings (1983)提出的5个方面的理论, 而Gong, Wang, Huang和Cheung (2017)提出中国组织情境下的员工在反馈寻求内容上, 更多的寻求他人积极类和自我消极类反馈。这种不同文化情境下表现不一致的研究结果说明反馈寻求行为不具有文化普遍性, 而具有文化特异性(买热巴·买买提, 李野, 王辉, 2017)。例如, 在高权力距离的文化背景下, 员工直接询问的反馈寻求行为将会受到抑制, 进而更多地采取间接监控的反馈寻求方式。由此, 不同的文化会对反馈寻求行为的不同内容带来影响, 进而在反馈寻求的概念层面上体现出文化差异, 即在不同文化背景下, 反馈寻求行为内容的5个方面会受到文化因素制约而发生变化。因此, 未来研究应结合不同文化情境, 对反馈寻求行为的概念在不同文化下进行考量。

3 测量量表

反馈寻求行为的测量有多种方式, 主要包括电脑统计(Slowiak & Nuetzman, 2014)和量表测量, 其中量表测量最为常见。本文仅关注量表测量, 并对不同种类的测量量表进行系统的分类整理(详见表1)。

表1   反馈寻求行为测量量表

Ashford (1986)基于反馈寻求过程的视角, 开发了具有直接询问、间接监控和反馈寻求频率3个维度, 21个题项的初始量表。
Ashford & Tsui (1991)Ashford (1986)的初始量表的基础上新增了6个题项, 形成了包含积极反馈、消极反馈、直接询问和间接监控4个维度共20个题项的测量量表。
Morrison (1993)在反馈寻求行为结构的基础上, 编制了具有4个题项的测量反馈寻求行为频率的量表。
Callister, Kramer, & Turban (1999)该量表通过对Ashford最原始的量表进行修订, 形成了具有3个题项的测量员工向上级领导寻求反馈的新量表。
VandeWalle, Ganesan, Challagalla, & Brown (2000)在只考虑通过直接询问的方式向上级领导寻求反馈的情况下, 开发具有5个题项的测量量表。
Gupta, Govindarajan, & Malhotra (1999)从经理反馈寻求的角度, 开发了具有7个题项的测量经理人反馈寻求行为的测量量表。
Yanagizawa (2008)基于对目标达成情况的考察, 编制了由员工自评的具有6个题项的反馈寻求量表, 该量表突出了反馈源及反馈寻求目的。
Krasman (2010)基于反馈寻求目标的视角, 开发了具有4个题项的量表, 其中两个测量面向领导的反馈寻求行为, 另两个测量面向同事的反馈寻求行为。
Krasman (2012)Krasman (2010)的基础上, 增加了2个测量反馈源为文件(例如手册、备忘录)的反馈寻求行为题项, 形成了具有6个题项的测量量表。
Gong et al. (2017)针对自我积极类、自我消极类、他人积极类和他人消极类四种类别的反馈寻求行为开发了具有24个题项的测量量表。
王宁, 周密, 赵西萍(2015)结合Williams和Johnson (2000)Roberson, Deitch, Brief和Block (2003)所开发的量表, 整合成了一套具有16个题项的同时测量直接询问和间接监控的量表。
Dahling & Whitaker (2016)开发了具有4个题项的由上级领导填写的反馈寻求量表。


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最早, Ashford (1986)基于反馈寻求过程的视角, 编制了具有3个维度21个题项的反馈寻求量表, 后来被用于其他研究中(Ashford & Tusi, 1991)。然而, 此量表反馈源单一(直接上级), 并且对反馈内容也没有做具体区分, 其通用性受到很大限制。在Ashford (1986)之后, 其他学者(Ashford & Tusi, 1991; Callister et al., 1999; Krasman, 2012; 王宁等, 2015)开始借用已有的测量量表通过增减或重组, 编制新的测量量表以满足实证研究的需求。例如, 为了完善个体对不同反馈源的反馈寻求行为的测量, Krasman (2012)Krasman (2010)所开发的针对上级领导和同事两个反馈源的量表的基础上增加了以文件作为反馈源的2个题项, 形成了新的量表。然而这些量表大都未经过预研究验证其信度和效度, 而且每个量表都有不同的侧重, 难以准确、全面的反映反馈寻求行为。随着研究的深入, 研究者意图开发针对性强的测量量表。例如, 有学者直接针对反馈行为的内容, 包括反馈寻求频率(Morrison, 1993), 反馈寻求策略(VandeWalle et al., 2000), 反馈寻求内容(Gong et al., 2017), 反馈寻求目标(Krasman, 2010), 开发了测量量表。从总体上看, 这些量表都以Ashford 和Cummings (1983)提出的反馈寻求行为的一般模式为基础, 通过增减或重组形成新的量表对个体的反馈寻求行为进行测量。而团队的反馈寻求行为组成作为一种重要的团队层面的主动性行为, 其重要性也不可忽略。Chiu, Owens和Tesluk (2016)研究提出团队主动性人格构成会对领导行为产生影响。类似的, 团队反馈寻求行为的构成可能会对团队的工作结果产生影响。但目前关于团队反馈寻求行为的测量并没有成熟的测量方式, 未来研究应尝试开发一套测量团队层面反馈寻求行为的量表, 以推动团队层面反馈寻求行为的实证研究。

4 影响因素

4.1 个体因素

个体因素主要包括人口统计学变量和个人特质, 其中人口统计学变量包括性别、年龄及工作年限, 个人特质包括个体认知风格和感受到的组织支持及学习目标导向。首先, 性别会影响员工反馈寻求行为。Li和Qian (2016)研究指出, 相比于女性员工, 男性员工的反馈寻求行为更多。其次, Gupta等(1999)研究发现年龄对反馈寻求行为有显著影响。相比于年龄大的员工, 年轻员工更愿意主动的寻求反馈。类似的, Dahling和Whitaker (2016)提出工作年限对员工反馈寻求行为存在负向影响作用。具体而言, 工作年限长的员工会被视为经验丰富且知识渊博, 因此会认为反馈寻求代价更高, 从而倾向于较少的主动寻求反馈。最后, De Stobbeleir等(2011)研究指出, 个体认知风格和感受到的组织支持会影响个体反馈寻求行为。具体而言, 具有创新性认知风格的员工认为他人的意见更有价值, 因此会产生较强的反馈寻求倾向进而产生反馈寻求行为; 此外, VandeWalle (2003)提出具有学习目标导向的个体感知到的反馈寻求行为的代价更小, 价值更大, 因此更愿意主动寻求反馈, 而具有绩效目标导向的个体则相反。随后, Cho (2013)进一步研究提出学习目标导向会促进反馈寻求行为, 并且团队任务依赖性在这一过程中起调节作用。当团队任务依赖性高时, 学习目标导向对直接询问的反馈寻求行为的促进作用会被减弱。Gong等(2017)VandeWalle (2003)的理论进行了更加细致的研究。研究者将反馈寻求行为分为:自我积极类、自我消极类、他人积极类和他人消极类, 并进一步指出学习目标导向会促进自我积极类、自我消极类和他人积极类反馈寻求行为, 而绩效目标导向会促进自我积极类和他人消极类反馈寻求行为。此外, 有研究提出, 反馈寻求动机(eg, image enhancement motive)会影响反馈寻求行为(Dahling & whitaker, 2016)。根据信息寻求的动机模型(Ashford & Cummings, 1983), 个体的工具性动机、自我保护动机和印象管理动机三种动机影响了个体关于信息寻求行为的收益——成本分析, 进而影响个体的信息寻求行为(Anseel, Lievens, & Levy, 2007)。反馈寻求行为作为重要的信息寻求行为, 将会受到个体动机的影响。根据自我决定理论(Self-Determination Theory), 当个体的自主动机得到满足时, 会产生积极的个体行为(Deci & Ryan, 1985)。因此, 本研究提出未来研究应进一步考虑个体动机, 比如, 自我增强动机(ego enhancement motive)对反馈寻求行为的影响。

