ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 1997, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 216-224. cstr: 32110.14.1997.00216

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  1. 北京师范大学心理系
  • 发布日期:1997-06-25 出版日期:1997-06-25


Zhang Qin Zhang Biyin (Department of Psychology ,Beijing Normal University ,100875)   

  • Online:1997-06-25 Published:1997-06-25

摘要: 通过词汇决定任务来考察中文双字词的具体性效应,并检验双重编码理论和语境有效性模型对具体性效应的预测。实验一在刺激单独呈现的条件下操纵词的频率,结果发现在低频的情况下对抽象词的判断时间显著长于具体词,但是在中频情况下没有显著差异;实验二用低频具体词和低频抽象词做重复启动实验,发现重复启动不能消除具体性效应;实验三为低频具体词和低频抽象词提供句子语境,结果发现在一致性句子语境条件下具体性效应消失。以上实验结果既不完全符合双重编码理论的预测,也不完全符合语境有效性模型的预测。

关键词: 具体性效应, 词频, 重复启动, 句子语境

Abstract: Three experiments were performed to examine concreteness effects of two- character Chinese words and test Contrasting predictions of a dual - representation and a context availability hopothesis for concreteness effects. In experiment 1 , equivalent lexical decision times were obtained for concrete and abstract words when they were frequent words , whereas longer lexical decision times were ob- tained for abstract words than for concrete words when they were rare words. The se- cond experiment was to repeat the priming experiment of rare words. Results indi- cated that concreteness effects still existed. The third experiment was perforrned to ex- amine coacreteness effects with two kinds of seotence contexts. With a neutral context lexical decision times for abstract words were longer than for concrete words. With a congruous context , however , the lexical decision times fbr these two word types were equivalent. These results didn, t completely support dual - representation theory or con text availabilitv model .

Key words: concreteness effects, frcquency, repeat priming, sentence context