ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2001, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 127-131.

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  1. 浙江大学心理系,浙江大学心理系 杭州310028 ,杭州310028
  • 出版日期:2001-04-25 发布日期:2001-04-25
  • 通讯作者: 黄琳


Huang Lin Ge Liezhong (Department of Psychology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028)   

  • Published:2001-04-25 Online:2001-04-25

摘要: 研究通过改变双重任务呈现的间隔时间来探讨结构限制与信息干扰对双重任务操作绩效的影响。实验结果表明:(1)两种作业呈现的间隔时间对双重任务操作绩效有明显的影响。间隔时间越大,双重任务的作业绩效越高。(2)信息干扰对双重任务的操作有明显的影响。信息干扰越大,双重任务的操作绩效越差。(3)两个作业呈现的间隔时间不同并不影响信息干扰对双重任务操作绩效的作用。根据实验结果,该研究提出了三因素假设:结构限制、信息干扰和资源竞争是影响双重任务操作绩效的三个主要因素。

关键词: 双重任务操作, 结构限制, 信息干扰, 结果冲突, 资源竞争

Abstract: Many experiments had been made for interpreting the cause of dual-task performance decrease, but findings were beginning to provide different answers. Three of the most influential classes of explanations were structure limitation (bottlenecks), resourse competition and outcome conflict (information interference). Based on previous experiments, this research attempted to combine structure limitation with outcome conflict and explore new explanations for dual-task performance decrease. 16 subjects (8 females and 8 males, aged 20- 23 years) were seated in front of a computer screen to complete two searching tasks with two hands simultaneously. Both stimuli were separately displayed on the left and right side of the screen one by one. Subjects were asked to search target words from a series of stimuli, which were made up of figure words, orientation words and strokes of Chinese character words. The target words of one task were figure words, another were orientation words. The SOA(stimulus onset asynchrony) between two tasks were 0 ins, 300 ms and 500 ins. All subjects took part in three SOA condition tasks. The results of the data analysis supported the following conclusions: (1) The SOA between two tasks is a major factor that affected dual-task performance. The longer the SOA, the better the dual-task performance. When SOA was 500 ins, the performance of dual-task was the best. This result confirmed structure theory. (2) The interference between information-processing of the two tasks is another factor that affected dual-task performance. The higher the interference, the worse the dual-task performance. In particularly, when a word was presented for one task that required a "no" response, but was a target for another task, the latency of response time increased. Thus the stimuli for both tasks were not processed independently. This result supported outcome conflict proposition. (3) Although the SOA between two tasks had been prolonged, it couldn't avoid the interference between two tasks. The SOA between two tasks is independent of the effect of information interference. Based on this experiment and previous experiments, a three-factor hypothesis was proposed. Structure limitation, information interference and resourse competition all influenced dual-task performance.

Key words: dual-task performance, structure limitation, information interference, outcome conflict, resourse competition