ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 1988, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 94-101. cstr: 32110.14.1988.00094

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  1. 浙江大学生命科学研究室
  • 发布日期:1988-03-25 出版日期:1988-03-25


Zhou Qing Zhejiaug University   

  • Online:1988-03-25 Published:1988-03-25

摘要: 视觉短时存贮(STVS)的时间特性已得到广泛研究。本文采用G.Sperling首创的部分报告方法,对STVS的一些空间特性进行了研究。实验一研究了视觉信息的空间广度和密度对于STVS的影响。实验二研究了STVS中的参照系问题。结果表明:(一)信息广度对STVS没有影响,而信息密度的增加对STVS有负影响。(二)视网膜参照系是STVS最基本的参照系,空间参照系只在特定条件下才起作用。文中对这些结果给出了解释。

关键词: NULL

Abstract: Iconic memory or short-term visual storage (STVS), has been widelystudied in temporal aspects. Here, using the partial report (PR) paradigmsdeveloped by G. Sperling, experiments on two groups are carried outto study some of the spatial characteristics of STVS, which have beenneglected so far, yet they are important. In Exp.1, the effects of information content on PR performance arestudied. It seems that the range of visual information in space produceslittle effect on PR performance while the density of information affectsPR performance a lot. Two explanations are offered, one is connectedwith the time consumed in information extraction and the other with thenatural limitation of the visual system in providing visual information. Exp.2 is devised to study the referential frame that has long beenregarded as an important factor in visual perception. Of the two kinds offrames, that is, the retinal frame and the spatial frame, the retinal oneappears to be elementary for STVS in the present study while the mecha-nism of the spatial one is activated only in special cases although it ismore efficient in PR performance. An explanation is given from the evo-lutionary angle.

Key words: NULL