4.2 互动因素

互动因素主要包括组织支持、员工感知的对工作的心理所有权、效忠主管及人际信任。第一, 组织支持会影响员工的反馈寻求行为。De Stobbeleir等(2011)研究指出当员工感知到组织中存在支持氛围时, 员工认为反馈寻求行为所带来的风险和成本更小, 倾向于更主动的寻求反馈。第二, Li和Qian (2016)提出, 员工感知的对工作的心理所有权作为一种人格特质可以激发员工的反馈寻求行为。根据心理所有权理论(psychological ownership theory), 当员工感知到对工作具有所有权时, 他们会对工作投入更多努力并且更加频繁地主动寻求反馈(Pierce, Kostova, & Dirks, 2003)。第三, 效忠主管对反馈寻求行为有显著正向影响, 且权力距离负向调节效忠主管对反馈寻求行为的正向关系(谢俊, 储小平, 汪林, 2012)。具体而言, 效忠主管使得员工对于主管更加信赖, 反馈寻求行为所引致的心理负担更少, 对反馈寻求行为有更高的心理预期。而当员工权力距离低时, 员工感知与领导间存在的情感差距较小, 主管信赖得到加强, 更易产生反馈寻求行为。第四, 人际信任(包括能力信任和情感信任)正向影响反馈寻求行为。具体而言, 能力信任可以促进向同事的直接询问和间接监控, 情感信任可以促进向上级的直接询问和间接监控(王宁等, 2015)。以往对互动因素的研究主要集中在员工与组织领导及同事间的情感互动, 而忽略了员工与组织环境间的环境互动。Ashford (1986)提出环境中的不确定性和动态变化性可以激发个体的工具性动机进而产生更多的反馈寻求行为。此外, 组织氛围作用一种重要的情境因素也不可忽略, 已有研究表明高质量的反馈寻求情境使得员工感知到组织中更弱的政治氛围 (Rosen, Levy, & Hall, 2006), 进而可能促进员工的反馈寻求行为。由此, 组织情境可能会通过影响组织中的政治氛围进而影响员工的反馈寻求行为。未来研究应对组织中的反馈寻求情境做进一步考察。

4.3 领导行为

首先, 张燕红和廖建桥(2015)从领导特质的角度提出真实型领导正向影响员工的反馈寻求行为, 并且团队真实型领导正向调节反馈导向与员工反馈寻求行为间的积极作用。具体而言, 在高团队真实型领导水平下, 高反馈导向的新员工表现出更高水平的反馈寻求行为。随后, Qian等(2016)进一步验证了这一观点, 并且从认知视角和情感视角提出员工感知的反馈寻求行为的价值/成本比和积极情感在这一过程中起中介作用。具体而言, 真实型领导强调信息的价值(Ladkin & Taylor, 2010), 在这种领导影响下, 员工会认为反馈寻求行为的价值比成本高。并且, 真实型领导会促进员工产生积极情感, 而这种积极情感会促使员工产生更多的主动寻求行为。其次, 申传刚、马红宇、杨璟和刘腾飞(2012)从反馈管理行为的视角指出, 当下属面对一个经常做出不当督导行为(例如, 不信任、不支持、贬损、辱骂等)的领导时, 其反馈寻求行为会受到抑制。最后, 谢俊、汪林和储小平(2013)通过对经理人反馈寻求行为的研究提出上下级关系可以通过绩效提升预期与印象管理预期显著促进经理人的反馈寻求行为, 且政治技能在这一影响机制中起调节作用。即经理人的政治技能越强, 上下级关系对反馈寻求行为的促进作用越强。首先, 现有研究大多将领导行为作为影响因素探究其对反馈寻求行为的影响, 而领导行为作为一种重要的情境因素, 也会对员工反馈寻求行为起调节作用。具体而言, 在真实型领导的条件下, 员工反馈导向与反馈寻求行为的积极作用更强(张燕红, 廖建桥, 2015)。类似的, 精神型领导、仁慈型领导等积极领导行为可能会加强对反馈寻求行为的积极影响, 未来研究应对领导行为对反馈寻求行为的调节作用作进一步探讨。其次, 现有学者探讨了不同领导行为对反馈寻求行为的影响, 而领导行为的不同维度对反馈寻求行为的影响可能存在差异。例如, 对真实型领导而言, 未来研究可探讨其四个维度对反馈寻求行为影响的差异, 从而丰富领导行为对反馈寻求行为的影响因素研究。最后, 现有研究在探讨真实型领导对反馈寻求行为的研究时没有控制与其相类似的领导行为, 比如道德型领导和精神型领导。由此, 未来研究在探讨领导行为对反馈寻求行为的研究时应控制相似的领导行为, 对其独特的影响效果做进一步研究。

4.4 文化因素

De Luque和Sommer (2000)提出文化因素, 包括具体/整体取向(specific/holistic orientation)、模糊容忍度(tolerance for ambiguity)、个人主义/集体主义(individulism/collectiism)、身份认同(status identity)会影响个体反馈寻求行为。具体而言, (1)具体取向下的个体倾向于采用直接询问的反馈寻求方式, 整体取向下的个体倾向于采用间接监控的反馈寻求方式。(2)在不确定性高的组织中, 模糊容忍度低的个体会主动寻求更多的反馈。(3)个人主义文化背景下的个体更多的采取直接询问的方式, 而集体主义文化背景下的个体更多的采取间接监控的方式。(4)高身份认同的个体更多的采用间接监控的方式向同事寻求反馈, 而低身份认同的个体更多采用直接询问的方式向主管或下属寻求反馈。现有对反馈寻求影响因素的研究均是基于西方的文化背景下, 但是有研究提出中国组织情境下的员工倾向于寻求他人积极类和自我消极类的反馈寻求行为(Gong et al., 2017), 由此, 在东西方不同的文化背景下, 员工的反馈寻求行为将会存在差异, 未来研究应进一步探究文化因素对反馈寻求行为不同维度的具体影响。此外, 目前对文化因素对反馈寻求行为的影响才刚刚起步, 实证研究更是罕见, 未来研究可考虑中国组织情境下的传统性及中英思维对反馈寻求行为的影响差异, 并尝试对东西方文化对比较研究。

4.5 其他因素

在反馈寻求行为研究初期, Ashford和Northcraft (1992)提出反馈寻求行为受他人在场和以往绩效影响。当他人在场时, 个体反馈寻求行为会受到抑制, 而当个体绩效表现优异时, 反馈寻求行为会得到加强。随后, Gupta等(1999)对跨国公司的情境因素对分公司经理的反馈寻求行为的影响机制进行了探讨。研究指出, 分公司价值链、分公司主管面临的角色冲突、与总部的交流频率、对其他分公司的依赖程度和分公司经理对公司社会化的参与程度会促进反馈寻求行为; 而角色模糊性会抑制间接监控的反馈寻求行为。此外, Chen等(2007)提出领导成员交换会影响员工的消极反馈寻求行为(对工作行为或绩效方面缺点的寻求), 当下属与上级具有高质量的领导成员交换关系时, 下属会寻求更多的消极反馈。van der Rijt, van den Bossche, van de Wiel, Segers和Gijselaers (2012)探讨了组织中学习文化对员工反馈寻求行为的影响, 具体而言, 在具有学习文化的组织中, 员工间接反馈寻求行为会得到促进。最后, Krasman (2012)对工作特征对反馈寻求行为的影响效果的研究显示, 从上级领导或同事获得的反馈会促进反馈寻求行为, 工作属性(task identity)和自主性会抑制反馈寻求行为, 而技能多样性、任务重要性和从工作及他人中获得的反馈对员工的反馈寻求行为没有影响。

5 实施效果

5.1 个人绩效

Lam等(2007)通过对上级和下属的配对研究发现, 下属的反馈寻求行为会促进领导成员交换关系和下属绩效。具体而言, 积极寻求反馈使得下属符合上级的期望, 并且给上级创造了积极的印象, 从而获得更高的绩效评价。随后, Dahling和Whitaker (2016)通过对反馈寻求行为与工作绩效评价关系的研究证实了这一观点。类似的, Chen等(2007)从社会交换理论的角度提出下属积极地寻求消极反馈可以避免绩效不佳所带来的不利结果, 同时下属的消极反馈寻求行为为他们提供了判断行为是否正确的标准和改进绩效的方向。由此, 下属的消极反馈寻求行为正向影响角色内绩效。此外, 员工通过反馈寻求行为可以获得关于自身技能和能力的准确信息, 增加工作控制感, 进而促进工作绩效(谢俊等, 2012)。Gong等人(2017)从目标导向理论出发, 讨论了四种反馈寻求行为与工作绩效的关系、具体而言, 自我消极和他人积极类反馈寻求行为与工作绩效正相关, 自我积极类反馈寻求行为与工作绩效负相关, 且自我消极类反馈寻求行为还对角色清晰(role clarity)和社会融合(social integration)有促进作用。

