ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 56-64.

• 研究前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (浙江理工大学心理学系, 杭州 310018)
  • 收稿日期:2011-06-15 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2012-01-12 发布日期:2012-01-12

A Special Illusion: Motion-induced Blindness

HU Feng-Pei;WANG Xi;WANG Du-Ming;HU Huan   

  1. (Department of Psychology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
  • Received:2011-06-15 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2012-01-12 Published:2012-01-12

摘要: 突显的静止目标被一定空间范围内运动背景所覆盖时, 人类会感受到静止目标消失再重现的发生, 这种视错觉现象叫做运动诱导视盲(motion-induced blindness, MIB)。该现象成因的理论解释主要有:注意竞争理论、知觉完型加工理论以及神经生理机制相关理论。作为特殊的视错觉现象, 该现象与其他盲视现象不同,主要是由客体识别过程中的知觉变化引起; 另一方面, 运动诱导视盲中“反知觉”现象的特殊性也是研究者关注的问题之一。神经生理机制层面的研究关注早期、晚期皮层在该现象发生时的变化, 采用眼动、脑电等技术对错觉现象发生时程进行测量与评估。文章在总结已有相关研究的基础上进一步指出今后可深入探索的研究方向有:MIB发生的深层机制、作为研究意识神经相关、无意识知觉加工等课题的工具、MIB中的意义性加工与认知冲突等。

关键词: 运动诱导视盲, 注意竞争, 反知觉, 视觉皮层

Abstract: When the salient static targets are superimposed on the moving background which moves within a scope of certain space, visual targets spontaneouslydisappears from visual awareness and subsequently reappears, this phenomenon is called “motion-induced blindness”. The reason that this illusion happens includes: attention competition theory, Gestalt perception theory and the theories about neurophysiological mechanism. This phenomenon has its particularity, which is induced by changing awareness in the process of object recognition, and it’s quite different from other blindness phenomenons; on the other hand, researchers are concerned with the specificity of “counter-intuitive” in motion-induced blindness. Researches in neurophysiological mechanism focus on the change on early cortex and late cotex, researchers use eye tracking and EEG to measure and evaluate timing. The present review sums up the related research results and points out the future research direction which includes: the intrinsic mechanism of motion-induced blindness, as a tool for the research on neural correlates of consciousness, unconscious perception processing, significant process and cognitive conflict in MIB, etc.

Key words: motion-induced blindness, attentional competition, counter-intuitive, visual cortex