Investigating Brain Structural Correlates of Ocular Tracking in Preadolescent Children and Young Adults
Wenjun Huanga,c, Bao Honga,c, Jiahe Wua,c, Jing Chenb,c, Li Lib,c
aSchool of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai, PRC, 200062; bFaculty of Arts and Science, New York University Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 200122; cNYU-ECNU Institute of Brain and Cognitive Science at New York University Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 200062
Investigating Brain Structural Correlates of Ocular Tracking in Preadolescent Children and Young Adults
Wenjun Huanga,c, Bao Honga,c, Jiahe Wua,c, Jing Chenb,c, Li Lib,c
aSchool of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai, PRC, 200062; bFaculty of Arts and Science, New York University Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 200122; cNYU-ECNU Institute of Brain and Cognitive Science at New York University Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 200062
Wenjun Huang, Bao Hong, Jiahe Wu, Jing Chen, Li Li. (2023). Investigating Brain Structural Correlates of Ocular Tracking in Preadolescent Children and Young Adults.
心理科学进展 , 31(suppl.), 141-141.
Wenjun Huang, Bao Hong, Jiahe Wu, Jing Chen, Li Li. (2023). Investigating Brain Structural Correlates of Ocular Tracking in Preadolescent Children and Young Adults. Advances in Psychological Science, 31(suppl.), 141-141.