5.2 创新行为

王石磊和彭正龙(2013)以新入职员工为研究对象提出新入职员工的反馈寻求行为显著影响其创新行为。具体而言, 反馈寻求行为是一种社会交互过程, 在这种交互过程中, 不同背景下的员工思维相互碰撞, 使得员工的创造力提升。此外, 张婕等(2014)从前摄性的视角提出员工反馈寻求行为可以促进创新绩效。具体而言, 反馈寻求行为是指个体主动寻求有关其绩效评价信息的行为(Anseel, Beatty, Shen, Lievens, & Sackett, 2015), 而与工作相关信息的输入又是员工创新行为的重要驱动之一(Gong, Cheung, & Wang, 2012)。因而, 员工的反馈寻求行为正向影响其创新绩效。

5.3 职业成功

van der Rijt等人(2012)通过对员工职业生涯早期研究发现, 反馈寻求行为可以提升员工对自我职业发展需求的意识、减少不确定性并更好的理解周围环境, 从而促进职业成长。随后, Cheramie (2013)进一步研究指出, 主动性个体通过反馈寻求行为获取有价值的反馈, 促进职业成长, 进而获得内在职业成功。

5.4 组织社会化

反馈寻求行为多的新员工更容易被组织接受, 完成社会化的过程更顺利(向常春, 龙立荣, 2012)。基于此, 张燕红和廖建桥(2015)研究提出反馈寻求行为与新员工的角色清晰度、社会融入度和工作满意度正相关。具体而言, 高反馈导向的新员工认为寻求反馈是一种有价值的工具而积极向领导寻求反馈(Dahling, Chau, & O’Malley, 2012), 这有利于给领导留下积极对待工作的好印象并容易与领导建立良好的关系, 从而通过增加角色清晰度、社会融入度和工作满意度来加快其社会化过程。

目前对反馈寻求行为实施效果的研究才刚刚起步, 实证研究较为匮乏, 并且现有研究主要采用横截面研究设计。已有学者提出领导成员交换关系对反馈寻求行为有积极作用(Vancouver & Morrison, 1995), 进而促进员工工作绩效, 而高的工作绩效又会促进员工的反馈寻求行为, 由此形成反馈寻求环(feedback loop) (Lam et al., 2007)。未来研究应采用纵向研究设计, 进一步探究反馈寻求环的存在及其作用过程。此外, 少有研究探究反馈寻求行为的中介机制。谢俊等(2012)提出, 员工与领导的差异使员工对向领导寻求反馈存在畏惧心理, 进而会抑制员工的反馈寻求行为; 类似的, 张燕红和廖建桥(2015)提出对于新员工的信任, 情感体验作为新员工社会化过程中的重要影响因素会在真实型领导对新员工的反馈寻求行为中起中介作用。由此, 未来研究应从反馈寻求行为的动机视角出发, 进一步探究反馈寻求行为的中介机制。

6 局限与展望

6.1 概念和测量

反馈寻求行为最早由Ashford 和Cummings (1983)提出, 在此之后有学者从不同角度对反馈寻求行为的概念进行了重新定义(Ashford & Cummings, 1983; Ashford & Tsui, 1991; De Stobbeleir et al., 2011; Krasman, 2010; Parker & Collins, 2010; Qian et al., 2016)。然而随着科技型组织的出现及信息化系统的应用, 新一代员工信息化工作模式扩展, 自我意识觉醒(张婕等, 2015), 会主动的对反馈施加一定的控制和管理(宋萌, 王震, 2015)。在这种背景下, 员工的反馈寻求行为也会发生变化。具体而言, 在反馈寻求目标上, 除了以往的向直接上级或同事询问外, 员工还可以向文件或信息系统寻求反馈, 已有学者对此进行了研究和探讨(Krasman, 2012)。然而, 目前国内研究对此的关注甚少, 未来研究应考虑在知识及信息时代的背景下, 对反馈寻求行为的内容进行扩充和完善。在反馈寻求行为的测量方面, 由于反馈寻求行为具有不同的反馈策略、反馈目标、反馈内容, 造成了目前反馈寻求行为的测量量表众多, 而这其中的大多数测量量表都是在其他量表的基础上增加或删减形成新的测量量表, 并没有经过预研究验证其信度和效度。因此未来研究应综合考虑反馈寻求行为的频率、策略、内容及目标, 开发出一套全面系统且可以依据重点进行题项选择的测量量表。此外, 在中国组织情境下, 员工具有较高的权力距离, 并且受传统儒家文化影响, 在反馈寻求的方式及内容上, 员工倾向于通过间接监管的方式寻求积极反馈。因此, 未来研究应充分考虑中国组织情境, 开发适用于中国组织情境的测量量表。

6.2 研究层次和实施效果

首先, 对反馈寻求行为的研究集中于员工的反馈寻求行为, 但经理的反馈寻求行为也不可忽略。具体而言, 在高权力距离的中国组织情境下, 员工会避免向领导提供真实的反馈, 随着经理职位的升高, 经理所获得的反馈会减少, 进而工作变的更加模糊(Conway & Huffcutt, 1997), 经理需要主动寻求反馈以获得准确的信息及提升其工作绩效。而经理作为中高层管理人员, 其独特的人格特征将会影响经理反馈寻求行为的程度和反馈寻求方法。因此, 未来研究应将经理的反馈寻求行为考虑在内, 进一步探讨经理的人格特质对其反馈寻求行为和对其个人绩效及公司绩效的影响。其次, 目前对反馈寻求行为的研究均停留在个体层面上, 但是组织和团队的反馈寻求行为作为重要的影响团队绩效的影响也不能忽略。类似的, 已有越来越多的学者关注团队层面上的组织公民行为; 例如, 群体规模(柳士顺, 凌文辁, 李锐, 2013)、任务冲突和关系冲突(Choi & Sy, 2010)对群体组织公民行为的影响等。由此推论, 组织和团队的反馈寻求行为作为重要的前因变量也会影响组织绩效及组织公民行为等结果变量。从而, 本研究提出团队及组织整体的反馈寻求行为值得进一步被研究。最后, 相对于反馈寻求行为的影响因素, 目前对其实施效果的研究相对匮乏。例如, 有学者研究提出反馈寻求行为并不会促进工作绩效(Anseel et al., 2015), 这必然会受到调节因素的影响。根据资源保存理论, 反馈寻求行为作为一种工作资源会引起资源增值进一步影响员工行为、态度和绩效; 工作资源的调节作用使得反馈寻求行为对资源增值的正向影响增强, 而工作需求会使其减弱。因此, 本研究提出, 未来研究应更加深入地探讨工作资源在反馈寻求行为对工作绩效的影响机制中的调节作用。

6.3 中国本土文化的权变作用

受中国独特的文化价值观的影响, 中国员工的反馈寻求行为可能存在不同的表现形式。首先, 西方国家组织中的权力距离低, 员工对组织中的职位区别不敏感, 并且认为个人在决策中享有同样的权力(Ng, Koh, Ang, Kennedy, & Chan, 2011)。而中国组织中具有较高的权力距离, 员工对领导有着强烈的情感依赖, 并且尊重和敬畏领导(杜旌, 2013)。在这种文化背景下, 员工通过直接询问的反馈寻求行为将会受到抑制, 从而更多地采取间接监管的反馈寻求行为。其次, 东西方文化对于“面子”的理解也存在差异。西方的面子观强调个人行动和愿望的满足, 是一种以个人成就和荣誉为核心的个人主义文化观念(鲁玲萍, 2014)。而“面子”作为中国社会的显著特征(陈炳, 高猛, 2010)和一种复杂的社会心理现象(王轶楠, 杨中芳, 2005), 对中国员工的行为具有深刻的影响。具体而言, 中国人不仅 “要面子”, 而且害怕“丢面子” (杜伟宇, 许伟清, 2014)。受到这种文化价值观影响, 中国员工对消极反馈的寻求行为将会受到抑制, 更多的倾向于寻求积极反馈。最后, 西方国家传统性较低, 等级意识淡薄(Farh, Hackett, & Liang, 2007)。而中国作为一个高传统性国家, 其组织情境中普遍强调“上尊下卑”的角色关系, 下属对上级绝对的信任和服从, 并且遵从传统性的角色内义务(于维娜, 樊耘, 张婕, 门一, 2015)。在这种情境下, 员工的反馈寻求行为将会受到抑制, 而倾向于被动的接受反馈。由此, 本研究认为, 未来研究应立足于中国本土文化, 在高权力距离及“面子”文化和传统性的影响下, 探索中国员工的反馈寻求行为形式和内容, 以推动国内反馈寻求行为的研究和实际应用。


陈炳, 高猛 . ( 2010).


