ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2001, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 53-57. cstr: 32110.14.2001.00053

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  1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所,北京师范大学发展心理研究所,加拿大西安大略大学心理系 北京100875 ,北京100875
  • 发布日期:2001-12-25 出版日期:2001-12-25


Chen Huichang 1Wang Quihu 1Chen Xinyin 2 (1 Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal Univers ity, Beijing 100875)(2 Western Ontario University, Canada)   

  • Online:2001-12-25 Published:2001-12-25

摘要: 采用二元交叉滞后回归分析法考察小学四、五年级学生和初中一、二年级学生在 2 1个月中的学校适应与学习成绩之间的关系。结果发现 ,在同时性测量中 ,由教师评价获得的中小学生的社交领导能力、定向耐挫能力、果敢性社交技能得分和同伴积极提名分数与他们的学习成绩之间均存在正相关关系 ,而他们的攻击破坏得分、学习适应不良得分以及小学生的同伴消极提名分均与他们的学习成绩有显著的负相关关系。二元交叉滞后回归分析结果表明 ,小学生在前测中的社交领导能力得分、攻击破坏得分、定向耐挫得分、学习适应不良得分、果敢性社交技能得分同伴积极和消极提名得分均可以预测 2 1个月后的学习成绩。对中学生来说 ,这种预测关系只在攻击破坏行为、定向耐挫行为中存在。中小学生的害羞抑制得分和焦虑抑郁得分与他们的学习成绩之间既没有同时性的相关关系 ,也没有滞后性的预测关系

关键词: 中小学生, 交叉滞后回归分析, 学校适应, 学习成绩

Abstract: The relationships between school achievement and social behaviors of elementary school pupils and high school students in the time of 21 months were analyzed by using multivariable cross lagged regression. Results show that there were sign i ficant positive relationships between school achievement and social leadership,f rustration toleration, assertive social skills and positive peer nomination scor e of elementary school pupils and high school students in simultaneous tests, an d there were negative relationships between school achievement and aggressive le a rning problem behaviors, maladjustments in elementary school pupils and high sch ool students, and negative peer nomination scores in elementary school pupils. T he multivariable cross lagged regression showed that social leadership, aggress iv e learning problem behaviors, frustration toleration, learning muladjustment, as sertive social skills and positive and negative peer nomination scores could sig ni ficantly predict school achievement 21 months later for elementary school pup ils, however, for high school students, this prediction can only be made in aggr essive learning problem behavior and frustration toleration. There were no simu ltaneous relationship as well as prediction relationship between shy inhibition and anxiety depression and school achievement of children and adolescents.

Key words: cross legged regression, school adjustment, sc hool achievement