ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2004, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (01): 103-109. cstr: 32110.14.2004.00103

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  1. 苏州大学应用心理学研究所,苏州,215021
  • 收稿日期:2003-06-19 修回日期:2003-06-19 发布日期:2004-01-30 出版日期:2004-01-30


Tone Huge   

  1. The Institute of Applied Psychology,Soochow University, Suzhou, 215021 China
  • Received:2003-06-19 Revised:2003-06-19 Online:2004-01-30 Published:2004-01-30

摘要: 对中国17个省市1016人面对“非典”疫情的应激反应作了调查。“高发病率区”和“其它地区”的比较发现,在SARS应激反应结构方程模型中,二者有显著差异。而在情绪障碍结构方程模型中,二者无显著差异。所建立的SARS应激反应结构方程理论模型揭示,急性的应激反应中,恐慌是最重要的内容,其次是防御反应,对疫情的认知则起了一种重要的调节、抑制的作用。抑郁和焦虑作为一个人心理健康的指数,对急性的应激反应产生一定影响,而抑郁与焦虑对急性应激反应有更大影响。社会支持作为一种缓冲器与调节器,对SARS应激反应有值得注意的影响。研究揭示了高应激反应者的特征。高恐慌者有高抑郁、焦虑和低社会支持的显著特征;高防御者则有显著的高抑郁焦虑的特征,社会支持无差异;高认知者明显地有低抑郁、高社会支持的特征。

关键词: SARS, 应激反应, 结构方程模型

Abstract: The response of SARS stress of 1016 persons in 17 provinces in China was investigated. Comparing the difference between the high incidence district and others, we found that the two districts had significant difference in the SARS stress structural equation model, while the emotion handicap structural equation model had no significant difference. The theoretical SEM of SARS stress had good fit indexes, which suggested that the panic and the defence were the most important contents, and the cognition played an adjusting role in the response. On the other hand, depression and anxiety, as an index of psychological health, influences the response of stress, but the response of stress influences depression and anxiety much more. The social support is a variable of suffer or mediator, it had a noticeable impact on the SARS stress. The results indicated the characters on the higher stress subjects. Firstly, the persons with higher panic showed higher anxiety and depression and more social support. Secondly, the persons with higher defence had more depression and anxiety than the lower subjects, while the significant difference of social support was not found. Thirdly, the character of lower depression and higher social support appeared on the subjects with higher cognition.

Key words: SARS, stress, Structural Equation Modeling