管理学报, 7, 797-803.

[本文引用: 1]

杜旌 . ( 2013).

本土文化情境下领导行为对员工变革反应的影响: 基于图式理论的动态研究

心理科学进展, 21, 1531-1541.

[本文引用: 1]

杜伟宇, 许伟清 . ( 2014).

中国情境下权力对炫耀性产品购买意愿的影响: 面子意识的中介效应

南开管理评论, 17, 83-90.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-3448.2014.05.010      URL     [本文引用: 1]

权力是社会科学长期研究的重要课题,但其对消费行为影响的实证研究还较有限。本文拟以权力为 自变量,以炫耀性/实用性产品的购买意愿为因变量,探讨中国情境下权力对炫耀性产品购买意愿的影响。实验结果表明,启动高权力的被试更愿意购买炫耀性产 品;面子意识在权力与炫耀性产品购买意愿之间起到中介作用。

柳士顺, 凌文辁, 李锐 . ( 2013).


心理科学, 36, 1441-1446.

[本文引用: 1]

鲁玲萍 . ( 2014).


武汉理工大学学报: 社会科学版, 27, 507-512.

DOI:10.3963/j.issn.1671-6477.2014.03.035      URL     [本文引用: 1]


买热巴·买买提, 李野, 王辉 . ( 2017).

谦卑型和自恋型领导: 跨文化组织管理的视角

心理科学进展, 25, 1375-1386.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.01375      URL     [本文引用: 1]


申传刚, 马红宇, 杨璟, 刘腾飞 . ( 2012).

上司不当督导与下属绩效: 反馈寻求行为和学习目标定向的作用

心理学报, 44, 1677-1686.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2012.01677      URL     [本文引用: 1]


宋萌, 王震 . ( 2015).


管理学报, 12, 1773-1779.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-884x.2015.12.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]


王宁, 周密, 赵西萍 . ( 2015).


管理评论, 27, 140-150.

URL     [本文引用: 3]


王石磊, 彭正龙 . ( 2013).


管理评论, 25, 156-164.

URL     [本文引用: 2]


王雁飞 . ( 2005).


心理科学进展, 13, 679-685.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3710.2005.05.019      URL     [本文引用: 1]

作为提高员工管理效能的重要手段,对个体反馈寻求行为(feedback-seeking behavior)的管理引起了越来越多研究者与管理者的重视.文章回顾了反馈寻求行为研究的相关文献,就反馈寻求行为研究的内容,反馈寻求行为过程,反馈寻求行为与相关因素的关系进行了论述,最后指出了研究存在的主要问题并进行了展望.

王轶楠, 杨中芳 . ( 2005).


心理科学, 28, 398-401.

[本文引用: 1]

向常春, 龙立荣 . ( 2012).


心理科学进展, 20, 283-291.

URL     [本文引用: 2]


谢俊, 储小平, 汪林 . ( 2012).

效忠主管与员工工作绩效的关系: 反馈寻求行为和权力距离的影响

南开管理评论, 15, 31-38.

[本文引用: 3]

谢俊, 汪林, 储小平 . ( 2013).

关系视角的经理人反馈寻求行为: 心理预期和政治技能的影响

南开管理评论, 16, 4-12.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-3448.2013.04.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]


于维娜, 樊耘, 张婕, 门一 . ( 2015).


南开管理评论, 18, 16-25.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


张婕, 樊耘, 张旭 . ( 2014).


南开管理评论, 17, 13-23.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-3448.2014.05.003      URL     [本文引用: 3]


张燕红, 廖建桥 . ( 2015).


管理科学, 28, 126-136.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-0334.2015.02.012      URL     [本文引用: 4]


Anseel F., Beatty A. S., Shen W., Lievens F., & Sackett P. R . ( 2015).

How are we doing after 30 years? A meta-analytic review of the antecedents and outcomes of feedback-seeking behavior

Journal of Management, 41, 318-348.

DOI:10.1177/0149206313484521      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This study provides meta-analytic estimates of the antecedents and consequences of feedback-seeking behavior (FSB). Clear support was found for the guiding cost/benefit framework in the feedback-seeking domain. Organizational tenure, job tenure, and age were negatively related to FSB. Learning and performance goal orientation, external feedback propensity, frequent positive feedback, high self-esteem, a transformational leadership style, and a high-quality relationship were positively associated with FSB. Challenging some of the dominant views in the feedback-seeking domain, the relationship between uncertainty and FSB was negative and the relationship between FSB and performance was small. Finally, inquiry and monitoring are not interchangeable feedback-seeking tactics. So FSB is best represented as an aggregate model instead of a latent model. In the discussion, gaps in the current FSB knowledge are identified and a research agenda for the future is put forward. Future research may benefit from (a) a systematic and integrative effort examining antecedents of both feedback-seeking strategies on the basis of a self-motives framework, (b) adopting a process perspective of feedback-seeking interactions, and (c) taking the iterative nature of feedback into account.

Anseel F., Lievens F., & Levy P. E . ( 2007).

A self-motives perspective on feedback-seeking behavior: Linking Organizational behavior and social psychology research

International Journal of Management Reviews, 9, 211-236.

DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2370.2007.00210.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Both the feedback-seeking literature in management and the self-motives domain in social psychology have focused on how motives affect the way in which people acquire information for self-evaluation purposes. Despite apparent conceptual similarities, the implications of research in these domains have not been fully integrated. This paper aims to link research on feedback-seeking behavior to recent theoretical developments in social psychology. First, the current perspective in management on feedback-seeking motives is depicted. Second, a well-established framework of self-motives in social psychology is introduced. Third, similarities and differences between these two motivational perspectives are discussed and a first step towards integration is proposed. Fourth, it is demonstrated how a self-motives perspective might guide future research on six key issues. Self-motives might be useful in identifying new antecedents of feedback-seeking behavior, resolving inconsistencies in the feedback-seeking literature, understanding the interplay among feedback-seeking motives, integrating feedback-seeking and feedback reactions research, examining attitudinal outcomes of feedback-seeking motives, and enhancing the feedback erformance relationship.

Ashford, S. J . ( 1986).

Feedback-seeking in individual adaptation: A resource perspective

Academy of Management Journal, 29, 465-487.

DOI:10.2307/256219      URL     [本文引用: 4]

This research examines a theory of feedback-seeking in organizations. Individuals are hypothesized to seek feedback on important issues and in new and uncertain situations. Results support these hypotheses. Individuals also report frequent seeking for feedback when they fear they are failing to attain goals. Long-tenured individuals seek less feedback, apparently in response to social pressures to appear confident and self- assured.

Ashford S. J., Blatt R., & VandeWalle D . ( 2003).

Reflections on the looking glass: A review of research on feedback-seeking behavior in organizations

Journal of Management, 29, 773-799.

DOI:10.1016/S0149-2063(03)00079-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper presents and organizes the results of two decades of research on feedback-seeking behavior according to three motives: the instrumental motive to achieve a goal, the ego-based motive to protect one’s ego, and the image-based motive to enhance and protect one’s image in an organization. Each motive is discussed with reference to its impact on the frequency of feedback seeking, seeking method (whether by inquiry or monitoring), timing of feedback seeking, choice of the target of feedback seeking, and the topic on which feedback is sought. The role of context in influencing these patterns is also discussed. Issues in the literature are identified throughout, and the review ends by identifying five promising areas for future research.

