ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (4): 428-436.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00428 cstr: 32110.14.2019.00428

• “以小拨大:行为决策助推社会发展”专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


邢采, 孟彧琦, 林青青, 秦子玉   

  1. 中国人民大学心理学系, 北京 100872
  • 收稿日期:2018-01-10 发布日期:2019-02-22 出版日期:2019-04-25
  • 基金资助:
    * 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71873133)

Effect of childbearing deadline on women’s wanted fertility

XING Cai, MENG Yuqi, LIN Qingqing, QIN Ziyu   

  1. Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Received:2018-01-10 Online:2019-02-22 Published:2019-04-25


近几年我国已陷入低生育率国家的行列, 提高育龄女性的生育意愿迫在眉睫。本研究结合心理阻抗以及毕生控制理论, 探索女性对于生育的年龄限制的知觉对于其生育意愿和计划生育数量的影响。研究1为问卷研究, 结果显示, 女性距离自己认为的理想生育年龄越接近时, 生育意愿越强烈。研究2和研究3为实验法研究, 分别启动未婚女性(研究2)和已婚女性(研究3)对于女性生育年龄的限制感。结果表明, 生育年龄的时间限制可以提升未婚女性对儿童的内隐态度和已婚女性的计划生育数量。研究2还发现, 这种提升效果对于前测生育意愿高的女性影响更大, 且将最佳生育年龄设定为26岁的提升效果优于设定为32岁。本研究的结果表明, 生育限制感可以提高女性的生育意愿。创设女性对适宜生育的年龄有限制感的环境, 将有助于提升育龄女性的生育意愿。不建议以进一步放开人口生育指标(如全面放开生育数量的限制)作为提高生育率的手段, 这反而可能导致育龄女性的生育意愿进一步下滑。

关键词: 生育意愿, 末期效应, 心理阻抗, 毕生控制理论, 女性


The transition to ultra-low level of fertility in China has become a major challenge to its sustainable development. As the population of reproductive-aged women will continue to decline in the upcoming years, enhancing women’s childbearing motivation is important and urgent to avoid further decline of fertility rate. This work is the first attempt to examine the effect of childbearing deadline on women’s childbearing motivation. With socioemotional selectivity theory, life-span theory of control, and previous findings about the ending effect in the field of decision making as basis, this work aims to examine the causal link between women’s childbearing deadline and motivation.

Three studies were conducted in this work. The first study used an online questionnaire to examine the relationship between the time left women perceived before their childbearing deadline and their childbearing motivation. Women who perceive they are closer to their childbearing deadline reported higher childbearing motivation. The second study, which was conducted in laboratory settings, examined the causal effect between these two factors by manipulating women’s perception of optimal childbearing deadline. Participants were randomly assigned to two experimental conditions: limited and extended. Participants who were told that women’s optimal childbearing deadline is 26 fell under the former condition, and those who were told that the deadline is 32 fell under the latter. Participants’ baseline childbearing motivation served as another independent variable. Participants completed an implicit association test with pictures of babies and baby animals served as stimuli. They also completed a brief questionnaire in which they answered three questions concerning their childbearing motivation. An interaction effect between childbearing deadline and baseline childbearing motivation emerged in the reaction time of the implicit association test. Simple effect analyses revealed that participants with higher baseline childbearing motivation showed greater increase in their childbearing motivation compared with those with lower baseline childbearing motivation. Participants in the limited condition showed greater increase in their childbearing motivation compared with those in the extended condition. Participants in studies 1 and 2 were young single women. Study 3 tested this effect among married women who were aged below 40 with one or no child. Half of them were primed with a childbearing deadline, whereas the other half were in the control condition. Participants primed with a childbearing deadline showed greater number of wanted fertility, which further supported the findings in studies 1 and 2. This work marks only the beginning. When and how does childbearing deadline influence women’s childbearing motivation should be further explored.

Key words: childbearing, motivation ending effect, psychological reactance, life-span theory of control, women
