ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (04): 420-431. cstr: 32110.14.2011.00420

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  1. 华中师范大学心理学院; 湖北省人的发展与心理健康重点实验室, 武汉 430079
  • 收稿日期:2010-07-12 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2011-04-30 出版日期:2011-04-30

The Working Alliance in Clients’ Eyes: A Qualitative Analysis

ZHU Xu;JIANG Guang-Rong   

  1. School of Psychology, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
  • Received:2010-07-12 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-04-30 Published:2011-04-30

摘要: 为了解中国当事人如何看待咨询中的工作同盟, 对工作同盟做初步的本土概念化, 采用协商一致的质的研究方法对来自1所大学心理咨询中心的20名当事人的访谈结果进行了分析。结果发现, 与工作同盟相关的域有6个, 分别是情感联结、任务、投入、合作模式、发展变化、影响因素。前三个域可以看作是工作同盟的构成要素, 而后三个域则是对其外部特征的描述。对每个域的含义及其与现有理论和研究的关系进行了讨论。

关键词: 咨询关系, 工作同盟, 质的分析

Abstract: The working alliance has been a focus of psychotherapy research for several decades in the western literature. Although theorists differ somewhat in their conceptualizations of the alliance, most of them agree that the core of this construct is the collaboration between therapist and client that emphasizes the contributions of both participants. Most of our knowledge in this field derives from theorists’ hypotheses, and clients’ perspective is often neglected. In fact, it was often assumed that clients use the same conceptual dimensions as therapists do to rate the collaborative processes in psychotherapy. This assumption, however, has been challenged by reported low correlation between client-therapist alliance ratings and by results of qualitative studies that show divergence between clients’ and therapists’ perspectives. Moreover, the literature regarding clients’ actual experiences of the alliance is sparse. In an attempt to examine clients’ perspectives in viewing working alliance and the cultural adaptability of western alliance theories to Chinese culture, the present study sought to delineate the alliance from Chinese clients’ perspective via a qualitative approach and addressed the concordance between clients’ perceptions and theoretician-derived views of the alliance.
Twenty clients at a university counseling center consented to participate in the study. Clients were interviewed by phone about their experiences of being collaborative with their therapists and their opinions about what is important to this collaborative process in counseling. Data were analyzed by a research team using Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) (Hill et al., 2005; Hill, Thompson, & Williams, 1997). CQR requires that research team members reach consensus about the classification and the meaning of data through three steps, namely, domain coding, core ideas, and cross subject analysis.
Six domains with regard to the collaborative process in counseling emerged from the data: bond, task, engagement, collaboration pattern, development, and influencing factors. Bond is the emotional and personal aspect of the client-therapist relationship, which serves as the emotional base for collaborative work. Task refers to the activities and things client and therapist need to do during the collaborative process, which is the content of the collaborative work. Engagement implies the degree to which client and therapist devote themselves to the process, lending an impetus to the collaboration. These three domains can be viewed as components of working alliance and the other three as descriptions of major features of the alliance.
The study results suggest that the working alliance is perceived by Chinese clients to include bond, task, and engagement. This finding is comparable to current theories of alliance in the western literature and advances conceptualizations of the alliance especially when culture differences are concerned.

Key words: therapeutic relationship, working alliance, qulitative analysis