Ashford, S. J., & Cummings, L. L . ( 1983).

Feedback as an individual resource: Personal strategies of creating information

Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 32, 370-389.

DOI:10.1016/0030-5073(83)90156-3      URL     [本文引用: 9]

This paper proposes a model of individual feedback seeking behaviors (FSB). Individuals are posited to seek feedback while negotiating their organizational environments in the pursuit of valued goals. The model portrays several motivations for FSB based on the value of feedback to individuals and outlines two predominant strategies of FSB, monitoring and inquiry. The costs and benefits of each strategy are discussed. Hypotheses concerning both an individual's level of FSB and subsequent strategy choice are subsequently derived. FSB is proposed as an important component of the feedback process. The concluding discussion focuses on the contribution of this perspective to the current organization behavior feedback literature.

Ashford, S. J., & Northcraft, G. B . ( 1992).

Conveying more (or less) than we realize: The role of impression- management in feedback-seeking

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 53, 310-334.

DOI:10.1016/0749-5978(92)90068-I      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper reports two studies concerning impression management, impression formation, and feedback-seeking. Study 1 demonstrated that people seek less feedback when being observed and respond to situational norms regarding the appropriate frequency of seeking. However, Study 2 showed that when an individual has a superior performance history, seeking enhances observers' impressions of the seeker's personal characteristics and performance potential in the organization. The implications of these findings for feedback-seeking and the provision of feedback in organizations are discussed.

Ashford, S. J., & Tsui, A. S . ( 1991).

Self-regulation for managerial effectiveness: The role of active feedback seeking

Academy of Management Journal, 34, 251-280.

[本文引用: 5]

Callister R. R., Kramer M. W., & Turban D. B . ( 1999).

Feedback seeking following career transitions

Academy of Management Journal, 42, 429-438.

DOI:10.2307/257013      URL     [本文引用: 2]

We examined how inquiring and monitoring for feedback from peers and supervisors changed over time for transferees. Hypotheses were grounded in uncertainty reduction and impression management theory. Results from a longitudinal study in which data were collected three times over a year indicated that monitoring for feedback from peers and supervisors remained constant over time, as did inquiry from supervisors, but that inquiry from peers declined. In addition, role clarity negatively influenced subsequent peer inquiry. Results suggest the need to examine how both uncertainty reduction and impression management concerns influence feedback seeking.

Chen Z. G., Lam W., & Zhong J. A . ( 2007).

Leader-member exchange and member performance: A new look at individual-level negative feedback-seeking behavior and team-level empowerment climate

Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 202-212.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.92.1.202      URL     PMID:17227161      [本文引用: 4]

From a basis in social exchange theory, the authors investigated whether, and how, negative feedback-seeking behavior and a team empowerment climate affect the relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) and member performance. Results showed that subordinates' negative feedback-seeking behavior mediated the relationship between LMX and both objective and subjective in-role performance. In addition, the level of a team's empowerment climate was positively related to subordinates' own sense of empowerment, which in turn negatively moderated the effects of LMX on negative feedback-seeking behavior.

Cheramie, R. (2013).

An examination of feedback-seeking behaviors, the feedback source and career success

Career Development International, 18, 712-731.

DOI:10.1108/CDI-05-2013-0070      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether individuals seeking feedback from either a supervisor or co-worker relate to intrinsic and extrinsic career success.Design/methodology/approach-Survey data were collected from 168 employees in three different organizations in the southeastern United States. Moderated multiple regression was used to test the hypotheses.Findings-Results support interactions of feedback seeking and feedback source (both supervisor and co-worker) to predict extrinsic career success. There was no support for the proposed interaction of feedback seeking and feedback source to predict intrinsic career success. Practical implications The results support the need for organizations to focus on developing feedback environments that encourage feedback-seeking behaviors. Individuals that desire more feedback and take initiative within their careers by seeking feedback may have positive outcomes related to extrinsic career success.Originality/value -he study is one of the few studies to evaluate feedback-seeking behaviors in relation to individual outcomes such as career success. The findings support proactive behaviors in relation to extrinsic career success and continue the call for more research related to proactive behaviors in the workplace.

Chiu C.-Y., Owens B. P., & Tesluk P. E . ( 2016).

Initiating and utilizing shared leadership in teams: The role of leader humility, team proactive personality, and team performance capability

Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 1705-1720.

DOI:10.1037/apl0000159      URL     PMID:27618409      [本文引用: 1]

The present study was designed to produce novel theoretical insight regarding how leader humility and team member characteristics foster the conditions that promote shared leadership and when shared leadership relates to team effectiveness. Drawing on social information processing theory and adaptive leadership theory, we propose that leader humility facilitates shared leadership by promoting leadership-claiming and leadership-granting interactions among team members. We also apply dominance complementary theory to propose that team proactive personality strengthens the impact of leader humility on shared leadership. Finally, we predict that shared leadership will be most strongly related to team performance when team members have high levels of task-related competence. Using a sample composed of 62 Taiwanese professional work teams, we find support for our proposed hypothesized model. The theoretical and practical implications of these results for team leadership, humility, team composition, and shared leadership are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record

Cho, J. (2013).

Cross-level effects of team task interdependence on the relationship between learning goal orientation and feedback-seeking behaviors

Communication Research Reports, 30, 230-241.

DOI:10.1080/08824096.2013.806258      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The primary goal of this study was to examine the cross-level impact of team task interdependence (TTI) on employees’ feedback-seeking behaviors. To achieve this goal, this study empirically tested the multilevel effect of TTI on an individual-level motivator—learning goal orientation (LGO)—of feedback-seeking behaviors. A set of multilevel data was analyzed through hierarchical linear modeling. Through the analysis, this study could prove the significant roles of LGO and TTI.

Choi, J. N., & Sy, T. (2010).

Group-level organizational citizenship behavior: Effects of demographic faultlines and conflict in small work groups

Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 1032-1054.

DOI:10.1002/job.661      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Organizational scholars have recently shifted their attention to examining organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as a group-level phenomenon. Adopting the input-mediator-outcome model of group performance, we examined antecedents and intermediate processes that predict group-level OCB (GOCB) in small work groups. The results, based on data from 62 work groups representing a variety of industries, revealed that demographic faultlines based on relation-oriented attributes (gender, age, and race) and a task-related attribute (tenure) had differentiated relationships with task and relationship conflict, which mediated the relationships between faultlines and group outcomes (GOCB and group performance). Both task and relationship conflict were negative predictors of group performance. However, task conflict increased GOCB, whereas relationship conflict decreased it. The present study offers evidence of the relationship between demographic faultlines and various group processes and outcome variables in natural work groups. Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Conway, J. M., & Huffcutt, A. I . ( 1997).

Psychometric properties of multisource performance ratings: A meta-analysis of subordinate, supervisor, peer, and self-ratings

Human Performance, 10, 331-360.

DOI:10.1207/s15327043hup1004_2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the psychometric properties (interrater reliabilities within source and correlations between sources) of subordinate, supervisor, peer, and self-ratings of job performance. Different job types and dimension types were compared. Using meta-analytic methodology, we found that subordinates showed the lowest mean reliability (.30) and supervisors showed the highest (.50), with peers in between (.37). Mean correlations between sources were low for subordinate ratings (.22 with supervisor, .22 with peer, and .14 with self-ratings) and for self-ratings (.22 with supervisor and .19 with peer ratings). The mean supervisor-peer correlation was higher at .34. Both reliabilities and correlations between sources tended to be higher for nonmanagerial and lower complexity jobs. Comparisons of between-source correlations with within-source reliabilities indicated that, with some qualifications, the different sources had somewhat different perspectives on performance. Dimension reliabilities differed somewhat for interpersonal and cognitive dimensions.

Dahling J. J., Chau S. L., & O’Malley A. L . ( 2012).

Correlates and consequences of feedback orientation in organizations

Journal of Management, 38, 531-546.

DOI:10.1177/0149206310375467      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Feedback orientation is an individual difference that involves seeing feedback as useful, feeling accountable to act on feedback, being aware of social information, and feeling self-assured when dealing with feedback. In this study, the authors present a test of a model of the feedback-seeking process that includes feedback orientation. They hypothesize that emotional intelligence and the organization’s feedback environment are correlates of feedback orientation and that feedback orientation is indirectly related to task performance and leader–member exchange ratings made by the supervisor through increased feedback-seeking behavior. Results largely support the hypothesized model, demonstrating the importance of this construct for performance management research.

