ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2006, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (03): 442-447.

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  1. 河北师范大学生命科学学院,石家庄050016
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2006-05-30 发布日期:2006-05-30
  • 通讯作者: 白文忠

C-fos Expression in the Parabrachial Nucleus Following Differential Conditioning Taste Aversion in Rats


  1. College of Life Science, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016, China
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Published:2006-05-30 Online:2006-05-30
  • Contact: Bai Wenzhong

摘要: 以口内注入糖精或蔗糖溶液为条件刺激,腹腔内注射LiCl为非条件刺激,在大鼠形成条件性味觉厌恶后进行分化训练,观察味质和嗜好性对臂旁核各亚核c-fos表达的影响及其交互作用。结果表明:味质和嗜好性对背侧外侧亚核(dls)和腹侧外侧亚核(vls)的c-fos表达无影响;在内侧外侧亚核(ils)和外部内侧亚核(ems),蔗糖诱导的c-fos表达高于糖精,但在外部外侧亚核(els),糖精诱导的表达高于蔗糖;嗜好性刺激引起ils、中央外侧亚核(cls)和cms内c-fos高表达,厌恶性刺激引起ems和els内的高表达。在ils和cms嗜好性与味质的影响各自独立,在els和ems内嗜好性与味质的影响存在交互作用。提示PBN内存在味质辨别和报酬评价的代表区,两种代表区有交迭,ems和els对味质信息和报酬信息的整合有重要作用

关键词: 条件性味觉厌恶, 分化, c-fos, 臂旁核

Abstract: In this experiment, conditioned taste aversion (CTA) was established by intraoral infusion of either 0.1% saccharin (Sac) or 0.2 mol/L sucrose (Suc) paired with intraperitoneal injection of 0.15 mol/L LiCl, the rats showed similar aversion for both Sac and Suc. Then the rats were trained to discriminate Sac and Suc with differential conditioning paradigm that one taste stimulus combined with LiCl (Sac+ or Suc+) but the other not (Sac- or Suc-), the rats showed aversion for Sac+ or Suc+, and preference for Sac- or Suc-. The distribution of Fos-like immunoreactive (FLI) neurons induced by intraoral infusion of either Sac or Suc in subdivisions of PBN was observed. It showed that different stimuli had no influence in dorsal lateral subnucleus (dls) and ventral lateral subnucleus (vls) on c-fos expression; And FLI neurons induced by Suc were more than that induced by Sac in internal lateral subnucleus (ils) and external medial subnucleus (ems), but in external lateral subnucleus (els), the number of FLI neurons induced by Sac were more than that induced by Suc; Furthermore, hedonic stimulus (Sac- and Suc-) induced higher c-fos expression in ils, cms and central lateral subnucleus (cls), and aversive stimulus (Sac+ and Suc+) induced higher c-fos expression in ems. The effects of quality and hedonics of taste stimuli were separate in ils and cms, and they were interactional in els and ems. These results suggested that there were regions where related to taste discrimination and reward value in PBN, the two regions were partly overlapped, and ems and els might have an important role in integrating the information of taste quality and reward value

Key words: conditioned taste aversion, differential, c-fos, parabrachial nucleus
