ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2002, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (04): 32-36.

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  1. 航空医学研究所,北京大学心理系 北京100036 ,北京100871
  • 出版日期:2002-08-25 发布日期:2002-08-25
  • 通讯作者: 郝学芹


Hao Xueqin (Institute of Aviation Medicine, Air Force, Beijing 100036) Han Kai (Department of psychology Peking University, Beijing 100871)   

  • Published:2002-08-25 Online:2002-08-25

摘要: 提出FOK研究中一种新的标准测验形式———过度重复学习 ,并验证过度重复学习作为FOK研究的标准测验的可行性 ;另外还比较了作为标准测验 ,过度重复学习与再认的差别。同时 ,还探索了FOK判断中存在的两种错误类型———替代性错误和忽略性错误在FOK判断等级和标准测验成绩方面的差异。两个实验结果表明 :FOK判断在预期随后的标准测验 (过度重复学习和再认 )成绩上是有准确性的 ;过度重复学习可以作为一种标准测验。实验结果还显示 :替代性错误比忽略性错误的FOK判断等级要高 ;且无论是用再认还是用过度重复学习做标准测验 ,都能检验出两种错误类型项目在记忆激活强度上的差异。

关键词: 过度重复学习, 替代性错误, 忽略性错误, 标准测验

Abstract: The present research explored predictive accuracy with a new FOK criterion test─over relearning. In the first experiment, the 18 subjects, 10 men and 8 women, were divided into two groups. The subjects were asked to learn and recall the targets of word digit pairs and then make FOK predictions for all non recalled answers. In the criterion test phase, one group of subjects underwent recognition, while the other group underwent relearning. The numbers of the relearning were recorded. In the second experiments, there were 12 subjects. The materials were a list of 40 word digit pairs from the first experiment. The 40 word pairs were divided into two equal difficulty groups. The experiment procedure was the same as the first experiment except for the criterion test phase. In the criterion test phase, half of the subjects first recognized and then relearned. The other half of the subjects first relearned and then recognized. There was a negative correlation between the FOK rate and the number of the relearning. Both experiments demonstrated that over relearning can be employed successfully as a criterion test. Both experiments showed that not only the feeling of knowing was greater for commission error items than for omission errors, but also the criterion test performance which contained recognition and over relearning was better for commission error items than for omission error items.

Key words: over relearning, commission error, omission error, criterion test