Dahling, J. J., & Whitaker, B. G . ( 2016).

When can feedback-seeking behavior result in a better performance rating? Investigating the moderating role of political skill

Human Performance, 29, 73-88.

DOI:10.1080/08959285.2016.1148037      URL     [本文引用: 5]

(2016). When can feedback-seeking behavior result in a better performance rating? Investigating the moderating role of political skill. Human Performance: Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 73-88. doi: 10.1080/08959285.2016.1148037

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M . ( 1985).

The general causality orientations scale: Self-determination in personality

Journal of Research in Personality, 19, 109-134.

DOI:10.1016/0092-6566(85)90023-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper describes the development and validation of a general causality orientations scale. Causality orientations are conceptualized as relatively enduring aspects of people that characterize the source of initiation and regulation, and thus the degree of self-determination, of their behavior. Three orientations—autonomy, control, and impersonal—are measured by the three subscales of the instrument. Individuals are given a score on each orientation, thus allowing the use of the theoretically appropriate subscale (or, in some cases, a combination of subscales) to predict affects, cognitions, and behaviors. The scale was shown to have internal consistency and temporal stability. The orientations were shown to fit appropriately into a nomological network of constructs and to relate to various behaviors that were hypothesized to be theoretically relevant.

De Luque, M. F. S., & Sommer, S. M . ( 2000).

The impact of culture on feedback-seeking behavior: An integrated model and propositions

Academy of Management Review, 25, 829-849.

DOI:10.2307/259209      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In recent research scholars have addressed the issue of an individual's behavior in feedback-seeking activity and, except in scant studies, have virtually ignored the role of culture in this area. In this article the authors explore four cultural syndromes, based on past research, to form a cross-cultural model of feedback-seeking behavior. The authors advance propositions for the study of culture as a moderator to feedback-seeking behavior.

De Stobbeleir, K. E. M., Ashford S. J., & Buyens D . ( 2011).

Self-regulation of creativity at work: The role of feedback-seeking behavior in creative performance

Academy of Management Journal, 54, 811-831.

DOI:10.5465/AMJ.2011.64870144      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Using 456 supervisor-employee dyads from four organizations, this study examined how employees use one proactive behavior, feedback seeking, as a strategy to enhance their creative performance. As hypothesized, employees' cognitive style and perceived organizational support for creativity affected two patterns of feedback seeking: the propensity to inquire for feedback and the propensity to monitor the environment for indirect feedback. Feedback inquiry related to supervisor ratings of employee creative performance. These results highlight the importance of employees' self-regulatory behaviors in the creative process and show that feedback seeking is not only a strategy that facilitates individual adaptation, but also a resource for achieving creative outcomes.

Farh J. L., Hackett R. D., & Liang J . ( 2007).

Individual-level cultural values as moderators of perceived organizational support-employee outcome relationships in China: Comparing the effects of power distance and traditionality

Academy of Management Journal, 50, 715-729.

DOI:10.2307/20159880      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Drawing on a cross-organizational sample of 163 supervisor-subordinate dyads from mainland China, we examined the moderating effect of power distance and Chinese traditionality on relationships between perceived organizational support and work outcomes. We found that both power distance and traditionality altered relationships of perceived organizational support to work outcomes, in that these relationships were stronger for individuals scoring low (versus high) on power distance or traditionality. We also found that, compared to traditionality, power distance was a stronger and more consistent moderator of perceived organizational support--work outcomes relationships. Implications for management theory and practice are discussed.

Gong Y. P., Cheung S. Y., & Wang M . ( 2012).

Unfolding the proactive process for creativity: Integration of the employee proactivity, information exchange, and psychological safety perspectives

Journal of Management, 38, 1611-1633.

DOI:10.1177/0149206310380250      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT The authors integrate the employee proactivity, information exchange, and psychological safety perspectives to develop a model of individual creativity. Proactive employees prepare themselves with resources in anticipation of effecting changes. The authors propose that proactive employees seek informational resources through exchanging with others in the workplace. Information exchange, in turn, fosters the development of trust relationships that provide psychological safety for creative endeavors. The authors collected time-lagged data from a sample of 190 matched employee anager pairs in a specialty retail chain. The results showed that proactive employees engaged in more information exchange and, by so doing, built stronger trust relationships with supervisors and colleagues. These trust relationships, in turn, increased employee creativity. The relationship between information exchange and employee creativity was fully mediated by trust. The authors discuss the implications of the findings for creativity theory and research.

Gong Y., Wang M., Huang J.-C., & Cheung S. Y . ( 2017).

Toward a goal orientation-based feedback-seeking typology: Implications employee performance outcomes

Journal of Management, 43, 1234-1260.

DOI:10.1177/0149206314551797      URL     [本文引用: 6]

In this study, we conceptualized four types of feedback seeking about self and others (i.e., self-positive, self-negative, other-positive, and other-negative) based on their foci (i.e., self or peers) and nature (i.e., positive or negative), as derived from goal orientation theory. In a series of field studies, we found that these four types of feedback seeking were distinct from each other. A learning orientation was positively related to self-negative, self-positive, and other-positive feedback seeking. A performance-approach orientation was positively related to self-positive and other-negative feedback seeking. On further examining the performance impacts of the four types of feedback-seeking, we found that self-negative feedback seeking was positively related to job performance, role clarity, and social integration. Self-positive feedback seeking was negatively related, whereas other-positive feedback seeking was positively related to job performance.

Gupta A. K., Govindarajan V., & Malhotra A . ( 1999).

Feedback-seeking behavior within multinational corporations

Strategic Management Journal, 20, 205-222.

DOI:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0266(199903)20:33.0.CO;2-H      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Abstract Notwithstanding their concern with intra-MNC control mechanisms, scholars have overlooked the complementary phenomenon of self-regulatory behavior by subsidiaries. In this paper, we take the first steps towards addressing this gap by advancing and testing hypotheses dealing with the determinants of a major element of self-regulatory behavior at the subsidiary level, i.e., the performance-oriented feedback-seeking behavior of subsidiary presidents. Utilizing data from 374 subsidiaries of 75 MNCs, we test hypotheses regarding the impact of subsidiary task and organizational context on the feedback-seeking behavior of subsidiary presidents. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: (i) subsidiary presidents do engage in proactive performance-oriented feedback-seeking behavior; (ii) they vary in the extent to which they engage in such behavior; and (iii) these variations in feedback-seeking behavior are at least partially systematic. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Krasman, J. (2010).

The feedback-seeking personality: Big five and feedback-seeking behavior

Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 17, 18-32.

DOI:10.1177/1548051809350895      URL     [本文引用: 6]

Abstract This study examined the influence of the Big Five domains of personality on six combinations of feedback-seeking behavior. A survey was completed by 130 full-time employees and showed the following results: Neuroticism increased indirect inquiry from supervisors and direct and indirect inquiry from coworkers. Extraversion increased direct and indirect inquiry from supervisors. Openness to experience increased reflective appraisal from supervisors and coworkers. Conscientiousness increased direct inquiry from supervisors. Agreeableness did not influence any of the feedback-seeking combinations. The variability in feedback-seeking behavior explained by the Big Five ranged from 4.2% to 7.6%. Results of this study indicate that a person's feedback-seeking behavior is partially attributable to his or her personality makeup. Keywords personality, feedback-seeking behavior, big five, performance feedback ********** Since Ashford and Cummings first introduced the concept of feedback-seeking behavior 25 years ago, research has demonstrated the value that this behavior holds for individuals and organizations (Ashford, Blatt, & VandeWalle, 2003; Ashford & Cummings, 1983). Feedback seeking increases job satisfaction, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors and decreases turnover intentions (Morrison, 1993; Morrison & Weldon, 1990; Renn & Fedor, 2001; Whitaker, Dahling, & Levy, 2007). People who seek feedback are perceived more positively by others (Ashford & Northcraft, 1992), especially when they ask for negative information (Ashford & Tsui, 1991). Kudisch, Fortunado, and Smith (2006) recently showed that feedback seekers are more willing to participate in upward appraisal programs, that is, provide formal ratings of their supervisor's performance. Williams, Miller, Steelman, and Levy (1999) commented that "in the feedback area, perhaps the most dominant theme of the past 15 years has been the perspective introduced by Ashford and Cummings (1983), which suggested that individuals are active seekers of feedback information" (p. 969). Given the importance of seeking feedback, researchers have strived to uncover the antecedents of this behavior. They have considered characteristics of the source from whom or which feedback is sought such as supervisor accessibility, mood, and leadership style. They have also considered characteristics of the context in which the feedback-seeking exchange takes place such as organizational structure, cross-culture, and communication media. A growing stream of research has shown that characteristics of the individual seeker such as goal orientation, need for approval, and self-monitoring also have a strong effect on a person's feedback-seeking behavior. The purpose of this study is to contribute to this stream of research by examining the influence of the Big Five domains of personality (Costa & McCrae, 1992). A strength of using the Big Five is that it is a taxonomy of personality that subsumes all human personality traits. As such, it allows the influence of the entire personality makeup on feedback-seeking behavior to be examined. This is in contrast to prior feedback-seeking studies that have considered one or a few personality traits at a time such as self-confidence, need for achievement, or self-esteem. Theoretical Overview: Big Five Domains of Personality The Big Five is a taxonomy of personality that classifies all human personality traits into five domains: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience,...

