ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 953-964.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00953 cstr: 32110.14.2018.00953

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇

空间语言标记影响亲属关系的容器隐喻 *

汪新筱1, 江珊2, 张积家1()   

  1. 1 中国人民大学心理学系、国家民委民族语言文化心理重点研究基地、教育部民族教育发展中心民族心理与教育重点研究基地, 北京 100872
    2 厦门大学心理咨询与教育中心, 厦门 361005
  • 收稿日期:2017-10-13 发布日期:2018-07-27 出版日期:2018-09-15
  • 基金资助:

Effect of the spatial linguistic symbol on the container metaphor of seniority rules

WANG Xinxiao1, JIANG Shan2, ZHANG Jijia1()   

  1. 1 Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China
    2 The State Ethnic Affairs Commission Key Research Center for Language, Cultural, and Psychology
  • Received:2017-10-13 Online:2018-07-27 Published:2018-09-15


通过3个实验, 考察空间语言标记——“内/外”对汉语亲属词语义加工中亲属关系性质容器隐喻的影响。实验1同时呈现词和圆圈, 发现语言标记影响亲属词语义加工中的亲属关系性质容器隐喻, 有“外”标记的血亲词出现在圈外比出现在圈内反应更快, 有“内”标记的姻亲词出现在圈内比出现在圈外错误率更低。实验2先呈现亲属词再呈现圆圈, 发现语言标记影响亲属关系性质向容器概念的激活, 有“外”标记的血亲词和有“内”标记的姻亲词在字母呈现在容器内外时的反应时差异与无“外”标记的血亲词和无“内”标记的姻亲词相反。实验3先呈现圆圈再呈现亲属词, 发现有语言标记的亲属词在空间位置与语言标记一致时反应时更短、错误率更高, 说明“内-外”意象图式对亲属词判断的影响主要源于语言标记。整个研究表明, 与亲属关系性质容器隐喻不一致的空间语言标记干扰汉语亲属词的语义加工, 空间语言标记的作用比亲属关系性质容器隐喻更强。在汉语亲属词的语义加工中存在着序列分解的加工方式, 被试先加工首字, 再加工整词。汉语亲属词的语义加工中包含着语义加工与具身经验激活的相互作用。

关键词: 语言标记, 亲属词, 容器隐喻


Kinship words are those that represent each relative in the language system. These words contain a variety of information about genetics, sociology, and culture. Therefore, the study of these words has always been a very popular topic in many research fields.
According to Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT), people acquire abstract and difficult concepts by connecting them with some concrete and simple representations. Spatial metaphors are the most basic and universal type of metaphor, which means that spatial concepts often serve as the source domain to help people understand other abstract concepts better. Recent studies have shown that the multidimensional spatial representation of different semantic concepts of Chinese kinship words are psychologically real.
Thus far, only a few studies have explored the container metaphorical representations of the nature of the kinship (blood relation vs relation by marriage). A past study has shown that the embodied kinship type might be explained through an inside-outside spatial relation. To be specific, blood kinship inside, marriage kinship outside. Nevertheless, whether the process of kinship automatically activates the inside-outside spatial concept or otherwise has not been explored. Furthermore, the influence of linguistic symbol has not been fully considered in the literature. Some Chinese blood kinship words feature a linguistic symbol “外,” which means “outside” in English, whereas some marriage kinship words contain the linguistic symbol “内,” which means inside. Whether these symbols would influence the association between kinship words and the inside-outside spatial concept thus requires further research.
Three experiments were carried out to investigate whether and how the linguistic symbol changed the container metaphorical representation of the embodied relation type. Experiment 1 used a parallel spatial Stroop paradigm. Results showed that the marriage kinship words containing the linguistic symbol “内” have a higher error rate when presenting outside a circle. Moreover, the symbol “外” changed the container metaphorical representations of blood kinship words to react faster when presented outside a circle. Experiment 2 used a spatial attention orientation paradigm, and the results showed that both “内” and “外” changed the direction of the original metaphor schema of the type of kinship words. Experiment 3 actually indicated that activating the inside-outside schema changed how people recognized Chinese kinship words containing the spatial linguistic. The results of Experiment also indicate that the process of Chinese kinship words is serial.

Key words: linguistic symbol, kinship words, container metaphor
