ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (1): 91-100.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00091

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 亲子在子女择偶偏好上的一致性比较 及亲子关系的影响

 王 燕1;  钱啸云2;  田 芊1; 高 隽1;  李晓煦1   

  1.  (1复旦大学心理学系, 上海 200433) (2上海科技馆, 上海 200127)
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-03 发布日期:2017-11-28 出版日期:2018-01-25
  • 通讯作者: 钱啸云,; 王燕, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

 Parent-child relationship and the comparison between parents and their children on their children’s mate preference

 WANG Yan1; QIAN Xiaoyun2; TIAN Qian1; GAO Jun1; LI Xiaoxu1   

  1.  (1 Department of Psychology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China) (2 Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, Shanghai 200127, China)
  • Received:2017-05-03 Online:2017-11-28 Published:2018-01-25
  • Contact: QIAN Xiaoyun,; WANG Yan, E-mail:
  • Supported by:

摘要:  采用问卷法, 以家庭为单位探讨父母及亲子间的择偶偏好及分歧原因。结果发现, 相比于男生家庭, 女生父母对未来女婿在“好品质”、“好资源”方面的标准更高, 也更为重视对方的国籍和政治背景同自己的一致性; 在家庭内部, 男生父亲比母亲更为重视未来儿媳的外貌, 女生母亲比父亲对未来女婿更挑剔, 尤其在“好品质”、“好性格”和“好资源”上的要求更高。在家庭内部的亲子择偶分歧上, 子女比父母更在意未来伴侣是否有好基因优势和让人快乐的好性格, 父母更为重视对方是否有“好品质”、“好资源”以及国籍、政治背景的一致性。此外, 亲子关系越好, 亲子间在某些特质上偏好的一致性程度反而更低。进一步的分析表明, 父母对自己同孩子关系的评价越亲密, 父亲对孩子未来配偶在“好品质”和“好父母”、母亲在“好品质”上的要求越苛刻。母亲同儿子的关系越亲密, 儿子对未来配偶在厨艺和操持家务方面的要求相较于母亲越挑剔。

关键词: 择偶偏好, 成年子女, 未来儿媳, 未来女婿, 亲子关系

Abstract:  One of the important factors influencing young people’s mating choice would be their parents’ preferences for their children-in-law. Especially in China with only one child in most families, parents’ involvement could not been ignored. However, the literature is very limited on the differences on mating preferences between parents and their adult children within the same families. Few studies on Chinese families have been conducted on this topic so far. Based on questionnaires colletcted from 1142 individuals from 339 Chinese families (mother, father and their adult unmarried child), this research explored the differences in the mating preference for the potential children-in-law between the parents and their adult children. A total of 7 factors have been extracted in the exploratory factor analysis, which were namely, good character, good genes, good personality, good resources, same nationality and political background, good parents and good spouse. Based on these 7 factors, the differences in mating preferences between the two parents and between parents and their adult children have been explored. Compared with parents of the sons, the adult daughters’ parents were more concerned on the mating standards on good characters, good resources and same nationality and political background. Comparisons between the two parents showed that as compared to mothers, sons’ fathers were more concerned with the appearance of their potential daughter-in-laws. Futhermore, the adult daughters’ mothers demanded more on their potential son-in-law’s good characters, good personality and good resources. As for the differences between parents’ and their adult children, the children were more concerned with their future spouse’s good genes and pleasurable personality whereas the parents emphasized more on the good characters, good resources and same nationality and political background of their potential child-in-laws. Finally contrary to the common belief, results showed the closer the relationship between parents and their adult children, the greater were the differences between their mating preferences. The correlational analyses showed that the closer the fathers’ perceiced relationship with the children, the greater their demand on the traits of “good characters” and “good parents” for their child-in-laws as compared with their children’s preference. Similarly, the closer the mothers’ perceived relationship with the children, the greater the concern the mothers would have on the trait of “good characters” for their children-in-laws. However, the closer the relationship between mothers and sons, the more demanding the sons would be on the preference for “good spouse” as compared with mother’s preference. Contradictorily, children’s perceived relationship with parents did not have impact on the difference between parents and adult children in the children mate preference.

Key words: mating preference, adult children, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent-child relationship