Krasman, J. (2012).

Putting feedback-seeking into “context”: Job characteristics and feedback-seeking behavior

Personnel Review, 42, 50-66.

DOI:10.1108/00483481311285228      URL     [本文引用: 5]

ABSTRACT Purpose ‐ The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of job characteristics on feedback-seeking behaviour. In particular, this study focuses on the job dimensions of the job characteristics model (JCM). Design/methodology/approach ‐ A survey was completed by 113 full-time employees from various industries. Findings ‐ Three of the seven job dimensions significantly impacted feedback-seeking behaviour and explained 11.3 percent of the variance. Feedback-seeking behaviour was increased by feedback from agents, decreased by task identity and autonomy, and unaffected by skill variety, task significance, feedback from the job, and feedback from others. Practical implications ‐ The way jobs are designed may impact how frequently people seek feedback about their performance. Organizations should consider these relationships in promoting feedback-seeking behaviour in the workplace and in carrying out job redesign efforts. Originality/value ‐ By considering job characteristics, this study increases the knowledge of contextual factors that influence feedback-seeking behaviour. Most of the research to date has focussed on individual factors. By considering feedback-seeking behaviour, this study increases the knowledge of outcomes that result from job characteristics. Most of the research to date has focussed on the original four outcomes of the JCM.

Ladkin, D., & Taylor, S. S . ( 2010).

Enacting the “true self”: Towards a theory of embodied authentic leadership

The Leadership Quarterly, 21, 64-74.

DOI:10.1016/j.leaqua.2009.10.005      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This paper argues that although authentic leadership may be rooted in the notion of a ‘true self’, it is through the embodiment of that ‘true self’ that leaders are perceived as authentic or not. In making this claim, we consider ways in which a somatic sense of self contributes to the felt sense of authenticity, and how through engaging with somatic cues, leadership can be performed in a way which is experienced as authentic, both to the leader and to those he or she seeks to lead. In developing our ideas further, we draw from the acting theory of Stanislavski (1936a, 1936b, 1961) to explore how authentic dramatic performances are created, focusing on the role of emotional memory, the magic ‘if’ and physical action in performances. We propose three key components of a resulting theory of how embodied authentic leadership is created: self exposure, relating, and making leaderly choices.

Lam W., Huang X., & Snape E. D . ( 2007).

Feedback-seeking behavior and leader-member exchange: Do supervisor-attributed motives matter?

Academy of Management Journal, 50, 348-363.

DOI:10.2307/20159858      URL     [本文引用: 3]

We investigated how supervisors' interpretations of what motivates their subordinates' feedback-seeking behavior were related to both the quality of leader-member exchange and subordinates' work performance. Using a sample of 499 supervisor-subordinate dyads collected in China in two studies, we found that subordinates' feedback seeking was positively related to the quality of leader-member exchange and objective work performance only when supervisors interpreted the feedback-seeking behavior as being driven more by performance enhancement motives and less by impression management motives.

Li, X. Y., & Qian, J. (2016).

Stimulating employees’ feedback-seeking behavior: The role of participative decision making

Social Behavior and Personality, 44, 1-8.

DOI:10.2224/sbp.2016.44.1.1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Drawing upon psychological ownership theory, we examined the link between participative decision making and employees' feedback seeking from supervisors, by focusing on the mediating role of job-based psychological ownership. Analysis of data from 248 subordinatesupervisor dyads employed at 2 hotels in China showed that participative decision making was positively associated with employees seeking feedback from supervisors, and the relationship was mediated by job-based psychological ownership. In sum, our results suggest that participative decision making can serve as a managerial tool to stimulate, encourage, and foster employees' feedback-seeking behavior, and that the development of job-based psychological ownership can help with this process.

Morrison, E. W . ( 1993).

Newcomer information seeking: Exploring types, modes, sources, and outcomes

Academy of Management Journal, 36, 557-589.

DOI:10.2307/256592      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This study provides insight into the organizational newcomer information-seeking process. Surveys were given to 205 new accountants one, three, and six months into their jobs. Patterns of seeking varied by the type of information being sought. Newcomers sought technical information primarily by asking others and sought other types of information primarily through observation. Further, they sought technical information, information about role demands, and performance feedback mostly from supervisors but sought normative and social information mostly from peers. These patterns were stable over time. Information seeking was also related to satisfaction, performance, and intentions to leave an organization. The results support a view of newcomers as "proactive."

Morrison, E. W., & Weldon, E. (1990).

The impact of an assigned performance goal on feedback seeking behavior

Human Performance, 3, 37-41.

DOI:10.1207/s15327043hup0301_3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT This study was designed to test the impact of an assigned performance goal on feedback seeking behavior. Subjects brainstormed uses for two common objects. During the first brainstorming trial, all subjects performed without an explicit performance goal. For the second trial, half of the participants were assigned a goal. Feedback seeking behavior was defined as an intermedi- ate count of production taken by a subject as he or she worked on the task. Results showed that (a) subjects in the assigned goal condition were more likely to seek feedback about their performance than subjects who worked without a goal; and (b) among subjects in the goal condition, those who sought feedback were more likely to meet their goal than subjects who did not. These results support Ashford and Cummings's (1983) view that feed- back is sought because it is a resource that can be used to meet goals.

Ng K. Y., Koh C., Ang S., Kennedy J. C., & Chan K. Y . ( 2011).

Rating leniency and halo in multisource feedback ratings: Testing cultural assumptions of power distance and individualism-collectivism

Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, 1033-1044.

DOI:10.1037/a0023368      URL     PMID:21480684      [本文引用: 1]

This study extends multisource feedback research by assessing the effects of rater source and raters' cultural value orientations on rating bias (leniency and halo). Using a motivational perspective of performance appraisal, the authors posit that subordinate raters followed by peers will exhibit more rating bias than superiors. More important, given that multisource feedback systems were premised on low power distance and individualistic cultural assumptions, the authors expect raters' power distance and individualism-collectivism orientations to moderate the effects of rater source on rating bias. Hierarchical linear modeling on data collected from 1,447 superiors, peers, and subordinates who provided developmental feedback to 172 military officers show that (a) subordinates exhibit the most rating leniency, followed by peers and superiors; (b) subordinates demonstrate more halo than superiors and peers, whereas superiors and peers do not differ; (c) the effects of power distance on leniency and halo are strongest for subordinates than for peers and superiors; (d) the effects of collectivism on leniency were stronger for subordinates and peers than for superiors; effects on halo were stronger for subordinates than superiors, but these effects did not differ for subordinates and peers. The present findings highlight the role of raters' cultural values in multisource feedback ratings.

Parker, S. K., & Collins, C. G . ( 2010).

Taking stock: Integrating and differentiating multiple proactive behaviors

Journal of Management, 36, 633-662.

DOI:10.1177/0149206308321554      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT The authors aimed to clarify the similarities, differences, and interrelationships among multiple types of proactive behavior. Factor analyses of managers’ self-ratings (N = 622) showed concepts were distinct from each other but related via a higher-order structure. Three higher-order proactive behavior categories were identified—proactive work behavior, proactive strategic behavior, and proactive person-environment fit behavior—each corresponding to behaviors aimed at bringing about change in the internal organization (e.g., voice), the fit between the organization and its environment (e.g., issue selling), and the fit between the individual and the organization (e.g., feedback seeking), respectively. Further analyses on a subsample (n = 319) showed similarities and differences in the antecedents of these behaviors.

Pierce J. L., Kostova T., & Dirks, K T . ( 2003).

The state of psychological ownership: Integrating and extending a century of research

Review of General Psychology, 7, 84-107.

DOI:10.1037//1089-2680.7.1.84      URL     [本文引用: 1]

People develop feelings of ownership for a variety of objects, material and immaterial in nature. We refer to this state as psychological ownership. Building on and extending previous scholarship, the authors offer a conceptual examination of this construct. After defining psychological ownership, they address why it exists and how it comes into being. They propose that this state finds its roots in a set of intraindividual motives (efficacy and effectance, self-identity, and having a place to dwell). In addition, they discuss the experiences that give rise to psychological ownership and propose several positive and negative consequences of this state. The authors' work provides a foundation for the development of a comprehensive theory of psychological ownership and the conceptual underpinnings for empirical testing.

Qian J., Yang F., & Han Z. R . ( 2016).

The influencing mechanisms of authentic leadership on feedback-seeking behaviour: A cognitive/emotive model

Current Psychology, 35, 478-485.

DOI:10.1007/s12144-015-9316-z      URL     [本文引用: 3]

In this paper, we first examine the relationship between authentic leadership and employee’s feedback-seeking behaviour. Following this we offer two perspectives to explain how and why authentic leadership promotes feedback-seeking behaviour. We suggest, from a cognitive perspective, that such leadership can influence the employees’ beliefs concerning the perceived value and cost of feedback seeking and in turn increase the likelihood of employees proactively engaging in such behaviour. We further argue that emotions also play a significant role in this process. We propose that feedback-seeking behaviour could also be promoted by authentic leaders through a mechanism of cultivating the employees’ positive emotions. We conclude by drawing out the theoretical contributions as well as the practical implications from this dual-perspective model, alongside a discussion of the promising directions for future research.

Roberson L., Deitch E. A., Brief A. P., & Block C. J . ( 2003).

Stereotype threat and feedback seeking in the workplace

Journal of Vocational Behavior, 62, 176-188.

DOI:10.1016/S0001-8791(02)00056-8      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study examined stereotype threat ( Steele & Aronson, 1995 ) in workplace settings and investigated relationships of stereotype threat to feedback seeking and feedback acceptance. Results from a sample of 166 African American managers showed that solo status in the work group predicted perceptions of stereotype threat. In addition, stereotype threat related positively to indirect feedback seeking and discounting of performance feedback from superiors. These findings have important implications for understanding the causes of group differences in job performance.

Rosen C. C., Levy P. E., & Hall R. J . ( 2006).

Placing perceptions of politics in the context of the feedback environment, employee attitudes, and job performance

Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 211-220.

DOI:10.1037/0021-9010.91.1.211      URL     PMID:16435951      [本文引用: 1]

The authors proposed a model suggesting that organizational environments supporting high levels of informal supervisor and coworker feedback are associated with lower employee perceptions of organizational politics. Furthermore, these lowered perceptions of politics were proposed to result in higher employee morale (as reflected in job satisfaction and affective commitment) and, through morale, to higher levels of task performance and organizational citizenship. The proposed mediational model was supported with empirical results from 150 subordinate-supervisor dyads sampled across a variety of organizations. Higher quality feedback environments were associated with lower perceptions of organizational politics, and morale mediated the relationships between organizational politics and various aspects of work performance. These findings suggest that when employees have greater access to information regarding behaviors that are acceptable and desired at work, perceptions of politics are reduced and work outcomes are enhanced.

Slowiak, J. M., & Nuetzman, A. (2014).

The impact of goals and pay on feedback-seeking behavior

The Psychological Record, 64, 217-232.

DOI:10.1007/s40732-014-0031-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Impact of Goals and Pay on Feedback-Seeking Behavior Positive effects of feedback as an...

Vancouver, J. B., & Morrison, E. W . ( 1995).

Feedback inquiry: The effect of source attributes and individual differences

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 62, 276-285.

DOI:10.1006/obhd.1995.1050      URL     [本文引用: 1]

No abstract is available for this item.

van der Rijt J., van den Bossche P., van de Wiel, M. W. J., Segers M. S. R., & Gijselaers W. H . ( 2012).

The role of individual and organizational characteristics in feedback seeking behaviour in the initial career stage

Human Resource Development International, 15, 283-301.

DOI:10.1080/13678868.2012.689216      URL     [本文引用: 2]

The present study investigates whether the frequency by which employees seek informal feedback and the quality of the self-initiated feedback influences perceived career development. Furthermore, we investigated goal orientation and perceived learning culture, as antecedents of feedback seeking behaviour. Data were collected from 116 financial experts from various multinational corporations worldwide. Results show that particularly the quality of self-initiated feedback from supervisors positively affects perceived career development. The quality of self-initiated feedback from supervisors mediates the relation between the perceived learning culture and perceived career development. Furthermore, learning goal orientation directly relates to perceived career development. Last, our results highlight the significance of creating a learning culture in which informal feedback is stimulated. Implications of these findings are discussed.

VandeWalle, D. (2003).

A goal orientation model of feedback-seeking behavior

Human Resource Management Review, 13, 581-604.

DOI:10.1016/j.hrmr.2003.11.004      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Why do individuals differ in their feedback-seeking behavior, and how do these differences impact their task performance? The current article addresses these questions by developing a theoretical model using the individual difference of goal orientation (an orientation toward developing or demonstrating one's ability) as a central influence in the feedback-seeking process. Goal orientation is proposed to influence how individuals cognitively process the cost and value of feedback-seeking opportunities. These cognitions are then proposed to influence the choices made for six dimensions of feedback-seeking behavior鈥攖he frequency, type, source, method, timing, and sign preference. The argument is then made that assessment of multiple dimensions of feedback seeking, compared to the customary frequency assessment, should enhance our ability to explain the relationship of feedback-seeking behavior with outcomes such as task performance. Finally, the theoretical model is discussed as a platform for future research and as a source of guidance for the management of feedback-seeking behavior.

VandeWalle D., Ganesan S., Challagalla G. N., & Brown S. P . ( 2000).

An integrated model of feedback-seeking behavior: Disposition, context, and cognition

Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 996-1003.

DOI:10.1037//0021-9010.85.6.996      URL     PMID:11125662      [本文引用: 2]

This study replicates, integrates, and extends prior research on the dispositional, contextual, and cognitive antecedents of feedback-seeking behavior. Regression analysis was used to analyze data collected from a sample of salespeople (N = 310) from 2 Fortune 500 companies. The study hypotheses were supported with the following results. First, the individual disposition of learning goal orientation and the contextual factors of leader consideration and leader initiation of structure influenced cognitions about the perceived cost and value of feedback seeking. Second, the strength of the relationship of learning goal orientation with the cost and value perceptions was moderated by the leadership style of the supervisor.

Williams, J. R., & Johnson, M. A . ( 2000).

Self-supervisor agreement: The influence of feedback seeking on the relationship between self and supervisor ratings of performance

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30, 275-292.

DOI:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2000.tb02316.x      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Self-assessment research has continued to search for those factors that increase self-other rating agreement. The current field study investigated the feedback-seeking strategies (i. e., monitoring and inquiry) used by 125 employees to obtain performance information, as well as the relationship between feedback-seeking strategy use and self-supervisor performance-rating agreement. Results indicate that the frequency of monitoring reported by employees significantly moderated the relationship between self and supervisor ratings of performance. Individuals who reported higher levels of feedback seeking through monitoring were more likely to have self-assessments that were congruent with their supervisors' ratings of performance.

Yanagizawa, S. (2008).

Effect of goal difficulty and feedback seeking on goal attainment and learning

Japanese Psychological Research, 50, 137-144.

DOI:10.1111/jpr.2008.50.issue-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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